Gov Chapter 3 Why does federalism matters During obamas presidency texas sued the national government nealy 50 times What is federalism? A system of government in which power is divided between a central government and regional governments o This has steered up many political diputes o o Federalism Allows a lot of flexibility and policy experimentation Prevents overreach as states and the federal gov. Check each other's powers Harder for the government to act in a clear and uniform manner The government is closer to the people Greater accountibility for gov Centralized government At times state governments were not responsive to the needs of their people and the federal government had to step in There is value in having uniform policies throughout the nation - Government distrust in bad for a nation in order to get shit done - Federalism in the constitution Under the articles of confederation, the national government had limited power The national government is sovereign deriving its power from the people o The supremacy clause states that the constitution is the supreme law of the land Prevented state from acting in ways that was inconsistent with the US Constitution Increased national power (really regards with defense and foreign policy) The 10th amendment protects states from over expantion of national power o States derive their sovereignty form the people and state constitutions o States have their own sepeprate powers and resposibilities Elastic Clause provides support for implied national powers o The FULL FAITH AND CREDIT CLAUSE declares that each state must recognize the “public acts, records, and judicial proceedings of every other state” Public policy exception Early constitutional debates The controversy over the federal system divided Americans Nullification Crisis in 1833 McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) and Gibbons v. Ogden (1824) Chief justice Marshall played a prominent role in expanding the power of the national government Federalism in the constitution: The civil War Amendments and increased national power End of civil war started the Era of Reconstruction o Oeriod during which the south was under military occupation, endind the remnats od confederate secession and abolishing slavery o Can a state secede from the union?