SSLC Model IT Exam 2024 Theory Questions

1) How can you vary the intensity of colour given to an object in Inkscape?
change opacity
2) which menu has the option group objects?
3) Identify the icons in Libre office base
4) The most appropriate field type to include name of hardware devices in Libre office Base is
5) which is a proprietary animation software ?
Toon Boon
6) what is the file format of Synfig studio software?
7) Making bank account transactions through a specially prepared website is
E banking
8) which is an application software?
9) Which can be included in the layer type line ?
Road, stream
10) The changes to get an equilateral triangle
change for i in range (5) to (3), change right (72) to (60)
11) Fonts and background colours are to be defined using ....
12) which attributes can be used to define font family?
font- family
13) Two correct statements about table of contents
- only the headings with the heading style will be displayed in the table of contents,
- all headings and sub headings are arranged in the order of page number .
14) which of the following can be assigned to ipv4
15) The password for online payment
one time password (OTP)
16) A service on the Internet to identify IP address
17) The maximum number in an IP address
18) what does each row in Libre office base considered as?
19) After opening Sun clock which tools are used to display map window?
Click on ! , use space bar
20) which field is appropriate as primary key in a table prepared for buildings in Panchayath?
building number
21) python program running window is
Python graphics window
22) Which tool should be used to display a world map marked with time zone in sun clock?
Click !
23) Two techniques to apply the format of a text to all headings in writer
styles, clone formatting
24) Two preparatory steps for making animations
story board making ,character making
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25) two statements about free software
source code is provided .
opportunity to use it freely and to modify
26) In which menu fill and stroke is included in Inkscape?
27) correct statement about IP addresses in ipv4
it has four parts of 8 bits .
28) The facility to add parents name to each letter in Libre office writer
mail merge
29) the technique to navigate to corresponding page from table of contents
ctrl + click
30) extension of cascading style files
31) the use of tools G ,A in sunclock
G adjust progress value ,A time forward .
32) Two examples of mobile OS
iOS ,Android
33) Websites for blogging
world press .,blogger
34) Main window panels of synfig Studio
parameter panel, task panel.
35) which cascading style is used in <link rel=”stylesheet” type”text/css href”style.css”>
36) which tag is used to include internal CSS?
< style>
37) Identify the image
clone formatting tool
38) In which menu table of contents is included?
39) which is a free geographical informations software ?
Quantum Gis
40) device to change analogue signals to digital signals
41) Two wrongly assigned fields
book_name as decimal, book_price as text
42) Two features available in fill and stroke
opacity, blur
43) Two correct statements about GNU
developed by Stallman, kernel is Linux
44) In which software mail merge is used?
Libre office writer
45) How are the fields from database merged to get the merged documents?
Mail merge the fields and print the document
46) how will the objects change in changing the opacity?
the intensity of objects colour will vary
47) which field type is suitable for book_price?
48) The OS developed by stallman
49) which are the correct statement about Stallman ?
developer of Linux kernel ,established GNU project.
50) Benefits of layers in Synfig studio
each object can be animated separately
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51) Identify this icon in synfig studio ?
Smooth move tool
52) which are two new social media?
Twitter ,diaspora
53) Two correct statements about mobile OS
Android is developed by google, iOS is developed by Apple
54) The code to include external CSS
<link rel=”stylesheet” type”text/css href”style.css”>
55) The operating system released by Apple
56) Examples of two correct CSS
57) which are collaborative maps
wikimapia, open street map
58) what is the full form of URL?
uniform resource locator
59) Picture of analytical engine is
60) method to be import PNG images in inkscape
file- import
61) The tool in Synfig studio to give gradient?
Gradient tool
62) The file used for mail merging?
63) The use of this tool in inkscape
To create text
64) The tool used to draw rectangle in inkscape
65) Two correct statements about Qgis
it is a free one ,it analyses the information available in GIS
66) Two database management system
Libre office base, Microsoft access
67) Two correct statements about WAN
networks of railways and banks ,branch offices are connected with main office
68) Two correct statements about web page
pages for publication on the Internet ,a page created in HTML
69) Which software provides information about time zone and geographical features such as rotation
and revolution ?
Sun clock
70) what is the extension of the layers in Qgis?
71) Which is an online dictionary ?
72) How many pairs of wires are there in UTP cables?
4 pairs
73) what is the name of this window?
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Connection information window
74) which facilities are available in render window in Synfig?
choose the file format
75) Methods to give colour to the stroke of objects in inkscape?
Select to the object and use stroke paint in fill and stroke , select the object and click on colour
palette and shift key
76) In python to construct blue circle which are the instructions to be used ?
color (“blue” )
77) The equipment used to control exchange of information between computers
78) The tool in Synfig to select objects and control its handle
Transform tool
79) which is the online system where the details of all students in our public school is collected ?
80) which is correct about tables in database ?
several tables can be created
81) The use of mail merge
to prepare certificates of winners ,to prepare participant card
82) Two correct statements about analytical engine
Ada Byron agreed to write the computer program, it is powered by steam
83) Two correct statements about images in inkscape
The default format is a svg,Bitmap images can be imported and edited
84) In Libre office writer what does the software do if you select the text and apply Heading 1 style?
It will define the selected text as Heading
85) Which operating system is based on Ubuntu
It @ school
86) Bell laboratories developed---Unix
87) Which is a free animation software?
Synfig studio
88) Who developed Synfig?
Robert B Quattlebaum
89) when you click on the cities listed in sun lock what will appear?
the name of the city, standard time of the city
90) To get equilateral triangle
From turtle import *
for i in range ()
forward (100)
A is 3,B is 60
91) Two correct statements about Hub and switch
Hub sends information to all computers in a network
Switch to only one computer
92) what is special about Linux ?
it can be modified and redistributed
93) which is the technique to find a web address of website ?
search engines
94) the world wide network of computers
95) The icon
of edit animate mode
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96) The correct statement about Synfig studio
it is a 2 dimensional software
97) The technique to depict steam rising in in inkscape?
98) Which styles are included in the paragraph style section?
Heading ,Footer
99) The two ways to display map window in sun clock?
Use space bar,Click !
in a database about policy holidays which is most suitable as primary key ?
policy number
1) Correct statements about kernel
it managers the computer hardware ,an example for kernel is Linux
2) Which mathematical technique helps tweening ?
3) Inventor of www?
Tim Berners Lee
4) Sending obscene messages through social media is ?
5) In which panel does use wizard report appear?
Task panel
6) Which are used for networking?
UTP table, Rj45
7) Which key is used along with mouse click to apply and remove stroke colour in inkscape?
8) which is not an IP address?
9) Full form of SVG?
Scalable vector graphics
10) Which menu in inkscape has put on path?
11) which is suitable for the field type decimal?
height of the students
12) Which method is used to import png images in synfig?
File -import.
13) In an IP address the first three digits refer to?
14) The typing window in Python?
Editor window
15) which is a comment to replace left (120)?
16) The layer type to mark lake in QGIS?
17) which is the technique to locate destroyed houses in road widening?
18) Two personalities who contributed for free software?
Richard Mathew Stallman,Linus Torvalds
19) Howl many parts are there in an IP address address according to it IPV4 ?
20) what is the length of an IP address given to computer as per IPV4?
32 bit
21) Name of the letter send over internet
E mail
22) which organisation supervisors structure and policy of internet ?
internet society
23) which of the following are not computer language ?
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Geogibra ,sunclock
24) which of the files are created in Libre office writer ?
Odt, ott
25) correct statement about Charles Babbage?
father of computer
26) which is the database management system ?
27) In which panel does use wizard report appear?
task panel
28) which of the following are used in networking?
Hub, UTP cable
29) full form of svg ?
scalable vector graphics
30) colour “blue”, “yellow” in python means ?
draw a shape in blue and fill yellow colour
31) what are the activities involved in creating a database?
create table, create forms
32) Two correct statements about social media
keep personal information private, do not friend strangers
33) To file systems suitable for running Linux e
34) Which is not a computer language ?
35) what happens when you decrease opacity in inkscape?
the intensity of the object’s colour decreases
36) what is the correct way to arrange an image in inkscape behind another object ?
37) RJ 11 connects modem with ?
38) which technique is used to prepare multiple ID cards in writer ?
39) which symbol is used to create attributes of the tag in CSS?
40) what is the full form of DHCP ?
dynamic host configuration programme.
41) what features of headings do software recognise and include table of contents?
42) which method can be used to change the style of Heading 1?
right click on heading and modify
43) what happens when click and press control key together on index ?
the corresponding page will open
44) what is the extension of cascading style sheet
45) Based on which properties of heading the table of contents is created?
46) what is the natural colour of shapes that appear in python?
47) what is a method of mapping an area using the data given by uses?
collaborative mapping
48) in python we give loop statements within a loop what is the name of such repeated commands?
nested loop
49) which is the way to duplicate an object in inkscape?
edit -duplicate
50) two functions of smooth move tool in synfig
the position of objects, change size
51) The technique in inkscape to draw an object integrating shadow and light?
Linear gradient,radial gradient
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52) in an IP address which number represents computer ?
Ans : 23
53) Find the missing part
from turtle import *
ans: end_fill()
54) correct statements about heading style
CTL fonts should be used for Malayalam ,Western text font should be used for English
55) who coined the concept of CSS ?
Hakon Wium Lie and Bert Bos
56) which file formats can be created using Inkscape?
57) Identify this panel in synfig?
Time track panel
58) which tool in Sun clock is used to display latitudinal lines?
59) the first command in python to enable turtle graphics?
from turtle import *
60) which facilities are available in font effects tab in writer?
to change colour of letters ,to underline
61) Identify this connector
62) The date in sunclock is shown as Jan 1 2024 Monday. If double clicked on A the date will be?
January 3
63) What is the name of the language used to communicate with the data base?
Querry language
64) Which OS needs NTFS file system for installation?
65) What is the use of the Icon in inkscape?
To remove colour
66) The window for changing the network address is opened.what should we select under method?
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67) when creating css the styles are given the the same tag name,what is it called?
Type selector
68) What is the use of this icon in the parameters panel in synfig?
To include new key frames
69) Which is a loop statement used in python?
70) Which is an email service provider?
71) What does it mean by FBS?
Frames per second
72) Where can we find the mechanism to adjust total number of frames in synfig?
Canvas properties
73) What does 3 indicate in this picture?
74) What is the use of the tool M in sunclock?
Longitudinal lines appear with a single click,Degree measurements of longitudinal lines are available
in double click
75) What are the two methods for grouping in inkscape?
Object group,Right click on the object and group
76) Two correct statements about Bitmap images?
They loose clarity when enlarged,they are raster images
77) select two action to perform before animating the first frame in synfig
set start time to 60f,Enable animate editing mode
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