1 Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION Rationale Every child has the right to health, education, family life, play and recreation, an adequate standard of living, and to be protected from abuse and harm (Children’s Rights Alliance, 2016). These rights are crucial for they allow children to reach their full potential, through having access to education, health care, participate in society, protection from violence and abuse, etc. However, child labor tends to steal these rights from the children. According to the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF, 2021), child labor may lead to an extreme bodily and mental harm, and even death. It can direct to slavery and sexual or economic exploitation. And in nearly every case, it cuts children off from schooling and health care, restricting their fundamental rights and threatening their futures. Child labor has been an alarming controversy both national and global setting. Recently the International Labour Organization (ILO, 2013 as cited by Osment, 2014) estimated there are around 215 million children between the ages five to fourteen who works worldwide. They are often mistreated and work for prolonged hours, in very bad conditions. This can affect their health physically, mentally and emotionally. These children do not have the basic rights like access to school or health care. Millions of children in the Philippines are forced to work at young ages. Child labor is one of the Philippines' most urgent problems and stems from a range of social factors. Unless something is done to stop child labor, the issue will continue 2 to affect the lives of many families across the country. Some children have jobs that place them in immediate physical danger. These risks include exposure to potentially harmful chemicals or sharp tools, and other dangers that may be less obvious but no less risky. Children are often forced to work long hours with few breaks, which takes a toll on their physical development. Others are abused by their employers, both physically and psychologically. As with many threats to children's development and well-being, poverty is a root cause of child labor. Families struggle to make ends meet and face hard decisions when it comes to sending their children to work. Without immediate action, the problem will continue to grow. Lagsa (2022) states that among the country’s 17 regions, Northern Mindanao accounted for the largest share of the country’s child laborers at 13%. DOLE-Northern Mindanao identifies Bukidnon, Misamis Oriental, Lanao del Norte, and Misamis Occidental as the provinces in the region where child labor remains prevalent. Despite the government’s campaign to end child labor, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE) estimated that there are at least 20,000 children across Northern Mindanao who are still forced to do hazardous work because of poverty. Poverty is the number one driving force of child labor, with the agriculture industry as the highest user of child laborers in the region. Child labor is a far-reaching and complex problem. Despite the fact that there are some researchers that have already studied about the child labor. However, there has no study in the local setting yet, which focuses on the lived 3 experiences of the children under child labor. Hence, the researchers are enticed to conduct a phenomenological study among children under child labor. Research Questions 1. What are the lived experiences of children under child labor? 2. How do the children under child labor cope with their struggles? Theoretical Lens This study is supported by the viewpoints of International Labor Rights Forum (ILRF, 2011) which stated that child labor affects children’s social development for a reason that they spend time doing labor instead of with peers in social play, learning how to socialize in a proper way. In addition, the risks also impact their educational development as they are more likely to perform poorly in school and drop out of the little education that they acquire. Moreover, ILRF (2011) accentuated that children who work also experience isolation and depression, which often prevents them from continuing to develop healthy emotions as they grow, and can lead to many physical effects. Lastly, these children often suffer from malnutrition which leads to other serious health and mental conditions later in life. Significance of the Study The result of the study is deemed beneficial to the following: Parents. The result of the study will assist the parents for they will know the impact of child labor to children. With this guide and send their children to school so that they can improve and gain knowledge. 4 Child laborers. This study is indeed beneficial to child laborers for this will drive them to gain benefits from the policies and actions implemented by the government. Government. This study is paramount to the government for this will serve as a guide for them to know the struggles of child laborers. With this, they will have a notion and be persuaded to address the asserted matter. Future researchers. This study will be beneficial to future researchers for this will serve as their literature review when they will conduct a corresponding study. Scope and Delimitation This research will be focusing on the lived experiences of children under child labor and the strategies on how they cope with their struggles through qualitative phenomenological study. Moreover, this research shall purposively select five (5) identified 10 to 17-year-old child laborers as the participants. Furthermore, the participants shall be coming from Cateel, Davao Oriental and this will be conducted from September 2022 to January 2023. Consequently, we will use an in-depth interview and focus group discussion to gather data. Definition of Terms Rough Hands, Shattered Dreams. In this study, it is operationally defined as the excessive work of the children that makes their dreams shattered. A Phenomenological of Child Labor. It is operationally defined as the the qualitative study that focuses on the lived experiences of children under child labor and how they cope with their struggles. 5 Child labor. This is operationally defined as the undue work of children that eventually affects their overall development. 6 Chapter 2 Review of Related Literature Introduction and Historical Fact Beck (2021) states that the industrial revolution was a major event in world history and had a profound effect on societies around the world. In particular, the industrial revolution impacted the lives of working class, people and the children of industrial societies. Child labor was a common feature in industrial societies as children as young as four years old were often employed in the factories and mines that developed during the time. This was particularly true in Britain, where the industrial revolution first began in the 1700s. Child labor is an old problem well rooted in human history; children were exploited to various extents during different periods of time. The problem was common in poor and developing countries. In addition, Hansan (2011) asserts that children from poor families were expected to participate to the family income, and sometimes they worked in dangerous conditions in 12-hour shifts. In particular, child labor was rife during the American Industrial Revolution (1820-1870) industrialization attracted workers and their families from farms and rural areas into urban areas and factory work in factories and mines, children were often preferred as employees, because owners viewed them as more manageable, cheaper, and less likely to strike. Moreover, History.com Editors (2022) state that children less than 14 years old worked in agriculture, factories, mining, and as street vendors. In the 1900's, in England, more than a quarter of poor families lost their children to diseases and 7 death, endangering their extra financial support. Schuman (2017) mentioned that in 1900's, 25,000 of the nearly 100,000 textile workers in the South were children under 16 by 1904, overall employment of children had increased to 50,000, with 20,000 children under 12 employed the family, particularly the women and children, was central to mill operation. The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica (2022) states that child labor is far more prevalent in developing countries, where millions of children some as young as seven still toils in quarries, mines, factories, fields, and service enterprises. They make up more than 10 percent of the labor force in some countries in the Middle East and from 2 to 10 percent in much of Latin America and some parts of Asia. Lastly, Mapa (2021) asserted that the total population of children 5 to 17 years old was estimated at 31.17 million in 2020. This was higher than the total number of Filipino children 5 to 17 years of age registered in 2019 at 30.50 million of the estimated 31.17 million children 5 to 17 years old in 2020, 872 thousand or 2.8 percent were working. This was lower than the proportion of working children 5 to 17 years old in 2019 estimated at 3.4 percent. ILO (2021) states that in the Philippines, there are 2.1 million child laborers aged 5 to 17 years old based on the 2011 Survey on Children of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) about 95 percent of them are in hazardous work. Poverty and Child labor Previous research has briefly explored the main reason for the rampant child labor. A case study in Babati town, Tanzania conducted by Johansson (2009) in which this study aims to find the underlying causes behind child labor among 8 boys in Babati Town, both from the researcher’s and the children’s own perspective. From the child laborer’s perspective was poverty the underlying cause for their laboring. Poverty on its own was though, from the researcher’s perspective, found to be insufficient to explain the prevalence of child labor. The problem of child labor is massive due mainly widespread poverty but also due the social context and its traditions, insufficient funding, school policies and inadequate implementing of important regulations as the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Also, in a journal of Kaur (2019) states that due to extreme poverty, parents are unable to invest not only in the development of their children, they are also reluctant to support them and want them to become a source of income for the family as soon as possible. Poverty causes diseases or other forms of disabilities, which often causes imbalances in family budgets and forced poor parents to send their children to work. Another study conducted by Akarro and Mtweve (2011) aims to present the state of child labor and factors behind this, citing one of the most prevalent areas for child labor in Tanzania known as Njombe. Major finding emanating from this study is that child labor is a reflection of poverty and therefore tackling poverty will have a positive impact on child labor. This suggests that policies such as a ban on child labor in rural areas could have an adverse effect as child labor decisions are more likely a response to poverty and subsistence requirements. Other research also conducted by Edmonds (2005) shows that it is not inevitable that the need for additional income will dominate even among the very poor households. 9 An article by Darling Selvi and Veilatchi (2020) found out that poverty is one of the crucial factors to make the children as labor. The result reveals that the children have come from different family backgrounds, work experiences, and situations. The factor analysis applied to bring out the reasons for child labor reveals that thus it is understood that it is a poor family background, which leads to Poverty Stricken, thereby find it challenging to find the livelihood options. Though, there are number of Laws enacted to control and to eradicate the child labor, there are children who need to work for their livelihood and to look after the families out of some compelling factors. Also, in a study conducted by Naeem, Shaukat and Ahmed (2011) they found that children work mainly due to poverty. Poor parents are forced to send their children to work instead of school. Lastly, a study conducted by Osment (2014) illustrates how both India and Nigeria have adopted laws and regulations to eliminate child labor. However, despite all the efforts, child labor and the factors that influence the incidence of child labor continues to be prevalent. It concluded that the problem of child labor appears in severe form and various factors are involved. The reasons for the incidence of child labor in both countries are complex and deeply rooted into the society. Poverty seems to be the main cause. In general, poor children contribute to household income. Child labor can be found in urban and rural areas. However, the vast majority of child labor occurs in rural areas since poverty is more rampant. Although, many poor rural families struggle for a better life in urban areas, this pushes families to force their children to work in order to increase the family income and ensure survival. 10 Child labor and Physical Health A study conducted in Pakistan by Ali et al. (2004 as cited by Ibrahim et al., in 2018) reported that child labor is associated with wasting, stunting and chronic malnutrition. A similar study conducted by Ambadekar et al. (1999 as cited by Abdalla et al., 2018) compared physical growth and genital development between working and non-working children and reported that child labor is associated with lower BMI, shorter stature and delayed genital development in working boys, while no significant differences were found among females. Concerning work-related illnesses and injuries, a study conducted in Bangladesh by Ahmed and Ray (2014) reported that there is a statistically significant positive association between child labor and the probability to report any injury or illness, tiredness/exhaustion, body injury and other health problems. Number of hours worked and the probability of reporting injury and illness were positively correlated. Younger children were more likely to suffer from backaches and other health problems (infection, burns and lung diseases), while probability of reporting tiredness/exhaustion was greater in the oldest age group. Furthermore, the frequency of reporting any injury or illness increases with the number of hours worked, with significant variation across employment sectors. Similarly, Hosseinpour et al. (2014) reported that industrial workrooms were the most common place for injury (58.2%). Falling from heights or in horizontal surface was the most common mechanism of injury (44%). None of the patients was using a preventive device at the time of injury. Cuts (49.6%) were the most commonly reported injuries. 11 Other studies that investigated the prevalence of general symptoms in working children in Pakistan, Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan and Indonesia reported that child labor is negatively associated with health (Ibrahim et al., 2018). Watery eyes, chronic cough and diarrhea were common findings, in addition to history of a major injury (permanent loss of an organ, hearing loss, bone fractures, permanent disability). One study, conducted by Tiwari and Saha (2014) reported that working children suffered from anemia, gastrointestinal tract infections, vitamin deficiencies, respiratory tract infections, skin diseases and high prevalence of malnutrition. Another study administered by Daga and Working (2000 as cited by Jafer et al. 2018) of poor quality in India reported that child labor was associated with higher incidence of infectious diseases compared to non-working children. However, only a few studies focused on specific diseases. A study of Fassa et al. (2005), which compared the prevalence of musculoskeletal pain between working and non-working children, found that the prevalence of pain in the neck, knee, wrist or hands, and upper back exceeded 15%. Workers in manufacturing had a significantly increased risk for musculoskeletal pain and back pain, while child workers in domestic services had 17% more musculoskeletal pain and 23% more back pain than non-workers. Awkward posture and heavy physical work were associated with musculoskeletal pain, while monotonous work, awkward posture and noise were associated with back pain. Another study conducted by Corriols and Aragon (2010) in Nicaragua, which focused on children working in agriculture, reported that child labor in agriculture poses a serious threat to children’s health; specifically, acute pesticides poisoning. 12 Moreover, Tiwari (2013) reported that the prevalence of eyestrain in child laborers was 25.9%, which was significantly more than the 12.4% prevalence in a comparison group. Prevalence was higher in boys and those who work more than 4h daily. Similarly, a study conducted by Saha et al. (2009) documented that the difference between working and non- working children in the same area in respiratory morbidities (TB, hilar gland enlargement/calcification) was statistically significant. Furthermore, a study of Foroughi et al. (2016) in Iran explored the prevalence of viral infections (HIV, HCV and HBV) in working children. The study reported that the prevalence among working street children was much higher than in general population. The 4.5% of children were HIV positive, 1.7% were hepatitis B positive and 2.6% hepatitis C positive. The likelihood of being HIV positive among working children of Tehran was increased by factors like having experience in trading sex, having parents who used drugs or parents infected with HCV. Lastly, one study of Hughes (2017) was a meta-analysis conducted on data of working children in 83 low-and-middle-income countries (LMIC) documented that child labor is significantly and positively related to adolescent mortality, to a population’s nutrition level, and to the presence of infectious diseases. Child labor and Mental Health A study conducted in Jordan by Hamdan-Mansour (2013) reported a significant difference in the level of coping efficacy and psychosocial health between working non-schooled children, working school children and non-working school children. Non-working school children had a better performance on the 13 strengths difficulties questionnaire (SDQ) scale. Coping efficacy of working nonschooled children was lower than that of the other groups. A study conducted in Pakistan by Bandeali et al. (2008) reported that the prevalence of behavioral problems among working children was 9.8%. Peer problems were most prevalent, followed by problems of conduct. A study from Fekadu et al. (2006) reported that emotional and behavioral disorders are more common among working children. Moreover, studies from psychology show that being exposed to adverse events in childhood can harm a child’s mental well-being, and that the effects can be persistent (Hammen 2005; Kendler et al. 1999). Frequent and prolonged exposure to adversity inevitably leads to toxic stress. This in turn adversely affects the development of the brain leading to mental health disorders (Franke 2014). Similarly, according to Compassion (2022), poor children also experience higher levels of anxiety and depression and often develop a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. As teenagers, and on into adulthood, children with low selfesteem and self-confidence can become disconnected, isolated, angry and desperate. They often lose hope and become easy targets of abuse an exploitation. However, another study in Alem et al. (2006) reported a lower prevalence of mental/behavioral disorders in child laborers compared to non-working children. The stark difference between these two studies could be due to the explanation provided by Alem et al., i.e., that their findings could have been tampered by selection bias or healthy worker effect. 14 Similarly, study conducted by Oncu et al. (2013) in Turkey documented that 62.5% of the child laborers were subjected to abuse at their workplaces; 21.8% physical, 53.6% emotional and 25.2% sexual, 100% were subjected to physical neglect and 28.7% were subjected to emotional neglect. One study by Audu et al. (2009) focused on sexual assault among working females in Nigeria. They reported that the sexual assault rate was 77.7%. In 38.6% of assault cases, the assailant was a customer. Girls who were younger than 12 years, had no formal education, worked for more than 8 h/day, or had two or more jobs were more likely to experience sexual assault. Lastly, the majority of studies concluded that child labor is associated with higher prevalence of mental and behavioral disorders, as shown in the results. School attendance, family income and status, daily working hours and likelihood of abuse, in its different forms, were found to be associated with the mental health outcomes in working children. These findings are consistent with previous studies and research frameworks. (Daga et al. 2000, as cited by Abdalla et al. 2019) Child labor and Educational Aspects Child labor is a pervasive problem prevalent in the developing world. Not with standing international regulations restricting the type of permissible activities and participation age, progress towards its eradication has been slow. Khanam and Ross (2011) found a negative association between child labor and both school attendance and grade attainment for children aged 5-17 in rural Bangladesh. The aforementioned studies treated child labor as exogenous results from studies endogenizing child labor are not however more conclusive. Ray and Lancaster 15 (2005) found robust evidence that child labor hours have a strong negative impact on the educational variables from the moment a child enters the labor market, following a multi-country study on Sri Lanka, Portugal, Belize, Cambodia, the Philippines, Namibia and Panama. Phoumin (2008) however, found grade attainment in Cambodia to be adversely affected only by work beyond 22 hours per week. Hyder, et al. (2015) states that in households of rural Malawi, one of the poorest countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Both individually-reported and community-level shocks are investigated. There is evidence that community-level shocks negatively impact the school enrolment of children. The point estimates suggest that this effect is larger when shocks and school enrolment are reported by men as compared with women. Gunnarsson et al. (2006), which investigated the impact of child labor on mathematics and language test scores using data on third and fourth-year primary school students in nine Latin American countries. Controlling for endogeneity, they found scores to be adversely affected; even children who worked ‘only occasionally’ attained on average 7.5% less in math and 7% less in language tests than those not working. Bezerra et al. (2009), employing data from urban Brazil on school achievement tests in Portuguese and mathematics for 4th and 8th grade primary school students, and for 3rd year high-school students. Treating child labor as endogenous, they found that it adversely affected achievement, both across all three grades and across the two examined subjects. 4th graders who worked attained a mathematics score of nearly 10 points lower than those who did not; the equivalent impact was a reduction of 8 point in the 8th grade and 12 points in the 16 3rd year of high-school. Further, a one-hour increase in the amount of work was associated with a score reduction in the Portuguese exam of points for 4th graders and 7 points for 12th graders. They also found that the effect varied by type of work; the effect was greater for work undertaken outside the household. Baland and Robison (2000 as cited by Oni, 2018), note that when parents are altruistic toward their children, have the ability to leave a bequest to their children, and have free access to capital markets, then investment in their children’s education will be efficient. Child Labor and Coping Mechanism Even if our fate does not want to be kind to us, let us continue to look for the ray of hope that will lead us to happiness. A youngster who uses his or her affect as a coping method is reliant on the ability to express or ventilate through emotion (NASP, 2021). He or she will need opportunities to express anxiety, fears, anger, sorrow, and grief, as well as having those feelings acknowledged by adults in his or her life. According to a GMA News documentary from 2015, the children's coping method at the time was to trade or labor, and by assisting and earning money, they were able to reach out to their families. With that attitude and action by these child laborers, it becomes the only means for them to survive their daily struggles in life. According to Sarkhedi (2020), a positive attitude entails more than constantly wearing a smile on your face at all times. It is about maintaining an optimistic mindset and attitude even when everything around you are in disarray. These thoughts will matter and by feeding your mind with positive thoughts, you will notice incredible changes all around you. 17 In the study conducted by Eriksen (2021), child laborers’ free time is used for necessary activities like washing clothes and domestic work. They also relax and engage in social activities such as visiting families, spending time with friends or going to church or the mosque. Work makes an important and necessary part of their everyday life. As a matter of fact, despite the limited space and time for play, even the children in the category leisure for necessity, manage to play. Similarly, Gusso (2010), in his study from Brazil, argues that play is found in all societies and, with cultural variations, all children play. Additionally, in the study conducted by Jirata and Kjørholt (2015) in South Ethiopia, found that children combined work with play. In addition, despite of poverty and combining school and work, some children manage to find time for leisure or define leisure in a way that suits their lives. Furthermore, in the study conducted by Hinayon-Alarte (2019), children have developed resiliency. It is the ability of the children to persevere and adjust when faced with life’s adversity. A trait Filipinos are noted for by the whole world, the ability to smile when faced with different challenges. But analyzing deeper on the context of the children’s perspective, they became resilient because they have to be able to survive; they have no choice, because the duty bearers leave them with no choice. Moreover, according to Merida (2015), in times of unhealthy physical condition, the child laborers mentioned that they just do self-medication, giving massage to oneself, and sometimes asked parent to accompany them for check-up, but above all these strategies is the endurance to injuries and pains when accidents occurred. 18 On the other hand, HBR (2015) states that by seeking advice from right people and on the right ways you can develop smarter solutions to problems, and deepen your decision making. Furthermore, cooperation in the workplace can mean many things. It involves the level which employees work together to resolve problems, and how all levels of the organizations work together to achieve common goals (TeamBonding, 2022). Additionally, according to Indeed Editorial Team (2022), getting along with colleagues at work is important for inspiring teamwork and creating a healthy work environment, knowing when and how to offer support to colleagues at work can be a challenge, but helping others encourages a collaborative work environment. They can also help a work colleague by means of boosting their confidence, time spirit, recognizing their challenges, giving advice, offering praise, and inspiring positivity which can greatly help a worker especially a child laborer when they are having a hard time. Lastly, Mayo Clinic (2022) states that friends can also help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Friends can prevent isolation and loneliness and give you a chance to offer needed companionship, too. Friends can also increase your sense of belonging and purpose. Moreover, Dalmacio (2022) asserted that also having cooperation in family to have common goal, which to survive these struggles in life, allows the participants to strength to survive. Previous Studies about Child Labor Children may be driven into work for various reasons. According to World Vision (2022), children went to work to earn money to pay for their food and help 19 their family. Similarly, according to UNICEF (2021) child labor occurs when families face financial challenges or uncertainty – whether due to poverty, sudden illness of a caregiver, or job loss of a primary wage earner. Consequently, child labor can result in extreme bodily and mental harm, and even death. It can lead to slavery and sexual or economic exploitation. And in nearly every case, it cuts children off from schooling and health care, restricting their fundamental rights and threatening their futures. In the recent study conducted by Devi and Roy (2008) entitled “Study of Child Labor Among School Children in Urban and Rural Areas of Pondicherry”, it was observed that more children from families from the lower socioeconomic stratum went to work. However, the study showed that irrespective of whether the children came from families in poverty or otherwise, in the rural areas the children went to work. This may also be because the quantification of the income of the parents in the rural area is difficult; and therefore, it appears that regardless of the total household income, the child has to engage in some work. Finally, the study revealed that in both the rural and urban areas, working children spent less time studying as compared to their nonworking counterparts. Furthermore, another study administered by Momen (2020) results that in poor countries or poor families in developed economy, children are often forced to be employed that is physically and emotionally damaging to them. On the other hand, children who are free from child labor are able to fully utilize their opportunities, after attending their school enrollment, thus providing the essential 20 foundation for broader socioeconomic development, poverty eradication, and promoting human rights across the world. Moreover, a study conducted by Holgado et al. (2014) finds that 28 percent of the youth interviewed had failed a grade, and 26 percent had failed at least one of the complete basic subjects. Other academic performance variables taken into account included having quit school before completing the year (7.3 percent), not having matriculated while having passed the previous year (6 percent), having stopped studying during the year (5 percent), and having been expelled from school for one month or longer (3 percent). In the case of not studying, the reasons given were that the child had to carry out tasks or occupations in the family home (65.7 percent), that the child had mothered or fathered a baby at an early age (13.5 percent), that the child needed to take over family responsibilities (9.1 percent), and that the costs of education were too high (3.6 percent), among other reasons. Further, a study of Zarif et al. (2013), which focuses on the reasons of child labor in a developing economy, finds that children were working mostly at autoworkshops, tea shops, general stores, etc. The children that were interviewed were mostly boys with age 5 to 10 years and some were between 11 to 15 years. In almost all the cases, the children indicated that they had around 7 to 8 siblings while even the least number of siblings was 6. Most of the children were illiterate or had studied primary only. According to them, this was so because of low family income and strictness at school or the general environment of the school. Most of the children also expressed that their parents were not literate and their income could not suffice their needs and could not even provide for three meals for a day. 21 These were some of the reasons due to which the children were obligated to work even when they wanted to get education instead of labor. Taking everything into account, child labor is more rampant in developing countries, more specifically from families from the lower socioeconomic stratum. Children are even often forced to be employed that is physically and emotionally damaging to them. Also, they were obligated to work even when they wanted to get education instead of labor. Consequently, child labor negatively affects the entire educational aspect of the children. On other side, some children still went to work irrespective of whether they came from poor families or otherwise. All in all, no matter what the reasons are, child labor is clearly harmful to children. 22 CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the research methodology that will be used in this study. This shall include research design, research locale and duration, research participants, research instruments, data collection method, data analysis, role of the researchers, trust worthiness and authenticity and ethical consideration. Research Design This study will use a qualitative phenomenological research design since it aims to explore and cognize the lived experiences of children under child labor. According to Bhandari (2022), qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences, which can be used to gather in-depth insights into a problem or generate new ideas for research. In addition, qualitative research is described as an unfolding model that occurs in a natural setting that enables the researcher to develop a level of detail from high involvement in the actual experiences (Creswell, 1994). Phenomenological research, on the other hand, is defined as a qualitative research approach that seeks to understand and describe the universal essence of a phenomenon. The approach investigates the everyday experiences of human beings while suspending the researchers’ preconceived assumptions about the phenomenon. In other words, phenomenological research studies lived experiences to gain deeper insights into how people understand those experiences (Delve & Limpaecher, 2022). Similarly, Martins and Bicudo (1989) describe phenomenology as a distinct approach to scientific investigation, replacing 23 statistical relationships with individual descriptions and interpretations that result from lived experience. Furthermore, this research will use triangulation method so as to acquire a rich, exact data needed for the study. In order to achieve triangulation, the study will have an in-depth interview, focus group discussions, and observational evaluation. Research Locale and Duration This research will be conducted at Poblacion, Cateel, Davao Oriental, Region XI, Philippines. The Philippines is an archipelagic country in Southeast Asia, situated in western Pacific Ocean, which specifically consists of around 7, 641 islands that are broadly categorized into three main geographical divisions from north to south: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao. In particular, Mindanao is considered to be the secondary largest and southernmost major island in the Philippines. Moreover, one of the provinces of Mindanao is Davao Oriental. It is a province located in the Davao Region in Mindanao. Its capital is Mati and the borders are Compostela Valley to the west, and Agusan del Sur and Surigao del Sur to the north. Furthermore, Davao Oriental is the easternmost province of the country with Pusan Point as the easternmost location. More specifically, Davao Oriental is comprised of one city and ten municipalities. One of its municipalities is Cateel which consists 16 barangays, including Poblacion. Also, Cateel is divided into two school districts: Cateel District I and Cateel District II. Figure 1 shows the map of Davao Oriental, highlighting the Municipality of Cateel. 24 Figure 1. Map of the Philippines highlighting the Province of Davao Oriental and Municipality of Cateel 25 On the other hand, the data will be collected from September 2022 to January 2023. This is the duration of this study for this covers the whole semester of the school year 2022 to 2023. Research Participants In this study, the participants will be determined using the purposive sampling techniques. According to Robinson (2014), purposive sampling is intentional selection of informants based on their ability to elucidate a specific theme, concept, or phenomenon. Additionally, Nikolopoulou (2022) states that purposive sampling refers to a group of non-probability sampling techniques in which units are selected because they have characteristics that you need in your sample. In other words, units are selected “on purpose” in purposive sampling. To be part of the study, the participants must be engaged in child labor at the age of ten (10) to seventeen (17) years old, does not studying anymore and lived at the municipality of Cateel, Davao Oriental. These set of participants will be chosen because of their shared experience of being in child labor and they can share their knowledge using the dialect that they feel they are comfortable to use with. Participation in the study will be voluntary and the participants may end their participation in the study at any time without risk or harm. According to Dworkin (2012), an extremely large number of articles, book chapters, and books recommend guidance and suggest anywhere from 5 to 50 participants as adequate. With this, the study will have five (5) participants for both in-depth interview and focus group discussion. 26 Research Instruments This research will be using in-depth interview, focus group discussion, and observational evaluation as the research instruments. In-depth interviews are a qualitative data collection method that allows for the collection of a large amount of information about the behavior, attitude and perception of the interviewees. During in-depth interviews, we, the interviewers and participants have the freedom to explore additional points and change the direction of the process when necessary. It is an independent research method that can adopt multiple strategies according to the needs of research. On the other hand, focus group discussion are generally used to gather people’s opinions, ideas, and beliefs on a certain topic or product. We, the interviewer will allow the participants to agree or disagree with each other so that it provides an insight into how a group thinks about an issue, about the range of opinion and ideas, and the inconsistencies and variation that exists in a particular community in terms of beliefs and their experiences and practices. Moreover, observational evaluation involves researchers observing participants in projects to record their activities, behaviors, emotions, interactions, themes and so on, to get a sense of how people experience your project. We, the researcher will observe the participants and phenomena in their most natural settings. This enables researchers to see their subjects make choices and react to situations in their natural setting, as opposed to structured settings like research labs or focus groups. 27 Lastly, Dworkin (2012) states that an extremely large number of articles, book chapters, and books recommend guidance and suggest anywhere from 5 to 50 participants as adequate. Therefore, this study will have participants five (5) participants for both in-depth interview and focus group discussion. By doing so, the researchers will provide an interview guide that will undergo validity testing. Data Collection Procedures This proposed research will be using an in-depth interview, focus group discussion and observational evaluation to gather perceptions, expectations, beliefs and other important data of the target participants. Firstly, the conduction of the research involved the use of semi-structured interview which will serve as a validated interview guide for the researcher during an in-depth interview. Some certain questions are already prepared, so as for the researcher to guide the interview towards the satisfaction of research objectives that but additional questions will be constructed during the interviews to clarify the data and to acquire a richer information. Secondly, we will bring the participants into the focus group discussion which is useful to confirm insights obtained through the in-depth interview. Thirdly, the observational evaluation will follow in which the data will be collected through keen observation on the chosen participants, note taking and recording. It allows us, the researchers, to directly see what people do rather than relying on what people say they did to add more information. Thereafter, once the data are collected, we will saturate and transcribe all the answer of the participants. After the transcription, we will then analyze the data, 28 categorizing the information by identifying any patterns representing concepts the participants represented during the discussion. Roles of the Researchers According to Creswell (2003), the researcher plays a pivotal role in the process of qualitative research. Additionally, it reinforced the introspection and acknowledgement of biases, values, and interests of the researcher. The researcher should avoid unfairness and prejudice. In this study, the roles of researchers are as interviewer, inquirer, transcriber and an analyst. As an interviewer, we will be the one to select the participants of this study and inform them about the central phenomena of this research. Moreover, during the conduct of the research, we, as an interviewer, will be the one to ask questions written in the interview guide questionnaire. Further, the interviewer will provide translated questions for the participants to express themselves while answering the interview to help facilitate better the conduct of interviews. The responses of the participants will be cited, compared, interpreted, analyzed, and synthesized to fulfil the research questions. After compiling all the data, we, the researchers as transcriber, will saturate the compiled data and transcribe all the answers of the informants. We will then identify and scrutinize the core ideas and, eventually, the themes. The conclusions from the findings would be used to offer recommendations. Ultimately, after the data will be finalized, we will discuss them, come up with a recommendation, present the implications of the study and give concluding remarks. 29 Data Analysis To analyze the data, the Miles and Huberman framework for qualitative data analysis will be utilize. Data analysis technique is the process of collecting data systematically to facilitate researchers in obtaining conclusions. Conclusions will be easily obtained when the data analysis technique is correct. According to Miles & Huberman (1994) analysis consists of three activities that occur simultaneously: data reduction, data display, conclusions drawing/ verification. Regarding the three lines will be discussed further as follows: Data reduction. It is the organizing and summarizing of data, and omitting irrelevant information gathered from interview, field's notes and observations. At this stage, we, the researchers shall refer to the research questions first to pick responses that answer the question. All throughout the analysis, we will go back to the research questions of the study as a guide, thus file sorting method will be utilized. Data display. It is an organized, compressed assembly of information that permits conclusion drawing and action. Also, data display is the way that we will present the conclusions in every research question. The participants’ responses will have an assigned code. Conclusion, Drawing, and Verification. This will be guided by the research questions and the existing data that are already summarized and sorted as themes. When in the midst of data collection, we, the researchers had a brief conclusion. To draw conclusions, of course it cannot be done haphazardly, it must go back to see the data to be verified. The final conclusions do not only occur at 30 the time of the data collection process, but need to be verified so that they are truly accountable. Trustworthiness and Authenticity The findings if the study is based on participants' responses and not any potential bias or personal motivations of the researcher. The researcher makes sure that research bias does not skew the interpretation of what research participants said to fit a certain narrative. The researchers will make sure that this study have credibility, dependability, confirmability, and transferability. Credibility. It is defined as the quality of being trusted, as stated by Momentrix Test Preparation (2022). In order to achieve credibility, we will use triangulation, prolonged engagement with data, persistent observation, negative case analysis, member checks, and referential adequacy. Dependability. It is defined as the system property that integrates such attributes as reliability, availability, safety, security, survivability, and maintainability (Avizienis et al.,2001). In order to achieve dependability, we will start by tracking the precise methods we use for data collection, analysis and interpretation and providing adequate contextual information about each piece, so that the study could theoretically be replicated by other researchers and generate consistent results. Confirmability. It means as the degree to which the outcomes could be confirmed or corroborated by other people (Universal Teacher, 2022). Moreover, we will achieve confirmability by checking and re checking the data throughout data collection and analysis to ensure results would likely be repeatable by others. 31 Transferability. Coghlan & Brydon-Miller (2014) affirms that the transferability of a research finding is the extent to which it can be applied in other contexts and studies. It is thus equivalent to or a replacement for the term’s generalizability and external validity. In order to achieve transferability in this study, we will utilize thick description, which involves providing adequate details on the site, participants and methods or procedures used to collect data during our study. Consequently, this will help other researchers evaluate whether the results are applicable for another situation. Ethical Considerations Qualitative research, especially studies in educational contexts, often brings up questions of ethics because the study design involves human subjects, some of whom are under age (Dooly et al., 2017). According to Singh (2019), research ethics are moral principles that guide researchers to conduct and report research without deception or intention to harm the participants of the study or members of the society as a whole, whether knowingly or unknowingly. Moreover, Parveen and Showkat (2017) states that the researchers have to take care of various other issues at different stages of the research process. Both the researcher and participants have an important role to play. Ones' rights are the others' obligations. Researchers have to take care of the participants’ right and must consider their research from participants' perspective. This study will follow the elements of ethics, which are clearly stated in the National Ethical Guidelines for Health and Health- Related Research 2017. It will consider the following: social value; informed consent; vulnerability of research 32 participants; risks, benefits, and safety; privacy and confidentiality of information; justice; and transparency. Social Value. The participation of human beings in research can only be justified if the study has social value. Social value refers to the relevance of the study to an existing social or health problem such that the results are expected to bring about a better understanding of related issues, or contribute to the promotion of well-being of individuals, their families, and communities. In addition, the significance of the study shall be clearly described in a separate section of the protocol with an accurate and updated description of the status of social or health problem, and how the study will help arrive at a solution. The study design, methodology, and data collection, overall, should be able to generate information supportive of the objectives of the study. Social value can only be realized if the study is scientifically valid. Furthermore, in order to achieve social value, we shall have a dissemination plan for the study results which shall be included in the protocol. Informed Consent. It is a decision of a competent potential participant to be involved in research after receiving and understanding relevant information, without having been subjected to coercion, undue influence, or inducement. To obtain informed consent, we shall have the duty to avoid deception, undue influence, or intimidation by ensuring that the prospective participant will adequately understand the information and by giving each one the full opportunity to ask questions, and should answer them honestly, promptly, and completely. 33 Vulnerability of Research Particpants. Vulnerable participants shall require special protection because of certain characteristics or situations that render them as such. Vulnerable participants are those who are relatively or absolutely incapable of deciding for themselves whether or not to participate in a study for reasons such as physical and mental disabilities, poverty, asymmetric power relations, and marginalization, among others and who are at greater risk for some harms. In order to achieve this, we shall provide competent advice and assistance to participants who, by virtue of social, economic, political or medical disadvantages, are liable to give consent under duress or without the benefit of adequate information. Caution shall be exercised in obtaining informed consent for a research project if the research participant is in a dependent relationship with the researcher (e.g., as a research participant) to ensure that the consent is not given under duress or undue influence. Risks, Benefits and Safety. Research is justified if there is a reasonable likelihood that the population from which the participants are derived stand to benefit from the research. All research involving human participants shall be preceded by a careful assessment of predictable risks, burdens, and foreseeable benefits to the research participant or to others. In order to achieve this, we shall observe every precaution to minimize the negative impact of the study on the research participant’s wellbeing and by conducting only if there is an acceptable positive benefit-risk ratio. Therefore, we shall endeavor to ensure the reasonable availability and accessibility of favorable research outcomes to the community. 34 Privacy and Confidentiality of Information. Researchers shall adhere to the principles of transparency, legitimate purpose, and proportionality in the collection, retention, and processing of personal information (Data Privacy Act of 2012). Researchers must respect participants’ right to privacy. Unless required by law, the confidentiality of information shall at all times be observed. Records that link individuals to specific information shall not be released. This requirement shall be included in the informed consent form. To achieve privacy and confidentiality of information, we shall refrain from identifying individuals or groups when release of information about them can expose them to possible harm or social stigma unless required by law. Justice. In research involving human participants the principle of justice refers primarily to distributive justice, which requires the equitable distribution of both the burdens and the benefits of participation in research. In order to achieve justice, we shall be providing appropriate care to research participants regardless of their economic status, gender, race, or creed. And also, we shall have compensation for harms brought about by participation in the research. Transparency. Ethical research shall be characterized by transparency. It is imperative for all parties to be transparent about matters relating to their involvement. Transparency is not diametrically opposed to privacy. On the contrary, transparency is an element of ethical research that promotes confidence in the research enterprise, even when privacy and anonymity need to be preserved about sensitive matters. The need for transparency also entails disclosure of research results. To be able to obtain transparency, we will be transparent about 35 aspects of a study that may have an impact on the rights, health, and safety of participants, or in respect to information that may have a bearing on the decision of participants to give or withhold their informed consent. 36 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS This chapter discusses the findings on the lived experiences of child laborers and how they cope up with their struggles. The order of subsequent presentation is the same as how the research questions are presented in Chapter 1. The in-depth interviews and focus group discussions were recorded using smartphones, then we also conducted an observational evaluation wherein taking notes was applied. In addition, all the data that were collected from the responses of the participants were being saturated and transcribed. We utilized pseudonyms to hide the participants’ identity and not expose them to possible harm or social stigma unless required by law. These were all done so that they could subsequently be turned into worksheets for the thematic analysis. The said worksheets were read a lot of times to ensure that research fact does not skew the interpretation of what research participants said to fit a certain narrative for the theme analysis. Then we analyzed the data and categorized the information by identifying any patterns. Moreover, we identified and scrutinized the core ideas and eventually the themes. Finally, the accumulated data were evaluated by the analysts to show the responses to the research questions. Consequently, we, the researchers identified the lived experiences of child laborers and their coping mechanism towards their struggles. 37 Profile of the Participants In presenting the findings of the study, the participants identity was strictly kept confidential. Therefore, codes were assigned to the participants. For participant one, the assigned code was P-01; for participant two, the code was P02; P-03 for participant three; P-04 for participant four; and for the participant five, the assigned code was P-05. There were five (5) participants involved in the study. They were child laborers from Cateel, Davao Oriental. Table 1. Profile of the Participants Code of the Age Gender Address Participants P-01 16 Male Cateel, Davao Oriental P-02 17 Male Cateel, Davao Oriental P-03 16 Male Cateel, Davao Oriental P-04 17 Male Cateel, Davao Oriental P-05 17 Male Cateel, Davao Oriental Lived Experiences of Children under Child Labor Table 2 shows the major themes and core ideas of the lived experiences of children under child labor: could hardly understand topics in school and eventually stopped studying, forced by poverty, have experienced extreme exhaustion and eventually got sick, and lastly, have experienced depression and almost lost hope and went crazy. The complete list and distribution of themes discovered and examined in the data are discussed below: 38 Table 2. Major Themes and Core Ideas of Lived Experiences of the Children Under Child Labor Theme Core Ideas Have stopped studying since grade school Have stopped going to school when Could hardly understand topics in they were just junior high school school and eventually stopped students studying Have given up studying at a very young age Could hardly understand topics in school Worked because of unreliable parents Worked overtime to earn more money Started working as a part-timer Forced by poverty Forced to work because of poverty Worked to support their other siblings Worked to sustain their family needs Working at a young age is exhausting Have experienced extreme exhaustion Child laborers’ physique could hardly and eventually got sick endure the difficulties in working. Experienced having body pain Got sick due to hard work Almost lost hope 39 Have experienced depression and Almost went crazy almost lost hope and went crazy Experienced depression Could hardly understand topics in school and eventually stopped studying. Participants shared that they have already stopped studying since grade school, while some have stopped when they were already in high school. Also, they added that they were having a difficulty in understanding discussions in school because it was hard for them to study and work at the same time. With that, they choose to stop studying and work instead. P-01 stated that: Oo, gatrabaho ako. Ngawong grade 3 pa ako, mintin da daan ako motabang kanilan Papa sang uma nami. Tapos mintin da isab ako moabsent kay magtrabaho, amo agaw imbes, na kuan… ngiyang mo eskwela gani ako, di kay ako halos mosabot ng iklase kay wa ako kasayud. Hantod ngawong pagka grade 4 ko, yaundang da ako pag-eskwela agaw gatrabaho da ako mintin. (Yes, I am working. When I was just in Grade 3, I’d already helped my father in the farm. Then I always skipped classes and when I returned to school, I could hardly understand the topic because I didn’t know it. Till when I reached Grade 4, I stopped going to school and so I’ve been working since then.) P-02 also said that: Oo. 2019 ngawng ga skwela pa daan ako ag da daan ako sidto mag sideline hantud na iganahan da ako pagtrabaho kay awn ma income ko amo yaundang dalang ako pag skwela. (Yes. Way back 2019, when I was still studying, I already had a sideline till I enjoyed working because I can earn money. For that reason, I chose to stop going to school.) P-03 additionally stated that: Oh. Grade 5 pako nagtrabaho nako. Edad nako mga— 10 years old siguro nya karon grade 11 nako, 16 years old. 40 (Yes. I was only in Grade 5 when I started working. I was just 10 years old that time and then now I’m supposed to be a grade 11 and also 16 years old.) Forced by poverty. Participants shared that they work because of unreliable parents and they have several siblings plus their parents are unemployed, thus they entered to part-time jobs or sidelines. With that, they can be able to support their siblings and sustain their family needs. Further, participants mentioned that they are forced to work due to extreme difficulty and/or poverty. They even work for longer hours in order to earn more money. P-01 states that: Yaang, Daigay man gud kami maglumon tapos malisuday yang kanami kahimtang. Si Mama ampan trabaho tapos si Papa, panagsa lang makatrabaho. (It’s just that I have several siblings and our situation is extremely difficult. My mother doesn’t get a job then my father works only seasonally.) P-02 also states that: Ag sagud ako maglisuday pagsabot ng mga eklase nami sng eskwelahan tapos ngidto man gud na time ag da daan ako mag sideline agaw ag ako maka absent. Hantud na kuan iganahan da ako pag trabaho kay awn makwarta ko di man gud isab ako usahay nilan mama pagka hatagan ng baon kay daigay isab kami maglumon pyaskwela nilan agaw tungod ng kalisud ipili dako lamang moundang hw magtrabaho. (It’s because I struggled a lot understanding our lessons in school and that timeI already had a sideline that’s why I oftentimes skipped classes. Until I enjoyed working because I can earn money and my parents wasn’t able to give me allowance because I have other siblings who are still studying. And due to poverty, I chose to stop going to school and decided to work instead.) 41 Ahm tungod ng kalisud kay daig sagud mga lumon ko na gaskwela tapos yang income ni papa gamay lang dida maigo sang kanami mga panginahanglan agaw gapadayun da lang ako para makatabang ako sang kanak ginikanan sang pagsuporta sang kanak mga lumon. (Because of poverty, considering that I have other siblings that are still studying and my father income is not enough to sustain our needs. Because of that, I continue working to help my parents in supporting my siblings needs.) P-04 additionally stated Gusto nako tabangan si papa pagbuhi sa pamilya. Nya mas giprioritize nako nga maka eskwela akong-- akong manghud, para-pahumanon nako tong isa para makatabang tabang pud pag human niyag graduate nya sya nasad ang motabang sunod. (I want to help my father financing my family needs and I also prioritize supporting my sibling in her studies because I wanted her to graduate first so that, at least in the future, she will be a big help for us to support our family.) P-05 stated that: Usahay maga overtime kami, pabuntagay pagka alas sais dili da maka trabaho matulog da lang nay para makakuan ng kakapoy ma wawa. Biskan makapoy, gatrabaho ako para makasuporta ng kank mga manghod daw unan pa yang kailanganon kay wa man sila mama haw papa maka suporta amo gatrabaho dalang ako bahala gamay yang sweldo. (Sometimes we would have an overtime all night until the morning and we wouldn’t work the next day; we just sleep to reduce fatigue. Even its dreary, I still work in order to support the needs of my siblings, because my parents can’t afford to support my siblings alone, that`s the reason why I work even the salary is just small.) Have experienced extreme exhaustion and eventually got sick. Participants shared that working at a young age is extremely exhausting; child laborers’ 42 physique could hardly endure the difficulties in working. They also shared that they usually got sick because of undue work and basically felt austere body pain. P-01 states that: Para kanak, malisuday gayud magtrabaho ya labi na iso pa agaw ako. Ilabi na ngawong pirmiro pa ako gatrabaho sang kontraksiyon, makapuyay mang-alsa ng semento, mga hollow block tapos graba. Yalala pa gayud tungod mainitay isab yang suga, makapuyay gayud. (For me, it’s extremely hard to work especially that I am just a kid. More especially the time that I was just a beginner working in a construction, it was so tiring to lift cement, hollow blocks and gravels. Worsened by the heat of the sun, it was indeed exhausting.) P-01 additionally states that: Oo uyy. Bisan iso pa ako, kinahanglan ko gayud mangalsa ng mga mabug-at na mga butang. Tapos need ko isab makipagsabayan sang mga bagas da na kaiban ko. Tapos halos mintin pa gayud ako madaut sauna tungod ng sobra na trabaho, masakitay yang kanak kalawasan. Tapos awon pa gayud time na yasamad yang ako ngani gani(pointing his left foot) samtang gatrabaho ngawong yaigo ng pala yang kanak siki. (Yes, of course. Although I am still young, I have to lift up heavy things. I also need to keep pace with other(adult) workers. Then I almost always got sick before because of undue work; my physique was in excruciating pain. And there was also a time that I was wounded here (pointing his left foot) by a shovel while I was working.) P-02 also states that: Oo madaigay gani, kuan mentin ako kasakitan ng kanak bukton hw likod, ah usahay ag ako lagnaton, usahay magka di batok yang kanami pagkaan tapos ngawng yatakdag ako sang kabaw na isakyan ko pakadto sang basakan HAHAHAHA kay gamiton gawo nami pag balsa, pers taym ko man gud ngidto. (Yes, actually a lot. I usually feel muscle pain and back pain; sometimes I get fever; we don’t eat at the right time. Then the time that I fell off from the carabao that I was 43 riding to the farm (laughs) because it would be used in farming and also, it was my first time.) P-03 additionally states that: Oh, like maglisud ko una ug alsa kay nabag uhan akong lawas, kainit sa adlaw nga masinati while ga trabaho mosakit gud akong ulo, mga unsa pa diha labi na sad magkamali sad ko sa akong gi trabaho grabi dayon ilang baba sa akoa, ratratan dayon kog balikas mga ana gud, mao na akong mga challenges nga gi-naagian sa akong pagpanarbaho. (Yes, like I’m having a hard time lifting loads because my body wasn’t yet used to it. The heat of the sun that I’ve even experienced having a headache while working. Anything, and also when I made a mistake in my work, their mouth, they’d shout a curse at me, like that. Those were the challenges that I’ve even experienced in my work.) P-04 stated that: Oo, kay, awn sagud isab yaencounter ko na mga trabaho, yaang ngiyang, ahh, kanak amo, yaang, ag ako kalipasan ng gutom, ag da ako mapasmo, tapos ag ako sakitan ng lawas, sakit yang O ko tungod ng kakapoy ng kanak trabaho, ikaya da ko lang, para matapos ngiyan na mga trabaho. Ngiyan gaw na mga trabaho, dili pa gaw angay kanak, kay, kay yaang kuan, iso pa, naman kay needed da ko ng kwarta para sang kanak pamilya, amo, ikaya da lang para sang kanak, para awn, masuportahan yang kanak pamilya, kuan ginikanan. (Yes, there are also jobs that I encountered, this, that, my boss, I would get hungry, then my body would hurt, my head would hurt because of the tiredness of working. I just endure it, so that I could finish those jobs. Those jobs are not suitable for me yet, because, because I'm still young, but because I needed money for my family, so I just managed it for me to have, to support my family, my parents.) P-05 also states that: Oo usahay sakit ang lawas sakit yang, daw unan man masakit yang oh, sakit yang unan pa yaan na usahay magahubo sa gayud ka saan ng simento, masakit yang mga bukton, mga muscles mo kay mangusog kaw sa 44 gayud pag alsa saan. So nam kay yangita kita agaw ng paraan daw kin o makahanap ng kwarta baliwaon mo gayud yang kasakit para agaw makaplait ng bisan unan gusto mo na mapalit di sa gayud laong na unn pa yaan kanilan lang gayud hurot yang gusto ko pamaliton awn isab time na kailangan mo mapalit yang unan gusto mo makaan, masuot daw unan pa yang gusto mo. (Yes, sometimes I experience body pain, headache. When I poured cements, I suffer muscle pain because I exert much effort and strength to lift it. Since we are looking for ways to earn money, we should just neglect the pain just to purchase what you want you eat and what you desire to wear.) Have experienced depression and almost lost hope and went crazy. Participants stated that they were extremely depressed that they have become emotionally destroyed. They even shared that they also experienced having an austere difficulty that almost made them lose hope and go crazy. P-01 states that: …yagkasakit ako; grabe na kakapoy na ibati ko; halos pa gani magkabuang da ako (…I got sick; I experienced extreme exhaustion; I almost even went crazy.) P-04 also states that: Kyaapektohan yang kanak emosyon, kibali kyasakitanay gayud ako sidtu na mga time, usahay, maisip ko na what if bawusan ko ngiyan na mga utaw? (My emotion is affected, like I was really hurt that time, sometimes, I thought of, what if I will revenge to those people?) P-02 additionally states that: …Naka apekto sad to sa mga kuan mga ka- ngaa maluyahan na unta ko dli nako ma balik sa trabaho… 45 (…It also affected me that made me lose hope; I’m not encourage to go back to work anymore because it’s tiring…) Based on the interview conducted by the researchers, as shown in Table 2, the majority of the child laborers have negative experiences in working. The participants shared that they already stopped studying at an early age in order to assist their parents and prioritize their siblings in their studies. They were forced to work because of poverty, in fact, they work overtime to earn more money. However, working at an early age is relatively difficult; it affects their physical and mental health. Participants stated that they were extremely depressed, and they almost even lost hope and went crazy. Further, participants said that they usually got sick because of undue work and basically felt austere body pain. However, participants are working to help their parents in raising their family. They prioritize supporting their siblings in their studies and they assist their parents in buying their necessities. So even if it is hard to be a child laborer, still, they continue working to support and help their family. Coping Mechanism of Child Laborers Table 3 shows the major themes and core ideas of the coping mechanisms of child laborers: Inspired and motivated by their family, sought advice and asked help from people close to them, motivated and cheered themselves to combat against trials, and spent time for leisure activities. The complete list and distribution of themes discovered and examined in the data are discussed below: Table 3. Major Themes and Core Ideas of the Coping Mechanisms of Child Laborers 46 Thought Inspired and motivated by their family of their family as their inspiration Motivated by their family Felt happy when they see their family happy Sought advice and asked help from Sought advice from family people close to them Asked help from friends Being advised by their co-laborers Motivated and cheered themselves to combat against trials Motivated themselves to fight against trials Cheered themselves to face problems Played basketball with friends Spent time for leisure activities Hung out with friends Have had a leisure time to face problems Inspired and motivated by their family. Participants shared that they thought of their family as their inspiration that enable them not be defeated by the predicaments. They further revealed that amidst of predicaments, they are able to cope with everything because they have been motivated by their family. Lastly, they stated that by just seeing their family happy, they also become happy and it made them forget their tiredness. P-03 states that: Kuan gibaliwala lang nako ang mga kalisud mas giisip nako ang kapakanan sa akong pamilya nga makasig— 47 makaginhawa gamay kaginhawa gamay sa kalisud sa kinabuhi. Sa, sa ilang kalipay nga akong makita pag makapalit kog lami nga sud-an pagting sweldo mga ana gud. (I just ignore the difficulties; I think more about the sake of my family so they can be able to breathe a little bit from the hardships of life. Also, as I see their happiness on their faces when I buy them delicious viand during payout period, like that.) P-02 also remarked that: Kuan ihuna-huna ko lang ngiyang aw ngining mentin ko lang ing butang sang utok ko na para ngini sang pamilya ko agaw anay unan kalisud kanak kayanon kay pinanggaay ko gayud yang kanak pamilya di gayud silan ingka kambyo agaw galaong gayud ako na samtang makaya ko, mag trabaho gayud ako. Anay pasa haw daw mamatay da ako ng kakapoy dik muondang kay awn kanak pamilya na gusto tabangan. (I just bear in mind that it’s for my family because I love them so much. They are irreplaceable, that’s why no matter how hard it is, as long as I can manage to work, I will work. Even though I feel like I’m dying due to extreme exhaustion, I will not stop because I have a family that I want to support.) P-04 said that: Ihimo ko na motivation yang kanak pamilya, taliwala sang kanak experiences, biskan malisud, ikaya ko gihapon yang tanan, kung makita ko yang kanak pamilya, ag da ko dayun, yang mubalik yang kanak kusog, ag ako dayun kuan, ma motivate dayun, ahhh ganahan dayun ako pagtrabaho balik. (I make my family as my motivation, amidst of predicaments. Although it was difficult, I was able to cope with everything, when I see my family, my strength returns, I will be motivated, and I will love to work again.) P-05 explained that: Ama ng maga unan lang padala lang sang kalipay matanaw ko lang malipay mga manghod ko knk makita madjaw yang nawong nilan kank yang unan pa agaw 48 nilan makita ko lang silan na malipayon ok da yaan kank y da saan kakapoy kank. (Just seeing my siblings happy makes me happy too and makes me forget my tiredness.) Sought advice and asked help from people close to them. Participants mentioned that they sought advice from their family; it lessens the pain that they have felt. They have also asked help from their friends; it abates the sadness in their life. And they further stated that they have been advised by their co-laborers. All those things truly helped them not to be greatly baffled in times of difficulties, knowing that there is someone who will be there for them. P-01 said that: …Silan Mama isab, ag ako lang-an na magdaya mintin sang trabaho tapos pag ngiyang mooli ako sang bay ag ako hiluton ni Mama. Tapos ag nilan isab ako payuan na dapat dili magpakapuyay sang trabaho. Hmm! Tungod sadto ama ng ag ako maka-gingawa gamay(laughs). Ngiyang kuan gani, ama ng kabawasbawasan yang sakit na ag ko bation. (…My parents also, they would tell me to be always careful as I work and if I’d return home, my mom would massage me. And they would also advise me to not to really enervate myself to work. Hmm! Because of those, I feel like I can breathe a little bit (laughs). It’s just that, it’s like it would lessen the pain that I’ve felt.) P-04 said that: Oo, yangayo ako ng tabang. Ag ako lang on ng kanak ina na sige lang nak, pagtrabaho lang kay pag madayaw ako, ako da isab yang magtrabaho para kanmo, para makatapos kaw pag eskwela, agwanta lang napa doon na mga panahon. Ya motivate ako. Yang, yang mga yatabang kanak, mga, ina ko, mga lumon, mga barkada, yaang kanak mga katagsa tapos mga kila 49 Imotivate isab ako nilan, para kanak, para ganahan ako pagtrabaho. Ag isab nilan ako lang an na sagdai yaang mga yag daog daog kanmo, Ginoo da kuman yang matigam kanilan. (Yes, I asked for help. My mother will tell me "it's okay son", just work because if I get better from my illness, I will work for you again, just be patient for now. It makes me motivated. Those who helped me were my mother, brothers, friends, cousins and my acquaintances. They motivate me to love working. They will also tell me to leave those who belittled you, Lord will take care of them.) P-05 explained that: ..usahay barkada ko ag mangutana unan problema amasaan usahay gayud ampan. Itambagan ako nilan na maningkamot lang naan gadi samtang wa pa silan usahay magapadala silan usahay dili. Usahay magpadala agaw si mama ng kwarta. Usahay utan-utang usahay silan nanay mo tabang kanami. Silan nanay yang mga silingan nami usahay silan Jay-jay yang mga amigo ko pati parents ko. (…Sometimes my friends ask me about my problems and sometimes, no one. They give advice to me to strive more while they are not with us. They only send us money, sometimes. Sometimes my mother would send us money. Sometimes they borrow and sometimes my grandmother would help us. My grandmother, neighbors, sometimes Jay-jay, my friends and my parents.) P-02 also commented that: Ahm ngawng kuan agaw itambagan ako nilan ng kanak mga kaibanan sang trabaho tapos pag-uli ko ngadto bay kay silan mama mabati gayud nilan haw awn kanak problema. Agaw sige silan mangutana kanak pero dik mag tug an agaw ag dlng ako nilan payo-payoon tapos yng mga lumon ko ag ako nilan jokjokan hantud na manag hinikoway da kami na ngiyang amasian na 50 pamaagi ag da dayun ako malipayay labi na ikita ko isab silan na yanag hiko ag dalang dayun ako makalingaw ng kanak mga kalisud haw problema. Yakatabang gayud ngiyan kanak kay kuan haw iyan ako sang kalisud amanang dida dayun ako maproblemahay kay yasayud da man ako na iyan mga utaw sang luyo ko na mutambag kanak. Yang unang-una na yakatabangay gayud kanak kay syempre yang kanak pamilya tapos kuan yang kanak mga kaibanan sang trabaho apil da isab yang kanak mga barkada. Amo agaw ngawng laong ko gaina na pamaagi ng pagtambag tapos kuan ngining pagpabati nilan kanak ng kanilan suporta haw pag pangga labi na yng kanak pamilya. (That’s when my co-laborers advised me and when I reached home, my parents could feel that I have a problem. Consequently, they kept on asking me but I wouldn’t tell them my problem that’s why they would just caress me and my siblings would joke at me until we laugh together. In that way, they can make me happy and whenever I see them smiling, I forget all the problems and difficulties I’m facing. It truly helped me especially when I’m in difficulty. I will not be greatly baffled because I know that there is someone behind me that will always be there for me. The first one who helped me was of course my family, then my work colleagues, and my friends also. As what I have said earlier, in a way of giving me an advice, then making me feel their support to me and the love coming from my family.) Motivated and cheered themselves to combat against trials. Participants expressed that they just motivated themselves to fight against trials because they need to survive and because they have a family that they want to support. Also, they just cheered themselves to face problems and not be defeated by those trials because they have nobody that they can rely on and have no choice but to keep on working. 51 P-01 stated that: Hmm, yaang... ilakasan ko lang gayud yang loob ko ya. Iremind ko mintin yang sarili ko na dapat magpadayun ako sang pagtrabaho para mabuhi. (Hmm, it’s... I just really fortify myself. I always remind myself that I should keep on working in order to survive.) P-05 also said that: Yang amasaan maglaong ako na malampasan ko sa gihapon ngini. (Of all those struggles, I told myself that I can surpass all these.) Spent time for leisure activities. Participants shared that playing basketball with friends allows them to forget the worries for the meantime. Also, they said that they hung out with their friends just to help themselves forget all the problems and tiredness; it made them happy. Lastly, they mentioned that by having a leisure time helps them surpass their problems. P-03 stated that: Kanang magdula ko ug basketball sa mga barkada unsa pa diha mga lingaw lingaw namo. Nakatabang to sa akoa para makalimot kadali sa problema para dili ra kayo ko lulong sa akong sarili sa problema kay makatigulang sad nang stress oii, ng makatigulang man jud nag nawong jud labi nag kanang permi kuan perme stress imong hunahuna unya kalabad pa jud sa ulo. (I just play basketball with my friends, other fun things we have.They help me forget, for the intervening time, the worries because too much stress can make us look old, it will really make us look old, especially when you’re always thinking of stress and can also cause you a headache.) P-04 also mentioned: Ag da lang ako musabay sang kanak mga barkada, para yang kakapoy. Yaang magbasketball adtu yang kakapoy ma wa da, tapos yang mga, yang kank sarili ag da 52 kalingawan, I mean ag da malingaw yang sarili ko tapos kalingawan da ko yang kanak mga problema. (I'll just go with my friends, play basketball there then I can already make myself entertained and forget my problem.) P-05 said that: Oo mag inom manigarilyo para ma wa lang yang kanmo ka laay haw awn problema mo makatog kaw lang ng sayu amasaan. Lipay-lipay kaiban barkada, inom, sigarilyo manghanap ng lingaw parehas ng basketball daw unan da kuman pero matarong na binuhatan dili lang haw mga maraat na trabaho yang kalipyan lang gud nami. (Yes, I drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes in order to reduce boredom and forget my problems. Also, I could sleep early that way. We would hang out, drink and smoke. We would look for a happiness such as playing basketball and others. But it’s not detrimental, it’s just for our happiness.) The presentations above were the results from the data gathered for the second research question focusing on the participants’ coping mechanisms in dealing challenges within their work. Participants stated that they thought of their family as their inspiration which serves to be one of their coping mechanisms. In addition, participants mentioned that they are being helped by people whom they are close to such as friends, family members and co-laborers, by means of giving them an advice, motivation and inspiration. Lastly, participants concluded that all throughout their arduous situation while working, they still find ways to have a leisure time; they make ways to enjoy life. The abovementioned statements have served to be to the support system and coping mechanisms of child laborers. 53 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION This chapter discusses the major findings and conclusions of this study conducted among child laborers. This is based on the themes from the data analysis in this study. Further, this presents the lived experiences of child laborers and how they cope with their struggles. Lived experiences of child laborers Below are the major themes that emerged regarding the experiences of child laborers. The participants’ response was based on their individual experience. Thus, the revealed theme was discussed with the aid of additional related literature that supports the study we have conducted. Could hardly understand topics in school and eventually stopped studying. Participants shared that they were having a difficulty in understanding discussions in school because it was hard for them to study and work at the same time. With that, they choose to stop studying and work instead due to hardships and also because of poverty. This finding supports the study of Khanam and Ross (2011) which they found a negative association between child labor and both school attendance and grade attainment for children aged 5-17 in rural Bangladesh. In addition, Ray and Lancaster (2005) found robust evidence that child labor has a strong negative impact on the educational variables from the moment a child enters the labor market, following a multi-country study on Sri Lanka, Portugal, Belize, Cambodia, the Philippines, Namibia and Panama. Phoumin (2008) 54 however, found grade attainment in Cambodia to be adversely affected only by work beyond 22 hours per week. Forced by poverty. Participants stated that their parents could no longer support their other siblings and could not fully sustain their family needs because they are financially struggling. Hence, these push the children to work at a young age in order to help their parents. This finding aids the study of Kaur (2019), which states that due to extreme poverty, parents are unable to invest not only in the development of their children, they are also reluctant to support them and want them to become a source of income for the family as soon as possible. In fact, according to World Vision (2022), children went to work to earn money to pay for their food and help their family. Similarly, according to UNICEF (2021), child labor occurs when families face financial challenges or uncertainty – whether due to poverty, sudden illness of a caregiver, or job loss of a primary wage earner. Poverty causes diseases or other forms of disabilities, which often causes imbalances in family budgets and forced poor parents to send their children to work. Moreover, an article by Darling Selvi and Veilatchi (2020) found out that poverty is one of the crucial factors to make the children as labor. The result reveals that the children have come from different family backgrounds, work experiences, and situations. The factor analysis applied to bring out the reasons for child labor reveals that thus it is understood that it is a poor family background, which leads to Poverty Stricken, thereby find it challenging to find the livelihood options. Though, there are number of Laws enacted to control and to eradicate the child labor, there are children who need to work for their livelihood and to look after 55 the families out of some compelling factors. Also, in a study conducted by Naeem, Shaukat and Ahmed (2011) they found that children work mainly due to poverty. Have experienced extreme exhaustion and eventually got sick. Participants imparted that they got sick due to hard work, have experienced body pain, and their physique could hardly endure the difficulties in working that made them extremely exhausted in working at a young age. In the study conducted in Pakistan by Ali et al. (2004 as cited by Ibrahim et al., in 2018), child labor is found to be associated with wasting, stunting, and chronic malnutrition. In addition, a study conducted in Bangladesh by Ahmed and Ray (2014) reported that there is a statistically significant positive association between child labor and the probability to report any injury or illness, tiredness/exhaustion, body injury and other health problems. Number of hours worked and the probability of reporting injury and illness were positively correlated. Younger children were more likely to suffer from backaches and other health problems (infection, burns and lung diseases), while probability of reporting tiredness/exhaustion was greater in the oldest age group. Furthermore, the frequency of reporting any injury or illness increases with the number of hours worked, with significant variation across employment sectors. Have experienced depression and almost lost hope and went crazy. Participants shared that they experienced depression, and almost went crazy and lost hope. There are various study showing how working at a young age affects child’s mental health. As a matter of fact, according to ILRF (2011), children who work experience isolation and depression, which often prevents them from 56 continuing to develop healthy emotions as they grow, and can lead to many physical effects. In addition, a study from Fekadu et al. (2006) reported that emotional and behavioral disorders are more common among working children. Moreover, studies from psychology show that being exposed to adverse events in childhood can harm a child’s mental well-being, and that the effects can be persistent (Hammen 2005; Kendler et al. 1999). Frequent and prolonged exposure to adversity inevitably leads to toxic stress. This in turn adversely affects the development of the brain leading to mental health disorders (Franke 2014). Similarly, according to Compassion (2022), poor children also experience higher levels of anxiety and depression and often develop a sense of helplessness and hopelessness. As teenagers, and on into adulthood, children with low selfesteem and self-confidence can become disconnected, isolated, angry and desperate. They often lose hope and become easy targets of abuse an exploitation. Coping mechanisms of child laborers Inspired and motivated by their family. Participants shared that they were motivated and inspired by their families and every time they see their families happy, they would also feel happy because everything that they are doing is for their family. According to a GMA News documentary from 2015, the children's coping method at the time was to trade or labor, and by assisting and earning money, they were able to reach out to their families. Furthermore, Dalmacio (2022) asserted that having a cooperation in family to have common goal, which to survive these struggles in life, allows the participants to have strength to survive. 57 Sought advice and asked help from people close to them. Participants stated that they find comfort from people close to them and even with other laborers, by means of receiving advices and emotional support. Based on the study conducted by Indeed Editorial Team (2022), getting along with laborers at work is important for inspiring teamwork and creating a healthy work environment, knowing when and how to offer support to fellows at work can be a challenge, but helping others encourages a collaborative work environment. They can also help a laborer by means of boosting their confidence, time spirit, recognizing their challenges, giving advice, offering praise, and inspiring positivity which can greatly help a worker especially a child laborer when they are having a hard time. Moreover, Mayo Clinic (2022) states that friends can also help you celebrate good times and provide support during bad times. Friends can prevent isolation and loneliness and give you a chance to offer needed companionship, too. Friends can also increase your sense of belonging and purpose. Motivated and cheered themselves to combat against trials. Participants shared that they just motivated and cheered themselves to fight against trials that they face, remained resilient and strived more in life. This finding aids the study of Hinayon-Alarte (2019), which states that children have developed resiliency. It is the ability of the children to persevere and adjust when faced with life’s adversity. A trait Filipinos are noted for by the whole world, the ability to smile when faced with different challenges. But analyzing deeper on the context of the children’s perspective, they became resilient because they have to survive; they have no choice, because the duty bearers leave them no choice. 58 Spent time for leisure activities. Participants shared that, oftentimes, they do leisure activities to enjoy themselves so that--for the mean time--they can forget their problems. According to Eriksen and Mulugeta (2021), child laborers’ free time is used for necessary activities like washing clothes and domestic work. They also relax and engage in social activities such as visiting families, spending time with friends or going to church or the mosque. Gusso (2010), in his study from Brazil, argues that play is found in all societies and, with cultural variations, all children play. Additionally, in the study conducted by Jirata and Kjørholt (2015) in South Ethiopia, found that children combined work with play. In addition, despite of poverty and combining school and work, some children manage to find time for leisure or define leisure in a way that suits their lives. Implication for Practice Every child deserves to be properly nurtured, be given equal opportunity for healthcare and education, be provided with food, be given with time to grow, and be provided with other necessities that they should have. However, child laborers seemed to be excluded from the aforementioned rights and benefits that they should have had. With that, parents need to strive as far as they could to send their children to school, provide children their needs, and let them develop their holistic well-being. Nevertheless, in the absence or lacking of support from parents and guardians who are supposed to properly raise their children, the government must take the role to help children thrive. Extending support and expanding programs to help child laborers, together with their family, shall be taken into consideration. 59 This includes implementing stricter policies, ordinance and laws to eradicate the case of child labor. Also, creating programs such as completely free education for all, enough cash assistance for the needy, livelihood programs, and the like are of great importance to reduce issues with regards to child labor. In a nutshell, all children should be properly raised, acquiring—if possible— everything they need. Parents and the government must work together in order to diminish the case of child labor. With that, every child will be able to gain equal opportunity for healthcare and education, be provided with their necessities, and eventually experience and enjoy their rights. Recommendations to the future researchers This study will be beneficial to future researchers for this will serve as their literature review when they will conduct a corresponding study. Future researchers may use this as a reference to study more about child labor. This research will serve as revenue to generalize the study findings. Other researchers may undertake a new study to assess whether the result of this study has changed over time. In addition, researchers can also use this information for further investigation into similar issues child labor. Concluding Remarks This study reveals significant underlying facts regarding child labor; this unveils the lived experiences of children under child labor; and it also highlights the coping mechanisms of child laborers. All throughout the whole semester, our journey upon doing this study is quite exhaustive. We have faced numerous obstacles which tried to hamper us; problems that somehow made us stronger. 60 Since day one, we have been battling against trials. And our difficulties eventually become worse as we dig deeper into our research, specifically when we began doing an in-depth interview which entails hectic succeeding steps. Consequently, we experience having sleepless nights, mental breakdown, financial problems, exhaustion, and anxiety. Also, we struggled upon looking for our participants which would perfectly match to the study that we are conducting. Nonetheless, despite of the struggles that we have encountered, everything is paid off after finishing the manuscript. We are thankful to our parents who help us financially so as to continue and finish our paper. Also, we are grateful to our research adviser who teaches and guides us in doing our research. Above all, we cannot thank God enough for He enables us to surpass all the challenges in conducting this research, by means of bestowing his guidance, knowledge and wisdom to us in accomplishing our study. Furthermore, the findings of our study leave us an astonishing viewpoint which helps us to immensely appreciate the value of conducting a research. These also open our minds that we are somehow fortunate to be sent by our parents to school, and be provided with our necessities. Lastly, doing research is quite challenging and requires an ample time and serious attention to be finished. However, everything will be recouped at the end of it. 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Ngawong grade 4 pa ako. kuan hmm... 10 ka tuig pa lang ako sidto. P-01. Not anymore. Since I was only in grade 4. Hmm... I was just 10 that time P-02. Wada agaw yaundang da ako. 2019, ngawong kuan… Grade 9 pa man ako sidto… inday daw unan ngawn na buwan wada ako maka hinumdum basta wapay COVID sang awn. 14 pa lang ako. P-02. Not anymore, I’ve already stopped. It was 2019, when I was just in Grade 9. I didn’t know what specific date it was but it was before the pandemic. When I was just 14 years old. P-03. Wala na lagi. Mihunong kog skwela mga grade 5 palang ko nya senior high na unta ko ron. Kanang kuan man gud nang wa-walay kwarta pampa skwela sako. Dili na kaya labi nag si papa lang nagtrabaho. Dili pa jud sapat ang trabaho usahay. Nya c mama, gipili niya nga mag stay lang sa balay para ma-maatiman nya’kong duha ka manghud. P-03. Not anymore. I stopped going to school when I was only in Grade 5 and supposedly I am now in senior high school. It’s just that my parents couldn’t afford my studies anymore because my father is the only one who works for our family. Consequently, his income is basically not enough for our daily necessities. Then, my mother chose to stay at home to do household chores and nurture my two younger siblings. 1.1. Are you still studying? 78 1.2. Are you working? 1.2.1. When did you start working? What drives you to work? P-04. Wa da. Grade 7, kay, grade 12 da sa gaw ako doon kay tungod ng kuan, ngiyang di maka afford yang kanami ginikanan, amo gusto ko para makatabang sang kuan, ginikanan kay (coughing), mga tiguwang da, tapos dili, di da nilan pwede, angay na magtrabaho so kami da lamang magakuan. P-04. Not anymore. When I was in 7th grade. I am supposed to be in Grade 12 now, but because my parents couldn’t afford to send us to school anymore, I am working so that I can help them. My parents are already old, and they are not supposed to work anymore. P-05. Wa da agaw. Ngini lang gihapon na buwan, yagawas man gud si mama walay halos ka suporta kanami. P-05. Not anymore. Just this month, my mother went abroad and she has almost nothing to support us. P-01. Oo, gatrabaho ako. Ngawong grade 3 pa ako, mintin da daan ako motabang kanilan Papa sang uma nami. Tapos mintin da isab ako moabsent kay magtrabaho, amo agaw imbes, na kuan… ngiyang mo eskwela gani ako, di kay ako halos mosabot ng iklase kay wa ako kasayud. Hantod ngawong pagka grade 4 ko, yaundang da ako pag-eskwela agaw gatrabaho da ako mintin. P-01. Yes, I am working. When I was just in Grade 3, I’d already helped my father in the farm. Then I always skipped classes and when I returned to school, I could hardly understand the topic because I didn’t know it. Till when I reached Grade 4, I stopped going to school and so I’ve been working since then. P-02. Oo. 2019 ngawng ga skwela pa daan ako ag da daan ako sidto mag sideline hantud na iganahan da ako pagtrabaho kay awn ma income ko amo P-02. Yes. Way back 2019, when I was still studying, I already had a sideline till I enjoyed working because I can earn money. For that reason, I chose to 79 yaundang dalang ako pag skwela. stop going to school. P-03. Oh. Grade 5 pako nagtrabaho nako. Edad nako mga— 10 years old siguro nya karon grade 11 nako, 16 years old. P-03. Yes. I was only in Grade 5 when I started working. I was just 10 years old that time and then now I’m supposed to be a grade 11 and also 16 years old. P-04. Oo. Ahh, kuan, katorse. Mga… disye-syete da ako doon, 3 years da ako yagakuan, gatrabaho P-05. Oo, ay duon wa agaw kay ga tambay way may project ni Aristotle. Kuan agaw mga petsa 3 unay di da kasayudan kay tungod agaw ng kadugayon da ng buwan daw kan-o da gasugod yang project ng barangay road. Ngawn na time katorse. 1.3 How much time do you spend working? 1.3.1. What kind of jobs do you work? Which of these jobs do you usually work? P-04. Yes. When I was just fourteen years old. I am 17 now, I have worked for 3 years P-05. Yes, but for now I`m just hanging on because Aristotle has no project yet. About the third day of this month (November). I could no longer remember because it was a long ago already, since the project in barangay road started. That time, I was only 14. P-01. Hmm kuan...ahhh mga tag8 ka oras gayud kay alas 8 kami magsugod tapos matapos alas 12 tapos magtrabaho da sab kami ng ala 1 hantud alas 5. P-01. Approximately 8 hours because we’ll start at 8; we’ll end at 12; then we’ll work again from 1 to 5. Yaang usahay ag ako magtrabaho sang basakan, usahay isab sang kontraksiyon, tapos usahay ag isab Sometimes I’ll work in a farm, sometimes in a construction, then sometimes I’ll go get crabs. 80 ako mangamang ng kagang. kuan yang pag... yang kontraksiyon gayud yang halos mintin ko trabahuon doon. P-02. 8 ka oras usahay 12 gayud ka oras kay kuan man mag overtime kami para mas bagas yang kanami makwarta. Usahay mag driver, mag kopras, usahay isab magbasak tapos mag-alsa ng mga saging dahon ngadto sang packing area. Ngiyang hmmm magalsa ng mga saging sang sagingan kay mas bagas yang kanak ma kwarta labi na haw mag overtime kami. P-03. Halos sad mga intiro adlaw pero sa usa ka adlaw daghan na ana akong mahuman nga trabaho sa lain lain nga amo. Mag start kog labas sa kuan kay 6- mga alas sais sa buntag tapos makauli ko mga alas syiete sa gabie na. Kargador like karga ug palkata, bisan unsa nga—bis-bisan unsa pa nga kargahon. Magtanom ug- magtanom sa basakan kung naay magpatanum. Ang halos nako nga gitrabaho is kargadag palkata, ug pagtanum sa basakan. Construction is what I really usually work for now. P-02. Most of the time 8 hours but when we do overtime it will take 12 hours to earn more money. Sometimes being a driver, harvesting coconut, sometimes I do farming, and lifting bananas to the packing area. It’s lifting bananas from the plantation because I earn much more money especially when we do overtime. P-03 Almost a whole day but in a day, I can finish a lot of work for different employers. I start going out at around six o’clock in the morning; I get home at around seven in the evening. A porter, like porting a falcata and any other things to lift. Planting on the rice field if someone hires rice planter. What I mostly work on lifting a falcata and rice planting. 81 P-04. Mga alas 7 tapos-ssss (prolonging the word tapos) yang break time nami kay kuan, ngiyang, alas 12 pag mubalik kmi ala ona pag, ngiyang, pagbalik nami, ay, pag undang nami pagtrabaho alas 3:30. P-04. Around 7:00 o’clock in the morning, and our break time is at exactly 12:00 noon, then we would back at 1:00 P.M., then we will end at 3:30 P.M. Mga kuan, yaang kargador, labor, tigmasa, tapos (prolonging the word tapos) yaang tigkuan ng mga rabbit, tapos, tigbasak, yaang tigbao, mga, tigtanom (laughing), yaang, tigpanik ng--mamanik ng niyog, unan pa na mga trabaho. Kuan, yaang, tigbasak, tapos, tigkuan ng mga niyog, tigpanik. Just like, being a porter, laborer, planisher, then... doing (something) with the rabbits, then farming, manipulating a rotor, rice planting (laughs). Then, climber— climbing a coconut tree(harvesting), and other works to do. Farming, then climbing a coconut tree. P-05. Usahay magsugod kami ng alas syete tapos out alas onse sugod ay pahuway isa ka oras tas sugod ala una sunod out da isab alas singko kung awn mga kaiban makaya pa ng trabaho. Usahay maga overtime kami, pabuntagay pagka alas sais dili da maka trabaho matulog da lang nay para makakuan ng kakapoy ma wawa. P-05. Usually we would start at 7:00 A.M. and would end at 11:00 A.M. in the morning. Then rest for an hour and start again at 1:00 P.M. and end at 5:00 P.M. in the afternoon. Together with my coworkers, sometimes we would have an overtime all night until the morning and we wouldn’t work the next day; we just sleep to reduce fatigue. Construction usahay mga unan pa yaan sang Pan de Pane, Operator, Driver, unan pa yaan yang I work as a construction worker, sometimes at Pan de Pane(bakery), as 82 1.4. How hard it is to be a child laborer? Can you cite specific examples? 1.4.1. What made you decide to continue working? panday bisan unan basta makitaan lang. Ay unan pa yaan yang kang Aristotle sa lang ako yatigam ansaan ako usahay amohan ansaan kasaligan usahay. Oo ansaan gayud ako gadugay na gatrabaho kay kung wa katapos yang kanang barangay road awn pa gaw duon trabaho nami duon naman kay yatapos da man yang barangay road inday pa ng digos kay mobalik man kuno ng trabaho an operator, a driver and any other job where I could earn money. In Aristotle’s job, it’s where I learned and sometimes it is where I gained trust. Yes, I stayed there for a long time and probably worked a lot. If the barangay road hadn`t been finished yet, I should’ve still had a job today. P-01. Para kanak, malisuday gayud magtrabaho ya labi na iso pa agaw ako. Ilabi na ngawong pirmiro pa ako gatrabaho sang kontraksiyon, makapuyay mangalsa ng semento, mga hollow block tapos graba. Yalala pa gayud tungod mainitay isab yang suga, makapuyay gayud. P-01. For me, it’s extremely hard to work especially that I am just a kid. More especially the time that I was just a beginner working in a construction, it was so tiring to lift cement, hollow blocks and gravels. Worsened by the heat of the sun, it was indeed exhausting. Sang tinood lang gayud, gustuhay da ko gayud gawo moundang pagtrabaho tungod kay sobra yang kakapoy. Kaso yaisip ko, if moundang isab ako pag-trabaho, mosamot yang kanami kalisud. Daan pa ampan trabaho ng mga ginikanan ko, tapos ako alangan ampan isab. Tapos yaisip ko isab if di da ako motrabaho, Honestly, I really want to stop working already because of excessive prostration. But I thought, if I’d stop doing a job, our sufferings would become worse. Knowing that my parents are jobless, then should I also be? And I also considered that if wouldn’t work, I would never have 83 ampan da kanak gayud pag-asa sang kinabuhi; ampan man gud isab kaasahan sang kanami pamilya. any hope in my life; I couldn’t just rely on my family. P-02. Yang pag trabaho labi na sang amasan e na edad malisuday gayud kay kinahanglan mo mapag sabayan sang kanmo mga kaiban na mas tiguwang pa kanak. Example ngadto sang kuan ngining sang sagingan pag magalsa kami ng mga saging tungod ng kabug-at ag ko usahay kabuhian o mabundak sng lupa yang mga saging. Ag usahay mangka hakad mas malala ngawng yagka dunotdunot gayud ngawng kyabuhian ko na saging. Istriktohay yang kanami amo,e minus dayun naan yang kanak damage sang kanak sweldo amo gamay da kuman yang kanak yadawat na sweldo amo galisuday ako kay kuwang da yang kanak kwarta sang pagpalit ng kanami mga panginahanglan. P-02. Working at this age is really hard because you need to keep pace with your coworkers who are older than me. Example in the banana plantation, when we lift bananas, due to its heaviness, it would oftentimes slip out of my hands and fell on the ground. Sometimes it would be scattered and the worse is when it was broken down into pieces. Our employer is very strict; he immediately deducted the casualties to my salary that I received littler wage. That’s why I struggled a lot because my money wasn’t enough to sustain our needs. Ahm tungod ng kalisud kay daig sagud mga lumon ko na gaskwela tapos yang income ni papa gamay lang dida maigo sang kanami mga panginahanglan agaw gapadayun da lang ako para makatabang ako sang kanak ginikanan Because of poverty, considering that I have other siblings that are still studying and my father income is not enough to sustain our needs. Because of that, I continue working to help my parents in 84 sang pagsuporta sang kanak mga lumon. supporting my siblings needs. P-03. Oo lisud jud sya labi nag bata paka, dili kaya sa lawas pero nagkadugay, nasanay naman hinoon akong kuan— sarili. P-03. Yes, it’s really hard especially when you are just young. My body can’t handle it, but as days go by, I got used to it. Ang ga kuan ga tulak sa akoa kuan judgatulak jud nako magtrab-magtrabaho is lagi gusto nako tabangan nakong kuan papa sa pagbuhi samong pamilya labi nag tigulang tigulang na sad sya. The thing that really drives me to resume working is that I want to help my father in raising our family, especially as he is getting old. P-04. Malisud, kay daan, yang ginikanan ko kay dapat paeskwelahon gaw ako nilan, pakuanon, yaang, yaang yabali da hinuon kay daan ahhh, way da gaw (laughing), ako gaw angay nilan buhion, pero, silan da hinuon yang ibuhi ko amo gatrabaho ako, yaningkamot ako yaang--- yaningkamot ako pagtrabaho para kanilan, para maka (stuttering), makatabang. Kung isipon ko isab, masakitay yaan na part kanak na ako---, ako yang mubuhi sang kanak pamilya, kay usahay, pag makit-an ko yang lain na mga, kuan, kanak kaedad, kaedad ko na isuportahan ng madyaw ng kanilan pamilya, tas ibuhi P-04. It’s hard because my parents are supposed to send me to school but turned out it becomes reversed because instead that they are supposed to feed me, I become the one to feed them and thus I work. I persevere to work for them (stuttering), to help them. If I’ll think about it, it’s anxious in my part— I am the one who supports my family because sometimes, whenever I see others my age, children my age who are being supported well by their family, then they are being fed well, then I, I feel 85 silan ng matarong, na, ako, mafeel ko isab na selos, pero makit an ko na---, yang kahimtang ng knk pamilya, ag ako malouy, tas, himuon da ko lang ngiyan na motivation silan kay love ko man silan, kay, of course, pamilya ko gud. jealous but I see— the situation of my family, I empathized, then I just make it as a motivation because I love them because—of course—they’re my family. Kay, haw kuan, tapos yaang kuan, yacontinue sab ako pagtrabaho, para, ahhh, para continue isab yang tabang ko sang kanak pamilya, tapos, maka, para makaipon ako, mubalik isab dayun ako ng pag eskwela, tapos para maabot ko yang kanak mga pangarap, tapos para mapa-ahon ko yang kanak mga pamilya, uswagon ko yang kanami kinabuhi. Because when, then, I continued to work so that I can continue to help my family, then, so that I can have savings, and I will go back to school so that I can reach my dreams, then I can raise my family, I will improve our life. P-05. Aw makapoy gayud kay kung di kaw gayud maka alsahay manghanap pa kaw ng kaiban mo para magpatabang. Na kanami ngadto gatrabaho kaw was a gayud di kaw sa gayud pwedi magpatabang pag alsa ng simento ngadto daw unan pya assign kanmo na trabaho. Pero kung gatarong kaw ng pagskwela, ballpen gayud pyaga hawidan manangkay amasid-e yang yahimo nami wa sa gayud, mahadlok gayud kami mo sud, amo yahimo nami P-05. Obviously, it is very exhausting, if you can’t carry something heavy, you will find someone to help you. In our job, we have different work to do, you can’t ask someone to help you. If you study well, you will be holding a ballpen but since, this is what we chose to do, we stayed working and it’s hard to be just a bystander. 86 yang pagtrabaho malisud haw maga tambay. 1.5. Have you ever encountered challenges in working at a young age? 1.5.1. What was the most difficult challenge you have encountered while working? Can you elaborate it further? How did those challenges affect you? How did Ngiyan agaw kay awn kanmo mga manghod, na! binuwan baya magpada yang kanmo ginikanan. Makalong kaw gayud na di kaw gayud mintin magsalig sang unan pa yaan ginikanan kay pra kung magka uno-uno di ma alanganin yang ginikanan mo mag laong kanmo na hanap kaw ng kwarta kay awn da sa daan iipit mo na kwarta. Makapalit kaw gayud kay awn kanmo trabaho yaka sideline-sideline kaw awn kwarta mo kay kung y trabaho mom aga alanganin gayud ginikanan mo magka utang-utang tas usahay di pa gayud kami pagpa utangon. It is because I have siblings who need financial support and because my parent would just send us money once a month. You can really say that you shouldn`t depend on your parents; you need to find ways on how to survive and earn money to sustain your needs. P-01. Oo uyy. Bisan iso pa ako, kinahanglan ko gayud mang-alsa ng mga mabug-at na mga butang. Tapos need ko isab makipagsabayan sang mga bagas da na kaiban ko. Tapos halos mintin pa gayud ako madaut sauna tungod ng sobra na trabaho, masakitay yang kanak kalawasan. Tapos awon pa gayud time na yasamad yang ako ngani gani(pointing his left foot) samtang P-01. Yes, of course. Although I am still young, I have to lift up heavy things. I also need to keep pace with other(adult) workers. Then I almost always got sick before because of undue work; my physique was in excruciating pain. And there was also a time that I was wounded here (pointing his left foot) by a shovel while I was working. 87 gatrabaho ngawong yaigo ng pala yang kanak siki. Umm... ahh... kuan... kuan ngawong ilagnatay ako na gatrabaho kami sang kontraksiyon. Amo agaw ngawon, ilagnatay ako tapos ampan pa gayud makatabang kanak kay syempre wala silan Mama tapos yang kaiban ko sang trabaho, awon isab trabaho nilan. Ako lamang gayud yang adto bang house; ako da yang yaningkamot para mokaan tapos moinom ng tambal. Pero ipalitan hinoon ako ng kanami porman ng tambal para mainum ko. Amo lamang ngiyan. And it’s when I got a severe fever as we were working in construction. That was it, I got a severe fever and no one’s around to help me because of course my parents weren’t there for me and my coworkers were also working. I was alone at the bang house; I plodded to take medicines myself. But at least, our foreman still bought me medicines to take. That’s it. Kuan... bagasay gayud yang apekto kanak sidto na mga kalisud. Kay bisan grabe yang ibati ko: yagkasakit ako; grabe na kakapoy na ibati ko; halos pa gani magkabuang da ako. Kuan gihapon, yang ihimo ako sidto na kusgan. Tapos yakatabang isab ngiyan kanak para mas maging palaban gani sang kinabuhi. Agaw dili da ako basta-basta malisang sang mga ginagmay na problema Those challenges have affected me a lot. Because although I have an austere experience: I got sick; I experienced extreme exhaustion; I almost even went crazy. It’s still, it has made me strong. Then it’s also helped me become more positive in life. That’s why I will be easily boggled by a simple problem anymore. P-02. Oo madaigay gani, kuan mentin ako kasakitan ng kanak bukton hw likod, ah usahay ag P-02. Yes, actually a lot. I usually feel muscle pain and back pain; sometimes I get 88 ako lagnaton, usahay magka di batok yang kanami pagkaan tapos ngawng yatakdag ako sang kabaw na isakyan ko pakadto sang basakan HAHAHAHA kay gamiton gawo nami pag balsa, pers taym ko man gud ngidto fever; we don’t eat at the right time. Then the time that I fell off from the carabao that I was riding to the farm (laughs) because it would be used in farming and also, it was my first time. Ngawng yahog ako sang kabaw HAHAHAHA. Way yakatabang kanak kay way kanak kaibanan sang awn tapos pag uli ko sang bay way utaw kay adto tanan silan mama sang bay ng kanaan lumon yabisita buko ako lang yang yaningkamot na makapalit ng tambal tapos paghikay ng pagkaan.Tapos yakadto dayun ako sang manambalay, gapatambal ako kay masakitay gayud yang ibati ko tapos laong ng mananambal yalisa kuno ako agaw wada isab naa ako maka trabaho ng pila ka adlaw kay laong ng gahilot kanak magpahuway naa ako pero wa gihapon kay wasay kaibanan ko, ako yang galihok sang bay kay wa man silan mama sang awn. When I fell off from the carabao (laughs). Nobody was able to help me because I just alone there. When I returned home, no one was there because all of them visited at my aunt’s house, that’s why I myself persevered to buy medicine and prepared meal for me. Then, I went to the healer because I felt too much pain and the healer told me that I got sprained and thus I wasn’t able to work in a few days because the healer said that I need to take a rest. However, it was no use because I was alone at that time so I had to prepare meals for myself. Kuan ahm mahinaay ako sauna muharap sang kanak mga problema, mga ibati ko na kasakit sang lawas tapos di dayun Before, I was too weak dealing with my problems, the pain that I feel physically, then I wouldn’t 89 ako mag isip ng solusyon. Pero doon tigam da ako uno-uno labanan yang kanak mga problema sang trabahuan haw sang kinabuhi. Dida ako magpa pildi dayun sng kanak mga problema tapos salig lang gayud mentin sang ginoo anay unouno kalisud kay tabangan gayud naan kita. immediately think of a solution. But as of the moment, I can now be able to face my problems in the workplace and in life. I should not be defeated by my problems anymore and just have faith in God despite of the hardships because he will always help you. P-03. Oh, like maglisud ko una ug alsa kay nabag uhan akong lawas, kainit sa adlaw nga masinati while ga trabaho mosakit gud akong ulo, mga unsa pa diha labi na sad magkamali sad ko sa akong gi trabaho grabi dayon ilang baba sa akoa, ratratan dayon kog balikas mga ana gud, mao na akong mga challenges nga ginaagian sa akong pagpanarbaho. P-03. Yes, like I’m having a hard time lifting loads because my body wasn’t yet used to it. The heat of the sun that I’ve even experienced having a headache while working. Anything, and also when I made a mistake in my work, their mouth, they’d shout a curse at me, like that. Those were the challenges that I’ve even experienced in my work. Ang kuan jud ang pinaka lisud jud nga akong nasinati is katong ga kargadkargador kog palkata kay ulan ulan, ulan ulan pa, ulan ulan pa jud to unya na slide pa jud ko imbes kay tabangan, gibalikas na hinoon nya pag uli nako gikalintura pa jud ko pila—pila ko ka adlaw naglubog ko sa higdaanan unya no work, no pay pa gyud ko ato nga time. The most difficult challenge that I’ve experienced is when I was lifting falcata and it was raining that time and thus I slipped down and instead of receiving a help, they cursed me. When I reached home, I got a fever. In few days, I stayed in my bed due to fever. And without me working, I had no salary to receive. 90 Nakaapekto jud to sa akoag dako tong sa labi na sakong kuan lawas. Nipayat ko atog taman pero mibalik raman hinoon p- wa madugay. Naka apekto sad to sa mga kuan mga kangaa maluyahan na unta ko dli nako ma balik sa trabaho kay kapoy pero sapag isip nako sa akong pamilya, laban lang gihapon. It really affects me a lot, especially my physique. I lost weight but eventually it came back to normal. It also affected me that made me lose hope; I’m not encourage to go back to work anymore because it’s tiring. However, when I’d think about my family, I tend to feel like continue fighting. P-04. Oo, kay, awn sagud isab yaencounter ko na mga trabaho, yaang ngiyang, ahh, kanak amo, yaang, ag ako kalipasan ng gutom, ag da ako mapasmo, tapos ag ako sakitan ng lawas, sakit yang O ko tungod ng kakapoy ng kanak trabaho, ikaya da ko lang, para matapos ngiyan na mga trabaho. Ngiyan gaw na mga trabaho, dili pa gaw angay kanak, kay, kay yaang kuan, iso pa, naman kay needed da ko ng kwarta para sang kanak pamilya, amo, ikaya da lang para sang kanak, para awn, masuportahan yang kanak pamilya, kuan ginikanan P-04. Yes, there are also jobs that I encountered, this, that, my boss, I would get hungry, then my body would hurt, my head would hurt because of the tiredness of working. I just endure it, so that I could finish those jobs. Those jobs are not suitable for me yet, because, because I'm still young, but because I needed money for my family, so I just managed it for me to have, to support my family, my parents. Isa isab sang pinakalisod na kyadamnan ako ng kanak amo, kay bahala da masakitay dang lawas ko, tapos abay pa gayud ako lang an ng masakit na mga istorya, yang One of the hardest was when my boss vituperated me, even though my whole body was in pain. Then he threw me hurtful words, just like “pist*”, and he 91 mga pist*, ag ako lang an ng y*wa, uli ngadto mga patay gutom, tapos, wa isab naan ako itrato na utaw tapos ilang an pa gayud ako naan na basura, tapos amo yaan na rason na yapanaw ako kanaan, kay yang kanaan mga pyaniyab, maraat kanami na pamilya na ilang an kami ng kuan, na mga patay gutom, na mga basura, pist*, mga yaw*. Awn isab amo ko na, ilang-an ako na kawatan, isampalo ako, idemanda da gaw ako, kay ngiyan agaw yangawat, awn paratang kanak na di haw amo, ngiyang, biskan wa ko gud himoa, ako yang pyasanginlan na ako kuno yang gakawat. Awn isab time na masakitay lawas ko na ilugos ako ng kanak amo pag, pagpatrabaho, tapos pag abot adtu sang itrabahoan ko, tungod da ng kakapoy ng kanak lawas ikuyapan, ida gayud nilan, tapos kyadoctoran, pagkakisom kyadamnan pa gayud ako kay kanaan kuno kwarta yagastos kanak, amo laong naan kanak na magtarong da kuno ako pagtrabaho, di da haw amasidto yang himuon ko, di da kuno pwede magpaluya-luya, tapos, susihon ko kuno yang kanak called me “yaw*”, “go back there beggar.” And he didn’t treat me as a person and he even called me a garbage, then that’s the reason why I resigned, because his words. It’s offensive in my family’s part to be called that way, such as “pataygutom”, “garbage”, “pist*”, yaw*. I also had an employer who called me thief, slapped me, and even almost filed a case against me for robbery; he falsely accused me even though I did not do it. There was also a time that I felt so much body pain but I was still forced by my boss to work, then when I reached the workplace, and because of extreme exhaustion, I passed out. They then brought me to a doctor and after that day, he was yelling at me because he spent his money for me. That’s why he told me that I should work carefully next time, not like before anymore, I shouldn’t be weak, then, I should have felt my body, whether okay or not, before working, knowing that he was the one who forced me to work that made me sick. 92 lawas, daw, daw okay, daw wa, bag o mutrabaho pero yaan yang dahilan pero, yaan yang dahilan pero yaan yang dahilan, ipugos ako pagpatrabaho, na yadaot ako Kyaapektohan yang kanak emosyon, kibali kyasakitanay gayud ako sidtu na mga time, usahay, maisip ko na what if bawusan ko ngiyan na mga utaw? Maraatay gayud para kanak na madungog ngawn na mga istorya pero ag da lang ako i-cheer yang kanak sarili. Kibali tungod sian na mga, mga masakit, kasakit, feeling ko na, feeling ko yabag o yang kanak sarili, usahay, matigam da ako magdumot sang lain na utaw, which is sayud ako na maraat, pero di ako, ahh kapigilan na magdumot kanilan. My emotion is affected, like I was really hurt that time, sometimes, I thought of, what if I will revenge to those people? It’s really bad for me to hear those words but I just cheer myself. So, because of those, the agonies, I feel like, I feel my life is changed, sometimes, I can already harbor a grudge to other people, which is I know that it’s bad, but I can’t help myself to harbor grudge to them. P-05. Oo usahay sakit ang lawas sakit yang, daw unan man masakit yang oh, sakit yang unan pa yaan na usahay magahubo sa gayud ka saan ng simento, masakit yang mga bukton, mga muscles mo kay mangusog kaw sa gayud pag alsa saan. So nam kay yangita kita agaw ng paraan daw kin o makahanap ng kwarta baliwaon mo gayud yang kasakit para agaw makaplait P-05. Yes, sometimes I experience body pain, headache. When I poured cements, I suffer muscle pain because I exert much effort and strength to lift it. Since we are looking for ways to earn money, we should just neglect the pain just to purchase what you want you eat and what you desire to wear. 93 ng bisan unan gusto mo na mapalit di sa gayud laong na unn pa yaan kanilan lang gayud hurot yang gusto ko pamaliton awn isab time na kailangan mo mapalit yang unan gusto mo makaan, masuot daw unan pa yang gusto mo Ngawng unan pa yaan ya hog ko yang isa ka simento sang unan pa yaan kanal na yahubo hurot amo yang pinaka lisod di da gaw ako magatrabaho kay grabi yang kadaman kank. Usahay yang unan pa yaan yang mga drive kay maka gasgas kaw, maka hubo kaw ng krodo. Yaan kay di ko gayud yaan pagauman kanilan kay grabi dayung yang kadaman dayun nilan saan kank amo usahay kung gusto ko gaud, ioman da ko lang bisan maraat yang pyagatiyab kank. Bisan unan na mangka raat na paniyab madaig ra ba yang mga utaw na maga tanaw kanmo. Usahay di da kaw lang magatiyab kay di mo gusto kasipgan. Kung di mo isab itiyab yaan, popotbolon kaw gayud isab saan nilan, pahawaon kaw nilan sang trabaho haw maga tago kaw ng sala. Mas madayaw dalang haw When a cement that I was lifting fell off the canal, I had planned not to go to work anymore because of what they had told me. Sometimes, when I am driving, I can accidentally scratch the vehicle and spill the crude oil. I don’t want to tell them what happened because they will immediately get angry. Sometimes, I tell them even though they would say hurtful words towards me. Because if they find out what happened in the end, they will fire you from work. That’s why it’s better to let them know your mistakes. 94 e uman da mo lang yang knamo sala. Usahay aw maapektuhan kay kung unsa mana jud ka palusot lusoton nalang jud nimo ang kasaba nila.Oo lang on kaw sa gayud saan silan na langalanga unan pa yaan lutaw amasaan na maraat baya yaan panaligahan na amasianon kaw daig baya mga unan pa yaan example kyadamnan kaw laong pa ng kanmo mga kaibanan magbantay da kaw gayud daw ga unan kaw kay yang mga amo nami usahay kay madaman. Oo kay maraat baya istoryahan kaw ng mali, mali pa gayud na pagka istorya lang on kaw nilan na ay da pagtiyab usahay mag chaho dalang usahay ma pungot kaw kanilan kay tungod ng mali na storya dungag-dungagan nilan amasaan di kaw sa gayud makatiyab kay yanarbaho kaw lang.Usahay maka huna-huna na mo undang naman kay manghod mo agaw way halos maga suporta ikaw da kuman maga suporta kanilan amasaan di da lang mo undang pero kung makapadala si mama usahay kana usahay mo out kog tres(3) ka adlaw duha(2) kay awn kwarta pero kung tanawon nato Sometimes, it affects me but I let it all go out of the other side of my ears. Yes, because they will throw me hurtful words like clumsy, which is not good to hear. Example, my coworkers, they will give me advice to be careful next time so that I will not be scolded next time. Yes, because it`s not good to hear hurtful words, they will tell you not to talk back, so you will just cry. Sometimes, you can`t voice out you grievances because you are just their worker. Sometimes, I thought of giving up but for the sake of my siblings, no one would support them aside from me, that’s why I told myself to continue. But if my mother sends money to us, I will take a rest for two to three days. But if I noticed that we ran out of foods, I would go back to work. 95 na wa na mi makaon mubalik n apud kog trabaho. 2.How do the children under child labor cope with their struggles? 2.2. As a child laborer, how did you deal with the challenges within your work? 2.2.1. Did you ask for assistance? What kind of support system did you get to overcome those conflicts? How did it help you? Who are the people who helped you? In what way do they help you? P-01. Hmm, yaang... ilakasan ko lang gayud yang loob ko ya. I-remind ko mintin yang sarili ko na dapat magpadayun ako sang pagtrabaho para mabuhi. P-01. Hmm, it’s... I just really fortify myself. I always remind myself that I should keep on working in order to survive. Ahh... doon da... oo, yangayo ako ng tabang sang ginikanan ko apil sang mga amigo ko. Kay ngawong time na yasamad ako, itabangan ako ng mga amigo ko tapos ag isab ako nilan lang-an na motrabaho gihapon bisan malisud. Silan Mama isab, ag ako lang-an na magdaya mintin sang trabaho tapos pag ngiyang mooli ako sang bay ag ako hiluton ni Mama. Tapos ag nilan isab ako payuan na dapat dili magpakapuyay sang trabaho. Hmm! Tungod sadto ama ng ag ako makagingawa gamay(laughs). Ngiyang kuan gani, ama ng kabawasbawasan yang sakit na ag ko bation. Kay yang amigo ko tabangan isab nilan ako na maglipay-lipay kay usahaay pag ampan trabaho nami, ag kami magduwa ng basketball ug usahay molaag kami. Agaw tungod sian Ahh... wait... yes, I asked help from my parents and also from my friends. Because the time that I was wounded, my friends helped me, then they would also tell me to keep working even though it’s relatively hard. My parents also, they would tell me to be always careful as I work and if I’d return home, my mom would massage me. And they would also advise me to not to really enervate myself to work. Hmm! Because of those, I feel like I can breathe a little bit (laughs). It’s just that, it’s like it would lessen the pain that I’ve felt. Because my friends would also help me to rejoice because sometimes if we’re don’t have work, we would play basketball and sometimes we’d hang out. That’s why because of 96 kabawas-bawasan yang kaguol ko sang kinabuhi.(laughs) Amo agaw ngawon, kiyatabangan ako ng ginikanan ko ug ilabi na yang mga amigo ko. Kay silan mama ag isab ako payuan na dili magpakapuyay; paniidan ko kuno yang lawas ko; tapos dili dapat motrabaho pag-awon maraat na ibati. Tapos yang amigo ko ag ako usahay alalayan sang trabaho, tapos tabangan isab ako nilan na malipay kang amo agaw laong ko ag kami magduwa ng basketball tapos usahay mosoroy kami. those, it abates the sadness in my life.(laughs) That was it, my parents helped me and more especially my friends. Because my parents would also advise to not to exhaust myself that much; I should’ve felt my body; then I shouldn’t have to work if I feel something bad. Then my friends would sometimes assist me in work, and they would also help me be happy because as I said, we would play basketball and would sometimes hang out. P-02. Kuan ngining haw kyalisudanay da ako wada ako sasabot ng kanak ibati pisikal haw emosyonal usahay mag chaho ako usahay isab ag ako mangayo ng tambag sang kanak mga kaibanan tapos ag dako lamang isipon na gatrabaho ako para sang kanak pamilya agaw di dapat ako magpa pildi sang mga kalisud. P-02. When I struggled a lot and I couldn’t understand what I felt physically and emotionally, sometimes I would just cry and seek advice from my coworkers. Also, I’d just think that I work for my family so I should not be defeated by the predicaments. Oo kay haw ngiyang ako-ako lamang ngining sarilihon ko ba mabuang unay ako. Ahm ngawng kuan agaw itambagan ako nilan ng kanak mga kaibanan sang trabaho tapos pag-uli Yes, because if I’d keep it myself, I might go crazy. That’s when my coworkers advised me and when I reached home, my parents could feel that I have a problem. 97 ko ngadto bay kay silan mama mabati gayud nilan haw awn kanak problema. Agaw sige silan mangutana kanak pero dik mag tug an agaw ag dlng ako nilan payo-payoon tapos yng mga lumon ko ag ako nilan jokjokan hantud na manag hinikoway da kami na ngiyang amasian na pamaagi ag da dayun ako malipayay labi na ikita ko isab silan na yanag hiko ag dalang dayun ako makalingaw ng kanak mga kalisud haw problema. Yakatabang gayud ngiyan kanak kay kuan haw iyan ako sang kalisud amanang dida dayun ako maproblemahay kay yasayud da man ako na iyan mga utaw sang luyo ko na mutambag kanak. Yang unang-una na yakatabangay gayud kanak kay syempre yang kanak pamilya tapos kuan yang kanak mga kaibanan sang trabaho apil da isab yang kanak mga barkada. Amo agaw ngawng laong ko gaina na pamaagi ng pagtambag tapos kuan ngining pagpabati nilan kanak ng kanilan suporta haw pag pangga labi na yng kanak pamilya. Consequently, they kept on asking me but I wouldn’t tell them my problem that’s why they would just caress me and my siblings would joke at me until we laugh together. In that way, they can make me happy and whenever I see them smiling I forget all the problems and difficulties I’m facing. It truly helped me especially when I’m in difficulty. I will not be greatly baffled because I know that there is someone behind me that will always be there for me. The first one who helped me was of course my family, then my work colleagues, and my friends also. As what I have said earlier, in a way of giving me an advice, then making me feel their support to me and the love coming from my family. P-03. Nakapabag-o to o kuan gibaliwala P-03. I just ignore the difficulties. I 98 lang nako ang mga kalisud mas giisip nako ang kapakanan sa akong pamilya nga makasig— makaginhawa gamay kaginhawa gamay sa kalisud sa kinabuhi. Sa, sa ilang kalipay nga akong makita pag makapalit kog lami nga sud-an pagting sweldo mga ana gud. think more about the sake of my family so they can be able to breathe a little bit from the hardships of life. Also, as I see their happiness on their faces when I buy them delicious viand during payout period, like that. Sa akong huna-huna nangayo kog tabang pero dili nako mabungat sa akong baba kay musanto dayon sakong hunahuna nga dili nalang kay mag worry pa sila kay gusto nako kalipay ra jud dapat ilang mahunahunaan. Unya sa Ginoo nalang ko mangayog tabang nga dungagan pa niya akong kusog para maka trabaho pa para matabangan nako si papa dili sya maglisud pa sa iyahang kuan trabaho In my mind, I want to ask for help but I can’t speak it out of my mouth. I would immediately realize not to say it anymore for it will just make them more worried. And I just want them to think only of happiness and then I will just seek help from God that He will add me more strength so that I can work to help my father then he will not struggle on his job anymore. P-04. Ihimo ko na motivation yang kanak pamilya, taliwala sang kanak experiences, biskan malisud, ikaya ko gihapon yang tanan, kung makita ko yang kanak pamilya, ag da ko dayun, yang mubalik yang kanak kusog, ag ako dayun kuan, ma motivate dayun, ahhh ganahan dayun ako pagtrabaho balik. P-04. I make my family as my motivation, amidst of predicaments. Although it was difficult, I was able to cope with everything, when I see my family, my strength returns, I will be motivated, and I will love to work again. 99 Oo, yangayo ako ng tabang. Ag ako lang on ng kanak ina na sige lang nak, pagtrabaho lang kay pag madayaw ako, ako da isab yang magtrabaho para kanmo, para makatapos kaw pag eskwela, agwanta lang napa doon na mga panahon. Ya motivate ako. Yang, yang mga yatabang kanak, mga, ina ko, mga lumon, mga barkada, yaang kanak mga katagsa tapos mga kila Imotivate isab ako nilan, para kanak, para ganahan ako pagtrabaho. Ag isab nilan ako lang an na sagdai yaang mga yag daog daog kanmo, Ginoo da kuman yang matigam kanilan. Yes, I asked for help. My mother will tell me "it's okay son", just work because if I get better from my illness, I will work for you again, just be patient for now. It makes me motivated. Those who helped me were my mother, brothers, friends, cousins and my acquaintances. They motivate me to love working. They will also tell me to leave those who belittled you, Lord will take care of them. P-05. Ama ng maga unan lang padala lang sang kalipay matanaw ko lang malipay mga manghod ko knk makita madjaw yang nawong nilan kank yang unan pa agaw nilan makita ko lang silan na malipayon ok da yaan kank y da saan kakapoy kank. P-05. I will just make myself happy. Just seeing my siblings happy makes me happy too and makes me forget my tiredness. Oo normal gayud yang mangayo ng tabang kay awn gayud time na di gayud nato makaya yang isa ka trabaho kanato example maga alsa kaw ng sinako Yes, normally we need help from other people, example when you are holding a sack of cement and you can’t carry it by your own obviously 100 2.3. How do you keep yourself brave despite those struggles? 2.3.1. Do you have personal coping mechanisms that helped yourself? What are those? How did those techniques specifically help magapatabang kaw sa gayud saan so normal gayud na magapatabang kita. Usahay mag ingon ra ko usahay baliwala ra man usahay mag ingon akoang manghod daw unan kank mga problema. Ay awn usahay wa silan kasayud na ihilantan yang kank mga manghod ag ako kanilan mangayu ng tabang pangpalit ng tambal, sud an. Usahay ako ang moingon usahay barkada ko ag mangutana unan problema amasaan usahay gayud ampan. Itambagan ako nilan na maningkamot lang naan gadi samtang wa pa silan usahay magapadala silan usahay dili. Usahay magpadala agaw si mama ng kwarta. Usahay utanutang usahay silan nanay mo tabang kanami. Silan nanay yang mga silingan nami usahay silan Jay-jay yang mga amigo ko pati parents ko. you will ask for help. Sometimes I told them but sometimes they will just ignore me. Also, sometimes my siblings would ask me about my problems. Sometimes if they did not know that my siblings are sick, I would ask money from them to buy medicine for my siblings and also for our viand. Sometimes, I would tell them myself. Sometimes my friends ask me about my problems and sometimes, no one.They give advice to me to strive more while they are not with us. They only send us money, sometimes.Someti mes my mother would send us money. Sometimes they borrow and sometimes my grandmother would help us. My grandmother, neighbors, sometimes Jay-jay, my friends and my parents. P-01. Kuan agaw, abay ko lang gayud lang-on yang sarili ko na samtang buhi dapat motrabaho. Dapat di ako magpapildi sang mga problema, kay — syempre—way kanami mahimo sang kinabuhi, agaw no P-01. It’s, I just always tell myself that while I’m still alive I should work. I should not be defeated by problems because — of course — we don’t have something in life, that’s why I have no choice but work. 101 you? Can you elaborate it more? choice ako kundi motrabaho. Hmm... parehas siang ibalanse ko yang oras ko ya... ngiyang ag gani ako mag-alarm para di ako ma-late sang trabaho, ug dili kakaltasan sweldo ko. Ug mintin ko gayud lang-on sarili ko na dapat kayahon ko yang mga pagsulay sang kinabuhi. Dili dapat ako magpapuluhopuluho; dapat motrabaho ako bisan malisud. Hmm... just like when I balance my time that I’d set an alarm so I won’t be late in work and my salary won’t be deducted. And also, I always tell myself that I must endure all trials in my life. I shouldn’t act lazy; I should work although it’s difficult. Syempre yakatabang ngawon kanak na dili ma-late sang trabaho. Ug ianad isab sidto yang sarili ug yang lawas ko na momata ng sayo. ahh... kuan ya syempre, yakuan yang sarili ko, ngiyang mintin ko isipon na di dapat ako magpaluhopuluho(laughs). Yaang kuan gud, hmm... imbes na kapuyon ako, ama ng kabawas-bawasan tungod man gud sian na mindset ko. Dapat yang kakapoy normal da kuman kanak, dapat makahanap ako ng rason na magpadayon. Agaw amo ngawon dili dapat ako magpinuluho sang trabaho. Of course it help me not to be late in work. And it train myself and my body to wake up early. ahh... of course, myself become, it’s I always think I shouldn’t be lazy (laughs). It’s just that, hmm... instead of being extremely exhausted, it’s like it’d be lessened because of that mindset of mine. Being tired should just be normal for me, I should find reason to keep going. That’s why I shouldn’t be indolent in work. P-02. Kuan ihunahuna ko lang ngiyang aw ngining mentin ko lang ing butang sang P-02. I just bear in mind that it’s for my family because I love them so much. 102 utok ko na para ngini sang pamilya ko agaw anay unan kalisud kanak kayanon kay pinanggaay ko gayud yang kanak pamilya di gayud silan ingka kambyo agaw galaong gayud ako na samtang makaya ko, mag trabaho gayud ako. Anay pasa haw daw mamatay da ako ng kakapoy dik muondang kay awn kanak pamilya na gusto tabangan. They are irreplaceable, that’s why no matter how hard it is, as long as I can manage to work, I will work. Even though I feel like I’m dying due to extreme exhaustion, I will not stop because I have a family that I want to support. Oo awn. Ay kuan ngining haw masipog ako paglapit sang kanak mga kaibanan sang trabaho ubin kalang mama ag dalang ako mag basketball, manalinga ng musik, mag ampo tapos biskan ag ako maglisud pagbasa ag gihapon ako magbasa ng bibliya kuan mga pulong ng ginoo kay sang amasian na pamaagi usahay mapagaan yang kanak ibati tapos makalingaw ako ng kanak mga problema. Yes, there is. When I’m shy to approach my work colleagues or even my parents, I just play basketball, listen to music, pray, and read bible even though I have a difficulty in reading because with those ways, it helps me to ease my feelings and make me forget my problems. Ahm kuan kyatabanganay ako sian labi na sang kanak emosyonal na kuan kay ngining haw wapa inday siguro dugay da ako yabigay sang kinabuhi, siguro yagpa pildi hmm yagpada da ako sang mga problema di gawo ako makasugakod. It really helped me especially in my emotional aspect because if I didn’t have it, perhaps I’d given up in life already; I might ‘ve been defeated by my problems and maybe I wouldn’t surpass it. 103 P-03. Ano lang nang para sa pamilya nga dili na kayo hago si papa. Magtabang tabangan nako siya sa iyang mga kuan para mabayran ang utang. Nang ingon ana gud mabayran ang utang, pangkonsumo sa balay. P-03. Just for the family so my father will not be much exhausted anymore. I can be able to help him pay our debts, also our household needs. Kanang magdula ko ug basketball sa mga barkada unsa pa diha mga lingaw lingaw namo. I just play basketball with my friends, other fun things we have. Nakatabang to sa akoa para makalimot kadali sa problema para dili ra kayo ko lulong sa akong sarili sa problema kay makatigulang sad nang stress oii, ng makatigulang man jud nag nawong jud labi nag kanang permi kuan perme stress imong hunahuna unya kalabad pa jud sa ulo. They help me forget, for the intervening time, the worries because too much stress can make us look old, it will really make us look old, especially when you’re always thinking of stress and can also cause you a headache. P-04. Ibutang ko lang sang huna huna ko na makatabang ako sang kanak, pamilya ko, Kung makita ko silan na malipay, malipay da isab ako, ana. P-04. I just put in my mind that I can help my family. If I see them happy, I'm happy too, like that. Ag da lang ako musabay sang kanak mga barkada, para yang kakapoy. Yaang magbasketball adtu yang kakapoy ma wa da, tapos yang mga, yang kank sarili ag da kalingawan, I mean ag da malingaw yang I'll just go with my friends, play basketball there then I can already make myself entertained and forget my problem. 104 sarili ko tapos kalingawan da ko yang kanak mga problema. Sang kanak agaw itiyab, ag ko kalingawan yang kanak problema, malingaw ko isab yang kanak sarili, ag ako makafeel ng knk kalipay, biskan makapoyay, ag gihapon ako makafeel ng kalipay tungod sang kanak mga barkada. Ag isab ako (laughing) ag isab ako lang an nilan mama na dili lang puros trabaho yang kanak isipon, kondili, palipayon isab yang kanak sarili. As I said, I will forget my problems, I can make myself happy, I can feel satisfaction, even when I'm tired, I can still feel satisfaction because of my friend. Mom also told me that I should not only think about work, but also make myself happy. P-05. Yang amasaan maglaong ako na malampasan ko sa gihapon ngini. P-05. Of all those struggles, I told myself that I can surpass all of these. Yes, I drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes in order to reduce boredom and forget my problems. Also, I could sleep early that way. We would hang out, drink and smoke. We would look for a happiness such as playing basketball and others. But it’s not detrimental, it’s just for our happiness. Oo mag inom manigarilyo para ma wa lang yang kanmo ka laay haw awn problema mo makatog kaw lang ng sayu amasaan. Lipay-lipay kaiban barkada, inom, sigarilyo manghanap ng lingaw parehas ng basketball daw unan da kuman pero matarong na binuhatan dili lang haw mga maraat na trabaho yang kalipyan lang gud nami. Example jamming maghinikuhay da lang para ma yang problema haw Example jamming to make everyone laugh and forget all the problems and 105 kakapoy lipay-lipay kakantahay. tired. We enjoy singing. 106 CURRICULUM VITAE RODEMEL C. ANAT Cateel, Davao Oriental Call number: 09702709967 E-mail address: rodemelanat@gmail.com PERSONAL INFORMATION NICKNAME: BIRTHPLACE: BIRTHDATE: AGE: SEX: NATIONALITY: RELIGION: CIVIL STATUS: FATHER'S NAME: MOTHER'S NAME: Demdem Cateel, Davao Oriental July 01, 2004 19 Male Filipino Roman Catholic Single Melchor D. Anat Rodelyn C. Anat EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND ELEMENTARY: JUNIOR HIGH: SENIOR HIGH: Poo Elementary School San Antonio National High School Cateel Vocational High School SKILLS Presentation/Public speaking skills Critical thinking skills Analytical skills Literature review skills Communication skills Teamwork skills 107 CURRICULUM VITAE LOUIE JAY B. COLIMOD Poblacion Cateel Davao Oriental Call number: 09631914480 E-mail address: colimodlouiejay@gmail.com PERSONAL INFORMATION NICKNAME: BIRTHPLACE: BIRTHDATE: AGE: SEX: NATIONALITY: RELIGION: CIVIL STATUS: FATHER'S NAME: MOTHER'S NAME: Jay² Poblacion Cateel Davao Oriental January 13, 2004 19 Male Filipino Roman Catholic Single Luisito A. Colimod Elsie B. Colimod EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND ELEMENTARY: JUNIOR HIGH: SENIOR HIGH: Cateel Central Elementary School Cateel Vocational High School Cateel Vocational High School SKILLS Social skills Computer skills Graphic design skills Literature review skills Referencing skills Teamwork skills 108 109 CURRICULUM VITAE GLAIZA KAYE A. ABALOS Poblacion Cateel Davao Oriental Call number: 09632895775 E-mail address: glaizakayeabalos@gmail.com PERSONAL INFORMATION NICKNAME: BIRTHPLACE: BIRTHDATE: AGE: SEX: NATIONALITY: RELIGION: CIVIL STATUS: FATHER'S NAME: MOTHER'S NAME: Gling San Alfonso, Cateel Davao Oriental November 07, 2005 17 Female Filipino Roman Catholic Single Almario A. Abalos Aileen A. Abalos EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND ELEMENTARY: JUNIOR HIGH: SENIOR HIGH: Cateel Central Elementary School Cateel Vocational High School Cateel Vocational High School SKILLS Presentation skills Analytical skills Literature review skills Social skills Referencing skills Teamwork skills 110 CURRICULUM VITAE JONA MAE P. BALASE Poblacion Cateel Davao Oriental Call number: 09664887635 E-mail address: balasejonamae@gmail.com PERSONAL INFORMATION NICKNAME: BIRTHPLACE: BIRTHDATE: AGE: SEX: NATIONALITY: RELIGION: CIVIL STATUS: FATHER'S NAME: MOTHER'S NAME: Mimi Poblacion, Cateel Davao Oriental November 24, 2003 19 Female Filipino Christian (non-denominational) Single Jonathan P. Balase Raquel P. Balase EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND ELEMENTARY: JUNIOR HIGH: SENIOR HIGH: Cateel Central Elementary School Cateel Vocational High School Cateel Vocational High School SKILLS Critical thinking and problem-solving skills Creativity Skills Communication skills Literature review skills Referencing skills Teamwork skills 111 CURRICULUM VITAE PRISCIILL JOY C. CAINOY Poblacion Cateel Davao Oriental Call number: 09816079570 E-mail address: priscilljoychavezcainoy@gmail.com PERSONAL INFORMATION NICKNAME: BIRTHPLACE: BIRTHDATE: AGE: SEX: NATIONALITY: RELIGION: CIVIL STATUS: FATHER'S NAME: MOTHER'S NAME: Pret-Pret Poblacion, Cateel Davao Oriental April 13,2005 18 Female Filipino Christian (non-denominational) Single Eduardo G. Cainoy Josephine Chavez Cainoy EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND ELEMENTARY: JUNIOR HIGH: SENIOR HIGH: Cateel Central Elementary School Cateel Vocational High School Cateel Vocational High School SKILLS Analytical skills Interpersonal skills Inventive thinking skills Literature review skills Referencing skills Teamwork skills 112 CURRICULUM VITAE MARK ANGELOU DECLARO Sibajay Boston Davao Oriental Call number: 09552160718 E-mail address: markcabantoc123@gmail.com PERSONAL INFORMATION NICKNAME: BIRTHPLACE: BIRTHDATE: AGE: SEX: NATIONALITY: RELIGION: CIVIL STATUS: FATHER'S NAME: MOTHER'S NAME: Angelou Sibajay Boston Davao Oriental February 23, 2002 22 Male Filipino Foursquare Single Lito G .Declaro Marivel C Declaro EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND ELEMENTARY: JUNIOR HIGH: SENIOR HIGH: Sibajay Elementary School Cateel Vocational High School Cateel Vocational High School SKILLS Social skills Cooperation skills Teamwork skills Initiatives skills