UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA DEPT. OF MECHANICAL AND MANUFACTURING ENGINEERING MECH 2272: ENGINEERING MATERIALS 1 LABORATORY REPORT OUTLINE 1. Title Page -Title of Lab - Name and Student Number - Lab Section and Lecture Section - Date of Lab and Date of Submission 2. Introduction - Background information and theory 3. Experimental Procedure - Brief overview of the experimental procedure 4. Objective - What is the purpose of the experiment? - What are you investigating? 5. Results and Discussion - Provide all data tables showing your measurements with appropriate units - For any graphs, ensure they are properly labeled - Calculations (show your work for full marks!) - List any sources of error (standard, instrument, random errors) - Discuss the findings/results 6. Conclusion - Summarize lab and results - Evaluate the outcome, does it agree with theoretical expectations? Why/why not? 7. Reference(s) - Textbook - Lab Manual - Any other sources you used to aid in writing the report Note: 10 % of the total mark will be deducted per day for late submission.