Uploaded by Ty Caruthers

Homework Exit Questionnaire

Exit Questionnaire for Homework Submission
1. Did you understand the concepts covered by the homework?
Circle correct answer
If the answer to 1 above is No, arrange to meet with the instructor to go over any question you
2. You may have used the posted solution as a tool in completing your homework. Can you
afterwards, solve the problems in the homework without reference to the solution?
Circle correct answer
If the answer to 2 above is No, arrange to meet with the instructor to go over any question you
3. Can you now confidently solve similar problems without reference to the solution?
Circle correct answer
If the answer to 3 is No, arrange to meet with the instructor to go over any question you have.
4. Which of the following statement best describes your understanding? Circle the correct
a. I completed and submitted the assigned homework without using the posted solution.
b. I worked on the homework independently and then used the posted solution to check
my answers; no correction was needed on my work.
c. I worked on the homework independently and then used the posted solution to check
my answers, then made corrections and submitted my work.
d. I looked at the posted solution first and then solved the assigned problem. Now I can
solve the problems without looking at the solution.
e. I looked at the posted solution first and then solved the assigned problem. I still cannot
solve the problems without looking at the solution.
I just copied and submitted the posted solution. I hope I can study and understand the
material later.
g. I did not work on the assigned homework and have no submission.