Uploaded by michael soria


Example: A student has been diagnosed with severe ADHD and has just begun taking the proper
medication. The student has a short attention span and cannot perform to the same degree as
other students in their grade.
● https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/attention-deficit-hyperactivity-disorderadhd/index.shtml
● https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/adhd/index.html
● https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/adhd/what-is-adhd
● Have clear expectations, give short concise directions, and establish a routine that
stays the same
● Allow the student to take 15-20 min brain breaks
● Establish a nonverbal cue between teacher and student for behavior monitoring
● Provide supervision during transitions, disruptions and field trips
● Engage in the student’s passions and provide a hook when teaching a lesson
● Positively reinforce appropriate behavior
● Allow the student to run errands or to stand at times while working
● Sit the student away from distractions
● Establish a school and home behavior management plan
● Provide peer assistance in note taking and ask student questions to encourage
participation and discussion
Allow extra time for students to complete work assignments
Pair written instructions with oral instructions
Have a place where the student can calm down
Use picture cue cards to remind the student of what they should be doing.
Provide training to all staff who will be working with the student
Have the student use an organizer to keep track of assignments
Adjust the expected time it will take to complete an assignment to accommodate the
student’s attention span.
Provide a time for the student to release their energy and move around and socialize
Have student write down directions or write them on the board
Provide student with “fidget items” during instructional periods
Go over classroom rules and display the rules in the room