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Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia: A Complete Guide

Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
The Ultimate Guide To Working With Your Chakras
Copyright © www.mindfulnessvalley.com
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Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER 2. THE ORIGINS OF THE CHAKRA SYSTEM ................................................................................. 8
THE VEDAS ........................................................................................................................................................................8
THE UPANISHADS ..........................................................................................................................................................9
CHAKRAS AND BUDDHISM ..................................................................................................................................... 11
CHAKRAS AND THE WEST....................................................................................................................................... 11
CHAPTER 3. ABOUT CHAKRAS ........................................................................................................................ 13
THE FIVE KOSHAS ........................................................................................................................................................ 14
ANNAMAYA KOSHA .................................................................................................................................................... 15
PRANAYAMA KOSHA ................................................................................................................................................. 15
MANOMAYA KOSHA ................................................................................................................................................... 16
VIJÑĀNAMAYA KOSHA .............................................................................................................................................. 16
ANANDAMAYA KOSHA ............................................................................................................................................. 17
CHAPTER 4. THE SUBTLE BODY ....................................................................................................................... 18
SUSHUMNA NADI......................................................................................................................................................... 18
IDA NADI .......................................................................................................................................................................... 19
PINGALA NADI............................................................................................................................................................... 19
OTHER MAJOR NADIS................................................................................................................................................. 20
BLOCKAGES IN THE ENERGY BODY ..................................................................................................................... 20
PURIFYING THE ENERGY BODY .............................................................................................................................. 21
CHAPTER 5: THE ROOT CHAKRA ..................................................................................................................... 22
THE ROOT CHAKRA AND THE PHYSICAL BODY ............................................................................................. 24
THE ROOT CHAKRA AND EMOTIONS .................................................................................................................. 24
HOW TO AWAKEN AND ALIGN YOUR ROOT CHAKRA ................................................................................ 25
MOVEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 25
FOODS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 26
BREATHWORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 27
SOUND + MUSIC ........................................................................................................................................................... 27
AROMATHERAPY ......................................................................................................................................................... 28
CRYSTALS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 28
HEALING MODALITIES ................................................................................................................................................ 29
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
ROOT CHAKRA JOURNAL PROMPTS ................................................................................................................... 29
AFFIRMATIONS FOR THE ROOT CHAKRA .......................................................................................................... 30
CHAPTER 6: THE SACRAL CHAKRA ................................................................................................................ 31
THE SACRAL CHAKRA AND THE PHYSICAL BODY ........................................................................................ 33
SACRAL CHAKRA AND EMOTIONS....................................................................................................................... 33
SIGNS OF AN UNDERACTIVE SACRAL CHAKRA ............................................................................................. 34
SIGNS OF AN OVERACTIVE SACRAL CHAKRA ................................................................................................ 34
HOW TO AWAKEN AND ALIGN YOUR SACRAL CHAKRA ........................................................................... 35
MOVEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 35
FOODS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 36
BREATHWORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 37
SOUNDS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 37
AROMATHERAPY ......................................................................................................................................................... 37
CRYSTALS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 38
JOURNAL PROMPTS .................................................................................................................................................... 39
AFFIRMATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 39
CHAPTER 7: THE SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA .................................................................................................. 40
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA AND THE PHYSICAL BODY ................................................................................... 42
SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA AND THE EMOTIONAL BODY ............................................................................... 42
HOW TO AWAKEN AND ALIGN YOUR SACRAL CHAKRA ........................................................................... 43
MOVEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 43
FOODS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 43
BREATHWORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 44
SOUNDS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 45
AROMATHERAPY ......................................................................................................................................................... 45
CRYSTALS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 46
SELF-CARE PRACTICES ............................................................................................................................................. 46
JOURNAL PROMPTS .................................................................................................................................................... 47
AFFIRMATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 47
CHAPTER 8: THE HEART CHAKRA .................................................................................................................. 48
THE HEART CHAKRA AND THE PHYSICAL BODY ........................................................................................... 50
THE HEART CHAKRA AND THE EMOTIONAL BODY ...................................................................................... 50
HOW TO AWAKEN AND ALIGN YOUR HEART CHAKRA .............................................................................. 52
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
MOVEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 52
FOODS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 53
BREATHWORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 53
SOUNDS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 54
AROMATHERAPY ......................................................................................................................................................... 54
CRYSTALS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 55
SELF-CARE PRACTICES ............................................................................................................................................. 55
JOURNAL PROMPTS .................................................................................................................................................... 56
AFFIRMATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 57
CHAPTER 9: THE THROAT CHAKRA ............................................................................................................... 58
THE THROAT CHAKRA AND THE PHYSICAL BODY ....................................................................................... 60
THE THROAT CHAKRA AND THE EMOTIONAL BODY ................................................................................... 60
HOW TO AWAKEN AND ALIGN YOUR THROAT CHAKRA .......................................................................... 62
MOVEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 62
FOODS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 62
BREATHWORK .............................................................................................................................................................. 64
LION’S BREATH ............................................................................................................................................................. 64
UJJAYI BREATHING ...................................................................................................................................................... 65
SOUNDS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 65
AROMATHERAPY ......................................................................................................................................................... 66
CRYSTALS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 66
HEALING MODALITIES ................................................................................................................................................ 67
JOURNAL PROMPTS .................................................................................................................................................... 68
AFFIRMATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 68
OR START WITH THESE AFFIRMATIONS:........................................................................................................... 69
CHAPTER 10: THE THIRD EYE CHAKRA ......................................................................................................... 70
THIRD EYE CHAKRA AND THE PHYSICAL BODY ............................................................................................. 72
THE THIRD EYE CHAKRA AND THE EMOTIONAL BODY ............................................................................... 73
HOW TO AWAKEN AND ALIGN YOUR THIRD EYE CHAKRA ...................................................................... 74
MOVEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 74
FOODS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 75
BREATH ............................................................................................................................................................................ 76
SOUNDS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 76
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
AROMATHERAPY ......................................................................................................................................................... 77
CRYSTALS ....................................................................................................................................................................... 78
OTHER PRACTICES ...................................................................................................................................................... 78
JOURNAL PROMPTS .................................................................................................................................................... 78
AFFIRMATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 79
CHAPTER 11: THE CROWN CHAKRA .............................................................................................................. 80
THE CROWN CHAKRA AND THE PHYSICAL BODY ........................................................................................ 82
THE CROWN CHAKRA AND THE EMOTIONAL BODY .................................................................................... 82
HOW TO AWAKEN AND ALIGN YOUR CROWN CHAKRA ........................................................................... 83
MOVEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................................... 83
FOODS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 84
BREATH ............................................................................................................................................................................ 85
SOUNDS ........................................................................................................................................................................... 85
AROMATHERAPY ......................................................................................................................................................... 86
CRYSTAL .......................................................................................................................................................................... 86
JOURNAL PROMPTS .................................................................................................................................................... 87
AFFIRMATIONS ............................................................................................................................................................. 87
CHAPTER 12: THE MINOR CHAKRA SYSTEM................................................................................................ 88
THE 21 MINOR CHAKRAS ......................................................................................................................................... 88
THE 12-CHAKRA ENERGY SYSTEM ....................................................................................................................... 90
THE STELLAR / DIVINE GATEWAY: UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS ......................................................... 90
THE SOUL STAR CHAKRA: THE HIGHER SELF.................................................................................................. 91
THE CAUSAL CHAKRA: THE LUNAR LINK .......................................................................................................... 92
NAVEL CHAKRA: EMOTIONAL HARMONY ......................................................................................................... 93
THE EARTH STAR CHAKRA: THE SUPER ROOT............................................................................................... 93
CHAPTER 13. CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................. 94
APPENDIX................................................................................................................................................................ 96
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chapter 1. Introduction
he chakras are spinning energy vortexes that are located along a central
channel called the Sushumna Nadi. There are seven major chakras in the subtle
energy body, each with a different vibrational frequency, colour, sound, and
When a chakra is healthy and balanced, the energy circulates around and through it
freely. But when a chakra is unhealthy, it can become blocked, underactive or
overstimulated. Unhealed traumas, poor diet, incorrect breathing and stress can all
affect the health of our chakra system.
Much like we clean our physical bodies, we can also clean our energetic bodies with
the healing techniques shared in these meditations - including breathwork,
visualization and affirmations. These meditations also offer powerful wellbeing
practices so you can learn how to nourish each of your seven chakras with food,
movement and activities. When our chakras are balanced and aligned, we feel more
joyful, and like we live life in a constant state of ease and flow.
Think of this chakra meditation series like inner housekeeping that helps to restore
vibrant health to all levels of your being.
In this book, we go into great depth about these seven energy centres and provide
tools to assist in the awakening process.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chapter 2. The Origins of the Chakra System
Once a modality bathed in mysticism and secrecy, chakras have now become a
household word. Yet the exact origins and history of the chakras are up for debate.
There are many scriptures and texts which discuss energy centres or use analogies to
symbolize these vortexes in the subtle body, including the Vedas and the Upanishads.
Native American, Islamic Sufism, and Buddhist traditions all also have some sort of
energetic mapping system, while Traditional Chinese Medicine is also rooted in the
idea that our body contains a network of meridians and energy centres that support
the flow of life-force energy (qi).
The Vedas
One of the earliest mentions of the chakras is within the highly revered sacred texts
called the Vedas. The Vedas refer to a series of holy, ancient works written in Sanskrit
between 1,500BC and 500BC. The Vedas contain esoteric knowledge and guidance
that was once reserved for seers and holy men. The teachings were believed to be
preserved in an oral tradition by upper-caste Brahmarians from the Indo-European
race, also known as the Aryan people.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
In the Vedas, chakra was often spelt cakra (but pronounced sharkra), which translates
as wheel or disc. It’s also worth noting that in those times, ‘cakra’ was a metaphor for
the sun. In the Vedas, ‘cakra’ is written 29 times. However, the Vedas are considered
to be a highly symbolic text so there are many instances when energy centres are
discussed without directly referencing the chakras. It is believed that the Vedas
contain many hidden messages that could only be revealed through deep
contemplation and studying with a guru.
Some of the first mentions of the chakras were not as the energy centres that we
know today. In fact, the Vedas referred to chakravartin or a king that is capable of
‘turning the wheel’ of his empire. It was a phrase scholars say meant to symbolize the
personal power, creativity and influence of a great ruler.
In Jyotish, Vedic astronomy, there is a link between the seven planets and the seven
major chakras. Yogi Baba Prem wrote that those who followed the Vedangas
“understood that the solar system was a chakra, as that multiple layers and
manifestations of chakras exist reflected in the physical world as a reminder of the
subtle essence behind creation”.
The Upanishads
There is mention of chakras as energy centres in the ancient yogic text called the
Upanishads, believed to be written around 600BC, although various other
Upanishads have been dated back to between 800BC and 400BC.
In the Upanishads, the chakras are referred to as the energy centres that we know
them today. There was a great emphasis on Kundalini energy and awakening the
‘sleeping serpent’ in order to draw the energy from the Muladhara or root chakra to
the Sahasrara or crown chakra.
In an early text, it was written that:
“A wise Yogi should take the Kundalini from the
Muladhara to the Sahasrara or the thousandpetalled Lotus in the crown of the head. This process
is called ShaktiChalana.”
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
In the Yoga Upanishads, there is a wonderful explanation of yoga in relation to the
“Yoga is the art of uniting the individual soul with
the Supreme Soul, of uniting the Kundalini Shakti
lying dormant in the Muladhara Chakra with Siva in
the Sahasrara Chakra. By convention, all practices
that help the attainment of this goal are also called
Western teachings of yoga often become too focused on the asanas, neglecting the
fact that yoga isn’t solely a physical practice but instead a framework to transform
and transmute energy in order to achieve enlightenment.
The Yoga Upanishads state that:
“If he reaches the spiritual centre in the brain, the
Sahasrara Chakra, the thousand-petalled lotus the
Yogi attains Nirvikalpa Samadhi or superconscious
state—He becomes one with the non-dual Brahman.
All sense of separateness dissolves. This is the highest
plane of consciousness or Supreme Asamprajnata
Samadhi. Kundalini unites with Siva.”
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chakras and Buddhism
There are many branches of Buddhism, each
with their own take on the energy body.
Buddha never once mentioned the term
‘chakra’ directly, although he did allude to
energy centres in the subtle body. Chinese,
Tibetan and Zen Buddhism all discuss these
energetic power centres and provide
practices to awaken and clear the channels.
Scholars suggest that many of these
practices were designed to awaken and
balance energetic centres, particularly
kayagata-sati, a type of body awareness
practice, and anapana-sati a mindfulness
breathing exercise. In many Buddhist
traditions, it is taught that there are four
major energy centres located in the subtle
body: Manipura (navel), Anahata (heart),
Vishuddha (throat) and Ushnisha Kamala (crown).
Tantric Buddhism has a huge focus on these energy centres, and the practice of
bringing energy up through the central channel is considered to be the key to
understanding and achieving oneness unity.
If you’d like to delve deeper into Buddhist traditions and practises then the book,
‘Buddhism for Beginners: A Practical Guide to Core Buddhist Teachings for Busy
People’ is highly recommended.
Chakras and the West
Arthur Avalon talked about the chakras in length in his book, Serpent Power, which
was published in 1919. The majority of the book is a translation from the Indian texts,
the Sat-Cakra-Nirupama and the Padaka-Pancaka, written in 1577 and the 10th
century respectively. Much of Avalon’s works were translations from kundalini tantra
texts, and he is considered to be responsible for bringing the idea of the chakras to
the West.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Carl Jung also took an interest in both Eastern Philosophy and the chakras, believing
that they supported his life’s work in the field of analytical psychology. He often used
to overlay the energy centres with his own belief systems, archetypes and modalities.
Blending systems in order to create something new which is often cited amongst the
new age crowd of today.
Some of his most famous writing on the chakras include:
“According to this [Tantric] system, there are seven centres, called chakras or padmas
(lotuses), which have fairly definite localizations in the body. They are, as it were,
psychic localizations, and the higher ones correspond to the historical localizations of
Jung (1937)[1]
… the chakras of the Tantric system correspond by and large to the regions where
consciousness was earlier localized, Anahata corresponding to the breast region,
Manipura to the abdominal region, Svadhisthana to the bladder region, and
Vishuddha to the larynx and the speech-consciousness of modern man.
Jung (1954)[2]
The study of the chakras is interesting and complex, and there are many routes that
you can take in order to dive deeper into this world. One thing is clear, and that is that
many religions and traditions all over the world all agree on the fact that the human
body is not just physical, but energetic in nature too.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chapter 3. About Chakras
The chakra system is centred around seven major energetic vortexes within the body.
These seven centres run up from the base of the spine up to the crown of the head
along a central energy channel. Each chakra is associated with its own colour, deity,
seed sound, and frequency, and each chakra also governs different physical body
The seven major chakras are:
The Root Chakra (Muladhara)
Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)
Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
The Heart Chakra (Anahata)
The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
The Third-Eye Chakra (Ajna)
The Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
When a chakra is healthy and balanced, the energy circulates through it freely. But
when a chakra is unhealthy, it can become blocked, underactive or overstimulated.
Unhealed traumas, poor diet, incorrect breathing and stress can all affect the health
of our chakra system.
Much like we clean our physical bodies, we can also clean our energetic bodies with
the healing techniques shared in this book - including breathwork, visualization and
affirmations. This book also offers powerful wellbeing practices, so you can learn how
to nourish each of your seven chakras with food, movement and self-care activities.
When our chakras are balanced and aligned, we feel more joyful, and we live life in a
constant state of ease and flow.
The Five Koshas
We are not just human beings living in
this solid, physical reality but we also
inhabit an energetic realm too. We exist
simultaneously in multiple bodies or
‘sheaths’ that are layered upon one
another. In yogic traditions, these layers
are called the five koshas and combined
they form the foundation for our physical
and energetic bodies. You can think of
these layers like a Russian nesting doll,
as they all encapsulate one another yet
move through finer and more refined
energy systems.
The five koshas are the:
Annamaya kosha - the physical
Pranamaya kosha - the energy
Manomaya kosha - the mental
Vijñānamaya kosha - the wisdom sheath
Anandamaya kosha - the bliss sheath
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Annamaya Kosha
This kosha refers to the most tangible aspects of ourselves - our bones, organs, skin
and everything else that makes up our physical body. Annamaya translates from the
word ‘Anna’ which means food and ‘Maya’ which means made of. This is the
outermost layer of all of the koshas, and the one that we are most aware of.
Imbalances in this kosha may result in feeling ungrounded, spacey or like we don’t
belong in this world. Practices that strengthen the Annamaya kosha include the
asanas - the physical expression of yoga practice, as well as better nourishment of
the body through the foods that we choose to eat.
Pranayama Kosha
This is our energetic body which permeates through the physical body. We each have
our own energetic signature or vibration which changes throughout our lives as we
learn, grow and walk the spiritual path. You may have noticed when you are in a room
with someone who feels angry or sad as opposed to someone radiating a more calm,
loving energy - this is the pranayama kosha. It is the primary animating force behind
the workings of our physical body; without it, nothing would function properly.
This kosha is strengthened through conscious breathing practices called pranayama.
When we breathe, we draw in more life-force energy or prana into this energetic
sheath. There are thousands of breathing practices detailed in ancient yogic texts,
each providing a different benefit for the energetic body. Some popular techniques
include Nadi Shodhana (alternate nostril breathing), ujjayi breathing and Kapalbhati
(breath of fire). Later chapters provide specific breathwork techniques designed to
strengthen each of the seven chakras.
“With every breath, the old moment is lost; a new
moment arrives. We exhale and we let go of the old
moment. It is lost to us. In doing so, we let go of the
person we used to be. We inhale and breathe in the
moment that is becoming. In doing so, we welcome
the person we are becoming. We repeat the process.
This is meditation. This is renewal. This is life.”
― Lama Surya Das
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Manomaya Kosha
Manomaya kosha refers to our mental body.
This is the kosha that collects information
when we think, daydream, and practice
mantras and affirmations. Think of it like a
complex bubble that contains all of our
thoughts, aspirations and belief structures.
Some parts of the mental sheath are fluid and
free-flowing, while others are more ingrained
depending on how much ‘hold’ they have over
our mental energy.
In today’s busy world, the mental sheath is
often overstimulated. We tend to spend too
much time in our heads, worrying, planning
and thinking. It is believed that the average
person has up to 70,000 thoughts a day, and
an estimated 95% of thoughts are simply
repeated from the day before. We can learn
to clear these repetitive and robotic thoughts
through the powerful practice of meditation.
Vijñānamaya kosha
This is our wisdom body, and it is a little harder to grasp than the physical, energetic
and mental koshas that come before it. Vijñānamaya translates from Sanskrit as the
‘shell that is composed of wisdom’. It is the seat of intuition and awareness, and it is
what governs our inner knowing.
When this kosha is weak, we lose our connection with both the higher spiritual realms
and our own inner guidance system. Practices that stimulate and strengthen this
sheath include conscious witnessing through meditation, breathwork and stillness.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Anandamaya kosha
The fifth and final kosha is the Anandamaya kosha or the bliss body, which is where
we experience feelings of complete freedom, joy, ecstasy and bliss. You may have
glimpsed and sensed the energy of this kosha during certain life moments, such as
giving birth or holding your child for the first time, or when falling in love. When we
connect to this kosha there is an overwhelming sense of coming home, and a deep
and complete connection with all that life has to offer.
For this kosha to be fully awakened, all of the other koshas need to be strong and
awakened too. We can strengthen the bliss body through yoga, breathwork, correct
diet, self-inquiry, inner child work, finding our passion, following our purpose, listening
to our intuition and choosing to do activities that light us up. Play is also an important
part of this kosha, so choose to have fun, create and explore more.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chapter 4. The Subtle body
The subtle body is a vast and intricate system that contains channels which enable
the flow of energy or prana through the body. These channels are called Nadis, which
is a term that loosely translates from Sanskrit as a ‘channel’ or ‘flow’. You can think of
them like veins, but instead of carrying blood, they carry prana. There are said to be a
vast network of 72,000 Nadis, that are responsible for directing prana to every cell in
the body.
All Nadis originate from one of two areas - the navel or the heart, but there is some
debate on where the Nadis actually end. Of all the Nadis there are three which are of
main importance: the Ida, the Pingala and the Sushumna Nadi.
Sushumna Nadi
The Sushumna Nadi is also known as ‘the body’s great river’, and it directs prana up
the central column in the body that runs from the base of the spine all the way to the
crown of the head. This major Nadi is said to be the primary channel for directing
awakened energy to the crown, and when this happens, the state of Samadhi
(complete union) is achieved.
Prana is able to flow up the central Sushumna channel when air is able to freely flow
through both nostrils, and the chakras along the channel are fully awakened and
aligned. In order for the energy to flow, not only must the channels be free of
‘energetic’ blockages, but the mind must be free of mental blockages too. This channel
is of particular importance in
many yogic traditions such as
Raja yoga, Tantra, and the
Yoga of Patanjali. It is believed
that a clear mind, free of
disturbances can be attained
adhering to the Yamas (rules
for ethical living), Niyamas
(physical movements) and
pranayama (breathwork).
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Ida Nadi
The Ida Nadi is known as the ‘lunar Nadi
or passive channel, and it primarily lies
on the left side of the Sushumna channel.
It spirals up the channel, similar to a helix
of DNA, and intersects with the Pingala
Nadi and Sushumna Nadi at certain
points in the energetic body. It is at these
intersections where the major chakras
are located. The Ida Nadi has a pale,
moon-like colour and it is associated
with a feminine, yin energy with a
nurturing quality.
A simple practice to stimulate the flow of
prana through the Ida Nadi is to block the
right nostril and take long and slow
breaths through the left nostril only for
five or more minutes. You'll notice a shift
in energy and calmer state of mind after
practising this breath. It is great for when you want to still the mind, plus it also assists
with better sleep.
Pingala Nadi
The Pingala Nadi is opposite in nature to the Ida Nadi. It is said to be deep red in colour
and it represents masculine, fiery, solar energy. It runs up the right-hand-side of the
Sushumna channel, also intersecting with the central channel and Ida Nadi at the
seven major chakra points. If the Pingali Nadi has a blockage, then it may manifest as
low energy or a lack of motivation and drive that is needed to make metal ideas come
to physical fruition.
This Nadi can be stimulated by blocking off the left nostril and taking long, slow deep
breaths through the right nostril only. This breathwork is beneficial for when you need
a dose of energy and mental alertness. You can also sleep on your left-hand-side in
order to stimulate the energy flow through the Pingala Nadi.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Other Major Nadis
While there are said to be 72,000 Nadis in the subtle body, some ancient yogic texts
make reference to 320,000 Nadis. Some of the other major Nadis in the body are:
Gandhari Nadi - runs from the Ida Nadi up to the left eye, and is linked to sight
Hasti Jihva Nadi - runs from the Ida Nadi all the way up to the right eye and also
regulates sight
Kurma Nadi - is said to balance both body and mind
Pusa Nadi - located behind the Pingala and relates to hearing
Raka Nadi - this Nadi is said to be responsible for feelings of hunger and thirst
Sarasvati Nadi - runs from behind the Sushumna Nadi and ends at the tongue. It
controls speech and also assists the functioning of healthy organs in the abdomen
Blockages in the Energy Body
All the Nadis and chakras need to be clear in order for the energy to flow properly.
When a Nadi or chakra becomes blocked, underactive or overstimulated it can trigger
physical, mental, emotional and psychological issues too.
Disturbances and blockages in the energetic system can occur through poor diet,
unresolved traumas and repressed emotions. Early childhood events and how we
were raised also sets the tone for much of the rest of our life. This is why inner child
work is particularly important for learning to free ourselves from past issues and
practise self-love on a much deeper level. Some traditions even believe that karma
(even from past lives) can cause these energetic centres to become blocked. In order
to become fully liberated one needs to resolve these past issues too.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Purifying the Energy Body
In order to live a full and actualized life, and
also walk on the path to enlightenment, it is
imperative that we cleanse and purify these
energetic channels. That is the main aim of
many spiritual practices; to work through
physical and energetic blockages in order to
become a clear vessel for the divine to flow
through. In the following chapters, we move
through the major chakras in the subtle
body and provide tools and techniques for
awakening and aligning them. This includes
a number of physical and spiritual-based
practices including:
Using crystals and stones
The practice of awakening the energy is a very personal one, so we must not take a
‘one-size fits all approach’. Instead, trial and error is the best way to see which
practices best assist in the process of spiritual awakening.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chapter 5: The Root Chakra
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Sanskrit Name: Muladhara
Other Names: 1st Chakra, Base chakra
Traditional symbol: A four-petal lotus leaf
Location: At the base of the spine
Colour: Red
Element: Earth
Sound: LAM
Deity: Ganesha
Sense: Smell
As the first major chakra in our energy system, the root chakra forms the foundation
for physical life. Much like we need a solid foundation to build a home on, we need a
strong and balanced root chakra in order to feel rooted in this world and to be able to
access the gifts that the higher chakras have to bring us.
This chakra appears as a beautiful lotus flower with four petals. In the centre of the
lotus is a yellow square which symbolizes the earth element of this chakra. The root
chakra is red in colour, often depicted as either a deep crimson red or a vibrant ruby
red shade.
The main focus of the root chakra is survival and ensuring that our basic primal needs
are met, including shelter and food. Money can also be added to those needs, as we
have to be and feel financially secure in life so that we can provide for ourselves and
our family.
“When the roots are deep, there is no need to fear the
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
The Root Chakra and the Physical Body
The root chakra is linked to the colon, large intestine, the feet, legs, skeletal system,
the teeth, as well as the adrenal glands.
Physical symptoms of a blocked root chakra include reproductive issues and sexual
dysfunction. An underactive root chakra can also affect the skeletal system,
particularly the back; if someone feels undervalued and unsupported in life, then this
can manifest as lower back issues.
Problems with the digestive system can be an indication of an underactive root
chakra, including problems eliminating waste - sometimes because we are unable to
properly eliminate ‘emotional waste’. As this chakra is linked to the legs and feet, if
the energy is not flowing freely then it can cause restless leg syndrome, numbness in
the legs, or cold hands and feet.
The Root Chakra and Emotions
On an emotional level, when this chakra is nourished and healthy, we feel like we
belong. We feel safe in our own bodies and as well as in the world. We feel secure,
stable, strong and grounded. We have a deep knowing that we will always be able
to look after ourselves physically and financially.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Signs of an underactive or blocked root chakra include feeling disconnected from the
physical world, being unsure of your own identity, and being unable to set clear
boundaries. Root chakra blockages may also manifest as a lack of focus or motivation,
or feeling anxious and fearful.
Signs of an overactive root chakra may include things like being materialistic and only
caring about money and collecting big shiny things. It shows up as traits like being
greedy, overly impulsive, attention-seeking or narcissistic. An overactive root chakra
coupled with repressed emotions or crossed boundaries can lead to anger issues.
How to Awaken and Align Your Root Chakra
There are many ways to nourish our root chakra: through the foods that we eat, selfcare-practices, plant oils, the breath, nature, music and more. As this chakra’s key
element is earth, many of these practices relate to being more connected to the ground
- be it by eating more root vegetables or digging your toes in the earth.
The root chakra asks us to walk on this earth more, to explore, to see and to soak up
the scenery along the way. So dust off your hiking boots and head to the great
outdoors, go for a run, and try to replace driving with walking whenever possible.
Grounding is one of the best things that you can do for this chakra, so walk barefoot
whenever you can. Studies show that placing your feet on the earth has a therapeutic
effect on the body and can reduce inflammation, improve sleep and boost your mood
too. Really dig your feet into the soil, mud, grass or sand to connect to the ground
beneath you.
“Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.” Thich Nhat Hanh
You can strengthen your root chakra with types of physical exercise that build up a
sweat. Think more intense styles of yoga, such as the Primary Series in Ashtanga or
an advanced Vinyasa Flow class. Try practising yoga poses like the yogi squat,
downward-facing dog, tree pose and all of the warrior poses for increased connection
to your physical body and to the ground beneath you.
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Choose to eat more vegetables that grow in the
earth and absorb a lot of their nutrients from the
soil. Things like root vegetables including
carrots, onions, sweet potatoes, parsnips and
turnips. Throw your root veg in a big pan, drizzle
on some extra virgin olive oil, flavour with garlic
and onion, and sprinkle on some paprika and
black pepper for a deliciously grounding dish.
You can also blend it for a thick and hearty
Red foods also nourish the red root chakra, so
snack on cherries, strawberries, raspberries, red
grapes and pomegranates. Beetroot is an
excellent blood cleanser, detoxifier and root
chakra elixir, while ashwagandha is a powerful
Ayurvedic herb that can reduce inflammation
and improve blood flow.
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The breath is a wonderful tool that helps us to
soothe and support all levels of our being. For
this breathing exercise simply set a timer for ten
minutes, get outside, kick off your shoes, and
stand barefoot on the ground. Close your eyes,
relax your whole body and begin to imagine
yourself like an ancient oak tree as you grow
roots down from your feet all the way to the core
of the earth.
Begin to take long, slow and deep inhales and
exhales. Allow your breath to be calm and
steady. See how slowly and consciously you can
breathe. Then on every inhale imagine drawing
earth energy up from your roots all the way into
your body. And on your exhale, imagine letting
go of anything you want to release down
through your roots, allowing it to be recycled and transformed.
Sound + Music
The seed sound for the root chakra is Lam, which is pronounced ‘Laahm’. You can
choose to repeat this sound either verbally or mentally or listen to chants and mantras
with the seed sound in.
Music that awakens the root chakra includes shamanic drumming or music with
intense tribal beats. Listen to it while dancing (barefoot of course), shaking or
stomping your feet on the ground. You can also listen to traditional music from the
area that you were born to connect more with your lineage and ancestors.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Essential oils are incredibly powerful
tools that can help to balance each of the
seven chakras and also uplift our moods.
They hold the healing frequencies of
these plants, so you can use them as a
type of energetic medicine to help restore
balance to the body. Choose to invest in
several pure and high-quality essential
oils for the chakras that you most need
assistance with, and you’ll find yourself
reaching for them again and again.
Essential oils that assist the health of the
root chakra include rich and earthy
fragrances like frankincense, vetiver,
patchouli and sandalwood. Cinnamon
also helps to soothe fired up adrenals,
while ginger is a stimulating oil that is
good to have if you regularly suffer from
cold hands or feet.
A wonderful way to use these oils is to blend them with a carrier oil and then massage
it into your feet, ankles and legs. You can also diffuse the oils in your home. If you don't
have a diffuser, then place a few drops into a pan of water and place the pan on a
gentle heat. Or simply dab a drop of oil onto the soles of your feet, your sacrum, and
the back of your neck.
Each chakra can be influenced by the frequency emitted by stones and crystals. Red
Jasper, ruby, bloodstone, coral and carnelian are all excellent crystals to work with.
You can supercharge your stone by first placing your intention into it, and then carry
it with you through your day. Or choose a piece of jewellery that has a red stone set
in it.
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Healing Modalities
A self-care routine has amazing benefits for your mind, body and soul. Simple things
like a warm bath or time out to meditate cost nothing and make such a difference to
your overall wellbeing. Choosing to try out new healing modalities can also be a
wonderful health investment, and provide support for your healing journey.
Reflexology strengthens the root chakra, plus it helps to clear blockages in the rest of
the body too - much like acupuncture. If you’re after something a little more
pleasurable, then a foot and leg massage or a full-body aromatherapy massage is the
way to go.
Reiki can also be beneficial for energetic blockages. This healing modality originates
from Japan, and it involves a Reiki practitioner placing their hands on, or just a few
inches above the body, in order to help cleanse and charge the energetic pathways.
Root Chakra Journal Prompts
Try taking up a journaling practice and give yourself time to write down your thoughts,
fears, and inspirations on a daily basis. Writing thoughts down on paper helps to
create space in the mind. Julia Cameron, who wrote ‘The Artist's Way,’ offers a
technique called the Morning Pages which involves writing two full pages before you
do anything. It’s an interesting technique that can cause some big shifts in our life. If
two pages a day sounds like too much, then you can always just spend five minutes
writing or answering a journal prompt.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Here are some questions to deepen your journaling practise:
For the root chakra, ask yourself:
What makes me feel unsafe?
What makes me feel safe?
How can I better support myself?
What am I fearful of and why?
Where do I need to set better boundaries?
What do I really need?
What am I ready to let go of?
What will I do today to nourish my root chakra?
Affirmations for the Root Chakra
Affirmations work wonders when it comes to reprogramming our subconscious mind.
This has a knock-on effect on how we feel, our overall energy levels, and ultimately
the actions that we decide to take. So choose to incorporate an affirmation practice
into your life. You can repeat different affirmations or choose your favourite one and
repeat it throughout the day. Remember, how you feel when you say the words is the
most important thing, so try and generate those feelings as if you truly believe each
statement. That is when the magic happens. The emotional charge will intensify over
time, even if you have difficulty at first.
Repeat these affirmations with feeling and heart:
All is well in my world
I feel grounded and strong
I nurture and nourish in my body
I am connected with Mother Earth
Thank you for my abundant life
I am deeply supported by friends and family
I feel at home
I have everything I need
I belong
I am safe
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chapter 6: The Sacral Chakra
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Sanskrit Name: Swadhisthana
Other Names: 2nd Chakra, Seat of the Self
Traditional symbol: A six-petal lotus leaf
Location: Two inches below the navel
Colour: Orange
Element: Water
Sound: VAM
Deity: Brahma
Sense: Taste
From the earthy, red root chakra we move up to the orange, watery sacral chakra. The
Sanskrit word for this chakra loosely translates ‘one’s own dwelling’, as this energy
centre relates to our personal identity and our ability to feel all of our emotions. With
this chakra, we need to learn how to feel in order to heal. It’s also the seat of pleasure,
creativity, sexuality and passion.
The chakra is depicted as a beautiful six-petal lotus flower that is a vibrant orange
colour. In the middle of this lotus flower is a yellow crescent moon, which symbolizes
this chakra’s key element of water. The six petals are said to represent the six different
vrittis, which are described as ripples or fluctuations of the mind. These six vrittis are
affection, destructiveness, delusion, suspicion, disdain, and suspicion. In Yogic and
Hindu traditions, we aim to calm this ‘mental chatter’ through movement, the breath
and meditation.
This chakra also relates to our own personal identity, how we view ourselves, and our
place in the world. It gets us asking, Who Am I?
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
The Sacral Chakra and the Physical Body
The sacral chakra is linked to the sexual organs and the entire reproductive system.
It’s also linked to the abdomen, lower back, lymphatic system, hormonal system and
the nose.
Physical symptoms of a blocked sacral chakra include reproductive issues including
infertility and sexual disorders. An unbalanced sacral chakra may manifest as issues
with menstrual cycles, including irregular periods or intense menstrual cramps. It is
also linked to urinary tract infections, and stomach aches and pains.
Sacral Chakra and Emotions
On an energetic level, the sacral chakra is the home of our emotional body. It controls
our ability to feel and process emotions. When this chakra is vibrant and healthy, we
have emotional intelligence and are capable of acknowledging and even welcoming
everything that we feel.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Most of our life we have been taught that emotions are either good or bad. And as a
society, we’ve learnt to ‘cope’ with unpleasant feelings by distracting ourselves from
them through food, drink, addictive substances, media and more. When our sacral
chakra is flowing with energy and aligned, we recognise that all emotions are
welcome and valid. We understand that all emotions are a gift for growth, and feeling
deeply is one of the joys of being human.
When energy flows freely in this chakra, we are more able to flow through life with
ease. We feel inspired and connected, we want to create and share our passions with
the world. We have a healthy sex drive, and we are motivated to make changes, to
move forward and bloom in all areas of our life.
Signs of An Underactive Sacral Chakra
This chakra can become blocked by unresolved trauma that has been stored in the
body, by repressed emotions and by feeling fearful. When the energy doesn’t flow
through the sacral chakra freely, it causes it to become underactive. This cut-off in the
energy supply weakens this chakra, and it can also throw other chakras off-balance
When the sacral chakra is underactive it can cause low libido, social anxiety, and a
lack of confidence and motivation. You may feel unable to adapt to the changes that
life throws at you. You may also feel emotionally ‘numb’ or detached from your
emotions, and unable to understand the emotions of people close to you. Eating
disorders are also linked to an unbalanced sacral chakra.
Signs of An Overactive Sacral Chakra
An overactive sacral chakra is also an unbalanced chakra, and this excess of energy
can manifest as an addiction to pleasure. A person may feel the need to always chase
the next high, be it through sex, food or drugs. They are constantly seeking a thrill.
When left unchecked, this can result in substance addiction. An overactive chakra
may also cause things like emotional outbursts, severe mood swings, sensitivity, and
emotional dependence on others.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
How to Awaken and Align Your Sacral Chakra
The water element of this chakra means that you can nourish it by choosing to spend
more time in and around large bodies of water. One of the best ways to do this is to
swim - either in the ocean, in rivers or in ponds. Swimming in seawater or freshwater
is best. If it rains, instead of running for cover try dancing it! Allow the water to renew
your body and soul. Feel the cleansing power of water wash through you.
This chakra loves fluid and flowing movements. Because of its link to creativity and
pleasure, it can also be strengthened by expressing yourself with movement. Ecstatic
dance classes can be a really fun way to let loose, stomp to the beat, and release
endorphins naturally. You can put on your favourite tunes and dance around your
home like no one is watching. Movement is a meditation that helps to unlock certain
areas of the body, and it’s particularly beneficial for our sacral centre. So enjoy and
savour your movements, what a gift it is to have our body and breath.
Qi Gong helps to keep the energy moving throughout the whole energy system, as
does a gentle flow yoga. Yoga poses good for this chakra include goddess pose,
seated forwards bends, and butterfly pose.
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Orange fruits help to nourish this orange chakra, so try incorporating more juicy
oranges, tangerines, mangos, papaya and peaches into your diet. As do orange
vegetables, so roast some carrots, pumpkin, butternut squash, drizzle with coconut
oil, spice with turmeric and ginger and sprinkle with omega-3 rich nuts and seeds for
the ultimate sacral chakra nourishing dish.
It’s also worth noting that since pleasure is a part of this chakra, you may want to
choose to indulge in a nostalgic meal. Think of something that your grandma used to
make, or one of your favourite dishes from a vacation, or even order a meal from your
most-loved take-away. Yes, eating clean and healthy is wonderful for our body but
it’s also important to allow ourselves pleasure through food.
When you sit down to eat your meal, try and practise mindful eating. This means
turning off the TV, putting your phone away, and simply being present with your food
and experience. Practice eating slowly, chewing thoroughly, and notice all the flavours
and textures of the ingredients. Listen to your body to stop eating when it is full, rather
than overindulging and regretting it later. When we are able to taste our food more
deeply, we can taste life more deeply.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Breathwork brings more life-force energy to our body while also helping to clear
stagnant and stuck energy. It's excellent for all of the chakras, but it's particularly
beneficial when working with the sacral chakra.
This energy centre is stimulated and awakened by more intense styles of
breathwork. Breath of Fire is one of the techniques recommended. This breath
involves pumping the stomach in order to force an exhale through the nose and then
allowing for a passive inhale. This technique is repeated anywhere from 1 minute to
10 minutes, although you'll need to build the length of your practice slowly over time.
There are some excellent follow-along tutorials of this type of breath available online,
or you can choose to enrol in a pranayama class for more information on the breathing
techniques. You may also want to try the Wim Hof method. When done regularly and
correctly, breathwork will shift energy and change your life.
You can chant the word VAM out loud, or use it into your mantra meditation. This seed
sound is said to create a vibration that naturally cleanses and clears the sacral chakra.
Vam is the sound of Varun, who is the god of the oceans.
Another way to heal this chakra with sound is to listen to frequency music. Solfeggio
frequency music that resonates at 417hz will help to balance your sacral chakra. You
can also find 417Hz music online, and play it while you meditate, go for a walk or
simply fall asleep.
Essential oils that work with the sacral chakra include ylang-ylang, neroli, cardamom
and orange. As this chakra centres around pleasure, a really lovely way to incorporate
essential oils is to create your own unique oil blend. You can mix together several
essential oils along with some carrier oil and then pour it into a rollerball. Then roll the
oil on your pulse points and inhale these plant medicines throughout the day.
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Carnelian is said to be one of the best crystals for helping to heal this chakra. This
crystal is linked to fertility and it also helps us to feel more passion in our lives. It has
warm and uplifting energy which can help us to move forward with our lives in a more
confident way.
While not strictly a crystal but actually a tree resin, amber is also an excellent tool for
helping to clear blockages within the sacral chakra. This golden resin has sunny
energy that radiates through the sacral chakra. You can carry raw amber with you
throughout your day, or choose to wear a piece of amber jewellery.
Crystals and stones good for sacral chakra health include orange moonstone, orange
calcite, sunstone, goldstone, and tangerine quartz.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Journal Prompts
Take the time to journal around the subject of passion, sexuality and how you really
feel. Ask yourself:
Do I allow myself to truly feel pleasure?
Do I give myself permission to feel all of my emotions?
How do I suppress my sexuality?
When do I feel the most creative?
What am I passionate about in life?
A nice way to harness the power of affirmations for this chakra is to record yourself
speaking your favourite ones out loud and then listen to the recording regularly. Most
smartphones have a feature that lets you record your voice at the click of the button,
while the white Apple headphones have an inbuilt microphone for better sound
Try out these affirmations, and remember to repeat them with feeling and heart:
I move, I feel, I heal
My life flows with ease and grace
The sweetness of life flows through me easily
I feel so creative and inspired
I welcome all emotions
I am a powerful creator
I am a sexual and sensual being
I am so grateful for this life
I allow myself to feel pleasure
I feel motivated to create and to share my passions
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Chapter 7: The Solar Plexus Chakra
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Sanskrit Name: Manipura
Other Names: 3rd Chakra, Seat of Power
Traditional symbol: A ten-petal lotus leaf
Location: Several inches above the navel
Colour: Orange
Element: Fire
Sound: RAM
Deity: Agni
Sense: Sight
The solar plexus is our power centre. The word solar suggests a beaming star, and
that’s the perfect way to envision this chakra - as a miniature sun that is radiating
light from the core of our being. The Sanskrit word Manipura loosely translates as ‘city
of jewels or shining gem ’. When this chakra is fully activated and aligned, we are
blessed with precious gifts of willpower, personal strength and the ability to transform
thoughts and ideas into real-world manifestations.
This chakra is vibrant, sunshine yellow in colour, and is depicted by a ten-petal lotus
leaf. Each petal has a syllable imprinted on it to signify each of the 10 vrittas of
spiritual ignorance. It is said we must first overcome these hurdles of the mind in order
to have a strong and nourished solar plexus chakra. In the centre of the lotus is an
upside-down triangle which signifies the chakra’s key element of fire.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Solar Plexus Chakra and the Physical
The solar plexus chakra is located in an area
that is home to a complex bundle of nerves.
The chakra governs the pancreas, stomach,
kidney and digestive systems.
Physical symptoms of a blocked or unbalanced
solar plexus chakra include problems with
digesting food, and other gastric difficulties
such as stomach ulcers, indigestion and
bloating. It can also slow down metabolism,
cause body fatigue and nausea.
Solar Plexus Chakra and the Emotional Body
This chakra is all about our own personal identity. When it is healthy and balanced
we feel in control of our lives, we feel powerful and know that we can create anything
that we put our minds (and hearts) to. It gives us that inner fire that fuels our creative
projects and helps to propel us through life. It acts as a doorway that opens us to our
true inner potential.
An underactive solar plexus chakra is a common occurrence in Western society. We
tend to often doubt our own capabilities, and disconnect from our true divinity and
power. Signs of a blocked or underactive solar plexus chakra include feeling shy,
unconfident or socially awkward. Living in a bubble or fantasy dreamland, or having
many good ideas but failing to act on them can be linked to poor energy flow in this
centre. It can manifest as low willpower, feeling unmotivated or dejected and being
On the other hand, an overstimulated chakra can lead to issues such as having an
over-inflated sense of self and wanting to control others. It can manifest as traits such
as being overly critical, harsh or stubborn. An overactive solar plexus chakra can also
show up as anger and jealousy.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
How to Awaken and Align Your Sacral Chakra
This chakra is activated by all things sunshine and fire. So, get outdoors, feel the
sunshine kiss your skin, move and sweat, and choose self-care practices that help you
to feel more confident and alive.
A great way to stimulate this chakra is to go to a hot yoga class. The intense heat
helps to build that inner fire and release toxins from the body. Power yoga is also a
great style of yoga to try, as it provides an intense full-body workout that is excellent
for core strength. As for yoga poses, backbends help to unblock this energy centre.
Try holding a bow pose for ten seconds, and rocking back and forth to stimulate your
solar plexus chakra. Other great poses include cobra, upward facing dog, locust pose
and camel.
Enjoy more yellow coloured fruits and vegetables in your diet, such as bananas,
pineapple, apricots, grapefruits and lemons. This chakra is also nourished by foods
that provide a longer-lasting dose of energy, so things like whole grains, chia seeds,
and brown rice are a good choice. A lovely snack or dessert to try is a coconut and
banana chia pot. Simply soak some chia seeds in coconut milk for several hours, then
add in some sliced banana and sprinkle with cinnamon for a tasty and nutritious
Sip on warming ginger, honey and lemon tea, or try blending raw turmeric with plantbased milk and gently heat for some healing golden milk. Chamomile tea helps to calm
an overactive solar plexus chakra.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
As this chakra related a lot to digestion, you may want to try intermittent fasting,
mono eating, or learning more about food pairing and the effect that it has on your
Much like the sacral chakra, fiery and intense breathwork and pranamaya styles work
best for this chakra. So you can repeat breath of fire exercise, with your hands
interlaced above your head and your two index fingers pointing up towards the sky.
A lovely breath meditation is to lie down in the sunshine (on the ground if possible),
and have your solar plexus in direct sunlight. Close your eyes and begin to take slow,
deep conscious breaths. As you breathe imagine drawing light from the sun into your
solar plexus. See it become brighter and more vibrant and start to radiate out through
your whole body. Then, as you continue to breathe deeply, imagine that you are
beaming this light out all around you, creating a forcefield of beautiful yellow sunlight.
Repeat this as many times as you like. Even if you can’t be in direct sunlight, just
visualizing the sun's rays on your skin helps you to feel sunnier and more energized.
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The seed sound for this chakra is RAM. so you can repeat this as a mantra either out
loud or mentally. As for frequency music, the solar plexus chakra is linked to the 528hz
solfeggio tone. You can listen to this powerful frequency while studying, meditating
and even sleeping to add an extra dose of healing to your solar plexus chakra.
Anoint yourself in precious essential oils such as lemon, cypress and geranium. These
uplifting oils will help you to feel more confident and motivated. Blend the oils with a
carrier like Jojoba, and dab them onto the soles of your feet, your solar plexus area
and your wrists.
You can also dry lemon slices and use them in your bath with Epson salt, or place
several slices in an organza bag and use them to naturally fragrance your clothes
drawers, wardrobe and car.
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Citrine is one of the best crystals when it comes to working with the solar plexus
chakra. Nicknamed the stone of the sun, this yellow stone can help to attract more
abundance into your life.
To activate your crystal, first charge it in the sunlight for at least a few hours, as this
helps to clear away any other energies the stone may have picked up on its journey
to you. Place your crystal on your solar plexus chakra and meditate on the energy
centre. Imagine the chakra growing in strength and brightness. Keep turning up the
light for this chakra as if you have a dimmer switch that controls the brightness. Citrine
acts as an amplifier that helps to bring more energy to this area, while also assisting
you to slip into a more meditative state.
Self-care Practices
A digital detox is wonderful for this chakra and for your overall health and wellbeing.
Try unplugging from social media, the news and other external influences for several
days or longer. You’ll find yourself feeling more centred, energized and in control. If
you are unable to completely disconnect, then try deleting social media apps off your
phone or use a blocker app that limits the amount of time that you can spend on social
sites daily.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Journal Prompts
Spend time writing in your journal on topics such as confidence, power and where
your energy is currently being focused. Ask yourself questions like:
What do I want to create in this life?
What excites me the most?
What people or activities drain me?
Where do I give away my personal power?
When have I felt the most confidence in life and why?
Speak your affirmations out loud to help them to become a reality in your life.
Remember to put your emotions behind the words:
I love, honour and accept myself
I am strong and courageous
I can achieve anything that I put my mind to
I always choose the best for myself
I step into the light of my own power
I deserve kindness and respect
I am courageous
I am a master manifester
I live an authentic life
I am confident
I pursue my true purpose in life
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chapter 8: The Heart Chakra
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Sanskrit Name: Anahata
Other Names: 4th Chakra, Seat of Love
Traditional symbol: A twelve-petal lotus leaf
Location: The centre of the chest
Colour: Green with tinges of pink
Element: Air
Sound: YAM
Deity: Vayu
Sense: Smell
The heart chakra governs our ability to both give love and receive it. When this chakra
is fully open and healthy we feel loved and nourished, regardless of our relationship
status. We are able to tune into that stream of unconditional love that weaves its way
through our world.
Anahata loosely translates from Sanskrit as ‘unstruck, unhurt and unbeaten’. This
interesting translation teaches us that in order to let this chakra bloom, we must first
heal from the emotional trauma that caused our hearts to become hard and closed.
Our whole reality can shift once we see past hurts as gifts that can increase our
capacity to feel more love and compassion.
“The Wound is the Place Where the Light Enters You”
~ Rumi
This chakra is almost located in the middle of our 7-major-chakra system, so it’s linked
to both the earthy root energy that we pull up from the world beneath us, as well as
the heavenly universal energy that we draw down from the unseen realms above us.
This mix of energies is essential for a fully awakened and aligned heart chakra.
Essentially, we need to both be grounded in this world and connected to the unseen
in order to access the treasures this chakra offers. This is what some spiritual-seekers
call creating ‘heaven on earth’.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
The heart chakra is depicted as a twelve-petal lotus leaf. In the centre of the lotus is
a symbol called a Shatkona, which symbolises the union of the feminine and the
masculine. The petals are imprinted with the 12 seed sounds that are believed to be
linked to twelve divine qualities of the heart. These are bliss, peace, harmony, love,
understanding, empathy, clarity, purity, unity, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness.
The Heart Chakra and the Physical Body
The chakra governs the health of the lungs, heart, the circulatory system, arms, hands,
shoulders and upper back. It also is tied to the thymus gland, which is a lymphoid
organ that plays an important role in immune health and hormonal function.
Physical symptoms of a blocked heart chakra may manifest as things like heart issues
including palpitations or heart attacks, high blood pressure, lung problems like
asthma, allergies and poor circulation. It can also show up in the physical as aches
and pains in the upper back, and stiffness or mobility issues in the shoulders particularly if someone feels like they carry a lot of ‘emotional baggage’ around with
The Heart Chakra and the Emotional Body
The energetic essence of this chakra is love, compassion, kindness and beauty. When
it is awakened and balanced we can receive love and offer it unconditionally back out
to the world. We are able to forgive, to grieve, to feel and to heal. We are at peace
with the world, yet also have real empathy and compassion for those walking
alongside us. We are capable of having solid, loving and lasting relationships with
friends, family and romantic partners. Although the throat chakra governs
communication, being able to convey our feelings, hopes, fears, and intentions is also
an important part of a healthy heart chakra.
Blockages in this chakra can occur from past emotional hurts, often from something
that happened at a very young age. We may not have received love in a way that we
needed to from our parents, or we may have felt abandoned or rejected. These issues
can often play out in the romantic relationships that we have later on in life. Often we
find ourselves attracting the same types of people, or the same scenarios and
heartbreak again and again until we realise there is a huge life lesson that needs to
be truly understood to be overcome. Once we learn to recognise and shift these past
patterns we can attract different relationships and true, deep love.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Signs of an underactive heart chakra can include feeling numb or disconnected from
your emotions, or you may have difficulty connecting with others. You may feel like
you have built a wall up around your heart to prevent anyone from ever getting in and
hurting you again. Sometimes it shows up as an aversion to physical touch or
choosing to live a ‘lone wolf’ lifestyle. There may be problems in forgiving others,
feeling compassion or having empathy.
When too much energy flows through this chakra, it can become unbalanced and
essentially go into overdrive. This can happen when we place too much emphasis on
receiving love from others and the external world, not recognising that we need to
practice self-love in order to be fully fulfilled on all levels. When the chakra is
overactive it can show up as codependency, a lack of clear boundaries, feeling jealous
and being needy or clingy. An individual with an overstimulated heart chakra may
overextend themselves to satisfy the needs of another, which can result in a loss of
personal identity and feelings of being emotionally drained.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
How to Awaken and Align Your Heart Chakra
Luckily, there are many beautiful practices that you can incorporate into your life in
order to heal and strengthen the heart chakra. Remember, whenever you work with
the heart you want to be kind and gentle with yourself. Speak to yourself as you would
a small child - with kindness, understanding and love. Practice self-love daily and use
tools to self-soothe. Working with the heart chakra is often a life-long journey, so be
gentle with yourself and acknowledge how far you have come.
Yoga is wonderful for healing this chakra, particularly a Yin Yoga practice. Yin yoga is
a very sweet and feminine style which involves props called bolsters, and holding each
floor-based posture for 3 - 10 minutes. It is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine
and works with the meridians to help the qi or energy to flow freely through the body.
The postures provide a perfect mix of opening and expansion, as well as time to really
let go and relax. We find in this place of stillness we can practice the art of being
rather than doing. The stillness also asks us to sit in silence with what is in our hearts,
and this simple act of listening helps the heart to heal.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
If Yin Yoga sounds like it’s for you, then try to get to a Yin yoga class - by candlelight
if possible. You can also try out several poses at home by using pillows and rolled up
blankets as bolsters. Try supported fish pose: place your bolster lengthways on your
mat or bed and then sit down and lean back onto it so that it supports your back, neck
and head. Release your hands either side of your body, with the palms facing up. You
can keep the legs extended or bring the soles of the feet together and allow the knees
to drop out to the sides. Hold for five minutes or longer and enjoy!
Backbends also help to clear blockages in this chakra, so try melting heart pose,
camel, wheel or bridge. It is believed that we store a lot of old emotional baggage in
the hips, so you may want to work with poses that open this area for emotional
release. Swan pose is excellent for this, as is dragonfly and lizard pose.
When it comes to the heart, reach for the greens. Make yourself a super-green juice
with spinach, green apple, cucumber, cilantro, parsley and a dash of lime. Add in
chlorophyll-rich superfoods like spirulina, wheatgrass, barley grass and chlorella for
an extra dose of goodness. Heart chakra-nourishing snack ideas include kale chips,
grapes or half an avocado drizzled in olive with a dash of lime.
Matcha tea is also good to have on hand, particularly as a coffee replacement. Matcha
is made from green tea leaves that have undergone a strict growing process to
produce a much higher quality product. In fact, this process gives it over 140 times
more antioxidants than green tea! It does contain caffeine, but unlike coffee, it also
has a feel-good compound called L-theanine which provides more of a smooth,
blissful pick-me-up. Always choose pure, ceremonial-grade matcha with vibrant
green colour for the most nutritious tea around.
Breathwork is one of the most powerful ways to heal the heart chakra. Try one of the
longer styles of breathwork that can release DMT - the same compound that is
released when we are born and when we die. While this may sound slightly terrifying,
DMT can help us to access alternate states, to see and feel our own wounds and to
heal them. Some people witness their first core wound, many people experience an
emotional release, while others may be shown a new way to heal. The breath is both
a teacher and medicine that gives us what we need.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
There are similarities between this style of breathwork and the effects of ingesting a
plant medicine like ayahuasca. Many people report their first hour-long breathwork
session to be one of the most powerful, life-changing experiences of their lives.
It’s best to find a good teacher to support you through the session. You can choose to
go to a group class or a private class if preferred. Some styles of this type of
breathwork include Holotropic Breathwork, Clarity Breathwork, Transformational
Breathwork and Rebirthing Breathwork.
The seed mantra for the heart chakra is Yam, pronounced ‘yumm’. Choose to sing this
mantra with a smile and feel the vibrations reverberate through your heart centre.
Sound healing classes are also a wonderful way to soothe the ‘seat of love’ as it is
sometimes called. When it comes to Solfeggio healing music, the frequency 639hz is
said to operate at the heart chakra level and assist in healing this energy centre.
Pure rose absolute is the oil of the heart chakra and is
said to have the highest frequency of all essential oils.
This sweet and sensual fragrance helps us to tap into
feelings of peace, love and compassion. It is one of the
most expensive oils around, as it takes over 4,000kg of
rose petals in order to make 1kg of pure oil. You can
make your oil last longer by mixing a few drops into a
carrier oil and applying it onto your pulse points
throughout the day. You can also add a few drops into
your bath, and add a few freshly plucked rose petals
Other oils that support heart chakra health include comforting neroli, delicate melissa
and uplifting lemon oil.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Rose quartz is the most famous stone for healing the heart. This soft pink crystal
carries a loving vibration that helps to gently open up the heart. You can choose to
keep a piece of raw rose quartz in your bedroom, carry a small piece around with you,
or place a heart-shaped piece of rose quartz underneath your pillow at night. Rose
quartz pendants on necklaces that hang around the heart space are also a wonderful
way to experience this crystal’s energy as you move throughout your day.
Crystals that complement the power of rose quartz include jade, amazonite,
malachite, aventurine and Rhodochrosite.
Self-Care Practices
Hugging is a wonderful tool for heart expansion. Studies show that a simple hug can
lower blood pressure, release oxycontin and dopamine and even strengthen the
immune system. Mirror work is also a good way to learn how to love yourself more.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
The HeartMath Institute is also on the leading edge of heart coherence. The heart
generates the most powerful electromagnetic field in the body, and it is approximately
60 times greater than the brain’s electromagnetic field. The HeartMath Institute has
found ways to measure this frequency, and how it changes when we come into
contact with another person. They also operate the Global Coherence Initiative in
which measures what effect mass human emotions have on the earth’s magnetic
field. There are over 25,000 people involved in this study, and there have been some
interesting and promising results so far. More information on this can be found on The
HeartMath Institute website.
Journal Prompts
Journaling is particularly soothing for the heart. Try writing truthfully about your past
and current relationships, and about all types of love like romantic love, platonic love
and unrequited love. Allow the words to stream from your heart and pen without
giving it too much thought. Get words down quickly, and allow them to be released.
Here are some journal prompts to get you started:
Who have I not forgiven yet?
When have I felt the most love in this world?
What’s holding me back from feeling more love?
If my heart could speak, what would it want me to know?
What do I need to do to love myself more?
How can I love more deeply?
What type of relationships do I want to attract into my life?
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Louise Hay, author of You Can Heal Your Heart, is one of the pioneers in affirmation
work. Her book includes many affirmations and words of wisdom to assist you on
your spiritual journey. Here are some affirmations for the heart. Remember to use your
emotions when repeating them:
I am lovable, I am loving, I am loved
I release all resentment
My heart radiates a pure and powerful green light
All love resides in me
I am peaceful
I am beautiful
I am bountiful
I forgive others and I forgive myself
Love and beauty surrounds me
I love my life
I AM love
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chapter 9: The Throat Chakra
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha
Other Names: 5th Chakra
Traditional symbol: A sixteen-petal lotus leaf
Location: The centre of the throat
Colour: Blue
Element: Akasha
Sound: LAM
Deity: Saraswati
Sense: Hearing
The throat chakra is our centre of all things communication, creativity and selfexpression. The Sanskrit word Vishuddha stems from the word Shuddhi which means
pure, as well as the root word Vi which adds more power and meaning to the word.
Therefore, Vishuddha loosely translates as ‘especially pure’. It is said that the throat
chakra needs to be exceptionally clean and clear in order for it to function optimally.
In the Hindu tradition, this chakra is depicted as a lotus flower with sixteen petals. In
the centre of the flower is an upside-down triangle which contains a white moon-like
circle. This circle symbolises this chakra’s key element of Akasha, which is the ether
or universal etheric field which penetrates all life. Upon the petals are sixteen golden
Sanskrit vowels which correspond to mantras and musical tones.
While all chakras need to have a certain level of balance and openness for a strong
energy body, it is believed the throat chakra is of particular importance. Several
ancient texts state that physical and spiritual success in this life depends on the
openness of our throat chakra. It is believed that meditation and healing this chakra
can result in gaining siddhis or ‘superpowers’ that allow us to access memories from
past lives, be grounded in the present and also glimpse into our future.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
The Throat Chakra and the Physical body
The throat chakra is linked to the mouth, teeth, throat and neck. Being able to listen is
a skill needed for a healthy throat chakra, so the ears are also governed by this energy
centre too. It is also associated with the thyroid gland, which is essential for healthy
hormone production, metabolism and development of the human body.
Physical symptoms of a blocked chakra may include a sore throat, tinnitus, jaw issues,
dental problems, ulcers in the mouth, neck pain and headaches. Because of the thyroid
link, it can also appear as hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) or hypothyroidism (an
overactive thyroid gland).
The Throat Chakra and the Emotional Body
This energy centre is the seat of communication. When it is pure and balanced we are
able to express our truth both clearly and effectively. Not only do we find the right
words and speak with clarity and grace, but we also have the ability to get those
around us to listen to our words and the meaning behind them. This chakra shares a
link with the second chakra because it also relates to our creativity. We can use this
chakra to express our projects and desired outcomes in life in order to manifest them
in this reality. Words hold power, and by speaking them clearly with emotion, much
like we do with affirmations, we can draw the mental into the physical.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
It is believed that fear causes the biggest blockage to this chakra. We may have a fear
of speaking up, and of communicating how we feel. We may be scared of judgement
or of saying the wrong thing, so instead, we choose to silence our voices. This
withholding of expression can limit the flow of energy to the throat chakra and cause
it to become underactive and unbalanced.
You feel heavy
Because you are too full of truth
Open your mouth more
Allow the truth to exist
Somewhere outside of your body”
Delia Hicks-Wilson
When it is underactive we may feel timid, become very introverted, experience social
anxiety or have a fear of public speaking. As with all chakras, an energetic blockage
that is not addressed can lead to physical manifestations of the issue over time.
When the chakra has too much energy and attention it becomes overactive and
overstimulated. This can result in being overbearing, judgemental, and overcritical.
You may find it hard to listen to others and instead feel the need to constantly talk
and be the centre point of focus. Gossiping, talking behind other people’s backs,
verbal aggression can also show up when the throat chakra is overactive.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
How to Awaken and Align Your Throat Chakra
There are two aspects to balancing the throat chakra - speaking and listening. We
must not only be able to communicate authentically and effectively but we must also
truly listen. Deep listening means being there for the other person and absorbing their
words and the feelings that they are trying to communicate behind them.
When other people talk to us, we often spend a lot of that time in our head searching
for stories that we can reply with. When you deeply listen, you allow your mind to
become still and let the other person speak up. This creates more presence and a
deeper connection with the speaker, while also allowing you to respond when the time
is right in a more authentic and loving way.
To open the throat chakra, try Bhakti yoga, the yoga of love and devotion. It involves
chanting mantras while moving through yoga poses. It’s an uplifting, heart-opening
experience that helps us to gain confidence and speak our truth. It is best practised in
a class setting so you can tap into that powerful energy generated by the group.
Sun Salutations are a wonderful way to strengthen this chakra. The flowing
movements and breath combine to create transformational practices that will leave
you feeling more energized and alive. If you're new to sun salutations, take the time
to learn Surya Namaskar A and B, and then repeat each one five times first thing in
the morning with your face towards the sun.
Yoga poses that are beneficial for this chakra include cat-cow stretches, shoulder
stand, plough, and fish pose. Be careful when working with these poses, as the throat
is a delicate area that needs to be gently awakened and strengthened over time.
Blue and purple foods nourish this blue chakra, so snack on antioxidant-rich
blueberries, blackberries and concord grapes. Liquids are also excellent for the throat,
and they help to lubricate and cleanse this centre. Try soothing honey, lemon and
ginger tea (excellent for the vocal cords), while coconut water provides a delicious
way to stay hydrated. If you experience physical issues with the throat, then try
gargling salt water or having an apple cider vinegar shot daily.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Soup is also a lovely idea; If you fancy something cooling then try a raw gazpacho
soup made by blending and chilling cucumbers, tomato, greens, olive oil, almond milk,
garlic, black pepper and pink Himalayan salt.
As well as incorporating these things into your diet, it’s also wise to eliminate mucusforming foods - either as part of a cleanse, or as a lifestyle change. Acidic, mucusforming foods include all dairy products, red meat, alcohol, soft drinks, white sugar
and processed foods. Making a switch to a more whole-food, plant-based diet is one
of the best things that you can do for your physical and energetic body.
Lemon balm can provide some herbal healing for the throat. A recent study by the
University of Maryland revealed that this plant helps the thyroid gland to function
optimally. You can use the herbs to make a tea or add it to soups, salads and
dressings. Other herbs that pair well with this energy centre include peppermint, sage
and lemongrass.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Unsurprisingly, the breath is wonderful for working with this chakra. It helps to release
stuck and stagnant energy and leave you feeling renewed, even after one session.
Because of the throat chakra's location, all breathwork is beneficial for the
development of the energy centre, but here are three favourites:
Lion’s Breath
Lion’s breath is a fun one to get started with. Just take a deep breath in, open your
mouth wide, stick your tongue and make a haaaa sound when exhaling fully while
looking up. Repeat three to five times. You can also incorporate lion’s breath into your
daily yoga practice, and it's great fun when you are in downward-facing dog or cobra.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Ujjayi breathing
Ujjayi breathing is also known as oceanic breathing or ‘Darth Vader breath’! It's
commonly used in many different styles of yoga in order to bring more awareness to
both the breath and the body. This breath involves breathing through the nose with a
slight contraction of the throat to create an oceanic sound. It can be tricky to master
at first but keep practising and you’ll find it adds another dimension to your movement
Last but not least is hummingbird breath. To do this, block your ears with your thumbs
and allow your fingers to rest over your eyes. This helps to block out the external
world, as we want to travel to the internal. Then take a deep breath in, and as you
slowly exhale make a humming sound until all the breath leaves your body. Really
tune into the vibrations that the humming makes in your body. Repeat this several
times and change the pitch of your humming to see the difference this makes in how
you feel.
Singing, chanting, humming, talking
and listening all work wonders for this
chakra. The seed sound for the throat
is HAM, so repeat this throughout your
day, or choose to listen to soothing
mantras with this sound in. The
Solfeggio frequency 741hz vibrates at
a rate that is said to solve problems
and enhance communication. You can
listen while studying, meditating or
You may also want to rekindle a musical practice or choose to learn a new instrument.
This can help you unleash your creativity and expression.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Frankincense is a wonderful tool for helping to open the throat chakra. Nicknamed the
holy oil, this precious plant essence is made from the sap that oozes from the
Boswellia tree. It has long been used by spiritual seekers, yogis and monks to help
deepen their connection with the divine. It has a beautifully sweet, rich and deep
fragrance that makes it a natural perfume in its own right. You can use frankincense
by dabbing a drop on your wrists and on the throat chakra. You can also burn pure
frankincense resin around your home.
Frankincense oil can be very expensive, and sometimes difficult to get hold of. A more
affordable option is to use lavender oil. This oil has soothing properties, and can also
help to improve sleep and generate feelings of peace and contentment. It is also said
to assist in clearing energy blockages in the throat chakra. To use, choose a high
quality, food-grade lavender oil. Doterra has a very potent oil that can be applied
topically and ingested too. Try mixing it with water to create a pillow spray that you
mist in your bedroom at night. You can also add one drop to a large glass of water
and sip through the day.
Other oils that support the health of this chakra include tea tree, cypress, clove,
peppermint and eucalyptus.
Blue coloured stones are said to vibrate at a frequency that assists with awakening
and aligning the throat chakra. Aquamarine is a particularly beneficial stone to use.
Nicknamed the stone of courage, meditating with this crystal allows for increased
strength, and assists us with honest communication. It also provides protection;
legend has it that sailors used to carry aquamarine with them as a good luck charm
to protect the vessel and crew while at sea.
Lapis Lazuli is another blue gem that helps with promoting clear communication, and
it is said to help enhance creativity and release repressed anger. Other stones to
consider include blue lace agate, blue kyanite and blue apatite.
When working with these stones, it is best to have them near to the throat chakra.
You can choose to wear necklaces with the crystals in, or simply lie down on your back
and meditate with the crystal placed directly on your throat chakra.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Healing Modalities
Non-violent communication is a healing modality that can be extremely beneficial in
helping us to communicate more clearly effectively. In fact, when you learn this
method you’ll find that it has a positive impact on all of your relationships.
Founded by Marshall Rosenberg, this modality uses a framework to assist us in
sharing our views and uncovering the depths of our own compassion and
understanding. The Center for Nonviolent Communication provides many resources
for learning more about these topics, and Marshalls’ book ‘Nonviolent Communication,
is the go-to handbook for learning all about this transformational method.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Journal Prompts
For the throat chakra, you can try speaking out loud as opposed to writing your
thoughts down on paper. This may seem strange at first, but the technique allows you
to use your voice in new ways.
Lao Tzu once said:
“Watch your thoughts, they become your words;
watch your words, they become your actions; watch
your actions, they become your habits; watch your
habits, they become your character; watch your
character, it becomes your destiny.”
Speaking journal prompt answers and affirmations out loud allows us to review and
reprogram our thoughts in order to change our future. Here are some journal prompts
to ponder over:
What stops me from expressing myself?
In what ways can I be a better listener?
How can I learn how to communicate more effectively?
What have I been wanting to get off my chest for a while now?
How would it feel to speak my own authentic truth?
If you want to get creative, then try writing your own affirmations for the throat
chakra. Some good things to open with are:
I speak _____________.
I communicate ________.
I express ________.
I feel _______.
I am _______.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Or start with these affirmations:
I speak my truth and hear your truth
I listen deeply
I am authentic and genuine
I speak with clarity and conviction
I am free to be me
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chapter 10: The Third Eye Chakra
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Sanskrit Name: Ajna
Other Names: 6th Chakra, Seat of the soul
Traditional symbol: A two-petal lotus leaf
Location: In between the eyebrows
Colour: Indigo
Element: Light
Sound: Om
Deity: Ardhanarishvara
Sense: Seeing
The third eye chakra is an intriguing, mystical portal, which when fully awakened
allows us to ‘see’ beyond this reality to both the inner and higher realms. The Sanskrit
term Ajna translates as ‘to perceive’, which is interesting as an open and nourished
third eye chakra allows us to not only see but to understand the deeper meaning of
our existence too. Hindus place a bindi on this centre to pay homage to the power of
this chakra.
“There are things known, and things unknown. In
between are the doors of perception”.
- Aldous Huxley The third eye is depicted as a two-peal lotus flower, placing it out of sequence from
all the other chakras that have an increase in the number of petals they have as you
move up from the root to the crown. These two petals symbolise the two Nadis, Ida
and Pingala, which run alongside the central energy channel called the Shushuma.
On the left petal is the seed sound Ham which represents shiva, while on the right is
Ksham, which symbolizes Shakti. In the centre of the lotus is the female Hindu deity,
Hakini Shakti. She is often depicted with pink skin, six arms and faces, golden
jewellery, a rosary, a book, a human skull and a drum. She is believed to offer
knowledge of unconditional truth and assists us in living a fearless life.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Third Eye Chakra and the Physical Body
The third eye chakra is linked to the health of the eyes, the brain and the pineal gland.
The pineal gland is located in the brain and isn't fully understood yet by modern
science. It is known that it is responsible for regulating certain hormones including the
serotonin-derived hormone melanin. Melanin plays a crucial role in protection from UV
radiation and DNA damage, and also is able to aid sound sleep. It is worth noting that
the ancient Egyptian symbol the eye of Horus is linked to the pineal gland. When you
slice the pineal gland in half it actually looks almost identical to the Eye of Horus
symbol. This symbol stands for protection, health and spiritual development.
An unbalanced third eye chakra can trigger a number of physical symptoms, including
eye issues such as cataracts and loss of vision. It is also linked to headaches and
migraines, dizziness, and sinus issues.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
The Third Eye Chakra and the Emotional Body
This health of this chakra influences our ability to perceive the present clearly, but to
also look at our past actions and to see into our future. It governs how we piece
together this reality and also look beyond the veil into the unseen. When this chakra
is awakened and balanced we are connected with our intuition and inner knowing.
This chakra allows us to access higher realms of intelligence and understanding. The
famous philosopher Descartes saw this gland as the principal seat of the soul and
believed it was an area where all thoughts are formed.
It is said that a fully opened third eye chakra enhances our psychic abilities, including
clairvoyance which is clear seeing of the nature of reality. In yoga metaphysics, when
this chakra is awakened we are able to transcend the dualistic nature of reality and
tap into oneness.
Blockages in this chakra can be caused by being surrounded by people who belittle
or disregard anything beyond the physical. If you feel like you grew up or still live in
an environment where you can’t discuss anything ‘metaphysical’ then it can cause
this chakra to become weak. If you have psychic gifts but have chosen to block them
out or ignore them, then it can also limit the flow of energy to this chakra. Additionally,
transitional life experiences like deaths, job loss and divorce can affect the health of
the chakra if the implications are not fully dealt with and healed.
Signs of a blocked third eye chakra can include indecisiveness, having a lack of
awareness or not being able to fully see the beauty and complexity that this life has
to offer. You may feel stuck in the physical reality, focusing on one the world of the
seen and missing the wonderful connection to the divine that is available. There may
be issues with finding your life purpose, or you may feel insignificant, unworthy or
Equally, an overactive third eye chakra can cause emotional issues too. Someone with
an overstimulated chakra may behave like they live in a bubble, or seem disconnected
from this world. They may neglect the most basic human needs and functions, and
instead, choose to live with their ’head in the clouds’. When left untreated this can
result in dissociation and even mental health issues. This is why it’s so important to
stay grounded and connected to the earth while working on opening the third eye,
otherwise, we can spiral off into dreamland.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
How to Awaken and Align Your Third Eye Chakra
Just as we can use exercise to strengthen our muscles, we can use spiritual tools like
meditation, mindfulness, visualization and breathwork to strengthen our third eye
Many ancient and new-age spiritual practices provide techniques and tools to open
this chakra, but care must be taken in order to do it in a safe and comfortable way.
Too much energy directed at this chakra can ‘flood’ the energy centre and cause some
pretty extreme effects. Think of it like putting too much electricity into a circuit, it can
cause it to blow. The same applies to the third eye, we first need to strengthen our
energy body or circuit before allowing more light in.
Kundalini yoga is particularly effective for
awakening the third eye chakra. This style of
yoga incorporates repetitive movements,
breath retention and visualization to draw
the energy up from the lower chakras to the
third eye and crown. When practised
regularly, you can feel the energy awakening
and travel up the spine. Sometimes the
practice can result in emotional releases,
while other times it brings clarity, insight and
even visions. It’s best to learn Kundalini with
an experienced teacher who is able to
support you on your journey.
Yoga poses that stimulate the third eye
chakra include all inversions, as they allow
the energy to pool in the third eye and crown.
Think headstands, handstands, full wheel,
downward facing dog and pincha.
Remember to ground after yoga and
breathwork practices. You can do this by
drinking water, by placing your bare feet and hands on the earth, by choosing to eat
a heavier meal.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Purple foods can be useful for the
development of this chakra. Try frying
purple cabbage, aubergine, kale, and
purple broccoli in virgin coconut oil or
using those ingredients to make a
nutritious soup. This chakra is also
nourished by food that is high in Omega
3 fatty acids, so choose to incorporate
more flax seeds, walnuts and chia seeds
into your diet.
Raw cacao is a powerful superfood that
brings energy to both the third eye and
the heart chakra. Used as a medicine in
certain cultures, pure and raw cacao
carries both a high and loving frequency
as well as extremely high levels of
antioxidants. The magnesium in the
cacao also helps to provide a deeper
state of relaxation and feelings of bliss.
You can use cacao powder to make
energy balls, raw chocolates and the most delicious chocolate banana smoothies.
ORMUS is also something you may want to look into, as Ancient Egyptians and
alchemists used this elixir to develop their own psychic abilities and maintain their
youth. ORMUS stands for orbitally rearranged monatomic elements. It contains a
complex spectrum of minerals and metals that exist in a high spin state called the Mstate. Regular users of ORMUS report feeling more connected, intune and aligned.
Many people also notice an increase in synchronicities and manifestations. If you’re
interested in learning more, then a good place to start is with the work of David
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
As mentioned in previous chapters, extended breathwork sessions can release DMT
and help us to access alternate states of consciousness. Long sessions are a
wonderful way to dive deeper into the world of breath and truly experience all that it
has to offer.
You can also practice a shorter breath and visualisation techniques to help open this
chakra. Start by finding a comfortable seated position, drop your shoulders down
away from your ears, relax your jaw and close your eyes.
Take your inner gaze to the space between your eyebrows and just watch this space,
as if you are watching a purple candle flame flickering there. And as you watch, begin
to take slow, deep and long belly breaths. Allow the belly and chest to rise and fall.
Breathe deeply and fully, and keep your attention on the third eye. After several
minutes of simply watching and observing, take a big inhale and hold the breath.
Bring a smile to your face and allow the flickering candle flame to increase in
brightness and size. Hold the breath for around 30 seconds if comfortable, then
release with a slow and conscious exhale. Repeat as many times as you’d like.
The seed sound for this chakra is OM. OM is a simple sound with a more complex
meaning. Essentially it is said to be the first sound of the universe, and it will be the
last sound when everything dissolves back into nothingness. It represents the union
of our mind, body and soul.
When chanting Om, the sound is broken down into several parts using vowel sounds
of A, U and M. The final M sound is more like a humming action. This change in sounds
creates a mantra that vibrates through many of the higher chakras, helping us to feel
more aligned and connected. It is important to leave a pause after you have chanted
OM to allow all the vibrations to settle. You can choose to practice chanting OM three
times in the morning and three times at night.
The frequency of music associated with awakening the third eye chakra is 936hz. You
can listen to Solfeggio music and binaural beats to deepen your meditations.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Incorporating oils into your daily self-care and transformational is a particularly
beneficial practice for the third eye chakra. Jasmine is a beautifully sweet, feminine
and floral oil that can assist in opening the doors of perception. Known as the queen
of the night, this oil is also said to increase powers of mysticism. You can dab a single
drop of the oil onto your third eye centre, and also use it to create your own perfume
blends with oils like vanilla and rose.
Burning incense, wood and sage bundles is also a good way to clear the energy in
your home and create a sacred space ready for your spiritual practices. Palo Santo,
also known as holy wood, is a special wood that gives off a rich earthy scent when
burnt. Always chose to buy sustainably sourced palo santo, as the trees take a long
time to mature. You can also experiment with burning white sage smudge sticks,
cedar, holy basil and wormwood.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Navy blue, violet and deep purple crystals assist this chakra in coming into alignment
and balance. Azurite has earned the nickname as the stone of the heavens as it
assists us in connecting to higher realms and developing physics awareness.
Labradorite is also a great stone as it helps to protect from negative energies when
working with the third eye. You can meditate with these crystals directly on your third
eye, or alternatively place them underneath your pillow for enhanced dreams and
dream recall.
While not actually a crystal, but a meteorite, moldavite is also believed to assist you
on a spiritual journey. This green glass-like crystal is formed from a meteor impact
that happened some 15 million years ago somewhere in Southern Germany. This rock
is rare and highly sought after, so make sure you do your research and choose a
reputable seller before you make a purchase.
Other Practices
You may want to decorate your home and garden with purple plants like lavender,
Sativa, wisteria, sweet rocket and forget-me-nots. Wearing purple clothing or
choosing to meditate on the colour purple will also help to stimulate this chakra.
Journal Prompts
Try these journal prompts:
What practices help me feel more intuitive and aware?
How do I neglect my gifts?
When I picture the happiest version of myself, what am I doing and how do I
What is my highest vision in this life?
What is the most beautiful thought that I can reach for right now?
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
For this chakra, you can write down your affirmations in your journal daily, or you can
choose to speak them out loud:
I trust my intuition
I am divinely guided
I am connected to a deeper level of wisdom and understanding
I see my true potential
I love, honour and accept myself and the path I am on
I am grateful for my inner guidance
My life flows effortlessly and freely
I allow my psychic abilities to bloom
I am wise
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chapter 11: The Crown Chakra
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara
Other Names: 7th Chakra, Seat of Wisdom
Traditional symbol: A thousand-petal lotus leaf
Location: Crown of the head
Colour: Violet/White
Element: Thought
Sound: Om
Deity: Shri Lalita Devi
Sense: Universal knowing
Depicted as the most beautiful and elaborate of all the chakras, this energy centre is
represented as a lotus flower with 1,000 petals. It is located in the centre of the head
just a couple of inches above the cerebral cortex. The middle of the lotus flower
contains a circular shape representing the moon, as well as a luminous upside-down
triangle. As the crown chakra becomes more awakened and energised, it starts to
unfold and bloom into this dazzling white lotus flower with 20 layers of petals, each
containing 50 different-coloured petals.
When this chakra is fully opened and aligned, we open up a portal - a direct line to
the divine. We feel connected and we recognise the truth of our own divinity and
power. This is the chakra that allows us to see the beauty in all things. It doesn’t
matter if all of the other chakras are open and balanced, if the crown is blocked we
can’t fully experience that magic that a fully-lived life has to offer.
“You are the universe expressing itself as a human for
a little while.”
- Eckhart Tolle -
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
The Crown Chakra and the Physical Body
This chakra is linked to the nervous system, the pituitary gland and the pineal gland.
All these three parts are closely linked, and if just one of those parts is not functioning
optimally it can throw the others off-balance.
Physical ailments that may be triggered by a blocked crown chakra can include
neurological issues such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, dementia, loss of
memory and cognitive function, poor coordination, seizures and epilepsy. It can also
show up as things like hair loss or chronic headaches.
The Crown Chakra and the Emotional Body
As the last of the 7-major chakras, this energy
centre is our crowning glory. It represents
unity, oneness, divinity, connection and
enlightenment. When this chakra is fully
awakened, it can cause an enormous shift in
how we perceive this reality. We may feel like
we have lived our whole lives in black and
white, and now we get to live in colour. Things
become more alive, more connected and
divine. We may have glimpsed these
transcended states before, but when the
crown remains open we know we can fully
inhabit this new reality.
Just like all the other chakras, an imbalance in the crown chakra can happen because
of either too little or too much energy flowing to this area. This chakra can become
blocked through unhealed traumas, or by living too much in the physical and material
realms without exploring the spiritual. Sometimes it takes a big life event to trigger a
fully awakened crown chakra; there may be an accident or illness, or a loss of a loved
one, that enables us to realise that there is more to life than what we see and feel with
our senses.
When this chakra is blocked or underactive it can result in rigid belief systems or being
overly cynical. It can manifest as a general feeling of disconnection, or as a ‘me versus
the world’ mentality. It’s interesting to note that if there is a blockage in the crown, it
can often be linked to an overstimulated root chakra.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
This can also show up as things like being overly materialistic, greedy, and an
obsession with gaining more in the physical.
Signs of an overactive crown chakra include becoming obsessed with spiritual
practices. Someone may spend so much time doing ‘the work’ on their spiritual path,
that they neglect the things they need to function properly in the world. Another thing
that can happen is spiritual bypassing. This is where someone completely refuses to
see the real and raw dark stuff happening in our inner and outer worlds, and instead
only focuses on ‘love and the light’.
“Spiritual bypassing is the practice of denying and
suppressing the darkness in you and plastering it
with a sparkly feel-good bandaid”. - author unknown
How to Awaken and Align Your Crown Chakra
When working with the crown chakra, we need to move at a pace that feels
comfortable. Aside from the heart, this chakra is one of the easiest to feel. You may
have noticed sensations of tingling, warmth, heat or feelings of blissfulness arising
from the crown of the head - particularly when practising yoga, breathwork or
meditation. If you want to open this chakra, then an excellent daily practice is simply
meditating in silence while focusing your attention onto the crown of your head. Notice
what sensations and feelings are present. Tune-in and breathe deeply. You will notice
the more that you practice this, the more intense these subtle sensations become.
As mentioned in the previous chapter, kundalini yoga is an excellent style of yoga for
this chakra. You can practice specific kriyas which are repetitive movements and
breathwork that are designed to clear energetic pathways and draw the energy up to
the crown.
Inversions are also good, so try working on handstands and headstands if they
already are a part of your practice. A fun way to get upside-down is to try aerial yoga.
This playful style involves a hanging hammock which supports your body and makes
it easier to hang upside down for longer periods of time.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
To increase the flow of energy to this crown, choose to drink more high-quality water.
Try and source local spring water if possible. There is a wonderful website called
findaspring.com which allows you to find a natural spring near to where you live.
Water fasting is another way to nourish this energy centre. Studies show that drinking
only water for a period of 24 - 72 hours gives the digestive system time to rest and
acts as a reset button for the body. It helps to control and improve blood sugars,
decrease inflammation, it is excellent for heart health, it can improve brain function,
increase growth hormone secretion and improve metabolism. But fasting also has a
number of ‘energetic’ benefits for the mind, body and soul too. People who water fast
regularly report feeling more clean, clear and connected. When we take the time to
clear out old ‘gunk’ from our body, we create space for the new. We also learn to
understand our connection to food, and how we often use it to distract ourselves from
looking at things that need to be seen to be healed.
If water fasting sounds a little too intense to start, then you can try intermittent fasting,
where you take a solid food vacation during certain times in the day or week. You can
also look into juice feasting, or liquid cleanses where you choose to only consume raw
and plant-based liquid beverages for a set period of time. Think things like raw soups,
smoothies, juices, fresh coconut water and infused waters. Jason Vale has some
excellent books on juice cleansing at home, while the Complete Guide to Fasting by
Jimmy More is a great go-to for learning more
about the ancient healing practice of fasting.
While on the detoxing theme, colonics may also
be an option if you really want to clean out your
body. This process involves flushing out the
colon with water, and best done after a period
of fasting or cleansing. You can choose to have
this done in a professional setting, or you can
also use an enema kit at home. Benefits of
colonics include improved digestion, an increase
in mental clarity, healthy PH levels in the body,
and better energy levels. Many people also
notice a change in their external appearance;
eyes may become brighter and clearer, and the
skin takes on a more lustrous glow.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
When we practice self-care and clean the physical body from the inside out, it has a
knock-on effect on our energetic body too.
Breathwork is particularly important when we are fasting or cleansing. Did you know
that 70% of toxins are released through the breath on our exhales? Other ways that
the body is able to release are through bowel movements and sweat. When we
breathe deeply and fully, we provide extra support for the lymphatic system, which is
more easily able to rid toxins from our body.
To truly work on the crown chakra with the breath, we need to become conscious of
our breathing patterns throughout the day. Instead of just practising 10 minutes of
breathwork here and there, we must become conscious breathers - always aware of
the depth and length of our inhales and exhales. You can do this by setting a timer or
alarm as a reminder throughout your day, or by setting triggers so that when you see
a certain object or when you complete a specific task you pause and become aware
of the breath.
Like the third eye, OM is also the sound that reverberates through this chakra. The
sound of OM was first mentioned in an ancient text called the Upanishads. The
Mandukya Upanishad is a section that is entirely devoted to this sound. The opening
paragraph of this text translates as:
"Om is the imperishable word. Om is the universe, and
this is the exposition of om. The past, the present, and
the future, all that was, all that is, all that will be is
om. Likewise, all else that may exist beyond the bounds
of time, that too is om."
So choose to chant and listen to OM throughout your day. Add it into your yoga
practice, and repeat it every time you start and end a meditation and you will notice
a shift in how you feel.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
938hz is said to be the Solfeggio healing frequency for the crown chakra. This
frequency helps to restore balance and harmony back to the body while also allowing
the energy centre to gently awaken. A wonderful idea is to listen to an hour-long mix
of all the seven solfeggio frequencies moving from the root to the crown of the head,
as this will help to bring all the chakras into alignment. Binaural beats are also
beneficial for changing brain wave patterns, reducing stress and anxiety and
enhancing mood.
Create a home sanctuary by choosing to diffuse essential oils that can enhance your
connection with the unseen. Invest in some ‘mystical oils’ that have been used by
ancient Egyptians, priests and alchemists over the years. Try things like rich
frankincense and aromatic myrrh. Sandalwood is a good oil for helping to calm a busy
mind, enabling us to focus and meditate for longer periods of time. For vivid dream
recall, try dabbing a few drops of vetiver onto your temples before you go to sleep at
night. Cedarwood is also a great choice as it contains high levels of sesquiterpenes
which have been shown to help oxygenate the pineal and pituitary glands.
White, translucent, opaque, violet and
purple stones are beneficial for working
with this chakra. Amethyst is an excellent
starter crystal, as it's easy to find, beautiful
and affordable. This stone has a soothing,
healing and protective energy.
Quartz is considered the master healer,
and can assist with spiritual clarity and
gently increase the flow of energy
throughout the body. Selenite is also a
great crystal to work with, as it acts as an amplifier too. This crystal also has
protective properties for both your physical body and for your home and workspace.
Keep a selenite wand in your bedroom or by your front door. Remember, don’t get
your selenite wet as it's porous and can disintegrate. Instead, cleanse your crystal in
moonlight or sunlight, and keep in a dry place.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Journal Prompts
Journalling provides a space to help open and balance the crown chakra. Answer the
questions below, or create your own unique journal prompts:
What do I think the meaning of life is?
How can I see more beauty in the world?
What practices nourish my spirit?
Do I feel supported by a higher power?
What are ten things that I am grateful for today?
I AM is the most powerful affirmation of them all. When you speak the words I AM out
loud, you declare your existence and tap into that truth of who you are. I AM helps you
to see beyond your physical body, your labels and personal identity, and instead peer
into the depth of your existence and find out why you are here.
You can write your own I AM statements to create your own powerful affirmations,
here are a few to get you started:
I am connected to the divine
I am a powerful creator
I am so grateful for my body, my breath and all of my blessings
I am magic
I am love
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chapter 12: The Minor Chakra System
So much emphasis is placed on the major chakra system, that the minor or ‘secondary
chakras’ are often overlooked. It may be surprising to hear that there are actually 114
chakras in the human energy body, and even that figure is debatable depending on
the school of thought. Of these 114 chakras, 7 are major, while 21 others are
considered to be more dominant and energetically important than the remaining
energy points.
Much like an electric circuit needs to be correctly wired in order for the current to flow
and the light to turn on, we need to have clear and connected minor chakras for our
whole energy body circuit to ‘light up’ and function optimally. In this chapter, we
explore some of the minor chakras, take a look at the 12-chakra energy system and
offer some practices to help you to open and balance these energy centres too.
The 21 Minor Chakras
There is:
One chakra located in each ear
One chakra in each palm
One chakra on each cheekbone
One chakra in each foot
One chakra behind each eye
One chakra behind each knee (closely connected to the Vagus nerve)
One chakra just above the diaphragm
One chakra below the diaphragm
Two chakras in the reproductive centres
One chakra in each elbow
One chakra just underneath each of the collar bones
One chakra is close to the solar plexus
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
If you're serious about your chakra practice, then it’s certainly worth learning more
about these major energy centres that play a more subtle, yet important role in the
flow of energy throughout the body; they are particularly beneficial if you suffer from
a specific issue relating to a minor chakra. For example, you may have a problem with
your knees or ears, and choose to work on strengthening the corresponding minor
chakra first.
These chakras can be awakened and aligned using similar practices that support
major chakra health, including diet, music, breathwork, yoga and movement,
meditation, journaling, affirmation, and time spent reconnecting to nature. They may
also be awakened by working with spirit guides, angels and through energy healing
practices like reiki.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
The 12-Chakra Energy System
In previous chapters, we have discussed the major chakra system which contains
seven different energetic vortexes, each with their own frequency, colour, and links to
the emotional and physical body. There is another system called the 12-chakra
system which contains five additional chakras. Of these five chakras, two are located
above the crown chakra, two in the body and one is positioned beneath the feet.
The premise for this system is that we are energetic beings with a thin energetic cord
that roots down beneath our lower chakras, anchoring us into the world below us.
There is also a cord that stretches hundreds of thousands of miles up above our
crown, travelling beyond the stars and galaxies up to the grand central sun above us.
The exact origins of this chakra system are unknown, although it is believed to contain
elements from a blend of traditions including shamanism, new age practices and
Traditional Chinese Medicine. It is said that when all of these 12 major chakras are
fully awakened, we can draw in and hold a larger range of energies and even gain
mystical powers.
The Stellar / Divine Gateway: Universal
This chakra is positioned approximately twelve
inches above the crown of the head and is depicted
as a vortex of shimmering golden energy. The term
stellar means ‘relating to the stars’, so this chakra
links us to the heavens, drawing in higher
frequencies not accessible in this material reality.
These additional chakras are linked with angels
and higher beings; the Stellar Gateway is overseen
by Archangel Metatron who uses sacred geometry,
colour and healing frequencies to assist humans
with their spiritual development.
When this chakra awakens we are able to view
things from a higher perspective. No longer are we
caught up in third-dimensional fear and drama, but instead, we have more of a birdseye view which allows us to comprehend the interwoven connectedness of our human
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
This chakra enables us to hold more light and love within our energetic system. It is
also said that this chakra can bring gifts such as out of body travel, the ability to
channel and communicate with ‘star races’, and to heal and manifest at a much faster
The Soul Star Chakra: The Higher Self
Also known as the 8th chakra, this energy centre is located about a foot above the
crown of the head and contains a mix of white, silver and violet energies. The soul star
chakra is similar to the function of the stellar gateway, in that it also provides us with
a cosmic doorway that links us to higher realms. But unlike the stellar chakra, this
centre is more related to our own ego and identity and assists us in transforming our
dualistic nature into ‘oneness’.
This energy portal connects us to our higher self, our I AM presence. When it is
awakened and healthy, we understand why we were born into this world. We clearly
envision our soul’s purpose and mission on this planet. When this chakra is closed or
unbalanced, we may feel directionless, like we are simply floating through life without
much passion, fire or purpose. It can also manifest as anxiety, depression or a deep
lack of faith.
“You are one thing only. You are a Divine Being. An
all-powerful Creator. You are a Deity in jeans and a tshirt, and within you dwells the infinite wisdom of
the ages and the sacred creative force of All that is,
will be and ever was.”
- Anthon St. Maarten, Divine Living: The Essential
Guide To Your True Destiny
Kyanite is an excellent tool for working with the soul star chakra. This crystal carries
a high vibration and assists in aligning all of the higher chakras, thus allowing this
energy centre to gently open and receive more energy. There is also an excellent book
published by Hay House called The 8th Chakra: What It Is and How It Can Transform
Your Life by Jude Currivan. This book provides some of the most detailed information
on this energy centre, as well as a range of tools and techniques to help to awaken it.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
The Causal Chakra: The Lunar Link
This chakra is positioned near to the base of the skull and is brilliant moon-white in
colour. Legend states that this chakra was a physical centre in Atlantean times, and
actually created an elongation of the skull. This chakra connects us to a deeper
spiritual current that enables us to increase our powers of intuition. Archangel Christiel
is said to oversee this chakra, using it as a portal to assist others in becoming
Ascended Masters.
The casual chakra is heavily linked to the cycle of the moon. When the moon is full,
more lunar light is absorbed into this chakra allowing for increased awareness and
spiritual expansion. For this reason, it’s particularly beneficial to meditate under the
light of a full moon, or spend time moon-bathing and allowing the silvery light to wash
over your body. You can also charge up your crystals during a full moon, letting the
stones soak up the silvery light which can further enhance their energetic frequency
and powers.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Navel Chakra: Emotional Harmony
This chakra is located right behind the belly button, in between both the solar plexus
chakra and the sacral chakras. It is a brilliant and bright orange colour, tinged with
sunshine yellow and swirls of golden energy. Archangel Gabriel, the spiritual
messenger, is the angelic guard of this energy centre.
Much like the nearby major chakras, this energy centre stabilizes earthly, masculine
energy. When it is fully awakened it can bring more strength, protection and power
into our lives. It also helps with emotional maturity and balance. On a physical level,
this chakra plays a role in metabolism, helping us to be able to fully digest and absorb
nutrients from our food. It can be strengthened through qi-moving energy practices
like Tai Chi and martial arts, by consuming more orange fruits and vegetables, and by
reaching for good thoughts and words, which in turn produce good actions.
The Earth Star Chakra: The Super Root
This chakra is the only one to be located below the lowest major chakra in our energy
system - the root chakra. It is positioned roughly 12 inches below the soles of the feet.
Also known as the subpersonal chakra, this energy centre acts as a supercharged
base chakra. It is what grounds us into the earth, helping us to feel solid, safe and
stable, plus it connects to all other humans walking on this planet too. Some teachers
believe that when this chakra is strong and healthy it allows us to tap into our past
Not only does this chakra assist us in being more rooted and grounded, but it also
allows us to release stuck and stagnant energies back into the earth where they can
be recycled and transformed into something new.
A wonderful way to work on this chakra is to spend more time ‘earthing’, that is the
simple act of connecting to the energy of the earth with your bare feet. Studies show
that this simple process reduces inflammation in the body, and brings other health
and spiritual benefits. You can imagine there being dinner plate-sized energy vortexes
on the soles of your feet, and imagine energy being sucked up from the ground and
flowing through your whole body. This stimulates the minor chakras that are located
in the feet as well as the lower major chakras. You can then do a grounding
meditation, where you grow roots down from your feet to the centre of the earth. More
time in nature, eating heavier grounding foods and using crystals like black onyx, black
tourmaline and snowflake obsidian also assist with opening this chakra.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Chapter 13. Conclusion
Opening, awakening and aligning our chakras is a life-long practice. We can't expect
a quick fix or an overnight shift, but instead, we must learn to walk the spiritual path
with patience and grace. It’s imperative that we speak to ourselves kindly while on
this journey. Sometimes we may feel like it’s a case of one step forward and two steps
back. Life can throw us the unexpected, but it’s often these uncomfortable or more
challenging moments that help us to grow the most. It’s up to us to respond rather
than react, and keep on moving forward.
When working on the chakras, sticking to a daily routine can be one of the most
challenging aspects. You can make it easier for yourself by setting aside a specific
time every day in which you do your spiritual practices. First thing in the morning is a
great time to practice, as it will set you up for the rest of the day. It also helps if you
create a specific space to do the work in. You can charge up your space by creating a
home altar filled with trinkets, crystals and flowers. Lighting incense or burning sage
or palo santo also help to make this daily ritual more sacred. You can keep yourself
inspired along the journey by trying out new classes and techniques, studying some
of the ancient yogic texts, and learning from new teachers.
Gratitude is also an essential part of growth. If you don't have the time to go to a yoga
class, make major changes to your diet or go out to try new healing therapies, you can
always practice five minutes of gratitude.
Start to look more closely at the things that are working in your life, bless all of your
abundances, and give thanks for simply being alive. You can choose to keep a
gratitude journal or think about three things that have happened every day that you
are truly grateful for. You’ll find this simple daily practice strengthens all of your
chakras and improves your energy and outlook.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
The Dali Lama put it beautifully when he said:
“As you breathe in, cherish yourself. As you breathe
out, cherish all beings.”
It’s wonderful to be grateful for the obvious: for your body, friends and family, for
nourishing food and inspiring nature. But can you learn to truly be grateful for the less
obvious? For the heartbreak and sadness, for the pain and discomfort, and for the loss
and the grief? When we look at everything through the eyes of gratitude, life blossoms
into something more magical and meaningful. And every little thing -- no matter how
seemingly ‘good or bad’ -- becomes our best teacher. Blessings for your journey.
Chakra Awakening Encyclopedia
Sanskrit to English Translations
Adhara - Foundation or supporting base
Agni - Fire
Akasa - Ether
Bindu - Seed
Brahma - Creator God
Brahman - Is the one supreme Universal Spirit
Chakras - Energy centres in the Sushumna Nadi
Devatas - The divine guardian spirits of sacred places
Dharana - The practice of concentration
Five Pranas - Prana, Apana, Udana, Vyana and Samana
Ida - The Nadi that runs on the left side of Sushumna
Ishta Devata - The God that one prays to most
Iswara - God, Supreme being, creator of the world - both its ruler and destroyer
Kama - Passion, desire
Kanda - The source of all Nadis
Maha Peeta - Great dot or place of the Third Eye
Mandalas - Circle or special diagrams that have spiritual and ritual significance
Nadi - Astral tube that carries Prana
Nirvikalpa Samadhi - The highest transcendent state of consciousness
Pancha Bhoota - Pancha indicates five, Bhoota means elements
ParaShakti - Divine (Para), Primordial cosmic energy (Shakti)
Pingala - The Nadi that runs on the right side of Sushumna Nadi
Poorna Giri Peeta - The mountain leading to perfection
Sadhaka - Spiritual aspirant
Shakti Chalana - The practice of arousing the Kundalini and sending it to the crown chakra
Shiva/Siva - A major Hindu deity is the destroyer of evil
Sukha Mandala - Sphere of happiness
Udayana - A terrestrial lord
Varna - Meanings include kind, character, and quality
Vishnu - Hindu God who sustains all creation