DSpace Institution DSpace Repository http://dspace.org Sport Science in Atheletics Thesis and Dissertations 2022-08 Effects of Eight Weeks Plyometric Training On Selected Fitness Variable On Sprinters In The Case of Bahir Dar University Sport Academy U-17 Athletics Project Maralem, Sisay http://ir.bdu.edu.et/handle/123456789/13914 Downloaded from DSpace Repository, DSpace Institution's institutional repository BAHIR DAR UNIVERSITY SPORT ACADEMY SPORT SCIENCE DEPARTMENT EFFECTS OF EIGHT WEEKS PLYOMETRIC TRAINING ON SELECTED FITNESS VARIABLE ON SPRINTERS IN THE CASE OF BAHIR DAR UNIVERSITY SPORT ACADEMY U-17 ATHLETICS PROJECT BY MARALEM SISAY AUGUST, 2022 BAHIR DAR, ETHIOPIA BAHIR DAR UNIVERSITY SPORT ACADEMY DEPARTMENT OF SPORT SCIENCE Effect of Eight Weeks Plyometric Training on selected Fitness Variable on sprinters in the case of Bahir Dar University Sport Academy U-17 Athletics Project. A Thesis Submitted to Department of Sport Science, Bahir Dar University in The Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of Master of Science (MSc) In Athletics Coaching Regular Program BY: MARALEM SISAY ADVISOR: WONDIMAGEGN SHEWANGIZAW (Assistant Professor) © 2014 MARALEM SISAY AUGUST 2022 G.C BAHIRDAR, ETHIOPIA i DECLARATION I, hereby declare that the material contained within this research now submitted to the Sports Academy of Bahir Dar University in partial fulfillment for the award of Degree of master's in athletics Coaching is entirely my work. I have followed all ethical principles of scholar in the preparation, data collection, data analysis, and completion of this thesis. Any materials accessed and utilized and ideas acquired in the process of conducting this research have been cited and referenced. I confirm that I have cited and referenced all sources used in this document. Name_____________________________ Signature__________________________ Date______________________________ ii BAHIR DAR UNIVERSITY SPORT ACADEMY DEPARTMENT OF SPORT SCIENCE APPROVAL OF THESIS FOR DEFENSE I hereby certify that I have supervised read and evaluate this thesis titled “effect of eight weeks plyometric training on selected fitness variable on sprinters in the case of Bahir Dar university sport academy u-17 athletics project” by Maralem Sisay prepared under my guidance. I recommend the thesis be submitted for oral defense. _____________________ Advisor name ________________ signature _____________ date _____________________ ________________ _____________ Department head name signature date iii BAHIR DAR UNIVERSITY SPORT ACADEMY DEPARTMENT OF SPORT SCIENCE APPROVAL OF THESIS FOR DEFENSE RESULT We hereby certify that we have examined this thesis entitled “effect of eight weeks plyometric training on selected fitness variable on sprinters in the case of Bahir Dar university sport academy u-17 athletics project” by Maralem Sisay We hereby certify that the thesis is accepted for fulfilling the requirements for the award of the degree of Masters of Science in Athletics Coaching. Board of Examiners _____________________ External examiners name _____________________ Internal examiner‟s name _____________________ Chair person‟s name ________________ signature _____________ date ________________ _____________ signature date ________________ _____________ signature date iv DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my Husband Semagne Yigizaw for his constant moral and financial support throughout my educational career and life. And also, I dedicated this thesis to my beloved friends and people who contribute even a piece of advice, appreciation, and moral support for conducting a successful thesis and reach in this step. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Firstly, I would like to thank my advisor Wondimagegn Shewangizaw (Assistant professor) for all of his help and support throughout my Master‟s Thesis. I definitely appreciate the quick responses to my emails at all hours of the day or night as well as your insight and openness to discuss the various topics related to my thesis. Secondly, would also like to thank my husband. Mum, Dad, my four brothers Desalegn Sisay, Amare Sisay, Yabbal Sisay, and Esuyawkal Sisay and for all the support and help that they have given me over my life. Thirdly, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my friends Elsabet Birhanu, Gizachew Birhanu, Samuel Gashaw, and Diress Endalew who gave me valuable support, advice, and encouragement, which I never forget throughout my life. I also earnestly appreciate in Bahir Dar sport academy athletics project athletes, and coaches who took part in this study for their cooperation . Finally, my thanks go to Mizan-Tepi University for the provision it gave me in sponsoring the Master‟s program. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Contents DECLARATION ......................................................................................................................... I APPROVAL OF THESIS FOR DEFENSE ............................................................................... II APPROVAL OF THESIS FOR DEFENSE RESULT ............................................................. III DEDICATION ........................................................................................................................... IV ACKNOWLEDGMENTS .......................................................................................................... V TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................................ VI LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................................... IX LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................... X LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................... XI ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. XII CHAPTER ONE ..................................................................................................................... - 1 INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. - 1 1.1. BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY .................................................................................................- 1 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM .................................................................................................- 4 1.3 OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY .......................................................................................................- 5 1.3.1 General objective .................................................................................................... - 5 1.3.2 Specific objective..................................................................................................... - 5 1.4 HYPOTHESIS ........................................................................................................................- 6 1.6 OPERATIONAL DEFINITION OF TERMS........................................................................................- 7 CHAPTER TWO .................................................................................................................... - 8 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ............................................................................. - 8 2.1 THE SPRINTS OR SHORT DISTANCE ...........................................................................................- 8 2.2 CONCEPT OF PLYOMETRIC TRAINING .......................................................................................- 9 2.3 THE SCIENCES OF PLYOMETRIC TRAINING FOR SPRINTING .............................................................- 10 2.4. PRINCIPLES OF PLYOMETRIC TRAINING ....................................................................................- 14 - vii 2.5. Guidelines for plyometric training ........................................................................... - 15 2.5.1 Frequency of plyometric exercise .......................................................................... - 16 2.5.2 Volume of plyometric training ............................................................................... - 17 2.5.3 Duration of plyometric training ............................................................................. - 18 2.6. BENEFITS OF PLYOMETRIC TRAINING FOR YOUTHS .....................................................................- 18 2.7. PLYOMETRIC TRAINING'S EFFECTS ON FITNESS VARIABLES........................................................... - 19 2.7.1. Power .................................................................................................................. - 22 2.7.2. Speed ................................................................................................................... - 23 2.7.3 Agility ................................................................................................................... - 25 2.7.4. Speed Endurance ................................................................................................. - 29 CHAPTER THREE ............................................................................................................ - 30 RESEARCH METHOD ....................................................................................................... - 30 3.1. RESEARCH DESIGN.............................................................................................................- 30 3.2. DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY.................................................................................................- 31 3.3 . POPULATION, AND SAMPLING TECHNIQUE ..............................................................................- 32 3.4. SOURCE OF DATA ..............................................................................................................- 32 3.5.DATA COLLECTION INSTRUMENT ........................................................................................... - 32 3.6. PROCEDURES FOR ADMINISTRATION OF TESTS ..........................................................................- 33 3.6.1. Explosive Leg Power (Standing Long Jump Test) ................................................... - 34 3.6.2. Speed (60-meter Speed Test)................................................................................ - 34 3.6 .3. Agility test (Illinois agility test) ............................................................................ - 35 3.6.4 Speed endurance test (250metre Endurance Test) ................................................ - 36 3.7.METHODS OF DATA ANALYSIS................................................................................................ - 37 3.8.RELIABILITY AND VALIDITY OF INSTRUMENTS.............................................................................- 37 3.9.TRAINING PROTOCOL ..........................................................................................................- 38 3.10. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS.................................................................................................- 38 CHAPTER FOUR ................................................................................................................ - 39 RESULTS ............................................................................................................................. - 39 1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ - 39 4.1. RESULTS OF THE STUDY .......................................................................................................- 39 CHAPTER FIVE .................................................................................................................. - 44 5. 1 DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATION............................................................................ - 44 - viii 5.1.1 Effects of plyometric training on power of U-17 sprinters. ..................................... - 44 5.1.2 Effects of plyometric training on speed of U-17 sprinters ...................................... - 45 5.1.3.Effects of plyometric training on agility of U-17 sprinters ...................................... - 46 5.1.4. Effects of plyometric training on speed endurance of U-17 sprinters .................... - 48 CHAPTER SIX ..................................................................................................................... - 49 CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION................................................................... - 49 6.1. CONCLUSIONS .................................................................................................................. - 49 6.2 LIMITATION OF THE STUDY ...................................................................................................- 50 6.3. RECOMMENDATIONS .........................................................................................................- 50 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... - 51 APPENDIXES ...................................................................................................................... - 60 APPENDIX1 RESEARCHER’S EIGHT WEEKS PLYOMETRIC TRAINING PROGRAM FOR SPRINTING. .......................................................................................... - 60 APPENDIX 2 FAMILIARIZATION OF THE TRAINING .............................................................................- 68 APPENDIX 3 STANDING LONG JUMP TEST ....................................................................................... - 69 APPENDIX 5: DEMOGRAPHIC CHARACTERISTICS OF THE STUDY PARTICIPANTS ..........................................- 71 APPENDIX 6: PRE AND POST-TEST RESULTS ON POWER, SPEED, AGILITY, AND SPEED ENDURANCE ON PLYOMETRIC TRAINING. .............................................................................................................................. - 72 - APPENDIX 7: NORMATIVE DATA FOR THE STANDING LONG JUMP TEST AND ILLINOIS AGILITY RUN TEST FOR 16 TO 19 YEARS OLD .........................................................................................................................- 74 - ix LIST OF TABLES Table 2. 1 The intensity of various plyometric exercises. ............................................................. - 18 Table 3. 1 The study design layout ............................................................................................. - 31 Table 3. 2 Criterion measures (Selection of Tests) ........................................................................ - 33 Table 4. 1 Demographic characteristics of the participant ............................................................ - 39 Table 4. 2 power pre-and post- test ................................................................................................ - 40 Table 4. 3 pre-and post-training power test result mean difference in (meters) ............................ - 40 Table 4. 4 speed pre-and post- test results ................................................................................... - 41 Table 4. 5 pre-and post-training speed test result mean difference in(sec) ................................... - 41 Table 4. 6 Agility pre-and post- test result .................................................................................... - 42 Table 4. 7 pre-and post-training agility test results mean difference (second) .............................. - 42 Table 4. 8 speed endurance pre-and post- test result. ................................................................... - 43 Table 4. 9 pre-and post-training speed endurance test result mean difference in(sec)............................................................................................................................................. - 43 - x LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2. 1 Conceptually Theoretical Framework of Plyometric Training….- 22 figure 3. 1 Map of Bahir Dar city and Bahir Dar University ........................... - 32 Figure 3. 2 standing long jump test ................................................................... - 34 Figure 3. 3 60-meter speed test ......................................................................... - 35 Figure 3. 4 Illinois agility run test ..................................................................... - 36 Figure 3. 5 250-meter endurance test................................................................ - 37 - xi LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS AT: After Training BT: Before training CMJ: Countermovement jump MD: Mean Deviation PO: Post Test PRT: Pre-Test PT: Plyometric Training SD: Standard Deviation SPSS: Statistical Package for the Social Sciences SSC: Stretch short cycle U-17: Under Seventeen VJ: vertical jump xii Abstract The objective of this study was to find out effect of eight-week plyometric training on selected fitness variables on sprinters in the case of Bahir Dar University sports academy under-17 athletics project. The study applied a quantitative research approach and quasi-experimental design to attain the intended objectives. For this study, the researcher has selected all 20 male sprinters who participated in Bahir Dar university sprinters as a sample by using comprehensive sampling methods. The population was exposed to two months of plyometric training that was given two days per week for about eight consecutive weeks each lasting 4 5 t o 60 minutes for t h e pl y ome t ri c training in addition to the regular training program. The fitness variables: Power, speed, agility, and speed endurance were tested in the study. For the analysis, SPSS software (version 23) was utilized. The gathered data was analyzed using paired-samples T-tests, mean, and standard de viation. The significant level of p<0.05 was considered. The result shows after two months of plyometric training significant mean differences were found in power (0.22, p<0.001), Speed (0.73, p <0.001), agility (2.33, p<0.001), and speed endurance (2.45, p<0.001). Based on this finding, it can be concluded that 8week plyometric training has a significant effect on power, agility, and speed and speed endurance of sprinters. Keywords plyometrics, sprinting, power, speed, agility, speed endurance -1- CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background of the study Sprinting is the name given to short-distance running in which the runner tries to maintain maximum speed for the whole race. Track events include 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, 4×100 meters relay, and, 4×400 meters relay, as well as hurdle races of 100 meters for women and 110 meters for men and for both men and women, 400 meters. Professional sprinters take a crouched stance on the starting blocks to begin the race (Holt, and Sarah 2004). Sprinting is running over a short distance with a quick likely speed(Rawte et al., 2021). To achieve a quick speed over a short distance sprinter wants appropriate muscle strength, leg strength, and fine-tuned nervous system to pull the whole thing together(Rawte et al., 2021). Countless athletic qualities enable sprinters to run fast and that can be developed through varied training interventions. Past research studies indicated significant relation between sprinting performance and explosive power (Sofiene et al., 2016). Explosive power can be achieved through plyometric exercises. Further, for successful sprinting performance leg muscle power and vertical jump performance are considered critical elements (Scale & Index, 2011), as well as daily activating conceptual tasks (kraemeret al., 2001). Plyometric exercises are shown to boost jump performance in several sports. These exercises combine strength with the speed of movement to produce power. Plyometrics refers to exercises that are designed to enhance muscle, chiefly through the use of jump training. Plyometric activity is a natural part of most sports movements because they involve jumping, hopping, skipping, and bounding. This training is a popular exercise for improving the performance of various athletic activities, including those using sprinting (Tottori & Fujita, 2019). -2- Plyometric exercises will either be combined within a training program (combination training) or will be used as standalone exercises. What‟s more, plyometrics will be performed at various intensity levels; starting from lowintensity hops to high unilateral-intensity drills like bounding (alternating singleleg jumps for maximum horizontal distance). As so much because the lower body is worried, plyometrics include the performance of various types of bodyweight jumping exercises, like the drop jump (DJ) or countermovement jump (CMJ), alternate-leg bounding, hopping, and different SSC jumping exercises(De Villarreal et al., 2012). Fitness has vital implications for sports where the athlete performs numerous explosive movements like jumping, sprinting, and changing pace and directions during the sports activity (Akenhead & Ph, 2014). Thus, plyometric drills usually involve stopping, starting, and changing directions in an explosive manner ( Gabbett et al., 2007). Several research studies have confirmed that plyometric training can enhance muscle strength and power, speed, and agility (RamírezCampillo et al., 2014). Additionally, numerous studies have discovered positive effects of short-term PT on jumping performance in basketball, soccer volleyball, handball (Slimani M, et al2016), and short distance(Rawte et al., 2021). We believe that plyometric training, besides increasing power (explosive force) performance, can also increase the acceleration, strength endurance, and body extremities of speed performance (Ramírez-Campillo et al., 2014). Power is using force rapidly. A sprinter generates force when they push off the starting line and move forward in a race. The faster they can sprint and run, as well as jump off the starting line, the more power they can produce(Rahimi, 2014). Plyometric exercises are all about producing greater force quickly, or in other words, more power (Chu, 1992; Siff & Verkhoshansky, 1993). Speed is defined as the ability to move or to cover a distance in a very short time (Tottori & Fujita, 2019). In many sports, sprint performance is important. Therefore, the -3- interest of successful athletes in learning basic skills in sprinting was high. To develop successful and efficient sprint training strategies, a lot of training needs to be done, as young athletes need to be exceptionally performing in all of their sport‟s physical aspects (e.g., strength, stamina, and exercise techniques)(Tottori & Fujita, 2019)(Bin Shamshuddin et al., 2020). Agility is the capacity to change direction swiftly while maintaining a steady body position without sacrificing speed, balance, or control(Alricsson, 2013). Balance, coordination, strength, and speed were classed as agility components. It is important for professional, recreational, and tactical athletes who need the capacity to change sports or operate on all planes quickly. Improved agility benefits include increased body stability during quick motion, increased intramuscular control, and decreased risk of injury or re-injury in short-distance athletes (Alricsson, 2013). Speed endurance is the ability of the athlete to maintain high levels of speed for long periods of time (Field C 1991). In races where speed endurance is of importance (200 meters. 4000 meters), good results will be determined by the athlete‟s ability to maintain quality speed performance throughout the race distance (Field C 1991). This is nothing startling and is the knowledge that every sound coach uses when training athletes over these race distances. Speed-endurance is the ability to prolong the amount of time wherever a close to maximal speed can be maintained. (Jimson 2007) Agility, speed, and explosive power are essential elements of physical fitness and sports performance, with sprinting placing the most emphasis on these elements(Taheri et al., 2014). Plyometric training can be a prerequisite for coaches' and athletes' success (Taheri et al., 2014) concerned with sprinting training still use plyometric exercises, there are few studies describing the transfer of the training effects from PT within the horizontal plane to sprint performance within the acceleration phases of a sprint (Donald et al 2013). However, Ethiopian athletics especially long-distance running is one of the -4- foremost beloveds, oldest and historical events ranging from the shining success of the surprise of all the barefooted, legendary Abebe Bikila won the title within the hardest Marathon race for the primary time, in history that brought Olympic medal to the land of Africa. Indeed, this was an achievement title expected in the past compared with the other events, so short distance running (100, 200, and 400 meters) was not conducted research in this area the one in which many athletes are included. By doing this in line with all the practice and challenges of events in training; The researcher is going to apply the intervention to athletes to see the effect on their performance. Therefore, the main objective of the research was to examine effect of eightweeks plyometric training on selected fitness variables on sprinters focusing on 100, 200, and 400meters events in Bahir Dar university sports academy u-17 athletics project. 1.2 Statement of the Problem Plyometric exercises are the types of exercises that are mainly used to develop athletes' speed which is mandatory for sprinting athlete performance. According to the study, (Ross et al., 2001) Plyometric exercises are used to activate the quick response and elastic properties of the major muscles in the body which are highly required to perform an explosive type of movement such as jumping and running. Today, most sports can benefit from the system of plyometric training as a discrete training technique (Akhila & Kumar, 2021). Given this importance, the coaches in the study area give less attention to fitness training in general and plyometrics training in particular as per the researcher's critical observation. There is no study conducted on Amhara regional state issue before to test effect of plyometrics training on sprinters' fitness performance. for instance, critical observational standpoint the researcher observed differences between Amhara Region under -17 male athletics projects and Bahir Dar university sport academy under -17 male athletics project. This difference was in -5- terms of time the best time of Amhara region athletics projects athletes in 100 m, 200m, and 400m was 11:10 seconds, 22 seconds, and 50 seconds respectively. Whereas when you come to Bahir Dar university sport academy athletics project athletes' best time was 11:30 seconds, 23 seconds, and 53:12 seconds respectively. There is a high gap between the minima and the athlete's time record due to this result, there is the problem of sprinting performance in different fitness variables such as power, speed, agility, and speed endurance and there is a lack of plyometric training With regard to plyometric training on speed endurance as per the knowledge of the researcher and a comprehensive review of literature, no research has been conducted in our country Ethiopia, therefore the researcher was tried to investigate the effect of plyometric training on selected fitness variable on sprinters. Because Competition and time trials can be used in the development of speed endurance (Gastin.2001; Mclellan 1981). A study like this would benefit athletes, coaches, physical educators, sport scientists, researchers, and so on. Hence, this is also the source of inspiration for the researcher which initiates him to investigate the pre-described issue to fill the gap. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine effect of eightweek plyometric training on power, speed, agility, and speed endurance of sprinters f in athletics project trains at Bahir Dar university sport academy. 1.3 Objective of the Study 1.3.1 General objective The general objective of this study was to examine effect of eight-weeks plyometric training on selected fitness variables on sprinters fin the case of Bahir Dar university sport academy u-17 athletics project. 1.3.2 Specific objective -6- The specific objectives of this research were as follows: 1. To examine effect of eight-weeks plyometric training on power of sprinters 2. To determine effect of eight-weeks plyometric training on speed of sprinters 3 To examine effect of eight-weeks plyometric training on agility of sprinters 4. To examine effect of eight-weeks plyometric training on speed endurance of sprinters 1.4 Hypothesis The researcher has formulated the following hypotheses: 1 H1: Eight weeks o f Polymeric training might have a significant effect on power of sprinters 2 H1: Eight weeks of Plyometric training might have a significant effect on speed of sprinters 3 H1: Eight weeks of Plyometric training might have a significant effect on agility of sprinters. 4 H1: Eight weeks of Plyometric training might have a significant effect on speed endurance of sprinters. 1.5. Significances of the study The research was identifying effect of eight-weeks plyometric training on selected fitness variables of sprinters This research is significantly useful for the following benefits: first draw the attention of coaches, sport professional, and athletes to effects of eight-weeks plyometric training on power, agility, speed, and speed endurance fitness tests for athletics projects trainees. Secondly, give information about the relevance of plyometric training to improve the athlete‟s performance through a designed program. Third Used as a springboard for further investigation or who wish to -7- study the problem in greater depth. 1.6 Operational Definition of Terms. Agility: - is the ability to accelerate, stabilize, and change directions swiftly while maintaining appropriate posture(Sheppard & Young, 2006). Plyometrics training: - Exercises are involving quick, powerful jumping and movement (Asadia A .2013) Power: - is the capacity to exert significant amounts of force quickly(Rahimi, 2014). Speed endurance: - speed endurance is the capacity of the athlete to maintain high levels of speed for long periods of time (Lee, Jimson 2007) Speed: -is the ability to move or to cover a distance in a very short time (Tottori & Fujita, 2019) Sprinting: is running over a short distance in a limited period of time in athletics sprints are races over short distances(Rawte et al., 2021). -8- CHAPTER TWO REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 2.1 The Sprints or Short Distance Sprinting is the name given to short-distance running in which the runner tries to maintain maximum speed for the whole race. Track events include 100 meters, 200 meters, 400 meters, 4×100 meters relay, and, 4×400 meters relay, as well as hurdle races of 100 meters for women and 110 meters for men and both men and women, 400 meters. Professional sprinters take a crouched stance on the starting blocks to begin the race (Holt, and Sarah 2004). They finally lean forward as the race progresses and momentum builds, returning to an upright position. Athletes remain in the same lane on the running track throughout the sprinting distance. The man or woman who runs fastest and takes a minimum time over 100m, wins the race. A common title for the winner is "the fastest man/woman in the competition." Some sprint competitions begin in lanes so that each runner travels the same distance (Holt, and Sarah 2004). Sprinting is running over a short distance with a quick likely speed(Rawte et al., 2021). To achieve a quick speed over a short distance sprinter wants appropriate body shape muscle strength, leg strength, and fine-tuned nervous system to pull the whole thing together(Rawte et al., 2021). Countless athletic qualities enable sprinters to run fast and that can be developed through various training interventions. Past research studies indicated significant relation between sprinting performance and explosive power (Sofiene et al., 2016). Explosive power can be achieved through plyometric exercises. Additionally, for successful sprinting performance leg muscle power and vertical jump performance, are considered critical elements (Scale & Index, 2011), as well as daily activating conceptual tasks. (Tipton et al., 2007) declared that the sprint events covered distances from sixty to four hundred meters this event relies primarily on the improvement of power through anaerobic energy, the creatine phosphate systems -9- for energy. A sprint consists of a full-scale effort for a brief amount of your time and it's the art of running as quickly as attainable. Power and coordination are the essential ingredients within the production of speed. The short-distance races consist of: 100m – The shortest running event in athletics, the 100m sprint requires the athlete to start well, leaving the block with massive power and speed. Record breakers‟ men: Usain Bolt (Jamaica) -9.58 sec at Berlin Olympic womenFlorece Griffith Joyner (USA)-10.49 sec. 16/07/1998 200m- As with the 100m, the 200m requires instant acceleration but it also needs the stamina to preserve the speed for the duration of the race. Record breakers‟ men Usain Bolt (Jamaica) Women- Florence Griffith Joyner (USA) - 21.34 sec. 29/09/1988 400m – The distance of one circuit around the track, the 400m requires the whirs to maintain enough stamina and energy to make a sprinting finish at the end of the race (http://en. Talkathletics.co.UK) 2.2 Concept of Plyometric Training Plyometric training increases the rate at which your muscles produce force. It bridges the gap between strength and speed. Not like weight training which operates on a concentric-eccentric sequence, plyometrics operates within the reverse approach (Chimera et al., 2004). The eccentric phase, also known as preload or pre-stretch, involves variable degrees of muscular lengthening. Plyometrics are the icing on the cake they are the ingredients that will dramatically increase your speed and power (Asadia .2013). According to Delecluse et al., (1995) plyometric training is more effective in improving performance due to the ability of subjects to use the elastic and neural benefits of the stretch-shorting cycle (SSC). Thus, the effects of PT may differ depending on subject characteristics like training level, gender, age, sports - 10 - activity, or familiarity with plyometric training. Other factors that seem to determine the effectiveness of plyometric training are types of training, program duration, and training volume. The information gathered within the gift review recommends that pre-pubertal amateur players performing plyometric training with a frequency of two sessions per week had more beneficial effects over ten Vs eight weeks compared to longer duration training programs (Townsend et al., 2013). A specific exercise program called plyometric training is necessary to create muscles that can contract at their maximum capacity in the quickest amount of time possible (Chu, 1992; Siff & Verkhoshansky, 1993). Plyometric training is an additional outline o f fast, powerful movements, which lead to the activation of the stretch-shortening cycle(Akhila & Kumar, 2021). This training method was initiated about thirty years ago. The system of plyometric training, as a separate training approach, will be applied effectively in most sports nowadays(Akhila & Kumar, 2021). Plyometrics may be a valid and viable training method to develop muscular strength, speed, and explosive power. One principle factor in plyometric training is that the nervous system is trained to respond to stimuli and to improve neuromuscular skills and muscular strength coordination(Retief, 2004). Plyometric training may be used to develop an athlete‟s power, increase the response time from stationary, promote agility, and increase acceleration and with that, final speed ((Retief, 2004). Sport-specific exercises, once combined with plyometric training, are shown to effectively correspond with power training ( R e t i e f , 2 0 0 4 ) . Recently, plyometric analysis has targeted the positive effects of this training method on a variety of sports and the prevention of injury (Slimani et al., 2016). It is, therefore, vital to incorporate plyometric training in an exceedingly speed-conditioning program. 2.3 The sciences of plyometric training for sprinting - 11 - Improving sprint ability is beneficial to a variety of sports for a variety of reasons, ranging from winning a race to giving players an advantage in sprint duels by allowing them to reach the ball before their opponent (Aff & Errete, 2015), Due to the benefits of having more speed, a lot of research has been done on how to improve sprint performance using a variety of training methods, such as speed training, sprint drills, sprinting against resistances, weight training, combined resistance and speed training, and plyometric training (PT) (Aff & Errete, 2015). Plyometrics refers to exercises that are designed to enhance muscle, chiefly through the use of jump training. Plyometric activity is a natural part of most sports movements because they involve jumping, hopping, skipping, and bounding. This training is a popular exercise for improving the performance of various athletic activities, including those using sprinting (Tottori & Fujita, 2019). The characteristic feature of plyometric exercise may be a lengthening (eccentric contraction) of the muscle-tendon unit followed directly by a shortening or concentric contraction, otherwise termed a stretch-shortening cycle (SSC). This style of training, which involves dynamic SSC movements, has gained popularity among athletes since it allows for the rapid development of high force generation(Retief, 2004). This is achieved by utilizing exercises such as depth jumps, exaggerated hops, bounds, and box drills. Plyometric movements are more explosively performed, enabling the athlete to rapidly develop force and mimic the actual athletic performance using dynamic SSC movements(Retief, 2004). The SSC is integral to plyometric exercise as a result it enhances the ability of the muscle-tendon unit to create a maximal force within the shortest amount of time. The plyometric exercises used in a training program ought to match the individual desires of the athlete about the characteristics of the sporting activity - 12 - in which they‟re involved. That is, to optimize transference to sports plyometric exercises ought to reflect the sort of activity implicit in that sport, that is, the principle of specificity. For instance, jumping exercises that were nonspecific to running performance (i.e., vertical-type jump exercises) didn‟t cause any impact on running speed (De Villarreal et al., 2012). When exercises were specific (e.g., speed bounding) to running performance, the training program had a positive impact on running velocity (Rimmer et al,2000). Plyometric exercises will either be combined among a training program (combination training) or are used as standalone exercises. Moreover, plyometrics is performed at various intensity levels, ranging from low-intensity hops to high unilateral-intensity drills like bounding (alternating single-leg jumps for maximum horizontal distance). As far as the lower body is concerned, plyometrics include the performance of various types of bodyweight jumping exercises, like the drop jump (DJ) or countermovement jump (CMJ), alternate-leg bounding, hopping, and other SSC jumping exercises (De Villarreal et al., 2012). Although athletes and coaches concerned with sprinting training continue to use plyometric exercises (standing long jump, double–leg tuck jump, double–leg speed jump, Double leg bound, Single leg tuck jump, single leg hop, double leg hop, alternate leg bound, Single leg speed hop, and Sprint bound (Rimmer & Sleivert, 2000), there are few studies describing the transfer of the training effects from PT within the horizontal plane to sprint performance within the acceleration phases of a sprint (Donald et al 2013) Lyttle et al., 1996). A considerable amount of research has been undertaken to show the positive effects of plyometrics on sprint performance. (Rimmer, and Sleivert 2000) determine the effects of a sprint-specific plyometrics program on sprint performance, an 8-week training study consisting of 15 training sessions was conducted. In the study group, twenty-six male subjects completed the training. A sprint group (N = 7) did sprints, whereas a plyometrics group (N = 10) did - 13 - sprint-specific plyometric activities. There was also a control group (N = 9) in the study. Before (Pre) and after (Post) training, subjects ran sprints across 10and 40-meter distances. For the plyometrics group, significant decreases in times occurred over the 0–10-m (Pre-Mean= 1.96 SD= 0.10 seconds, Post M=1.91 SD 0.08 seconds, p = 0.001) and 0–40-m (Pre-M=5 .63 SD= 0.18 seconds, Post M= 5.53 SD 0.20 seconds, p =0.001). A sprint-specific plyometrics program can increase 40-meter sprint performance to the same level as normal sprint training, presumably by reducing ground contact time. According to (De Villarreal et al., 2012) determinate effects of plyometric training on sprint performance. A meta-analysis. A total of 26 studies with a total of 56 ES (effect size) met the inclusion criterion. Training volume for a minimum of 10 weeks minimum of 15 sessions high-intensity program with 80 combined jumps per session appeared to optimize the probability of considerably (p < 0.05) better improvement in sprint performance, according to ES analysis. Using a combination of different types of plyometrics and training programs that incorporate greater horizontal acceleration (i.e., sprint-specific plyometric exercises, jumps with horizontal displacement) rather than just one type of jump training (p < 0.05) would be recommended to optimize sprint enhancement. (Rawte et al., 2021) see the effect of plyometric exercises on physical fitness and sprinting performance among elite athletes. Forty elite male athletes, aged 16-18 years were selected as samples for this experimental study. All the selected subjects were randomly assigned to the experimental group (n=20) and control group (n=20). Standard tests were administered to both the experimental and control groups on the first day and six weeks after the interventions for leg muscular power, abdominal muscle strength, flexibility, anaerobic ability, 100 M run, and 200 M run. The experimental group's subjects were then trained in plyometric activities for 30 minutes each evening for a total of six weeks in the study. During this time, the control group received no additional training. Data - 14 - were analyzed using paired „t-tests, independent „t-tests, and a descriptive statistical method. The result of the within-group comparison showed significant improvement in physical fitness and performance variables (p< 0.001) after six weeks of plyometric exercise training. The control group, on the other hand, improved significantly in flexibility, anaerobic capacity, and 200-meter sprint ability (P<0.001). However, no significant change was seen in leg muscle power, abdominal muscle strength, and 100 M sprint after a controlled period of six weeks. Further, the between-group comparison revealed a significant change in leg muscle power, anaerobic capacity, and 100 M and 200 M sprint performance (P<0.001). The findings of this study conclude that six weeks of plyometric exercise training program may lead to improvement in physical fitness and performance among elite sprinters. Additionally, earlier studies have indicated a decrease in sprint time after plyometric exercises in soccer and tennis players (Chaabene, & Negra, 2017; Fernandez et al., 2016; Oxfeldt et al.,2019). Plyometric workouts have also been shown to improve muscle strength, power, speed, and leaping performance in various studies (Markovic, 2007; Diallo et al 2001; Impellizzeri et al., 2008; Ramrez-Campillo et al., 2014; Arazi et al 2012). These fitness components are essential for success in athletic events and our results are in line with previous investigations. 2.4. Principles of plyometric training For the athlete to surpass in athletics with measurable and predictable results, it is vital to subject the athlete to a scientific plyometric training method, which can prepare the athlete for the chosen event in athletics. The period of systematic conditioning may take years and this had pointed out to the athlete on a standard basis. The method of conditioning ought to consist of plyometric training programs which specific objectives to attain. A successful training program supported the subsequent specific principles (Martinez et al., 2012). - 15 - Plyometric Exercises should b e performed at 100 percent effort. Plyometric training is an A lactic Energy System exercise. Full recovery should occur between sets. Plyometric exercises should be progressive in intensity. Begin with straightforward exercises and develop in intensity and complexity. The skill and speed of performing a plyometric exercise are of great importance. Stop before fatigue breaks down technique. The key to plyometric exercise is to say the amortization phase (the landing and pre-stretch phase) is as short as possible. This phase is important because the Golgi Tendon Organ will take over and cancel out the function of the Muscle Spindle if the loading period is too long. The shorter the amortization phase, the greater the muscle spindle action and elastic response from the muscle and also the nervous system. The amortization phase ought to be between .003 to .005 seconds. The athlete should always react as if the ground is hot like a frying pan. As shortly as ground contact time will increase, or fatigue is noticed, it‟s time to stop the exercise(Davies et al., 2015) (Slimani et al., 2016). Progress and development through the 5 degrees of intensity may be a long-term proposition. The incorporation of low-impact exercises into the training program for young athletes, for two to four years, represents the time required for the progressive adaptation of the ligaments, tendons, and bones of the body (Branch, 2013). 2.5. Guidelines for plyometric training - 16 - 2.5.1 Frequency of plyometric exercise The frequency of plyometric exercise is defined as the number of exercise sessions that take place during the training. Also, it is the number of plyometric training sessions per week depends on the client's goals. In addition, plyometrics should not be performed more than two to three times per week unless you are alternating days of upper and lower body plyometric drills.). On the other hand, Wathen (2013) revealed that short-distance athletes may require only 2-3 sessions pre-season. Recovery time from 48 to 72 hours between plyometric sessions is a typical guideline when one is prescribing plyometrics. Generally, plyometric training should be done two to three times per week for athletes (Andrew, 2011). Intensity of plyometric training In plyometrics, intensity refers to the amount of strain placed on muscles, connective tissues, and joints. It is controlled by the type of training performed and by the distance covered. The intensity of plyometric training is typically classified as low, medium, or high. When high-intensity levels are reached by the athlete, the volume should decrease. The intensity of plyometric drills ranges from low-level skipping to depth jumps that apply significant stress to the agonist muscles and joints. Therefore, these variables must be considered when designing conditioning or rehabilitation programs (Himansu, 2012). The intensity of plyometric training should be kept at a low level for those just beginning a plyometric program. For instance, double leg jumps in place, double leg standing jumps, and simple skips are appropriate for trainers. The intensity of plyometric drills for the lower extremities has been related to foot contact, the direction of jump, speed, jump height, and body weight (Andrew, 2011). According to Chu (1992) in plyometrics, the intensity of training is controlled by the type of exercise performed. The difficulty of the drill determines the intensity level because the majority of plyometric exercises involve the athlete's body weight. - 17 - 2.5.2 Volume of plyometric training Throughout plyometric training, volume is typically expressed as the number of foot contacts, sets, repetitions, and distance jumped. It can be suggested that a gradual increase in volume is critical when using plyometrics as part of any strength and conditioning program. Likewise, the training volume of lower-body plyometrics is typically quantified as the number of feet contacted per exercise session. Therefore, commonly 80–100-foot contacts per session are deemed appropriate for the beginner, 100- 120 contacts of moderate-intensity contacts are recommended for the intermediate athlete, and 120-140 contacts per training session are recommended for advanced athletes (Potach & Chu, 2008). Soccer, handball, basketball, short distance and youth athletes' sports might experience a large number of ground contacts and conditioning coaches should not overload athletes with an excessive amount of ground contacts (Lloyd and Oliver, 2014). Based on the above recommendation, recording foot contacts or repetitions is recommended as the most reliable method for quantifying volume, although the definition of a single repetition must be clear for each exercise. In addition, more recent recommendations suggest 80–100-foot contacts per session for novice adult athletes, and up to 200-foot contacts of high-intensity plyometrics for trained adult athletes (Chu & Myer, 2013). Volume can also be expressed as a distance, as with plyometric bounding. Regarding this, an athlete beginning a plyometric training program may start with a double leg bound for 30 meters (33 yards) per repetition but advance to 100 meters (109 yards) per repetition for the same drill. Numerous studies indicate that plyometric training programs with 200-foot contacts per training session, as well as programs with lower volume, are effective at improving performance (de Villarreal et al., 2009). Recent guidelines in research recommend that the number of foot contact times should not be greater than 250 (NSCA, 2009). Lower body plyometric volumes vary for athletes of different needs (i.e., client age and goals; resistance training, - 18 - and plyometric experience) and upper body plyometric volume is typically expressed as the number of throws or catches per workout. 2.5.3 Duration of plyometric training Duration refers to how long one performs an exercise. It is inversely related to intensity. If the activity is more intense, the shorter the time needed to produce the training effect and vice versa. The most common agreement on the duration of a plyometric training session is 45 to 60 minutes (George et al., 2015). 2.6. Benefits of plyometric Training for Youths Plyometric training ought to progress step by step from lower intensity to higher intensity drills, particularly for individuals who lack a significant strength training background (T. J. Gabbett et al., 2008). The training session can consist of: warm-up exercises: 10-15 minutes together with stretching of hamstrings, and mobility exercises of the lower limb. Also, stretching of the biceps, triceps, shoulder, pectorals, and trunks are done. Slow skipping and marching are included too. Plyometric training: 20-35 minutes including arm (upper body) plyometric and lower body plyometric. Cooldown: ten minutes together with slow jogging, walking, lying: down the backstretch, deep breathing, and relaxation Table 2. 1 The intensity of various plyometric exercises. Exercise Type Intensity Depth jumps 32-48in (80-120cm) high Depth jumps 8-20in (20-50cm) Bounding Exercise Sub maximum Moderate - 19 - Depth jumps have a very powerful training effect so the volume of work should be low, no more than 4 sets of 10 repetitions, 2-3 times per week for advanced athletes, and 3 sets of 5-8 repetitions, 1-2 times per lower classes of athletes (Gabbett et al., 2008). A two- or three- days rest between sessions will allow full recovery of the musculoskeletal system and further enhance adaptation. The time it takes for muscular strength to be converted into speed determines muscular power. A short, fast muscle contraction will be produced higher energy than a slower and more powerful full counteraction. Increasing muscular power by quickly converting muscular strength into speed gives athletes the ability to perform movements that strength alone cannot allow (Alricsson et al., 2001). Plyometrics improves the athletes‟ ability to add force, faster. This ability to generate maximal force can be transformed into a sport-specific power in sports like martial arts, soccer, tens, volleyball, basketball, and athletics. This can be achieved through plyometric exercises that repeatedly stimulate the elasticity of muscles with movements that mimic the chosen sport Plyometrics train an athlete to apply a set amount of force within a short amount of your time. Plyometrics converts maximal strength into quick, powerful, and explosive movement. Plyometric movement, or drill, square measure applied as sport-specific power by mimicking the movement patterns of the sport, which enables the athlete to run faster, hit harder, throw farther, react quicker, etc.( Gabbett et al., 2008) 2.7. Plyometric Training's Effects on Fitness Variables standing long jump, sprint performance, and agility tests square measure normal used among research and applied settings to analyze the result of plyometric training on the physical fitness of sprinting athletes(Slimani et al., 2016). However, effective contextual improvement with plyometric training needs information regarding the intervention and the kind of athletes - 20 - targeted(Slimani et al., 2016). Fitness improvements have vital implications on athletics, as athletes perform numerous explosive movements like jumping, turning, sprinting, and ever-changing pace and directions throughout the competition(Slimani et al., 2016). Thus, plyometric drills typically involve stopping, explosively beginning associated with ever-changing directions (Gabbett et al., 2000). Though in those sports, performance needs good aerobic capability for recovery once highintensity activity, several authors agree that it is an anaerobic capability that determines success (Slimani et al., 2016). The capability to enhance performance in athletes and recreationally trained individuals is the primary goal of sports performance professionals. Several research studies have confirmed that plyometric training can enhance muscle strength and power, speed, and agility (Ramírez-Campillo et al., 2014). Additionally, numerous studies have discovered positive effects of short-term PT on jumping performance in basketball, soccer volleyball, handball (Slimani et al 2016), and short distance(Rawte et al., 2021). Plyometric training has been shown to cause unique neurological adaptations such as greater motor unit activation and less muscle growth than is typically seen after substantial resistance strength training. Conceptually, PT is characterized by the operation of the stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) that develops throughout the transition from a speedy eccentric muscle contraction (deceleration or a negative phase) to a speedy concentric muscle contraction (acceleration or a positive phase) (Bedoya et al., 2015; Makarku et al 2014; Michailidis et al 2013). A considerable amount of research has been undertaken to show the positive effects of plyometrics training on fitness for males. Hassan Almoslim (2016) examined the effects of mixed plyometric sprint and combined plyometricresistance training on the fitness components in male students. 143 boys between the ages of 18 and 22 were divided into 3 groups: a Control Group (CG, n = 48), - 21 - a Plyometric-Sprint Training (PST, n = 48), and a Plyometric-Resistance Training (PRT, n = 47). For six weeks, the experimental groups exercised twice a week for 40 minutes each time. Tests were conducted to evaluate body composition, speed, power, and agility before and after training. Analysis methods included paired t-tests and a nova. The results of every part of this experiment demonstrated that the PST and PRT considerably reduced mean values compared to the CG (P 0.05), However, the PST substantially showed bigger reductions in mean difference values than the PRT (P< 0.05) in the Illinois agility test and standing long jump. For acceleration, speed, power, and agility, plyometric-resistance training (PRT) and plyometric-sprint training (PST) regimens are helpful. Agility, speed, and explosive power are qualifying components of physical fitness and desirable athletic performance, and play a key role in most sports, especially sprinter. Plyometric training can be a prerequisite for coaches' and athletes' success (Taheri et al., 2014). Power Speed endurance Plyometric training Agility Speed - 22 - Figure 2. 1 Conceptually Theoretical Framework of Plyometric Training 2.7.1. Power Power is all about applying a force quickly. When a sprinter starts a race, they generate force, pushing off the line and moving forward. The more power they can generate, the faster they can jump off the line and the faster they can sprint and run. Plyometric movements are all about exerting a force fast, or in other words, generating more power. Power will outline because of the combination of strength and speed(Stojanovic, 2015). In any sport, explosive movement is vital for improving performance. In sports like sprinting volleyball, and basketball from one face of the court or field to a different is a crucial part of winning and is powerfully associated with strength in conjunction with the speed of movement. It is the ability to generate and use muscular strength quickly (Thomas et al., 2009). Stronger clients tend to be able to produce a greater amount of power during the action. This has been seen with a boxer who can produce a fast punch, which shows good strength, as well as power described as power, is the rate at which work can be done, therefore power = work/time. The additional work that is done in a given amount of time, the better the power. The runner out of the blocks at the start of a race exerts great muscle power to overcome gravity and body inertia to achieve maximum velocity. The sprinter‟s task as mentioned is to drive or thrust downward and backward against the ground (Stojanovi & Kosti, 2002). Plyometric jumps are fundamental exercises that boost an athlete's power, agility, and vertical jump. This exercise has often be e n used as the beginning movement to develop proficiency in the vertical jump, high jump, long jump, and box jumps (Soundara and Pushparajan, 2010). A considerable amount of research has been undertaken to show the positive effects of plyometric training on power for sports performance (Thaqi A., - 23 - Berisha, M., & Hoxha, S. 2020). and determine the effect of 12-week plyometric training on the power-related factors of children aged 16 years old. The pre-and post-test assessment results of the Standing long jump test (meter). the mean (SD) values of the pre-test results of the Standing long jump (meter) tests results of children in the plyometric were 1.58(22.16) meter respectively and the posttest mean (SD) values of 1.99(20.21) meter and pre to post-test Standing long jump test (m or cm) p=000) were scored by children aged 16 years-old in the plyometric training at the end of the 12th week. To see the effects of 12 weeks of plyometric training on the power performance of the children aged 16 years-old paired sample t-test was conducted. Based on the result of the analysis statistically, a significant change (p<0.001). It has shown that the plyometric exercises applied to children aged 16 years-old increase strength, acceleration, and speed performance as well as power. And another study Tottori and Fujita S,20019 Investigate The effect of 8-week plyometric training on sprint performance in boys aged 9–12 years. standing long jump test the results analyzed by Paired T-test on the effect of plyometric training on power performance. Based on the result of the analysis statistically, a significant change (p<0.001). 2.7.2. Speed It is the ability to perform a movement within a short period of time(Bin Shamshuddin et al., 2020). It has been shown that to enhance speed every athlete must work on acceleration, starting ability, stride rate, speed endurance, and stride length (Mackenzie, 2001). Speed is how quickly a body is moving or the distance that is covered divided by the time it takes to cover that distance. Speed is the rapid, explosive ability to travel a certain distance. Speed is important for a variety of activities in sport and exercise, particularly sprinting and jumping activities (Craig, 2004). Speed because the ability to maneuver the body or body parts through a required range of motion within the quickest potential time. Speed comprises reaction time, acceleration, maximum speed, and speed - 24 - endurance. Speed exercise is the action of sprinting over a short distance at or nearby constant phase(Almoslim, 2016). It is utilized in several sports that include running, normally as a method of rapidly accomplishing an objective or avoiding or grasping a challenger. Speed obviously surges the body‟s ability to cope with fatigue, and power, improving the ability of the heart and muscle strength exercise regimen simple to finish. It activates the production of a high level of growth hormone; this will support you to be lean, strong, and healthy. Besides, it boosts testosterone levels; men need ideal testosterone levels in their bodies which help to aid in mental and physical energy, adding lean muscle, and reducing undesirable fat. In addition, it also improves insulin sensitivity and permits hours of continued fat burn even after the workout is finished. When this kind of exercise technique is joined with plyometric training it will create a significantly greater drop in the acceleration time and change of direction time (Almoslim, 2016). Plyometric training is used to develop speed (Reduced reaction time makes athletes faster). A considerable amount of research has been undertaken to show the positive effects of plyometrics training on speed for sports performance. This study (Bin Shamshuddin et al., 2020) Effects of 6 weeks Plyometric Training on Speed and Agility among Recreational Football Players. The pre-and post-test assessment results of the 20-meter run tests, the mean (SD) values of the pre-test results of the 20 run meter tests results of players in the plyometric were 3.92(0.24) Sec respectively and the post-test means (SD) values of 3.65(0.86) sec and pre to post-test 20-meter run tests. The results analyzed by Paired T-test on the effect of plyometric training on speed performance show an overall significant decrease (P< 0.001) after plyometric training. Other studies work carried out by (Rimmer E, and Sleivert G, 2000) to determine the effect of a sprint-specific plyometric intervention system on sprint-training intervention. The plyometric group showed substantial decreases in time over the - 25 - sprint results at a distance of 10-m and 40-m (p = 0.001). And other studies have also shown that plyometric training with a distance of 30 m and 40 m respectively, as reported in (Comfort, et al2014, Hennessy, et al 2001], influenced sprinting abilities. Lundstrom C., & Ingraham S. (2017) Analyze the impact of plyometric and explosive speed training (PLYO) on recreational marathon runners. In addition to preparing for a marathon, 22 individuals (ages 18 to 23) were randomly assigned to either PLYO or core training (CORE) for a weekly session over 12 weeks. Performance indicators for sprinting, jumping, and distance running was assessed before and after the intervention. The PLYO group performed better in the sprint tests than the control group in the 200-m run (P 0.001), the 60-m speed test (P = 0.004), and the 30-m fly (P = 0.05). The stretch-shortening cycles that occur during plyometric training are linked to improved sprint results. This study‟s results illustrate the importance of achieving high strength rates to boost sprint efficiency in short-distance athletes. (Delecluse et al., 1995) suggest that sprint performance is characterized by 3 phases: (a) an initial acceleration phase (0 - 10 m), (b) a secondary acceleration phase (10 - 30 m), and (c) a maximal velocity phase (after 30 m); with a duration of the second and third phases being highly dependent on gender, age and a performance level. Women develop maximal velocity at 25 - 35 m, untrained pre-pubertal boys at 20 - 30 m, whereas elite male sprinters peak after 60 m. 2.7.3 Agility A quick whole-body movement with a change in velocity or direction in reaction to a stimulus" is a common definition of agility (Sheppard & Young, 2006). This may take several forms, from straightforward footwork actions to moving the complete body within the other ways whereas running at a high speed. Thus, agility has a speed component; however, it is not the most important component of this ability. The fundamental definition of agility is simply too simple, because it is currently thought to be way more advanced and - 26 - involving not solely speed is, but also balance, coordination, and also the ability to react to a change in the environment (Plisk, 2008). What‟s more, acceleration involved in the change of direction movements, which in turn underpin agility performance, are therefore specific qualities and should be trained as such(Sheppard & Young, 2006) Moreover, they suggest that agility is a distinct physical trait that necessitates a high level of neuron -muscular specialization to develop. Agility refers to the ability to change direction quickly without losing balance(Sheppard & Young, 2006). Roped ladders for fast-foot work, cones, and poles for indicating turning places in a run, and belts or harnesses for help or resistance training were among the items on the list. Exercises for agility had best incorporated early within the training session when players are still relatively fresh (Richard, 1970). A specific definition of agility is not yet agreed upon by the sports science community. Agility has classically defined as simply the ability to change direction rapidly (Rahimi and Behpur, 2005). In recent publications, some authors have defined agility to include wholebody change of direction as well as rapid movement and direction change of limbs. Even more confusing has been the introduction of the term „quickness (Ross et al., 2001). This can be used interchangeably for both agility and change of direction speed. Quickness has been known as a multi-planar or multidirectional ability that mixes acceleration, explosiveness, and reactivates. This definition suggests that quickness consists of psychological features and physical reactive abilities and explosive acceleration. If this is an identifiable physical quality, then one might infer that quickness is a component of agility, as the proposed definition (Millet et al., 2002). Deceleration or changing direction are not included in the definition of quickness. Accessible writing, on the other hand, covers abilities and tests that require changing directions and considers these rapidity drills and tests to be acceptable (Kostic et al., 2000) - 27 - In addition, the term cutting has been used concerning a directional change during a sprint movement (Nummela and Rusko, 1995). Cutting, unlike the term rapidity, appears to apply exclusively to the part of a directional change where the athlete's foot makes contact with the ground to initiate the change. In 1976, Chelladurai proposed a thorough definition of agility, noting that although there was agreement on the importance of agility in many sports, there were many varied definitions of agility. Furthermore, Chelladurai noted that none of these definitions included appropriate recognition of the perceptual and decisionmaking components that are involved in several sports. The author defined agility as simple, temporal (no spatial ambiguity, but temporal uncertainty), spatial (no time uncertainty, but spatial uncertainty), or universal (no temporal uncertainty, but spatial uncertainty) (temporal and spatial uncertainty) (Sheppard et al., 2006). Defining various forms of agility performance, such as simple, temporal, spatial, and universal is within the writing. Specifically, movements the sprints begin in athletics, which are considered agility tasks Could be described as involving reaction time and velocity, as reaction time is defined as the minimum time from the presentation of a stimulus to the onset of a response, with speed being outlined because the ratio of amendment in position with relevancy time (Elliott and Gordon, 1997). Simple, temporal, spatial, and universal agility, on the other hand, provides a unique framework for comprehending the demands of numerous sports when considered as part of a larger set of definitions. The term "agility" has been used in most research on agility testing to describe any dynamic sporting action that involves a change in body position (Bedoya et al, .2015). According to Sayers (2000), in sports that demand changes of direction, there is a stronger need for specificity between sprinting and speed and agility training. The biomechanics of straight-sprint acceleration phase training in sports, on the - 28 - other hand, is comparable to that proposed by Sayers (2000). A pronounced forward lean and low center of gravity is an integral part of the acceleration in sprinting for athletics (Francis, 1997; Mann, 1981), which is similar to that in agility sports (Sayers, 2000). Sprinters are instructed to keep their visual concentration low (looking downward) for a portion of the acceleration phase in athletics (Francis, 1997), but here is an evident exception. Continuous visual scanning of the court or playing field is a requirement of agility sports. In addition, sprinters might purposefully accelerate under greater control, in that they do not necessarily aim to achieve top speed as quickly as possible, but favors a controlled acceleration (Francis, 1987). Sprints are usually brief and vary in distance in most running sports. In these sports, athletes would try to accelerate as much as possible in the shortest amount of time. In a 100-meter sprint, but especially in a 200-meter sprint, the sprinter accelerates for a major amount of the race, to reach top speed late in the race and minimize the speed drop-off at the finish line. Although it is widely assumed that elite sprinters accelerate for longer periods merely because their top speeds are higher and take longer to reach, tactical guidance also includes controlling acceleration so that top speed is reached at an optimal time for overall race performance (Besier et al., 2001). A considerable amount of research has been undertaken to show the positive effects of plyometrics training on agility sports performance. (Chalachew L and Asnakew A 2021) study the effect of 12 weeks of plyometric and strength training on selected physical fitness variables in Ethiopia youth sports academy female soccer players. The pre-and post-test assessment results of the Illinois agility tests, the mean (SD) values of the pre-test results of the Illinois agility tests results of players in the plyometric were 18.4(0.87) Sec respectively and the post-test means (SD) values of 17.8(0.78) sec and pre to post-test Illinois agility tests (sec) p=000 were scored by players in the plyometric training at the end of - 29 - the 12th week. To see the effects of 12 weeks of plyometric training on the agility performance of the female soccer players, paired sample t-test was conducted. Based on the result of the analysis statistically, a significant change (p<0.001). Plyometric training improves agility, so you have to change position faster and spend less time in contact with the ground. 2.7.4. Speed Endurance speed endurance is the ability of the athlete to maintain high levels of speed for long periods in races where speed endurance is of importance (200 meters. 4000 meters), good results will be determined by the athlete‟s ability to maintain quality speed performance throughout the race distance (Field C 1991). Speedendurance is the ability to prolong the amount of time wherever a close to maximal speed can be maintained (Francis et al., 2016). Athletes can maintain their power and speed over time thanks to endurance. In order to maintain their highest speeds and powers throughout the entirety of a run or all of a leap, sprinters and jumpers need to have this endurance. So, speed endurance is essential in any sprinter or jumper‟s training routine. The development of muscular contraction coordination is accomplished by speed endurance. Repetition techniques are utilized, covering distances between 60% and 120 percent of the racing distance, with a large number of sets, a low number of repetitions per set, and an intensity greater than 85%. Speed endurance can be used developed through competition and time trials (Gastin P 2001, Mclellan T. And Skinner J. 1981) - 30 - CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHOD This section deals with the method and techniques of investigation used to obtain evidence to answer the research hypothesis. This includes the subject of the study, overall design of the study, data collection instrument, procedure, study subjects, testing procedure, and data analysis techniques. 3.1. Research Design The objective of this study was to investigate effect of eight-weeks plyometric - 31 - training on power speed agility and speed endurance of Bahir Dar university male sprinters. Depending on the nature and appropriateness of the pre and posttest data the research approach designed in this study was quasi-experimental design since it helps to measure, assess, evaluate and analyze effect of plyometric training on the independent variable on the dependent variable (power, speed, agility, and speed endurance. Table 3. 1 The study design layout Treatment Plyometric exercise Training weeks 8 weeks Total duration 2 days/week Duration/session 60 minutes Intensity Low, to High, Training days Tuesday and Saturday Training time Morning and afternoon 3.2. Description of the Study The study was conducted in the Amhara region Capital city of Bahir Dar located in West Gojjam Zone Ethiopia. Bahir Dar city is located in the southwest part of Ethiopia, about 565 Km NW of Addis Ababa. The town has a latitude and longitude of 11°36′N 37°23′E respectively and an elevation of 1,800 meters. Based on the 2007 national census conducted by the Central Statistical Agency of Ethiopia (CSA), this town has a total population of 221,991, of whom 108,456 are men and 113,535 women. Bahir Dar University was Established in 1963. - 32 - Source Sewnet (2014). figure 3. 1 Map of Bahir Dar city and Bahir Dar University The plyometric training program was taken from (March 1, to April 28), 2014 for two consecutive months. 3.3 . Population, and sampling technique The study was conducted by Bahir Dar university male u-17 sprinters. since the research is experimental to monitor training as well as manage test administrations and data analysis all 20 male athletes are taken. In this study, the researcher has used comprehensive sampling techniques, t hi s is because Ba hi r Dar university male short distance athletics project holds 2 0 athletes, and then the researcher has used these athletes as a whole for experimental study purposes. Therefore, the sample population of this study included the entire sprinters. at Bahir Dar university athletics project. 3.4. Source of Data To Complete the study the researcher collected primary data from the sprinters via performance tests. The data were collected from the samples through pre-test and post-test. Secondary data was also collected from Amhara region‟s project fitness record for comparison. 3.5.Data Collection instrument Quantitative data were collected through the appropriate test measures. The - 33 - researcher was used field tests to collect the data such as power (stand long jump test), speed (60-meter Speed Test), agility (Illinois agility run test), and speed endurance (250-meter Endurance test) tested by using standardized test items. Further, the data for the field test had been collected two times: pre-training and post-training. The data has been taken from one group in the same time situation and by the same data collector. Before conducting the data, the trainees were in the form to do warming-up exercises to prepare their bodies for the test. The tests shall be conducted within the following order. Table 3. 2 Criterion measures (Selection of Tests) NO Major variables to Test items Unit measure 1 Power Standing long jump M(centimeter) 2 Speed 60-meter speed test Second 3 Agility Illinois agility run test Second 4 speed endurance Second 250-metre Endurance Test 3.6. Procedures for administration of tests Data were collected first following the standard procedures. All the necessary information about the study was explained to the participants primarily. Having experts, instruments for measuring purposes, facilities, and sufficient warming up exercises and other necessary data were collected by administering the mentioned standard physical fitness test measures. Tests were administered in proper sequences power (Stand long jump), speed (60meter Speed Test), Agility (Illinois agility run test), and speed endurance (250 –meter endurance test) using standardized equipment. - 34 - 3.6.1. Explosive Leg Power (Standing Long Jump Test) The standing long jump, commonly known as the broad jump, is a popular and simple test of explosive leg strength. Purpose: To measure the explosive power of the legs Equipment required: tap measure to measure distance jumped, non-slip floor for takeoff, and soft-landing area preferred. Commercial long jump landing mats are also available. sources: http;//www.topendsports.com Figure 3. 2 standing long jump test Procedure: The athlete stands behind a line marked on the ground with feet slightly apart. A two-foot take-off and landing are used, with the swinging of the arms and bending of the knees to provide forward drive. The subject attempts to jump as far as possible, landing on both feet without falling backward. Three attempts are allowed. (Tottori & Fujita, 2019). 3.6.2. Speed (60-meter Speed Test) Testing and measurement are the means of collecting information upon which subsequent. performance evaluation and decisions are made in the analysis, we need to bear in mind the. - 35 - Figure 3. 3 60-meter speed test Adopted from Robert Wood (2008) Objective: - To monitor the development of the sprint athlete's acceleration and pick up to a full flight. Required Resources: -To undertake this test, you will require a: Flat non-slip surface, a Stopwatch, and an assistant. How to conduct the test: -This test requires the athlete to sprint as fast as possible over 60 meters The athlete warm-up for 10 minutes The assistant marks out a 60-meter straight section on the track with cones The assistant gives the command “GO” and starts the stopwatch The athlete sprints as fast as possible over the 60 meters The assistant stops the stopwatch as the athlete's torso crosses the finishing line and records the time The test is conducted 3 times The assistant uses the fastest recorded time to assess the athlete's performance. Target population: sprint athletes and other sports in which speed over a similar distance is important. (Robert Wood,2008) 3.6 .3. Agility test (Illinois agility test) Objective: To monitor the development of the athlete's speed and agility Required Resources: -A flat non-slip surface, measuring tape, 8 cones, a stopwatch, Assistant will be used to conduct the test. The course measures 10m in length and 5m in width. - 36 - Adopted from Davis et al (2000) Figure 3. 4 Illinois agility run test Testing procedure: -This test requires the athlete to run the line's route in the diagram below as fast as possible. The athlete warms up for 10 minutes The assistant sets up the course as detailed in the diagram The athlete lies face down on the floor at the “Start” cone the assistant gives the command “GO” and starts the stopwatch. The athlete jumps to her feet and negotiates the course around the cones following the The assistant stops the stopwatch and records the time when the athlete passes the “Finish” cone. Three successful trials will be completed Finally, the assistant uses the fastest recorded time. 3.6.4 Speed endurance test (250metre Endurance Test) Speed endurance for short-distance athletes can measure with a 250-meter endurance test. Objective: To measure the development of the sprint athletes' speed endurance performance. - 37 - Required resources To undertake this test, you will require: • 400-meter track – 250-meter marked section • Stopwatch • Assistant. How to conduct the test • The athlete undertakes a 250-meter run from a standing start • The assistant records the time for the athlete to complete 250 meters. Figure 3. 5 250-meter endurance test. Adopted from Mackenzie B (2005) 101 Performance Evaluation Test Target Group: This test is suitable for sprinters. 3.7.Methods of data analysis The data was gathered from experimental methods. Pre-test and post-test result on explosive leg power, speed, agility, and speed endurance has been taken by using a field test. The collected data were analyzed by using SPSS software (version 23). Descriptive statistics (arithmetic mean, standard deviation,) and inferential statistics (Paired, SamplesT-test) were used for data analysis. The results were displayed using tables 3.8.Reliability and Validity of instruments The reliability of a test was assured by establishing efficient and necessary equipment, and reliability of a test and trainee‟s reliability. To ensure the uniformity and reliability of the testing technique the investigator had a number - 38 - of practice sessions in the testing procedures with the guidance of the respective experts. The investigator took all the measurements for the study with the assistance of a professional expert. 3.9.Training Protocol The plyometric exercise was given to the experimental group for eight weeks a total of two days per week, namely Tuesday afternoon at 11:00-12:00 and Saturday morning at 2:00-3:00, each lasting 60 minutes. A total of 16 days would be given for training sessions in which 60 minutes 15 minutes for warm-up, 35 minutes for plyometric exercises, and 10 minutes for cool-down were allotted for each session. These plyometric exercises were given to the research participants for eight weeks. These include depth jump drop jump standing long jump double –leg tuck jump, double–leg speed jump, Double leg bound, Single leg tuck jump, single leg hop, double leg hop, alternate leg bound, Single leg speed hop, and Sprint bound. according to previous studies (Rimmer E, and Sleivert G, 2000). Specifically, sprint-specific training (i.e., bounding) has been shown to have a positive effect on sprint velocity (Tottori & Fujita, 2019). 3.10. Ethical Considerations The study was conducted in such a way that ethical issues were properly addressed. After having letters of permission from Bahir Dar university sports academy for ethical approval, the researcher has been going to Bahir Dar university sport academy athletics project. Next, the researcher has contact with the parents and coaches for permission. Then after agreeing with the concerned participants, the researchers also introduced the objectives and purposes of the study. - 39 - CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS 1. INTRODUCTION This chapter deals with the presentation and analysis of the data collected through the Experimental method pre-test and post-test results of power, speed, agility, and speed endurance for individual sprinters. from the researcher had used a quasi-experimental research method to get fertile data. 4.1. Results of the study Table 4. 1 Demographic characteristics of the participant N 20 Sex Age(year) Height(m) Mean S. D Mean 16.75 0.44 1.66 Male S. D 0.05 Weight(kg) Training Mean Experience (In years) S. D Mean S. D 53.10 3.49 2 years 1.38 - 40 - Key N=number of athletes, SD= standard deviation As shown in the table, the participants were 20 male Bahir Dar university sports academy under 17 sprinters. The average age of participants was M=16.75 years (SD = 0.44) height (mean = 1.66, SD =0.05) and weight (M = 53.10 SD = 3.49), and training experience for is 2 years, which indicated that the athletes started their regular training after entering the project. Table 4. 2 power pre-and post-test. Paired samples statistics‟ Variables N Mean SD Power PT 20 1.7455 .07430 POT 20 1.9700 .14604 . Key: PT=pre- test, POT=post- test, N=number of athletes, SD= standard deviation. Test results in table 4.2 reveal the pre-and post-test assessment results of the standing long jump tests. As indicated in the table, the mean (SD) values of the pre-test results of the standing long jump tests results of the athlete in the plyometric training were 1.75(0.07) meters and the post-test 1.97 (0.15) meters were scored by athletes in the plyometric training at the end of the 8 th week. Table 4. 3 pre-and post-training power test result mean difference in (meters) Paired samples Test (paired difference) Variable N MD SD T DF P - 41 - Power 20 -.2245 .125347 -8.010 19 000 PT -POT *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. Key: PT=pre -test, POT=post-test, MD = mean difference, SD= standard deviation., T= t calculates, DF= degree of freedom A paired sample t-test was conducted to examine the difference between the pretest result and post-test result of power. A significant difference was found between the two test results; t (19) =-8.010, p< 0. 001. As shown in the above table post-test (mean=1.97) result is greater than the pre-test result (mean=1.75). The result suggests that plyometric exercise for two months brings observable improvement in male trainees‟ power performance with a .0.22m increment. Table 4. 4 speed pre-and post-test results Paired samples statistics‟ Variable Speed PT N 20 POT 20 Mean 8.1500 Std. Deviation .45523 7.4165 .46744 Key: PT=pre-test, POT=post-test, N=number of athletes SD= standard deviation. Test results in table 4.4 reveal the pre-and post-test assessment results of the 60meter Speed Tests. As indicated in the table, the mean (SD) values of the pre-test results of the 60meter Speed Test results of an athlete in plyometric training were 8.15 (0.46) Sec. The posttest 7.42(0.47) sec were scored by athletes in the plyometric training at the end of the 8th week. Table 4. 5 pre-and post-training speed test result mean difference in(sec) Paired samples Test (paired difference) Variable N MD SD T DF P - 42 - Speed: PT- 20 .73350 .45759 7.169 19 000 POT *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. Key: PT=pre- test, POT=post-test, MD = mean difference, SD= standard deviation, T= t calculates, DF= degree of freedom. A paired sample t-test was conducted to examine the difference between the pretest result and the post-test result of a 60-meter speed test. A significant difference was found between the two test results; t (19) =7.169, p< 0.001. As shown in the above table post-test (mean=7.42 sec) result is less than the pre-test result (mean=8.15sec). The result suggests that plyometric exercise for two months brings observable improvement in male trainee‟s speed performance with a 0.73-second decrement. Table 4. 6 Agility pre-and post-test results Paired samples statistics‟ Variable N Agility PT 20 Mean 19.3960 S. D 1.04828 POT 20 17.068 .97572 Key: PT=pre-test, POT=post-test, N=number of athletes, SD= standard deviation, Test results in table 4.6 reveal the pre-and post-test assessment results of the Illinois agility tests. As indicated in the table, the mean (SD) values of the pretest results of the Illinois agility tests results of the athlete in the plyometric training were 19.40(1.05) Sec. The posttest 17.07 (0.98) sec were scored by athletes in the plyometric training at the end of the 8 th week. Table 4. 7 pre-and post-training agility test results mean difference (second) Paired samples Test (paired difference) Variable N MD SD T DF P - 43 - Agility: PT 20 2.32800 .43959 23.684 19 000 - POT *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. Key: PT=pre-test, POT=pos- test, MD = mean difference, SD= standard deviation., T= t calculates, DF= degree of freedom. A paired sample t-test was conducted to examine the difference between the pre-test and post-test mean results of the Illinois agility run test. A significant difference was found between the two test results; t (19) = 23.684, p< 0.001. As shown in the above table post-test (mean= 17.07) result is less than the pretest result (mean=19.40). The result suggests that plyometric exercise for two months brings observable improvement in male trainees‟ agility performance with a 2.33second decrement. Table 4. 8 speed endurance pre-and post- test result. Paired samples statistics‟ Variable N Mean Speed endurance PT 20 35.6260 POT SD 3.05855 33.175 3.16158 . Key: PT=pre-test, POT=pos- test, N=number of athletes. SD= standard deviation. Test results in table 4.8 reveal the pre-and post-test assessment results of the ‟250meter Endurance Test. As indicated in the table, the mean (SD) values of the pretest results of the‟250-meter Endurance tests results of the athlete in the plyometric training were 35.63(3.05) Sec and the post-test 33.18 (3.16) sec were scored by athletes in the plyometric training at the end of the 8 th week. Table 4. 9 pre-and post-training speed endurance test result mean difference(sec) Paired samples Test (paired difference) Variable N MD SD T DF P - 44 - Speed endurance PT-POT 20 2.44850 1.56495 6.997 19 000 *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. Key: PT=pre-test, POT=post-test MD = mean difference, SD= standard deviation., T= t calculates DF= degree of freedom, A paired sample t-test was conducted to examine the difference between the pretest and post-test mean results of the 250-speed endurance run test. A significant difference was found between the two test results; t (19) =7.041 p< 0.001. As shown in the above table post-test (mean= 33.18) result is less than the pretest result (mean=35.63). The result suggests that plyometric exercise for two months brings observable improvement in male trainees‟ agility performance with a 2.45second decrement. CHAPTER FIVE 5. 1 DISCUSSION AND IMPLICATION This study aimed to examine effect of eight-week plyometric training on power, speed, agility, and speed endurance on sprinters in the case of Bahir Dar university sport academy under -17 athletics project. Based on the finding of the study, plyometric training has a significant appositive effect on power speed agility, and speed endurance in a short distance. 5.1.1 Effects of plyometric training on power of U-17 sprinters. The finding of the study showed that plyometric training has an effect on power. The result suggests that power increase from pre to post-test after plyometric training‟ M=1.75 SD=0.07and M=1.97 SD =0.15 respectively and the result of the mean difference was 0.22 and p < 0.001. The result suggests that significantly improved. This indicates that Eight weeks of Plyometric training has a positive significant effect on power in sprinters. Hence the researcher accepted hypothesis H1.1 0.05 level of confidence. Similar results were found in - 45 - previous studies that agreed with this finding study (Tottori N and Satoshi Fujita S,20019) The effect of 8-week plyometric training on sprint performance in boys aged 9–12 years. standing long jump test the results analyzed by Paired T-test on the effect of plyometric training on power performance. Based on the result of the analysis statistically, a significant change (p<0.001). (Lundstrom C. & Ingraham S .2017) standing long jump test the results analyzed by Paired T-test on the effect of plyometric training on power performance show an overall significant increase (P< 0.005) after plyometric training. plyometric training is an effective method for improving power performance of shortdistance athletes. another (Thaqi A., Berisha, M., & Hoxh S. 2020) study conducted on the effect 12 of plyometric training reported increases in the change in power (increase in power performance and length). Implications: The main aim of this study was to examine effect of eight weeks plyometric training on power of sprinters in the case of Bahir Dar university sport academy u-17 athletics project. Based on the result of the study plyometric training have a positive significant effect on power performance of sprinters. Plyometric training is used to develop power. So, these training methods are suggested to sprinters and coaches for improving sprinting performances. thus, athletes and coaches concerned with sprinting training continue to use plyometric exercises ( Bounding, horizontal jump) (Rimmer & Sleivert, 2000) 5.1.2 Effects of plyometric training on speed of U-17 sprinters The finding of the study showed that plyometric training has an effect on speed. The result suggests that speed performance increases and time decrease from pre to post-test after plyometric training‟ M=8.15 SD=0.46 and M=7.42 SD =0.47 respectively and the result of the mean difference was 0.73 and p < 0.001. The result suggests that significantly decreases. This indicates that Eight weeks of Plyometric training has a positive significant effect on speed in sprinters. Hence the researcher accepted hypothesis H1.2 0.05 level of confidence. Similar results - 46 - were found in previous studies that agreed with this finding (Lundstrom C. & Ingraham S .2017) 60-meter run test the results analyzed by Paired T-test on the effect of plyometric training on speed performance show an overall significant decrease (P< 0.005) after plyometric training. This study‟s results illustrate the importance of achieving high strength rates to boost sprint efficiency in sprint athletes. Other studies work carried out by (Rimmer E, and Sleivert G 2000) determine the effect of a sprint-specific plyometric intervention system on sprinttraining intervention. At 10-m and 40-m distances, the plyometric group demonstrated significant time reductions over the sprint group (p = 0.001) And other studies have also shown that plyometric training with a distance of 30 m and 40 m respectively, as reported in (Comfort et al 2014) and, (Hennessy L, Kilty J 2001), influenced sprinting abilities. Stretch-shortening cycles are associated with improved sprint results during plyometric training. Implication: - The main aim of this study was to determine effect of eight weeks of plyometric training on speed sprinters in the case of Bahir Dar university sport academy u-17 athletics project. Based on the result of the study plyometric training have a positive significant effect on speed performance of sprinters. Plyometric training is used to develop speed (Reduced reaction time makes athletes faster). So, these training methods are suggested to sprinters and coaches for improving sprinting performances. thus, athletes and coaches concerned with sprinting training continue to use plyometric exercises ( Bounding, horizontal jump) (Rimmer & Sleivert, 2000) 5.1.3.Effects of plyometric training on agility of U-17 sprinters The finding of the study showed that plyometric training has an effect on agility. The result suggests that agility performance increases and time decreased from pre to post-test after plyometric training‟ M=19.40 SD=1.05 and M=17.07 SD =0.98 respectively and the result of the mean difference was 2.33 and p < 0.001. The result suggests that significantly decreases. This indicates that Eight weeks of Plyometric training has a positive significant effect on agility in - 47 - sprinters. Hence the researcher accepted hypothesis H1.3 0.05 level of confidence. Similar results were found in previous studies that agreed with this finding (Chalachew L and Aschenaki T.,2021) see the effects of 12 weeks of plyometric training on the agility performance of the female soccer players, paired sample t-test was conducted. Based on the result of the analysis statistically, a significant change (p<0.001). The study concluded plyometric training for improving agility in young male soccer players. In this study, the participants were male short-distance athletes and the result was a similar improvement in the athletes‟ agility performance. According to Mirzaei and Norasteh, (2014), effects of six weeks of depth jump vs. countermovement jump training on the sand on muscle soreness and performance, there was a significant effect of jumping training or plyometric training on the agility level of athletes. This study backed up one of the findings of the current study. Plyometric exercises help you change positions more quickly and make less contact with the ground. Plyometrics improves agility to make you a faster athlete. Implication: -The main aim of this study was to examine effect of eight weeks plyometric training on agility on sprinters in the case of Bahir Dar university sport academy u-17 athletics project. Based on the result of the study plyometric training have a positive significant effect on agility performance of sprinters. plyometric training improves reaction time, so you have to change position faster and spend less time in contact with the ground. thus, athletes and coaches can plan 8 weeks with twice-a-week training sessions as in this study's Coaches protocol. These results will benefit athletes, coaches sport professional physical trainees in the search to refine regular training routines and develop athletes' speed and agility performance before any competition (Bin Shamshuddin et al., 2020). - 48 - 5.1.4. Effects of plyometric training on speed endurance of U-17 sprinters The finding of the study showed that plyometric training has an effect on speed endurance. The result suggests that speed endurance performance increases and time decrease from pre to post-test after plyometric training‟ M=35.66 SD=3.06 and M=33.18 SD =3.16 respectively and the result of the mean difference was 2.45 and p < 0.001. The result suggests that significantly decreases. This indicates that Eight weeks of Plyometric training has a positive significant effect on speed endurance in sprinters. Hence the researcher accepted hypothesis H1.4 0.05 level of confidence. The result proved that plyometric training is an effective method for improving the speed endurance performance of sprinters Implication: - The main aim of this study was to examine effect of eight weeks plyometric training on speed endurance on sprinters in the case of Bahir Dar university sport academy u-17 athletics project. Based on the result of the study plyometric training have a positive significant effect on speed endurance performance of sprinters. plyometric training is used to develop speed endurance. thus, athletes and coaches can plan 8 weeks with twice-a-week training sessions as in this study's Coaches protocol. These results will benefit athletes, coaches sport professional physical trainees in the search to refine regular training routines and develop athletes' speed endurance performance before any competition. - 49 - CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION, AND RECOMMENDATION 6.1. Conclusions Based on the major findings and results of this study, the following points were stated as a conclusion Eight weeks of Polymeric training has a significant effect on t he power of sprinters. Eight weeks of Plyometric training has a significant effect on the speed of sprinters. - 50 - Eight weeks of Plyometric training has a significant effect on the agility of sprinters. Eight weeks of Plyometric training might have a significant effect speed endurance of sprinters. In general, plyometric training is accepted over several days or weeks (6– 12 weeks), at a training frequency of 1–3 sessions per week, and at a maximal to near-maxi mal intensity(Ramirez-Campillo et al., 2020) indicated that in future research, specific dose-response relationships following PLY should be identified. An interesting direction in this research is determining the minimum duration of PLY. 6.2 Limitation of the Study The following limitations were encountered by the researcher while conducting this study. First, the number of the sample is too little because for this reason the researcher was used all samples so there are heterogeneous variable events and it was having an effect on the result of the study. Second The subjects were not always able to exercise at the same time of the day, because they were busy preparing for the mid-year examination. The subjects had to exercise when they were able to fit it into their schedule. Sometimes the exercise sessions took place in the early morning, and at other times it was in the late afternoon. Third and time. 6.3. Recommendations As plyometric training was found to have a positive impact on developing fitness (power speed, agility, and speed endurance) performance, for concerned sprinters and coaches are highly recommend to include the scientific method of plyometric training in their training sessions. - 51 - Short distance coaches should emphasize plyometric exercise to improve fitness performance rather than training in traditional methods or devoting the majority of their time solely to competition. Coaches also recommend raising trainers' awareness of the importance of plyometric exercises to improve the fitness performance of sprinters. 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Talkathletics.co.UK APPENDIXES March 15 min Warming up *Walking, jogging, and running Tuesday 37 min Main activity * Synchronized m o v e m e n t of hand leg, armStretching double-leg tuck jump Double-leg speed jump Low Rest b/n set Contents Rest b/n rep Phase 5 min - - - - 10 min - - - - 13 min 7 2 10 sec 20 sec 2 min 13 min 7 2 10sec 20 sec 2min Activity duration in repetition Time (min) set Day repetition Week Intensity Month Duration Appendix1 Researcher‟s Eight Weeks plyometric Training Program for sprinting. - 61 - 8 min 15 min Warming up 40 min Main activity Saturday 8 min Cooling down exercise for leg and hand stretching *Walking jogging running *Harmonized movement for hand and leg stretching double leg tuck jump Double leg speed jump Standing long jump jogging easy Low exercise for leg and hand stretching Warming up * Walking, jogging, and running *Synchronized movement of hand leg, arm- Stretching Tues day 35 min Main activity 13 min 13 min 11 min 5 min 3 min 8 2 20 sec 7 2 20 sec 8 2 20 sec 20sec 2 min 20 2min sec 20 2 sec min 5 min - - - - 10 min - - - - 9 min 8 2 15 sec Double leg speed jump Single leg tuck jump 9 min 6 3 15 sec 9 min 8 2 15sec Scissor jump 6 min 6 2 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min jogging easy exercise for leg and hand stretching *Walking jogging 3 min 7 min double leg tuck jump Mod erate Two 10min 15 Warming 2 min Rest b/n set 15 min 20 sec Rest b/n rep Contents 10 sec Set Phase 3 Repetition March Time (min) 6 Duration Day Week Intensity Month 11 min 3 min 5 min 5 min 10 min Activity duration in repetition One Standing long jump jogging easy 5 min - 62 - March 3 15 sec 9 min 6 3 15 sec 9 min 8 2 15sec Scissor jump 6 min 7 2 15sec Cooling down jogging easy exercise for leg and hand stretching 3 min 7 min Time Phase (min) Contents 15 min Three 9 min 15 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 15 Sec 1 min Warming *Walking, jogging, up and running 5 min - - - - *Synchronized m o v e m e n t of hand leg, armStretching double-leg bound single-leg jump double-leg speed jump single-leg bound jogging easy 10 min - - - - 9 min 9 min 9 min 9 min 4 min 5 min 5 min 10 8 2 15 sec 8 2 15 sec 7 2 15 sec 6 2 15 sec Tuesday 36 min 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec Rest b/n set Day 6 Rest b/n rep Week 9 min Main activity exercise for leg and hand stretching Warming *Walking jogging up running *Harmonized High Activity duration in repetition Month Mod erate set 10 min Main activity 10 min repetition 35 min running *Harmonized movement for hand and leg stretching double-leg tuck jump Double leg speed jump Single leg tuck jump Duration Satur day up Intensity min 15sec 1 Min 15 1 sec min 15sec 1 min 15 1 sec min - 63 - Day Time Phase (min) March 15 min Tuesday 35 min Four 8 min 15 min Saturday Warming *Walking, jogging, up and running *Synchronized m o v e m e n t of hand leg, arm- Stretching Main activity 4 15 sec 8 2 15 sec 8 3 15 sec 8 2 15 sec Contents Intensity Month Week 6 Drop jump Single leg speed hop Alternative leg bound Standing long jump jogging easy exercise for leg and hand stretching Warming *Walking jogging running up *Harmonized movement for hand and leg stretching 5 min 10 min High 9 min 9 min 9 min 9 min 4 min 5 min 5 min 10 min 10sec 1 min 10 1 sec min 10 1 sec min 10 sec Rest b/n set exercise for leg and hand stretching 9 min 9 min 9 min 9 min 5 min 3 min Activity duration in repetition Rest b/n rep 8 min Cooling down High set Main activity repetition 36 min min Duration Saturday movement for hand and leg stretching double-leg bound single-leg jump double-leg speed jump single-leg hop jogging easy - - - - - - 8 3 15 sec 6 4 15sec 6 4 15 sec 8 2 15 sec 10 1 sec min 10sec 1min 10 sec 10 sec 1 min 1 min high Single leg speed hop Alternative leg bound Standing long jump -jogging easy -exercise for leg and hand stretching 15 min April Tuesday 35 min Depth jump Single leg hop Alternative leg bound Drop jump Five 8 min 15 min Saturday 35 min 15sec 8 2 15 sec 8 3 15 sec 7 4 15 sec Contents Warming *Walking, jogging, up and running *Synchronized m o v e m e n t of hand leg, arm- Stretching Main activity 3 jogging easy exercise for leg and hand stretching Warming *Walking jogging up running *Harmonized movement for hand and leg stretching Main Depth jump activity Single leg hop 5 min 10 min High 9 min 9 min 9 min 9 min 3 min 5 min 5 min 10 min 10sec 1 min 10 1 sec min 10 1 sec min 10 1 sec min Rest b/n set Time Phase (min) 8 Rest b/n rep Day Intensity Month Week 9 min 9 min 9 min 9 min 5 min 3 min Activity duration in repetition 8 min Cooling down Drop jump Set Main activity repetition 35 min Duration - 64 - - - - - - - 10 sec 10 sec 10 sec 10sec 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min 8 2 15 sec 8 3 15sec 8 3 15 sec 7 3 15 sec High 9 8 min 9 8 min 3 15 sec 3 15 sec 10sec 1 min 10 1 sec min Cooling down Alternative leg bound 9 8 min 3 15 sec 10 sec 1 min Drop jump 9 8 min 5 min 3 min 2 15sec 10 sec 1 min jogging easy exercise for leg and hand stretching Rest b/n rep Rest b/n set Contents set Time Phase (min) Repetition Day Warming *Walking, jogging, up and running *Synchronized m o v e m e n t of hand leg, arm- Stretching 5 min 10 min - - - - - - - - Alternative leg bound Standing long jump Alternative leg stair bound Counter monument jump jogging easy High 9 min 9 min 9 min 9 min 6 4 15 sec 6 4 15sec 6 4 15 sec 6 3 15 sec High 9min 8 3 15sec 9 min 9 6 4 15 sec 6 4 15 sec Intensity Month Week 15 min April Tuesday 35 min Six 8 min 15 min Saturday 35 min Main activity exercise for leg and hand stretching Warming *Walking jogging running up *Harmonized movement for hand and leg stretching Main Alternative leg bound activity Standing long jump Alternative leg stair Duration 8 min Activity duration in repetition - 65 - 10sec 1 min 10 1min sec 10 1 sec min 10sec 1 min 3 min 5 min 5 min 10 min 10 sec 10 sec 10 1 min 1 min 1 9 min 5 min 3 min 7 exercise for leg and hand stretching Contents 15 min Tuesday 35 min April Warming Walking, jogging, and up running Synchronized m o v e m e n t of hand leg, arm- Stretching Main activity Single leg speed hop Alternative leg bound Depth jump Sprint bound Seven 8 min 15 min Saturday 35 min jogging easy exercise for leg and hand stretching Warming Walking jogging up running Harmonized movement for hand and leg stretching Main Depth jump activity Single leg speed hop Alternative leg bound Sprint bound 5 min 10 min min 10 sec 1 min Rest b/n set Time Phase (min) 15 sec sec Rest b/n rep Day Intensity Month Week 3 Activity duration in repetition Counter monument jump jogging easy set min Repetition 8 min Cooling down bound Duration - 66 - - - - - - - High 9 min 9 min 9 min 9 min 3 min 5 min 5 min 10 min 8 3 15 sec 6 4 15 sec 8 4 15 sec 6 4 15 sec High 9 min 9 min 9 min 9 min 8 3 15sec 7 2 15 sec 8 4 15 sec 8 3 15 sec 10sec 1 min 10sec 1min 10 sec 10 sec 1 min 1 min 10 sec 10 sec 10 sec 10sec 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min - 67 - jogging easy Day April Time (min) Phase Contents 15 min Warming *Walking, jogging, up and running *Synchronized m o v e m e n t of hand leg, arm- Stretching Tuesday 35 min Main activity Depth jump Sprint bound Eight 8 min 15 min Saturday 35 min Alternative leg bound Standing long jump jogging easy exercise for leg and hand stretching Warming *Walking jogging running up *Harmonized movement for hand and leg stretching Main Depth bound activity Sprint bound Alternative leg bound Standing long jump Rest b/n set Week Intensity Month Activity duration in repetition Rest b/n rep exercise for leg and hand stretching Set 5 min 3 min Repetition Cooling down Duration 8 min 5 min - - - 10 min - - - 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec 15sec 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec 1 min 1min 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec 15 sec 1 min 1 min 1 min 1 min Moderate 9 min 9 min 9 min 9 min 3 min 5 min 5 min 10 min 6 4 6 3 8 2 8 2 Moderate 9 min 9 min 9 min 9 min 6 3 6 3 8 2 6 3 1 Min 1 min - 68 - 8 min Cooling down jogging easy exercise for leg and hand stretching Appendix 2 Familiarization of the training 5 min 3 min - 69 - Appendix 3 Standing long jump test - 70 - Appendix 4 Profile of participants ID No Name Age Height(m) Weight(kg) Training experience - 71 - A 1.62 49 1.67 B 1.67 60 2 17 1.64 1.65 C 1.66 1.64 3 17 49 1.63 D 1.64 1.65 54 4 17 1.64 E 1.66 1.66 5 17 55 F 1.65 1.63 54 1.65 6 17 G 1.64 1.65 52 7 17 1.80 H 1.59 1.64 50 8 16 1.67 I 1.66 1.65 9 17 52 1.64 J 53 1.65 1.70 10 17 1.64 K 1.65 55 7 1.79 11 17 1.67 L 1.66 53 1.64 12 17 1.65 17 M 1.80 61 1.66 13 17 1.63 N 1.59 49 1.64 14 16 1.64 O 17 1.67 52 1.66 15 1.65 P 17 1.65 52 1.65 16 1.65 17 Q 16 1.64 55 1.80 1.59 18 R 17 1.70 47 1.67 1.65 19 S 17 1.64 55 1.64 20 T 17 1.79 55 1.70 1.64 1.79 1.67 1.64of the study participants Appendix 5: Demographic characteristics 1.65 1.66 1.63 1.64 1.64 1.66 1.65 1.65 1.65 1 16 1 2 3 1 2 2 2 4 2222 222 2 3 4 2 2 2 4 2 4 0 0 0 0 - 72 - Age (Year) Mean Height(m) Weight(kg) Training S. D Mean S. D Mean S. D Experience (In the year) Mean S. D 0.44 1.66 0.05 3.49 2 years 53.10 1.37649 9 16.75 Appendix 6: Pre and Post-test results on power, speed, agility, and speed endurance on plyometric training. - 73 - ID Name ID n n Pre-test 60-meter speed(sec) Post-test Pre-test Post-test 1 A 1.70 1.75 7.89 7.12 2 B 1.80 1.85 8.57 7.87 3 C 1.85 2.20 7.46 6.50 4 D 1.84 2.30 7.82 6.60 5 E 1.83 2.00 7.89 6.54 6 F 1.80 2.00 7.46 7.26 7 G 1.79 1.95 8.09 7.28 8 H 1.76 1.96 8.47 7.50 9 I 1.80 1.88 8.39 7.98 10 J 1.70 2.05 8.55 7.45 11 K 1.75 1.82 8.11 7.60 12 L 1.85 2.15 7.72 7.40 13 M 1.64 1.95 8.67 7.59 14 N 1.63 1.80 9.01 8.20 15 O 1.71 1.85 8.32 7.75 16 P 170 1.88 7.72 7.98 17 Q 1.60 1.88 7.18 7.40 18 R 1.72 1.95 8.10 7.45 19 S 1.74 1.96 8.00 7.66 20 T 1.70 2.20 7.58 7.20 Name Agility Illinois test(sec) 250 speed endurance(sec) - 74 - Pre-test Post- test Pre-test Post- test 1 A 19.04 16.80 2 B 19.14 16.20 3 C 19.36 15.56 4 D 19.20 17.15 5 E 19.20 16.55 6 F 18.00 16.50 7 G 20.50 16.54 8 H 18.84 16.23 9 I 19.02 16.88 10 J 20.25 18.33 11 K `18.49 16.29 12 L 18.23 15.67 34.84 32.88 13 M 19.74 17.53 34.43 34.33 14 N 19.59 16.87 43.43 38.70 15 O 19.57 17.00 37.25 37.07 16 P 19.25 16.98 35.16 32.03 17 Q 21.00 18.00 40.13 37.33 18 R 22.00 19.53 35.00 34.86 19 S 19,50 17.25 36.05 35.69 20 T 20.00 18.50 37.15 36.50 38.41 36.13 30.23 32.78 13 27.04 9 32.26 29.81 10 32.73 28.30 10 30.01 11 30.08 9 33.14 13 32.05 9 35.33 10 34.00 35.11 32.01 36.17 36.54 34.10 38.54 30.37 Appendix 7: Normative data for the standing long jump test and Illinois Agility Run Test for 16 to 19 years old - 75 - The following table is for 15- to 16-year-old athletes Gender Excellent Above Average Below Average Male >2.01m Female >1.66m 2.00-1.86m 1.65-1.56m Poor Average 1.85- 1.75- 1.76m 1.65m 1.55- 1.45- 1.46m 1.35m 1.66m < 1.35 D.A. Chu; Explosive Power and Strength; Human Kinetics; 1996 Gender Normative data of Illinois Agility Run Test for 16 to 19 years old Excellent Above Average Below Poor average Male Female <15,2sec <17.0sce Source: Davis et al 2000 Average 15,2-16.1 16.2-18.1 18.2-19.3 sec sec sec 17.0-17.9 18.0-21.7 21.8-23.0 sec sec >19.3 sec >23.0sec