Ver. 1/TK Curriculum Fall 2021: Eksternt Årsregnskab/Financial Accounting Literature HHTTS: W.T. Harrison, C.T. Horngren, C.W. Thomas, W. M. Tietz, and T. Suwardy, 2017: Financial Accounting: International Financial Reporting Standards, 11th Global edition, Pearson. Additional material on Brightspace (Add.): A: Note on Chart of accounts B: Schematic Balance Sheet C: Value Added Tax (VAT) D: Non-current assets note E: Income Statement by Nature and Function F: The contents of financial statements, EU-directives and regulation G: Revenue Recognition and Percentageof-completion method H: Depreciation Methods I: Deferred Tax J: Group Accounting Illustrative example K: Additional assignments for tutorials L: Additional assignments for study cafés M: HHTTS-Appendix B (from Pearsons homepage) The course consists of Lectures (L), Tutorials (T), Study Cafés (C), and Online resources Week Lesson 36 37 38 39 40 Subject Literature/Assignments L1 Conceptual Framework and Financial Statements HHTTS ch. 1 + Add. A L2 Recording business transactions HHTTS ch. 2 + Add. A T1 Intro, Financial Statements, Conceptual Framework Add. K Exercise 1; Add. M PC-1+2a+5; HHTTS E1-21A+22A, P1-56A, Ethical Issue 1.1 Online Accounting Equation and Vocabulary 13 assignments L3 Recording business transactions, Schematic Balance Sheet, VAT Add. A + B + C L4 Accrual Accounting HHTTS ch. 3 T2 Recording business transactions, Schematic Balance Sheet, VAT Add. K Exercise 2; HHTTS Decision Case 2.2, P2-72B, E3-37B Online T-accounts 10 assignments L5 Preparation of Financial Statements HHTTS, ch. 4 + Add. D L6 Presentation of Financial Statements – BS, P/L and CF Statements HHTTS, ch. 4 + Add. A + E + F T3 Accrual Accounting and Preparation of Financial Statements Add. K Exercise 3; HHTTS E3-41B Online Trial balance and T-accounts 10 assignments C7-8 Study Café No. 1 Add. L, Study Café No. 1 T4 Accrual Accounting and Preparation of Financial Statements Add. K Exercise 4; HHTTS Decision Case 3.2 L9 Income Recognition and Percentage-ofCompletion method Add. G L10 Cash and Receivables HHTTS, ch. 5 (pp. 255-280 can be skipped) T5 Percentage-of-Completion method Add. K Exercise 5; HHTTS E3-34B, Ethical Issue 3.2 Online Revenue, Cash and Receivables 11 assignments Page 1 of 2 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 L11 Inventory and Merchandizing Operations HHTTS, ch. 6 L12 The Statement of Cash Flows and Shareholders’ Equity HHTTS, ch. 10 + 11 (pp. 568-582 can be skipped) T6 Cash, Receivables and Inventory Add. K Exercise 6+7 Online Inventory and Cash Flow Statement 11 assignments C13-14 Study Café No. 2 Add. L, Study Café No. 2 T7 First home assignment with individual feedback – deadline Friday week 42 (=22/10) Add. K Exercise 8; HHTTS Decision Case 5.3+6.1, Ethical Issue 3.1+11.1 L15 PPE and intangibles HHTTS, ch. 7 + Add. H L16 PPE and intangibles HHTTS, ch. 7 + Add. H T8 The Statement of Cash Flows and Shareholders’ Equity Feedback, Add. K Exercise 9; HHTTS Decision Case 11.1+11.2 Online PPE and Depreciation 11 assignments L17 Liabilities HHTTS, ch. 9 L18 Liabilities HHTTS, ch. 9 + Add. M T9 PPE and intangibles Add. K Exercise 10; HHTTS P7-66A, Decision Case 7.1 Online Liabilities 10 assignments C19-20 Study Café No. 3 Add. L, Study Café No. 3 T10 Liabilities Add. K Exercise 11+12 L21 Financial Statement Analysis and Leasing HHTTS, ch. 12 + ch. 9 (p. 530-535) L22 Deferred tax Add. I T11 Liabilities, Leasing, and Financial Statement Analysis Add. K Exercise 13; HHTTS Ethical Issue 9.1, Decision Case 12.1+12.3 Online Financial Statement Analysis 8 assignments C23-24 Study Café No. 4 Add. L, Study Café No. 4 T12 Leasing and deferred tax Add. K Exercise 14+15 L25 Group Accounting HHTTS, ch. 8 + Add. J L26 Group Accounting HHTTS, ch. 8 + Add. J T13 Group Accounting Add. K Exercise 16+17 Online Group Accounting 10 assignments C27 Study Café No. 5 Add. L, Study Café No. 5 T14 Second home assignment with individual feedback - deadline Friday week 49 (=10/12) Available on BB Friday week 48 (=3/12) L28 Follow-up and Exam Training T15 Preparation of Financial Statements and misc. Page 2 of 2 Feedback and exam prep, Add. K Exercise 18