CHAPTER 7: MUSCULAR SYSTEM MULTIPLE-CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. What is the primary function of skeletal muscle? a) Heat production b) Posture maintenance c) Movement d) Blood circulation 2. Which connective tissue surrounds an individual muscle fiber? a) Endomysium b) Perimysium c) Epimysium d) Sarcolemma 3. What is the name of the neurotransmitter released at the neuromuscular junction? a) Norepinephrine b) Dopamine c) Acetylcholine d) Serotonin 4. The contractile unit of a muscle is called a: a) Sarcomere b) Myofibril c) Fascicle d) Myosin head 5. A motor unit consists of: a) A single muscle fiber b) A motor neuron and the muscle fibers it innervates c) A muscle and its blood vessels d) Myofibrils and sarcomeres 6. Which muscle type is striated and voluntary? a) Cardiac muscle b) Smooth muscle c) Skeletal muscle d) All of the above 7. During muscle contraction, calcium ions bind to which protein? a) Actin b) Myosin c) Troponin d) Tropomyosin 8. The sliding filament model explains how: a) Muscles generate ATP b) Muscle fibers shorten during contraction c) Calcium is transported in muscle cells d) Actin and myosin fibers are produced 9. Which muscle fiber type is most resistant to fatigue? a) Type I (slow-twitch) b) Type IIa (fast-twitch oxidative) c) Type IIb (fast-twitch glycolytic) d) None of the above 10. What is the primary source of energy for muscle contraction? a) Fatty acids b) Glucose c) ATP d) Proteins 11. The point of attachment of a muscle to the stationary bone is called the: a) Insertion b) Tendon c) Origin d) Aponeurosis 12. What is muscle hypertrophy? a) Decrease in muscle size b) Increase in muscle size c) Muscle atrophy d) Muscle fatigue 13. The “all-or-none” principle applies to: a) Muscle organs b) Individual muscle fibers c) Muscle groups d) Myofilaments 14. What is the function of creatine phosphate in muscle cells? a) To provide oxygen b) To store calcium c) To quickly generate ATP d) To contract the muscle 15. Which part of the muscle fiber stores calcium ions? a) Sarcoplasmic reticulum b) Sarcolemma c) T-tubules d) Myofibrils 16. What is the role of myoglobin in muscle cells? a) Store glucose b) Store clacium c) Carry osygen d) Carry carbon dioxide 17. A muscle that opposes the action of another muscle is called a: a) Agonist b) Antagonist c) Synergist d) Fixator 18. Which muscle is responsible for the movement of the jaw? a) Sternocleidomastoid b) Temporalis c) Biceps brachii d) Deltoid 19. The rectus abdominis muscle is an example of which muscle shape? a) Circular b) Pennate c) Fusiform d) Parallel 20. The diaphragm is a muscle involved in: a) Digestion b) Respiration c) Circulation d) Posture