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Mechanical Engineering Course Syllabus

Introduc on and Review: Review of engineering materials and their proper es and
manufacturing processes; use of codes and standards, selec on of preferred sizes.
Review of axial, bending, shear and torsion loading on machine components,
combined loading, two- and three dimensional stresses, principal stresses, stress
tensors, Mohr's circles.
Design for sta c strength: Factor of safety and service factor. Failure mode: defini on
and types. , Failure of bri le and duc le materials; even and uneven materials;
Theories of failure: maximum normal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory,
distor on energy theory, strain energy theory, Columba –Mohr theory and modified
Mohr’s theory. Stress concentra on, stress concentra on factor
Impact Strength: Introduc on, Impact stresses due to axial, bending and torsion loads.
Fa gue loading: Introduc on to fa gue failure, Mechanism of fa gue failure, types of
fa gue loading, S-N Diagram, Low cycle fa gue, High cycle fa gue, Endurance limit.
Design of sha s: Torsion of sha s, solid and hollow sha design with steady loading based on strength
and rigidity, ASME and BIS codes for power transmission sha ing, design of sha s subjected to
combined bending, torsion and axial loading, Discussion on engineering applica ons.
Design of couplings: Design of Flange coupling, and Bush and Pin type coupling.
Springs: Types of springs, spring materials, stresses in helical coil springs of circular and non-circular
cross sec ons. Tension and compression springs, concentric springs; springs under fluctua ng loads. Leaf
Springs: Stresses in leaf springs, equalized stresses, and nipping of leaf springs, Discussion on
engineering applica ons.
Riveted joints: Types of rivets, rivet materials, Caulking and fullering, analysis of riveted
joints, joint efficiency, failures of riveted joints, boiler joints, riveted brackets,
Discussion on engineering applica ons.
Welded joints: Types, strength of bu and fillet welds, eccentrically loaded welded
joints, Discussion on engineering applica ons.
Threaded Fasteners: Stresses in threaded fasteners, effect of ini al tension, design of
threaded fasteners under sta c, dynamic and impact loads, design of eccentrically
loaded bolted joints, Discussion on engineering applica ons.
Spur Gears: Defini ons, stresses in gear tooth: Lewis equa on and form factor, design
for strength, dynamic load and wear.
Helical Gears: Defini ons, transverse and normal module, forma ve number of teeth,
design based on strength, dynamic load and wear.
Bevel Gears: Defini ons, forma ve number of teeth, design based on strength,
dynamic load and wear.
Worm Gears: Defini ons, types of worm and worm gears, and materials for worm and
worm wheel. Design based on strength, dynamic, wear loads and efficiency of worm
gear drives.
Design of Clutches and Brakes: Design of single plate, mul -plate and cone clutches
based on uniform pressure and uniform wear theories. Design of band brakes, block
brakes and internal expanding brakes
Lubrica on and Bearings: Lubricants and their proper es, bearing materials and
proper es; mechanisms of lubrica on, hydrodynamic lubrica on, pressure
development in oil film, bearing modulus, coefficient of fric on, minimum oil film
thickness, heat generated, and heat dissipated.
An fric on bearings: Types of rolling contact bearings and their applica ons, sta c
and dynamic load carrying capaci es, equivalent bearing load, load life rela onship,
Discussion on engineering applica ons.