Delivering the MYP: Design (Category 2) Digital Workbook & Reflection Journal DAY 1 Inquiry 1: Standards & Practices Task 1 Activator: Where are we now and where are we going Read the Practices below: Standard: Approaches to teaching (0403) IB programmes encourage approaches to teaching that create learning experiences that are shown to be meaningful to the school community. Practices: Approaches to teaching 1: Teachers use inquiry, action and reflection to develop natural curiosity in students. (0403-01) Approaches to teaching 1.1: Teachers use inquiry-based teaching strategies and learning engagements. (0403-01-0100) Approaches to teaching 1.2: The school monitors and evaluates inquiry-based teaching strategies and learning engagements. (0403-01-0200) Approaches to teaching 1.3: The school provides opportunities for students to actively engage in interactive and exploratory learning environments and/or play in accordance with programme documentation. (0403-01-0300) Approaches to teaching 1.4: Teachers encourage student choice in appropriate places in the curriculum. (0403-01-0400) Approaches to teaching 1.5: Teachers facilitate student exploration of their personal interests and ideas. (0403-01-0500) Approaches to teaching 2: Teachers focus on conceptual understanding to support students in developing their ideas. (0403-02) Approaches to teaching 2.1: Teachers demonstrate strategies focused on conceptual understanding. (0403-02-0100) Approaches to teaching 2.2: Teachers plan and facilitate learning experiences through which students can develop their own conceptual understandings. (0403-02-0200) Approaches to teaching 2.3: Students take opportunities to explore and develop their own conceptual understandings in appropriate places in the curriculum. (0403-02-0300) Approaches to teaching 3: Teachers use local and global contexts to establish the relevance of the curriculum. (0403-03) Approaches to teaching 3.1: Teachers ensure that there are clear examples of connections to local and global contexts in the curriculum. (0403-030100) Approaches to teaching 3.2: Teachers encourage students to transfer their conceptual understandings to unfamiliar contexts. (0403-03-0200) Approaches to teaching 4: Teachers promote effective relationships and purposeful collaboration to create a positive and dynamic learning community. (0403-04) Approaches to teaching 4.1: Teachers collaborate to ensure a holistic and coherent learning experience for students in accordance with programme documentation. (0403-04-0100) Approaches to teaching 4.2: Students collaborate with teachers and peers to plan, demonstrate, and assess their own learning. (0403-04-0200) Approaches to teaching 4.3: The school provides opportunities for students to collaborate based on their strengths and abilities. (0403-04-0300) PYP 1: Teachers use flexible grouping of students to maximize learning, ensure student well-being, and provide a variety of opportunities for collaboration. (0403-04-0311) Approaches to teaching 5: Teachers remove barriers to learning to enable every student to develop, pursue and achieve challenging personal learning goals. (0403-05) Approaches to teaching 5.1: Teachers consider learner variability when planning students’ personal learning goals. (0403-05-0100) Approaches to teaching 5.2: Teachers integrate prior knowledge into the curriculum to aid and extend learning for all students. (0403-05-0200) Approaches to teaching 5.3: Teachers use IB-mandated policies to support students. (0403-05-0300) Approaches to teaching 5.4: Teachers support language development with consideration for the language profiles of students. (0403-05-0400) Approaches to teaching 5.5: Teachers use multiple technologies to aid and extend learning and teaching. (0403-05-0500) On the Miro Board, list the following: a practice that your school does well a practice that you do well a practice that your school can improve a practice that you can improve. Share your list with your team & evaluate your own practices on the Beginning to Sharing chart. Task 2 Learning Engagement: Making Learning Happen Based on your chosen standard, fill out the four-column chart below. Number each row according to the number of practices in your Learning standard, trying to maintain some type of alignment within each column. 1 Practice Teachers use inquiry, action and reflection to develop natural curiosity in students. School’s Role The school should train and support teachers for inquiry classroom The school should take care of the resources and infrastructure needed. 2 Teachers focus on conceptual understanding to support students in developing their ideas. The school supports children learning by providing resources. 3 Teachers use local and global contexts to establish the relevance of the curriculum. The entire team designs the grade level units Teacher’s Role Teachers are informed about the students’ prior knowledge and the resources available. Teacher encourages students to think out of the box (exploration) still considering the limitations (space, resources, time, age) Teachers can collaborate actively to understand the concepts being done in other subjects and incorporate those concepts in design unit. Teacher encourages the discussion of different contexts which can be from general to specific. Questions The subject by itself does not have many concepts to be learned except the Design cycle. 4 Teachers promote effective relationships and purposeful collaboration to create a positive and dynamic learning community. Self learning, peer learning, autonomy in learning, arranging external sources/contributors, field trip 5 Teachers remove barriers to learning to enable every student to develop, pursue and achieve challenging personal learning goals. Providing the infrastructure and resources 6 7 Grouping of the children with varied abilities, giving liberty to students to choose the problem and different ways to solve the problem Use of different audio, visual tools, support language teacher (EAL) Inquiry 2: The subject group Task 1 Learning Engagement Part 1: Using an example TSM unit Identify the topics: - Environmental Science Energy Materials Sustainability Recycling Outline possible additional objectives that can be addressed within the topics (with brief reasoning): - Research and Citations - Tools to represent the statistical data - CAD - Simulation tools How does the example TSM unit embody international mindedness as “explained” through the exploratory study? The content or the objectives mentioned in the TSM unit are global issues so it definitely encourages students to think from a global perspective in changing situations or different geographical conditions so that the solution can be easily modified and used. The conceptual understanding of different techniques will help the students to design a solution. Using MLA citations which are understood by all. Task 2 Learning Engagement Part 2: Identifying key and related concepts Objective A Skills: Topics: 1.Research: - Sensors Primary, Secondary, Arduino 2.ATL skills – Time - TinkerCAD management, - Math – Area and Organization, Volume Communication - Language Development Objective B Skills: Topics: - Drawing Understanding - Annotations of materials andNon-verbal tools needed for Communication the product - Organizational development skills - Using TinkerCAD to design the product - Objective C Skills: Topics: CAD Calibration of the Precise sensor measurement, Coding using electronic components, Cutting, fixing – using some hand tools, Time Management Collaboration Critical Thinking Skills: Reflection Testing Analysis Objective D Topics: Testing based on the specifications Testing based on Client/TA requirements Related concept(s) for skills: Related concept(s) for topics: Related concept(s) for skills: Collaboration Markets and Trends Evaluation Innovation Form Function Innovation Form Function Perspective Related concept(s) for topics: Systems Innovation Invention Sustainability Related concept(s) for skills: Form Function Innovation Invention Adaptation Related concept(s) for topics: Adaptation Invention Related concept(s) for skills: Function Evaluation Perspective Related concept(s) for topics: Evaluation Sustainability Best-fit related concept(s): Adaptation and Function Key concept(s) for skills: Communication, Communities, Development, Key concept(s) for topics: Communities, Systems Key concept(s) for skills: Communication, Communities, Development, Systems Key concept(s) for topics: Communication, Communities, Development, Systems Key concept(s) for skills: Communication, Communities, Development, Systems Key concept(s) for topics: Communication, Communities, Development, Systems Best-fit key concept: Development Conceptual Understanding: 1. Adaptation may inspire development of new function 2. Adaptation of functions may lead to development 3. Development may be possible by adapting new functions Key concept(s) for skills: Communication, Communities, Development, Systems Key concept(s) for topics: Communication, Communities, Development, Systems Inquiry 4: The summative nature of the MYP Task 1 Learning Engagement: Aspiring to be authentic! Step 1: Design/revise your authentic summative assessment task using the Galileo “authenticity rubric” for guidance. Step 2: Highlight the key, related concept(s) and the global context exploration in the assessment task. (see slide 57) Step 3: Choose the MYP objectives and objective strands that you will use to assess the students’ performance on the summative assessment task. Step 4: Write a brief statement that explains how your summative assessment task aligns with your statement of inquiry. Key concept: Related Concept: Global Context (with exploration): Objective strands: The summative assessment: Use the ‘sharing’ column from Evaluating MYP unit plans guide (on Padlet) to complete the prior-to-teaching section of your unit planner: Inquiry 5: Learner profile & international mindedness. What is an IB education? Task 1 Learning Engagement: An International Baccalaureate for All! Identify how “An International Baccalaureate Education for All” publication represents the four values of an IB education. Fill out the table below: Value Centres on learners Develops effective approaches to teaching and learning Works within global contexts Explores significant content Comments Inquiry 7: Inquiry questions Task 1 Learning Establishing the purpose of your unit Factual Look: at your SOI Consider: the topics/skills of your unit List: which topics/skills you will need to build factual knowledge Conceptual Look: at your SOI Consider: the topics/skills of your unit List: which topics/skills you will need to support students in exploring familiar/unfamiliar big ideas, issues, facts and topics that need further analysis Debatable Look: at your SOI Consider: the topics/skills of your unit List: which topics/skills you will need to enable students to use facts and concepts to debate from multiple perspectives and encourage synthesis and evaluation. My list of topics / skills: My list of topics / skills: My list of topics / skills: Concept from my SOI: Concept from my SOI: Concept from my SOI: Inquiry 8: Learning experiences and differentiation Task 1 Learning Engagement: Include or Differentiate? Why do we differentiate and not include? Why do we include and not differentiate? When is it appropriate to do both...include and differentiate? Task 2 Reflection. Jot down your thoughts to the following questions: What have you learned? How will you use it? When will this happen?