How to Ground yourself

How to Ground yourself
There are different ways to ground yourself. This method is done by focusing on the wheels of
energy in your first 3 chakras. Grounding is simply sending some of this energy deep into the
Earth without it draining you. It allows you to be ‘in’ your body, to be rock solid and to be able
to ‘feel’ your feelings.
Let me begin by briefly describing the first 3 chakras:
First: Base Chakra. This wheel of energy is located at the base of your spine. Its colour is
bright red. It’s an unemotional, thought free energy. When it’s flowing strongly, it gives a
certainty to the instincts and a wordless grace.
Second: Sacral Chakra. This wheel of energy is located in your lower belly. Its colour is
orange. This chakra deals with the emotions, sexuality and identity. When it’s flowing strongly,
it allows for clairsentient, empathic abilities.
Third: Solar Plexus Chakra. This wheel of energy is located a few inches above your belly
button. Its colour is sunshine yellow. This chakra deals with factual information and the
immune system – both physical and spiritual. When it’s flowing strongly, it allows for a strong
sense of your own power.
To ground yourself, begin by sitting or standing with your feet flat on the floor. Close your
eyes. Begin breathing deeply through your nose. Expand your lungs to full capacity. Hold the
breath for a count of five. Now breath out deeply via your mouth, allowing yourself to make
the Haaa sound as you do so. Be aware of your lungs, rib cage and diaphragm whilst you do
this. You are breathing consciously: not as you usually do. Do 5 of these breaths. Then allow
your breathing to return to its normal level. With your eyes still closed, do a mental scan of
your body. Are there tight muscles anywhere? Begin with your feet, move up the legs, and
check your buttocks, main body, arms, neck, then your face, particularly around the eyes and
brow. Consciously relax every tight spot you feel.
Stay relaxed. Now breath once more consciously using the Haaa breathing. This time though
imagine drawing your breath up into your body via your feet. I know this sounds strange – but
try it! When you breathe out, let the breath flow back out down your body exiting out of the
soles of your feet. Repeat this breathing 5 times over. And again allow your breathing to
return to normal.
Visualize your first, base chakra at the very end of your spine: the base of your torso. This red
energy wheel is between 3 and 5 inches wide. Feel it spinning warmly. Now redirect some its
energy down to the ground. This will not drain you: you are simply redirecting some of it. See
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the energy as spiral of red energy, the thickness of a strong cord, drilling down, out of your
body, down into the floor, down into the depths of the building you are in, down into the
ground, through the rocks. See it travelling from you deep into the core of the Earth and now
anchor it at the centre. This cord of red energy is holding you firmly to the ground and remains
there as you return your consciousness back into your body.
Now get a sense of your second, sacral chakra. This is located about 2 inches below your belly
button. It’s orange in colour. Feel this wheel of energy spinning inside of you. Now redirect
some of the energy downwards, out of your body. In your mind’s eye, see the orange energy
cord go through the floor, into the ground, through the rocks all the way to the centre of the
Earth to join the red cord that is anchored there. Now return your consciousness back into
your body.
Finally, get a sense of third, solar plexus chakra. This is located about 2-3 inches above your
belly button. It’s a bright sunshine yellow. Feel this wheel of energy spinning inside of you.
Now redirect some of its flow downwards and out of your body and into the ground. Allow a
spiral of yellow energy join the red and orange energy cords that you have already sent down.
Follow its progress deep into the centre of the Earth.
With all three energy cords anchoring you to the centre of the Earth, you are now grounded.
You energy will remain in your body and not go flying off into space of get entangled with the
energies of other people. From this grounded place you can do your intuitive work.
Note: If you are unaccustomed to ‘being in your body’ after this grounding exercise, you
might feel like your feet and legs are made of clay for they feel so heavy! This is normal – in
time your body will adjust to the stronger energy within your body.
red dandelion • 65 buxton road • weymouth • dorset • dt4 9pl • uk
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