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SUNGROW RS-485 CT Cable Install Manual

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SUNGROW RS-485 CT Dual Meter Channel Cables Instruction
Home » SUNGROW » SUNGROW RS-485 CT Dual Meter Channel Cables Instruction Manual
1 SUNGROW RS-485 CT Dual Meter Channel
2 Product Information
3 Product Usage Instructions
4 Disclaimer
5 Overview
6 RS485 cable specification
7 Documents / Resources
7.1 References
8 Related Posts
SUNGROW RS-485 CT Dual Meter Channel Cables
Product Information
The RS485 cable is used by Sungrow equipment to communicate between devices in the Sungrow system. It is a
serial, balanced communication system that allows data transmission up to a distance of 1200m when the correct
cable is used. The RS485 cable provided by Sungrow is 20 AWG unshielded twisted pair, rated at 300V.
Key Specifications
Protocol: RS485
Cable Type: Unshielded Twisted Pair
Wire Gauge: 20 AWG
Rated Voltage: 300V
Maximum Communication Distance: Up to 1200m
Important Considerations
The RS485 cable must be twisted as it reduces losses, balances data signal, and helps shield from
electromagnetic interference.
Although shielding is not always necessary due to the twisted pair, it is recommended for longer cable runs or
in the presence of RF or EM interference.
The RS485 cable should be rated at least to the same voltage as the enclosure it is installed in.
The RS485 cable cannot be installed in the same conduit/duct as power cables.
All Sungrow RS485 cables should be correctly terminated with the appropriate bootlace ferrule or RJ45
Additional Resources
RS485 Cable manufacturer reference:
There are a number of RS485 cable manufacturers who all have technical specification on their cable. For further
information, please visit some of the web sites:
Belden Cable: RS-485 Cable (belden.com)
Maxim Integrated: RS-485 Cable Specification Guide | Maxim Integrated
Lapp Cables: serial-rs485-cable – LAPP Australia
Further RS485 information here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS-485
For further information on RS485 cables and manufacturers, you can refer to the following resources:
Belden Cable: RS-485 Cable
Maxim Integrated: RS-485 Cable SpecificationGuide
Lapp Cables: Serial RS485 Cable
Wikipedia: RS-485 Information
Product Usage Instructions
1. When installing the RS485 cable, ensure that it is twisted to reduce losses and balance the data signal.
2. If necessary, consider using shielding for longer cable runs or in the presence of RF or EM interference.
3. Make sure the RS485 cable is rated to at least the same voltage as the enclosure it will be installed in.
4. Avoid installing the RS485 cable in the same conduit/duct as power cables.
5. Properly terminate all Sungrow RS485 cables using the appropriate bootlace ferrule or RJ45 connector.
6. Always adhere to Australian standards and guidelines for cable installation.
7. If issues persist, take photos of the testing on-site and contact the Sungrow Service Department on 1800 786
476 or email service@sungrowpower.com.au. Support is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm
Sungrow clarification on the use of RS-485 cables on Sungrow equipment
The material in this document has been prepared by Sungrow Australia Group Pty. Ltd. ABN 76 168 258 679 and
is intended as a guideline to assist solar installers for troubleshooting. It is not a statement or advice on any of the
Electrical or Solar Industry standards or guidelines. Please observe all OH&S regulations when working on
Sungrow equipment.
Sungrow uses RS485 protocol to communicate between devices in the Sungrow system.
The RS485 protocol for data transmission is a serial, balanced communication system between two or more
devices, and can communicate up to a distance of up to 1200m, providing the correct cable is used.
For RS485 communication to work effectively, the correct RS485 specification cable must always be used.
Non-RS485 specification cables i.e. Cat6 may produce mixed results.
RS485 cable specification
Shielded twisted pair.
Depending on the length of cable run, the following conductor sizes should be used:
Up to 300m: 22 – 20 AWG
Up to 1200m: 20 – 16 AWG
Impedance: 100 – 130 Ohm
Capacitance between conductors: < 100 pF/m
Capacitance between conductor and shield < 200 pF/m
120 Ohm Terminator – A 120 Ohm termination resistor may be connected across the A and B wiring if
Twisted pair:
The pair MUST always be twisted as this reduces losses, balances data signal across the pair, and helps shield
from EM interference.
Although not always necessary as the twisted pair provides some shielding, it is however recommended,
especially over longer cable runs (see below), or where there may be RF or EM interference.
Rated voltage:
The RS485 cable must be rated to at least the same voltage as the enclosure it is installed in (Refer
The RS485 cable cannot be installed in the same conduit/duct as power cables (Refer AS/NZS3000)
All Sungrow RS485 cables should be correctly terminated with the appropriate bootlace ferrule or RJ45 where
Cable length consideration:
For short cable lengths (up to 10m), unshielded twisted pair cable over 22 AWG can be used. However, if there
are any reasons where there could be EM interference etc, then shielded cable should be used.
For cable runs over 10m, please follow the above RS485 cable specification.
Where the installer uses the RS485 cables provided by Sungrow, or uses cable compliant with the RS485
specification, and the cable has been installed correctly and is not damaged, Sungrow will accept responsibility for
data communication in the Sungrow equipment.
Where other cables are used:
It is entirely possible that ‘Non-specification’ data cables (i.e. Cat 6, flex etc) can be used and may work
effectively, but Sungrow cannot guarantee the performance or correct operation of their equipment in these cases.
Where other cables are used, Sungrow cannot accept responsibility for data transmission/losses along those
cables, and installers use this cable at their own risk.
An analogy to help illustrate the difference:
When the TV industry moved from analogue to digital, the antenna required a higher standard of Co-ax cable
because the data resolution was much higher.
The old standard was RG-58 which was suitable for analogue signals.
However, as HD TV requires a higher quality signal, RG-6 or RG-11 Coaxial cable needs to be used, otherwise
the signal quality will suffer, and pixelation/dropouts are likely to occur.
In other words, the incorrect cable will cause data transmission problems.
In the same way, using incorrect cable for on an RS485 system will suffer the same degradation of signal, and can
result in communication issues.
RS485 Cable manufacturer reference:
There are a number of RS485 cable manufacturers who all have technical specification on their cable. For further
information, please visit some of the web sites:
Belden Cable: RS-485 Cable (belden.com)
Maxim Integrated: RS-485 Cable Specification Guide | Maxim Integrated
Lapp Cables: serial-rs485-cable – LAPP Australia
Further RS485 information here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS-485
The RS485 cable supplied by Sungrow is 20 AWG unshielded twisted pair, and is rated at 300V
* Please always adhere to Australian standards and guidelines for cable installation.
If the issue persists after following above procedures, please take photos testing on site and contact Sungrow
Service Department on 1800 786 476 or email to service@sungrowpower.com.au, Monday- Friday 9am – 5pm
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© Sungrow Australia Group Pty. Ltd. All rights reserved.
As we continuously improving our services, changes to this document may occur without notice.
Documents / Resources
SUNGROW RS-485 CT Dual Meter Channel Cables [pdf] Instruction Manual
RS-485, RS-485 CT Dual Meter Channel Cables, CT Dual Meter Channel Cables, Dual Meter C
hannel Cables, Meter Channel Cables, Channel Cables, Cables
RS-485 - Wikipedia
serial-rs485-cable - LAPP Australia
RS-485 Cable
Guidelines for Proper Wiring of an RS-485 (TIA/EIA-485-A) Network | Analog Devices