lesson #4

Science Lesson Plan
Student Teacher:
Date of
Lesson Title/Description: Ohms Law
Lesson #4 of 9
Time Allotted for this Lesson:
EL.HS.RE. 17 Synthesize information
found in various parts of charts, tables,
diagrams, glossaries, or related gradelevel text to reach supported conclusions
Objective 1.3, At their desks in groups of two
students will be able to correctly demonstrate
ohms law with the calculation of resistance
Pre-Requisite Knowledge and/or Skills:
A. Prior Knowledge:
B. Pre-Requisite Skills
C. Scientific Vocabulary
Prep & Setup
Procedure: Teacher Does……….
Procedure: Students Do……..
Time Motivation/Hook:
Use the students “homework” to
create different problems that
allow the students to see how
their devices relate to the
classroom, by using the watts of
the devices to calculate amps,
Expand upon the previous lesson
by incorporating Ohms Law.
Current(A) =voltage
differrnace(V)/resistance (Ω)
Students will come to the board and
solve for other students devices.
Students will take notes
Group Application:
Group Application:
Independent Application:
Independent Application:
Now instruct the students t apply Students will put on paper the
the ohms law to their device and calculations required to help them
figure out what the resistance is
determine the resistance of their device.
for their device.
Show a typical electric bill and
As an exit ticket have the students
have students calculate how
calculate their bill for their device.
much it takes to run their device
per month. Ex. Microwave 700W
X 10 min/day X 30 day=?
Meeting Varying Needs of Students:
Once again there is extensive mathematics involved with this lesson. One on one
help will be a great way to assist the students. Large group work up on the board
will also provide help to those putting it on the board.
Evidence collected during this lesson: Objective 1.3, At their desks in groups of two
students will be able to correctly demonstrate ohms law with the calculation of resistance
2. Summative assessment is ______days from this lesson.
1. How did the students do re: the objectives, and how do you know?
2. Describe any changes you made as you were teaching the lesson.
3. What would you change about this lesson plan? Pay attention to situations
where students either did not learn or already knew.
4. How did the results of this lesson influence the way that you will teach in the