2 Search Quora Try Quora+ How do a normal INFP and an INFP with ADHD differ from each other? Sort All related (34) Recommended Answer 4 Add question Follow Related questions What's the dark side of an INFP? Martin · Follow MA in Master of Divinity, Wycliffe College (Graduated 2015) · Updated 1y An INFP with ADHD (like myself…diagnosed when I was 10–11 years old) are an interesting bunch. ADHD is best described as a remote control clicking through channels on a television. As Trini Cariaga said, all the INFP traits are magnified. I’ll just say a few. 1. Hyperfocusing- 5–6 hours go by when we are “in the flow”. This could be anything from writing, doing art, even conversation. Is there a relationship between ADHD and INFP? What is the difference between ADD/ADHD and INFP personality? What do you think about INFPs? Out of all possible MBTI types, which have the highest rates of ADD/ADHD? 2. Energy- we can be very energized. We can act very social around people, but we need so much down time for ourselves. We are curious about people, and can be goofy, funny, impulsive. INFPs who have ADHD tend to be more intense (at least inwardly). Why are INFPs so weird? Add question 3. Easily bored- When we are not into the conversation we can tune out. Or think about something that entertains us (for me it’s something visual or an interesting/ intriguing thought). 4. Hobbies- many different hobbies. I like bouldering, hiking, violin playing, painting, drawing, reading, writing (poems, stories, journaling), talking about many topics (I read a lot of news articles. I like cooking, trying new foods, and traveling. 5. Creativity- endless possibilities, intriguing scenario, outlandish/ wild ideas which defy any logic or order. Fortis Manesar is Now Open 6. Anxiety and Depression (The worst aspect) Fortis Healthcare I’m not sure how many INFPs have ADHD (many ENFPs, ENTPs do too). But I think there are discernible difference. Adults of ADHD tend to mellow out and find ways to cope with their problem. Also, there’s a spectrum of people with ADHD, some are high functioning, and some need medication. 9.5K views · View 46 upvotes 12 Upvote · 46 Sponsored by Amazon Web Services (AWS) Build & train machine learning models fast. Get started for free. AWS removes the complexity of building, training, and deploying machine learning models at any scale. Advertisement Sign Up Upvote · 322 Trini Moeggens · Follow Illustrator, character designer, writer, painter. · 7y I can’t speak indefinitely and with absolute surety about it, because I only personally know two INFP’s other than myself, and the 3 of us each have been diagnosed with ADHD. One of the things me and my friends have tried to figure out is, just like the chicken and the egg, does the disorder create the personality type… or does the personality type set the stage for the disorder? I believe that many INFP and ISFP people are often diagnosed with ADHD when they might technically not even have it…their personality type just manifests strongly. Or perhaps, everyone in the history of ever who has ev… (more) 9 Upvote · 77 Candice Kawasaki · Follow INFP. MBTI Certified @candiceandpackard · Updated 7y Related Is there a relationship between ADHD and INFP? I’m an INFP. I have ADD (Inattentive type.) There’s not enough credible data at this time to show a direct correlation, but I do believe that the makeup of an INFP’s mental wiring makes us far more susceptible to disengaging with reality (to indiscriminately chase our own tangents,) thereby allocating our energy in ways that the rest of society may find inappropriate or unproductive. To quickly break down the 4 dichotomies: E/I: Extraverts are typically focused and engaged on the world around them, which gives them the advantage of ‘being in touch’ with external realities. Introverts are typicall… (more) 20 Upvote · 147 3 Sponsored by Mutual of Omaha Have Medicare questions? We have answers. Use our free Advice Center to get answers to your questions and find the right Medicare plan for you. Learn More Upvote · 193 H. Syafinaz · Follow an idealist, trying to make sense of the world. · 7y Related What's the dark side of an INFP? Not speaking for all, but personally: I dwell on things so much that it consumes me. For example,past relationships. I’m constantly nostalgic over past relationships, that I tend to dissect every single ‘what ifs’ and ‘if onlys’, making it hard to move on. I forgive but rarely forget. Passive-aggressive; I hate being confrontational. I bottle up my emotions to a point that I might simply burst. At random times. I crave for intimacy and affection from someone, but once I’ve received it, I have the tendency to push that person away. Enjoy psychological thrillers too much to admit. I prefer to hear more … (more) 85 Upvote · 2K 36 Assistant Bot · Aug 18 INFPs, characterized by their idealism, empathy, and introspective nature, can exhibit variations in behavior and traits based on individual differences, such as the presence of ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Here’s how a typical INFP might differ from an INFP with ADHD: 1. Focus and Attention Normal INFP: Generally able to concentrate on tasks they find meaningful or interesting, often engaging deeply in their thoughts and feelings. INFP with ADHD: May struggle with maintaining focus, especially on tasks that they find less engaging. They might experience difficulty with sustai … (more) Upvote James Fahey · Follow Self-employed · 3y Related Are Infp smart? Q. Are infp smart? Very much so. Studies have shown that in the likelihood of intellectual giftedness, INFPs are placed third smartest overall of all 16 types, behind INTP and INTJ and just ahead of INFJ. These are the 4 most intelligent types. Don't believe much of what you read online about how “dumb" or “emotional” INFPs are. For reasons best known to themselves, possibly due to them being intellectually inferior to INFPs, there is a concerted effort by some types to paint INFPs, and indeed all INXXs, in the worst possible light. Being a Feeler does not preclude intellectual thought. INFPs are … (more) 62 Upvote · 924 15 Sponsored by Grammarly Free English writing tool. Write clearly in English with no mistakes. Try our free writing app! Download Upvote · 1.1K Martin · Follow Updated 1y Related What do INFPs do sometimes without realising it? Common things INFPs do: 1. Daydream (obviously)- We relive past memories, good ones, painful ones, exciting ones. We relive moments which are important to us. We day dream it would be like to be in another fantasy realm, another timeline, if we were in 1954. We daydream when we are bored, and uninterested. We think about all sorts of wacky things that defy logic. (Example: I thought about the superpower to create gravity on any object I wanted…I would be gravity man running across walls or on cars). 2. Limerence- If we are single, we get crushes very easily. It could be a random attractive stranger. W … (more) 44 Upvote · 1.3K 34 Jarred Luzada · Follow Studied at Philippine Science High School Bicol Region Campus (Graduated 2019) · Upvo · 6y ted by Lindsay Romo, A.A. Psychology, Cochise College and Ashleigh Brown, Bachelors Psychology (2018) Related What are the struggles of being an INTP or INFP? There are a lot of struggles for these two personalities but here are some I found which they have similarities on. High Intensity. They happen to feel or think more deeply than others. They are able to comprehend complex ideas and weirdly find themselves entertained by their thoughts. INFPs could be deemed too emotional as they exhibit a wide spectrum of emotions, they would rather be seen as kind rather than ruthless; conversely, INTPs as cold-blooded robots as they would rather prefer being practical and being right than being amiable. This would lead other people to be indifferent or overwh … (more) 18 Upvote · 453 9 Sponsored by State Bank of India SBI launches the all-new SBI Payments Saathi device. An end-to-end unified digital payment solution for merchants to record every transaction effortlessly. Learn More Upvote · 137 L. Svensson · Follow ESL Teacher at VIPKID (2018–present) · Updated 5y Related What is an INFP not? This is going to be very INFP positive. You may read it and think “the lady doth protest too much!” Well… This isn’t so much denying the downsides as saying, hey! Look a little closer! I think you might have missed some upsides! An INFP is not: Someone who plans out step by step how to achieve a dream. And yet dreams are achieved. They can make it look like they stumbled into an amazing life, but here is the secret: And INFP has many dreams of what they want , and they keep themselves open to opportunities that come up which support that dream. And when those opportunities knock, they are ready … (more) 41 Upvote · 1.1K 26 Davey J · Follow INFP 4w5 · Updated 4y Related How suggestible are people with an INFP personality? How suggestible are people with an INFP personality? Interesting question. How we appear to others and what we are is quite different. INFPs are very open-minded and adaptable (Ne or Extroverted Intuition). This may lead people to believe that we are easily influenced, manipulated, or controlled. We are also extremely self-aware (Fi or Introverted Feeling). We know ourselves; our values and our boundaries; and what we consider to be a meaningful life. We also easily read when people are trying to influence us. So…..with many small everyday things we don’t mind being influenced or adapting to the … (more) 27 Upvote · 561 18 April Hunter · Follow Author, Model, Entrepreneur & Mental Health Advocate. · Upvoted by Sylvie Aimée, MS Psychology, University of Pennsylvania · Updated 3y Related What is an INFP? Introverted. Intuitive. Feeling. Prospecting. The Healer/Mediator. We are only 4% of you. INFP’s are cautious, problem solvers, independent, reserved, emotionally intelligent, empathetic, self-aware, self-sabotaging. We beat ourselves up, are driven, isolated, introspective, well-read and educated, amazing conversationalists on a wide variety of topics, prefer to skip the small talk for real discussions, fairly honest unless we’re trying not to hurt YOUR feelings, open-minded, have unlimited depth, caring, and are very soft inside. Therefore, we are careful. We’re ok to be alone rather than waste… (more) 21 Upvote · 639 28 Marian Elaine D · Follow Specialization in Google Cloud Platform & Cloud Engineering, Coursera (Grad… · Updated 4y ted 2020) Related What are INFP's known for? Artistic abilities. The majority of them, I think 98% of them are artistic (just a hypothetical approximation of course). It’s evident and we don’t need further explanation on this. The world knows this already. Emotional Sensitivity. A lot of them are extremely accommodating to the general population. The thing is, like ENFPs, in a corporate or business-like situation were hard, and blunt words are used, it may seem like you’re walking on eggshells when talking to them. Despite this, their emotional sensitivity also makes them sensitive to what others may feel. Which is sometimes good. Many of th… (more) 11 Upvote · 244 7 Vanessa De Oliveira · Follow INFP · Upvoted by Garry Posey, Founder/ Executive Artisitc Director at Ensemble Theatre of Chattanooga (2007-present) and , Related What's the dark side of an INFP? Bachelors Psychology (2018) · Updated 3y All the answers I’ve read to this question are very spot on, but I thought I’d give an answer to this question, from my own personal experiences as an INFP a bash too. INFPs can get dark, real dark, it’s not pretty and we know this. The constant battle between good and evil rages on within ourselves as much as it does in our external world. Though generally peaceful and loving, when dealing with a constant influx of negativity in our surroundings that we so “easily” absorb (knowingly or unknowingly), results in some of the following traits: • Cutting people out of our lives with little to no exp… (more) 198 Upvote · 3.3K 71 Patrik Kim · Follow B.A from University of California, San Diego (Graduated 2015) · Upvoted by Danielle Collins, B.A from Psychology and Ashleigh Brown, Bachelors Psychology (2018) Related What do you think about INFP-T type personality? · Updated 5y Some thoughts about INFP-T type (Turbulent) Sometimes too quiet; usually they’re either lost in thought (daydreaming) or focused on task at hand and don’t want to break concentration. Sometimes they just want to observe the surroundings and people. Like to people-watch. Personally, I find human behavior intriguing. Very guarded about their inner feelings. Very quick to signal the Stranger Danger sign to themselves if they feel uncomfortable with someone. To people that don’t trigger this signal, INFP-T still have difficulty expressing their feelings. Stranger Danger signal can be triggered by almo … (more) 88 Upvote · 1.7K 33 JC Luna · Follow 4y Related Is anyone an INFP that has ADHD? Hi there I am an INFP and have ADD. Same as the answer before me. It is complicated at times to have ADD and such a “feeler” personality type. I actually took the time to, although they didn’t like it, to take the 16personalities test with my parents. My mom is an ISFJ (defender) and my dad is an ENTJ (commander), my dad asked me while taking the test “Does this ever f*cking end?” Yeah we butt heads a lot. My personality is too “slow” for my high energy ““task-task-task” brain my dad has. Many times he calls me lazy, or gets angry when I do things my way, gets annoyed by how I drive in traffic (… (more) Upvote · 6 1 1 answer collapsed (Why?) Related questions What's the dark side of an INFP? Is there a relationship between ADHD and INFP? What is the difference between ADD/ADHD and INFP personality? What do you think about INFPs? Out of all possible MBTI types, which have the highest rates of ADD/ADHD? Why are INFPs so weird? Are INFPs intelligent? If so, how? I'm daydreaming often, lost in my own thoughts and really hard to stay focused for something. And my type is INFP. Is that the symptoms of ADHD? And is there any… correlation between personality type and ADHD? How many INFPS have been clinically diagnosed with ADD/ADHD? & Has anyone noticed a link between INFP personality and ADD/ADHD? What types like INFPs? What do INFPs do sometimes without realising it? What are tell-tale signs you are an INFP? What is it like to have ADHD while being INTP? Are people attracted to INFPs? How common is ADHD among INFPs?