EXOSOMES BY DR ESRAA ELKHATIEB DR MARIEM SOLA DERMATOLOGY ANDROLOGY AND VENEREOLOGY SPECIALISTS E EXOSOMES ARE THE NEW ERA • For the past few years exosomes have been the talk in all medical fields • It enters in almost all medical subspecialities assuming to be the solution of almost all sever and incurable diseases including cancer, erectile dysfunction , fibromyalgia and osteoarthritis. • As the aesthetic medicine has been growing and almost all people started to take care of their looks and to look younger , healthier and erasing all the wrinkles . Dermatologist started to use these magical new drug called exosomes , as they study the nature of the diseases and the product to see if this is true or all is a myth. • Of course till this time it is not FDA approved in any filed . All under trials • But let’s talk a little about that. SKIN DISEASES • There are main three diseases in the skin that cause all skin problems 1. Aging due to wrinkles 2. Skin spotting or pigmentation 3. Dryness of the skin CAUSES OF AGING PROCESS 1. Of course knowing the reason for aging can solve a lot of problems this includes 2. Exogenous factors like Pollution 3. Environmental toxins 4. Sun 5. Endogenous toxins like free radicales 6. Unhealthy food 7. Decrease vitamins and minerals 8. Dehydration EXOSOMES NATURE • Exosomes are part of the mesynchymal membrane of the cells that is responsible for • Cell signaling • It can be derived from any type of cells unlike the stem cells used in other products like LC and DX • The contains stem cells of course there is no neoclus • It can be human, plant or synthetic source • There are different products in the market contains those types of exosomes • Human type like EXOMIDE EXOSOME this is made in USA • Plant type like Elysee this is Korean • Synthetic type like Vtech this is korean DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HUMAN AND PLANT TYPE EXOSOME DIFFERENCE BETWEEN STEM CELLS AND EXOSOMES WHY WE SHOULD USE EXOSOME 1. Results can be achieved from the second session 2. One vial can be used in treating different types of cases hair and skin 3. A lot of international doctors thinks it is a magic. 4. All trials has been shown it is very promising drug treating resistant cases OUR PRODUCT DQSOME ROLE OF PDRN HOW TO USE THIS VIAL HOW LONG CAN U SAFELY USE THE VIAL AFTER OPENING? PATIENT SELECTION WAYS OF INJECTION PRODUCT INTERACTION