Machine Learning S10 (Neurons) ENGR. MARK MANLAPAZ A Simple Model of a Neuron The Brain ➢Made of millions of neurons ➢Biological neural network ➢Each neuron performs a very modest cognitive function ➢Combination of these function results in the brain’s mental ability Neurons A Simple Model of a Neuron How a Neuron Classifies How a Neuron Classifies Bias Inputs ➢A weighted sum is a linear function ➢It has a weight assigned to each input ➢An independent input is needed to move the line vertically ➢This bias input is always set to 1 ➢The bias has its own weight Bias Term Bias Term Bias Term Refined Model of a Neuron Weighted Sums Values aren’t constrained, so a sum may result in: ➢A very large value ➢A very small value It’s a linear function: ➢The threshold to “fire” is not very well modeled ➢It’s not easily trained Weighted Sums Linear Function Activation Function Activation Functions ➢ Model the desired threshold behavior ➢Constraint output values ➢Provide nonlinearity to the neuron ➢Enable training by backpropagation Binary Step Function ➢Limits output between 0 and 1 ➢Outputs are exactly 0 or 1 Logistic or Sigmoid Function ➢Limits output between 0 and 1 ➢Outputs are real numbers between 0 or 1 Hyperbolic Tangent Function ➢Limits output between -1 and 1 ➢Outputs are real numbers between -1 and 1 Rectified Linear Unit Function (ReLU) ➢Limits outputs to positive values ➢It is unbounded for positive values