Problem: BRIDGE TO CROSS FOR VEHICLES TOWARD PUROK TALACAIGAN IN BARANGAY MAGBABADIL SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTH The team is knowledgeable about the project The agency is competent with skill about project proposal The agency will form a collaboration with the LGUs and barangay official to pursue the town`s people to participate in bridge-making WEAKNESS OPPORTUNITIES Active participation of the community people Willingness to be involve in bridgemaking Available resources within the community (human resource, materials) Funding from government and other agencies Insufficient funding from the agency Lack of team members within the agency in completing the project Poor supervision of the bridge process THREATS Narrow and graveled road which affect the delivery of the materials. A kilometer away from the highway Changes in the ecosystem of the community Flood during typhoons may prolong the construction of the bridge Delays on the project as the potential risk may happen. PROBLEM TREE No bridge OBJECTIVE TREE LOGICAL FRAMEWORK ANALYSIS Mission: Vision: NARRATIVE SUMMARY OBJECTIVITY VERIFIABLE INDICATOR • Bridge construction: A new bridge is Program Goal constructed capable of supporting vehicle to Improved cross in the river and infrastructure (Bridge) in meeting specified safety Purok Talacaigan. Project Purpose To construct a safe, durable, and accessible bridge to Purok Talacaigan, improving transportation. • Timely Completion: Bridge construction is completed within the specified timeframe (May 30, 2025) • Adherence to Specifications: The bridge meets all design specifications (width, MEANS OF VERIFICATION IMPORTANT ASSUMPTIONS • Regular inspections: Documented visual inspections by engineers/ project manager at regular intervals • Engineering Reports: Formal reports certifying the bridge meets design and safety standards • Completion Certificate: Official documentation confirming completion and acceptance by authorities. • Economic Surveys: Data collected on business activity in Purok Talacaigan before and after bridge completion • Project Timeline: Milestone tracking and progress reports. • Inspection Reports: Confirming adherence to design specifications. • Funding: Sufficient funding is secured and remains available throughout the project. • Permits: All necessary permits and approvals are obtained without significant delays. • Materials: Construction materials are readily available and delivered on time. • Labor: Skilled labor is available and committed to the project. • Community Support: The community supports the project and commits to long term maintenance. • Environmental Impact Assessment: Documentation of • Unforeseen Delays: No unexpected delays in material delivery, labor availability, or permitting processes. • Safety Compliance: The construction process adheres to all safety regulations and standards. length, load capacity, materials). mitigation measures and their effectiveness. • Environmental Impact: Minimal negative environmental impact during construction (documented mitigation measures). • Safety Records: Documentation of safety procedures and incident reports. • Safety: No accidents or incidents occur during construction. • Bridge is completed and operational within Outputs the specified timeframe Bridge meets design Bridge specifications (load constructed and operational capacity, width) • Bridge is accessible to vehicles and pedestrians Inputs Funding for construction materials – Skilled labor Design plans and specifications Land for bridge construction Permits and licenses. • Travel time data collected before and after bridge construction Surveys of residents about their access to services Economic data collected before and after bridge construction. • Completion report from the construction company independent inspection report from a qualified engineer • Observations and interviews with residents to evaluate the project. • The bridge Is wellmaintained and safe for use – The community actively uses the bridge and benefits from its presence and secured the safety of their vehicles. The bridge attracts new businesses and it’s easy to the pedestrians to go to the market. • Cooperation Effective cooperation and communication among stakeholders (government, contractors, community). • Funding is available and sufficient for the project. Construction materials are readily available and at reasonable cost. The land where the bridge is built is clear and free of . Necessary permits and licenses are obtained in a timely manner. • The bridge design meets the required load capacity and safety standards. The required materials and labor are available in a timely manner. The construction process will not be significantly disrupted by unforeseen events (Natural disasters, including Storm).