NATURE OF STAFFING As an organization carries out its plans, it goes from answering the question “What should we do?” to “What needs to be done?”. Once the answers to those questions are established, managers then have to answer the question. . . 2 Who’s going to do each job? 3 This can be answered by one of the functions of management called staffing. Staffing is the process of filling the job positions needed by the organization in order to achieve its goals and objectives. But what makes staffing so important? 4 STAFFING Staffing is the filling of all organizational job positions through identifying job position vacancies. It includes recruiting, selecting, placing, promoting, and evaluating possible employees; career path planning, employee development and training, rewarding; and compensating and providing benefits to employees. 5 JOB ANALYSIS In this job analysis phase, our responsibility is to determine the context of the jobs to be filled, its human requirements (e.g. human qualifications, skills needed and knowledge that the employee should possess), what tasks need to be performed, and how they are carried out. 6 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION ● Recruitment involves activities related to the evaluation of a pool of applicants. ● Selection is making the decision of whom to hire from a pool of qualified applicants. 7 RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION Recruitment and Selection Process Step 1 - Determining a need. Step 2 - Application search and selection. Step 3 - Decision-making process. Step 4 - Adaptation to the workplace. 8 As a hiring manager, what characteristics should employees that deserve to be hired in your organization have? 9 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT ● Training refers to the process where employees of the organization acquire knowledge and capabilities. ● Employee development refers to the formal education, relationships, job experiences, and assessments of the employees’ personalities and abilities. Ideally, these are cultivated in order to prepare themselves for the future. 10 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Employee training is needed when. . . ● Required skills are not possessed. ● Performance is low. ● Morale is low. 11 TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT Examples of Development Programs ● Management Coaching ● Job Rotation ● Mentoring 12 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION/APPRAISAL ● Process of evaluating an employee. ● One of the major keys to effective management. ● Basis for determining who should be promoted to a higher position. 13 COMPENSATION AND WAGES Compensation/wages and employee performance evaluation/appraisal are related to each other because an employee’s performance, whether excellent or poor, determines the compensation given to him or her. 14 COMPENSATION AND WAGES Forms of Compensation ● Direct compensation - includes workers’ salaries, incentive pays, bonuses, and commissions ● Indirect compensation - includes benefits given by employers aside from financial remunerations 15 COMPENSATION AND WAGES Bases of Compensation ● ● ● ● ● Piecework basis Hourly basis Daily basis Weekly basis Monthly basis 16 COMPENSATION AND WAGES Classification of Benefits ● Statutory Benefits are mandated by law. ● Company Benefits are granted by the company. 17 COMPENSATION AND WAGES Methods of Employee Evaluation Trait Method Graphic Rating Forced-choice Method Behaviorally-anchored Rating Scale ● Behavior Observation Scale ● ● ● ● 18 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS AND MOVEMENT Employee relations is the effort of an organization to build healthy relationships with its employees. Employee movement is the change of employment status of employees working in the organization. 19 How can you maintain a good healthy relationship with your employees? 20 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS AND MOVEMENT Importance of Employee Relations ● Provides counsel to supervisors and employees regarding employment-related inquiries. ● Provides confidential consultation. ● Advises employees regarding their employment rights. ● Facilitates dialogue on employee/employer issues. 21 EMPLOYEE RELATIONS AND MOVEMENT Employee Movement ● Promotion ● Transfer ● Demotion ● Separation and Termination 22 As a future manager, how can you encourage your well-performing subordinates stay in the company longer? 23 REWARDS SYSTEMS The rewards system is a tool used by organization to attract knowledgeable and skilled people and to keep them motivated once they are employed. 24 REWARDS SYSTEMS Types of Rewards 1. Monetary rewards 2. Non-monetary rewards 25 Aside from giving them rewards, how do managers motivate their employees? 26 ● Staffing is the filling of all organizational job positions through identifying job position vacancies and workforce requirements. ● It includes checking the internal environment of an organization for the available human resources; recruiting, selecting, placing, promoting, and evaluating possible employees; career path planning, employee development and training; and compensating and providing benefits to employees. 27