Tailings Management Consortium Filtered Stacked Tailings A Guide for Study Managers © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium. First Edition, March 2024 Comments and feedback are welcome KnowledgeBaseFeedback@visionippm.com 3 Acknowledgments Sponsor Tailings Management Consortium Editor Rachel Jansen Paterson & Cooke Lead Authors Mark Coghill Rio Tinto Waldo Dressel Red Earth Engineering Geoff Liggins Consultant Josh Rogers Rio Tinto Russell Staines BHP Todd Wisdom Paterson & Cooke Christopher Bareither Colorado State University Robert Cooke Paterson & Cooke Silvana Dal Pozzo BHP Amanda de Ruyter Rio Tinto Luke Dimech BHP Colleen English Rio Tinto Theo Gerritsen Rio Tinto Kaci Jenkins Rio Tinto Ognjen Kotur Rio Tinto Steve Liddell BHP Antonio Pucci Rio Tinto Ashley Rasmussen Paterson & Cooke Joseph Scalia Colorado State University Tony Tran BHP Kiron Unda BHP Nikk Vagias Rio Tinto Lourdes Valle BHP Contributors Photography Contributors Metso, FLSmidth, Diemme Filtration, BHP, Rio Tinto, Paterson & Cooke © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium Contents 1. Overview 6 1.1 7 Introduction 1.2 Filtered Tailings Study Approach 8 1.3 Filtered Tailings Study - Key Learnings 12 2. Tailings Characterization 14 2.1 Key Points 15 2.2 Introduction 16 2.3 Key Tailings Characterization Parameters 17 2.3.1 18 Preliminary Filtration Assessment 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests 20 2.4 Typical Characterization Issues 38 3. Site Closure 42 3.1 Key Points 43 3.2 Introduction 44 3.3 Filtered Tailings Stack Closure Design 45 3.3.1 Temporary Engineered Covers 45 3.3.2 Permanent Engineered Covers 46 3.3.3 Soil Covers 48 3.4 Potential Stack Closure Risks 50 © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 5 4. Filtered Tailings Stack 52 6. Tailings Dewatering 92 4.1 Key Points 53 6.1 Key Points 93 4.2 Introduction 54 6.2 Introduction 94 4.3 Physical Stability 56 6.3 Typical Filtered Tailings Dewatering Flowsheet 96 4.4 Chemical Stability 60 6.4 Thickening 99 4.4.1 61 6.4.1 99 4.5 Water Management 64 6.4.2 Thickener Technology 100 4.5.1 66 6.5 Filtration 104 66 6.5.1 Basics 104 4.6 Design Considerations 68 6.5.2 Filtration Technology 106 4.6.1 68 6.5.3 Vertical Plate Pressure Filter 108 6.6 Considerations for Design 112 6.6.1 112 Geochemical Classification High Rainfall Areas 4.5.2 Arid and Semi-Arid Regions Tailings Compaction and Zonation 4.6.2 Filtered Tailings Stacking Over Conventional Facilities 69 4.6.3 Water Management Considerations 70 4.6.4 Geochemical Considerations 70 Basics Equipment Sizing 6.6.2 Planning for Maintenance 114 6.6.3 Filter and Building Design 116 7. Opportunities 118 7.1 Key Points 119 7.2 Introduction 120 4.7 Operational Considerations 71 4.8 Recommended Tasks by Study Level 72 5. Material Transport & Stacking 74 5.1 Key Points 75 7.3 Potential Project Justifications 121 5.2 Introduction 77 7.4 Opportunities to Reduce Project Costs 122 5.3 Design Parameters 78 5.3.1 78 7.4.1 Classification to Improve Filtration Characteristics 122 Tailings Filter Cake Properties 5.3.2 Tailings Production Volume 78 7.4.2 Improved Evaporative Drying using Plough and Discs 5.3.3 Distance and Topography 79 7.4.3 Improved Thin Lift Filter Cake Deposition 125 5.3.4 Climate 79 7.4.4 Co-Disposal and Co-Mingling 5.3.5 Construction Requirements 79 5.3.6 Access Roads and Ramps 79 5.4 Tailings Loading, Transport, Deposition and Conditioning Equipment 80 5.5 Tailings Transport, Deposition and Conditioning 86 5.5.1 86 Transport Equipment Considerations 5.5.2 Deposition Equipment Considerations 88 5.5.3 Conditioning Equipment Considerations 90 5.5.4 Handling Off-Specification Tailings 91 8. References & Recommended Reading 124 126 130 8.1 References 131 8.2 Recommended Reading 132 © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 6 1. Overview © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 7 1.1 Introduction In sharing a commitment to adopt global best practices for tailings management facilities, the International Council on Mining and Metals, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the Principles for Responsible Investment co-convened the Global Tailings Review to establish an international tailings standard. The Global Tailings Standard published in August 2020 requires consideration of alternative options to conventional tailings management facilities which have the potential to deliver improved technical and environmental, social and governance outcomes throughout the facility’s lifecycle. Such options include in-pit disposal, underground tailings placement, and the application of dewatering technologies to minimize the amount of water placed in surface tailings facilities. As the mining industry, and society at large, places greater scrutiny on tailings management, filtered tailings have come to the forefront of options for consideration by mine operators to significantly reduce the amount of water sent to, and stored on, a surface tailings facility. Filtered stacked tailings (Figure 1) is an alternative tailings management system that builds a geotechnically and geochemically stable structure from tailings that have been filtered to produce an unsaturated, soil-like building material. Filtered tailings management facilities have been successfully implemented across a range of industries including gold, copper, iron ore, and aluminium processing (red mud). Historically, the approach to tailings management has been for the tailings facility operators to accept the tailings delivered from the metallurgical plant, and a typical wet tailings storage facility (Figure 2) designed to handle a wide range of slurry solids concentrations if the water can be managed effectively. The transition to lower risk, more socially acceptable dry tailings facilities require a fundamental change to this practice. It is critical to recognize that approaches, methodologies, and design parameters that are applicable to conventional tailings system design may not be appropriate for filtered tailings systems. This document provides guidance to project study managers who are evaluating filtered tailings systems, specifically using pressure filtration technology, to produce a self-supported filtered tailings stack, also known as “dry” stacked tailings. The term “dry”, widely adopted by the mining industry, is used to describe unsaturated tailings (i.e., the voids between particles contain water and air, usually at moistures less than 25% by mass), rather than truly dry (i.e., the voids between particles contain only air). When surcharged, the dry tailings stack base can become saturated. Thus, the term “dry” does not truly reflect the stack’s moisture content and profile. Figure 1 shows a filtered tailings stack, while Figure 2 shows a typical conventional wet tailings facility. Figure 1 Figure 2 © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 8 1.2 Filtered Tailings Study Approach Figure 3 shows a recommended approach to filtered tailings system design studies. The goal is to create a geotechnically and geochemically stable landform that meets closure requirements (i.e., regulatory, environmental, etc.) and minimizes the associated capital and operating costs by optimizing the upstream processes and mine plan. To implement safe and reliable filtered stacked tailings facilities, the tailings delivered to the facility must consistently comply with the stack’s specified geotechnical moisture requirements (i.e., the generated tailings need to be considered as a product). This iterative approach requires that the design process starts with establishing the geotechnical requirements for the facility, which in turn identifies the moisture target range for the tailings dewatering plant. A holistic approach ensures that other considerations such as facility siting, community and cultural heritage, water management, dust control and closure requirements are included in the system design. The goal is to use tailings to create a stable landform in perpetuity and to develop the project starting with closure and stepping back to the mine (ore body). © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium Site Closure Define the stack (and site) closure objectives, constraints and threats. Assessment should include community impact (i.e. visual), usage, (recreation, farmland etc.) and leachate management. APPROACH 9 Site Closure Review by-product opportunities to reduce the stack size. Filtered Tailings Stack Define the compacted stacked threshold moisture based on the standard Proctor test, seismic and slope stability tests. Material Transport & Stacking Filtered Tailings Stack Material Transport & Stacking Assess filter cake transport requirements, analyses and project costs, to optimize the filter plant location (i.e., proximity to the concentrator or stack site). Conduct tests to define the filter cake material handling properties, and the Flow Moisture Point. Tailings Dewatering Conduct filter performance tests to ensure the Flow Moisture Point and Proctor moistures are achievable. If not, then review the filter feed conditioning (i.e. thickening, pH, coagulation etc.), upstream process changes, and post-filter solar or thermally assisted drying. Tailings Dewatering TA I L I N G S C H A R A C T E R I Z AT I O N Develop a stack design that meets closure plan based upon the facility siting options study, selected site surveys (topography, hydrology, seismicity, geology etc.), community/ stakeholder engagement, and filtered tailings characterization. Concentrator Size and cost the filtration plant. Consider cost reduction opportunities associated with feed pre-conditioning and upstream process changes. Concentrator and Mine Alter upstream processes and mine plan to optimize filtration performance and costs. Examples include ore discrimination, slimes reduction and pyrite removal. Mine Figure 3: Recommended approach to filtered tailings system design study. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 10 1.2 Filtered Tailings Study Approach (cont.) A filtered tailings operation is essentially an earthworks project, where the terrain is reshaped by placement of a large volume of tailings. The final landform can either be permanently closed and re-used for another purpose (i.e., farming, recreational area), or reclaimed to recover critical materials. To plan for closure, the total volume of tailings that will be produced over the life of the mine needs to be well understood, and opportunities to reduce this volume through mine planning, processing (e.g., ore sorting), or producing by-products should be considered. Initial tailings facility siting studies should be completed at a high level to develop a short list of preferred sites. These selected sites are then evaluated in more detail considering a wide range of factors from multiple disciplines, including but not limited to land ownership, permitting, ground conditions, hydrology, dust generation and seismicity. Filtered tailings transport costs are usually high compared to pumping slurry, so efforts should be made to reduce the distances between the proposed filter cake production area and the tailings facility, and review utility (e.g., electricity and water) availability and costs. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 11 Meeting the required stability of the stack. The stack can be designed as a self-supporting structure of fully compacted filtered tailings or some compacted filtered tailings and/or borrowed material may be considered for embankment construction to contain non-compacted filter cake. The costs associated with filtration, compaction and sourcing borrowed material need to be assessed to identify opportunities for cost reduction. Seepage and surface water management at the stack must be incorporated into the design. To create the desired landform, construction material, in this case tailings, needs to meet certain specifications. Geotechnical characterization of the tailings, including optimum standard (or modified) Proctor dry density and moisture content inform the design of the filtered tailings stack and cake specification. This cake specification also needs to pass the requirements for effective materials handling and transport by trucking or conveying. Flow moisture point, conveyability and material flow properties testing will indicate if the filter cake will liquify during transport or is sticky and a potential risk for plugging transfer points. A range of options can be considered for filter cake transport, placement, and compaction. For large tonnages, conveyors and mobile bridge stackers are usually the more economical solution, however these technologies as they currently exist do not allow flexibility for thinner deposition layers or maneuvering in tight areas within the stack footprint. Trucks can place tailings in thinner lifts and more complex geometries but can become uneconomical at large tailings operations. Factors including topography, site weather conditions and travel distance all need to be considered when optimizing the filtered tailings transport system. Dewatering technologies to produce filter cake should be assessed in conjunction with any other upstream processes after tailings production. For example, it is common to install a relatively low-cost thickener ahead of pressure filtration to reduce the filter cycle time and thus the plant size. Optimizing thickener size and performance ensures that the filter feed yield stress target can be maintained despite upstream variances. As ore bodies around the world become more finely disseminated with lower grades and higher clay contents, the trend is to grind finer to achieve liberation and recovery of value metals. Thus, pressure filtration technology is typically required to achieve target cake moisture contents for stable stacking and optimal compaction of fine and/or high clay content tailings. Pressure filtration, combined with tailings stacking and compacting, typically has a higher capital and operating cost compared to conventional tailings thickening operations. Also filtered tailings systems are very different to conventional tailings systems, for example: • A filtered tailings stack operation requires greater process control than a thickener operation pumping tailings to a surface impoundment. • Filtration performance and filter cake geotechnical behavior can be more sensitive to upstream variations. Opportunities can be pursued upstream to improve filtration rates and reduce dewatering costs, such as coarsening the grind size, reducing fines generation, or ore sorting. Filtration index testing of drill core samples could be incorporated into the geo-metallurgical testing campaign for mine plan modelling. An overarching requirement for implementing a successful filtered tailings system is the characterization of the tailings expected over the life of the mine. Understanding the ore variability and planned run-of-mine blending is crucial for selecting representative samples for test work and designing a robust, economic solution that covers all aspects of the system. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 12 1.3 Filtered Tailings Study Key Learnings The following chapters will discuss in more detail tailings characterization, designing for closure, stack geotechnical parameters, geochemical requirements, and considerations for dewatering and cake handling. To assist the study manager the top key learnings that must be applied include: CHAPTER KEY LEARNING PROJECT IMPACT Tailings Characterization Only use representative tailings and water samples for dewatering, materials handling, geochemical and geotechnical test work. Tailings characterization is fundamental to developing and costing the process flow sheet. Non-representative tailings and water assessments can lead to false positive or false negative study outcomes. Complete standard (and/or modified) Proctor Optimum Moisture Content and Flow Moisture Point tests to define the transport and stacking moisture thresholds before embarking on comprehensive filtration test work and flow sheet development. Transport and stacking moisture thresholds inform the process flow sheet development and target filter cake moisture range. The target moisture range is used to define the comprehensive filtration test work program. Site Closure Company, stakeholder and regulatory closure expectations and the capping (cover) design drives the stack location, design, surface runoff water and leachate management, and closure duration. Allocate sufficient time and resources to fully engage with community and regulatory representatives to discuss the potential visual, noise, dust, environmental and cultural impacts, and the final landform vegetation, topography, and usage. Filtered Tailings Stack Filtered stacked tailings operations are more complex than conventional slurry tailings management strategies and have the potential to significantly increase the project costs and become the operational bottleneck. Engage experienced processing and geotechnical engineers to conduct failure and consequence assessments (accounting for climate change), and develop process designs and operating strategies to manage: If the transport and stacking moisture thresholds are below what can be economically achieved by pressure filtration, significant investment may be required for post-filtration drying (such as mechanical mud farming or a larger facility footprint for evaporative drying) to reduce in-situ moistures before compaction. • Ore body and upstream process variances. • Inclement weather events that prevent tailings placement. • Handling and storage of non-specification filter feed or filter cake. • Relatively low filter utilization and unplanned shutdowns requiring some redundancy in the filter plant. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 13 1.3 Filtered Tailings Study Key Learnings (cont.) Filtered Tailings Stack (cont.) Filtered tailings stacking can promote oxidation of sulfides present in tailings, lowering the pH of surface runoff water and leachate. Tailings with high sulfide content may preclude filtered stacked tailings from the options being assessed unless upstream process changes are implemented to remove and separately manage the potentially acid forming sulfides. Filtered tailings stacks still require surface runoff water and leachate management, which may continue long after the closure cap (cover) is installed. Allocate time and resources to: • Conduct the appropriate laboratory surface runoff, stack leaching and Acid Metalliferous Drainage assessments, and develop surface and ground water models. • Model the process flow volume, suspended solids, and solute balance to define the potential impact on the upstream process water quality and the project’s water management strategy. Material Transport and Stacking Operating costs for filter cake transport and placement can be comparable to dewatering operating costs. Transport costs and the associated environmental, cultural and community impacts may constrain the stack site selection, and potentially require the filtration plant to be located adjacent to the stack. Tailings Dewatering Filtration rate, plant size and costs are driven by tailings and process properties, feed slurry solid concentration and shear yield stress (i.e., the lower and upper operating boundaries, respectively). Allocate time and resources to understand how the tailings properties over the life of operation will impact the filtration performance. Filter utilization is typically less than 80% (driven by planned maintenance requirements) and some redundancy is required at the filter plant to match the availability of the concentrator. Major pressure filter maintenance requirements are associated with filter cloth and filter plates. To facilitate maintenance the filter plant design should: • Allow plate exchange to occur without impacting production. • Allow sufficient floor space to safely perform plate maintenance and cloth change outs. • Include a roof to prevent ultra-violet radiation degrading the plates, and walls to allow crane usage at winds speeds above 10 km/h. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 14 2. Tailings Characterization © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 15 2.1 Key Points Tailings characteristics can vary with ore source, upstream processing steps and water quality. Thus, it is important to validate the key filtration study assumptions by completing a preliminary filtration assessment. Delay comprehensive characterization programs until the process flowsheet and tailings facility options are defined, and regulatory data requirements are known. Only characterize representative tailings, site raw water and process water samples. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 16 2.2 Introduction Tailings characterization is the ‘corner stone’ of a tailings engineering study. It provides data that assists with flowsheet development, reagent and equipment selection, filtered tailings stack design, and the identification of potential occupational health, safety and environmental issues. Characterization data can also be used to identify potential onsite and offsite reuse (repurposing) opportunities. This chapter outlines the key tailings laboratory characterization parameters and assessment issues, particularly during the early engineering study phases. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 17 2.3 Key Tailings Characterization Parameters As illustrated in Table 1, the characterization of tailings properties is a continuous process as the project advances through the various engineering study phases. Table 1: Typical tailings characterization performed at each engineering study phase. Laboratory characterization tests typically commence with the Order of Magnitude study and are expanded during Prefeasibility and Feasibility to address the study data requirements and the identified project risks. CONCEPTUAL STUDY ORDER OF MAGNITUDE STUDY Conceptual study tailings data is usually inferred from available sources rather than measured, particularly when expanding an existing mine, or assessing comparable operations. However, a preliminary filtration assessment is recommended to identify any potential fatal flaws with advancing a filtered tailings stack flowsheet and to validate the Conceptual study assumptions. Tailings properties are usually inferred from available sources (e.g., publications, experience with similar tailings, and comparable operations). Recommend completing preliminary filtration assessment to valid Conceptual Study assumptions. Tailings processing and storage design criteria relevant to each option being assessed should be based on laboratory characterization testing. Major data acquisition occurs during this stage. The level of assessment must be sufficient to confirm the scope of the preferred option(s). PREFEASIBILITY STUDY Critical parameters required to characterize tailings (e.g., geochemistry, consolidation and permeability, strength, rheology, dewatering properties etc.) are determined with reasonable assurance, using at least bench scale tests. If required, detailed or large-scale pilot plant tests on bulk samples are typically undertaken during this study phase. FEASIBILITY STUDY Supplementary process and geotechnical data acquisition to address specific tailings management risks (e.g., design or operational) can occur during this study phase. This study phase can also include the completion of pilot plant test work to confirm tailings and process design parameters. The extensive list of tailings parameters that can be characterized is beyond the scope of this chapter. The key physical, chemical, geochemical, geotechnical, materials handling, solid-liquid separation and rheology characterization parameters that should be considered are presented in Table 2 to Table 7. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 18 2.3.1 Preliminary Filtration Assessment One of the challenges with filtered tailings engineering studies is the lack of first principles theory to define the expected material-specific behavior, as the randomness and interactions of mineralogy, particle size, particle shape, slurry motion, and water chemistry are difficult to model. Thus, test work and industry experience play a significant role in the design of filtered stacked tailings systems. While inferred data is typically used during the Conceptual study, tailings geotechnical, dewatering, and geochemical properties can vary significantly for a given commodity. Hence, the inferred data may not be appropriate. Also, once characterization commences, the study team can be overwhelmed by the list of possible characterization parameters, test standards and data requests from the process design team, consultancies, and equipment providers. Too often a comprehensive, costly characterization program is initiated during the Order of Magnitude study without first defining what is important from a tailings strategy and flowsheet development viewpoint. To address this, it is recommended that a limited set of characterization tests are performed after acquiring representative samples. This limited assessment program, labelled “preliminary filtration assessment” in this chapter, can occur during the Conceptual study or commencement of the Order of Magnitude study. The assessment’s purpose is to validate the Conceptual study assumptions and demonstrate whether filtered tailings stacking is the appropriate flowsheet option. The preliminary filtration assessment should include: • Standard (and/or modified1) Proctor optimum moisture test • Pressure2 filtration tests for minimum moisture content • Shear yield stress versus solids concentration measurements • Buchner funnel zero free water test. A Proctor optimum moisture test is crucial to assessing whether a filtered stacked tailings flow sheet is feasible. The test result provides an initial estimate of the filter cake moisture threshold that must be met by the filtration process facility to meet the specified stack compaction density for geotechnical stability. Pressure filtration tests are conducted at commercially relevant feed flowrates and operating conditions, and at the thinnest available chamber depths to determine the minimum filter cake moisture. The resultant filter cake moisture needs to be lower than optimum Proctor moisture. Otherwise, stacking will be challenging, or impractical, and the study team should consider: • A more detailed laboratory characterization program to assess: • Filter feed preconditioning and filtration equipment options to further lower the cake moisture; or, 1 The standard Proctor measurements are typically conducted to determine the optimum filtered tailings stack compaction moisture. For tall stacks the target moisture is more consistent with the modified Proctor Optimum Moisture test. Pressure filtration testing is recommended for fine particle size distributions and tailings with significant levels of clay. For sandy materials, vacuum filtration testing should be performed. 2 © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium • Specific geotechnical characteristics for input to a stack design that can potentially handle cake moistures higher than the optimum Proctor moisture for placement and compaction. • Installing a thermal dryer prior to the filtered tailings stack to adjust the cake moisture or enlarging the stack footprint to facilitate evaporative drying. • Assessing alternative tailings management strategies, for example a thickened slurry tailings storage facility. 19 2.3.1 Preliminary Filtration Assessment (cont.) The shear yield stress and Buchner funnel zero free water tests are important for visualizing and communicating the dewatering step prior to filtration, or the alternate thickened slurry tailings management option. It should be noted that the Buchner funnel zero free water test is typically performed during material characterization or vacuum filtration assessments. But when a viscometer is not available to conduct shear yield stress tests then measuring the cake moisture when the laboratory vacuum filter produces a ‘water free’ cake surface provides an upper solids concentration threshold above which the tailings are difficult to transport or feed into filter press chambers etc. Figure 4 illustrates how the data from a preliminary filtration assessment can be presented. The shear yield stress is plotted against the solid (or moisture) concentration3. Using data provided by equipment vendors and published journals it is possible to overlay the indicative maximum slurry shear yield stress (and hence the solids concentration) that can be generated by different thickener types (discussed in more detail in Chapter 6) or transported by different pump types. The yield stress curve gradient can also be used to imply the level of operational process control difficulty. The laboratory measured filter cake moisture and Proctor optimum moisture results are then drawn on the graph. The resultant graph will indicate whether filtration is viable and the maximum slurry solids concentration that can potentially be produced by a thickener and pumped to either a filter plant or a slurry tailings storage facility. Thus, the preliminary filtration assessment can be used to identify the appropriate tailings processing technology and storage strategy, highlight potential dewatering performance risks that need to be investigated further, and assist with defining the Order of Magnitude study dewatering, geotechnical, geochemical and rheology tests required to meet the design and regulatory requirements. Measured Vacuum or Pressure Filter Cake Moisture SHEAR YIELD STRESS Figure 4: Preliminary Filtration Assessment - Tailings shear yield stress (Pa) versus solids - moisture concentration (%w/w) graph overlaid with moisture measurements, plus the thickener and pump operating shear yield stress limits. Measured Proctor Optimum Moisture Measured “Zero Free Water” Moisture Paste Thickener Limit Pressure Filter Feed Limit Centrifugal Pump Limit 3 All mineral (tailings) slurries exhibit a shear yield stress curve like the one shown in Figure 4 that increases exponentially above a critical solids mass concentration. The critical solids mass concentration and the rate of increase differs due to the tailings particle size, mineralogy, and water chemistry. Conventional Thickener Limit INCREASING SOLIDS CONCENTRATION INCREASING MOISTURE CONCENTRATION © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 20 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests As outlined in Table 1 laboratory characterization testing typically commences during the Order of Magnitude study phase and expands during the Prefeasibility study. Once characterization commences, the study team is usually overwhelmed by the list of possible characterization parameters, available measurement techniques and the data requests from consultancies and equipment providers. Too often a compressive, costly characterization program is initiated without first defining what is important from a project scheduling (i.e., regulator and community discussions) and flowsheet development viewpoint. To assist, Table 2 lists the key physical and chemical characterization tests that should be performed on representative tailings. Table 2: Key physical and chemical characterization tests. STUDY PHASE PARAMETER Concept OoM PFS TYPICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS Atomic absorption spectroscopy. Chemical Composition Solid and liquid phases Inductively coupled plasma and atomic emission spectrometry / mass spectrometry. X-ray fluorescence (solid samples only). SIGNIFICANCE Assist with reagent selection (e.g., solution iron can be determinantal to flocculant activity [Witham et al., 2012]). Identify occupational and environmental threats. Determine presence of potential contaminants, for example heavy metals, which could potentially impact runoff and ground water. Data used to compare measured concentrations against regulatory thresholds. Support mineralogical assessment. - Conductivity Slurry and liquid phase Assists flocculant / coagulant selection. Supports material of construction selection. OoM = Order of Magnitude. PFS = Prefeasibility study. Study phase markers: Typically not performed, limited assessment and © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS Consider sample collection and storage protocols, and test standards (e.g., filtering water samples prior to assaying). Select appropriate solid sample digestion method prior to assessment. (e.g., the Aqua Regia digestion method, while applicable for some environmental assessments, may not dissolve all the solids present, thus biasing the assay results). Seek expert occupational health and safety advice if toxic/heavy metals are present. Measurement can be affected by viscosity, temperature, and presence of solids. Recommended that slurry and liquid phases are measured at a standard temperature. comprehensive characterization conducted. 21 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) Table 2: Key physical and chemical characterization tests. STUDY PHASE PARAMETER Concept OoM PFS TYPICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS Optical microscopy. X-ray diffraction. Mineralogy Solid phase Energy dispersive X-ray analysis. Mineral Liberation Analyzer. ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS SIGNIFICANCE Determines tailings mineral composition and clay types present to support (explain) the solid-liquid separation, rheology, and consolidation behavior findings. Identifies potential occupational (e.g., asbestos) and environmental (e.g., sulfide) threats. Identifies sulfide / sulfate minerals and potential acid neutralizing minerals. Optical microscope. Scanning electron microscope. Particle Shape Correlate mineralogy with chemical assay data to ensure correct identification. Use data to assist interpretation of acid base accounting results. Estimate crystalline and amorphous silica content rather than just total silica. Seek expert occupational health and safety advice if carcinogenic, asbestos minerals and/or crystalline silica is present. Determine presence of fiber shaped particles that pose an occupational and community health threat. Particles with the following dimensional parameters: Support (explain) solidliquid separation, rheology, and consolidation behavior findings. diameter <3 microns length >5 microns, <100 microns Aspect ratio (length:diameter) >3:1 Seek expert occupational health and safety advice if “fiber” particles are present. Sieves. Cyclo-sizer. Hydrometer. Particle Size Distribution Laser diffraction. Can be used to compare similar tailings with known solid-liquid separation, rheology, and consolidation performance database. Particle size distribution may vary between measurement techniques due to particle shape, particle agglomeration etc. Supports (explains) the solidliquid separation, rheology, and consolidation behavior findings. Testing technique needs to capture the fines gradation (-20 micron fraction). Identifies potential respirable (PM2.5) and thoracic (PM10) particle threats. Surfactant and high energy ultrasonic dispersion is required to determine the particle size distribution. Drying or diluting can change particle dispersion (or cause agglomeration), altering the reported article size distribution. OoM = Order of Magnitude. PFS = Prefeasibility study. Study phase markers: Typically not performed, limited assessment and comprehensive characterization conducted. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 22 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) Table 2: Key physical and chemical characterization tests. STUDY PHASE PARAMETER Concept OoM PFS TYPICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS pH Probe Measures the acidity or basicity. - Assists with coagulant and flocculant selection. pH Slurry and liquid phases Supports material of construction selection. Marcy balance. Pycnometer. Slurry Density SIGNIFICANCE ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS Required for mass balance calculations. Check protocol is appropriate for: Minimizing settling (segregation) errors when evaluating dilute (low viscosity) slurries and/or suspensions containing coarse particles. Vibrating U tube densitometer. Viscous suspensions. Hydrometer density measurement. Solids Mass Concentration / Moisture Content by Mass Required for mass balance calculations. Oven or infrared lamp drying weight loss. Ensure the drying temperature does not dehydrate minerals (e.g., gypsum) or salts present. Report solids / moisture values corrected for liquor total dissolved solids content. Ensure processing and tailings teams use same terminology and units. Pycnometer. Required for mass balance calculations, storage volume estimate, etc. Ensure density measurement suspension fluid wets the solids particles and does not dissolve the solids. Specific Gravity Solid and liquid phases OoM = Order of Magnitude. PFS = Prefeasibility study. Study phase markers: Typically not performed, limited assessment and © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium comprehensive characterization conducted. 23 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) Table 2: Key physical and chemical characterization tests. STUDY PHASE PARAMETER Concept OoM PFS TYPICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS Oven or infrared lamp drying weight loss of a filtered sample. Total Dissolved Solids Liquid phase Total Suspended Solids Liquid phase SIGNIFICANCE ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS Used to correct solids/ moisture concentration data. Ensure samples are filtered prior to measurement. Assists with coagulant and flocculant selection. Temperature change after collection may alter the total dissolved solids measurement (e.g., salts precipitate). Drying high total dissolved solids tailings samples and then resuspending can alter the solids properties and the reconstituted total dissolved solids measurement. Oven or infrared lamp drying weight loss measurement of the solids present on the total dissolved solids test filter paper. Important when assessing: Reagent dilution water sources. Overflow / filtrate quality as a function of pre-conditioning (e.g., pH adjustment) and flocculant / coagulant screening. Tests are typically used to quantify inorganic material content. The suspended organic material (e.g., algae in raw water) content can also cause operational issues, such as flocculant preparation. Impact of return water on upstream processing. Bench scale Buchner type filter Zero Free Water Indicates the highest solids mass concentration at which the packed particle bed is still fully saturated, becoming unsaturated because of ingress of air at solids mass concentrations beyond this point. OoM = Order of Magnitude. PFS = Prefeasibility study. Study phase markers: Typically not performed, limited assessment and The zero free water concentration can be considered as the theoretical maximum concentration achievable through dynamic thickening processes. When a viscometer is not available to conduct shear yield stress tests, the zero free water moisture provides an upper solids concentration threshold above which the tailings are difficult to transport. comprehensive characterization conducted. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 24 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) Filter Cake Geochemical Characterization Table 3 lists the key filter cake geochemical characterization tests: • Kinetic tests, which provide information on the reactivity of sulfides and any deleterious elements which are released as the sulfides oxidize, generate acidity, etc. As kinetic tests are primarily designed to investigate sulfide oxidation (the most common method of acid mine drainage generation in mine waste) they are mainly used to assess materials which are known to contain sulfides, as indicated by static testing. • Static tests, which involve a core suite of industry standard procedures to assess the potential for acid mine drainage, otherwise known as acid rock drainage. Information from the geochemical characterization program is used in combination with inputs from other disciplines, such as physical properties, climatic conditions, and the presence and nature of contaminant pathways and receptors, to carry out risk assessments and provide input to facility and stack water treatment design. If potentially acid generating minerals, such as pyrite, are present in the tailings, the flowsheet may require a process to classify this material from the bulk tailings for separate storage under a water cover. When selecting and evaluating these tests the study team needs to consider: • How the size of the filter cake pieces used could influence the dissolution/ leaching rate, for example in the bottle roll test; and, • How best to pack the humidity cells and leaching columns to replicate the filter cake stack compaction density. The duration of the recommended humidity cell and column kinetic leaching tests can extend from months to years due to placed filter cake’s low permeability, so geochemical characterization tests should commence as soon as possible to meet project schedule requirements. Table 3: Key filter cake geochemical characterization tests. STUDY PHASE PARAMETER Concept OoM PFS TYPICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS SIGNIFICANCE ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS KINETIC Column tests. Humidity cell tests. Leaching (long-term) Provides leaching kinetics, water solute balance, pH and chemical source term inputs for geochemical modelling, facility and treatment design, material handling and storage decisions. OoM = Order of Magnitude. PFS = Prefeasibility study. Study phase markers: Typically not performed, limited assessment and © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium Test durations of months to greater than one year are common. Recommend that these tests are scheduled accordingly. Test sample permeability influenced by the packing (consolidation) specified in the test standard, which may not represent the filtered tailings stack permeability. comprehensive characterization conducted. 25 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) Table 3: Key filter cake geochemical characterization tests. STUDY PHASE PARAMETER Concept OoM PFS TYPICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS SIGNIFICANCE STATIC A set of laboratory methods that vary with jurisdiction standards. Used to predict whether the tailings sample may either generate or neutralize acidity. Sample reacted with hydrogen peroxide to oxidize sulfide minerals present. The net acid generation is calculated based on the sodium hydroxidetitration volume and resulting liquor pH. Acid generation and neutralization reactions occur simultaneously - net result represents an indication of the amount of acid a sample may generate. Bottle roll and shaker flask tests. Tests conducted at various dilution ratios and durations. The sequential leach extractions are assayed. Identifies readily soluble contaminants and concentrations. Acid Base Accounting Net Acid Generation Test Leaching (short-term) - Supports tailings classification, material handling and storage decisions. Contributes to tailings classification in terms of the potential for acid generation, and material handling / storage decisions. Sequential extractions may indicate mineral phases with contaminants. Data used as input for classifying the material according to regulatory frameworks. Test techniques and procedures vary depending on the sample type, equipment used and jurisdiction. Liquor may be analyzed to indicate potential contaminants released under oxidizing / acid generating conditions. Consider performing the tests using local rainwater composition and pH in addition to deionized water. Combinations of short-term leach tests may be sufficient (i.e., kinetic leach testing not required) for materials that do not contain sulfides. Test results can be influenced by the size of the filter cake pieces used. Robust sampling/compositing plans are important for producing representative samples for tests. OoM = Order of Magnitude. PFS = Prefeasibility study. Study phase markers: Typically not performed, limited assessment and comprehensive characterization conducted. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 26 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) Filter Cake Geotechnical Characterization Tailings geotechnical characterization is an important starting point of the filtered stacked tailings design process. The data is used to design the storage facility and help define the upstream processing specifications (e.g., filter cake moisture target range). The key filter cake geotechnical characterization tests recommended are summarized in Table 4. Table 4: Key filter cake geotechnical characterization tests recommended. STUDY PHASE PARAMETER Concept OoM PFS TYPICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS Various techniques. Air Drying SIGNIFICANCE Determines dry density of sub-aerial tailings deposition storage as a function of time to size the storage and estimate its operational life span. ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS Methodology used should simulate the seasons and regional climate (e.g., temperature and humidity). Used to estimate the surface dry density as a function of time. Atterberg test specialized equipment. Classifies soil type to allow database comparison. Oedometer. The resultant density, void fraction, and permeability versus depth (pressure) data is used in tailings storage consolidation models to predict settlement over time, assess changes in the stack strength and hydraulic properties. Atterberg Limits - Provides useful solid to liquid transition data as a function of solids concentration. (Plastic limit, liquid limit, shrinkage limit and plasticity index) Rowe cell. Consolidation (onedimensional) OoM = Order of Magnitude. PFS = Prefeasibility study. Study phase markers: Typically not performed, limited assessment and © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium Test protocol should include creep assessment. For Rowe cell tests the preference is to use large diameter units. comprehensive characterization conducted. 27 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) Table 4: Key filter cake geotechnical characterization tests recommended. STUDY PHASE PARAMETER Concept OoM PFS TYPICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS SIGNIFICANCE Various techniques. Drained and undrained settling tests are typically used to characterize slurry tailings. These tests can also be used to mimic and thus quantify the stacked tailings consolidation behavior and permeability, and provide useful solid – liquid separation design data. - Various instruments built to different international standards. Data used to define filter cake moisture target range and stack compaction density targets. The Standard Proctor test is typically used for stacked filtered tailings projects. Should consider using the modified Proctor data for tall stacks. Triaxial compression test and ring shear test. Test provides insight into: Depending on the tailings properties and stack location etc., consider performing drained and undrained triaxial compression tests. Drained and Undrained Settling Tests Optimum ‘Standard’ and/or ‘Modified’ Proctor Dry Density and Moisture Content Critical State (or Critical Void Ratio) Line Testing The behavior of non-plastic tailings during compaction and shearing. The stack stability and liquefaction potential. Data is used to optimize the height and compaction of filtered tailings stacks ensuring dilative conditions across the design stress range. OoM = Order of Magnitude. PFS = Prefeasibility study. Study phase markers: Typically not performed, limited assessment and comprehensive characterization conducted. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 28 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) Table 4: Key filter cake geotechnical characterization tests recommended. STUDY PHASE PARAMETER Concept OoM PFS Direct Simple Shear TYPICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS Direct simple shear instrument, sold by various suppliers, that compiles with the regional standard. SIGNIFICANCE Measures the shear strength properties under confined stress conditions to produce tailings facility design data. Simulates conditions along the base of a circular or planar shear surface. Enables the review of the susceptibility of liquefaction under various degrees of saturation, including the influence of soil suction. ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS Recommend conducting direct simple shear testing at: Various confining stresses on re-constituted samples at various degrees of saturation. Various particle size distributions. The test should involve two phases: one cyclic phase at various cyclic shear stress ratios, and one monotonic, post cyclic loading phase. Recommend performing monotonic direct simple shear to large strains (30%). Constant rate of strain consolidation testing. Permeability Soil Water Characteristic Curve Data is used to help quantify the stack seepage rate. Large diameter tests are desirable. Conducted to understand the unsaturated soil mechanics of filtered tailings. For example, evaluate if stacked filtered tailings re-saturate during rainfall events. Specialized testing requiring expertise. Flexible wall permeameter. Conventional Soil Water Characteristic Curve technique uses the pressure plate method. Various onedimensional stress and triaxial instruments. When completing the tests settlements should be measured to calculate the void ratio with increasing suction. Void ratio measurements conducted during drying and wetting cycles to determine air entry value. OoM = Order of Magnitude. PFS = Prefeasibility study. Study phase markers: Typically not performed, limited assessment and © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium comprehensive characterization conducted. 30 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) Filter Cake Transport Characterization The filter cake transport and placement system can represent a significant capital and operating cost to a filtered stacked tailings project, discussed further in Chapter 5. To design a system that can manage normal and upset filtration operating conditions, it is important to understand how bulk filter cake at different moisture contents behaves in a truck, on a conveyor, and when deposited and compacted. The key filter cake transport characterization tests are listed in Table 5. It should be noted that most transport characterization tests are based on material handling test standards more applicable for powders or granular material. It is recommended that the study team conducts tests using samples produced by pilot filtration plants to understand how ‘large’ pieces of filter cake behave as a function of cake moisture. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 31 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization (cont.) Table 5: Key filter cake transport characterization tests. STUDY PHASE PARAMETER Concept OoM PFS SIGNIFICANCE ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS Slump test performed on a tapping or vibrating table. Provides a preliminary moisture threshold to avoid unstable behavior (liquefaction) on a conveyor belt or truck. Flow moisture point test is derived from the transportable moisture limit method developed for transportation of bulk material in ship-holds. Belt incline. The filter cake bulk density and surcharge angle are used to determine conveyor transport capacity. Preference is to use representative pieces of filter cake at various cake moistures to perform the tests. This requires specialized tests and laboratories. TYPICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS Flow Moisture Point Surcharge angle. Conveyance Testing Minimum Angle for Discharge Angle of Repose Ground Bearing Pressure Filter cake bulk density. The maximum belt incline determines how steep an angle a conveyor can be designed at without material slipping backwards. Standard test performed by bulk material test laboratories at different cake moistures. Data is used to design hoppers and chutes etc. to ensure the filter cake flows uniformly and continuously. Preference is to use representative pieces of filter cake at various cake moistures to perform the tests. This requires specialized tests and laboratories. Various standard techniques performed by bulk material test laboratories. Defines the maximum angle the material can rest on an inclined plane without sliding down. Various angle of repose (also known as the critical angle of repose) test standards exist that pertain to granular materials when piled or heaped. Preference is to use representative pieces of filter cake which require specialized tests and laboratories. Cone penetrometer. Quantifies the maximum ground bearing pressure of placed filter cake at different moistures. Data used to design hoppers and conveyor belts, define stockpile stability etc. The California Bearing Ratio, originally developed for highway engineering, also plays a crucial role in assessing truck stability on landfills. OoM = Order of Magnitude. PFS = Prefeasibility study. Study phase markers: Typically not performed, limited assessment and Preference is to use representative pieces of filter cake which require specialized tests and laboratories. comprehensive characterization conducted. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 33 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) Solid – Liquid Separation Characterization During the Order of Magnitude study, it is important to explore the potential impact of tailings particle size, clay presence and types, water quality, upstream reagents, coagulant and/or flocculant additions on the tailings thickening and filtration behavior. Dewatering rates achieved for thickening and filtration dictate the size and number of equipment units required and can have a significant impact on capital and operating costs. Dewatering performance is sensitive to tailings properties, and it is therefore essential that the expected variability in these properties over the life of operation are understood. Clays are notorious for creating challenges in the concentrator, and clays in tailings are no exception. Clay particles are fine flakes with very large surface areas and have high surface activity. This high activity can result in clay particles staying suspended in liquid, which is detrimental to dewatering. Study managers should look out for clays such as smectite, vermiculite and illite. Dewatering properties of tailings with high clay content may be improved by manipulating the slurry system's chemistry, such as increasing ionic concentration through the addition of lime or dissolved salts, adjusting the pH, or increasing the ratio of Ca2+ to Na+ ions. Table 6 summarizes the key solid – liquid separation characterization tests used to define the filtration and upstream thickening processes. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 34 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) Table 6: Key solid – liquid separation characterization tests. STUDY PHASE PARAMETER Concept OoM PFS Settling Cylinder Tests Raked Settling Cylinder Tests TYPICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS SIGNIFICANCE Laboratory measuring cylinders. Various international / industry standard methods. Sometimes called the “static” settling cylinder test because fresh feed is not continuously added, nor the settled material removed. Test used to: Laboratory measuring cylinder with a suspended motored rake to aid compaction of the settled material. - Estimate the optimum thickener feed dilution. Screen pre-conditioning parameters (e.g., pH), coagulant and flocculant types and dosages. Estimate the undrained settled solids concentration within a thickener and tailings storage. Various international / industry standard methods. Method has been superseded by the dynamic (or continuous) settling test. OoM = Order of Magnitude. PFS = Prefeasibility study. Study phase markers: Typically not performed, limited assessment and © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS Preference is to use tall, wide diameter laboratory cylinders. Small diameter, short settling cylinder results should not be used to estimate thickener performance. These cylinders are only suitable for initial pre-conditioning and reagent screening test work. Recommend settling tests are conducted at free settling rates that cover the expected operating range. The test provides initial thickener sizing parameters when sample quantities are minimal. Larger diameter, tall cylinders are preferred for this test work. comprehensive characterization conducted. 35 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) Table 6: Key solid – liquid separation characterization tests. STUDY PHASE PARAMETER Concept OoM PFS TYPICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS Equipment produced by various vendors. Dynamic / Continuous Settling Tests Similar to the raked cylinder test except the cylinder is continuously fed with coagulated / flocculated feed slurry and the settled material is continuously removed. ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS SIGNIFICANCE Standard test to provide scalable thickener sizing and performance (underflow solids concentration and unsheared yield stress, overflow total suspended solids) data when sufficient sample quantities are available (preferred method). Recommend the tests are conducted at feed flux and rise rates that cover the expected operating range. Can use the test equipment to produce samples for laboratory rheology and filtration tests. Increase cylinder column height to allow deeper (higher compression) beds to be assessed. Less applicable during Prefeasibility study if extensive solids – liquid separation pilot plant tests are performed. Various laboratory benchtop and pilot units manufactured by vendors. Quantifies the minimum filter cake moisture achievable at commercially relevant feed flowrates and operating conditions, and at the thinnest available chamber depths. This test is indicative only and should not be used for final equipment selection and design. Further testing at various chamber depths and operating conditions are needed to optimize the filtration system design and size filtration equipment. Various laboratory benchtop and pilot units manufactured by vendors. Quantifies the filter cake moisture and filtration sizing and throughput parameters over the expected operating range (feed solids concentration, flocculation, chamber depth, pressure, cycle time etc.). Preference is to use pilot filtration equipment when sufficient test material becomes available to improve scale-up. Minimum Moisture Content Vacuum/ Pressure Filtration Test If testing with a vendor, discuss test program to ensure the test conditions and data collection are appropriate. Laboratory vacuum Buchner funnel tests are useful for estimating the cake moisture at zero free water point (Table 2). OoM = Order of Magnitude. PFS = Prefeasibility study. Study phase markers: Typically not performed, limited assessment and comprehensive characterization conducted. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 36 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium Slurry Rheology Table 7 summarizes the recommended rheology tests to characterize tailings thickener underflow and filter feed slurry rheology. These measurements are important because they are used to define the pumping and pipeline design, filter filling efficiency, impact of upstream variances and whether rheology modifiers are required. 37 2.3.2 Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Study Laboratory Characterization Tests (cont.) Table 7: Key slurry rheology characterization tests. STUDY PHASE PARAMETER Compression Rheology Concept OoM PFS TYPICAL ASSESSMENT METHODS Relatively new rheology measurement technique using specialized equipment. ASSESSMENT CONSIDERATIONS AND/OR ACTIONS SIGNIFICANCE Measures the tailings compressive yield stress and permeability as a function of compressive load (or gravitational force). Useful screening method to evaluate slurry dispersion and agglomeration. Only a limited number of laboratories offer this measurement. Less applicable during prefeasibility if extensive laboratory and pilot plant solids – liquid separation testing is performed. Provides initial thickener bed, pressure filtration and tailings management facility consolidation / permeability design data. Rotational viscometer. Pipe loop. Shear Rheology Rotational viscometer provides ‘dynamic’ shear yield stress and shear stress – rate data to support slurry pump selection and pipeline design. The pipe loop, providing the slurry is homogeneous, provides scalable slurry pump selection and pipeline design data. Preference is to conduct pipe loop (pressure drop) measurements when sample volume permits. Expert review required to ensure slip, segregation, turbulence etc. has not affected the measurements. Need to ensure the sample shear history prior to measurement reflects the process conditions. Pipe loops require significant sample volumes. Shear Yield Stress Slump cone or cylinder. Provides processing options (constraints) insights. Rotational viscometer fitted with vane or concentric cylinders. Useful initial screening measurement to evaluate slurry dispersion and coagulation / flocculation before progressing to detailed mineralogy, surface charge (e.g., zeta potential) measurements etc. Slump test is a useful operator method when operation commences. OoM = Order of Magnitude. PFS = Prefeasibility study. Study phase markers: Typically not performed, limited assessment and Shear yield stress estimated by slump tests can differ from the rotational viscometer measurements. Preference is to use rotational viscometer fitted with vane rather than the slump test. Need to ensure the sample shear history prior to measurement reflects the process conditions. comprehensive characterization conducted. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 38 2.4 Typical Characterization Issues Typical sampling and assessment issues seen in filtered stacked tailings test work programs are listed in Table 8. The most common issue is test work completed using non-representative tailings and process (raw) water due to time, money, and availability constraints. Testing non-representative samples leads to incorrect design parameter definition, reagent selection, flowsheet development and equipment sizing. Another issue is developing a single set of project definitions for the multidisciplinary team, for example defining whether referring to tailings production as wet or dry tonnes. Care must be taken when comparing density and moisture data collated by mineral processing and geotechnical teams. The study manager must ensure that the definition of tailings filter cake moisture content is understood in terms of geotechnical or process engineering: Process moisture content: mc= Mw Ms+Mw Geotechnical moisture content: w= Mw Ms Mw = mass of water (kg). Ms = mass of solids (kg) Table 8: Common characterization sampling and assessment issues. 01 ISSUE Limited or no characterization conducted due to ‘generalizations’ made by study team based on another ore body, process facility, previous experience etc. IMPACT Incorrect flowsheet, equipment sizing and cost estimates. CONTROL Develop a limited characterization program to assess whether the tailings properties and behavior are comparable to database. ISSUE 02 IMPACT Limited characterization data is available due to the time and cost required to acquire, prepare, and conduct the test work. This is particularly an issue for environmental tests which can take more than one year to complete. Potential erroneous data due to having only a single measurement and/or non-representative measurements. Ore and process variance not measured and thus not included in the process design. Identify the limited assessment in the project risk register as a threat. CONTROL Seek schedule and/or budget extension to characterize an appropriate number of repeats, tailings property variance etc. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 39 2.4 Typical Characterization Issues (cont.) Table 8: Common characterization sampling and assessment issues. 03 ISSUE Inappropriate characterization program for the engineering study level. IMPACT Increased study costs and schedule delays due to the magnitude of the characterization program undertaken and the collection and/or generation of large sample quantities. Review company study guidance requirements. CONTROL Conduct a staged characterization program. Assess the data before expanding the characterization assessment beyond the study level requirement. Collection and assessment of non-representative samples caused by: • Limited or inappropriate process sampling or drill core campaign ISSUE • Mine plan • Process stream sampling bias • Non-representative laboratory or pilot plant production conditions 04 • Inappropriate laboratory sub-sampling equipment and procedures. IMPACT Incorrectly eliminate potential process, reagent, and storage options. Incorrectly specify process equipment / storage size, costs etc. Coordinate statistical sample program with mine planners / exploration drillers. CONTROL Demonstrate sampling is non-biased. Document sampling points, periods, methods etc. and the resultant sample properties. ISSUE 05 IMPACT CONTROL Using water non-representative of the site for reagent selection and characterization assessments. The difference in pH and composition compared with the site process and raw water can potentially change the reagent behavior, solid-liquid separation, and rheology behavior. Incorrectly eliminate potential process, reagent, and storage options. Incorrectly specify process equipment / storage size, costs etc. Collect and use site representative process and raw water samples. Document the water properties. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 40 2.4 Typical Characterization Issues (cont.) Table 8: Common characterization sampling and assessment issues. ISSUE Adding biocides or thermal drying samples prior to storage and/or shipment. Potentially: 06 IMPACT • Alters the water phase pH and composition. • Dehydrates (decomposes) minerals and salts present. • Causes saline water ions to ‘bind’ to the mineral surfaces. CONTROL Determine whether the samples need to be stored under conditions that inhibit oxidation etc. Irradiate rather than thermally treat samples and store in a cool room. ISSUE 07 08 ABC Dehydration or decomposition of minerals (e.g., gypsum) and salts caused by drying temperature specified in the test standard. Incorrect mass balance. IMPACT Incorrect moisture versus solid-liquid separation and rheology behavior relationships. Incorrect mineral / salt identification. CONTROL Refer to published literature to determine appropriate drying temperature for the minerals and salts presumed to be present. ISSUE A Non-representative temperature and humidity conditions, excessive storage and/ or inappropriate shear history altering the flocculant polymer, slurry rheology and filtration behavior. ISSUE B Use of inappropriate characterization assessment instruments or methods. For example, screen options using cylinder slump measurements to design a Feasibility Study pumping system. ISSUE C Data manipulation by test instrumentation software. IMPACT Eliminate potential flowsheet options. Incorrectly specify flowsheet, process equipment sizing, costs etc. Engage characterization experts to review sample preparation, measurement methods and the resultant data. CONTROL Select the characterizing method appropriate for study level. Employ characterization (rheology, filtration etc.) methods that minimize the equipment scale-up factor. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 3. Site Closure APPROACH 42 Site Closure Filtered Tailings Stack Material Transport & Stacking Tailings Dewatering Concentrator Mine © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 43 3.1 Key Points Company, stakeholder and regulatory closure expectations and the cover (cap) design drives the stack location and design, surface runoff and leachate management, closure duration, and costs. Progressive stack covers (caps) reduce dust emission and rain infiltration and improve the stack’s visual appearance but impact the project’s Net Present Value by introducing closure costs earlier in the life of operation. The stack closure strategy must consider climate change and the relinquished land usage. Stack leachate treatment can generate a brine/salt stream for decades after closure, potentially requiring offsite disposal. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 44 3.2 Introduction Like conventional slurry tailings storage facilities, the filtered tailings stack represents the project’s legacy. The adopted closure strategy will influence the stack’s site selection, geometry, maximum height, cover (capping) design, and the tailings transport and placement strategy. As discussed in Chapter 1 (Overview) it is recommended that the filtered tailings study team define: • Whether the tailings will be reclaimed in the future. • The relinquishment parameters and thresholds. • Tailings hazard classification and propensity to produce acidic leachate. • The stack’s cap (cover) and water management requirements. The closure strategy should focus on reducing the time required to rehabilitate and relinquish the site by: • Applying international best practices. • Ensuring the final landform and vegetation cover is compatible with the intended land use. • Considering potential stack design required to manage climate change. • Minimizing rainfall ingress and stack basal saturation. • Proper management of surface runoff and leachate to prevent water contamination, ensure regulatory compliance, and reduce the water treatment costs and duration. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 45 3.3 Filtered Tailings Stack Closure Design To relinquish the site the filtered tailings stack closure design needs to minimize water and oxygen infiltration, minimize surface erosion, and maintain the tailings in an unsaturated state to ensure geotechnical, erosional, and geochemical stability. These criteria are met by: • The stack base liner, basal drainage system, leachate collection and runoff water sedimentation ponds and water treatment facilities constructed when the stack is commissioned. • The buttresses, bunding, surface compaction and grading, spillways and perimeter channels constructed when the stack is commissioned and operated. • Constructing an engineered cover over the stack surface after cessation of tailings placement. The engineered cover design is dependent on the regulatory requirements, final landform usage, climate, and tailings composition. For filtered tailings stacks, the engineered covers can be temporary or permanent. 3.3.1 Temporary Engineered Covers Temporary covers (caps) are constructed over the compacted graded tailings surface during the stack’s operational phase. Synthetic materials (e.g., high density polyethylene, geosynthetic clay liners, geomembranes etc.), binders (e.g., polymers, fly ash), plants (e.g., grasses) and/or crushed rock is laid over the inactive stack surfaces to curtail fugitive dust emissions, minimize erosion maintenance and reduce rainfall infiltration, which can reduce the water management costs. Synthetic materials can degrade in direct sunlight or when exposed to extreme cyclic weather conditions and are thus not suitable as a permanent cover unless protected using clay, soil and/or rock cover. When tailings placement recommences, the temporary cover is either left in place, assuming the slope stability analysis shows an adequate safety factor, or removed to facilitate slope contouring, maintain stack stability and/or the water management strategy. Alternatively, the temporary cover can be incorporated into a permanent cover design should the mine need to close unexpectedly. While the temporary cap installation cost can be substantial, the operational, maintenance, and water treatment cost savings over time can offset the investment. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 46 3.3.2 Permanent Engineered Covers Permanent engineered covers (caps) can either be constructed progressively while the stack is operational or after tailings placement ceases (Figure 5). Like temporary covers, permanent covers are designed to minimize fugitive dust, surface erosion, and rainfall infiltration. Permanent covers also inhibit oxygen migration to minimize acid generation1, support a vegetation cover, improve the landform appearance, and ensure the final landform meets the regulatory requirements and intended relinquished site usage. While the benefits of progressively constructing a permanent cap extend beyond those of a temporary cap (e.g., demonstration of the closure design) it's crucial to acknowledge that the closure costs are brought forward. These costs may adversely impact a project's Net Present Value and present an ongoing challenge to the stack’s design and execution. For example, the progressively built permanent cap will dictate the stack design, stacking plan, borrow source plan, liner procurement, and traffic interactions between the progressive closure fleet and the operational fleet. As illustrated in Figure 5, progressive permanent caps will also shift the stack construction to a staged approach. The resultant footprint, slope and height of these stages will thus dictate, or be dictated by: • The tailings transport requirements (i.e., breadth and gradient of mobile equipment access ramps and placement areas). • Slope erosion and surface runoff management. • The vegetation planting program. • The final landform topography. The permanent cap tends to have a multi-layer construction design to achieve different objectives. For example, Figure 6 illustrates a stack cap design that includes a low permeability mineral or synthetic barrier layer placed over the compacted filter cake, overlaid with a drainage layer (e.g., geocomposite, gravel) to manage water infiltration, and a synthetic liner to reduce suspended solids migration into the drain. 1 It should be noted that during placement unsaturated sulfate mineral tailings may oxidize, and on contact with rainwater produce an acidic, metalliferous leachate. Covers cannot prevent this from occurring but can minimize the production of acidic leachate during the closure phase. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 47 Figure 5: Permanent engineered cover installation options. Post operation closure cover. The tailings are stacked in layers across the entire footprint for life of operation. The permanent closure cover is then constructed after tailings placement ceases. Progressive closure cover. The tailings are stacked on a portion of the footprint and the permanent closure cover is progressively constructed as each stage reaches its final stack height. Figure 6: Permanent closure cap (cover) design that incorporates a low permeability barrier, infiltration drainage and vegetation cover options. Vegetation Soil/Growth Media Drainage Layer Low Permeability Barrier Compacted Tailings © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 48 3.3.3 Soil Covers Filtered tailings stacks are typically constructed above the surrounding terrain and water table. The tailings are stacked over a basal drain, compacted, and contoured to maintain the tailings in an unsaturated state which prevents liquefaction during a seismic event and minimizes leachate seepage. Thus, water covers are not implemented on stacks as they are on wet tailings facilities to minimize (prevent) acidic leachate generation. While synthetic turf membranes are available to improve the visual impact, stack surfaces are typically covered with a layer of soil (growth media) and vegetation (Figure 6) to ensure the final landform is compatible with the relinquished land use and regulatory requirements. • In sub-humid climates, water-shedding soil covers can be deployed to support an overlying vegetation layer which controls surface erosion, limits rainfall infiltration, and manages rainfall runoff. As illustrated in Figure 7 the appropriate soil cover type is based on the following climatic conditions: • In low rainfall regions, store and release soil covers are recommended. This cover design retains rainwater during the wet season, releasing it via evapotranspiration during the dry season to sustain the overlying vegetation cover, which limits the net rainfall percolation and minimizes surface erosion during heavy rainfall events. 50 0 3°C 4,0 00 2,0 00 1,0 00 ira tio 6°C 8,0 00 sp ap otr an Ev al nti Po te ) mm n( tio Store and Release (sustainability of vegetation) 12°C 16 32 ,00 0 Sub-tropical 1.5°C ita cip 16 Warm Temperate Pre 8 Cool Temperate l tro rs on ove nC C tio ing ltra dd Infi r She te Wa 4 Boreal Water Covers Low Permeability Oxygen Barriers - Organic Covers (erosion) al nu 2 Sub-polar –8°C An nR ati o Permafrost Thermal Covers (freeze thaw effects) 1 Polar Tropical 25 0 5 0.2 0.5 Latitudinal Region 12 5 5 2 0.1 50 Figure 7: Global Acid Rock Drainage (GARD) guide for cover type as a function of climate. Credit: Global Acid Rock Drainage Guide, Chapter 6 www.gardguide.com. Super-arid Per-arid © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium Arid Semi-arid Sub-humid Humid Per-humid Super-humid 24°C 49 3.3.3 Soil Covers (cont.) The soil (growth media) layer material can be sourced from local burrow pits, site construction stockpiles or created using mine and municipal waste material. To establish a sustainable vegetation layer ecosystem the closure planting program needs to be staged to establish the vegetation canopy and undergrowth. Thus, the project will need to develop an appropriately sized seed collection and nursery program to raise the quantity of plants required. To ensure success the closure cover planting program requires stringent quality control and monitoring to prevent the introduction of invasive weeds. Communities and regulators tend to specify the planting of native species or horticultural crops. However, this requirement needs to be critically reviewed due to: • The native species may be difficult to source, and/or establish on the filtered tailings stack due to its topography, elevation, soil (growth medium) layer type and depth, and the stack’s surface water management strategy. • Alternative vegetation types may produce a stable, sustainable low maintenance cover that does not impact the cover’s integrity and achieves the closure schedule. Plant root penetration of underlying cap layers could cause water penetration, gas exchange and contaminates reaching the surface. The underlying cap layers can be protected by ensuring the soil (growth medium) layer is sufficiently thick and by selecting lateral or fibrous rooted scrubs and trees in preference to taproot plants (Figure 8). Figure 8: Taproot plant versus fibrous root plant. TAPROOT SYSTEM FIBROUS ROOT SYSTEM © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 50 3.4 Potential Stack Closure Risks When developing the stack closure strategy and design, the study team should consider the following potential threats: POTENTIAL THREAT CAUSES CONTROL/S STACK SLUMP FAILURE • Excessive stack height and/or gradient. • Static and dynamic loading modelling. • Saturating the stacked tailings. • Tailings characterization. • Proximity of seepage pond to stack toe causing saturation during storm event. TAILINGS SATURATION • Inappropriate drainage design. • Modelling. • Basal drain mechanical failure, blockage, or scaling. • Leachate characterization. • Damaged cover permitting water ingress. VEGETATION COVER DEGRADATION • Invasive weeds, fire etc. • Climate change. • Emergency response plan. • Soil quality control, vehicle inspections and monitoring to prevent the introduction of weeds. • Emergency response plan. COVER LAYER DAMAGE • Excessive erosion caused by climate change, extreme weather event, inappropriate surface grading, channel – spillway design. • Monitoring and maintenance program. • Emergency response plan. • Plant root penetration. ACIDIC (METALLIFEROUS) LEACHATE • Tailings saturation (see above). FUGITIVE DUST • Vegetation cover degradation. • Oxygen ingress due to cover failure. • Layer construction methodology, supervision, and scheduling. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium • Cover design appropriate for the climate and vegetation layer. • Dust monitoring and suppression controls (e.g., windbreaks, application of water or commercial dust suppressants, restrict vehicle movements on surfaces etc.). 51 3.4 Potential Stack Closure Risks (cont.) Over time the leachate flow rate from the stack will decrease to a threshold value agreed with the regulators, below which it does not need to be actively managed. Likewise, the stack’s surface runoff sediment loading and composition will change over time as the vegetation cover is established, eventually permitting direct discharge into the environment. Thus, maintenance and monitoring of the covered stack and its water management infrastructure is crucial for ensuring the site meets the closure criteria and remains geochemically and geotechnically stable. The stack closure strategy and design should include: • Geotechnical and groundwater instrumentation to monitor the tailings pore pressure, groundwater pH and composition, etc. • Stack maintenance access roads and ramps to facilitate periodic visual monitoring, gully and drainage repairs, and water sampling. • An emergency response plan to address runoff and leachate collection dam failures, vegetation fires, seismic events etc. The brine stream produced by water treatment can represent a major threat. The concentrated salts need to be contained within an appropriately designed onsite or offsite repository to prevent ground water contamination. Alternatively, the study team could assess offsite brine commercialization opportunities. Considering the cost and potential threats associated with brine management, it is recommended that a stack consolidation–infiltration model is developed to predict the leachate flow rate over time to size the stack leachate collection, treatment infrastructure and repository designs. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 4. Filtered Tailings Stack APPROACH 52 Site Closure Filtered Tailings Stack Material Transport & Stacking Tailings Dewatering Concentrator Mine © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 53 4.1 Key Points The tailings moisture content specifications should be selected to achieve the performance objectives of the filtered tailings stack. These performance objectives are project-specific and account for items such as stack stability, tailings transport and placement methodology, climate, and seismicity. Consideration must be made for tailings storage when “out of specification” filtered tailings are produced and during filter plant shutdown periods. Surface and seepage water management and water quality must be considered, as filtered tailings stacks may produce seepage and exhibit enhanced acid generation and metals leaching due to lower levels of saturation than conventional tailings storage facilities. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 54 4.2 Introduction Following the 2014 Mount Polley tailings storage facility failure in British Columbia, an Independent Expert Investigation and Review Panel (the Panel) was formed, and the outcome of their investigation was the advocation of migrating to best available technology for tailings management to achieve physical stability of the tailings deposit using methods such as below ground tailings storage (in pit storage) or filtered tailings storage (Morgenstern et al., 2015). This recommendation aligns with the Global Tailings Standard requirement of considering alternative options to conventional tailings management facilities which have the potential to deliver improved technical and environmental, social and governance outcomes throughout the facility’s lifecycle (see Chapter 1). The Panel also highlighted chemical stability as a fundamental consideration for tailings storage. The most serious chemical stability problem relates to sulfide minerals which are subject to acid generation and metals leaching in the presence of oxygen. Other social and environmental impacts may occur through losses from the facility by water or wind transport. Impacts may be physical, (e.g., smothering of habitats by sediment or dust) or they may be chemical, (e.g., contamination of surface or sub-surface water resources). Additionally, chemical changes within the tailings during mineral weathering and/or secondary mineral precipitation may impact the physical characteristics and the resulting integrity of the tailings storage facility. Filtered stacked tailings represent a paradigm shift from conventional wet tailings storage practice and introduces a new set of challenges. As discussed in Chapter 1, the design of a filtered tailings stack is an iterative process that considers input from the mine and closure plan, materials handling, ore and tailings processing, geotechnical stability, and risk. The study team needs to define the following for the filtered tailings stack: • Detailed site characterization that includes tailings properties, site climate, geology, geochemistry, hydrology and hydrogeology, and seismicity. • Design basis and performance objectives, as informed by regulatory requirements, industry practice, risk assessments, and site characterization. • Required tailings moisture content range at the filter plant and placement specifications to achieve the defined performance objectives. • Approach to transport, placement, and storage of tailings during both normal and upset operational conditions. • Seepage and surface water quantity and quality estimates, and management methods to achieve the design basis. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 56 4.3 Physical Stability Tailings dam failures are occurring at a rate relatively higher than for water storage facility dams (Shahid & Li, 2010; Davies, 2002). This includes catastrophic failures in recent years which have led to increased public, regulator, and investor visibility, such as the Brumadinho failure (Figure 9) where more than 270 people lost their lives. While there is evidence that tailings facility dam failure rates have decreased since 2000 as more modern engineering techniques are applied (Stark et al., 2022), the overall risk associated with tailings storage may be continuing to increase as the size of tailings storage facilities and volume of impounded tailings continues to increase in response to growing resource consumption and the mining of increasingly lower grade ore bodies (Oberle et al., 2020). Figure 9: Mineral tailings mud after dam rupture in Brumadinho. Filtered tailings stacks present an opportunity to reduce tailings storage facility failures by enhancing physical stability. Key physical stability concepts for filtered tailings stacks include: • The tailings moisture content and level of compaction at the stack placement location plays a key role in the physical stability of the stack. • Loose (contractive) tailings are likely to generate positive excess pore water pressures when sheared under undrained conditions, potentially leading to liquefaction under static or cyclic loads that are sufficient to trigger this condition. However, dense (dilative) tailings with low moisture content are not susceptible to liquefaction. • The Critical State Line separates tailings that will dilate when sheared (below the Critical State Line) from those that will contract when sheared (above the Critical State Line) and is determined through a series of drained and undrained triaxial tests. • The tailings moisture content within the stack redistributes from the moment of placement and can lead to saturation due to downward fluid flow under gravity and compression of tailings under increasing loads as the stack height builds. • Saturated conditions can impact physical stability, allowing for positive pore water pressure generation and undrained shear strength conditions, which may control the stability of the stack. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 57 4.3 Physical Stability (cont.) • Tailings placement specifications are typically defined as a function of the maximum dry density optimum moisture content obtained from Proctor testing. A typical Proctor curve is shown in Figure 10. • To achieve and maintain dilative behavior as the stack is constructed, filtered tailings may be placed in an unsaturated condition and compacted to densify the tailings. Compaction occurs when particles are pressed together, reducing the pore spaces between them (Figure 11). Heavily compacted tailings contain few large pores and less total pore volume, and therefore have a greater density. Compacted tailings have a reduced infiltration and conductivity rate for both liquids and gases, and compaction increases the strength of the material and the ability to resist movement when a force is applied, making it more stable. Compaction equipment can be seen in Figure 12 and is discussed in further detail in Chapter 5. • Predicting the level of saturation and the dilative or contractive nature of the tailings throughout the stack profile over time is critical to assess the risk profile of the stack. The level of saturation and dilative or contractive nature is a function of the tailings moisture content and compaction specifications, and site-specific items such as climate, the presence of drainage zones, and the facility’s rate of rise. • Unsaturated conditions within the stack may lead to negative pore pressures which can improve stability. These conditions, and their reliability with time and varied climate conditions, should be considered in the design. • Filtered tailings stack design should consider both global and local failure modes, where global failure modes consist of deep-seated rotational failures while local failure modes include sloughing of the advancing stack face and bearing capacity failure below loads (such as transport and placement equipment) on the stack surface (see Figure 13). Figure 10: Proctor moisture curves. Line of Optimums Saturation Line Zero Air Voids Ydmax : Maximum Dry Density OMC : Optimum Moisture Content DRY DENSITY (Yd) Ydmax MODIFIED COMPACTION Ydmax STANDARD PROCTOR COMPACTION OMC OMC WATER CONTENT % (w) © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 58 4.3 Physical Stability (cont.) Figure 11: Tailings mixture matrix before and after compaction showing the air void reduction that can lead to a saturated condition. AIR WATER After Compaction AIR WATER After Compaction Figure 12: Typical filtered tailings compaction equipment – roller compactor. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 59 4.3 Physical Stability (cont.) Figure 13: Schematic illustration of aspects of physical stability of a filtered tailings stack, including (1) strength and deformation, (2) volume change behavior, (3) fluid flow characteristics, (4) unsaturated characteristics, and (5) foundation characteristics. AS-PLACED TAILINGS (UNSATURATED) MID-PLACED TAILINGS (TRANSITION FROM UNSATURATED TO SATURATED) BASE-OF-STACK TAILINGS (POTENTIALLY SATURATED) STACKER BEARING CAPACITY FAILURE GLOBAL FAILURE FACE SLOUGHING COMPACTION (IF NECESSARY TO INCREASE INITIAL VOID RATIO) DOWNWARD DRAINAGE OF PORE WATER UNDER GRAVITY & COMPRESSION (UNSATURATED FLOW) PHREATIC SURFACE FOUNDATION © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 60 4.4 Chemical Stability Achieving physical stability through the application of filtered tailings technology can come at the expense of chemical stability for reactive tailings. Acid mine drainage occurs when tailings containing sulfide minerals, such as pyrite, are exposed to water and air. This exposure creates sulfuric acid which can cause toxic metals to enter and dissolve into the water. Filtering and placing tailings in an unsaturated state increases the potential for oxidation and the formation of acid mine drainage compared to conventional wet slurry tailings storage, which often relies on saturation and water covers to maintain chemical stability. If improperly managed, impacted contact water can cause environmental and health issues by altering the quality of surface and groundwater resources which support environmental or human receptors (Figure 14). With continuing increases in regulation and external disclosure, such waters also pose a reputational risk and increase the likelihood of long-term liability retention. Assessing chemical stability should utilize source-pathway-receptor methodologies where: • The source component is informed by geochemical characterization. • The pathway component is informed by hydrological and hydrogeological assessments. • Receptors include the surrounding environment, human health, water resources, reputational risk, and closure objectives. Geochemical testing and classification results help to estimate whether tailings contact water is likely to generate acid or leach metals. Initial material classification is carried out using the results from acid base accounting and net acid generation testing, and the resulting classifications should then be refined following the completion of more detailed testing. Recommended key geochemical characterization is summarized in Chapter 2. Figure 14: Example of acid mine drainage. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 61 4.4.1 Geochemical Classification Results from geochemical characterization programs (summarized in Chapter 2) are used to classify materials tested. In addition to being a useful way to categorize different tailings streams, classifications will typically be requested by regulatory bodies. Two key generic classification systems are typically used to evaluate the preliminary acid forming potential of Acid Metalliferous Drainage source material: the South Pacific or AMIRA method (AMIRA, 2002) and the North American, or MEND method (Price, 2009). The naming conventions used in each system are summarized further in this chapter in Table 9 and Table 10 and the classification systems are included in Table 11 and Table 12. Both methods identify materials which are likely to generate acidity; however, site specific classification systems should be developed for each operation once additional phases of detailed geochemical testing have been completed. Testing and classification help estimate whether contact water, which may be considered as acid mine drainage, may be generated by the filtered tailings stack. In addition to acid mine drainage, impacted contact water can also include high total dissolved solids drainage, containing high metals or salinity in non-acidic waters, and may be described as Neutral Metalliferous Drainage and/or Saline Drainage. Definitions in the literature vary, however the following criteria may be applied as a guide: • Acidity – A boundary of pH 6 is typically utilized (Acid Metalliferous Drainage < pH6 < Neutral Metalliferous Drainage/Saline Drainage). • Sulfate Content – Typically, Acid Metalliferous Drainage and Saline Drainage have sulfate concentrations > 1,000 mg/L where Neutral Metalliferous Drainage is < 1,000 mg/L. • Metal Content – The term “metalliferous” includes metals, metalloids (e.g., arsenic) and non-metals (e.g., selenium). Metalliferous concentration limits are not typically defined; however, any drainage with concentrations elevated with respect to site background/ baseline (i.e., pre-mining) concentrations may be considered as potentially being problematic, particularly when being assessed by regulatory organizations. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 62 4.4.1 Geochemical Classification (cont.) Table 9: South Pacific Naming Conventions. SOUTH PACIFIC CONVENTION UNITS Maximum Potential Acidity = 30.6 × sulfur (wt%) kg H2SO4/t Acid Neutralization Capacity kg H2SO4/t Net Acid Production Potential (=Maximum Potential Acidity – Acid Neutralization Capacity) kg H2SO4/t Acid Neutralization Capacity / Maximum Potential Acidity No units SOUTH PACIFIC Table 11: South Pacific (AMIRA) material classification method CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA COMMENTS Potentially Acid Forming Net Acid Producing Potential > 0 Sample always has a significant sulfur content, the acid generating potential of which exceeds the inherent Acid Neutralizing Capacity of the material. Net Acid Generation pH < 4.5 Net Acid Producing Potential < 0 Non-Acid Forming Net Acid Generation pH ≥ 4.5 Net Acid Producing Potential > 0 Uncertain Net Acid Generation pH ≥ 4.5 Net Acid Producing Potential < 0 Net Acid Generation pH < 4.5 © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium Sample may, or may not, have a significant sulfur content but the Acid Neutralizing Capacity availability is more than adequate to neutralize the acid that could be produced. An uncertain classification is used when there is an apparent conflict between the Net Acid Producing Potential and Net Acid Generation results. Uncertain samples are generally given a tentative classification that is shown in brackets e.g. Uncertain (Non-Acid Forming). 63 4.4.1 Geochemical Classification (cont.) Table 10: North American Naming Conventions. NORTH AMERICAN CONVENTION UNITS Acid Potential = 31.25 × sulfur (wt%) kg CaCO3/t Neutralization Potential kg CaCO3/t Net Neutralization Potential (=Neutralization Potential – Acid Potential) kg CaCO3/t Neutralization Potential Ratio (=Neutralization Potential / Acid Potential) No units NORTH AMERICA Table 12: North American (MEND) material classification method CLASSIFICATION CRITERIA COMMENTS Potentially Acid Generating Neutralization Potential / Acid production Potential < 1 Potentially Acid Generating material, unless sulfide minerals are non-reactive, or Acid Neutralizing Capacity is preferentially exposed on surfaces. Non-Potentially Acid Generating Neutralization Potential / Acid production Potential > 2 Non-Potentially Acid Generating material, unless Acid Neutralizing Capacity is insufficiently reactive, extremely reactive sulfides are present, or preferential exposure of sulfides is found in the material. Uncertain 1 < Neutralization Potential / Acid production Potential < 2 Possibly Potentially Acid Generating if Neutralization Potential is insufficiently reactive or is depleted at a faster rate than sulfides. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 64 4.5 Water Management While filtered tailings stacks do not require the maintenance of a reclaim water pond, surface and seepage water management are still required to maintain the physical and chemical stability of the facility. A conventional tailings storage facility water management system is shown in Figure 15 and a filtered tailings storage facility water management system is shown in Figure 16. Note the difference in pond water systems between the two tailings storage designs. Figure 15: Conventional wet slurry tailings facility schematic (adapted from MEND, 2017). DISCHARGE WATER TREATMENT MAKEUP WATER POND RECLAIM SURPLUS POND WATER UNDIVERTED SURFACE RUNOFF TAILINGS DEPOSITION DIRECT PRECIPITATION POND EVAPORATION TAILINGS BEACH TAILINGS DEWATERING DEWATERING RECLAIM SURFACE EVAPORATION TAILINGS POND TAILINGS FROM PROCESS PLANT PROCESS PLANT SEEPAGE RECLAIM TAILINGS DAM WATER ENTRAINED IN TAILINGS POND EVAPORATION SEEPAGE RECOVERY DAM UNDIVERTED SURFACE RUNOFF MAJORITY OF WATER MANAGEMENT CAPTURED SEEPAGE NON-CONTACT WATER CONTACT WATER TAILINGS © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium UNRECOVERED SEEPAGE SEEPAGE RECOVERY POOL 65 4.5 Water Management (cont.) Considerations for water management include: • The design should include developing a surface water management plan. For more detailed design phases, a detailed surface water management plan should be developed as part of the Operation and Maintenance plan of the filtered tailings stack. Surface and seepage water management is site-specific, and the design philosophy must be evaluated during the design phases. Understanding the site climate is a critical component of successful water management. Considerations for water management at wet and dry climates are provided below. • Positive surface grading is critical to avoid surface water ponding on the surface of the filtered tailings stack which can lead to increased seepage, stability impacts through rising phreatic levels or difficulties in equipment trafficability. • Uncompacted stack slopes can erode quickly and form large gullies due to rainfall and surface water runoff, and should be considered in stack and surface water plans. • Seepage modeling, which considers transient degree of saturation conditions, can be used to assess seepage conditions during the design stage and then further calibrated and updated during operations. Figure 16: Filtered stacked tailings facility schematic (adapted from MEND, 2017). DISCHARGE MAKEUP WATER WATER TREATMENT UNDIVERTED SURFACE RUNOFF TAILINGS DEPOSITION DIRECT PRECIPITATION TAILINGS DEWATERING FILTERED TAILINGS PILE TAILINGS FROM PROCESS PLANT DEWATERING RECLAIM SURFACE EVAPORATION SURPLUS POND WATER TAILINGS SURFACE RUNOFF WATER ENTRAINED IN TAILINGS PROCESS PLANT UNDIVERTED SURFACE RUNOFF POND RECLAIM POND EVAPORATION RUNOFF COLLECTION DAM RUNOFF COLLECTION & TREATMENT POND MAJORITY OF WATER MANAGEMENT CAPTURED SEEPAGE NON-CONTACT WATER UNRECOVERED SEEPAGE CONTACT WATER TAILINGS © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 66 4.5.1 High Rainfall Areas Stormwater management strategies may be challenging for filtered tailings stacks in wet climates where annual rainfall exceeds annual evaporation, and high-intensity storm events occur. Runoff from stacks in high rainfall areas is likely to be high in suspended solids, and external water collection ponds are required to collect and manage silt-laden runoff water. Stormwater drains may also be required on the upper surface of the stack to convey 'dirty' water that has come into contact with tailings. The surface water geochemistry may be of poor quality and could require water treatment before discharging to the downstream environment. A water balance is required to estimate the capacity of the filtered tailings stack to absorb and evaporate the transient pond formed after seasonal and extreme rainfall events. Uncompacted stack slopes in high rainfall areas can erode quickly and form large gullies. It is recommended that these areas be rolled-compacted to minimize erosion. Sealed and compacted tailings are relatively erosion resistant except in heavy rain and/or concentrated surface water flows. 4.5.2 Arid and Semi-Arid Regions Operational experience with filtered tailings stacks in arid and semi-arid climatic regions has shown that operational access and trafficability issues can be addressed through surface water management controls, however seepage from the tailings remains an important consideration. In addition to improve the strength of the tailings, compaction will also reduce the hydraulic conductivity of tailings and reduce infiltration. Consolidation or desiccation may result in cracking on the upper surface of the stack (Figure 17) which can concentrate surface water flows and lead to erosion issues. Continuous monitoring is required, and cracks should be filled with tailings or suitable fill to prevent water ingress that may develop sinkholes and internal erosion. Figure 17: Cracking of tailings upper surface. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 68 4.6 Design Considerations 4.6.1 Tailings Compaction and Zonation Filtered tailings may be placed in an unsaturated state and compacted to achieve dilative behavior, and avoid the risk of flow liquefaction. Compaction also provides the following benefits: • Increased shear strength • Improved filtered tailings stack trafficability • Increased erosion resistance • Reduced settlement potential • Reduced hydraulic conductivity and potential for surface water infiltration As a result, many filtered tailings stacks are constructed by placing filtered tailings in relatively thin lifts and compacting them with typical earthworks compaction equipment. However, this process can have significant impacts on the feasibility of stacking due to the costs and operational constraints associated with placing and compacting filtered tailings in thin lifts. As a result, approaches to limit filtered tailings compaction have been considered. These include placing the filtered tailings in zones, where a compacted structural zone is placed to stabilize the adjacent non-structural zone (Figure 18). The nonstructural zone may constitute tailings with higher moisture contents and lower compaction specifications. Thus, the non-structural zone can provide greater operational flexibility and lower cost tailings storage. The structural zone can be constructed similarly to a dam and raised using downstream, centerline, or upstream methods of construction. The appropriate design is a function of the performance objectives for the project and site-specific characteristics such as climate, seismicity and the tailings shear strength. Figure 18: Filtered stacked tailings structural and non-structural zone schematic. COMPACTED STRUCTURAL ZONE NON-STRUCTURAL ZONE (LOW TO NO COMPACTION) © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 69 4.6.1 Tailings Compaction and Zonation (cont.) Alternatively, filtered tailings stacking with less stringent compaction and moisture content specifications and no separate structural zone may also be feasible to reduce costs. Key considerations include: • Siting the facility in a location that supports the adoption of less restrictive performance objectives. • Understanding the potential behavior and consequences of facility failure of the facility. • Harnessing site characteristics such as atmospheric drying to reduce the tailings moisture content and utilizing tailings transport/stacking equipment to provide incidental compaction. • Test fills, predictive engineering analyses, and surveillance during construction are key to developing and assessing compliance with performance objectives. • Determining the seismic velocity ratio. The seismic velocity ratio (compressional wave velocity (Vp) / shear wave velocity (Vs)) is used to assess stability, specifically to assess unsaturated zones. 4.6.2 Filtered Tailings Stacking Over Conventional Facilities In some instances, such as to reduce costs or environmental permitting issues, it may be advantageous to construct a filtered tailings stack within an existing conventional slurried tailings storage facility. This is known as “piggybacking” and understanding the ground foundation in these cases is important as it is likely weak and low strength. The following is required before placing filtered tailings on an existing tailings facility: • Undertaking a detailed geotechnical investigation, including Piezo Cone Penetration testing, Seismic Cone Penetration testing, vane shear, etc. • Retrieving high-quality samples of the existing deposited tailings (future stack foundations) during geotechnical investigation for laboratory testing. • Carrying out a comprehensive laboratory testing program to determine the in-situ state of the tailings in the existing tailings facility that will form the foundation for the filtered tailings stack. • Undertaking the appropriate level of slope stability assessment that may include limited equilibrium and more detailed deformation analyses to determine if the existing tailings facility will provide short and long-term stability under static and post-seismic loading conditions. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 70 4.6.3 Water Management Considerations Design considerations for filtered tailings stack water management include: • Laboratory tailings characterization results should be reviewed to assess the potential for re-saturation during rainfall or snowfall events. • Surface water diversions should be designed upstream of the stack to prevent 'clean' runoff water from entering the footprint of the stack, and to reduce 'contact water' volumes that may require treatment prior to discharge to the environment. • A grading plan should be developed and maintained during operations to avoid ponding of surface water on the stack and directing surface water flows to erodable edges of the stack. Roller compaction of surfaces is useful to reduce infiltration and erosion. • If mobile stacking equipment is used on the filtered tailings stack, the active stacking area should be shaped to shed water to assist with trafficability of the equipment. • Safety windrows/bunds are required along the edges of the stack. When surface water management requires conveying runoff water from the upper surface to the ground surface, stormwater discharge chutes must be designed and appropriately lined (preventing erosion) to convey the peak storm discharge volumes. Silt interception structures/areas are needed to manage silt-laden runoff water. 4.6.4 Geochemical Considerations Although seepage from filtered tailings stacks may be less than from traditional slurry deposited tailings, weathering of minerals such as pyrite may be enhanced due to a greater abundance of oxygen in pore spaces. Key considerations related to this are: • Oxidizing conditions are greatest on the surface of the facility and this zone is most likely to generate contact water which may lead to impacted runoff/ seepage water quality. • Sulfide oxidation rates may be inhibited deeper within the tailings mass due to oxygen consumption in outer layers of sulfidic tailings. • Reducing conditions may develop at depth within the pile, limiting sulfide oxidation rates. • Contact water quality is influenced by reaction rates of various minerals and the availability of water to transport these contaminants. As the surface zone is most likely to be a source of generation of contaminants through sulfide oxidation, options to minimize the facility surface area open at any one time should be considered. Although it is noted that this is often difficult for large facilities, depending on stacking method, where possible, progressive closure may help to inhibit oxidation rates and/or flushing of tailings surfaces by contact water. Additionally, it is often possible to optimize placement and compaction methods to reduce the hydraulic conductivity and therefore reduce the infiltration through and seepage from tailings because of storm events. Parameters for different construction scenarios may be built into hydrochemical modelling to assist with optimization of operational methodology. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 71 4.7 Operational Considerations Operational considerations associated with filtered tailings stacks include: • Careful planning is needed to determine how to manage out of specification tailings or upset conditions at the stack to avoid impacting upstream operations. Out of specification tailings may be generated due to changes in the ore body characteristics or upset filter plant conditions while the ability to access the stack may be impacted due to rainfall and poor surface water management. Potential approaches to mitigate these conditions include construction of a smaller conventional slurry storage facility to store out of specification tailings, the use of structural and non-structural zones within the filtered tailings stack, ripping wet tailings to allow for atmospheric drying, and/or the use of additives such as cement to reduce the tailings moisture content and/or strength. • The allowable tailings moisture content at the filter plant may be higher than the allowable moisture content at the stack due to drying during transport and placement in arid climates. • Dust generation from the tailings surface (Figure 19) can be a significant concern and can impact the social license to operate the facility. • The loading from tailings transport and placement equipment operating on the stack surface and the loading from overlying stacked tailings should be considered as a potential source of tailings compaction. • The design should account for the site-specific climatic conditions. In arid climates, it may be feasible to rely on evaporation to achieve required moisture contents at the placement location while increasing the allowable moisture contents at the filter plant. This may require a larger stack area to allow for evaporation to occur. • Operational practices should also account for seasonal variations in climate. • Construction of a storage shed to ensure continued production during adverse weather events that inhibit transportation, placement and compaction. Figure 19: Dust generation from haulage roads and stack ramps. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 72 4.8 Recommended Tasks by Study Level Engineering analysis and characterization are critical components in successful filtered tailings stack design. These tasks will vary by study level. Preliminary filtration assessment focuses on flow sheet development and not filtered tailings stack design. Order of Magnitude and Prefeasibility Studies - The following should be considered during this stage: • A geotechnical engineering team with experience in filtered tailings stack design should be engaged in the assessment of geotechnical stability. • Complete the tailings geotechnical testing outlined in Chapter 2 for order of magnitude and prefeasibility level studies. • Geotechnical testing should be conducted on tailings produced from a pilot operation or as close to the planned operations as possible to generate relevant engineering parameters for design considerations. If representative, site-specific tailings are not available, then data can be harvested from similar operations to support the prefeasibility study and geotechnical testing moved to the feasibility study. • Conduct preliminary investigations and studies to characterize the site. These may include field geologic mapping and climate studies and summarizing tailings characteristics from completed testing. Consider the following engineering analysis and assessments: • Develop preliminary design basis and performance objectives for the filter stack. • Identification of potential failure modes and risk assessments to identify controls and inform the instrumentation and monitoring plan. • Slope stability analyses for both local and global stability. This should include: • Evaluating bearing capacity to assess trafficability for transport and placement equipment, local stability assessment to determine achievable lift thicknesses, tolerable rate of rise, and stacker setback requirements. • Assess overall stability of stack during and after construction to identify placement conditions (e.g., slope angles, benches, number of lifts, overall height, etc.). • Assessment of the consequence of tailings facility failure. A rule of thumb is that the filtered tailings stack will deform (slump) 10-times the stack height during failure (KCB 2017). • Develop tailings placement requirements based on analysis results and site characterization and stack design data. • Seepage modeling to assess unsaturated and saturated flow during and after operations. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 73 4.8 Recommended Tasks by Study Level (cont.) Feasibility Study - During this stage, the assumptions made and gaps identified in the prior study stages should be addressed. Consider the following: • Detailed (feasibility level) characterization of foundation conditions through subsurface investigations and associated field and laboratory testing. • Additional confirmatory tailings testing to address identified threats. • Operational documents such as Operation, Maintenance and Surveillance (OMS) Manual, surface water management plan, and trigger action response plans (TARPs). • For brownfield operations, it may be possible to conduct field scale testing to evaluate densities and trafficability achieved during placement, compaction, and stacking to confirm tailings and process design parameters. • Update engineering analyses to incorporate newly acquired information. • Perform additional engineering analyses such as considering multiple seepage and stability analysis sections and more advanced analysis such as finite element deformation analyses. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 5. Material Transport & Stacking APPROACH 74 Site Closure Filtered Tailings Stack Material Transport & Stacking Tailings Dewatering Concentrator Mine © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 75 5.1 Key Points The placement and geometry of the filtered tailings stack should be considered to assess the environmental and cultural impacts, optimize the costs (capital and operating), and provide operational flexibility. Compatible tailings transport, deposition and conditioning equipment should be assessed and combined to develop flow sheet options for comparison through trade-off studies. The scale of materials handling can be similar to the mining operation, (particularly in copper production) therefore, the impact of cost is significant and requires significant attention to optimize. In some applications, these costs can be higher than the dewatering costs. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 77 5.2 Introduction Transport of filter cake starts at the point it is loaded onto the system that will carry it from the filters to the filtered tailings stack. Filter cake from the filter plant can be deposited onto a temporary stockpile from which it is reclaimed by the transport system, or it can be fed directly into the system. The interface between transport and deposition is dependent on the transport system and the stacking method; thus, it cannot be clearly delineated. The completion of the process is when no more machinery is needed to engage with the material in place. The design of this system must be made in conjunction with the filtered tailings stack design. There are many combinations of technologies and operating modes for the transport and stacking of filtered tailings, and each technology and mode have strengths and weaknesses to consider when designing the system. The selection of technologies and operating modes is dependent on many factors, including filter cake moisture, daily tonnage rate, distance to stack, topography, climate, and stack design. Through careful analysis of the needs and constraints of a given site, transport and stacking strategies can be selected to yield the best compromise of cost, tolerable risk, effectiveness, and safe operation. Considerations should also be made for automation to reduce risks to personnel, and for electrical-powered equipment to reduce carbon emissions. It is recommended to engage an automation specialist to optimize. The transportation of filtered tailings is very site specific. Factors such as material properties (which is dominated by the moisture of the material), climate conditions, stack design (including topography, seismic conditions, lift height, and total stack height), and trafficability of the material greatly affect the selection of the material handling system. Sites with higher tonnages (greater than 15,000 tonne per day) and regular shaped filtered tailings stacks (such as rectangles, triangles and circles) can lend themselves to conveyance and large mobile stackers. Sites with low tonnages (less than 15,000 tonne per day) and have complex shapes, such as multiple small valley fills, can lend themselves toward mobile trucks. Hybrid solutions may use conveyors for long distance haulage of filtered tailings and trucks for final placement. Finally, the filtered tailings may need to be conditioned after deposition, such as spread into thin lifts, evaporatively dried, and compacted. All these issues must be evaluated and addressed to design a safe, cost effective, reliable, material handling and stacking system. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 78 5.3 Design Parameters Key parameters for tailings material transport and stacking design include: • Tailings filter cake properties • Tailings production volume/tonnage • Distance and topography between filter cake production and placement • Climate • Construction requirements • Access. There is no default design choice that is appropriate for all applications and the designer will need to consider the whole system and not a collection of individual components. 5.3.1 Tailings Filter Cake Properties The properties of the tailings filter cake and their expected ranges will influence both the transport and placement strategies, with the moisture content being the largest factor. Wet filter cake at moistures above its Flow Moisture Point can be more difficult to transport, and the filtered tailings stack design may benefit from trucks which can be more accommodating of wetter material. The tailings particle size distribution will also influence the placement strategy. Finer material may be more difficult to dewater, leading to higher moisture contents (which are more difficult to traffic); therefore, the stacking method must allow for the tailings angle of repose, and the load bearing capacity (both consolidated and unconsolidated) will constrain the type of equipment that can be used to place filter cake at the stack. The number of transfer points filter cake passes through can reduce its moisture content and increase dust generation, and should be considered in the material handling system design. Correct design of transportation equipment is vital for maintaining the availability required for production. Equipment that is undersized or not adequate for handling potentially wet material will affect production capabilities. Equipment design is typically done based on data gathered from lab scale equipment which, if done correctly, produces good results that have been proven to scale up to full scale equipment. Data used includes angle of repose, surcharge angle (which may decrease as the material is transported), bulk density (which may increase as the material is transported), and minimum chute angle (which is dependent on the chute construction material). Chapter 2 described these tests. 5.3.2 Tailings Production Volume © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium The transport and stacking system must be scaled to accommodate the volume of material generated. Certain transport technologies (e.g., conveyors) are better suited to higher volumes, while others (such as trucks) are better suited to smaller volumes. Additionally, other factors need to be taken into consideration as mobile equipment may be better suited overall for the specific application. 79 5.3.3 Distance and Topography The distance that the tailings filter cake needs to be transported influences the transport strategy. Longer distance increases the time to deliver material to its intended destination. Trucks and mobile equipment must complete a full cycle to move material. At the start of the cycle the vehicle is laden with tailings, then after the material is discharged the vehicle must return the same distance unladen to complete the cycle. Thus, for long hauls, trucks can be at a disadvantage compared with conveyors. The site topography greatly influences both the design of the filtered tailings stack and the route to transport the tailings from the filters. If a site is relatively flat and unconstrained by natural or man-made boundaries, the stack designer can adopt a simple design. However, for complex topography with hills and steep terrain (possibly compounded by other boundary constraints), the stack designer may be forced to adopt more novel transport and deposition strategies, often involving mobile equipment for its flexibility. 5.3.4 Climate Arid climates are more forgiving as the final moisture content of the tailings filter cake can be lowered at the filtered tailings stack using atmospheric evaporative drying. Unfortunately, arid climates are also prone to dust generation and the selection of equipment can impact significantly how much dust is generated. Wet climates with significant precipitation can pose a challenge for tailings management as the moisture level of the filtered tailings can be increased in-situ. It will be important for the stack designer to consider water shedding designs and drainage. Those sites with harsh winter conditions may have to deal with snow and freezing, affecting both transport and deposition strategies. Conveyors transporting wet material in freezing conditions can have issues, particularly covered conveyors due to condensation and freezing of moisture from the filter cake. As discussed in Section 4.7, a storage shed may be needed to ensure continued production during adverse weather events. 5.3.5 Construction Requirements The filtered tailings stack design may require thin layers, called lifts, for compaction or enhanced evaporative drying. The traditional deposition methods used in other processes, such as heap leach pile construction, yield thick layers of 10 m or more that are not amenable to compaction. Thin lifts are expensive and may require different deposition equipment than is traditionally used for other high tonnage applications. 5.3.6 Access Roads and Ramps The development of access roads and ramps for mobile equipment is an on-going process as the stack is constructed over the life of operation. Access roads and ramps are periodically incorporated into the stack, so their locations should be well-planned to ensure minimal impact on the design and future lifts of the stack. Stack access roads should be demarcated to reduce unnecessary traffic and dust emissions. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 80 5.4 Tailings Loading, Transport, Deposition and Conditioning Equipment LOADING The movement of filtered tailings from the filters to their ultimate location at the stack can be broken down into three steps; the transportation from the filters to the stack location prior to discharge onto the stack; the deposition, or discharge, of the filter cake; and finally, any post deposition conditioning, which is any work performed on the filter cake after discharge from the final transportation equipment. There is a range of equipment that can transport, deposit and condition filter cake. Each class of equipment has advantages and disadvantages that must be weighed against the needs and constraints of the site. Table 13 shows the main advantages and disadvantages of each major type of equipment. ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE INDICATION OF COSTS Lower operating costs. Not suitable for large tonnages due to size. Need liners and steep walls to reduce plugging and sticking issues. DIRECT LOADING WITH BINS AND HOPPERS Cost increases significantly for tonnages greater the 10 ktpd. Very flexible. Maintaining a fleet of mobile equipment requires a workshop to support them. Not very suitable for high tonnages. FRONT END LOADER OR EXCAVATOR Low to moderate capital costs and can be mobilized quickly. They do require regular maintenance. It is possible to lease this equipment High volume with single pieces of equipment. Suitable for large tonnages. Electrically powered and can be automated. Not mobile. Wet material can cause fouling and cause increased maintenance. STATIONARY APRON FEEDER Moderate to high cost. High volume with single pieces of equipment. Suitable for large tonnages. Designed so dozers can easily be used to feed the reclaim feeder. Semi mobile. Electrically powered and can be automated. Wet material can cause fouling and cause increased maintenance. RECLAIM FEEDER Low to moderate cost. Table 13: Filtered tailings loading, transport, deposition and conditioning equipment. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 81 5.4 Tailings Loading, Transport, Deposition and Conditioning Equipment (cont.) TRANSPORT ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE INDICATION OF COSTS Well suited to transport material along a fixed corridor of moderate distance that does not alter and has a long operating life. Electrically powered and can be highly automated. Wet material can cause fouling of rollers and the support frame. If there is a real risk that the filter cake would have higher moisture levels than planned for, this can reduce the effectiveness and increase the maintenance demand, negatively impacting on the operating costs. OVERLAND CONVEYOR Initially, they require a higher capital investment but have a lower operating cost. This equipment is typically not leased. Well suited for situations that require flexibility and the distance to be travelled is short to moderate. Maintaining a fleet of mobile equipment will require a workshop to support them. Not suitable for long haul distances as they will be expensive in both capital and operating costs. MOBILE EQUIPMENT (TRUCKS - ARTICULATED, RIGID FRAME, TRACTOR WITH TRAILER TYPE) Low to moderate capital cost and can be mobilized quickly. They do require regular maintenance. It is possible to lease this equipment. More accommodating than a conventional conveyor belt when transporting off-specification material. Electrically powered and can be highly automated. Can go up vertically or across valleys. The batch nature of the system requires a buffer to accumulate material between batches, which adds the operational cost of placing and pickup up material again, and the need for space to accommodate the buffer stockpile. BATCH CONVEYOR (INCLUDING ARIAL BUCKET CONVEYORS) Like overland conveyors, they initially require a higher capital investment and have a lower operating cost. This equipment is typically not leased. Can be electrically powered (but are often diesel) and can be highly automated. More accommodating than a conventional conveyor belt when transporting off-specification material. Only practical for larger volumes of material and longer haul distances. RAIL HOPPER CAR Requires a large capital investment but can be justified when transporting large volumes (approximately 500,000 tonne per day) over long distances greater than 10 km, or if there are existing rail assets that can be leveraged. Table 13: Filtered tailings loading, transport, deposition and conditioning equipment. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 82 5.4 Tailings Loading, Transport, Deposition and Conditioning Equipment (cont.) DEPOSITION ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE INDICATION OF COSTS Well suited for depositing 10 to 20 m lifts in a regular shape, such as a rectangle or triangle, on a flat surface. Can handle high tonnages at lower operational costs than trucks. Not suited for placing material in irregular shapes or uneven surfaces. Like overland conveyors, they initially require a higher capital investment and have a lower operating cost. MOBILE BRIDGE STACKER This equipment is typically not leased. Well suited for depositing 10 to 20 m lifts in regular and irregular shapes (more flexibility), on a flat surface. Can handle high tonnages at lower operational costs than trucks. In event of unplanned shutdown or equipment failure, multiple individual pieces of equipment can allow for quick replacement of equipment. Has many transfer points which can plug and cause operational problems for wet and sticky material. Planned equipment movement occurs regularly (sometimes weekly), so multiple lines are required to maintain high system availability. Like overland conveyors, they initially require a higher capital investment and have a lower operating cost. MOBILE STACKER This equipment is typically not leased. If the topography is difficult or the geometry of the filtered tailings stack design follows an irregular shape, then some form of mobile equipment is the best choice. Layers thinner than 5 m but subsequent spreading will still be needed before compaction. Maintaining a fleet of mobile equipment will require a workshop to support them. Not suitable for long haul distances as they will be expensive in both capital and operating costs. Low to moderate capital cost and can be mobilized quickly. MOBILE EQUIPMENT (TRUCKS) They do require regular maintenance. It is possible to lease this equipment. Table 13: Filtered tailings loading, transport, deposition and conditioning equipment. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 83 5.4 Tailings Loading, Transport, Deposition and Conditioning Equipment (cont.) CONDITIONING ADVANTAGE DISADVANTAGE INDICATION OF COSTS Can level tailings rows or piles to thin lifts required for compaction. Dozers and graders can be used individual or in combination. Maintaining a fleet of mobile equipment will require a workshop to support them. DOZERS AND GRADERS Low to moderate capital cost and can be mobilized quickly. They do require regular maintenance. It is possible to lease this equipment. For shallow to moderate compaction/depths. Available with a smooth (drum) roller for sealing the surface of deposited filtered tailings to reduce ingress of surface water from precipitation. Maintaining a fleet of mobile equipment will require a workshop to support them. ROLLER COMPACTOR AND VIBRATING ROLL COMPACTOR Low to moderate capital cost and can be mobilized quickly. They do require regular maintenance. It is possible to lease this equipment. For moderate compaction/depths. Maintaining a fleet of mobile equipment will require a workshop to support them. Not typically used at mine sites but could be effective. Typically found at landfills. Not good at sealing the surface of the tailings. New equipment at a mine site which may require operator training. LANDFILL COMPACTOR Low to moderate capital cost and can be mobilized quickly. They do require regular maintenance. It is possible to lease this equipment. For deep compaction/depths, potentially up to 3 m. Maintaining a fleet of mobile equipment will require a workshop to support them. Not typically used at mine sites but could be effective. Typically used for road or airstrip construction. New equipment at a mine site which may require operator training. Low to moderate capital cost and can be mobilized quickly. DYNAMIC ROLLER They do require regular maintenance. It is possible to lease this equipment. Table 13: Filtered tailings loading, transport, deposition and conditioning equipment. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 84 5.4 Tailings Transport, Deposition and Conditioning Equipment (cont.) There are many combinations of equipment that can be used to construct a filtered tailings stack, as shown in Figure 20. While certain transport modes are more complementary to specific deposition modes, virtually any transport mode can be mixed with any deposition mode. To navigate the potential combinations the more common, or preferred, paths are shown in different colours in Figure 20. BLUE PATH The current state of the art for stacking high volumes of filtered tailings which are not compacted; however, as will be discussed, it is not well suited to all applications. GREEN PATH An alternative better suited to filtered tailings stack with a more complex stack shape and topography, that require evaporative drying to achieve the moisture content requirement for compaction. BROWN PATH A typical low volume filtered tailings solution. CHARCOAL PATH Connects the overland conveyor for the long-distance haul with mobile equipment for the last section of the haul and deposition of the filter cake, forming a hybrid solution which may currently be the optimum solution for many projects. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 85 CURRENT STATE OF ART FOR HIGH VOLUMES POTENTIALLY SUITABLE FOR COMPLEX FILTERED TAILINGS STACKS FILTER TYPICAL LOW VOLUME FILTERED TAILINGS SOLUTION HYBRID SOLUTION PLANT MATERIALS HANDLING COLLECTION CONVEYOR CONVEYOR TRANSPORT HOPPER CARS (RAIL) BATCH CONVEYOR PLANT RADIAL STACKER HOPPER CAR UNLOADER OVERLAND TRANSPORT CONVEYOR REMOTE RADIAL STACKER STATIONARY APRON FEEDER LOADING MOBILE EQUIPMENT DIRECT FEED CONVEYOR DRIVE UNDER HOPPER MOBILE EQUIPMENT DIRECT FEED INTO MOBILE EQUIPMENT ARTICULATED DUMP TRUCK FRONT END LOADER OR EXCAVATOR RECLAIM FEEDER WITH DOZER OFF-ROAD TRACTOR WITH TRAILER ROAD TRACTOR WITH TRAILER LIGHT RIGID FRAME TRUCK PADDOCK TIP INTEGRATED SPREADER EJECTION SPREADING HEAVY RIGID FRAME TRUCK DEPOSITION BRIDGE STACKER CONDITIONING DOZER PLOUGH DISC WITH ROLLING BASKETS DOZER COMPACTOR STACKED & COMPACTED FILTERED TAILINGS STRUCTURE Figure 20: Transport, deposition, and conditioning pathways. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 86 5.5 Tailings Transport, Deposition and Conditioning 5.5.1 Transport Equipment Considerations The moist nature of filtered tailings can cause issues with conveyor and truck transportation. The higher the free moisture content, and the stickier the material, the more issues that can occur. Conveyors Poor belt tracking, belt slippage, pulley damage and idler damage caused by wet and/or sticky material can increase demand for housekeeping and maintenance. Scrapers and ploughs are commonly used to remove material stuck to the conveyor belt to reduce these issues, as shown in Figure 21. Transfer points (places where one conveyor offloads to another conveyor) are also problematic with wet material as they can become fouled, as shown in Figure 22. Liners to reduce cake build-up and chute design (including engineering to minimize cake contact with the chute walls) can minimize this issue. Vibrators or air cannons can also be employed to potentially discharge cake adhered to the chute walls. Figure 21: Belt scraper and plough. V-PLOUGH BELT SCRAPER © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 87 5.5.1 Transport Equipment Considerations (cont.) Figure 22: Conveyors can become fouled at transfer points. Truck Haulage Truck loading can be an issue, especially for large tonnages. Trucks may be loaded using a front-end loader; however, this can be an expensive option. To eliminate the need for a loader a hopper may be used. However, due to the potentially sticky nature of filter cake (which requires very steep hopper walls to minimize bridging and sticking) this method is not recommended for large-scale filtered tailings facilities as the hoppers will be very tall. Self-loading mucking into a truck is also used at smaller scales but the technology has not been demonstrated viable on the productivity scale required for large-scale filtered tailings handling. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 88 5.5.2 Deposition Equipment Considerations Deposition is the discharging of filter cake from the final transport system. Depending on the type of transport that was used, the deposition produces different pile shapes. Trucks Trucks may be used for transport as well as depositing. Wet sticky material can cause discharge issues from the bed of the truck, and bed liners and mechanical ejectors can be used to improve this. If trucks are used as the final transport system, there are two different types of deposition and pile shapes. Paddock tipping is the easiest and most straight forward deposition method, as shown in Figure 23. Ejection spreading, shown in Figure 24, is an improvement on paddock tipping as the material is discharged from the carrier while the carrier is moving forward, partially spreading the material out in thinner lifts. Unfortunately, ejectors are typically not available on the largest trucks used by mines. Figure 23: Dump truck paddock dumping. Figure 24: Articulator truck with ejector. Trucking options are also limited based on the load bearing capability of the tailings and thus the pressure that can be exerted on it by mobile equipment depositing and spreading filtered tailings. Trucks typically have higher load bearing pressures than mobile conveying stacking equipment. Filter cake can be analogous to silty sand so depending on its moisture level should be able to support a vehicle with tracks or flotation tires. In some cases, it may support quarry truck tires, but heavy mining trucks are unlikely to be supported at higher moisture contents. The load bearing capacity of the filtered tailings is also a concern while trucks are tipping, as the raised center of gravity could cause the truck to roll on its side while tipping. Not tipping the bed, which raises the center of gravity on a truck and can make it unstable, and using ejectors to discharge reduces the potential tipping hazard. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 89 5.5.2 Deposition Equipment Considerations (cont.) Mobile Stackers When conveyors are used as the final transport system (typically some form of stacking equipment) rows of filtered tailings are created, as shown in Figure 25. Again, care must be taken that the ground bearing pressure is sufficient to support the equipment. However, these stackers can be designed with much lower ground bearing pressures compared to trucks. Bridge stackers, one type of conveyor stacking equipment, can be used for high tonnage applications. They require relatively flat and uniform topography. The bridges are moved using tracked crawlers and the material is placed with a moving tripper. Movement of the feeding conveyors is required when the stack gets too high, or the position needs to be moved. These types of movements occur infrequently, typically on an annual basis for thick lifts. Movement can take 1 to 2 weeks, and when they occur the system is unavailable. Bridge stackers require that the deposited material be levelled so that they can lay down the next layer atop the previous one. Bridge stackers are most efficient depositing thick lifts. Figure 25: Bridge stacker. Figure 26: Portable Conveyor. Portable conveyors and stackers are tracked or wheeled conveyors that can be moved as needed, allowing higher flexibility. The discharge of one portable conveyor feeds the next conveyor, as shown in Figure 26, until the material is placed at the filtered tailings stack. One drawback of this type of equipment is its availability. When the conveyors are moved that portion of the system is down and unavailable. To compensate for this multiple stacking lines are needed. Movement frequencies can be as often as daily, for thin lifts, or as long as monthly, for thick lifts. Another drawback is the large number of transfer points that are required. Every transfer point is a place where tailings can stick and eventually plug the system. For wet material, the best transfer point is an eliminated transfer point. Portable conveyors and stackers are also more efficient depositing thick lifts. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 90 5.5.3 Conditioning Equipment Considerations Once the filtered tailings are transported and deposited at the stack, additional conditioning of the tailings may be needed. For example, the tailings may require evaporative drying to reduce its moisture content (see Chapter 7 for additional information). The tailings may also need to be leveled, with a dozer or a grader (see Figure 27 and Figure 28) and compacted to form a dilatant, structural zone. Or, in a wet environment, the tailings may be compacted with a drum roller to make the surface of the tailings resistant to the ingress of surface water (Figure 29). Compaction Compaction is the process of removing air and consolidating the tailings such that it is dilatant, as described in Chapter 4. When compaction is completed and meets the tailings geotechnical specification, the process can be repeated using the compacted tailings as the base for the next layer of filter cake to be deposited. While some compaction can be completed using the tracks and wheels of mobile equipment, this is not recommended due to the limited contacting area of the tracks or wheels with the tailings and that the mobile equipment is designed with low ground bearing pressures to reduce equipment tipping and bogging. There are a few variations of specialized compactors, and all of these can be either self-propelled or a pull type configuration. Selection of the compaction equipment will depend on the filtered tailings stack design and geotechnical specification. Figure 27: Tracked dozer. Figure 29: Smooth roll compactor. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium Figure 28: Grader. 91 5.5.4 Handling Off-Specification Tailings When off-specification (typically wetter than design target) tailings are produced it will be necessary to have a transport strategy to deal with it. Figure 30 illustrates wet material deposition by truck. Equipment used for sticky, high moisture material must be designed to discharge the material as completely as possible and to clean any surface in contact with the wet cake. For transporting wet flowable material in a truck, extra diligence is needed to avoid unexpected lateral forces that can potentially move tailings in the bed of the truck and cause vehicle rollover. Deposited wet tailings will have a decreased ground bearing pressure which can cause bogging and tipping of mechanical equipment at the stack. Figure 30: Transporting and deposition of high moisture filtered tailings. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 6. Tailings Dewatering APPROACH 92 Site Closure Filtered Tailings Stack Material Transport & Stacking Tailings Dewatering Concentrator Mine © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 93 6.1 Key Points Dewatering performance is sensitive to tailings properties, therefore test work is required to understand the impact of ore variability over the life of operation. It is best to understand the complete operating envelope and use ore blending and a good mine plan to mitigate the effects of the worst material rather than design for the worst case. Most tailings applications require a pressure filter to produce cake moisture contents low enough to allow construction of a geotechnically stable filtered tailings stack. Filter maintenance is not insignificant and needs to be planned and designed for. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 94 6.2 Introduction The key factors impacting tailings dewatering costs are: Tailings properties, in particular particle size distribution and mineralogy. Target moisture content range, based on the transport and geotechnical requirements which are related to the tailings’ properties Selected dewatering technology. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium The purpose of the tailings dewatering circuit is to create an unsaturated product which is sufficiently dry to be transported by mechanical conveyor and/or truck and complies with the geotechnical moisture content specified for the tailings facility. Different moisture target ranges may be specified for structural and non-structural zones of the facility. Tailings are a mixture of process water and solids with particle sizes ranging from sub-micron to several hundred microns. To separate the solid and liquid phases, a driving force is required. For tailings applications, forces resulting from gravity (thickening) and pressure differential (filtration) are utilized. Centrifuges, which use centrifugal forces for solid-liquid separation, can also be used. Centrifuges and low-pressure differential filters are not suitable for most filtered tailings applications as they do not produce a sufficiently dewatered product which can be compacted without post-processing drying to create a structurally stable stack. In most applications, the effectiveness of the tailings solid-liquid separation process is enhanced through the addition of reagents, such as flocculants and coagulants. Laboratory tests to select the optimum reagent conditions are presented in Chapter 2. 95 6.2 Introduction (cont.) Figure 31 illustrates that the costs for thickening are much lower than filtration. Due to the relatively low cost, it is advantageous to primarily dewater the tailings through thickening. This is followed by filtration to achieve the required unsaturated tailings product. Finer particle size distributions and some mineralogy profiles are problematic for solid-liquid separation and increase costs, as more equipment capacity and energy are required for dewatering. Figure 31 shows that varying the target cake moisture, even a few percentage points, can have a significant impact on project costs. As such, in arid climates there may be economic benefit to achieving the final moisture content through post-filtration environmental drying on the tailings facility. Also as discussed in Chapter 4, the non-structural zone of a filtered tailings stack may constitute tailings with higher moisture contents (while still meeting the requirements for transport), and this should be assessed in the overall design and economics. Several technology initiatives are being pursued to reduce the cost of producing filtered tailings and are discussed in Chapter 7; these include upstream process changes to produce coarser tailings, improvements to thickener and filter technology and performance, and post filtration drying techniques. Figure 31: Impact of particle size and required tailings residual moisture on relative dewatering costs. Adapted from: Svedala BASIC Pump & Process p7:42. 15x D80 of 120μm D80 of 80μm D80 of 30μm RELATIVE COST 10x 5x FILTRATION THICKENING x 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% RESIDUAL MOISTURE (%m) © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 96 6.3 Typical Filtered Tailings Dewatering Flowsheet A typical filtered tailings dewatering flowsheet is shown Figure 32. The tailings are first dewatered using thickeners, recovering most of the process water which is generally returned directly to the concentrator for re-use. The thickened tailings are then filtered to produce an unsaturated filter cake. The smaller portion of process water recovered during the filtration process is termed filtrate. As the filtrate typically contains some solids, it is usually sent to the thickener feed or a settling reclaim water pond where the solids are recaptured, maintaining the quality of process water returned to the concentrator. The thickener and filter plant locations are optimized for each project and are not necessarily adjacent to each other, so in some cases a slurry pipeline is required for thickened tailings delivery to the filters. To achieve the required cake moisture contents needed to allow the tailings to be compacted to a dilative stage, a batch type filter press is typically required for tailings dewatering. As the overall dewatering circuit is continuous, filter feed tank(s) are required to provide buffer capacity between batch and continuous processes. Due to their high level of operational reliability, standby thickeners are generally not required in the flowsheet. As filters have high maintenance requirements, and an average utilization of between 70% to 80%, filtration standby capacity must be included in the design; this can be achieved by designing extra capacity in the operating filters or having one or more full spare filters. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 97 PROCESS WATER CLEAN WATER FLOCCULANT MAKE-UP PLANT FLOCCULANT TAILINGS FEED COLLECTION BOX RETURN WATER THICKENER COMPRESSED AIR PRESSURE FILTER COMPRESSED AIR FILTER FEED TANK PRESSURE FILTER UNDER FILTER CONVEYOR UNDER FILTER CONVEYOR OVERLAND CONVEYOR DEPOSITION Figure 32: Typical filtered tailings dewatering flowsheet. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 99 6.4 Thickening 6.4.1 Basics Thickeners are large settling tanks which use gravity to separate solids and liquid in a continuous process. The solid-liquid separation occurs in two zones within the thickener (shown in Figure 33): • In the upper zone, separation is achieved using gravity. This zone is further divided into a free settling zone with low solids concentration and hindered settling zone (where the solids concentration is high enough that settling particle agglomerates interact with each other, reducing the settling velocity). The settling rate is a function of the process water viscosity, density, and chemistry, the particle size, shape, density, and surface charges, the solids concentration, and the addition of reagents. The clarity of the supernatant overflow is dependent on the effectiveness of separation in the free settling zone. • Below the settling zones, the particle agglomerates form a compact bed zone with contact between the individual agglomerates. Further solid-liquid separation is achieved through self-weight compression of the agglomerates and the shearing action of the rotating thickener rake mechanism which releases water entrained with the agglomerates. The solids concentration of the thickener underflow in the compressed bed zone is related to bed residence time and the design of the rake mechanism. There are three main rates associated with thickener design and their corresponding thickener underflow solids mass concentrations are determined from test work (see Chapter 2): Solids loading rate ((t/h)/m²) = solids in feed (t/h) thickener cross sectional area (m²) Rise rate (m/h) = liquid in feed volumetric rate (m³/h) thickener cross sectional area (m²) Hydraulic loading rate (m/h) = total slurry feed volumetric rate (m³/h) thickener cross sectional area (m²) SUPERNATANT OVERFLOW FLOCCULANT FEED CLEAR SUPERNATANT FREE SETTLING ZONE HINDERED SETTLING ZONE COMPACT BED ZONE COMPRESSED BED ZONE THICKENED UNDERFLOW Figure 33: Solid-liquid separation zones in thickener. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 100 6.4.2 Thickener Technology Most thickeners are mechanically similar. A diagram of a typical thickener is shown below in Figure 34. COMPRESSION DEPTH Higher bed heights (compact bed zone plus compressed bed zone) allow for more residence time and higher thickener underflow solids concentrations. SIDE WALL HEIGHT Higher tank side walls increase the compression depth and residence time. RAKE DRIVE TORQUE The thickener drive applies torque to rotate the rake through the thickened slurry bed. FEEDWELL The feedwell ensures good mixing of flocculant and feed slurry, and even distribution of produced particle agglomerates over the cross-sectional area of the thickener. FEED SLURRY DILUTION Feed slurry is diluted using clear supernatant to ensure good flocculation. The amount of dilution required is a function of solids minerology and particle size distribution. RAKE ARM AND RAKES Rakes move the settled slurry bed towards the central underflow discharge cylinder. The number and style of rakes and rake arms can vary. PICKETS Pickets may be attached to the rake, providing channels in the settled bed to induce water release and further bed compression. TANK BOTTOM SLOPE Cone bottom of the tank to help the settled slurry bed flow toward the central underflow discharge cylinder. For Paste type thickeners the slope is increased. DISCHARGE CYLINDER Often mixed to reduce the slurry yield stress, thickened slurry underflow is pumped out of the discharge cylinder volume. SUPERNATANT OVERFLOW SIDE WALL HEIGHT COMPRESSION DEPTH RAKE DRIVE TORQUE FEEDWELL FEED SLURRY DILUTION PICKETS RAKE ARM TANK BOTTOM SLOPE DISCHARGE CYLINDER Figure 34: Main components of a thickener. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 101 6.4.2 Thickener Technology (cont.) As shown in Figure 35, there are four basic thickener categories with differing feed arrangements, geometries, and mechanisms to suit their process targets. Conventional thickener designs Conventional thickeners are traditionally wide diameter tanks operated at slow settling rates with or without flocculant. Many conventional thickeners have been retrofitted with modern feedwells and are now operated at higher settling rates. High-rate thickeners High-rate thickeners have feedwells designed to promote efficient mixing of the feed tailings stream with added flocculant. The addition of flocculant results in significantly smaller footprints than a conventional thickener, with typically around 50% of the cross-sectional area required for the same tailings tonnage. High-density and paste thickeners High-density and paste thickeners employ the same feedwell technology used in high-rate thickeners. For a given application they have a similar cross-sectional area as a high-rate thickener, but produce higher underflow solids concentrations by utilizing higher sidewall heights to achieve deeper beds, steeper floor slopes, and specially designed rake mechanisms incorporating vertical dewatering pickets. The mechanisms are equipped with high-torque drives to accommodate the rheology of the high-density or paste material in the bed. High-density thickeners are recommended for most filtered tailings applications as these thickeners produce high solids concentration underflow while maintaining a manageable fully sheared yield stress1 of 40 to 60 Pa. Higher yield stress values can be problematic during tailings pipeline transport and filter feeding, and paste thickeners come with a significant increase in cost, and mechanical and operational complexity. High-density thickeners are currently available in sizes up to 125 m diameter. It should be noted that some tailings may have dewatering properties that require a paste thickener to produce underflow with a fully sheared yield stress of 40 to 60 Pa, and in these cases paste thickeners should be considered. Alternative names for high-density thickeners include deep cone (FLSmidth), deep bed (WesTech), and high compression (Metso). 1 The fully-sheared yield stress refers to the equilibrium yield stress achieved after the slurry sample has been subjected to shearing action until there is no further change in rheology. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 103 6.4.2 Thickener Technology (cont.) Figure 35: Thickener technology classification. CONVENTIONAL HIGH RATE HIGH DENSITY PASTE 20 to 40 Pa (fully sheared) 20 to 40 Pa (fully sheared) 20 to 100 Pa (fully sheared) >100 Pa (fully sheared) 30 to 60 Pa (un-sheared) 40 to 80 Pa (un-sheared) 100 to 250 Pa (un-sheared) >300 Pa (un-sheared) Diameter (maximum) 185 m Diameter (maximum) 140 m Diameter (maximum) 125 m Diameter (maximum) 55 m Low side wall height Floor slope 9.5° Sidewall 1.8 to 3.2m Floor slope 9.5° Sidewall 4.0 to 6.0m Floor slope 14° to 18° Sidewall 6.0 to 10.0m Floor slope 30° to 45° Because high-density thickeners operate with a higher underflow solids concentration, the tailings rheology is higher compared to high-rate thickeners. This requires careful consideration when designing and selecting the type of rake drive for these thickeners since they operate with a higher rake torque. The Maximum Operating Torque (MOT) is defined as the highest continuous torque the rake drive will experience during duty. The Normal Operating Torque (NOT) is the torque that is expected when the thickener is run at normal operating conditions and is usually assumed to be 25% of the MOT. Rake Drive Sizing MOT = k x D² x 14.63 Where: MOT = Maximum operating torque (Nm) k = Dimensionless empirical correlating factor, based on correlating imperial units. D = Thickener diameter (m) 14.63 = Conversion factor from imperial units to metric units. The k factor is an empirical number and is a function of several factors including underflow solids concentration, application/material, particle size distribution, solution chemistry, flocculant type, and rake design. A rough rule of thumb is that the k factor should be greater than the thickened slurry un-sheared yield stress measured in Pascals (Pa). High-rate thickener k factor: 25 < k < 75 High-density thickener k factor: 75 < k < 200 © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 104 6.5 Filtration Filtration involves using a porous medium, such as a filter cloth, to separate a slurry’s solid and liquid phases. As shown in Figure 36 a pressure differential is applied across the porous medium and feed slurry, so that the solids form a cake on the medium while the liquid passes through the cake and medium to produce filtrate. The source of the pressure differential varies by filtration technology. Finer particle size distributions, or problematic mineralogy, require higher pressure differentials to produce competent filter cake. 6.5.1 Basics Figure 36: Various types of pressure differential that can produce filter cake. POROUS MEDIUM CAKE FORMATION TAILINGS SLURRY FILTRATE ∂P GRAVITY SUB-ATMOSPHERIC SUPER-ATMOSPHERIC CENTRIFUGAL CAPILLARY In copper tailings dewatering applications, the particle size distributions are typically fine and usually require pressure filter technologies to achieve a product moisture content that meets specification for compaction to produce a dilative material (see Chapter 4). Vacuum filters must also be considered if the tailings are classified into coarse and fine particle streams, this is discussed in Chapter 7. Filtration system design is driven by two factors, process factors which look at the flow mechanisms of the slurry itself as it forms the cake, and equipment factors that consider the equipment design to achieve the pressure differential, operating mode, feed rate, and filter type. The process factors are tailings material specific, whereas the equipment factors are driven by the selected technology. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 106 6.5.2 Filtration Technology Figure 37 shows some example filtration technologies and their operating windows. Dewatering screens use gravity and vibration to dewater coarse sandy materials in the +0.10 mm particle size range, whereas vacuum filters are suitable for dewatering materials with a particle size P80 of greater than 0.01 mm using sub-atmospheric pressure. Pressure filters are required for materials with P80 values below 0.01mm or with high clay content and use higher super-atmospheric pressure differentials. PRESSURE FILTER SuperAtmospheric SOLID BOWL CENTRIFUGE Centrifugal SubAtmospheric VACUUM FILTERS VIBRATORY CENTRIFUGE DEWATERING SCREEN 100 10 1 Gravity 0.1 0.01 DEWATERING PRESSURE DIFFERENTIAL ∆P Figure 37: Tailings filtration technologies and typical range of application. 0.001 PARTICLE SIZE (mm) Currently the largest vacuum belt filter has 300 m² filtration area and applies a maximum pressure differential of 85 kPa, compared to vertical hanging plate pressure filters that can have over 2,000 m² of filtration area and apply a pressure differential of 1,500 kPa or more. Orientating filter plates vertically allows for a high number of plates in a single filter, whereas horizontal plates stacked vertically are mechanically limited by the height of the stack. The combination of high filtration area and high-pressure differential makes vertical plate pressure filters especially effective for large tonnage tailings applications. The remaining filter types, such as dewatering screens, and vacuum filters, may be cost effective for certain low-tonnage or coarse particle applications. Vertical plate pressure filters are complex machines. Each vendor and filter model have unique features, but many components are common and are shown in Figure 38. Original equipment manufacturers are currently developing or trialing larger pressure filters to meet the copper tailings market demand. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium DIEMME FILTRATION METSO FILTER MODEL GHT5000F DOMINO Larox FFP3716 FILTRATION AREA Approximately 2,850 m² Approximately 1,980 m² MAX PRESSURE 15 bar 16 bar PLATE SIZE 4,120 mm x 4,850 mm 3,700 mm x 2,700 mm NUMBER OF CHAMBERS 140 120 FEATURES Recessed chamber or membrane plate Recessed chamber or membrane plate LEVEL OF MATURITY Full-scale unit installed in Peru copper tailings trial since end of 2022. Full-scale unit being fabricated, no installations. 107 6.5.2 Filtration Technology (cont.) Figure 38: Main components of a vertical plate pressure filter. FILTER CLOTH SUPPORTS CLOTH WASH HEADER CLOTH SHAKER MECHANISM SIDE BEAM FILTER PLATES HYDRAULIC CLOSING CYLINDERS DRIP TRAYS FILTER PLATES The filter plates are individually oriented vertically and stacked in a horizontal direction. As a stack, they hold the filter cloth and membrane (optional) to create a stack of cavities called filter chambers. The chamber thickness is equal to the cake thickness. FILTER PLATES WITH MEMBRANE (OPTIONAL) Inflates with compressed air or water to compress the cakes within the filter chambers (see Figure 39). FILTER CLOTH SUPPORTS Holds the filtration media that stops the solids and lets water pass through. CLOTH SHAKER MECHANISM Shakes the cloth to remove large clumps of cake stuck on the filter media. CLOTH WASH HEADER Uses water to remove small pieces of cake stuck on the filter media. HYDRAULIC CLOSING CYLINDERS Opens, closes, and compresses the filter plate pack. SIDE BEAM OR OVERHEAD BEAM Holds the plate pack, filter cloth, and other components of the filter. DRIP TRAYS OR BOMB BAY DOORS Directly underneath the filter, these doors catch water drips that occur during filtration. These doors open during cake discharge. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 108 6.5.3 Vertical Plate Pressure Filter There are two main types of vertical plate pressure filters: membrane plate and recessed chamber. Both types of filters incorporate a chamber fill and cake form step, and a cake air blow dry step. Membrane plate pressure filters have an inflatable membrane filled with compressed air or water that squeezes the filter cake already formed in the chamber (Figure 39). This membrane remains engaged during the air blow step, before deflating for cake discharge. A membrane press step is often required for the more difficult-to-filter applications, such as fine particle size distributions or high clay content. Recessed chamber filters do not have a membrane but are otherwise similar to membrane plate pressure filters, as shown in Figure 40. For both types of vertical plate pressure filters the more difficult a material is to dewater, the thinner the cake and therefore the thinner the required filter chambers are. Typical chamber thicknesses range from 25 mm to 60 mm. Figure 39: Membrane plate press filter filtration steps. OPEN CLOSED FORM STEP PRESS STEP Figure 40: Recessed chamber filter filtration steps. OPEN CLOSED FORM STEP AIR BLOW STEP © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium AIR BLOW STEP DISCHARGE DISCHARGE 109 Filter press plates and cake discharge. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 110 6.5.3 Vertical Plate Pressure Filter (cont.) Figure 41: Typical pressure filtration cycle. TOTAL CYCLE TIME 10.5MIN All pressure filters operate in batch mode. The time required for each batch (start to start) is called the filter cycle. For a given filter size, the more batches per hour the filter can achieve, the higher the production rate. The filter cycle can be broken down into discrete steps, categorized as filtration steps and mechanical steps. Filtration steps are when filtrate is being produced, and these tailings material specific steps can be defined from laboratory test work. Mechanical steps are required for the filter to operate, such as opening and closing the plate pack. These steps are specific to the filter model and vendor and are not dependent on tailings material characteristics. FILTRATION 5MIN MECHANICAL 5.5MIN 0.5MIN CHAMBER FILL Slurry feed is pumped into the filter and fills the empty chambers. The fill rate is constrained by a pumped slurry feed velocity at which above plate wear rates are significantly increased. 2MIN CAKE FORM Slurry feed continues to be pumped into the filter. Cake builds on the filter cloth. The form rate can vary with chamber thickness, and slurry feed pressure. 1MIN MEMBRANE PRESS (OPTIONAL) The membrane is inflated (using either air or water) to squeeze the cake in the chamber. The membrane remains inflated until the cake air blow step is completed. Some tailings do not see a significant filtration performance improvement with a membrane press, and this is determined by test work. 2MIN AIR BLOW Compressed air is blown through the cake displacing interspatial water, desaturating the formed filter cake. 0.25MIN CORE WASH Water is used to flush out the slurry in the feed line and the filter core. 0.25MIN CORE BLOW Compressed air flushes the water left in the feed line from the core wash. 0.25MIN DRIP TRAY OPENING Drip trays are opened to allow the filter cake to discharge. 1.5MIN PLATE PACK OPENING & CAKE DISCHARGE2 The plates open (either one at a time or all at once) to allow the cake to discharge by gravity through the open drip trays. 0.5MIN FILTER MEDIA SHAKING Helps discharge filter cake, typically only for full plate stack opening filters. 0.25MIN DRIP TRAY CLOSING Drip trays are closed to allow for cloth washing 0.5MIN FILTER MEDIA FLOOD WASHING Helps keep filter media clean, typically only for full plate stack opening filters. Some filters may also use a high-pressure cloth wash once per day. 1.5MIN PLATE PACK CLOSING The plates are closed to ready the filter for the next cycle. 2 Figure 41 shows a typical filtration cycle for a full plate stack opening filter assuming a plate pack opening and cake discharge time of 1.5 minutes. For a single plate opening filter, this time can increase up to 15 minutes. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 111 6.5.3 Vertical Plate Pressure Filter (cont.) The method for opening the plates in a vertical plate pressure filter has a significant impact on the mechanical steps cycle time. Single plate shifting filters have long mechanical times, as each plate is opened individually for cake discharge and cloth washing. Figure 42: Full plate stack opening style pressure filter. Full plate stack opening is where all the plates are connected to each other via links and the plates open together. The advantage of this type of filter is a shorter mechanical time, but it does require a longer filter and footprint. Most large filters suitable for tailings use the full plate stack opening option. The plates on this style of filter are supported on a sidebar that connects the two steel heads of the filter (shown in Figure 42). © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 112 6.6 Considerations for Design 6.6.1 Equipment Sizing Correct sizing of dewatering equipment and the addition of some redundancy is vital for maintaining the availability to meet production demands. Equipment that is undersized will be operating at excessive rates and without the proper downtime required for preventative maintenance. Thickener tank sizing is relatively straight forward and derived directly from bench scale test work, however selecting an appropriately sized thickener mechanism and drive is often done without considering the full operating envelope and torque requirements to save costs. An undersized drive results in difficulties operating the thickener reliably, as spikes in bed rheology can cause the rakes to fail or trip, or if equipped, lift until the torque requirements are reduced. Filter sizing is typically done using bench scale filtration equipment which, if done correctly, produces good results that have been proven to scale up to full sized filter production. It is important to test a complete range of tailings that are representative of the overall life-of-mine. Using a tailings composite from this range to represent a “typical tailings” is not recommended. Figure 43 shows tailings filtration laboratory scale test results for the expected operating envelope for a mine in South America. Each data set represents a core sample. Note the variability in the filtration performance even though all test conditions and parameters were fixed. This variability is due to changes in tailings material properties. The charcoal line shows a cake moisture of 15% by mass. At this moisture the filtration rate ranges from 50 to 160 kg/m²/h across the various tailings samples tested. The composite sample (brown dots) was produced by mixing the individual core samples and has a filtration rate of 100 kg/m²/h. Cake moisture of 15% by mass Operating Envelope 300 FILTRATION RATE (kg/m2/hr) Figure 43: Filtration rate versus cake moisture for multiple core samples from single ore body targeting a cake moisture of 15% by mass. 250 200 150 100 50 0 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24% CAKE MOISTURE (wt%) There are several instances where a filtration plant has been sized based on a composite sample without testing other samples. If that was the case here, there would be times when the plant is less than half the size that is required. Understanding the frequency of the various tailings types is critical for optimizing filter plant sizing. During the project design phase, it is tempting to use the best filtering material as the design basis to save capital costs; however, this again leads to the risk of under sizing the filters. Conversely, if the worst-case material is selected as the basis of design, the capital and operating expenses may be too high resulting in the project never proceeding. It is best to understand the complete operating envelope and use ore blending and a good mine plan to mitigate the effects of the worst material. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 114 6.6.2 Planning for Maintenance Preventative maintenance is required to keep filters operating at optimum performance and prevent unscheduled shutdowns. Approximately 80% of maintenance activities on a pressure filter are associated with the filter cloth and filter plates. Designing the filter plant such that the filter cloths, and to a lesser extent the plates, are easy to remove is essential for successful long-term maintenance and maintaining high equipment availability. The expected cloth life is tailings material, cloth material, and site specific. The cloth life should be determined after startup to minimize the number of unplanned cloth failures. The goal is to have 99% of cloth changes planned and built into the maintenance program. Filter cloth that has been appropriately selected for the application will achieve between 1,000 and 4,000 cycles of operation before failure, depending on the type of tailings being processed. The worst type of tailings for cloth life typically contain a significant portion of clay and clay-sized particles, whereas tailings with more quartz-type particles or larger particles will have a longer cloth life. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 115 6.6.2 Planning for Maintenance (cont.) Unplanned cloth failures lead to a knock-on effect of failures: • Solids build-up behind the cloth (Plate 2). • Built-up solids behind the cloth passing through the filtrate ports in the plate (path of least resistance) and building up behind the adjacent cloth on the other side of the plate (Plate 4). • Built-up solids on the sealing surface between plates causing the plates to deform when the plate pack is closed under pressure. • Plate deformation leading to premature slurry leakage at the sealing surface, failure of the adjacent plate and failure of the next cloth. Figure 44: The Knock-On Effect cloth failure progression. PLATE 4 PLATE 3 PLATE 2 PLATE 1 PLATE 4 PLATE 3 PLATE 2 PLATE 1 SOLIDS BUILD-UP BEHIND THE CLOTH BUILT-UP SOLIDS BEHIND THE CLOTH PASSING THROUGH THE FILTRATE PORTS IN THE PLATE AND BUILDING UP BEHIND THE ADJACENT CLOTH ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLATE Good maintenance procedures ensure your filtration system operates at peak efficiency and include: • Daily walk-arounds, inspections, tightening bolts and other preventative maintenance. Some of this is completed as the filter is running (greasing, etc.). • Filter cloth change-outs on a scheduled cycle count. • Plate and cloth maintenance. • Applying good housekeeping and keeping the area clear. • 10-hour shutdown every two weeks for: • More significant maintenance to the filter. • Valve/seal replacements. • Feed pump maintenance. • Cloth wash pump maintenance. • Pipe replacements. • Hose replacements. The time for this maintenance needs to be accounted for when sizing filtration equipment and determining utilization and redundancy. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 116 6.6.3 Filter and Building Design It is important that the filtration system be protected from the environment. At a minimum, a roof over the filters must be provided to protect from precipitation and sunlight. Ultra-violet (UV) radiation is harmful to the polypropylene filter plates and some rubber components on the filter. Precipitation can make a filter inoperable, especially in colder climates. If filters are operated in a cold climate without a heated building, all water lines must have heat tracing. Depending on wind speeds, building walls may need to be provided to allow for crane operation during maintenance. Wind speeds of more than 10 km/h will make use of the maintenance cranes difficult, if not impossible. Building layout is important to allow access to filter components and ensure there is adequate space available for cloth and plate maintenance. An adequate area inside the building is necessary to ensure a sufficient inventory of filter cloth and filter plates and allow for any maintenance or staging of these parts. As filter cloth and plate maintenance are constant and can be time consuming, efficiency is key when designing the areas associated with these activities. Besides the filter cloth and plate maintenance, maintenance of other pressure filter components is required. These items include slurry valves, instruments, and hydraulic cylinders. Valves, particularly the pinch valves, require periodic inspection and maintenance. The positioning of these valves should be carefully considered so they are accessible and can be easily maintained. Pinch valves should have a flexible connection (bellows) as an interface with the rigid piping system, or a removable angled spool where a bellows is not practical or possible. A lifting point must be provided above every valve with sufficient headroom to allow easy extraction. Valves can be bulky, heavy, and not easily maneuvered. Figure 45: Model of typical filter plant showing the high aspect ratio of the building. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 117 6.6.3 Filter and Building Design (cont.) There are two heads on a vertical plate pressure filter, one at each end of the plate stack. One head moves while the other remains stationary. These heads contain the high pressures required for pressure filtration. The stationary head should be equipped with at least one walkway and hand-railings to enable routine unrestricted access for the purpose of installation and maintenance. An access ladder or stairway to the moving head, possibly at the filter’s open position, should be incorporated into the building design. Access to the drip tray components, particularly the hydraulic cylinders and instrumentation can be challenging, as they will be located under the floor of the filter. A walkway offering access to these areas is a critical item to avoid delays for installation, inspection, or repair activities. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 118 7. Opportunities © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 119 7.1 Key Points When evaluating opportunities to reduce project costs, the study manager must consider optimizing the overall project costs, not just the optimization of some individual unit operation costs, which when combined may result in higher global costs. Tailings classification and post deposition evaporative drying has the potential to reduce project dewatering costs, however the impact on overall water recovery from tailings should be considered. There is a potential to reduce project dewatering costs by increasing target deposition moisture contents through the implementation of co-disposal/comingling of tailings. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 120 7.2 Introduction The previous chapters of this guide described the building blocks for designing a typical filtered stacked tailings flowsheet. Although results are site-specific, assessments of filtered stacked tailings systems often show this option to be more expensive than conventional wet tailings facilities, both for capital and operating costs. Transition of a brownfield operation from a conventional wet tailings facility to a filtered stacked tailings system will likely increase operating costs, particularly if the conventional system has manageable embankment construction costs. This chapter discusses some potential project justifications along with opportunities and variants which may allow for project improvements and/or reduce the costs such that a filtered stacked tailings project may be viable. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 121 7.3 Potential Project Justifications What can be done to justify, or offset, the capital and operating costs such that a filtered stacked tailings project has a positive Net Present Value? As each mine site is different, it is important for the project study manager to understand the considerations that may bring value to a filtered tailings project. These considerations include: WATER COST AND AVAILABILITY Water can be more than USD $3/m³ (Herrera-León et al., 2019) in regions where water is desalinated and pumped long distances and/or to higher altitudes. Water costs at these rates may be high enough to offset filtered stacked tailings operating costs. STORAGE SPACE LIMITATIONS Filtered tailings can have a higher placed density than other tailings management options, reducing tailings storage volumes and footprints. This can be further optimized if tailings and waste rock are deposited in the same facility. REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS Depending on jurisdiction, permitting times for filtered stacked tailings facilities can be significantly less compared to conventional wet tailings facilities. BROWNFIELD TAILINGS FACILITY REMAINING LIFE In some applications, costs associated with constructing a new conventional wet tailings facility to maintain operations or future tailings facility embankment raises can be used to offset some or all the costs of filtered tailings. CLOSURE While progressive closure introduces costs earlier which can negatively impact the project’s Net Present Value, there may be other cost savings associated with the significant reduction of time between end of operation and closure completion, claiming closure bonds earlier, and reducing dust emission and infiltration management costs. STAGED IMPLEMENTATION If a filtered tailings system can be implemented in stages over time this allows costs to be deferred to the future, reducing the negative impact on Net Present Value. Brownfield operations may be particularly suitable for this approach as the existing conventional wet tailings facility could continue operation with a reduced tailings stream. This has the additional benefit of reducing the rise rate of the existing facility. BUTTRESSING There may be an option to use filtered tailings to buttress an existing tailings facility instead of using borrowed material, offsetting buttressing costs. TAILINGS RE-PURPOSING Value generation opportunities may exist for reuse/repurposing of filtered tailings, such as for underground paste backfill, or road construction material. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 122 7.4 Opportunities to Reduce Project Costs There are various areas of opportunities for cost reduction that may exist within a project, including dewatering, transport and placement, and co-disposal and co-mingling with available waste rock. 7.4.1 Classification to Improve Filtration Characteristics Tailings filtration characteristics can be improved by the removal of ultra-fine particles or clays. This is achieved by sending whole tailings to a classification process, such as cycloning. The cyclone underflow is then sent to vacuum filters or dewatering screens both of which are potentially less expensive than pressure filtration to produce a stackable cake. The cyclone overflow can be sent to a thickener and then either to pressure filtration to produce cake or deposited directly as a slurry. However, when evaluating opportunities to reduce costs, care must be taken that all other impacted costs are accounted for. For example, reducing target filter cake moisture contents may allow for the use of lower cost filtration technologies, but will likely increase transportation and stacking costs. Likewise, relying on evaporative drying of placed filter cake to supplement or replace filtration can reduce dewatering costs, but without capture, the cost of this water loss may have a negative impact on the project’s economics and needs to be considered. For each specific project, the overall project impacts must be determined for each opportunity, not just the individual costs. The philosophy behind this flowsheet is to separate the portion of the tailings that contains fines or clays from the rest of the tailings, reducing the flow sent to pressure filtration. Vacuum filters and screens are also continuous, which simplifies this portion of the flowsheet. In some applications the quantity of fines in the cyclone overflow may be low enough that some other dewatering technology, such as a centrifuge, could be used to dewater that stream instead of thickening or pressure filtration. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 123 7.4.1 Classification to Improve Filtration Characteristics (cont.) Figure 46: Potential Classification Flowsheet. THICKENER O/F CYCLONE O/F AUTOMATIC FILTER PRESS PLANT TAILINGS FILTRATE THICKENER U/F FILTER CAKE HORIZONTAL BELT FILTER CYCLONE U/F FILTER CAKE FILTRATE Some considerations for this flowsheet include: • If more than 60% of the particles are greater than 75 µm, this flowsheet should be considered for further investigation. • If less than 60% of the particles are greater than 75 µm it is likely that pressure filtration of the whole combined tailings will be more economical. • Classifying solids by particle size distribution will change the slurry streams’ geotechnical behavior and this change needs to be understood. Typically, the coarse stream will have lower target cake moistures for placement and compaction than the original whole tailings, and the fine stream will have higher target cake moistures. • Depositing the fines stream as a slurry can greatly decrease dewatering costs. The disadvantages are reduced water recovery from tailings and the necessity of a tailings facility that can support wet slurry disposal. In arid environments, it may still be possible to have a “dry stack” from slurry deposition using thin lifts with evaporative drying. • The two separated dewatered tailings streams can be recombined before deposition depending on the tailings management strategy. Attention must be paid to the mixing process design to ensure a homogenous product for deposition. • Fine tailings streams with a significant fines fraction or clay mineralogy are typically challenging and high cost to filter. In some cases, increasing the solids content by 2% to 3% mass can double the number of filters required and consequently drive the operating costs significantly higher. Recombining a portion of the coarse tailings with the fine tailings is an option to help lower the dewatering costs of the fines stream that has proven feasible in some applications. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 124 7.4.2 Improved Evaporative Drying using Plough and Discs Figure 47: Agricultural plough. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium Environmental evaporative drying of tailings is not typically effective for depths greater than 100 mm, and mechanical turning of the tailings may be required to assist with achieving target moistures. Dozers can be used to rip into the deposited tailings; however, ploughs (shown in Figure 47) and tandem discs are agricultural implements specifically designed to do this. While these technological innovations from the agricultural industry are promising, for any technologies not currently proven in tailings processes, the risks of the technology must be evaluated and mitigated. 125 7.4.3 Improved Thin Lift Filter Cake Deposition Creating a thin lift of filter cake using standard equipment (covered in Chapter 5) takes two steps. First the filtered tailings are deposited from a conveyor or truck in a paddock or row, then this row is leveled using a dozer or grader. There is a potential opportunity to combine the deposition and leveling into a single step, using equipment not traditionally found in mining or tailings management. Figure 48 shows a manure spreader from the agricultural industry that is designed to spread sticky material in a thin layer over a wide area. Figure 48: From farming to mining – manure spreaders deposit thin layers of sticky material. Slinging belts, shown in Figure 49, could also be attached to a stacking conveying system for thin lift deposition. Again, for any technologies not proven in tailings processes, the risks of the technology must be evaluated and mitigated. Figure 49: Slinging belt. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 126 7.4.4 Co-Disposal and Co-Mingling Co-disposal and co-mingling both describe the deposition of mine waste rock and tailings in the same footprint with different amounts of mixing. Co-disposal typically means deposition of waste rock and tailings in separate layers or cells while co-mingling means the mixing of the waste rock and non-segregating tailings into a homogeneous matrix. Co-mingling has had several trade names associated with it, such as Paste-Rock™, EcoTails™, GeoWaste™, and GeoStable™. The co-mingling of waste rock and tailings has the following potential benefits: • Improved stability of the tailings • Reduced overall waste storage volumes • Reduced acid rock drainage potential of the waste rock. In general, co-mingling attempts to retain the high shear strength of the waste rock matrix while also limiting exposure to oxygen. Figure 50: Placement of co-mingled tailings and waste rock. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 127 7.4.4 Co-Disposal and Co-Mingling (cont.) CO-DISPOSAL OPTIONS INCREASING DEGREE OF MIXING HOMOGENEOUS MIXTURES Waste rock and tailings are blended to form a homogeneous mass. LAYERED CO-MINGLING Layers of waste rock and dewatered tailings are alternated. WASTE ROCK AND DEWATERED TAILINGS ARE DISPOSED IN THE SAME TOPOGRAPHIC DEPRESSION Figure 51: Co-Disposal Options. (Adapted from Wickland et al., 2006) © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 128 7.4.4 Co-Disposal and Co-Mingling (cont.) Co-mingling has been practiced for many years at smaller tonnages using dozers and loaders to mix and place the tailings and waste rock. Typically, the ratio of waste rock to tailings required is approximately 4:1. This results in a large volume of material that needs to be mixed and transported. These types of volumes are not attractive to high tonnage operations if traditional mixing and truck transportation methods are used. There have been some advancements at pilot scale using conveyors for the transportation of waste rock and filtered tailings while also using the energy of conveyance transfer point drops for continuous mixing, see Figure 52. Figure 53 shows a concept for a large scale co-mingling system, for which the mixing efficiencies and product geotechnical and geochemical performance still need to be proven at scale. Figure 52: Pilot Testing. Figure 53: Large Scale Co-Mingled Concept. WATER RECYCLING CONCENTRATOR WASTE ROCK TRANSFER CHUTES FILTERED TAILINGS TO BELT CHUTE MIXING STACKER STACK © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium Waste Rock Pile 130 8. References & Recommended Reading © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 131 8.1 References AMIRA 2002, ARD Test Handbook - Project P387A Prediction and Kinetic Control of Acid Mine Drainage, AMIRA International Limited, Melbourne, Australia. Davies, M. P. 2002, ‘Tailings Impoundment Failures: Are Geotechnical Engineers Listening?’ Geotechnical News, 20, pp. 31-36. Herrera-León, S, Lucay, F.A, Cisternas, L.A, Kraslawski, A 2019, ‘Applying a multi-objective optimization approach in designing water supply systems for mining industries. The case of Chile’, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 210 pp. 994-1004. MEND/KCB 2017, Study of Tailings Management Technologies: MEND Report 2.50.1, 24th Annual BC MEND Metal Leaching/Acid Rock Drainage Workshop, Vancouver, B.C. Ottawa, ON: MEND (Mine Environment Neutral Drainage), MAC (Mineralogical Association of Canada). Morgenstern, N, Vick, S, and Van Zyl, D 2015, Report on Mount Polley Tailings Storage Facility Breach, prepared by the Independent Expert Engineering Investigation and Review Panel, https://www.mountpolleyreviewpanel.ca. Oberle, B, Brereton, D, Mihaylova, A (eds.) 2020, Towards Zero Harm: A Compendium of Papers Prepared for the Global Tailings Review. St Gallen, Switzerland: Global Tailings Review. https://globaltailingsreview.org/. Price, W.A 2009, Prediction Manual for Drainage Chemistry from Sulphidic Geologic Materials, MEND Report 1.20.1, pp. 579. Shahid, A, Li, Q 2010, ‘Tailings Dam Failures: A Review of the Last One Hundred Years’, Geotechnical News, 28. Stark, T. D, Moya, L, Lin, J 2022, ‘Rates and Causes of Tailings Dam Failures’, Advances in Civil Engineering. Wickland, B.E, Wilson, G.W, Wijewickreme, D, Fredlund, D.G 2006, 'Unsaturated Properties of Mixtures of Waste Rock and Tailings', Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Unsaturated Soils Conference, Arizona. Witham, M.I, Grabsch, A.F, Owen, A.T, Fawell, P.D 2012, ‘The effect of cations on the activity of anionic polyacrylamide flocculant solutions’, International Journal of Mineral Processing, Volumes 114-117, pp. 51-62. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium 132 8.2 Recommended Reading Paste and Thickened Tailings – A Guide (third edition), Australian Centre for Geomechanics, ISBN 978-0-9924810-0-1. Tailings management handbook: A life-cycle approach, Society for Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration, ISBN 978‑0‑87335-490-5. For more information about defining closure objectives: • Landform Design Institute’s 2021 position paper titled Mining with the end in mind: Landform design for sustainable mining, available at https://landformdesign.com. • Australian Government handbook titled The Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program (LPSDP) for the Mining Industry promotes sustainable mining practices – Mine Closure, available at https://www. industry.gov.au/publications/leading-practice-handbooks-sustainablemining/mine-closure. • Global Tailings Review Chapter VIII Closure and Reclamation, available at https://globaltailingsreview.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Ch-VIIIClosure-and-Reclamation.pdf. • Global Acid Rock Drainage Guide, Chapter 6 www.gardguide.com. For information about integrating tailings facility closure with the overall mine closure: • ICMM’s Good Practice Guide Integrated Mine Closure, available at https://www.icmm.com/. https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-319-02484-4 https://shop.elsevier.com/books/solid-liquid-separation-equipment-selectionand-process-design/tarleton/978-1-85617-421-3 DIIS, 2016. Leading Practice Sustainable Development Program for the Mining Industry, Leading Practice Handbook: Preventing Acid and Metalliferous Drainage. Department of Industry, Innovation and Science, Commonwealth of Australia. Canberra, Australia. © BHP RIO TINTO Tailings Management Consortium Tailings Management Consortium Filtered Stacked Tailings A Guide for Study Managers