Additional Mathematics Chapter 5 Co-ordinate Geometry – The Straight Line ANSWERS FOR ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES Just for Fun (pg 114) The third man will either see two white hats or one black and one white hat because if he sees two black hats, he would have known that he is wearing a white hat. The second man must have seen a white hat because if he sees a black hat, he would have known that he must be wearing a white hat from the third man’s response. Thus the first man knows that he can only be wearing a white hat from the other two men’s response. Just for Fun (pg 107) The lengths of SR and PQ are equal in all the three cases. We may feel that PQ RS in (a) PQ RS in (b) and PQ RS in (c) Try measuring the lengths of PQ and RS with a ruler. This is due to optical illusion. Teachers’ Resource NSAM SHINGLEE PUBLISHERS PTE LTD Geometer’s SketchPad(GSP) WS-5-1Coordinate Geometry 1. We can use the GSP to show by inference that the product of the gradients of two perpendicular lines is equal to -1. 2. At choose Display and Preferences and Autoshow for Points and Straight objects. Select the Precision for the slope measure and Distance as tenths. 3. At select Graph, Show Axes and Show Grid. 4. At choose Graph and then Plot points. A panel will appear where you can enter the co-ordinates of the points you want to plot. Plot three points and choose Free Points so that we can move the points later on. 5. Join the points CD and CE with . 6. Use to select the line j and from the Measure menu, choose Slope to measure the slope or the gradient of the line j. Find the gradient of the line k in the similar manner. 7. Select Measure and Calculate to find the product of the gradients j and k by clicking slope j from the screen and * the slope k from the screen. Then click OK. 8. Use of to move the points C, then D and then E to see how the values of the slopes the lines are measured and the products are calculated for you. 9. Use to select the point D and with shift key on, select points C and E and choose Angle from the Measure Menu to measure the angle DCE. Teachers’ Resource NSAM SHINGLEE PUBLISHERS PTE LTD 10. Drag the point D until the angle DCE is 90 degrees. What do you notice about the product of the gradients of the two lines, j and k? 11. Conclusion: _________________________________________________________ Teachers’ Resource NSAM SHINGLEE PUBLISHERS PTE LTD