Presented By Fabiha Nusrat 2321519620 Research Title The Preference for Movie Genres among NSU Students: Fantasy vs Sci-Fi Reasons for choosing the Topic Personal interest Trends in popular genre Which movie genre students prefer the most? (Fantasy or sci-fi) What is the key reason behind it? Does academic stress influence students' choice of these genres for relaxation? Research Questions How frequently do NSU students watch fantasy movies compared to sci-fi movies? What specific elements in fantasy movies are most appealing to NSU students? Hypothesis NSU students prefer Sci-fi movie genre over Fantasy movie genre to escape from academic stress. Research Data Figure 01: Preferences for movie genres among NSU students (32 responses) Figure 02: Reasons behind the preferences for Fantasy and Science Fiction movie genre Figure 03: Frequency of watching Fantasy and Sci-Fi movies Figure 04: Appeal of different elements in Fantasy and Sci-Fi movies Figure 05: Fantasy and Sci-Fi movies in reducing academic stress. Findings NSU students prefer fantasy over sci-fi in terms of movie genre. Because of- Escapism Less reliance on Science Imaginative characters and visual effects Plot twists Nostalgia Conclusion In terms of genre preferences in movies, NSU students like to watch fantasy movies more than science fiction movies as it helps in reducing academic tension and escape in imaginative worlds. Do you have any question? Thank You