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Software Access Guide: Financial Statement Analysis

Best Practices for Locating and Accessing Software
Financial Statement Analysis: A Data Analytics Approach, 1e
To complete lab assignments on a local computer, you need access to the following tools. Note: Power BI Desktop and
advanced features in Microsoft Excel used in the text are NOT available for Mac users. We recommend those users follow
the instructions for Tableau tools or install Parallels Desktop (parallels.com – requires a separate Windows license).
Tableau / Tableau Prep (Windows/Mac):
One-year licenses for Tableau tools are available to students at no cost to install on their local computers. Both Windows
and Mac native versions are available.
Navigate to Tableau for Students (tableau.com/ students).
Click Get Tableau for Free.
Complete the form and click Verify Student Status.
Go to your e-mail and follow the instructions to download and activate Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep.
Navigate to Tableau for Instructors (tableau.com/teaching).
Click Request Individual License.
Complete the form and click Accept and Submit.
Go to your e-mail and follow the instructions to download and activate Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep.
Tableau Online:
You can request an online version of Tableau Prep (Flow) and Desktop to use with your class. Note: Not all features are
available in Tableau Online and there will be some limitations for certain labs. Also, you will need to add your students’ email addresses into the server and invite them to create accounts.
Microsoft PowerBi (Windows only)
Power BI Desktop is a free download for computers running Windows (microsoft.com/download/58494).
If your school/organization has a Microsoft 365 subscription, you may also be able to access the Power BI Web App
(app.powerbi.com) through a browser on Windows or Mac. Instructors and students must log in with their school
account. Note: Not all features are available in the Power BI Web App and there are some limitations for certain labs.
Microsoft Excel + Power Query (Windows only)
Microsoft Excel is available for subscribers of Microsoft 365 (office.com). Most of the data analysis labs require the
version of Excel for Windows to access Power Query and the Data Analysis ToolPak. Note: Power Query is not currently
available on the Mac version of Excel, and Power Query and Data Analysis ToolPak are not currently available in Excel
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