RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY Research Design And Methodology Student’s Name Institutional Affilaition = 1 RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 2 Research Design And Methodology The main difference between the validity and reliability of research in a quantitative method is validity is the extent to which a theory can be measured and be accurate. In contrast, reliability is the steadiness and accuracy of a measure (Biasutti, & Frate, 2017). Another significant difference between validity and reliability is that validity in the research is more concerned with the outcome of the study. In contrast, reliability is more concerned with the levels of consistency in the study. Similarly, factors influencing the validity and the reliability of research is differentiated by theory matters, process, and purposes for the aim of achieving efficacy. On the other hand, the factors influencing the reliability include heterogeneity, test score inconsistency, and test strength (Biasutti, & Frate, 2017). Moreover, the test results of the test under the validity and the reliability test is essential in the study. For instance, for validity reasons, the faultiness of the instruments mat deems the whole research faulty and unreliable to implement. Contrary to the findings, the instrument’s unreliability may not be useful when the aim of the study is achieved. The purpose is to determine the repeatability and the usefulness of the results. Finally, the validity measure in the research is determined by the instrument to use in carrying out the test. However, in the reliability test, the tool is not of concern but the consistency of the results. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 3 Reference Biasutti, M., & Frate, S. (2017). A validity and reliability study of the attitudes toward sustainable development scale. Environmental Education Research, 23(2), 214-230.