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5S Implementation in Plastic Bag Manufacturing: A Case Study

Cleaner Engineering and Technology 8 (2022) 100488
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Implementation of 5S in a plastic bag manufacturing industry: A case study
M.M. Shahriar, M.S. Parvez *, M.A. Islam, S. Talapatra
Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna, Bangladesh
Lean manufacturing
Process improvement
Lead time
Non-value-adding operation
Two of the eight wastes included in the lean manufacturing concept are ‘Waiting’ and ‘Motion’. They waste
precious operating time and slow down the manufacturing cycle. The major purpose of this study is to use 5S, a
lean manufacturing strategy, for reducing these two wastes. The study was conducted at a plastic bag
manufacturing company in Bangladesh. The manufacturing process of plastic bags consists of three operations:
blowing, printing, and sealing. All activities and sub-processes were recorded, examined, and classified into
value-adding and non-value-adding operations, with idle times calculated for each operation. An appropriate
step-by-step 5S technique was developed and executed to improve the operational efficiency of the blowing and
printing operations by eliminating extra motions and waiting time spent searching for tools. Following the
deployment of 5S in these areas, the total operational time was reduced by 8% for blowing and 18% for printing.
The assessment was carried out satisfactorily and is documented in this report. Through this study, a window of
opportunity for improvement has been explored, which may motivate other researchers to consider applying the
5S tool in their particular research areas as a tool to reduce non-value-adding operational time.
1. Introduction
Toyota coined the phrase “lean manufacturing” in the 1950s with the
purpose of removing waste or non-value-added operations from a
manufacturing process. Positive benefits have been established for de­
cades in achieving production efficiency and reducing waste through the
implementation of lean manufacturing techniques. Value stream map­
ping (VSM), Kanban, Kaizen, Standard work, 5S, 8 wastes, Total Pro­
ductive Maintenance (TPM), single minute exchange of dies (SMED),
GEMBA, and failure mode effects analysis (FMEA) are some of the wellknown techniques for manufacturing facilities nowadays. The purpose
of using all of these tools and techniques is to reduce all forms of waste
by implementing less human effort, less inventory, less cost, and less
time to produce products while delivering high quality goods in the most
effective and economical way while maintaining long-term competi­
tiveness and customer satisfaction (Radnor et al., 2012). Defects, over­
production, overprocessing, waiting, transportation, inventory, motion,
and non-utilized talent are the eight types of waste defined in the lean
manufacturing concept (Ahmed and Chowdhury, 2018). All activities in
the manufacturing process can be classified as Value Adding (VA),
Non-Value Adding (NVA) and Support activities. Value-adding activities
are defined as activities that transform a product that customers wish to
pay for. Non-value-adding activities are those activities that add costs to
the product without adding any value, and the cost will not be paid by
the customer (Agrahari et al., 2015). They are considered waste. Support
activities do not directly add value to the product but are required to
execute the value-adding activities, for which customers do not pay.
There must be some loss of motion and time when an excessive number
of supporting activities are required to perform a single value-adding
activity. In this aspect, lean approaches lead to significant benefits in
the reduction of non-value-adding operations as waste. VSM is a tool
that maps the process, identifies process gaps, and claims the process
improvement part in a systematic manner. SMED decreases
non-value-adding operational time by reducing process changeover time
by making internal processes external. TPM also claims to be a very
successful cost-cutting technique by organizing effective and responsive
maintenance processes. All of these lean technologies are designed to
fulfill the same purpose as lean manufacturing, which is to eliminate
Lean manufacturing techniques has been used in previous researches
as tools to reduce operational lead time by removing non-value-adding
or idle operational time. The 5S method is the cornerstone of the lean
manufacturing system. It is a technology invented by Hiroyuki Hirano in
Japan in the 1980s. Ho et al. (1995) considers 5S an industrial technique
that makes an organization different from the rest. Through imple­
menting 5S methodology, management can build a secure, healthy, and
* Corresponding author. Department of Industrial Engineering and Management, Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna, 9203, Bangladesh.
E-mail address: msp.ipe@iem.kuet.ac.bd (M.S. Parvez).
Received 6 September 2021; Received in revised form 26 February 2022; Accepted 27 February 2022
Available online 8 April 2022
2666-7908/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/bync-nd/4.0/).
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safe working environment, and it can ensure compliance with standards,
which will promote quality improvement within the organization (Sor­
ooshian et al., 2012). The 5S concept emphasizes simplifying the work
environment, managing productive workplaces, and reducing waste
while promoting health and safety (Cirjaliu and Draghici, 2016). This
also seeks to create a better management culture and staff that can up­
hold good practices.
5S is a cleaning tool that encourages cleaner manufacturing in a
systematic way. It not only brightens the production floor, but it also
helps to clean up the entire process by reducing waste. By planning,
managing, and regulating the production process, 5S makes a process
easier, saves operational space, capital, and time, and produces goods
with fewer defects. It establishes a disciplined, clean, and well-organized
work atmosphere (Chapman, 2005). 5S is not only about housekeeping,
it is a method that has proved its importance in warehouse mapping
(Oey and Nofrimurti, 2018) and cost control of inventories (Randhawa
and Ahuja, 2017a), in the healthcare sector for efficient patient response
(Kanamori et al., 2015), in operational room settings (Nazarali et al.,
2017), in school settings (Jiménez et al., 2015), in power plants for
enhancing maintenance safety (Duran et al., 2017) and in increasing
process quality and efficiency (Sharma and Lata, 2018). 5S is the pre­
requisite for the implementation of certain effective optimization tools,
such as TPM (Singh et al., 2013), SMED (Ribeiro et al., 2019), System
Dynamic Model (Omogbai and Salonitis, 2017) and AHP (Analytical
Hierarchy Process) (Agrahari et al., 2015). It also encourages the use of
TQM (Total Quality Management) tools by ensuring that the process is
error-free (Randhawa and Ahuja, 2017b). Lack of an appropriate 5S
system leads other lean tools to be ineffective. Regardless of the field
where 5S was implemented, the researchers’ major goal was to make the
entire process clean, operationally sound, and satisfying by locating and
eliminating hidden scraps in a manufacturing process, regardless of their
5S is also an important tool for instilling motivation in workers
(Radnor et al., 2012). Most companies now use 5S not only as a cleaning,
sorting, organizing, and functioning tool, but also to reduce idle time
and non-value-added operations in the production process. Unfortu­
nately, no research on 5S implementation in Bangladeshi SMEs has been
found. This research is centered on the plastic bag manufacturing in­
dustry, which is a representative of the SMEs in Bangladesh. This study
focuses on reducing idle or waiting time in manufacturing processes by
identifying and eliminating those non-value-adding operations through
step-by-step implementation of the 5S methodology. The authors pro­
posed and implemented a methodology that caused benefit to an orga­
nization after determining the primary problem and its main causes. In
particular, it is necessary for the small-scale industry to improve oper­
ational efficiency and increase productivity in order to compete and
prove its existence in the global market, which is constantly changing
the demands for high-quality products at low cost. The 5S technique
utilized in this case study contributed to a variety of outcomes, including
reduced operational time and increased production.
medication delivery delays. They used 5S in conjunction with DMAIC
(Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control; a lean manufacturing
approach) and cut cycle time by more than 45%, contributing to a
reduction in lead time.
In their study Jiménez et al. (2012) used Lean manufacturing tech­
nologies (5S, Kanban, and Kaizen) to improve the inventory manage­
ment system of a wine producing industry. Their objective was to reduce
production lead times by reducing and optimizing material-in-process
inventories. Inventory costs were reduced by 8%–16%, with a 65%
reduction in overall manufacturing lead time.
Rojasra and Qureshi (2013), in their case study, implemented 5S in a
small-scale industry with an emphasis on process performance
improvement. Every industrial operation has certain non-value-adding
sub-processes that can be identified and eliminated by using 5S. Using
AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), a multicriteria decision-making
tool, this study was conducted to identify value-adding and
non-value-adding procedures. The implementation of 5S raised overall
production efficiency from 67% to 88.8% in just one week.
Sidhu et al. (2013) found that using the PDCA Cycle in conjunction
with 5S, can be implemented at small scale industries. The first phase
(Plan) included the development of the entire 5S implementation and
methodology, as well as personnel training. The step-by-step 5S imple­
mentation process was used in the second phase (Do). The data were
analyzed in the third step (Check), and it was determined whether the 5S
implementation was successful or not. An audit schedule was estab­
lished in the final phase (Act) for continuous development and to assure
the program’s long-term viability. The assembly line cycle time was
reduced from 50 min to 41.50 min as a result of this implementation.
In another case study, Choomlucksana et al. (2015) used lean
manufacturing techniques such as 5S, visual control, and Poka-Yoke to
discover waste reduction opportunities and increase the efficiency of
production processes. The non-value-added operations were addressed
first. The 5S approach was then used to improve the efficiency of the
deburring and polishing procedures. The adoption resulted in a 62.5%
reduction in polishing processing time, a 66.53% reduction in
non-value-added operations, and a 1764 $/y reduction in overtime
In a case study conducted in the scientific equipment manufacturing
industry, Gupta and Jain (2015) discovered that implementing the 5S
tool resulted in overall workplace benefits such as reduced searching
time and increased safety. In just 20 w, the tool searching time in the
manufacturing process was decreased from 30 min to 5 min, and the
audit score improved from 7 to 55. Another similar approach to 5S
implementation employed by Gupta and Chandna (2020), also in a
scientific equipment manufacturing company, showed that after 24 w of
5S implementation, the audit score improved from 6 to 72.
In a one-year study, conducted in Tanzanian hospitals, Ishijima et al.
(2016) used the 5S technique to improve hospital waiting times. The
cluster Randomized Control Trial (c-RCT) approach was used to deter­
mine how long patients waited at various service points. After success­
fully adopting 5S, average patient waiting time in the recording area was
reduced from 12.9 min to 4.6 min, while average patient waiting time in
the medication room was reduced from 35.0 min to 22.5 min.
Sangani and Kottur (2019) performed a time and motion study for
several assembly line tasks to determine value-added and
non-value-added time and operations. The 5S implementation process
first started with identifying the garbage items in the process. They set
up a two-bin storage system to increase FIFO usage, cleaned up the
workstation, and set standards considering the 5M (Man, Machine,
Material, Method, and Measurement) depicting in a fish-bone diagram
and created an audit checklist. The study identified idle or
non-value-adding process areas, with suggestions for resolving the sit­
uation of unavailability of nuts and bolts, as well as leaf spring material,
which causes assembly line delays.
Another well-established strategy for reducing operational time is
SMED, which focuses on decreasing changeover time by making internal
2. A literature review on 5S implementation projects
Implementing 5S for the purpose of reducing operational lead time is
not a new methodology that has recently been created. Some researchers
have found this simple technique to be far too effective to declare their
experiments a tremendous success. During an operation, searching for
tools or equipment accounts for a high number of motions that have no
value and also kills valuable operational time. 5S has been employed to
solve this challenge, with the purpose of reducing the number of motions
that a worker must execute throughout an operation. Tools, equipment,
and supplies must be arranged strategically for the most convenient and
efficient access. Everything must have a place, and everything must be in
its place. Bringing this persuasion into the practical field of imple­
mentation, Al-Araidah et al. (2010) conducted a case study in a very
busy pharmacy at a local hospital with the goal of reducing patient
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work external. The best results come from combining these approaches
with 5S. Johnson et al. (2017) used 5S in conjunction with the SMED
method in the scaffold making industry. They separated leftovers and
sold them to the market, cleaned and standardized the tool storage
space, and increased production by 15%–20% as a result of the com­
bined approach. 5S is an important part of SMED since it saves time
while searching for tools being used during a changeover. In a case
study, Azizi and Manoharan (2015) analyzed the process using VSM,
applied SMED, and reported a significant reduction in changeover time
from 145 s to 54 s.
From the explanation above, it can be stated that 5S is an effective
tool for identifying value-adding and non-value-adding activities,
lowering operational lead time by removing non-value-adding process
time, enhancing work efficiency, and increasing employee engagement
in any workplace. This research will take a detour by introducing 5S in
the plastic bag manufacturing business with the goal of minimizing nonvalue-adding operating time.
• The willingness and ability of the workforce in the implementation of
the 5S technique.
• Creation of groups and committees at various levels; management
needs to provide the required motivation for the initiative, for the
actual implementation of the system, with low-level staff and su­
pervisors for the functional implementation of the system.
• The functions and responsibilities of each group have been divided.
The role of the authors was to engage in better teamwork at all levels.
• A step-by-step approach has been clarified.
• The next step was to review the past performance levels of the pro­
cesses involved in the manufacturing of plastic bags to determine idle
time and operations for future performance improvements in this
4.1. Implementation phases in 5S
4.1.1. Sort (Seiri)
The first S seeks to eliminate unnecessary items that are of no value
and easy to dispose of in the workplace. The system for keeping every
material in the enterprise in the right position is referred to as “Sorting”.
The unnecessary materials and equipment, extra or rarely used in the
workplace, cause the workplace to be demolished and work efficiencies
to be reduced. Sorting is an excellent method for transforming a clut­
tered layout into an efficient and clean one.
The following criteria are included in the sorting:
3. The case
The production process of plastic bags in a Bangladeshi firm was
chosen as the case study in this research. The company featured in this
study produces plastic bags for garment packaging. The cost of raw
materials for producing plastic bags is increasing and fluctuating with an
unpredictable trend. Entrepreneurs engaged in the production of plastic
bags face major challenges. For this reason, any positive contribution to
plastic bag manufacturing will have a significant impact on its produc­
tivity. With a view to optimizing the process of production of plastic
bags, the authors have attempted to analyze and develop the production
process of plastic bags in the light of the challenges presented.
The plastic bag manufacturing process is divided into three parts.
The first is a blowing operation in which the petrochemicals are mixed,
and the single screw extruder melts the polymer and pushes it into a
tubular die, where it extrudes a thin plastic film. The second step is to
print the plastic bag using the printing blocks. The third step is the
sealing process, in which one part of the plastic bag is sealed while the
other remains open for use.
The plastic bag industry offers an enormous variety of product forms,
such as rolls, sheet plastic bags, single plastic bags, hanger plastic bags,
plastic bags with gussets, flap plastic bags, and so on, in a variety of
colors and sealing requirements. When transitioning from one process to
another, the parameters of the plastic-bag manufacturing system
change, which requires a significant amount of setup time and can be
viewed as a waste of valuable operational time. The focus of this case
study was on determining those non-value-adding operational times and
motions and eliminating them through the application of lean concepts
in order to improve productivity.
• What needs to be done?
• When is it required?
The implementation steps include:
• Determine what is necessary and what is not.
• Deciding on whether those unnecessary items would be located. It
was decided to either remove or dispose of it.
4.1.2. Set in order (Seiton)
The second step in the 5S implementation is to select the unorga­
nized items and place them where they fit best, avoiding congestion. The
basic strategy for implementing this step is to try to use as much of a
visual approach as possible with the aim of avoiding time losses during
search and proof of mistakes.
The basic guidelines for applying the Seiton approach include:
• Collect and analyze the previous data for at least one year and
analyze it in order to establish a sorting relationship.
• Store related items in combination.
• In separate rows, store different items.
• Do not stack, rack, or shelf items together.
• Each item and storage area are clearly labeled (visual control).
4. Methodology
The 5S approach can be extended to most job situations in a limited
period of time due to its basic nature. The case was examined. Every
activity and flow of the job, from input to finished goods, was docu­
mented, and photos and videos were taken to research and evaluate all
processes. Each method was developed and implemented separately for
the activities being carried out to identify anomalies in the production
process, such as material movements, changeovers, changeover times,
operating sequences, completion times of the project, use of the work
areas, etc. Performance is measured by variables such as time savings,
productive use of resources, better management of the workplace, and
improved working conditions.
Prior to the implementation of 5S, as discussed by Mane and Jaya­
deva (2015), certain criteria were decided as requirements prior to 5S
implementation, as:
Labeling is for other people, particularly if the area owner is absent.
The benefit is decreased search time. Labeling should be in the local
language so that less educated workers may understand it. To avoid any
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) and injuries during carrying or lift­
ing, ergonomic standards must be followed for maintaining the sorted
items in their appropriate areas, whether the items are at a permissible
distance or height.
4.1.3. Shine (Seiso)
Once the unnecessary items have been thrown away and the neces­
sary items have been sorted and set in order, the next step is to clean the
work area. The purpose of this stage is to remove and replenish the
station as well as the root cause of waste, dirt, and damage. This step
must involve all employees in how they will clean up and how often it
needs to be cleaned up (Gapp et al., 2008). Pollution, dirt, and waste
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Cleaner Engineering and Technology 8 (2022) 100488
5. Implementation results & discussion
cause impairment, indifference, inefficiency, poor production, and ac­
cidents in the workplace (Rahman et al., 2010). The workplace should
be cleaned at regular intervals. After use, all tools and equipment should
be restored to their own locations. Although it is imperative that a
cleaning schedule be established along with the tasks assigned to all
personnel working in the designated areas, a specific time interval
should be allocated after which these items must be cleaned. Another
issue that needs to be considered is that the unclean area is more sus­
ceptible to causing potential injury to workers. Items that required
cleaning have been identified. Training should be conducted to raise
awareness among employees about the maintenance of clean resources
and the damage to free resources.
5.1. Understanding the process gaps
As previously stated, the manufacturing of plastic bags comprises
mostly of three operations: blowing, printing, and sealing. Some of the
plastic bag items do not have to be printed as per customer demand, and
sometimes the extruded plastic bag is sold in a roll called ‘Roll Poly’ and
does not require printing or cutting operation after blowing. The overall
process of plastic bag production is summarized and shown in Fig. 1.
Each of the three operations consists of a number of processes that
need to be carefully studied before any development activity is carried
out in that area. Blowing, the inauguration of the production of plastic
bags, performs the task of making roll poly from poly granules by
heating. In general, two forms of plastic are made of polypropylene (PP)
and polyethylene (PE). The machines in the blowing process are
different depending on the form of polymer. The heat chamber of the
system heats the sucked poly granules with the intention of transforming
them into molten poly. For PE, air is blown not only to control the shape
of the plastic bag, but also for cooling purposes. On the other hand, the
sizer and air blown through are provided to control the shape of the poly
and cold water for cooling the heated poly in the context of the PP. As
there is a chance of flaming up, cooling is needed. As the shape of the
plastic bag is controlled by the sizer, different sizes of the sizers are
needed. It’s a challenge to keep the Sizers organized. The changeover
time depends on the organization of the Sizers. It was found that the
organization of the sizers was not appropriate (Fig. 2). As a result, the
majority of the changeover time was spent looking for the appropriate
sizer for production. Fig. 3 depicts the operational process flow of
blowing with the appropriate time required. The blowing operation has
eight subprocesses, while looking for sizers takes up 12.12% (Fig. 3) of
the total operational time, which is a considerable amount of time in the
manufacturing base and can be reduced by sorting and organizing those
After blowing, the roll of poly is taken to the printing area. The
printing operation is carried out either on both sides or on the front or
back of the plastic bags according to the customer’s requirements.
Changeover time is higher for this procedure due to its convoluted
configuration. The first step in this operation is to find the exact printing
block. It’s difficult since a number of blocks are stored, varying from
customer to customer. The blocks are different in their lettering and
design. Taking an exact block out of a variety of blocks is a daunting job
for the machine operators. The block is connected to a specific printing
cylinder. The periphery of the printing cylinder should be equal to either
the length of the plastic bag if the next operation is bottom sealing, or
the width of the plastic bag if the next operation is side sealing. After
that, the block-leaded printing cylinder is installed in the printing ma­
chine. The color plate, which is filled with color according to the cus­
tomer’s requirements, is attached to the printing cylinder in the
machine. The block gives the impression of color on the plastic bag due
to the rotation of the printing cylinder. Fig. 4 shows the operating pro­
cess flow of the printing process with the corresponding time required.
The printing operation is divided into seven subprocesses, with the block
collection and placement on the cylinder of the printing roller ac­
counting for 34.78% (Fig. 4) of the total operational time. This is a
significant amount of time that can be reduced by organizing those
printing blocks in a rack with appropriate buyer information labeling.
The text on the blocks is too small to read, and the blocks themselves are
small. Since the blocks are unorganized, certain blocks may have been
used incorrectly, resulting in incorrect bag printing. The author looked
at the last three months’ data on the number of customer complaints and
discovered that there were eight complaints about incorrect printing on
the plastic bag. It caused a great deal of poly bag waste and could harm
the company’s reputation with customers.
After the printing process has been finished, the printed roll poly is
moved to the sealing section, where the plastic bag is cut or sealed from
4.1.4. Standardize (Seiketsu)
It is important to maintain the area after the organization and
cleaning of a production area. That is why the organization develops
standardized procedures, rules, and expectations for the maintenance of
continuous activity in all areas. Standardization involves the creation of
visual guidelines for keeping the workplace organized and clean. This is
a way of creating a consistent means of carrying out the tasks outlined
above on a daily basis. The aim is to ensure that this order and regularity
are maintained, standardized, and prevented. Standards should be
highly communicative, descriptive, and comprehensible. During plan­
ning and transformation, this should be communicated to all partici­
pants in the process at the specific workplace, including directory to
Check sheets have been implemented, and the method used has been
documented. The shop floor manager and supervisors were involved in
the check sheet activity. Everyone could immediately and easily see
what was required to complete the task. The plant must also include the
creation of procedures and basic daily check sheets in the workplace.
The checklists should give a visual signpost to verify that the daily 3S
requirement is followed as best practice in the workplace.
4.1.5. Sustain (Shitsuke)
The Japanese ‘Shitsuke’ denotes the ability to do things the way they
should be done. It improves and encourages employees to act in a pos­
itive manner. The Fifth S is essential for understanding and imple­
menting, as it involves proactive changes in employee behavior at all
levels of a company (Kobayashi et al., 2008). This feature is also
important for maintaining daily routine continuity. At this level,
self-discipline in their daily work must be maintained at all times. The
ability to maintain discipline is crucial following the successful adoption
of the 5S method. The four phases of 5S provide powerful, visible, and
easily quantified effects. This level necessitates a great deal of
self-discipline and training. The individuals involved in maintaining 5S
functioning and implementing it successfully are the most important
factor. This is by far the hardest step to accomplish and execute. The
implementation method here is “expressed ideals.” Trainers and team
members work together to achieve common goals. 5S involves coaching
to ensure that people accomplish the simplest tasks correctly. Train
employees to use the 5S approach on a regular basis so that it gets
ingrained in the company’s culture. Every employee should understand
the importance of health, order, and cleanliness, and they should be
willing to take the necessary efforts to ensure the quality of the pro­
duction floor. Employees should be given awards and incentives for
successfully implementing the 5S method in their workplace. It will
increase staff interest, enthusiasm, morale, and commitment in the
implementation of 5S.
Continuous improvement includes a clear understanding, correct
structure and processes, worker support and management, and adapt­
ability to 5S. Audit plans should be developed. Maintaining standardi­
zation by frequent monitoring or implementation audits maintains a
catalog of this technique. Workers’ participation and morale in support
of 5S should be very high. It is also important to preserve the efficiency
of the other 4S.
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Cleaner Engineering and Technology 8 (2022) 100488
Fig. 1. The plastic bag production process flow chart.
a number of sub-processes that require more time to execute. Searching
for large weight sizers in blowing and tiny blocks in printing, for
example, occupies important operating time and leaves workers
fatigued and demotivated.
The principles of Time-Based Competition (TBC) and Quick Response
Manufacturing (QRM) are used to reduce cycle time (Filho and Saes,
2013), where these terms refer to any strategy that emphasizes time as
the most important factor in achieving manufacturing excellence. VSM
is a useful method for identifying waste from both value-added and
non-value-added activities by accurately mapping all processes, sub­
processes, material and information flow, and inventory levels at
various stages (Ismail et al., 2014). Not only does it focus on identifying
value-adding and non-value-adding operations in processes, but it also
checks for process gaps and work-in-process (WIP) inventories that in­
crease the overall process time and inventory costs (Saraswat et al.,
2015). In this research, simple process sequence charts were utilized to
achieve the same purpose (identifying value-adding and
non-value-adding operations). Blowing and printing are each counted as
separate steps. A single blowing machine is used for the blowing oper­
ation, and a single printing machine is used for the printing activity,
both of which require two operators to operate. There are no sub­
processes or sub inventories involved that can be visualized using VSM.
As a result, the authors discovered that depicting the processes through a
process sequence chart using a time and motion study would be feasible.
Fig. 2. Arrangement of sizers in rack before implementing 5S (The large sizers
are at the top of the rack, as shown by the red rectangle). (For interpretation of
the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.)
the roll poly. This section is the last operation in the manufacturing of
plastic bags. Two types of sealing operations, bottom sealing and side
sealing, are performed according to customer requirements. In the
context of the bottom sealing, the heater and the cutting blade are ar­
ranged in a row. The up and down movement of the blades is regulated
by the length of the plastic bag. On the other hand, a heater is used to
make joints on both sides and to cut a poly roll for side sealing opera­
tions. The movement of the heater up and down is regulated by the
width of the plastic bag. For this process, a flap can be put in a plastic
bag. In order to provide a small hole for a plastic bag, a punch machine is
mounted in the room so that air can be released from the plastic bag.
Fig. 5 shows the operating process flow of the sealing process with the
time required.
The sealing operation is simple and automatic. For development
purposes, the authors did not consider any such areas to be updated in
this process. Operators were discovered to be making needless motions
and wasting time when searching for sizers in blowing and blocks in
printing. The average search time for each sizer was 105 s (Fig. 3) and
437 s for each printing block (Fig. 4). Those issues were studied by the
author, and it was found that the high search time was due to the
inorganization of the printing blocks and the sizer. This was not only
about consuming precious working time, but it also posed health con­
cerns. The sizers were randomly stored, and there were no sequences for
keeping them in the rack (Fig. 5). Rather, the large sizers were placed on
the upper part of the rack, which could fall down when searching and
could cause an accident (Fig. 5, marked by the red square). This has been
influenced by the changeover time. These three primary operations have
5.2. 5S implementation in the Sizer storing area
5.2.1. Sorting
The first step in the implementation of 5S in this area was to sort out
the required and unnecessary items. But there were no unnecessary
items found in this section that could be removed from that area. There
are other questions that need to be answered in section 4.1.1, which is
the frequency of the sizers used in a certain period. For this purpose, the
data of the sizers used in the last 13 months has been collected from the
industry management team to determine the frequency and hierarchy of
the sizers used. The size range of the available sizers was 4–36 inches.
The Sizers were divided into 7 categories based on their size. Fig. 6
shows the distribution of data on the number of sizers used in the last 13
months. The aim was to find out which sizers had been used more often
before. It was a requirement for the sizers to be grouped according to
their frequency of use. When organizing, the highest frequency was
given the highest priority. Employee participation played an important
role in the sorting process, as they participated actively, and the results
were visible through improved working conditions at the workplace.
5.2.2. Setting in order
According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and
Health (NIOSH), the permissible range of vertical manual lifting to avoid
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) or injury is between 76.2 cm and
177.8 cm (Garg, 1995). The average height of the racks on the
manufacturing floor was observed to be 213.3 cm, which is greater than
the NIOSH limit, and the lower row of the rack was observed to be just
M.M. Shahriar et al.
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Fig. 3. The blowing operations sequence chart.
Fig. 4. The Printing operations sequence chart.
10 cm above the floor, which also falls short of the NIOSH standard. To
keep the sizers, the uppermost row of the rack was given the last priority,
and the lowermost row was given the second last priority because both
rows violated the NIOSH requirements that the authors followed
(Fig. 7). The big sizers with less frequency of usage were kept at the
bottom of the rack on the ground to ensure protection during the
collection or movement of those large sizers.
5.2.3. Shining the place
In the third step (shine), the entire work area was cleaned and, with
the help of the workers of that unit, all the sizers were marked with black
paint on the body of the sizer according to their size (Fig. 8). These sizers
were then ordered sequentially, giving the highest priority to the sizers
that were used most. There were some sizers that didn’t have the size
that was written on them. So, it was very difficult to find unwritten scale
sizers. There were the other sizers that had been written down, but most
M.M. Shahriar et al.
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Fig. 5. The Sealing operations sequence chart.
Fig. 6. Blowing Sizers used in last 13 months.
of them were not clear enough to read the size written on them.
audits, the operation head will conduct weekly audits, and the central
auditors from the management team will conduct monthly audits. The
concept was warmly welcomed, and the corporate management
announced incentives or remunerations for staff who maintain the most
efficient floor. The supervisor responsible for this area shall check, at a
regular interval of 24 h, whether:
5.2.4. Standardize
In the next step (standardize), in order to sequentially arrange the
sizers on the rack, the area in which the sizers were kept according to
their size was written and attached to that particular area of the rack
(Fig. 9). It will standardize the system and reduce the time required to
search for the sizers in each row of the rack.
✓ The Sizers are placed in their right positions after they have been
✓ The racks are either swept or not.
✓ If the size written on the Sizers is erased or not, if it is not clear to
read, then take immediate action to write it down.
✓ The labels that are hanging on racks with size ranges are torn out or
ok; if it is being found torn out, it has to be reprinted and hang on the
corresponding area for that specific set of Sizers.
5.2.5. Sustaining the improvements
Fig. 10 reveals that the average time of the sizer searching and lifting
process was decreased from 105 s to 35 s after a step-by-step adoption of
5S in the blowing operation. Previously, searching for sizers in the
blowing operation contributed 12.12% of the whole operational time,
which is now minimized to 4.40% after 5S implementation. The final ‘S’
is to sustain the aforementioned procedures, which should be done on a
regular basis. For this objective, an auditing format (checklist) with a
point of marking has been established. Management and supervisors are
also included among the auditors. The supervisors will conduct daily
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Fig. 7. Sizers after setting in order in the rack (The storage of large sizers from the bottom is indicated in red). (For interpretation of the references to color in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)
Fig. 8. Marking the sizers according to their size.
5.3. 5S implementation in the ‘printing Block’ storing area
The blocks required for printing on the plastic bag, were found to be
unorganized in the rack with insufficient lighting facilities (Fig. 11).
These blocks are very small compared to the Sizers. The company deals
with hundreds of customers, and it stores blocks of different designs
from different customers for printing purposes. The blocks are often
reused in every repeat order received from the same customer. That’s
why there’s a need to store these blocks in a standard way to minimize
search time.
5.3.1. Sorting
The first step in the implementation of 5S is to separate the necessary
and unnecessary items. For this purpose, data on the printing blocks
used in the last 13 months has been collected from the industry man­
agement team. Fig. 12 shows the number of blocks used by different
customers over the last 13 months. Any of the blocks found to be unused
in the last 13 months have been picked as unwanted items and removed
from the print area and disposed of in a sensible way.
Fig. 9. Marking on the racks according to the size range of the sizers.
5.2.6. Benefits
• By comparing Figs. 3 and 10 for ‘Sizers collection and lifting’ oper­
ation, the average search time for Sizers decreased from 105 s to 35 s
(66.67%) and the overall operating time decreased by 8% (from 866
s to 796 s)
• Safety with proper Ergonomic standards were ensured in that area by
separating and organizing the Sizers in a standard way.
5.3.2. Setting in order
In the next step, setting the blocks in order, there was a problem of
arranging the blocks customer-wise as the items (blocks) were of
different sizes and may be lost if the arrangement is not done properly.
In order to overcome the problem, the authors decided to store the
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Fig. 10. Blowing process sequence chart after implementation of 5S.
Fig. 11. Previous unorganized condition of blocks in the rack.
blocks in books (Fig. 13).
Each book contains the blocks of a single customer. The books were
made with the sacks that contain poly-granulates, which become waste
after the granules have been consumed. It’s very flexible to use. The
blocks were attached to the book pages with dilute adhesives so that the
blocks could be extracted quickly from the books if they needed to be
used. Data from the last 13 months was analyzed to find out which
customer ordered more printed plastic bags (Fig. 2). Priority was given
when the blocks were organized from the first row of the rack to the last.
There was no specific cleaning schedule prior to the implementation of
5S. Cleaning was carried out in an unorthodox way. A cleaning schedule
has been planned during the implementation of the 5S.
5.3.4. Standardize
In the fourth step, the standardization of the system starts with the
labeling of the chambers by the names of books containing customerwise separated blocks. The block search operation became so easy as
to give a high degree of satisfaction to the workers who had previously
found it very unsatisfactory (Fig. 14).
5.3.3. Shining the work area
Blocks in the rack were found lying or hanging randomly, and the
area was uncleansed by dirty blocks sticking printing inks to it. In this
phase, the entire area was cleaned up by the valiant efforts of the staff,
for which they are truly appreciable. Block books were kept customerhierarchy-wise in different rack chambers. Sufficient lighting facilities
were provided in that area to make the searching procedure convenient.
5.3.5. Sustaining the improvements
The average time for the process of block searching and setting it up
with a cylinder has been lowered to 210 s from 437 s after a step-by-step
implementation of 5S in the printing operation, as shown in Fig. 15.
Before implementation, searching for blocks in a printing operation
contributed 34.78% of the whole printing operational time, which is
M.M. Shahriar et al.
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Fig. 12. The frequency of blocks used for different customers.
✓ The blocks are cleaned after the operation done. Because the area
should not be filthy with colors disseminating here and there.
✓ The blocks are placed in their proper location after they have been
✓ If the blocks are getting detached from the book, use other adhesive
that may result in good stickiness.
✓ The racks are either swept or not.
✓ The labels that are hanging on racks with size ranges are either torn
out or okay; if they are found torn out, they have to be reprinted and
hung in the corresponding area for that specific set of blocks.
5.3.6. Benefits
• Comparing Fig. 4 with Fig. 15, the average searching time for blocks
was decreased from 437 s to 210 s (66.66%) and the whole opera­
tional time was reduced by 18% (from 1256 s to 1029 s).
• In the three months following the deployment of 5S, the number of
customer complaints about printing errors decreased from eight to
one (section 5.1).
Fig. 13. Book containing printing blocks.
5.3.7. Barriers in implementing 5S
Many scholars have addressed the difficulties of applying 5S from a
practical standpoint in their investigations. The authors also mentioned
various difficulties that they encountered when implementing 5S. These
are as follows:
• The biggest problem in implementing 5S has been recognized as a
lack of support from senior management (Singh and Ahuja, 2015).
• Changing employees’ perceptions of their jobs is another obstacle to
implementing 5S. The majority of them believe they are performing
the same tasks and that they are already performing properly
(Chandrayan et al., 2019).
• Because of a lack of sufficient training and employee motivation, any
type of development, whether 5S or any other technique, stays just as
a concept (Singh and Ahuja, 2015). Employees generally believe that
their primary goal is to boost productivity rather than to clean or
organize the workplace. This problem can be considerably overcome
by providing sufficient training and motivation to employees about
the aim of the 5S program, which is not to increase their work but to
boost productivity.
Fig. 14. Block keeping cabinet after implementation of 5S.
now minimized to 20.40% (Fig. 15) after 5S implementation. For sus­
taining the system an auditing format like as for finding the Sizers, has
been established for this purpose also. The audit team will be the same as
it has been declared for the sizers part. The supervisor responsible for
this area shall check, at a regular interval of 24 h, whether:
M.M. Shahriar et al.
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Fig. 15. Printing process sequence chart after 5S implementation.
and blowing areas was completed in a single day. Setting the standards
for block and sizers in the fourth phase took about three days to com­
plete. The management gave past data, which was used to create stan­
dards. When it came to defining standards, the authors consulted with
management and made a priority. The fourth phase, ‘Standardization,’ is
very important since it ensures that the standards are consistent with the
company’s business standards and are achievable for the company;
otherwise, the standards need to be revised. The data from the previous
13 months was used to create the prioritization chart for grouping blocks
and sizers. These client priorities, as well as the priority for the structure
of blocks and sizers, will change as the marketplace changes. The au­
thors’ prioritization method should be used again after a three-month
gap to see if the priorities have altered. The 5S standards will be
altered as a result of the shift in priority. Not only has the 5S program
reduced search time, but it has also made 5S awareness training more
accessible to everyone from upper management to machine operators.
This will encourage management to pursue other initiatives in which the
5S methodology can be used to create significant changes. The most
difficult aspect of adopting 5S is the fifth phase, which involves main­
taining the development standards that have been established and
adhering to them on a daily basis. This is how the 5S was implemented in
these two parts of the plastic bag manufacturing process (blowing and
printing), resulting in the elimination of the two wastes of ‘waiting’ and
‘motion,’ bringing in cleaner and safer production. Employees that are
directly involved in the processes, as well as management who are
prepared to advocate for and conduct audits on a daily basis, are all
equally accountable for making the 5S project viable. 5S visual posters
were provided, written in the local language to help participants grasp
the program’s purpose. Posters at the workplace to continually impress
upon staff the need to adhere to the 5S system holistically. Some noti­
fications and position charts were placed in the authorized regions to
prevent any erroneous steps toward 5S installation.
Ikuma and Nahmens (2014) highlighted that 5S initiatives should be
integrated with organizational objectives by the top management
throughout the organization. StrEong commitment and support from the
top management is the most important success factor for implementing
5S in any company. The commitment should also be provided by the
senior management for intensive training and development.
• Ineffective 5S can be caused by a lack of communication and a lack of
team spirit (Chandrayan et al., 2019). When there is a need for
support or development in the 5S program, it should be addressed
and communicated.
• The inability to deploy 5S due to a lack of resources (Singh and
Ahuja, 2015).
• A 5S system that has been in place for a while may collapse due to a
lack of competent leadership (Singh and Ahuja, 2015).
• There is a lack of clarity in the company about the aim of imple­
menting 5S. There should also be a clarification that 5S is a long-term
process that cannot be built in a day or a week; it takes a specific
period of time to become sustainable, which should be highlighted
and acknowledged by the employees (Chandrayan et al., 2019).
• Establishing ineffective and short-term 5S standards.
• If management does not declare any prizes or incentives for staff, it
may reduce their motivation to implement any development pro­
gram (Randhawa and Ahuja, 2017b).
• Inadequate record-keeping and auditing systems for assessing and
maintaining the 5S program.
The effectiveness of 5S can be ensured by the comprehensive
participation of the management of the 5S audit and feedback on the
execution of the technique by the authorities (Chapman, 2005). Another
barrier mentioned by the authors to 5S adoption is workers’ unwill­
ingness to change, particularly those who have worked in the same field
for a long time and operate in a traditional manner. To increase
employee adaptability to changes with less disruption, it is critical to
adopt Kaizen with small incremental changes inside the 5S program.
Through the incorporation of incremental improvements at work, the 5S
method is better presented and more sustainable (Suárez-barraza et al.,
The unused and filthy printing blocks stained with inks were
recognized and disposed of in a reasonable manner during the first phase
(sorting). Almost 30% of the blocks (about 18 kg) were disposed of in
that region as a result of this operation, which was the first step toward
cleaner production. The more useless items on the floor, the more
difficult the job becomes to accomplish. The first two steps of sorting and
setting things in order took only two days. The cleaning of the printing
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‘Motivation’ is the first thing that needs to be conveyed to the workforce.
When employees value working to a specific standard rather than
working as they please, an organization achieves consistency (Agrahari
et al., 2015). Some employees may have a belief that they are not being
paid for performing these 5S activities. In this situation, a list including
all responsibilities has been prepared in detail. Such responsibilities
have been addressed and recognized by the team, and they have been
motivated that it is a part of their job for which they are being paid. The
authors were able to persuade the management team that if the standard
procedure is not followed, all of the 5S efforts will be worthless. Based
on the author’s recommendation, the management team agreed to
declare incentives for employees who take the best care of the first 4S
item. There was previously a culture at that company that rewarded its
employees by declaring ‘Employee of the Month,’ and after 5S was
implemented, 5S became another category for making the best selection
of the best employee. The improvements seen over a period have been
highlighted on the production board with a skill matrix, and employees
have been recognized for their contributions.
activities are critical to the success of 5S initiatives in an organization.
Leadership is also important in the 5S program’s execution. The 5S
strategy should not be viewed as a one-time project; rather, it necessi­
tates uniformity and consistent standards in order to ensure long-term
success. The primary objective of this study was to apply and
construct 5S concepts with the goal of increasing productivity by
minimizing non-value-added operating time, which was successfully
created and established. Any development achieved by this effort will
provide the manufacturer with a competitive advantage over his com­
petitors, resulting in higher productivity. This research could be useful
in manufacturing operations that generate a lot of waste for searching
tools. The methods utilized in this study can be directly adapted and
applied by plastic bag manufacturers. Industries such as plastic bag
manufacturing industries in Bangladesh have less capital to invest and
operate on a razor-thin profit margin. In most Bangladeshi organiza­
tions, the top management team holds the belief that quality implies
incurring additional money. When the profit margin and investment are
both modest, it is better to use these lean approaches instead of investing
in new machinery to enhance productivity. In those circumstances, this
study will serve as a motivation for them to make low-cost quality en­
hancements that will help them improve their productivity and quality.
6. Conclusion
The global market is challenging manufacturers’ growing re­
quirements for high-quality products with low cost and shorter lead
times. Newer technologies are being incorporated. Every day, new
methods of operation are being developed. For this purpose, the
decision-makers of industries are forming a propensity among them­
selves to avoid the expense of improving the shop floor. So, any kind of
cost-free change is always welcomed and embraced by them. The pur­
pose of this study was to reduce waste and motion from processes in
order to achieve manufacturing process excellence. This study started
with an understanding of the poly bag manufacturing processes, fol­
lowed by an assessment of the process gaps and the creation of a thor­
ough 5S checklist to ensure that the established standards are
maintained. In a specific plastic bag manufacturing company, the author
used the 5S technique in five stages to establish standards and maintain
them by constant checking with a checklist. Consistent organization of
blowing sizers and printing blocks in their storage racks is part of the
process. An improvement in the storage system of these items resulted in
a reduction of unnecessary movements in searching for tools directly
engaged in operation. The 5S methodology resulted in an 8% reduction
in sizer searching time and an 18% reduction in block searching time for
the printing operation in the plastic bag manufacturing process. After
implementation, sizer searching and lifting time account for 4.40% of
total blowing operational time (previously 12.12%), reducing 20.40%
(previously 34.78%) of block searching and setting time. This is the
contribution of removing two wastes: unnecessary motion and waiting
time from both operations, as well as adding value in the form of a
cleaner work environment. When comparing three months of data
before and after implementing 5S, customer complaints about printing
decreased from eight to one. That instance, introducing 5S not only
helped decrease unnecessary motions, but it also helped reduce printing
waste by organizing the blocks. The safety of workers has been ensured
by identifying and separating the heavy-weighted large sizers and the
small sizers, following ergonomic considerations. This study analyzed
the case and developed a solution model that did not cost anything. Even
the books that have been used for storing the printing blocks were made
of plastic sacks, which are thrown out after the raw materials inside are
consumed and considered to be waste, avoiding the cost of new estab­
lishments. 5S housekeeping is essential in maintaining a positive
manufacturing environment. Workers’ confidence has been boosted
indirectly as a result of the 5S training, which will lead them making
self-motivated improvements at work, which can have a long-term
impact on the industry’s gross profit. The audit procedure and
schedule have been developed and driven by the audit team. Effective
teamwork, improved communication between departments, top-tobottom employee engagement, autonomous culture, and kaizen
7. Limitations and future scopes
Among the eight lean wastes, this research only refers to two
(waiting and motion) rather than the other six. It should be noted that
the authors concentrated solely on two sub-processes (blowing and
printing) where operational inconsistencies were discovered predomi­
nantly and physically. There could be a top-to-bottom process study to
find other inconsistencies, and there should be some chances created for
the contributors by the organization to eliminate the other six wastes.
Researchers or company personnel may also use the newest bench­
marking techniques to highlight 5S implementation strategies that
distinguish it from other successful organizations.
Conflict of interest
Authors declares no conflict of interest relevant to this article.
No funding was provided to the authors to conduct this study.
Declaration of competing interest
The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
the work reported in this paper.
Authors are thankful to the following plastic bag manufacturing in­
dustry and to the management team for welcoming and helping us
during the study. The authors are grateful to the workers who have made
every effort to establish this study. This was impossible to implement
without the support and cooperation of the workers in that industry.
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