National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathkal Department of Chemical Engineering Process Calculations Assignment III 1. How many moles of K2CO3 will contain 117 Kg K? 2. Find the equivalent weights of (a) CO3 radical and (b) Na2CO3. 3. Sodium chloride weighing 600 kg is mixed with 200 kg potassium chloride. Find the composition of the mixture in (a) weight % and (b) mole %. 4. A saturated solution of salicylic acid in methanol contains 64 kg salicylic acid per 100 kg methanol at 298 K (25°C). Find (a) the weight % and (b) mole % composition of the solution. 5. By titration, it was found that a sample of water contains alkalinity equivalent to 500 mg/l (ppm) CaCO3. Assuming that the water contains temporary hardness in Ca(HCO3)2 form, find the Ca(HCO3)2 content of water. 6. A solution of caustic soda in water contains 20% NaOH (by weight) at 333 K (60°C). The density of the solution is 1.196 kg/l. Find the molarity, normality and molality of the solution. 7. The concentration of CO2 is measured to be 0.206 kmol per kmol monoethanolamine (MEA) in a 20% (by weight) aqueous MEA solution. Assuming the density of the solution to be nearly 1.0 kg/l, find the concentration of CO2 as weight% and mole% in the solution. 8. Cracked gas from a petroleum refinery has the following composition by volume: Methane 45%, Ethane 10%, Ethylene 25%, Propane 7%, Propylene 8%, and n-Butane 5%. Find (a) the average molecular weight of the gas mixture, (b) the composition by weight and (c) the specific gravity of the gas mixture. ----------------------------------------------------paper ends-----------------------------------------------