Lab Report #9 To: Dr. Atherton, Instructor From: Haylee Brewer Date: November 26th, 2024 Re: Characteristics of Photovoltaics – Power to the Load Summary: This experiment explores the relationship between the voltage and maximum power output of a solar cell. It demonstrates that the electrical load on the solar cell is influenced by more than just the size of the cell itself. Using a potentiometer, the activity investigates the concept of maximum power transfer, where the power delivered to the load is optimized when the load impedance matches the impedance of the sola cell. Collected Data: P = V^2 / R 2.01 V^2 / 98.3 ohms = 0.0411 mW 2.38 V^2 / 117.8 ohms = 0.0481 mW 3.00 V^2 / 149.9 ohms = 0.06004 mW 4.29 V^2 / 215.3 ohms = 0.0855 mW 6.40 V^2 / 327.2 ohms = 0.1252 mW 5.28 V^2 /265.2 ohms = 0.1051 mW 7.34 V^2 / 464.21 ohms = 0.1161 mW 7.72 V^2 / 1054 ohms = 0.0565 mW 7.76 V^2 / 1478.5 ohms =0.0407 mW 7.81 V^2 / 2161.9 ohms = 0.0282 mW 7.82 V^2 / 3255.4 ohms = 0.0188 mW POWER mW 140 125,1834 116,0587 105,1222 120 Power mW 100 80 60 85,4812 60,04 48,0849 41,0997 56,545 40,72885 28,2141 18,37849 40 20 0 Resistance ohms Conclusion: The data collected shows a gradual increase in voltage, but power initially rises and then reaches a peak before declining. This behavior is due to the efficiency of power transfer from the solar cell. The maximum power transfer occurred with a 327.2-ohm resistor, yielding a power output of 125.18 mW. This is because the resistance of the load matched the internal resistance of the solar cell. Resistors greater than 300 ohms resulted in lower power output, despite higher voltage. In conclusion, selecting the appropriate resistor that matches the internal resistance of the solar cell ensures maximum power transfer.