SMU Classification: Restricted Econ219 Homework 1 due in class in week 3 • Question 1: Recall the model in class. There are only two skills required in a firm, denoted by x and y. Assume Specialist income =maximum{x, y}, Entrepreneur income = G*minimum{x, y}, where G > 1 is the value of an entrepreneur. Case 1 (if x>y) was solved in class. Now solve for Case 2 (if x≤y) with both math derivation and graph illustration. • Question 2 (optional): The income of entrepreneur is now changed to a Cobb-Douglass function, while the specialist income is still the same as in the above model. Entrepreneur income = Gxa y1a Will this change the general results in the basic model above? Can you derive any new implications? Arsenal United Combined Mikel Jac - I z W Martinelli Rashford 0 & skw Saka ⑧ 0 Fernantes ↑ I - 3 odegant Cancer O 0 ⑧ ↳ Saliba Martiver -> Varave ⑧ 0 ↓ - - S whHe C Ram ↓ Anyon mea E bea 0 Antony Graveyard i ze - ~ Materi sale X Inland in e Rodi De Bruyre Canelo Storel Y y X Exper W Salika Washer x X Ten Hang SMU Classification: Restricted Econ219 Homework 1 due in class in week 3 • Question 1: Recall the model in class. There are only two skills required in a firm, denoted by x and y. Assume Specialist income =maximum{x, y}, Entrepreneur income = G*minimum{x, y}, where G > 1 is the value of an entrepreneur. Case 1 (if x>y) was solved in class. Now solve for Case 2 (if x≤y) with both math derivation and graph illustration. • Question 2 (optional): The income of entrepreneur is now changed to a Cobb-Douglass function, while the specialist income is still the same as in the above model. Entrepreneur income = Gxa y1a Will this change the general results in the basic model above? Can you derive any new implications?