Topic 2: Biochemical molecules Subtopic: A1.1 Water Syllabus statements: A1.1.1—Water as the medium for life A1.1.2—Hydrogen bonds as a consequence of the polar covalent bonds within water molecules A1.1.3—Cohesion of water molecules due to hydrogen bonding and consequences for organisms A1.1.4—Adhesion of water to materials that are polar or charged and impacts for organisms Syllabus statements: A1.1.5—Solvent properties of water linked to its role as a medium for metabolism and for transport in plants and animals A1.1.6—Physical properties of water and the consequences for animals in aquatic habitats A1.1.7—Extraplanetary origin of water on Earth and reasons for its retention A1.1.8—Relationship between the search for extraterrestrial life and the presence of water Water is needed for life As we saw in the origins of life subtopic, Life probably originated in water. Water is required for life as it is: ● The medium for metabolic reactions. ● A transport medium. ● Involved in many chemical reactions (e.g. hydrolysis reactions and photosynthesis.) Water molecules ● Water is a polar covalent molecule. Two hydrogen atoms form covalent bonds with an oxygen atom. ● The bonding produces a ‘bent’ molecule with an angle of 104.5 o Water molecules ● The oxygen atom has a more positive nucleus than the hydrogen atoms, and has a greater attraction for (the negatively charged) electrons. ● The electrons are shared unequally between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms in water molecules. Water molecules ● Oxygen therefore has a slight negative charge ( δ-) ● Hydrogen has a slight positive charge ( δ+) ● As opposite charges attract, there is an attraction between the oxygens and the hydrogens of adjacent molecules. Water molecules ● Water is a polar covalent molecule with weak charges at the poles. ● Water is attracted to other polar molecules forming hydrogen bonds. ● The hydrogen bonds that form between water molecules explain many of water’s properties. Water molecules Cohesion ● Cohesion is attraction between the same kind of molecules. ● Water molecules are attracted to each other. The negatively charged oxygen of one molecule is attracted to the positively charged hydrogens of another, forming a hydrogen bond. Cohesion ● A relatively strong surface tension forms at the surface of water due to the cohesive nature of water molecules. ● Surface tension allows some animals like pond skaters to walk on water, and the surface of water becomes their habitat. Cohesion ● Xylem vessels are thin narrow tubes which transport water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leaves of plants. ● The cohesive nature of polar water molecules allows water to form a continuous column of water molecules moving up the xylem of plants. Adhesion ● In adhesion, polar water molecules are attracted to other polar molecules, forming hydrogen bonds. ● This is used to help in the transpiration stream, as the water molecules ‘stick’ to the polar molecules lining the xylem vessels. Water the solvent ● Water is often called the universal solvent, as it allows a wide variety of hydrophilic substances to dissolve in it, because of its polarity. ● Most metabolic reactions will only occur when the reactants are dissolved in water. Water the solvent ● Water is the transport medium in plants and animals, as many polar molecules and ions dissolve in water. ● Polar (charged) organic particles dissolve in polar water, due to hydrogen bonding (eg glucose). Water the solvent ● Ions dissolve in water because of the polar water molecules surrounding the charged ions. ● Ionic minerals are dissolved in water as it is transported up the xylem. ● Glucose and amino acids dissolve in water, and are transported through the phloem. Water the transport medium Humans transport many substances around their bodies through the blood including: ● Nutrients ● Oxygen ● Carbon dioxide ● Hormones ● Waste products ● Antibodies Water the transport medium Water the metabolism medium ● Metabolism is the sum of all of the enzyme controlled chemical reactions that occur in the body. ● Most of these reactions occur in the aqueous environment of the cell with the substrates and enzymes dissolved in the watery environment. Not all molecules dissolve ● Hydrophobic substances are not charged and do not readily mix with water. Examples: Lipids (fats and oils) Steroid hormones (e.g. oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone) Physical properties buoyancy ● Buoyancy is the upward force exerted by a fluid (liquid or gas) on an object immersed in the fluid. ● Liquid water is a denser fluid than air, providing greater buoyancy for aquatic animals and allowing them to float or swim more easily. Physical properties buoyancy ● This helps many aquatic animals conserve energy and allows them to stay afloat without expending a lot of effort. ● The ringed seal has a layer of blubber that provides buoyancy and helps it float on the surface of the water. Physical properties viscosity ● Viscosity is the measure of a fluid's resistance to flow. The higher the viscosity, the more difficult it is for animals to move through the fluid. ● Water has a higher viscosity than air, and many aquatic animals, such as the black-throated loon, have a streamlined body shape which allows them to smoothly move Physical properties - thermal conductivity ● Thermal conductivity is a measure of a material's ability to conduct heat. ● Water has a much higher thermal conductivity than air. Aquatic animals are more likely to lose heat to the environment, and must be adapted to reduce heat loss. Physical properties - thermal conductivity ● Ringed seals have a layer of insulating blubber to prevent heat loss. Seals will huddle together out of the water (on land), decreasing overall exposed surface area and reducing heat loss. ● Black-throated loons are insulated by feathers which are coated with a hydrophobic oil to keep the feathers dry, which reduces heat loss. Physical properties - specific heat capacity ● Specific heat capacity is the energy required to raise the temperature of 1g of a substance by 1 K (or 1°C). ● Water has a very high specific heat capacity (4.186 J/g°C), as energy is required to break the hydrogen bonds between water molecules. The specific heat capacity of air is much lower than water. Physical properties - specific heat capacity ● The temperature of large bodies of water is much more stable than air temperature, as the water can absorb or release much more heat energy without experiencing significant temperature change. Physical properties - thermal conductivity ● Animals cells (which are primarily composed of water) are also resistant to temperature change, which helps maintain constant body temperature in endotherms such as birds and mammals. Consequences of the physical properties ● Explain the consequences of the physical properties of water for the ringed seal (buoyancy, viscosity, thermal conductivity and specific heat capacity). Consequences of the physical properties - Ringed seal Ringed seals ( Pusa hispida ) live in the arctic seas. ● Buoyancy: The ringed seal has a layer of blubber which allows it to remain buoyant while in the sea, reducing the energy required to swim in the sea. ● Viscosity: The streamlined body shape of the seals allow them to efficiently move through water. The flippers use drag to facilitate movement. Consequences of the physical properties - Ringed seal ● Thermal conductivity: The seal’s layer of blubber insulates the animal when in water. Seals tend to huddle, reducing exposed surface area and heat loss when on land. ● Specific heat capacity: Ringed seals are endotherms and are adapted to maintain a constant body temperature. The high specific heat capacity of the water in their bodies helps maintain a stable body temperature. Consequences of the physical properties - Loon Black-throated loons are migratory aquatic birds found in the Northern Hemisphere. ● Buoyancy: The black-throated loon is able to adjust its density by changing the volume of air in its air sacs. This allows the bird to control its depth when swimming in water. The black-throated loon is able to increase its buoyancy in air by increasing its surface area by spreading its wings. The bones of birds are solid but light-weight, further reducing their density and increasing the buoyancy of the black-throated loon, allowing it to fly. Consequences of the physical properties - Loon ● Viscosity: The streamlined shape of black-throated loons allow them to efficiently move through air and water. The webbed feet help the birds to move through water. ● Thermal conductivity: The black-throated loon is an endotherm that maintains a constant body temperature. The bird’s feathers trap air and provide insulation. The feathers are covered in a hydrophobic oil which keeps the feathers dry. ● Specific heat capacity: the high specific heat capacity helps the black-throated loon to regulate its body temperature, which is especially important when it is diving into cold water. Where did Earth’s water come from? ● Earth and the other rocky planets of the inner solar system formed by the clumping together of solid particles. ● Water, in the form of ice, was not present, as the temperatures were too high for water to exist as a solid (ice). Any gaseous water would have been moved away by the solar winds. Where did Earth’s water come from? ● Water formed solid particles in the outer solar system as a result of low temperatures, due to the distance from the sun. ● The ice formed objects such as comets and asteroids. Earth's water probably arrived from the asteroids. ● The water probably arrived during the Late Heavy Bombardment, four billion years ago. Where did Earth’s water come from? ● Planet Earth’s gravity retains the liquid water and water vapor on the planet. ● The Earth is in a habitable zone of the solar system where water can exist as liquid water. ● The temperature of Earth is suitable for the water cycle, as water vapor condenses to liquid water, and falls back to the Earth as precipitation. The search for life ● Scientists believe that liquid water is required for life to exist on planets. ● Scientists are searching for exoplanets with liquid water which may support life. ● Planets are in the habitable zone (Goldilocks zone), when their orbit around their star allows liquid water. ● The planet is not too hot and not