But first what is “Socialization”? The term socialization refers to the process of interaction through which the growing individual learns the habits, attitudes, values and beliefs of the social group into which he has been born. Features of socialization. 1. Embodies basic discipline: Socialization inculcates basic discipline. A person learns to control his impulses through socialization. He/ She may show a disciplined behaviour to gain social approval. 2. Helps to control human behaviour: It helps to control human behaviour. An individual from birth to death undergoes training and his/her behaviour is controlled in various ways. In order to maintain the social order, there are definite procedures or mechanism in society. These procedures become part of the man’s life and man gets adjusted to the society. Through socialization, society intends to control the behaviour of its-members unconsciously. 3. Socialization takes place formally and informally: Formal socialization takes through direct instruction and education in schools and colleges. Family is, however, the primary and the most influential source of education. Children learn their language, customs, norms and values in the family. 4. Socialization is continuous process: Socialization is a life-long process. It does not cease when a child becomes an adult. As socialization does not cease when a child becomes an adult, internalization of culture continues from generation to generation. Society perpetuates itself through the internalization of culture. Its members transmit culture to the next generation and society continues to exist. Agents of Socialization 1. Family: The family plays an outstanding role in the Socialization process. Family plays the most important role in the formation of personality. By the time other agencies contribute to this process family has already left an imprint on the personality of the child. The parents use both reward and punishment to imbibe what is socially required from a child. 2. Peer Group: Peer Group means a group in which the members share some common characteristics such as age or sex etc. It is made up of the contemporaries of the child, his associates in school, in playground and in street. 3. Religion: Religion play a very important role in Socialization. Religion instills the fear of God in the individual so that he should refrain from bad and undesirable activities. Religion not only makes people religious but helps individual connect with their spiritual self and hence guides decisions they make. 4. Educational Institutions: Parents and peer groups are not the only agencies of the Socialization in modern societies. Every civilized society therefore has developed a set of formalized agencies of education (schools, colleges and universities) which have a great bearing on the Socialization process. It is in the educational institutions that the culture is formally transmitted and acquired in which the science and the art of one generation is passed on to the next. 5. Occupation (Job): In the occupational world the individual finds himself with new shared interests and goals. He makes adjustments with the position he holds and also learns to make adjustment with other workers who may occupy equal or higher or lower position. Why Socialization is important to every society’s wellbeing. Why should individuals in a society – born or stranger – be well socialized (oriented)? The process of socialization is important from the point of view of society as well as from the point of view of individual. Every society is faced with the necessity of making a responsible member out of each child born into it. The child must learn the expectations of the society so that his behaviour can be relied upon. 1. It is the process by which the new born individual, as he grows up, acquires the values of the group and is molded into a social being. 2. A child’s self emerges through the process of socialization. The self, the core of personality, develops out of the child’s interaction with others. 3. Socialization teaches skills. Only by acquiring needed skills individual fit into a society. 4. Socialization inculcates basic disciplines, ranging from toilet habits to method of science and with regard to accepted sexual behaviour. 5. In the process of socialization a child get to know the appropriate social roles that the individual is expected to play. Concept Of Discipline and Indisipline What then is Discipline and Indiscipline? Discipline is an ACT/ACTION (way of living or behaving) that conforms to rules and regulations whether existing or newly created in a society. Disciplined people RESPECT, ACKNOWLEDGE and OBEY the set laws (conventional or legally stated) of the society. Discipline brings about HARMONY, PEACE, TRANQUILITY within a society WHILE Indiscipline is also an ACT/ACTION (way of living or behaving) that does not conform to rules and regulations whether existing or newly created in a society. Indiscipline people do not ABIDE BY the societal HIGH MORAL STANDARDS. Indiscipline destroys the PEACE, HARMONY and TRANQUILITY within a society. Examples of Indiscipline 1. Lateness 2. Bribery and Corruption 3. Substance and Drug Abuse 4. Neglect of Responsibility 5. Prostitution, Armed Robbery etc. 6. Bullying 7. Misuse of Social Media Platforms So now what dangers are there when there is indiscipline in today’s youth? Well, it can lead to serious issues that make the society frown at and can lead to serious problems Like; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Retards Growth Delays Progress of Work/ Projects Stains Family Honour Financial Burdens Tarnishes society or country image (locally and Internationally How can various agencies of socialization help to reduce the increase in indiscipline IN FAMILIES, there is a rule and that rule is that if there is no punishment then there is reward and viceversa to help shake the indiscipline of the child. Or in schools that are setup in there to make sure that the students remain in their best behavior or else there will be dealt with seriously by the authorities. In the end, all of the agents have a way to remove the indiscipline from the child.