ST. JAMES SCHOOL OF SUBIC, INC. ENGLISH 6 CURRICULUM MAP SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024 GRADE LEVEL: 6 CONTENT: CONTENT STANDARD: QUARTER: 1 Expressing Meaningful Ideas through English Language The learner demonstrates understanding of the forms and conventions of print, nonprint, and digital materials to understand various viewing, to critically analyze the meaning constructed in print, non-print, and digital materials. PERFORMANCE STANDARD: The learner applies knowledge of the various forms and conventions of print, nonprint, and digital materials to appropriately comprehend print, nonprint, film and moving texts, evaluates effectively the message constructed and conveyed in various viewing texts , applies different views of the real world to effectively interpret (deconstruct) constructed meaning in print, non-print and digital materials, applies understanding of forms and conventions of viewing texts to appropriately create and recreate meaning/ messages. FORMATION STANDARD: TRANSFER GOAL: The learner becomes more committed and effective stewards promoting equalities within and among countries. PERFORMANCE TASK: The student on their own and in the long run will be able to independently read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension and apply understanding of forms and conventions of viewing texts to appropriately create and recreate meaning/messages to help reducing inequalities, policies that should be universal in principle, paying attention to the needs of disadvantaged and marginalized populations. Your school will prepare an art exhibit. As a member of an art club, you are tasked to collaborate with your clubmates to create a collage(artwork) regarding the making connections from the information viewed/read. As an art evaluator that has knowledge of critiquing an artwork, you are going to prepare an evaluation by applying the concept of making connections from the information viewed/read. Criteria Creativity and Originality--------------------------------------------------------------- 20% Clarity------------------------------------10% Message of the Artwork ----------20% Description Shows his/her talent by producing a creative output. Creativity, idea expression, and imagination. Demonstrates the artwork's neatness and cleanliness The artwork demonstrates clarity in meaning and purpose. Score Total: -----------------------------------50% *Based on May 2020 DepEd K-12 Curriculum Most Essential Learning Competencies Matrix Page 1 of 3 ST. JAMES SCHOOL OF SUBIC, INC. ENGLISH 6 CURRICULUM MAP SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024 ENDURING UNDERSTANDING: 1. We can make connections through comparing our experiences from the others and get reliable information to learn. 2. The use of visual elements is with this we can create visual representation of the message from the text. UNIT TOPIC LEARNING ASSESSMENT COMPETENCIES (AMT LEARNING GOALS) Real or makebelieve, Make A.1 Identify real or A.1. Constructed connections make-believe, fact or Response between text to non-fact images self, text and A.2 Define what is A.2 Identification the world. real and makebelieve A.3 Define the A.3 Identification meaning of visual media and its True or False elements A.4. Identify how to make connections between text to self, text, and the world A.4. Pen and paper test ESSENTIAL QUESTION: 1. How can we make connections from the information viewed/read? 2. What is the use of visual elements? ACTIVITIES RESOURCES ACQUISITION A.1. Writing activities A.1 Power point presentation (viewing comprehension) A.2. Pen and Paper A.2 Powerpoint presentation A.3. Pen and Paper INSTITUTIONA L CORE VALUES A.1-A.4 Social Responsibility A.3. Powerpoint presentation A.4. Reading Text *Based on May 2020 DepEd K-12 Curriculum Most Essential Learning Competencies Matrix Page 2 of 3 ST. JAMES SCHOOL OF SUBIC, INC. ENGLISH 6 CURRICULUM MAP SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024 MAKE MEANING A.6. Powerpoint presentation A.6. Create an image for both real and make believe A.7. Interpret the meaning suggested in visual media through a focus on visual elements, for example, line, symbols, colour, gaze, framing and social distance. A.6. Mini Task A.6. Book activity A.7. Constructed Response A.7. Viewing activity A.8. Make connections between information viewed and personal experiences A.8. Constructed Response A.8. Reading a text A.5-A.6. Social Responsibility A.7. Pictures through presentation TRANSFER A.8. N/A *Based on May 2020 DepEd K-12 Curriculum Most Essential Learning Competencies Matrix A.7. Nurturing Mother Earth Page 3 of 3