2 Chapter I The Problem and its Background This chapter presents the problem under study. This chapter contains introduction, statement of the problem, scope and delimitation of the study, and definition of terms. Introduction In today’s fast-paced society where the demands on productivity and productivity are constantly increasing, individuals often turn to coffee to recharge and improve their cognitive function Coffee dependent to start their day include teachers, who face the unique challenge of staying focused, enthusiasm and perseverance throughout their demanding program understanding the relationship between learning delivery and its impact on teachers mental and emotional well being is not only in their own best interests but is essential to the delivery of quality education for their students as well While the physiological effects of caffeine on alertness and cognitive function are well documented, the effects on mood and emotional state are the subject of ongoing research and debate Impacts can occur This study aims to investigate how coffee beverages affect the nuances of teachers moods and emotions. Through a comprehensive study including subjective self-report, reflection, and qualitative analysis of drinking preferences and consumption patterns, this study seeks to provide valuable insights into the relationship between coffee consumption and emotional well-being among academics. By developing a deeper understanding of how coffee affects teachers moods and emotions, teachers, administrators, and policymakers can better support teachers well- 2 being and performance. Furthermore, the findings of this study may inform strategies for improving the quality of coffee consumption in educational settings, ultimately contributing to a more positive and productive learning environment. Statement of the Problem The general problem of the study is: “How may coffee beverages affect the mood and emotion of teachers of Richwell Colleges, Incorporated?” Specifically, the researchers ought to answer the following questions: 1. How may the demographic profile of the respondents be described in terms of: 1.1 Age; 1.2 Gender; 1.3 Frequency of coffee intake in a day? 2. How may coffee consumption be described? 3. How may Drinking Coffee Affects Teachers Moods and Emotions in terms of: 3.1 Activation; 3.2 Deactivation; 3.3 Pleasantness; and 3.4 Unpleasantness; 4. Do coffee beverages have significant effects to teachers’ moods and emotions? 5. What implications may be drawn from the findings of the study? 6. Base on findings of the study what seminar plan can be proposed after the study? 2 Significance of the Study This study may be deemed significant to the following: Students. The results of this study will be useful to students because it will raise awareness about the effect of coffee on those who drink it which can be more enlightening and they can further expand the correct consumption of drinking coffee. This study is also a general plan not only within the school of Richwell, Colleges, Incoporated, but for all coffee drinkers. Teachers. This study has significance for teachers, because it will provide results in our study about the different types of emotions and moods caused by drinking coffee that causes different behaviors in teaching students of Richwell, Colleges, Incorporated. And this study will help in planning to further develop the skills of teachers in their teaching. Administration. The findings of this study can be a guide for the school administration on what needs to be done to further develop the school of Richwell Colleges Inc., and allow other students to enjoy the school of Richwell Colleges Inc., because of its good management. Academic researchers. The results of the study will also help academic researchers pursue similar research in this field, with the inclusion of other variables not mentioned in the present study. This study can also provide relevant information to future researchers who can conduct related research. 2 Scope and Delimitation The researchers ought to assess the effects of coffee beverages to the moods and emotions of teachers. In this study, the covered respondents are the employed teachers from CHED department of Richwell Colleges, Incorporated for the school year 2023-2024. This study also aims to prove that coffee beverages have a significant effect to teachers’ moods and emotions. The manner in which teachers interact with students and their effectiveness in education can be substantially influenced by their emotional states. If coffee consumption is demonstrated to have beneficial effects on moods and emotions, it could potentially enhance classroom dynamics and academic outcomes. The study's participants consist solely of employed teachers from the CHED department of Richwell Colleges, Incorporated, specifically excluding other employees, students, teachers from other institutions, and individuals who do not consume coffee. Definition of Terms The following terms had been defined for better understanding the study. Activation. According to Russel (1980), Circumplex Model of Emotions, activation refers to the feeling of being alert, excited, elated, and happy. When teachers feel high activation levels whenever they drink coffee, they tend to feel more enthusiastic, engaged, and energized with their surroundings. In general, activation supports the evident experience of happiness in teachers' moods and emotions. Assess. To evaluate the effects of coffee beverages to the teacher’s moods and emotions. 2 Coffee. Coffee is a beverage that contains caffeine, which is a stimulant that can boost mood and energy levels. Coffee Consumption. The amount of coffee consume in a day before it affects the moods and emotions of teachers. Deactivation. According to Russell (1980) Circumplex Model of Emotions, deactivation refers to the feeling of being sad, depressed, bored and fatigued. When teachers feel deactivated after drinking coffee, they tend to feel more sad or depressed, and this feeling may also affect their work performance and how they socialized with their students and co-teachers. Demographic Profile. Refers to the age and gender of teachers of Richwell Colleges, Incorporated. Pleasantness. According to Russell (1980) Circumplex Model of Emotions, pleasantness refers to the feeling of being contented, serene, relaxed and calm. When teachers are having a pleasant feeling after drinking coffee, they tend to be more at ease with their surroundings, resulting to a high level of performance in teaching. Teachers. Main respondents of the study; those who are employed teachers at Richwell Colleges, Incorporated under CHED department for the School Year 2023-2024. Unpleasantness. According to Russell (1980) Circumplex Model of Emotions, unpleasantness refers to the feeling of being upset, stressed, nervous and tense. When teachers are having an unpleasant feeling after drinking coffee, they tend be restless with their surroundings, and this may affect their work performance and how they socialized with their students and co-teachers. 2 Chapter II Review of the Related Literature and Studies 2 This chapter presents the relevant theories, the related literature, the related studies, the conceptual framework, and hypothesis of the study. Theoretical Framework This section contains related theories that related to the study. James-Lange Theory of Emotion. This theory of emotion suggests that emotions occur as a result of physiological reactions to events. In other words, this theory proposes that people have a physiological response to environmental stimuli and that their interpretation of physical response is what leads to emotional experience. An environmental stimuli include smells and tastes, hence coffee can serve as an external stimuli. The cited theory supports that teachers can have a physiological response upon drinking coffee, and depending on how this stimulant be interpreted by the brain is what leads to different emotions that can be experience or feel. To be able assess the effects of coffee to teachers’ moods and emotion, we will conduct a survey in this study. Cognitive Appraisal Theory. This theory is often referred to as the Lazarus theory of emotion. According to this theory, the sequence of events first involves a stimulus, followed by thought, which then leads to the simultaneous experience of a physiological response and the emotion. Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it increases activity in the brain. The brain takes on the function of evaluating a stimulus, such as drinking coffee, and crafting an emotional response like: being happy, relax, calm, nervous and tense. 2 The cited theory support this study to further understand how a stimulus like coffee affects moods and emotions. Arousal Theory of Motivation. The Arousal Theory of Motivation was first proposed by Henry Murray in 1938. This theory suggests that people are driven toward situations and activities that will maintain situations on optimal level of arousal, such as alertness, interest, and energy. If arousal levels are too high, people will seek to reduce tension and stress, and if arousal levels are too low, people will seek to increase energy and alertness. The cited theory supports that coffee can help teachers to maintain their optimal level of arousal; reduce tension and stress; and increase energy and alertness, because coffee promotes arousal by activating pathways that traditionally have been associated with motivational and motor responses in the brain; affecting how we think and feel. Mood Management Theory. Mood management theory, is first referred to as the theory of affect-dependent stimulus arrangement (Zillmann & Bryant, 1985). According to this theory, it is said that managing the mood helps to enhance our moods. It is founded on the basic assumption that individuals are motivated to terminate or alleviate negative affective states and to preserve and intensify positive affect. The cited theory supports that every time an individual feel stress or having any negative emotions, they tend to look for a way to relax. One way to relieve stress and to relax is by drinking a cup of coffee, which is according to research, the caffeine in coffee 2 is what increases the levels of certain chemicals in the brain, such as dopamine and norepinephrine, which can lead to feelings of happiness and euphoria. Related Literature and Studies This section presents the researcher’s analysis on the different literature highlighting the effects of coffee to moods and emotions. Coffee Consumption. In study conducted by Antonella Samoggia et al., (2020), coffee consumption involves a variety of interrelated aspects, including enjoyment, experience, lifestyle, and social standing. Additionally, it can bring you a mental and physical emotional lift. This is related to the current study because of the relativeness of coffee consumption to emotional aspects. This is relevant to the study because it highlights the diversity of coffee consumption. This includes enjoyment, experience, lifestyle, and social status. It emphasizes that coffee can provide both mental and physical emotional uplift. This aligns with the current study's focus on the relationship between coffee consumption and emotional aspects, showcasing how coffee can influence one's mood and emotions positively. Coffee Emotion Lexicon. Xiaojia Hu et al.,(2019), Customers evaluate things on the basis of both their emotional aspects and their physical attributes. The Coffee Drinking Experience (CDE), 2 an English emotion lexicon, was created especially for coffee. Therefore, the aim of this is to: (1) develop Korean and Chinese lexicon for coffee feelings; (2) compare the emotions elicited by different types of coffee; and (3) compare the differences between Chinese and Korean consumers when consuming the identical coffee samples. This is relevant to the study because it underscores that customers assess items based on both their emotional qualities and physical characteristics. They introduced the Coffee Drinking Experience (CDE), an emotion lexicon tailored for coffee, to better understand these emotional aspects. Their study aims to develop lexicons for coffee feelings in Korean and Chinese, compare the emotional responses to various coffee types, and explore differences between Chinese and Korean consumers' reactions to the same coffee samples. This aligns with the current study's investigation into how different types of coffee beverages influence the moods and emotions of teachers, emphasizing the importance of considering both emotional and physical attributes when evaluating coffee experiences. Effects of Caffeine. As mentioned by Daniel T Fuller et al.,(2021), numerous research indicate that genetic variations affect how caffeine affects neurocognition. The findings suggest that the effects of coffee on vigor, tension-anxiety, physical and mental exhaustion were influenced by trait mental and physical fatigue as well as mental energy. This is relevant to the study because it highlights the impact of genetic variations on how caffeine influences neurocognition. Their research indicates that traits such as mental and physical fatigue, as well as mental energy levels, can affect how coffee influences factors like vigor, tension-anxiety, and physical and mental exhaustion. This 2 aligns with the current study's exploration into how different coffee beverages affect the moods and emotions of teachers, suggesting that individual differences in traits and genetic variations may play a role in these effects. Degree of Experience When Drinking Coffee. As stated by Mina Fukuda (2021), It was anticipated that the degree to which caffeinerelated stimuli had an effect would depend on the degree of experience with the pairing of conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US), if classical conditioning was the cause of the shortened reaction time effect. When participants were given coffee, their reaction time was predicted by their years of coffee usage, according to linear mixed modeling. This study is relevant to the study because it suggests that the impact of caffeinerelated stimuli depends on the experience with the pairing of conditioned stimulus (CS) and unconditioned stimulus (US), particularly if classical conditioning is responsible for the shortened reaction time effect. The study found that participants' reaction time when given coffee was correlated with their years of coffee usage. This parallels with the current studies investigation into how coffee beverages influence teachers' moods and emotions, highlighting the potential role of conditioning and experience in the observed effects on reaction time. Dose of Caffeine. In a study conducted by Christopher Irwin et al., (2022), their study looked at how low-dose caffeine from different sources affect both mood/arousal and cognitive function. 2 In five randomized crossover studies, twenty-two subjects (seven women and fifteen men) were given either water control or 80 mg of caffeine from one of four sources (coffee, energy drink, capsule, or dissolve mouth strip). Pre-treatment mood and arousal were assessed, as well as mood and arousal after 15, and 45 minutes after treatment. They also analyzed the participants' perceived effectiveness of these various caffeine sources. Participants finished the psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) 45 minutes after treatment, and they also assessed choice reaction time at 15 and 45 minutes after treatment. Participants' ratings of alertness were both higher and lower when caffeine was present. This study investigates the impact of low-dose caffeine from different sources on mood/arousal and cognitive function. They administered 80 mg of caffeine from various sources (coffee, energy drink, capsule, or dissolve mouth strip) to subjects and assessed mood, arousal, perceived effectiveness, psychomotor vigilance task (PVT) performance, and choice reaction time. The study emphasizes the diverse effects of caffeine from different sources on mood, arousal, and cognitive function, aligning with the current study's focus on assessing how various coffee beverages influence teachers' moods and emotions. Effects on Mood. As stated by Anderson Ribeiro-Carvalho et al., (2022), the most often taken psychoactive chemical worldwide is caffeine. Caffeine usage has been connected to detrimental effects on mood even though it is harmless. Here, it was discussed how caffeine 2 affects behaviors linked to anxiety. These effects rely on a number of variables, including age, gender, mental health, tolerance, and genetic polymorphism. The study is relevant to the current research because it supports that the demographic profile of each respondents such as: age and gender, is one of the variables that could affects moods and emotions whenever they are drinking coffee. Number of cups. According to Mona A. et al., (2020), it is generally accepted that consuming 500– 600 mg of caffeine per day (4-7 cups of coffee) poses a serious risk to one's health and may lead to caffeinism, a syndrome marked by headache, diuresis, anxiety, restlessness, and irritability. This is relevant to the study because it has stated that drinking 4-7 cups of coffee may lead to anxiety, restlessness and irritability which is unpleasant to the feeling. Two to five cups of coffee. According to Fabio Castellana et al., (2021) As for coffee, much scientific attention has been paid to its association with mood and emotion. One cup of coffee every four hours improves mood. Low to moderate doses of caffeine (two to five cups of coffee per day) have been shown to improve hedonic tone (the degree of pleasantness or unpleasantness associated with a given state) and reduce anxiety . This study supports the current study that one cup of coffee has an effect on mood, and 2-5 cups of coffee may lead to teacher’s to feel pleasantness and unpleasantness. Conceptual Framework 2 The conceptual framework of the study is shown in Figure 1 The conceptual model of the study utilized the Input-Output-Process-Outcome Model (IPOO). Input Assessing the effects of drinking coffee beverages to teachers moods and emotions. Process 1. Preparing of quantitative questionnaire. 2. Identify the respondents. 3. Validation of questionnaire 4. Distribution of questionnaire 5. Data gathering 5.1 Survey Questionnaire 6. Statistical treatment 7. Analysis and Data Interpretation Outcome Output Development of a seminar plan regarding the effects of drinking coffee beverages to teacher’s moods and emotions. Seminar Plan Assessed effectiveness Figure 1. Conceptual Model of the Study Figure 1 presents the conceptual model of the study. This study will utilize the Input, Process, Output and Outcome to assess the effects of coffee beverages to teacher’s moods and emotions. 2 The four frames is consisting of the Input, Process, Output and Outcome. The first frame is input which enters the effects of coffee beverages to teacher’s moods and emotions. Whereas the second frame the process reflects the preparation of quantitative questionnaire, Identify the respondents, validation of questionnaire, distribution of questionnaire, gathering of data, statistical treatment, analysis and interpretation of data that can result to the expected outcome which is the third frame referring to development of a seminar regarding the effects of coffee beverages to teachers moods and emotions and the assessed effectiveness of coffee beverages to teachers moods and emotions. The fourth frame is referring to the Seminar plan. Hypothesis of the Study Coffee Beverages has no significant effects to teachers moods and emotions. Chapter III Research Methodology 2 This chapter presents the research design, methods and techniques of the study, population and sample of the study, research instrument, data gathering procedure, data processing and statistical treatment, and data analysis. Research Design This study utilized the descriptive-quantitative research design to gather data on the assessing coffee beverages to teacher's moods and emotions. According to Visali et al. (2024), descriptive sensory evaluation methods and temporal methods have a wide audience in food science because they make it possible to follow perception as closely as possible to the moment when sensations are perceived. The aim of this work was to describe 30 years of research involving temporal methods by mapping the scientific literature using a systematic scoping review. Thus, 363 research articles found from a search in Scopus and Web of Science from 1991 to 2022 were included. Temporal methods are valued for their ability to track perception closely to the moment of sensation. The review extracted data on various aspects of the studies, including subjects, products, descriptors, research design, data analysis, and conclusions drawn. The synthesis of results revealed a significant heterogeneity in how temporal measurements were conducted and the results presented. Critical research gaps were identified, particularly in establishing the validity and reliability of temporal methods, related to implementation details and data analysis. To address these gaps, the study proposed general guidelines, including a template and checklist for reporting data and results, to enhance the quality of future research in this area. 2 This study employs a quantitative research design to assess the impact of coffee beverages on teachers moods and emotions. The research design follows a cross-sectional survey approach, allowing for the collection of data at a specific point in time from a representative sample of teachers in various schools in the Philippines.The primary objective of this study is to examine the relationship between coffee consumption and teachers' moods and emotions. Specifically, the study aims to assess whether there are significant differences in moods and emotions between teachers who consume coffee beverages and those who do not. Teachers who consume coffee beverages will exhibit significantly different moods and emotions compared to those who do not consume coffee. The target population for this study comprises teachers in the Philippines. A random sampling technique will be employed to select a representative sample from different schools. The sample will include teachers of diverse demographics, such as varying ages, genders, and teaching levels, to enhance the generalization of the findings. This design was engaged to quantify the possibility of practical real-life experiences in assessing coffee beverages to teachers' moods and emotions in the mentioned study. The researchers found that this design was the best applicable to use in the study to express the perspective of the respondents on assessing coffee beverages to teachers' moods and emotions. Methods and Techniques of the Study 2 The aim of this study is to assess the effect of coffee beverages to teacher’s moods and emotions. In order to answer the research questions, the researchers will employ descriptive-quantitative method in the study. The researchers will utilize survey and questionnaire to determine the demographic profile of teachers in terms of age and gender. The survey and questionnaire will also determine the effects of coffee to the teachers’ moods and emotions in terms of coffee consumption. Lastly, the researcher will utilize data analysis to gather all the data that the teachers provided in order to assess the effects of coffee beverages to teacher’s moods and emotions. Population and Sample This study will be conducted on employed teachers of Richwell Colleges, Incorporated during the School Year 2023-2024. For the selection of teachers, universal sampling will be used. The respondents of the study are the teachers from CHED department. The researchers used universal sampling because the number of respondents did not meet the minimum sample size for quantitative research. The respondents are also the sample. Research Instrument In gathering necessary data to answer the research problem, the researcher will use survey questionnaire. 2 Part I of the survey questionnaire will ask the demographic profile of the teachers such as age and gender. Part II will be the coffee consumption “0-1 cup, 2-4 cups, 5 or more cups”. Part III will be 5-point Likert scale survey questionnaire for assessing the moods and emotions using circumplex model of emotion. 5 - Strongly Agree 4 - Agree 3 - Neutral 2 - Disagree 1 - Strongly Disagree Factors I feel happy whenever I drink coffee beverages. I feel alert whenever I drink coffee beverages. I feel excited whenever I drink coffee Activation beverages. I feel elated whenever I drink coffee beverages. I feel delighted whenever I drink coffee beverages. 5 4 3 2 1 2 I feel astonished whenever I drink coffee beverages. I feel sad whenever I can’t drink coffee beverages. Deactivation I feel depressed whenever I can’t drink coffee beverages. I feel bored whenever I can’t drink coffee beverages. I feel fatigued whenever I can’t drink coffee beverages. I feel lethargic whenever I can’t drink coffee beverages. I feel contented whenever I drink coffee beverages. Pleasantness I feel serene whenever I drink coffee beverages. I feel relaxed whenever I drink coffee beverages. I feel calm whenever I drink coffee beverages. I feel upset whenever I drink coffee beverages. I feel stressed whenever I drink coffee 2 Unpleasantness beverages. I feel nervous whenever I drink coffee beverages. I feel tensed whenever I drink coffee beverages. I feel frustrated whenever I drink coffee beverages. I feel distressed whenever I drink coffee beverages. Data Gathering Procedure The following procedure will be executed to answer the problem of the study: First, the researchers will select the employed teachers of Richwell Colleges, Incorporated for the School Year 2023-2024. Once the respondents are identified, the researchers will write a letter of permission to the Dean’s Office to conduct the study. Afterwards, letters will also be send to the Department Head of every program to ask permission in conducting data collection. Once the letters are approved, the researcher will identify the number of employed teachers under CHED department to calculate the sample of the study. Following that, the researchers will dispense the survey questionnaires to the teachers, about their 2 demographic profile and coffee consumption. Afterwards, the researchers will collect the survey questionnaires. Once the survey questionnaires are collected, the researchers will tabulate and analyze the responses of the teachers with statistical treatment. From the result, the researchers will use it as the basis to assess the effects of coffee beverages to teacher’s moods and emotions. Data Processing and Statistical Treatment The data gathered will be collected, tallied, and tabulated. Findings will be presented using data visualization through tables. T-test will be utilized to determine the significant differences of teachers who do not drink coffee and teachers who drinks coffee on Richell Colleges Incorporated from CHED department. References 2 Honda. (2010). Early brain-body impact of emotional arousal. Frontiers in HumanNeuroscience, 4. https://doi.org/10.3389/fnhum.2010.00033 Fukuda, M. (2019). Habitual Coffee Drinkers May Present Conditioned Responses from Coffee-Cue. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-019-00542-0 Fuller, D. T., Smith, M. L., & Boolani, A. (2021). Trait Energy and Fatigue Modify the Effects of Caffeine on Mood, Cognitive and Fine-Motor Task Performance: A Post-Hoc Study. Nutrients, 13(2), 412. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu13020412 H, X., & Lee, J. (2019). Emotions elicited while drinking coffee: A cross-cultural comparison between Korean and Chinese consumers. 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