THE MISSION The mission in Institute Conversa is to educate positively with the example to form students to have a successful professional life, teaching them the conviction of: 1. Finishing everything students begin. 2. Working in team. 3 Giving results instead of excuses. OUR VISION IS To turn into the best School relying on the best teachers but specially the most committed with our high standards and our Commitment of Excellence, everything to give the best service to our students. THE COMMITMENT: 1. I commit to attend my classes every day and arrive 15 minutes before to prepare my material 2. I commit to give my students their graphs evaluated and apply the corresponding strategies to make them get more than 80% in their grades. 3. I commit to prepare my class and follow the educational objectives and the advance of each lesson. 4. I commit to avoid the use of Spanish among students. 5. I commit to give a fun and dynamic class 6. I commit to give the best class I have ever given. 7. I commit to finish the module with the same number of students I was given and with a better human quality.