GRADE LEVEL __12___ SUBJECT MATTER _____COOKERY___ School JOSE DIVA AVELINO JR. NHS Teacher EMELYN F. DILAO DETAILED LESSON PLAN A. Content Standards PAGE NO. 1 Grade Level 12 Learning Area COOKERY NC II The learners demonstrate an understanding he knowledge, skills, and attitudes required in preparing appetizers. B. Performance Standards The learners independently prepare salad and dressing. LO 1.3 C. Learning Competencies/ Write the LC code for each II. CONTENT III. LEARNING RESOURCES A. Reference 1. Teacher's Guide pages 2. Learner's Material pages 3. Textbook pages 4. Additional Materials from identify ingredients according to the given recipe TLE_HECK9- 12SD-IIa-7 Classification of salads according to ingredients Learner's Material and Teacher's Guide Learner's Material, Teacher's Guide Cookery NC CG, Cookery Book Rex Bookstore 128-129 128-129 Learner's Material, Teacher's Guide Cookery NC CG, learning Resource (LR) portal B. Other Learning Resources IV. PROCEDURES A. Reviewing previous lesson (ELICIT) DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN COOKERY NC II TRACT/STRAND ___TVL/HE____ STUDENTS’ RESPONSES/ACTIVITY Name Me! Pictures of the different kitchen tools and utensils in preparing appetizer will be shown then the class will be asked to tell something about it. Students recall the different tools and equipment used in making salad Student will pick a picture and will paste it on the board and explain its use (Students answer may vary) TEACHER’S NOTES GRADE LEVEL __12___ SUBJECT MATTER _____COOKERY___ DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN COOKERY NC II TRACT/STRAND ___TVL/HE____ KNIFE CHOPPING BOARDS PEELER MIXING BOWLS GRATER/SHREDER Students will identify the tools in preparing appetizer according to its use. PAGE NO. 2 GRADE LEVEL __12___ A. Establishing a purpose for the lesson (ENGAGE) SUBJECT MATTER _____COOKERY___ DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN COOKERY NC II TRACT/STRAND ___TVL/HE____ Objective No. 7: Selects, develops, organizes, and uses appropriate teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to address learning goals. (Students were able to utilize the available learning resources through the activity given to them.) Objective No. 1: Applies knowledge and content within and across curriculum teaching areas. Activity 1 (Jigsaw puzzle) Group students into 3 for an activity. Each group will be given an envelope. Inside the envelope are pieces of paper which when connected properly will come up with a picture. Each group will be given 3 minutes to finish the task and when done with the task they have to post their work on the board. Ask students about the activity Present a Video Activity 2 “The fruit Salad action Song” Encourage students to join the sing and dance activity A. Presenting examples/instances of the new lesson PAGE NO. 3 Give feedbacks and ask What are the different fruits and vegetables available in the market and surrounding Cookery NC II LO 1.4 1.4 identify ingredients according to the given recipe (APPETIZER) TLE_HECK9- 12PA-Ic-3 Agri-Crops Production LO 4.1 Perform planting seeds TLE_AFAACP9-12PLCR-Ie-j24 GRADE LEVEL __12___ B. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1(EXPLORE) SUBJECT MATTER _____COOKERY___ DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN COOKERY NC II TRACT/STRAND ___TVL/HE____ Discuss the classification of salad CLASSIFICATION OF SALAD Green Salads – leafy greens GREEN SALAD Vegetable, Grain Legumes and Pasta Salads Bound salads FRUIT SALAD Vegetable salads are salads whose main ingredients are vegetables other than lettuce or other leafy greens. Starchy items such as grains, pastas and dried legumes can also form the body of a salad. Bound salads are mixture of foods that are held together or bound with a dressing usually a thick dressing like mayonnaise. The term bound is most often used for traditional mixtures of cooked protein, starch and vegetables items with mayonnaise like chicken salad, tuna salad, egg salad and potato salad. Fruit salad contain fruits as their main ingredients, like appetizer salads or dessert salads. PAGE NO. 4 GRADE LEVEL __12___ SUBJECT MATTER _____COOKERY___ DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN COOKERY NC II TRACT/STRAND ___TVL/HE____ COMPOSED SALAD GELATIN SALAD Composed Salads – are made by carefully arranging items on a plate, rather than tossing them together. Gelatin Salads – most gelatin products are made with sweetened prepared mixes with artificial color and flavor. But some professional cook used to prepare salads using unflavored gelatin relying on fruit juices and other ingredients for flavor. PAGE NO. 5 GRADE LEVEL __12___ SUBJECT MATTER _____COOKERY___ • E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #2 DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN COOKERY NC II TRACT/STRAND ___TVL/HE____ Show pictures of the different Salad Ingredients INGREDIENTS OF SALAD 1. Salad Greens – Iceberg lettuce, Romain Lettuce, Boston Lettuce, Biff or limestone lettuce, Chinese cabbage, Spinach, Sprouts 2. Vegetables (Raw) - avocado, bean sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, mushrooms, onions, peppers, radish, tomatoes. 3. Vegetables (Cooked, pickled and canned) – asparagus, beets, carrots, cauliflower, corn, pimientos, olives, peppers, cucumber 4. Starches–dried beans, potatoes, macaroni products, grains, bread (croutons) 5. Fruits (Fresh, Cooked, Canned or frozen) – Apple, banana, berries, coconut, melons, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, mangoes 6. Protein foods – meat (beef, ham), poultry, fish and shellfish, salami, luncheon meat, bacon, eggs, hard cooked, cheese, cottage cheese, aged or cured types 7. Miscellaneous- gelatin, nuts PAGE NO. 6 GRADE LEVEL __12___ F. Developing mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment 3) SUBJECT MATTER _____COOKERY___ DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN COOKERY NC II TRACT/STRAND ___TVL/HE____ PICK ME Show pictures of the different Salad ingredients that are in a basket Identify what are the available fruits and vegetables that can be made into salad PAGE NO. 7 (EXPLAIN) G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living (ELABORATE) H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson Students will pick pictures and classify the salad According to the ingredients that are in the basket. 1. Salad Greens – Iceberg lettuce, Romain Lettuce, Boston Lettuce, What are the different classifications of salads according to use? According to ingredients? How can you prepare your own salad recipe? What are the ingredients used in preparing salad? Objective No. 7: Selects, develops, organizes, and uses appropriate teaching and learning resources, including ICT, to address learning goals. GRADE LEVEL __12___ SUBJECT MATTER _____COOKERY___ DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN COOKERY NC II TRACT/STRAND ___TVL/HE____ Biff or limestone lettuce, Chinese cabbage, Spinach, Sprouts 2. Vegetables (Raw) - avocado, bean sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, celery, cucumber, mushrooms, onions, peppers, radish, tomatoes. 3. Vegetables (Cooked, pickled and canned) – asparagus, beets, carrots, cauliflower, corn, pimientos, olives, peppers, cucumber 4. Starches–dried beans, potatoes, macaroni products, grains, bread (croutons) 5. Fruits (Fresh, Cooked, Canned or frozen) – Apple, banana, berries, coconut, melons, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, mangoes 6. Protein foods – meat (beef, ham), poultry, fish and shellfish, salami, luncheon meat, bacon, eggs, hard cooked, cheese, cottage cheese, aged or cured types 7. Miscellaneous- gelatin, nuts Why is it important to know the ingredients used in salad preparation? In order for you to make the perfect salad you need to know something about the kinds of ingredients that you can use. PAGE NO. 8 GRADE LEVEL __12___ SUBJECT MATTER _____COOKERY___ DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN COOKERY NC II TRACT/STRAND ___TVL/HE____ I. Evaluating Learning (EVALUATE) Give a 5-item evaluation on Classification of Salads According to Ingredients Used Multiple Choice: 1. Salads that can be served as a full meal because it contains substantial portion of meat, poultry, seafood’s, fruits and vegetables. a) appetizer salad b) main course salad c) accompaniment salad d) dessert salad 2. Salads made of mixtures of ingredients that are held together usually with a thick dressing like mayonnaise. a) green salads b) composed salads c) vegetable salads d) bound salads 3. Salad ingredients are arranged on plate rather than being mixed together a) fruit salad b) bound salad c) composed salad d) vegetable salad 4. Contains fruits as their main ingredients, like appetizer salads or dessert salads. a) bound salad b) fruit salad c) composed salad d) green salad 5. Made with sweetened prepared mixes with artificial color and flavor. PAGE NO. 9 GRADE LEVEL __12___ SUBJECT MATTER _____COOKERY___ a) composed salad fruit salad A. Additional Activities for application or remediation (ENHANCE) DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN COOKERY NC II TRACT/STRAND ___TVL/HE____ b) green salads c. gelatin salads PAGE NO. 10 d. TRY ME! Make your own salad using the given salad recipe. Take a video while doing it and send to my messenger or include in your previous album. Teacher prepared rubrics on how to assess learner's practical test. For learners who are lagging behind or are experiencing difficulty in coping with the lesson, the video presentation made by their classmate will be sent to them for remediation. Objective No. 5: Plan and deliver teaching strategies that are responsive to the special educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including: geographic isolation, chronic illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement or disasters, child abuse and child labor practices (To address students whom are working, a video presentation or the output of their classmate will be sent to them for remediation.) GRADE LEVEL __12___ V. REMARKS/ INSTRUCTIONAL DECISION VI. REFLECTION A. No. of learners who earned 80%in the evaluation. B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. D. No. of Learners who continue to require remediation E. Which of my teaching Strategies worked well? Why did these work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/ discover which I wish to share with other teachers? SUBJECT MATTER _____COOKERY___ DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN COOKERY NC II TRACT/STRAND ___TVL/HE____ GRADE and SECTION PAGE NO. 11