Energy Densification of Lignocellulosic Biomass via Hydrothermal Carbonization and Torrefaction by Harpreet Singh Kambo A Thesis presented to The University of Guelph In partial fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Masters of Applied Science in Environmental Engineering Guelph, Ontario, Canada © Harpreet S. Kambo, August, 2014 ABSTRACT Energy Densification of Lignocellulosic Biomass via Hydrothermal Carbonization and Torrefaction Harpreet Singh Kambo Advisor University of Guelph, 2014 Dr. Animesh Dutta The work presented in this study demonstrated the potential of hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) of biomass for the production of carbon-rich solid fuel, known as hydrochar that has significantly improved combustion characteristics. In comparison, the physicochemical properties of the solid produced via torrefaction (a conventional thermal pre-treatment) were considerably lower than the hydrochar samples, even if the reaction time was kept much higher than HTC. Both raw and pre-treated biomass samples were further examined for densification characterization. The HTC pellets showed significantly improved durability, mass and energy density, and hydrophobicity compared to raw and torrefied pellets. The result shows that HTC narrows the differences in fuel qualities and has potential to replace coal in existing coal-fired power plants without any significant modifications. The HTC process water contains highquality intermediate compounds that can offer a broad range of benefits and can improve the system’s overall efficiency via recirculation. DEDICATION This thesis is dedicated to my: Parents: Jugraj Singh and Balwinder Bedi and Grandparents: Piara Singh Bedi and Mohinder Kaur for their endless love, support and encouragement iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis would not have been possible without the help, support and patience of my advisor Dr. Animesh Dutta. I would like to thank him for this valuable opportunity and lessons throughout my academic career. His mentorship and support allowed me to obtain prestigious scholarship awards in the field of Environmental Engineering. I would also like to extend my appreciation towards Dr. Fantahun Defersha, for his support throughout the duration of my research. These acknowledgements would not be complete without naming the following individuals for their supports: Mr. Mahendra Thimmanagari (OMAF-MRA), Mike Speagle, Dr. Leon, Dr. Roy, Bimal, Tushar, Jamie, Ronil. I’m also thankful to my friends: Amanpreet, Rajpreet, Chitkanwal, Gurdeep, Aseem, and Evan for their encouragement and being there when I needed them the most. Finally, I would like to thank my father Mr. Jugraj Singh, mother Mrs. Balwinder Kaur, Manpreet and Maninder (my brother and his wife) for their love, support, encouragement, and guidance throughout my personal and academic career. iv TABLE OF CONTENT CHAPTER-I INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Background ..................................................................................................................... 1 1.2. Scope and Objectives ...................................................................................................... 6 CHAPTER-II LITERATURE REVIEW ........................................................................................ 8 2.1. Overview of Biomass ...................................................................................................... 8 2.1.1. Lignocellulosic Composition of Biomass ................................................................. 8 Cellulose .......................................................................................................... 10 Hemicellulose: ................................................................................................. 11 Lignin: ............................................................................................................. 11 2.2. Combustion Properties of Biomass ............................................................................... 12 2.3. Origin and Definition of Biochar and Hydrochar ......................................................... 14 2.4. Biomass conversion ...................................................................................................... 16 2.4.1. Feedstock for Biomass conversion ......................................................................... 16 2.4.2. Pathways for Biomass Conversion ......................................................................... 18 Conversion of Dry Biomass ............................................................................ 18 Conversion of Wet Biomass ............................................................................ 20 2.4.3. Benefits of Biomass Conversion ............................................................................. 21 2.5. Hydrothermal Carbonisation of Biomass...................................................................... 22 2.6. Properties of Hot Compressed Water ........................................................................... 25 2.6.1. 2.7. Role and Importance of Water in Hydrothermal Carbonisation ............................. 26 Problem Statement ........................................................................................................ 29 2.7.1. Research Objectives ................................................................................................ 30 2.7.2. Methodology ........................................................................................................... 32 CHAPTER-III HYDROTHERMAL CARBONISATION AND TORREFACTION OF BIOMASS ..................................................................................................................................... 34 3.1. Experimental Section .................................................................................................... 35 3.1.1. Materials ................................................................................................................. 35 3.1.2. Feedstock Preparation...................................................................................... 35 Experimental Methods ............................................................................................ 35 Hydrothermal Carbonisation ........................................................................... 35 v 3.1.3. 3.2. Torrefaction ..................................................................................................... 38 Analytical Methods for Solid Samples ................................................................... 39 Proximate and Ultimate analysis ..................................................................... 39 Higher Heating Value ...................................................................................... 39 Hydrophobicity ................................................................................................ 40 Grindability...................................................................................................... 41 Fiber Analysis .................................................................................................. 43 Inorganic Metals Analysis ............................................................................... 43 Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis ............................................. 43 Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) Analysis ...................................................... 44 Results and Discussions ................................................................................................ 45 3.2.1. Effect of different operating parameters on biomass .............................................. 45 Effect on mass yield in HTC ........................................................................... 47 Optimization of Mass Yield in HTC .......................................................... 48 Effect on HHV and energy yield in HTC ........................................................ 51 Optimization of HHV and energy yield in HTC ........................................ 54 Comparison of mass yield in HTC and torrefaction process ........................... 59 Comparison of HHV and energy yield in HTC and torrefaction process ....... 60 3.2.2. Proximate and ultimate analysis of hydrochar samples .......................................... 61 3.2.3. Effect of HTC reaction temperature on grindability of hydrochars ........................ 65 3.2.4. Effect of HTC operating temperature on inorganic composition of hydrochars .... 73 3.2.5. Comparison of inorganic impurities in HTC and torrefied samples ............... 76 Effect of HTC operating temperature on hydrophobicity of hydrochars ................ 77 3.3. Comparison of grindability for coal, torrefied and HTC pre-treated samples. 70 Comparison of hydrophobicity for HTC and torrefied samples ...................... 80 Conclusions ................................................................................................................... 81 CHAPTER-IV CHARACTERIZATION AND RECIRCULATION OF HTC LIQUID BYPRODUCT AND EFFECT OF ADDITION OF SALT AND ACID IN HTC PROCESS .... 82 4.1. Experimental Section .................................................................................................... 83 4.1.1. Materials ................................................................................................................. 83 4.1.2. Experimental Methods ............................................................................................ 83 vi Addition of Salt and Acid to HTC process ...................................................... 83 HTC process water characterization ................................................................ 84 Effect of process water recirculation ............................................................... 84 4.1.3. Analytical methods for solid samples ..................................................................... 84 4.1.4. Analytical methods for liquid samples ................................................................... 85 4.2. pH .................................................................................................................... 85 Inorganic Elemental analysis ........................................................................... 85 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) .......................................................................... 85 Organic Acids and Furfurals............................................................................ 85 Results and discussions ................................................................................................. 86 4.2.1. Effects of addition of salt and acid ......................................................................... 86 Effects on mass yield of hydrochar samples ................................................... 86 Effects on HHV of hydrochar samples ............................................................ 89 4.2.2. Characterization of HTC process water .................................................................. 91 4.2.3. Recirculation of HTC liquid by-product ................................................................. 95 4.3. Effect of recirculation on pH of process water ................................................ 96 Effect of recirculation on mass yield ............................................................... 97 Effect of recirculation on HHV ....................................................................... 99 Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 101 CHAPTER-V STRENGTH, STORAGE AND COMBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS OF DENSIFIED LIGNOCELLULOSIC BIOMASS PRODUCED VIA TORREFACTION AND HYDROTHERMAL CARBONIZATION ................................................................................. 103 5.1. Materials and Methods ................................................................................................ 104 5.1.1. Materials ............................................................................................................... 104 5.1.2. Experimental Setup ............................................................................................... 104 Hydrothermal Carbonisation ......................................................................... 104 Torrefaction ................................................................................................... 104 Densification .................................................................................................. 104 5.1.3. Analytical Methods ............................................................................................... 106 Mass and Energy Density .............................................................................. 106 Higher Heating Value .................................................................................... 106 vii Compression Strength.................................................................................... 106 Durability ....................................................................................................... 107 Hydrophobicity .............................................................................................. 107 Equilibrium Moisture Content ................................................................. 107 Water Resistance ...................................................................................... 108 5.2. Results and Discussions .............................................................................................. 109 5.2.1. Mass and Energy Density ..................................................................................... 109 5.2.2. Strength and Durability of Pellets ......................................................................... 112 5.2.3. Hydrophobicity ..................................................................................................... 114 5.3. Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 116 CHAPTER-VI OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................... 118 6.1. Conclusions ................................................................................................................. 118 6.1.1. Wet and Dry Thermal Pre-treatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass........................ 118 6.1.2. HTC Process Water Characterization and Recirculation ...................................... 119 6.1.3. Addition of Salt and Acid in HTC Process ........................................................... 120 6.1.4. Densification of Raw and Pre-treated Biomass .................................................... 120 6.2. Recommendations for Future Research ...................................................................... 121 6.2.1. Process Optimization ............................................................................................ 121 6.2.2. Limitations of the HTC Process ............................................................................ 121 6.2.3. Integration of HTC and Densification Process ..................................................... 122 6.2.4. Versatility of Feedstock ........................................................................................ 122 6.2.5. Products Recovery and Integration of HTC with Anaerobic Digestion ............... 123 6.2.6. Surface and Reaction Chemistry of Hydrochar .................................................... 124 6.2.7. Hydrochar in Agriculture ...................................................................................... 125 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure2.1 Structural representation of Lignocellulosic biomass with cellulose, hemicellulose, and building blocks of lignin ................................................................................................................. 9 Figure2.2 Different conversion routes for dry biomass ................................................................ 20 Figure2.3 Different conversion routes for wet biomass................................................................ 21 Figure2.4 Classification of hydrothermal conversion process with respect to reaction temperature and pressure .................................................................................................................................. 23 Figure2.5 Physical properties of water with temperature, at 24 MPa ........................................... 26 Figure2.6 Effect of thermal pre-treatments on biomass structure................................................. 27 Figure2.7 Typical degradation pathway of biomass composition during dry thermochemical conversion (A) and hydrothermal conversion (B) ........................................................................ 28 Figure2.8 Flow Chart of Methodology ......................................................................................... 33 Figure3.1 HTC experimental Setup .............................................................................................. 37 Figure3.2 Temperature and Pressure Profile for HTC-5min experiment. .................................... 37 Figure3.3 Torrefaction experimental Setup .................................................................................. 38 Figure3.4 IKA Bomb Calorimeter ................................................................................................ 40 Figure3.5 Planetary Ball Mill and Accessories (Retsch-PM 100) ................................................ 42 Figure3.6 Sieve-Shaker (Retsch-PM 100) .................................................................................... 42 Figure3.7 Effect of reaction time and temperature on Mass yield of different feedstocks ........... 48 Figure3.8 Model Predicted Cube plot for Mass Yield vs Reaction time, temperature and ratio .. 50 Figure3.9 Response Surface plot for Reaction time and temperature vs Mass Yield at mean solid load factor (1:9)............................................................................................................................. 50 Figure3.10 Model predicted and actual experimental values plot for the mass yield ................... 51 ix Figure3.11 Effect of reaction time and temperature on HHV of different feedstocks ................. 52 Figure3.12 Effect of reaction time and temperature on energy yield of different feedstocks ...... 52 Figure3.13 Mean Model for Reaction time, temperature and ratio vs HHV ................................ 55 Figure3.14 Response Surface plot for Reaction time and temperature vs HHV at mean solid load factor (1:9) .................................................................................................................................... 56 Figure3.15 Predicted and Actual values plot for HHV ................................................................. 56 Figure3.16 Mean Model for Reaction time, temperature and ratio vs Energy Yield ................... 58 Figure3.17 Response Surface plot for Reaction time and temperature vs Energy Yield at mean solid load factor (1:9) .................................................................................................................... 58 Figure3.18 Predicted and Actual values plot for Energy yield ..................................................... 59 Figure3.19 Comparison of Mass yield, energy yield and HHV in HTC and Torrefaction........... 61 Figure3.20 Atomic H/C-O/C ratios of raw and pretreated miscanthus (M), willow (W) and wheat straw (WS) samples ...................................................................................................................... 64 Figure3.21 Effect of reaction temperature on grindability of raw and HTC pre-treated samples of Miscanthus, Wheat straw and Willow .......................................................................................... 67 Figure3.22 SEM images of wheat straw samples: (A) Raw, (B) 190°C, (C) 225°C, and (D) 260°C ............................................................................................................................................ 67 Figure3.23 SEM images of willow samples: (A) Raw, (B) 190°C, (C) 225°C, and (D) 260°C .. 68 Figure3.24 High Resolution SEM images of wheat straw samples: (A) Raw, (B) 190°C, (C) 225°C, and (D) 260°C ................................................................................................................... 69 Figure3.25 High Resolution SEM images of willow samples: (A) Raw, (B) 190°C, (C) 225°C, and (D) 260°C ............................................................................................................................... 70 x Figure3.26. Particle size distribution for raw and pretreated miscanthus samples and its comparison with coal .................................................................................................................... 72 Figure3.27 SEM images of miscanthus samples: (A) Raw, (B) HTC-190°C, (C) HTC-225°C, (D) HTC-260°C and (E) Torrefied-260°C .......................................................................................... 73 Figure3.28 Effect of HTC operating temperature on inorganic yield of wheat straw samples .... 75 Figure3.29 Effect of HTC operating temperature on inorganic yield of willow samples ............ 76 Figure3.30 Inorganic yield for the HTC and torrefied miscanthus samples ................................. 77 Figure3.31 Effect of HTC operating temperature on hydrophobicity of willow hydrochar samples ....................................................................................................................................................... 79 Figure3.32 Effect of HTC operating temperature on hydrophobicity of wheat straw hydrochar samples .......................................................................................................................................... 79 Figure3.33 Comparison of hydrophobicity for torrefied and HTC pre-treated miscanthus samples ....................................................................................................................................................... 80 Figure4.1 Effect of acid concentration at different temperatures on mass yield of hydrochar samples .......................................................................................................................................... 87 Figure4.2 Effect of salt concentration at different temperatures on mass yield of hydrochar samples .......................................................................................................................................... 88 Figure4.3 Effect of salt concentration at different temperatures on ash content of hydrochar samples .......................................................................................................................................... 88 Figure4.4 Effect of acid concentration at different temperatures on HHV of hydrochar samples 90 Figure4.5 Effect of salt concentration at different temperatures on HHV of hydrochar samples 90 Figure4.6 Effect of reaction temperature on pH of HTC process water ....................................... 93 xi Figure4.7 Effect of reaction temperature on concentrations of different intermediate compounds in HTC process water.................................................................................................................... 94 Figure4.8 Effect of reaction temperature on concentrations of alkali and alkaline metals in HTC process water ................................................................................................................................. 95 Figure4.9 Effect of recirculation of HTC process water on pH of liquid by-product .................. 97 Figure4.10 Effect of recirculation of HTC process water on mass yield of hydrochar samples .. 98 Figure4.11 Effect of recirculation of HTC process water on HHV of hydrochar samples ........ 100 Figure5.1 (A) Pelletization setup, (B) Pellet formation, (C) Pellet extrusion............................. 106 Figure5.2 Radial compression of pellets to test the compression strength(Nielsen et al., 2009) 107 Figure5.3 Effect of pre-treatment type on durability and strength of pellets.............................. 112 Figure6.1 Integration of HTC and AD plant ............................................................................... 124 xii LIST OF TABLES Table2.1 Physical and Chemical Properties of Lignocellulosic composition of Biomass ............. 9 Table2.2 Typical Ultimate and Proximate Analysis of Dry and Wet Biomass ............................ 17 Table3.1 Experimental Design for Miscanthus Biomass Feedstock ............................................ 46 Table3.2 Fiber-analysis of raw miscanthus, wheat straw and willow .......................................... 47 Table3.3 Fiber-analysis of Raw and Pretreated Miscanthus Samples .......................................... 60 Table3.4 Proximate and Ultimate analysis of raw and pretreated biomass .................................. 63 Table3.5 BET-Surface area of raw and HTC pretreated willow and wheat straw ....................... 69 Table3.6 BET-Surface area of HTC and torrefied miscanthus ..................................................... 73 Table5.1 Effect of densification on mass density, HHV and energy density ............................. 110 Table5.2 Effect of pre-treatment on grindability of biomass ...................................................... 111 Table5.3 EMC of raw and pretreated pellets before and after immersion .................................. 115 xiii List of Abbreviations BET Brunauer, Emmett, and Teller DMF Di-Methyl-Furfural EJ/y Exajoules per year FC Fixed Carbon HHV Higher Heating Value HMF Hydroxy-Methyl-Furfural HTC Hydrothermal Carbonization HTL Hydrothermal Liquefaction IBI International Biochar Initiative ICP-OES Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy MC Moisture Content MJ/kg Mega joules per kilogram PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyl PCBs Pulverized Coal Boilers PSD Particle Size Distribution RH Relative Humidity SCWG Supercritical Water Gasification SEM Scanning Electron Microscopy TOC Total Organic Carbon TOP Torrefaction and Pelletization VM Volatile Matter xiv CHAPTER-I INTRODUCTION 1.1. Background Current energy crises are the consequence of a rising world total population and tremendous amount of pressure on demand and consumption of fossil fuels, especially in industrial countries, for energy generation. The world’s total energy consumption was estimated at about 524 exajoules per year(EJ/y)and has been predicted to increase by about 27 percent by the year 2020 and about 65 percent by 2040 (British, 2013; EIA, 2013). Worldwide concerns about global warming with the emission of greenhouse gases (GHGs), of which carbon dioxide has major impact, has derived a profound review in developing energy policies. Sulphur oxides (SOx) emissions that are releasing during combustion of fossil fuels are the primary cause of acid rain and significantly increasing emission rates of CO2 are possessing climactic disasters. A continuous rise in these emissions can imply serious threats to the environment like excessive rainfall, floods, droughts and huge climatological variations. The increase in cost, depletion in availability and deleterious environmental concerns associated with the use of fossil fuels are the main topic of debates in energy meetings. One of the most effective approaches for dealing with these issues would be reducing its consumption by substituting it with a clean-green sustainable and renewable energy resource. Recent research interests in biomass and using it as a substitute fuel for coal is gaining signification attention (Bridgeman et al., 2010; Pimchuai et al., 2010). Biomass is a non-edible renewable energy resource derived from living or recently living organic matter such as wood, wood waste and agricultural residues. Biomass is the world’s fourth largest source of energy and its billion ton availability can meet sustainable energy demand and production. However, owing to its inferior physical and chemical properties such as low bulk density, hydrophilic nature, low 1 calorific value, poor grindability, and high alkali content in ash results into highly inefficient handling and combustion properties of biomass (Bridgeman et al., 2010; Demirbas, 2004). Raw biomass is more likely to adsorb moisture and is thus prone to biological deterioration, limiting its self-storage time (Acharjee et al., 2011). A high alkali and alkaline earth metal content in biomass hinders its application as a solid fuel and therefore cannot be used directly. The presence of sodium and potassium along with the sulphur causes highly undesirable effects in terms of slagging, fouling and tendency to corrode equipment. Alkali metals react with sulphur to form alkali sulphates which deposits on combustor surface; affecting heat transfer rates and also resulting in the corrosion of turbine blades made from highly alloyed steels and super alloys (Saddawi et al., 2011). Silica in biomass reacts to form alkali silicates, that melts at low temperatures (can be lower than 700°C, depending on composition) and can cause the agglomeration of particles (Agblevor & Besler, 1996; Baxter et al., 1998). Calcium does not cause corrosion but can form deposits that are very difficult to remove from turbine blades. When using biomass with high alkali content for combustion, additions of additives are often required to manage ash behaviour which can increase the overall operational expenses. Moreover, the lignocellulosic biomass is highly fibrous in nature and is thus highly energy consuming process to grind it into small particles, where small fine particles are generally required during gasification or co-firing with pulverized coal (Bridgeman et al., 2010). Hence, to overcome all these aforementioned limitations, pre-treatment or preprocessing of biomass are essential steps to improve its combustion properties and its utilization as an effective energy source. 2 Densification of biomass into compacted regular shaped product(s) like pellets, briquettes or cubes is one of the optimal solutions and has aroused a great deal of interest worldwide in recent years as a most efficient technique in improving logistics of biomass. Densification of agricultural (straw and grasses) and woody (chips) biomass into pellets can increase the bulk density from 40-200 to 600-800kg/m3 (Kaliyan & Vance Morey, 2009). Thus, the process can significantly reduce the overall transportation and handling costs associated with the biomass processing industry. However, owing to the hydrophilic nature of biomass, the pellets produced from raw biomass tends to shatter when become in contact with water or are even exposed to the high relative humidity conditions. The presence of high moisture content in biomass feedstock/pellets can influence fungal growth and therefore the material will most likely rot easily with time. Also, the chemical reactions (generally oxidation) or anaerobic microorganism activity in biomass feedstock/pellets can produce heat at a sufficient rate that it can cause self-heating of the biomass stockpile which can lead to self-ignition or other harmful toxic gaseous emissions (Guo, 2013). Therefore, the pellets produced from raw biomass are not meant for longer storage (either indoor or outdoor) without any special controlled-environment storage structures. The construction of such structures can increase the overall storage cost associated with biomass feedstock or pellets. Densification in combination with the thermal pre-treatments like torrefaction is often proposed as an alternate to improve the physicochemical properties of biomass (Bergman, 2005; Pimchuai et al., 2010). During torrefaction, biomass is heated in an inert atmosphere at temperatures of about 200-320°C for 30min to a couple of hours. The process results in an approximately 30% of mass loss, where only 10% of the energy contained within the biomass is 3 lost in the form of gases and, therefore, the specific energy density of the solid by-product is increased (Bergman, 2005). As such, the pellets produced from torrefied biomass are more cost competitive than the regular “white pellets” as they have greater bulk energy density (i.e. energy per unit volume). Other advantages associated with the torrefaction process are reduced moisture content, improved resistance to water damage and microbial growth, and increased friability which makes torrefied pellets easier to grind (Bergman et al., 2005). While torrefied pellets represent a significant improvement over the conventional white pellets, these pellets still fail to meet all end-user requirements as they are weak in strength and have low durability; thus they break easily and generate dust upon handling, causing a risk of explosion. The bulk energy density and grindability of the torrefied pellets is not comparable to that of coal and most importantly the high inorganic metallic content in ash still remains a huge challenge for biomass combustion (Shang et al., 2014; van der Stelt et al., 2011). Because torrefaction process is unable to remove alkali and alkaline metals from biomass ash, the use of torrefied biomass in conventional pulverized coal boiler system is highly inefficient (Kludze et al., 2013). A study suggested a maximum of 50% replacement of coal by dry torrefied biomass in a pulverized coal fired boiler because of lower a Higher heating value (HHV), fouling issues, and low grindability compared to coal (Wilén et al., 2013). Supplement addition of binding agents can improve the durability of torrefied pellets. However the addition of such binders may increase the overall manufacturing cost of the pellets and may also negatively impact the combustion behaviour. Moreover, as the energy input and the quality of the end product in the torrefaction process significantly depends upon the initial moisture content of the feedstock, pre-drying of feedstock may be required prior to torrefaction. 4 The drying methods for biomass are highly energy consuming processes and are a huge financial load in the torrefaction and pelletization process, ultimately making it an inapplicable technique when dealing with wet biomass like food waste (Mani et al., 2006a). In order to advance the densification characterisation of biomass without the expense of binders or adhesives, there is a need to develop an effective technique that can produce pellets with reasonable durability and strength, and high energy density that have potential to replace coal at thermal power plants without any modification to the system. A comparatively new approach of hydrothermal carbonization (HTC), also referred to wet torrefaction, is performed at the temperature range of 180-260°C during which biomass is submerged in water and is heated in a confined system under pressure (2 to 6MPa) for 5 to 240min, could potentially address the limitations of biomass (Libra et al., 2011). As the process itself is carried out in the presence of water it thus eliminates the pre-drying requirement of feedstock. The HTC process results in the formation of three different products: solid (hydrochar), liquid (aqueous soluble) and gaseous (mainly CO2) products. The properties and percentage distribution of the final products strongly depends upon the process reaction conditions (Yan et al., 2010). Although both reaction time and temperature have been observed to influence the physicochemical characteristics of products, the reaction temperature remains the governing process parameter (Funke & Ziegler, 2010). Hydrochar is the primarily desired solid end product in the HTC process, which exhibits unique and significantly superior physicochemical properties compared to biochar (from pyrolysis and torrefaction) and has several value-added industrial applications (Titirici et al., 2012). Hydrochar is highly hydrophobic and friable, and has increased the percentage of lignin and aqueous soluble materials in it. It is expected that using hydrochar for densification purposes can improve the 5 pelletability of solid fuels (Reza et al., 2014b). Secondly, as the process is carried out in the presence of liquid water, it can demineralize the inorganic impurities by precipitating those in a liquid by-product stream. Reduction in the alkali and alkaline earth metal content from biomass would potentially mitigate the challenges like slagging, scaling, and fouling in boilers during biomass combustion. The lack of energy intensive drying processes, high conversion efficiency, and relatively low operating temperature and residence time range are the significant advantages offered in HTC when compared to other conventional thermal pre-treatments like torrefaction (Reza et al., 2012). 1.2. Scope and Objectives Where lignocellulosic biomass has a strong influence in developing a sustainable energy production, most of the research work has primarily been focused on woody biomass. However, the purpose grown energy crops like miscanthus represents a significant share in the bioenergy development, as these crops grow very quickly and requires very less maintenance (Brosse et al., 2012). Furthermore, using agricultural by-products for the bioenergy signifies a strong potential in the best ways to utilize waste products, like wheat straw an agricultural biomass remains highly underutilized due to its high ash content. Extensive variety of literature is available on torrefaction of woody and agricultural biomass. However, very few studies exist that have examined the comparative assessment of such crops for producing high energy dense products via HTC and torrefaction pre-treatments. The primary goal of the work presented in this thesis is to compare the physicochemical properties and densification characterisation of raw, torrefied and HTC pretreated biomass in terms of energy density, proximate and ultimate analysis, hydrophobicity, ash yields, fate of alkali and alkaline earth metals, grindability, particle size distribution, BET surface area, 6 compression strength, durability and water resistance capacity of pellets from both biochar and hydrochar. This work might be very useful to investors and researchers in determining the potential of hydrothermal conversion of biomass for a wide range of industrial applications. 7 CHAPTER-II LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1. Overview of Biomass Biomass is a lignocellulosic material derived from the living or recently living organic materials such as wood and agricultural residuals. In a board vision, non-lignocellulosic materials, like animal and municipal solid wastes (MSWs), are also termed as biomass (Demirbaş, 2001). Biomass is a fourth largest source of energy followed by coal, oil, and natural gas and providing at about 14 percent of the world’s total energy consumption (Saxena et al., 2009; Tumuluru et al., 2010). Biomass is the one and only renewable energy resource that can be converted into any form of fuel including solid, liquid, and gaseous (Özbay et al., 2001). Biomass is widely used to meet wide variety of energy requirements such as heat and electricity generation, and producing biofuels for fueling vehicles. Moreover, its non-edible nature, ability to grow relatively-quickly even on unfertile land, and abundant availability on earth nominates it as a potential energy resource for a sustainable energy production which is the overall goal in the vision of a bioenergy development (Perlack et al., 2005). Using biomass as a fuel can also be an opportunity to empower rural communities. 2.1.1. Lignocellulosic Composition of Biomass Lignocellulosic is a generic term used to represent the chemical composition of biomass. Typically biomass (like plants and trees) is composed of three main components: cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin as shown in the Figure2.1. These components are strongly intermeshed, chemically bonded by a non-covalent forces, and are cross-linked together providing structure and rigidity to the plant. The physical and chemical properties of these components are discussed in Table2.1. 8 Figure2.1 Structural representation of Lignocellulosic biomass with cellulose, hemicellulose, and building blocks of lignin (Alonso et al., 2012) Table2.1 Physical and Chemical Properties of Lignocellulosic composition of Biomass Compound Cellulose Hemicellulose Chemical Structure Lignin monomers (a) trans-p-coumaryl alcohol, (b) coniferyl alcohol, and (c) sinapyl alcohol Cellobiose (D-glucose) Unit Molecular Formula Typical Composition in Biomass Structural Formation Lignin (C6H10O5)n C5H10O5 (a)C9H10O2, (b)C10H12O3, and (c)C11H14O4 (i) Hardwood:39-54% (i) Hardwood:15-36% (ii) Softwood:41-50% (ii) Softwood:11-27% (iii) Agricultural:24-50% (iii) Agricultural:22-35% (i) Hardwood:17-29% (ii) Softwood:27-30% (iii) Agricultural:7-29% A homopolymer of Dglucose subunits. A hetropolymer built up of three different phenylpropane monomers groups; p-coumaryl, coniferyl and sinapyl alcohol. Cellulose is linked by β-1,4 glycosidic bonds forming long chains A hetropolymer of Xylose, Mannose, Glucose, and Galactose. Xylan, the dominating component in hemicellulose, is linked by β-(1→4)-glycosidic or 9 This complex polymer is oriented by different α-(1→2)-bonded 4-Omethylglucoronic acids. Also may contain acetyl group attached to it. degree of methoxylation of above mentioned monomers forming a large molecular structure(s). Hydrophobicity Medium Low High Calorific Value 17-18 MJ/Kg 17-18 MJ/Kg 23.3-26.6 MJ/Kg Owing to its amorphous structure, thermal breakdown of hemicellulose is relatively easier. Lignin is the most thermochemically stable component in wood and highly insoluble in water. Cellulose in nonsoluble in water under standard conditions. Thermal stability and Solubility in Water Applications It can be hydrolysed in subcritical water around 180°C and around 300400°C in standard conditions. Paper manufacturing, textiles, biofuels, chromatography, binding/composite materials, etc. It can be hydrolysed in water around 160°C and around 200-300°C under standard conditions. Mainly includes animal feed, food packaging, health care and biorefinery industry. Its degradation/hydrolysis starts in near or supercritical water or around 600°C in ambient conditions. Manufacturing of adhesive compounds and bioenergy References: (Demirbaş, 2005; Ebringerová, 2005; Fengel & Wegener, 1983; Garrote et al., 1999; Glasser & Sarkanen, 1989; Grønli et al., 2002; Janshekar & Fiechter, 1983; Kumar, 2010; Saha, 2003a; Sun, 2010; Thielemans et al., 2002) Cellulose The cellulosic composition of the woody biomass varies from 39 to 54%; generally hardwood contains the higher percentage of cellulose content in it compared to softwood and agricultural biomass (Garrote et al., 1999). A cotton fiber is a purest and naturally occurring form of cellulose (Kumar, 2010). It is composed of D-glucose (C6H10O5) subunits linked by β-1,4 glycosidic bonds forming long chains (called elemental fibrils) linked together by the hydrogen bonds and van der Waals forces. The β-linkage linear chains in the cellulose are highly stable 10 and are resistant to chemical attack because of the presence of high degree of intra and intermolecular hydrogen bonding (Jarvis, 2003). The presence of strong hydrogen bonding provides a strong and rigid structure to a polymer. In addition, due to the crystalline structure, the thermal degradation of cellulose starts at a temperature range of 300-400°C (Grønli et al., 2002; Pérez & Samain, 2010). Hemicellulose: Unlike cellulose, hemicellulose is a low molecular weight polymer and is made of 2332% of raw biomass. Hemicellulose has a complex carbohydrate structure consisting of different type of polymers like pentoses, hexoses, mannose, glucose, and sugar acids. Xylan is the most dominating component of hemicellulose in hardwood and agricultural plants, like grasses and straw, where glucomannan is dominant in softwood (Fengel & Wegener, 1983; Saha, 2003b). Due to the low molecular weight and amorphous structure, the hemicellulose is a highly soluble polymer in water. Among all three lignocellulosic polymers of biomass, hemicellulose is the least thermally stable polymer followed by cellulose and lignin. The thermal degradation of hemicellulose starts at a temperature range of 200-300°C (Grønli et al., 2002), however, its solubilisation in the water (mainly due to hydrolysis) starts at about 180°C under hydrothermal conditions (Bobleter, 1994; Garrote et al., 1999). Lignin: After cellulose and hemicellulose, lignin is the most abundant polymer in the nature and is present in the cell wall of biomass. Lignin is a complex, cross-linked, and amorphous hetropolymer that is made up of the three different phenyl-propane groups: (i) p-coumaryl, (ii) coniferyl, and (iii) sinapyl alcohol forming a large molecular structure (Hendriks & Zeeman, 2009; Kumar, 2010). Generally softwoods contain higher percentage of lignin in it as compare to 11 hardwoods and agricultural biomass (Garrote et al., 1999). The main function of lignin in plant is to provide structural strength, impermeability, and resistance against microbial attack (Fengel & Wegener, 1983). However, some bacteria has been reported that can degrade the lignin content of biomass, for example the white-rot fungi produces different type of extracellular oxidative enzymes that can cause the degradation of lignin due to the formation of laccases and highly redox potential ligninolytic peroxidases compounds (Bugg et al., 2011; Ruiz-Dueñas & Martínez, 2009). Lignin is an amorphous hetro-polymer and is highly hydrophobic in nature, hence is relatively soluble in water. Lignin is the most thermally stable polymer and its degradation starts at about 600°C under atmospheric conditions (Grønli et al., 2002). However, under hydrothermal conditions its degradation starts at a low temperature at about 220°C (Bobleter, 1994). The solubility of lignin in the controlled environment conditions such as acidic, neutral or alkaline highly depends upon the molecular structure of lignin (i.e. p-coumaryl, coniferyl, and sinapyl alcohol or their combinations) (Grabber, 2005). Lignin in the biomass shows a glass temperature transition behaviour at a temperature range of 135-165°C where it melts and acts as a natural binding agent during the densification process (Kaliyan & Morey, 2010; Li & Liu, 2000; Reza et al., 2012). 2.2. Combustion Properties of Biomass Although biomass is a common source of energy, particularly in the developing countries, it is still not regarded as an ideal fuel due to the inferior physicochemical properties such as fibrous nature, low bulk density and low heating value, high moisture content, high volatile components, high alkali and alkaline earth metallic content (Bridgeman et al., 2008; Pimchuai et al., 2010). The high moisture content of biomass reduces the combustion temperature and efficiency, and increases the carbon monoxide (CO) emissions (Khan et al., 12 2009). The alkali and alkaline metals present in biomass show good catalytic properties during the combustion and gasification of biomass but on the down side these metallic species are also responsible for the various ash related problems like fouling, klinkers, and sintering in boilers, ultimately reducing the thermal efficiency of a heat exchanger (Yip et al., 2009). Biomass (especially herbaceous plants like grasses and straws) contains high amount of potassium and chlorine in it. The high chlorine content in a fuel can cause the high temperature corrosion in boilers, and can accelerate the foul and slag formation when come in contact with the mobile potassium species (Demirbas, 2004). Biomass generally has low sulfur content than coal but have high nitrogen content that may increase the NOx emission. The polymeric composition of biomass, i.e. percentage amount of hemicellulose, cellulose, and lignin, also influences the combustion behaviour. For instance, unlike hemicellulose and cellulose, high percentage of lignin content in biomass shows positive effect on the HHV of feedstock (Demirbaş, 2005), where significantly increases tar formation during the thermochemical processes; the tar components are very harmful in terms of pollution (Yu et al., 2014). The tar yield can be controlled by increasing the process temperature and excess air ratio. The combustion behaviour and compositions of biomass significantly varies with specie, nature of plant tissue, phase of development, and growing conditions (Demirbas, 2004). The seasonal variation affects the continuous availability of biomass feedstock and the wide diversification in physical shape, chemical compositions, and energy density among different biomasses result inefficient handling, transportation, storage, and sizing of feedstock. To overcome these problems, the pre-treatment of biomass is a necessary step to convert it into a uniform and a sustainable fuel source. A broad range of biological and thermochemical pre-treatment processes including torrefaction, pyrolysis, gasification, anaerobic digestion, and 13 fermentation are available to improve the combustion properties of biomass or their conversion to the biofuels (Goyal et al., 2008; Saxena et al., 2009). However, the thermochemical pretreatments are generally preferred over biological pre-treatments, as they offer advantages like the short reaction time and higher product yield (Liu et al., 2012). The research interests in reducing the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by the mean of carbon sequestration or carbon capture storage (CCS) and simultaneously improving food productivity with the application of biochar in soil have made biomass to gain considerable attention for its vital role in developing a sustainable energy and eco-friendly environment (Lehmann & Joseph, 2009). As an estimate, the addition of 1 ton of soil carbon pool in a degraded cropland soil may improve the crop yield from 20 to 40 kg/ha for wheat, 10 to 20 kg/ha for maize, and 0.5 to 1 kg/ha for cowpeas. Enhancing food security with the application of biochar in soil also implies 5-15% reduction in the global fossil fuel emission or 0.4 to 1.2 Giga tons of carbon per year (Lal, 2004). 2.3. Origin and Definition of Biochar and Hydrochar The origin of biochar is associated with the soils of the Amazon region, often referred as “Terra-Preta” soils. These soils have gained a great deal of global interest because of their significantly higher crop productivity compare to the surrounding infertile tropical soils (Zech et al., 1990). More detailed research revealed that these soils are believed to have had used biochar as a key component which partly explains the unique properties of these soils over other (Glaser et al., 2001). As a fact, these influential findings impelled researchers to reveal the further hidden secrets, which resulted in a massive publication of literature on the biochar and its application in the soil (Amonette & Joseph, 2009; Lehmann, 2009; Libra et al., 2011). Thereafter, biochar is regarded as a significantly important tool for developing a sustainable energy and environmental management (Lehmann & Joseph, 2009). 14 “Biochar” is a recently coined term emerging in conjunction with the renewable fuel, soil amelioration and carbon sequestration. The definition(s) of biochar include char and charcoal produced by the partial combustion (charring or smoldering) of carbonaceous organic materials like trees and plants (Warnock et al., 2007). Under the absence or limited supply of oxygen, the process prevents complete combustion (carbon volatilization and ash production) of the source material. Some other researchers have also defined the term “biochar” in different ways. However, almost all these definitions are somehow interrelated to each other in terms of the production and applications of biochar (Ahmad et al., 2013). So far the most standardized definition of biochar is regulated as per International Biochar Initiative (IBI) guidelines which states that, ‘‘biochar is a solid material obtained from the thermochemical conversion of biomass in an oxygen-limited environment’’ (IBI, 2013). It is critically important to differentiate between the terminologies like biochar, charcoal, and hydrochar. The primarily difference between these terminologies lies in their fate. The charcoal is a carbon-rich solid product prepared via charring of biomass and is used as a fuel source for producing energy, where biochar is an alternative term for the charcoal when it is used for agricultural applications like soil amendments, CCS and or sometimes as a fuel (Lehmann & Joseph, 2009). On the other hand, hydrochar is slightly similar product to biochar but is produced from a completely different pre-treatment process. Typically biochar is produced as a solid by-product material in dry carbonization processes like pyrolysis, where hydrochar is produced as a slurry (a two phase mixture of solid and liquid) from HTC of biomass with the water under subcritical conditions (Brewer et al., 2009; Funke & Ziegler, 2010; Libra et al., 2011; Manyà, 2012; Sohi et al., 2010). However both the chars (biochar and hydrochar) significantly differs from each other in terms of their physical and chemical properties (Fuertes et al., 2010; Wiedner et al., 2013). 15 2.4. Biomass conversion 2.4.1. Feedstock for Biomass conversion The classification of biomass feedstock for the production of char is highly important because the pre-treatment selection and its applicability are primarily decided based on the type of feedstock (wet or dry). The categorization of wet and dry biomass is made on the basis of its initial moisture content. The freshly harvested biomass such as vegetable waste, sewage sludge, animal waste, and algae generally have the high moisture content (>30%) and thus they are referred as wet biomass, where the biomass like agricultural residues and few wood species usually have low moisture content (<30%) at the time of harvesting and therefore are classified as dry biomass (Knežević, 2009). The proximate and ultimate analysis of the dry and wet biomass is shown in the Table 2.2. Wet biomass can be dried to low moisture content with the supplement drying techniques, where such techniques are highly energy intensive and can reduce the system’s overall economic efficiency (Mani et al., 2006a; Sokhansanj & Fenton, 2006). Wet and dry biomass can be further classified into two categories: (i) Purpose-grown biomass, and (ii) waste-biomass (Lehmann et al., 2006). Purpose grown crops like Miscanthus, Switchgrass have high crop yield, high energy content, and relatively need low maintenance compare to other crops. Miscanthus and switchgrass usually have low moisture content (below 10%) at the time of harvesting and therefore does not need to be dried, however, the harvesting time can affect the ash content of biomass which may negatively impact the combustion behaviour (Kludze et al., 2013). Such crops can acts a potential candidate for an environmental management, but so far these crops are primarily been focused by the bio-refinery industries for the production of liquid biofuels (Brosse et al., 2012). The second category, waste biomass, is more comprehensive and it includes agro-forestry waste, animal manure waste, organic-food 16 waste, sewage sludge, and MSW (Brick, 2010). The use of waste biomass for the production of biochar seems to be a more reasonable option because it is a highly cost-effective feedstock and it does not compete with food-crops for the land requirement. However, there is no universal consensus exists on what constituents in a definition of waste biomass, because sometime crop residuals are often left in the field to regain and satisfy the specific soil properties (Perlack & Turhollow, 2003). Over use of such waste by-products for the sake of bioenergy development can disturb the overall environmental life cycle. On the contrary, using waste-biomass as a feedstock for the production of biochar and hydrochar will be highly beneficial in terms of maintaining an eco-friendly environment and efficient utilization of waste streams (Lehmann & Joseph, 2009; Sohi et al., 2010). Table2.2 Typical Ultimate and Proximate Analysis of Dry and Wet Biomass Feedstock Elemental Analysis (%) Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulphur Oxygen Adapted from (Libra et al., 2011) Dry Biomass Wet Biomass Woody Grasses Manures Sewage Sludge MSW 50-55 5-6 0.1-0.2 0-0.1 39-44 Proximate 5-20* Moisture Content analysis (%) 35-60** Volatile Matter 70-90 Ash 0.1-8 Fixed Carbon 10-30 HHV (MJ/Kg) 19-22 46-51 6-7 0.4-1 <0.02-0.08 41-46 52-60 6-8 6-8 0.7-1.2 41-46 53-54 7.2-7.4 5.3-5.6 2.1-3.2 29-32 27-55 3-9 0.4-1.8 0.04-0.18 22-44 10-20** 21-99 88-95 15-40 75-83 0.1-0.8 10-20 18-21 57-70 19-31 13-20 60-80 25-37.5 5-6 9-14 47-71 15-20 2-14 * Dried ** Freshly Harvested (Typically) 17 2.4.2. Pathways for Biomass Conversion To date, several techniques are available for the conversion of biomass, however, depending on the type of feedstock (wet or dry), desired output product(s) (solid, liquid, and gas), percentage distribution, and properties of the product for different applications the choice of the pre-treatment selection is very limited. Generally the pre-treatments are classified based on operating conditions such as severity of process parameters (the reaction time and temperature), pre and post processing requirements like shaping, sizing, drying, cooling, condensation, and addition of catalyst (Goyal et al., 2008; Manyà, 2012; Mosier et al., 2005). Conversion of Dry Biomass One of the most common methods used for the utilization of dry biomass is the direct combustion for heat and power production. However, due to the inferior physicochemical properties, as discussed earlier, the direct combustion of biomass produces smoke and other harmful gaseous, therefore is not an eco-friendly route for the biomass conversion. Compaction or densification is the most widely used method during which biomass is compacted in a regular shaped product like pellets or briquettes (Tumuluru et al., 2010). Densification of biomass can significantly reduce the transportation and handing costs associated with the biomass and has gained a great deal of industrial and commercial interest (Mani et al., 2006a). Another compaction method is used for the extraction of liquid product from the oil rich seeds like canola, jatropha, sunflower, etc. for the production of biodiesel where the left over solid product can either be directly combusted or can be further processed. Both the compaction processes, densification and oil extraction, can be efficiently applied on the farm site and can aid in the development rural communities. 18 The thermochemical pre-treatments like pyrolysis, gasification, torrefaction are economical only when carried out at large scale. Pyrolysis, slow and fast, is a thermochemical decomposition process during which the biomass is heated at a temperature range of 300-650˚C under the absence of oxygen. The process results in the formation of three main products: carbon-rich solid product (biochar), a volatile matter which can be condensed to liquid phase (bio-oil), and the remaining so called “non-condensable” gases like CO, CO2, CH4, H2 (Brownsort, 2009; Mohan et al., 2006). Torrefaction is a French synonym for the roasting, also referred to mild pyrolysis because the reaction temperature during the process is comparatively much lower than in a pyrolysis process. During torrefaction biomass is heated at a temperature range of 200-320°C under the reduced level of oxygen (Bergman et al., 2005). Torrefaction has gained considerable attention as an important pre-processing step for the improvement of the physicochemical properties of biomass (Pimchuai et al., 2010). A torrefied biomass can be further shaped into a densified product like pellets that which have significantly improved bulk energy density compared to regular white wood pellets (Bergman, 2005). Solvolysis is an another process during which a biomass is mixed with the hot compressed water for the recovery of sugar and liquid intermediate compounds (Mok & Antal, 1992). The different conversion pathways for the dry biomass are shown in the Figure 2.2. 19 Figure2.2 Different conversion routes for dry biomass (Knežević, 2009) Conversion of Wet Biomass Wet biomass (see figure 2.3) can be transformed into a fuel via biological conversion methods like anaerobic digestion for the production of biogas (methane enrich) or via fermentation for the production of alcohols. The conventional biological conversion methods are limited to the certain carbohydrate fractions of biomass. However, for the so called second generation conversion processes, the enzymes and pre-treatment options are being developed that target the lignocellulosic biomass in broader sense (Knežević, 2009). Moreover, the thermochemical pre-treatments are generally preferred over biological pre-treatments, as they offer several advantages like the short reaction time and higher product yield (Liu et al., 2012). Wet biomass can be dried to dry state with the supplement drying processes but this route highly inefficient method. For the conversion of wet biomass in the processes like HTC, the biomass is mixed with the water and is heated at elevated temperatures for certain period of time. 20 Presence and requirement of the water in HTC eliminates the pre-drying requirement of wet biomass which is a huge energy intensive and financial burden for the processing of wet biomass when performed under conventional dry thermal pre-treatments like slow pyrolysis and dry torrefaction (Uslu et al., 2008). The HTC process of lignocellulosic biomass is the primary objective of this present study and is discussed in detail in the section 2.5. Figure2.3 Different conversion routes for wet biomass (Knežević, 2009) 2.4.3. Benefits of Biomass Conversion Biomass is one of the most promising fuel sources in the world for the energy production. Moreover, biomass is the one and only renewable energy resource that can be converted into any form of fuel including solid, liquid, and gas (Özbay et al., 2001). It is relatively cheaper compare to the fossil fuels. However, owing to the inferior combustion properties (discussed in section 2.2) of raw biomass compare to the fossil fuels its application in industry is very limited. Once 21 biomass is pre-treated it becomes superior to fossil fuels in a certain ways. The selection of a pretreatment should be made on such basis that it offers a broad range of benefits like: (i) Incorporation of the waste biomass streams like food, MSW, sewage, agricultural residues, (ii) Simultaneous recovery of valuable intermediate and by-products for further applications, (iii) Cheaper in cost and has minimal pre-processing requirements like drying, sizing, and (iv) Free from the use of any corrosive solvents or chemicals. 2.5. Hydrothermal Carbonisation of Biomass HTC, also referred to wet torrefaction, is a thermochemical process for converting organic feedstock into a high carbon rich solid product. During the process the biomass is mixed with the water and is heated in a confined system at a temperature range of 180-260°C with the reaction times from 5mins to 4 hours under the pressure of 2-6MPa (Hoekman et al., 2013; Libra et al., 2011; Mumme et al., 2011). Usually the reaction pressure is not controlled in the process and is autogenic with the saturation vapor pressure of water (subcritical-water) corresponding to the reaction temperature. The HTC process is not a new area of research and was first proposed by Friedrich Bergius in 1913 to describe the natural coalification process (Bergius, 1931). Later in the last decades of 19th century, the process gained attention as a hydrothermal degradation of the organic materials for the synthesis of important chemicals along with the recovery of liquid and gaseous fuels (Bobleter, 1994; Mumme et al., 2011). But the recent research activities on HTC are simultaneously focusing on the production of solid product (hydrochar) that have several value-added applications in the industry and environment (Avola et al., 2012; Funke & Ziegler, 22 2010; Kruse et al., 2013; Libra et al., 2011; Pavlovič et al., 2013; Peterson et al., 2008; Titirici et al., 2012). With an increase in the severity of reaction, i.e. for the temperatures above 260°C, the hydrothermal process can be further classified into two techniques: (i) hydrothermal liquefaction (HTL), and (ii) Hydrothermal vaporisation (HTV) or hydrothermal gasification (HTG), or super critical water gasification (SCWG) (Pavlovič et al., 2013; Peterson et al., 2008). As both the techniques are primarily used for the production of liquid and gaseous fuel, therefore, are not discussed in this study. The classification of the hydrothermal process with respect to the temperature and pressure is shown in the Figure 2.4. Figure2.4 Classification of hydrothermal conversion process with respect to reaction temperature and pressure As the process is carried out in the presence of water and therefore is not affected by the high moisture content of feedstock. This unique advantage of the HTC pre-treatment eliminates the pre-drying requirement of wet biomass, which is a huge energy intensive and financial load 23 in the biomass pre-processing when performed under the conventional thermal pre-treatments like slow pyrolysis and dry torrefaction. The process results in the formation of three main products: solid (hydrochar), liquid (bio-oil in water) and small fractions of gases (mainly CO2). The percentage distribution and the physicochemical properties of hydrochar are governed by the reaction temperature (Yan et al., 2010). The mass yield of hydrochar during the HTC process typically varies from 40 to 70%. It has been reported that with the equivalent mass yield, the energy densification ratio (ratio of the HHV of biochar to the HHV of raw biomass) obtained via HTC is significantly higher than the obtained under torrefaction (Yan et al., 2009; Yan et al., 2010). The addition of salts and acids has been recommended by few researchers to improve the chemical properties of hydrochar and to reduce the reaction pressure and temperature (Lynam et al., 2011; Lynam et al., 2012). However, the selection of a catalyst should be made very carefully as it can cause the pitting of reactor. When leaving the process, hydrochar is wet in state and is in the form of slurry, therefore, it has to pass through series of steps like mechanical dewatering (compressing), filtering, and solar/thermal drying before it can used for combustion. The mechanical dewatering of wet materials like sludge and paper pulp can reduce the moisture content to a range of 70-75%. The moisture content of the hydrothermally pre-treated material can be achieved to a value of less than 50% just by compression, ultimately reducing the supplement energy and time consumption in drying of hydrochar (Mensinger, 1980). Pulverization of hydrochar is much less energy intensive when compared to raw wood. Moreover, these pulverized particles also show spherical shape which may further facilitate the fluidization process during gasification (Tremel et al., 2012). The surface of hydrochar shows high degree of aromatization with the large number of oxygen containing groups. Presence of the oxygen groups on the surface of hydrochar explains 24 its affinity for the water and therefore it can be used to increase the water retention capacity of the soil (Sevilla & Fuertes, 2011). The high conversion efficiency, elimination of pre-drying requirement, and relatively low operating temperature among other pre-treatments, makes HTC a perfectly suitable conversion technique for the production of hydrochar especially from wet biomass. 2.6. Properties of Hot Compressed Water From the phase diagram of water, the critical point is at 374°C and 22.1 MPa. Liquid water, below the critical point, is subcritical and above is supercritical. The HTC pre-treatment of biomass is carried out in subcritical water, at which water is still in a liquid phase and acts as a non-polar solvent enhancing the solubility of organic compounds of biomass. A water at high temperature and high pressure has high degree of ionization and starts dissociating into acidic hydronium ions (H3O+) and basic hydroxide ions (OH−), therefore, shows both acidic and basic characteristics (Kalinichev & Churakov, 1999; Marcus, 1999). The Figure 2.5 shows the effect of temperature on the physical properties of water. The dielectric behavior of 200°C water is similar to that of ambient methanol, 300°C water is similar to ambient acetone, 370°C water is similar to methylene chloride, and 50°C water is similar to ambient hexane (Kritzer & Dinjus, 2001). Water at the temperature and pressure near or above critical point becomes supercritical water at which the properties of water are significantly different from that at the room temperature and subcritical state. At this state the density of water is reduced drastically and is in between that of the water vapor and liquid, and has a gas like diffusion properties. This state of water is mainly used for the production of gaseous fuels like H2. Hydrous pyrolysis, supercritical water oxidation (SCWO), and supercritical water gasification (SCWG) are the same process with 25 an aim of hydrogen gas production (Peterson et al., 2008). Both sub and super-critical water has unique properties that it can be used for the destruction of hazardous wastes such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polychlorinated di-benzofurans (PCDFs) (Weber et al., 2002). The working against continuous flow of sub and supercritical water is a biggest challenge in the commercial application of HTC. Figure2.5 Physical properties of water with temperature, at 24 MPa (Kritzer & Dinjus, 2001) 2.6.1. Role and Importance of Water in Hydrothermal Carbonisation The primary goal of a thermochemical pre-treatment is to breakdown the rigid structure of the biomass polymers into a small and low molecular weight chains. The Figure 2.6 shows the effect of thermal pre-treatment on the physical structure of biomass. The rate of destruction of the polymeric structure of biomass typically depends upon the reaction time, temperature and reaction medium. In HTC due to the presence of subcritical water, the reaction mechanism is initiated by hydrolysis, thus it lowers the activation energy level of hemicellulose and cellulose, favouring the rapid degradation and depolymerisation of these polymers into the water soluble products like oligomers and monomers (Bobleter, 1994; Funke & Ziegler, 2010; Yu et al., 2007). 26 As water is a cheap, non-toxic, and is inherently present in the wet biomass therefore is used as a reacting medium in the HTC process. Also water is an alternate to the corrosive chemicals and toxic solvents (Hashaikeh et al., 2007). In addition, the inorganic impurities present in the biomass might migrate in the HTC process water and thus the demineralization can reduce the overall ash content of the solid product which does not takes place in case of torrefaction (see figure 2.7). Figure2.6 Effect of thermal pre-treatments on biomass structure (Shankar Tumuluru et al., 2011) 27 Figure2.7 Typical degradation pathway of biomass composition during dry thermochemical conversion (A) and hydrothermal conversion (B) (Source: Author, with reference to (Brownsort, 2009)) The process water (aqueous by-product) produced during the HTC process has been reported to contain some phenolic, organic, and furan derivatives compounds like acetic acid, formic acid, glycolic acid, levulinic acid, and 2,5-hydroxyl-methyl-furfural (HMF) that are formed via the degradation of biomass polymers (Gullón et al., 2012; Kabyemela et al., 1999). The products like Levulinic acid are a key block for the manufacturing of highly important chemicals and materials. The 2,5-HMF is an important versatile chemical that has potential to replace petroleum based products. It is used for the manufacturing of 2,5-dimethylfuran (DMF) which is a liquid biofuel that is superior to ethanol in a certain ways (Su et al., 2009). Both these products, Levulinic acid and 2,5-HMF, has been identified as “top 12 value added chemicals from biomass” by US Department of Energy (DOE) (Werpy & Petersen, 2004). The identification, recovery and characterisation of these high quality intermediate compounds can become a potential platform for the bio-refinery and other chemicals manufacturing industries (Gullón et al., 2012). Recirculation of the HTC process water can provide a broad range of benefits like: 28 (i) Reduction in the waste water that would also reduce the waste water treatment cost associated with it, (ii) Recirculation of the process water has been suggested as the most efficient method of heat recovery and can reduce the external heat consumption by ten-folds (Stemann et al., 2013a), (iii) Formation of acetic acid in the water may further catalyze the process and therefore can simultaneously reduce the pressure and temperature requirements, (iv) High quality intermediate products like HMF might deposit in the pores of hydrochar, further augment the HHV of solid product, and (v) The HTC process water can be used for the anaerobic digestion of sludge (Wirth & Mumme, 2013). 2.7. Problem Statement The government of Ontario is planning to terminate all the coal-fired power generation plants in Ontario by the end of year 2014 (EPA, 2007). For the replenishment, Ontario government is seeking for a sustainable and renewable energy source. Ontario power generation (OPG) and the ministry of agriculture and food (OMAF) and ministry of rural affairs (MRA) with the support of the Ministry of energy and infrastructure (MEI), are coordinating analysis of the feasibility of biomass for the production of combustion energy in Ontario (OMAF, 2013). With no doubt biomass is an attractive fuel source of energy and is a potential feedstock for the further energy conversions that can be GHG emissions neutral. However, due to the inferior physicochemical properties biomass is not regarded as an efficient fuel source and therefore its industrial adaptability is very limited. 29 Torrefaction and pelletization are often proposed as a prerequisite pre-treatment for upgrading biomass. During which the few properties like energy density, hydrophobicity, and grindability are improved to some extent but are still not comparable to that of coal. The high inorganics in ash still remains a huge challenge for the biomass combustion. Also, these methods are less efficient when dealing with a feedstock with the high moisture content. Moreover, the pellets produced from the torrefied biomass are weak in strength thus they tend to shatter and causes a risk of explosion. As an alternate, HTC a comparatively new technique where the biomass is treated with the hot compressed water instead of drying used in the conventional thermal pre-treatments is investigated in this study. 2.7.1. Research Objectives The main research objective of the present study is to understand and optimize the effect of HTC on woody and agricultural biomass and its comparison with the conventional pretreatment (torrefaction). The research areas that are specifically focused in this study are: 1. To investigate the effect of reaction time, temperature, and feedstock to water ratio on the mass yield and energy density of the hydrochar samples, 2. To examine the effect of reaction temperature on the storage properties (hydrophobicity), grindability, particle size distribution (PSD), O/C-H/C ratios, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), BET-surface area, polymeric composition (cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin), alkali and alkaline metal composition of the solid product produced via HTC and torrefaction, 3. Determine the effect of addition of salts and acids on the mass yield, ash content and HHV of hydrochar samples, 30 4. To characterize the HTC process water in terms of identification and quantification of the intermediate components produced at different reaction temperatures, 5. To examine the effect of process water recirculation on pH of liquid by-product and the effect on the mass yield, ash content and HHV of the hydrochar samples, and 6. To study the densification characterization of raw, torrefied and hydrochar samples in terms of strength, storage and combustion properties. 31 2.7.2. Methodology The methodology followed in this thesis is shown in the form of flow chart (Figure2.8). The different biomass feedstocks, willow (woody), wheat straw (agricultural) and miscanthus (purpose grown crop), were studied to investigate the effect of HTC on lignocellulosic biomass. The results from the HTC process were compared with the torrefaction process. The solid product from both the thermal pre-treatments was then examined for the pelletization process. The liquid by-product from the HTC process at different reaction temperatures was also characterized for the chemical composition. The HTC process water was then studied for the recirculation experiments. The results from this study can help in optimizing the design of a state-of-the-art HTC reactor. 32 Figure2.8 Flow Chart of Methodology 33 CHAPTER-III HYDROTHERMAL CARBONISATION AND TORREFACTION OF BIOMASS In this chapter, the experimental demonstration of hydrothermal carbonisation (HTC) and torrefaction of biomass is examined. HTC of biomass is a process during which biomass is mixed with water and the mixture is heated to a temperature range of 180-260°C. Where torrefaction is a process where the water is evaporated from the feedstock is then heated to a temperature range of 200-300°C under reduced level of oxygen. The performance of both the pre-treatments was measure in terms of the mass yield, energy density, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), BET-surface area, inorganic elemental analysis, grindability, particle size distribution (PSD), oxygen to carbon-hydrogen to carbon (O/C-H/C) ratios, and fiber analysis. 34 3.1. Experimental Section 3.1.1. Materials Three different biomass feedstocks, Hybrid willow (woody), wheat straw (agricultural), and miscanthus (a purpose grown crop), were considered for this study. The willow wood was obtained from the University of Guelph research field and was harvested in June 2013. Both, the wheat straw and miscanthus were collected from a privately owned farm in Ontario and were harvested in May 2013. Feedstock Preparation Prior to the experiments each biomass feedstock was prepared for the uniform. The willow wood samples were chopped manually to a workable length using band saw. The length and diameter of the prepared willow samples was 25mm and 10mm, respectively. The miscanthus samples were chopped manually into the samples of length in a range of 20-25mm. The wheat straw samples were milled using a commercially available grinder and was then sieved to a range of 3.35mm to 710µm particles. All the prepared samples were stored in a sealed plastic bag until treatment. 3.1.2. Experimental Methods Hydrothermal Carbonisation HTC of biomass was carried out using Parr 600ml bench top reactor (Moline, IL) fitted with the glass liner (762HC3) as shown in the Figure 3.1. To analyze the effect of operating conditions on biomass, the experiments were performed at the different reaction temperatures (190, 225, 260°C), residence times (5, 15, 30mins) and feedstock-to-water ratios or solid load (1:6 & 1:12 (w/w)). The temperature of the system was controlled using a Proportional-Integral35 Derivative (PID) temperature controller. The reactor pressure was not controlled in the experiment and was kept autogenic with the vapor pressure of water at the corresponding temperature. As indicated by the pressure gauge attached to the reactor, the inside pressure of reactor ranged from 180 to 720 psig. The temperature and pressure profile in the reactor during HTC are shown in the Figure 3.2. Prior to the reaction, 10g of miscanthus samples were mixed with deionized water in the different ratios and was manually stirred for 2-3min to ensure complete wetting. The reactor was heated up to the required temperature in 20-30mins and was then maintained for the desired time period. It should be noted that the pre-heating time for the reactor would also play an important role in the HTC reaction chemistry, as a higher reaction temperature would also require the longer pre-heating time. However, in this study for the data analysis purposes, the reaction temperature was defined as the isothermal holding time period. Later, to further quench the reactions, the reactor was immersed in the cold water and was cooled down to room temperature in 5-7 mins. Once the inside temperature of the reactor dropped to room temperature, the pressure release valve was opened under the fume hood to release gaseous products. The solid and liquid products were separated using a filter paper (20µm) and were collected for the further analysis (data not shown here for liquid analysis). The hydrochar samples were dried overnight at 103°C before analysis. 36 Figure3.1 HTC experimental Setup Figure3.2 Temperature and Pressure Profile for HTC-5min experiment. Zone A: heating time, Zone B: reaction time, Zone C: cooling time. 37 Torrefaction Torrefaction experiments were performed using a macro thermo-gravimetric analyzer (TGA) (see Figure 3.3) that was designed and fabricated in the machine lab at University of Guelph. The reactor consist a stainless steel tube heated by four electric heaters of 1.25KW capacity kept in close contact with the reactor wall. A small perforated basket made of stainless steel fitted with a ceramic crucible was attached to the balance to hold sample. For the each run, miscanthus sample of about 5g was placed inside the crucible. The reactor was then heated to 260°C with the heating rate of 10°C/min and was maintained for 30mins. During torrefaction experiment, to prevent combustion, the reactor was continuously purged with the nitrogen gas (10ml/min) to maintain inert atmosphere inside the reactor. The nitrogen gas was passed through the pre-heater (temperature controlled) before purging inside the reactor. After the desired reaction period, the sample was cooled down to room temperature with the continuous flow of nitrogen through the reactor. The remaining solid sample was collected and placed inside air the sealed bag plastic till analysis. Figure3.3 Torrefaction experimental Setup (Acharya & Dutta, 2013) 38 3.1.3. Analytical Methods for Solid Samples Proximate and Ultimate analysis The proximate analysis (ash, volatile matter and fixed carbon) of the solid samples was carried out as per ASTM standards. The measured amount of sample was placed in the muffle furnace (Thermo Scientific- F48055-60, Waltham, MA) maintained at 103±2°C for at least 16hrs and was then moved to desiccator, containing silica gel, for cooling. The samples were then reweighed and the change in initial and final weight was expressed as percentage moisture (ASTM-E871). The dried solid samples were then ignited at 575°C for 5hrs in a muffle furnace to determine percentage ash (ASTM-E1755). The volatile matter of solid samples was measured by firing at 950°C for 7mins (ASTM- E872). The remaining percentage was reported as fixed carbon. The ultimate analysis (carbon (C), hydrogen (H), nitrogen (N), sulphur (S), and Oxygen (O)) of solid samples was measured using elemental analyzer (Thermo Fisher Flash EA 1112, Waltham, MA). Higher Heating Value The higher heating values (HHV) of raw and pre-treated solid samples were determined using IKA-C200 bomb calorimeter (Wilmington, NC) (Figure 3.4). All the samples were oven dried at 105°C for 24hrs prior to analysis. Measured amount of the sample (approximately 0.5g) was placed in the steel container (decomposition vessel) fitted with a ceramic crucible (sample holder). The vessel was pressurized with the pure oxygen to 30 bars and the sample was then ignited with a cotton thread connected to an ignition wire in the decomposition vessel. The constant value for the temperature of water was recorded, both before and after ignition of sample. The change in the temperature of water was then used to calculate the HHV of samples (as shown in equation 1). 39 Where: m = Mass of the sample C= Heat capacity of the bomb calorimeter ΔT= Change in Temperature of water, before and after ignition QE= Correction value for the heat energy generated by the cotton thread during ignition Figure3.4 IKA Bomb Calorimeter Hydrophobicity Equilibrium moisture content (EMC) is defined as the moisture content of the sample that is in thermodynamic equilibrium with the moisture of the surrounding atmosphere at a given relative humidity, temperature, and pressure. To determine EMC of the solid samples in this study, both raw and pre-treated samples were exposed to the rooms maintained at two different humidity levels: 48-52% and 74-78% at 22-23°C. After exposure of 24 hours to the controlled 40 environment, the samples were then dried in an oven at 103°C for 16hours. The change is weight was then expressed as the percentage moisture adsorbed (Equation 2) Where: MC= Moisture content of the sample Mf = Final mass of the sample Mdry = Mass of the oven dried sample Grindability Owing to the high fibrous nature, pulverization of biomass is a highly energy intensive process. The torrefaction pre-treatment has been widely discussed as a solution to improve the grindability of biomass. To evaluate the performance of HTC on pulverization, grinding of the pretreated solid samples was performed using planetary ball mill, Retsch PM-100 (Newtown, PA). Prior to grinding, the samples were sieved to particle size range of +850µm to -1000µm. For each run, measured amount of sieved samples were loaded in the grinding bowl with five stainless steel balls (ø10mm). The bowl was then placed in the ball mill operated at 420 rpm for 5mins. The milled samples were collected and further evaluated for particle size distribution (PSD) using Retsch AS-200 (Newtown, PA) sieve shaker, with four different sieves (>500mm, 500–250mm, 250–100mm, and <100mm). The PSD was determined by the percentage weight retained on each sieve. The higher the percentage weight passes through the smallest sieve, the easier the grindability. For comparison, raw feedstock samples and commercial coal samples were also milled using same procedure and were measured for PSD. 41 Figure3.5 Planetary Ball Mill and Accessories (Retsch-PM 100) Figure3.6 Sieve-Shaker (Retsch-PM 100) 42 Fiber Analysis Generally, biomass is divided in the five main components: hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, aqueous soluble, and ash. A chemical analytical method was used to determine the percentage of hemicellulose, cellulose, lignin, and aqueous soluble materials in the raw and pretreated samples (Harper & Lynch, 1981). Similar method was also used by an another study to examine the torrefaction behavior of agricultural biomass (Sule, 2012). Ash in the pre-treated samples was determined as per ASTM standard (E1755). Prior to the analysis, each pre-treated sample was dried overnight at 103°C. Inorganic Metals Analysis The presence of few alkali and alkaline earth metals in biomass is the biggest challenge when using it as a fuel source. To determine the effect of thermal pre-treatment on the alkali and alkaline earth metal composition of biomass, each sample was analyzed for the inorganic elemental composition (Anderson, 1996). The testing was performed at University of Guelph laboratory services using a microwave digestion system, CEM-Mars Xpress (Matthews, NC) and a Varian-Vistra-pro (Palo Alto, CA) inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) system. The samples were homogenized and microwave digested with nitric acid in a closed vessel. The microwave digested samples were brought to the volume with nano pure water. The clear extract supernatant was measured by the ICP-OES with a cyclonic spray chamber and sea-spray nebulizer. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis Both raw and pre-treated samples were mounted onto the surface of a standard aluminum SEM stub using a carbon tape. The samples were then placed into a Cressington 108Auto sputter coater where a 10-nm gold film was deposited on the surface of sample to provide a conductive 43 coating. The samples were then placed in a scanning electron microscope, FEI Inspect S50 (Japan). The images were collected at an accelerating voltage of 20 kV with an aperture of 3.5 using an ETD secondary electron detector. Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) Analysis Samples were placed in the degassing module of the Quantachrome 4200e Surface Area and Pore Analyzer. The samples were then vacuum-degassed at the room temperature for at least 3 hours prior to the analysis. All the samples were reweighed to account for the mass loss (if there is any). The degased samples were then placed in the analyzer for multipoint BET analysis. The tubes were calibrated before each run using helium gas. The adsorption isotherm was recorded for the pressures ranging from 0.03 < P/Po < 0.4 using nitrogen as an adsorbate gas at liquid at the liquid nitrogen temperatures. The surface area was then calculated using the BET region of the adsorption isotherm where the cross-sectional area of the condensed N2 gas was assumed to be 16.2Å. 44 3.2. Results and Discussions 3.2.1. Effect of different operating parameters on biomass Table 3.1 shows the experimental design that was employed to study the effect of three different operating parameters: reaction time, reaction temperature, and ratio of feedstock to water during HTC and their effect on the physicochemical properties of miscanthus. The values reported in the Table 3.1 are the mean values of triplicate experiments with a maximum standard error value shown in bracket for each parameter. Mass yield (Eq.2), energy densification ratio (Eq.3), and energy yield (Eq.4) are the three important parameters that were measured in the study and are expressed as: …….. (2) …….. (3) … (4) An analysis-of-variance (ANOVA) method was used to analyze the data (Table 3.1) and modelling the HTC process to examine the effect of operating conditions (reaction temperature (T), reaction time (t) and solid load (R)) on the mass yield, energy yield, and HHV of hydrochar. The results are presented in the Table 3.1 using statistical analysis (ANOVA, at 95% confidence interval), it was found that the reaction temperature remains the most significant parameter controlling the properties of biomass. Reaction time is the second most affecting parameter. However, no significant effect was found for varying the solid load from 1:6 to 1:12. The statistical analysis of the data using a model with the interaction term showed no-significant effect of the interactions among variables (except for the reaction time and temperature). Due to 45 the significant effect of reaction temperature, the further physicochemical analysis was performed for the samples produced at different temperatures (190°C, 225°C, and 260°C) for 5mins reaction time and solid load of 1:6. Table3.1 Experimental Design for Miscanthus Biomass Feedstock Mass Yield (%) Operating Parameters HHV (MJ/kg) Feedstock to Water Ratio Feedstock to Water Ratio Energy Yield Feedstock to Water Ratio Temperature (°C) Time (mins) 1:6 1:12 1:6 1:12 1:6 1:12 190 5 83.5 ±0.6 85.8 ±0.7 19.9 ±0.1 19.3 ±0.1 90.2 90.1 190 15 77.8 ±0.7 69.7 ±0.1 20.7 ±0.3 20.6 ±0.3 87.2 78.0 190 30 72.5 ±0.8 66.6 ±0.2 21.2 ±0.3 21.5 ±0.5 83.4 77.2 225 5 66.8 ±1.3 65.5 ±1.6 21.4 ±0.1 21.4 ±0.2 77.6 76.0 225 15 63.9 ±0.6 61.1 ±0.4 23.3 ±0.5 23.0 ±0.8 80.5 76.5 225 30 62.4 ±1.1 57.5 ±0.2 23.8 ±0.7 24.3 ±0.2 80.5 75.9 260 5 47.8 ±0.6 44.9 ±1.1 25.7 ±0.3 25 ±0.2 66.5 60.6 260 15 45.9 ±0.9 44.0 ±0.9 29.4 ±0.6 28.6 ±0.4 73.1 68.2 260 30 44.9 ±0.3 42.8 ±1.2 30.3 ±0.6 31.3 ±0.4 73.7 72.5 Raw Miscanthus: 18.47MJ/kg Similar results were also reported by an another study (Reza, 2011) during which no significant effect of the reaction time was reported and therefore, at first glance, contradicts the findings in this study. This contradiction is most possible due to the difference in levels of reaction times used in the experiments. The present study was performed using three different levels of reaction times (5, 15, 30mins) where only two different levels (5 and 20mins) were used in the experiments performed by Reza, (2011). 46 Effect on mass yield in HTC Figure 3.7 shows the effect of reaction time and temperature on the mass yield of different biomass feedstocks during HTC. As expected, the mass yield considerably reduces with an increase in the reaction time and temperature, of which reaction temperature remained the most prominent factor. Among all the three biomass feedstocks considered in this study, miscanthus showed the lowest mass yield. Generally biomass with the high hemicellulose composition in it show higher mass loss due to least thermal stability among other polymers in biomass (Garrote et al., 1999). To confirm the validity of aforementioned statement, the fiber analysis of three biomass feedstocks was performed and the results are shown in the Table 3.2. It was found that the miscanthus has the highest percentage of hemicellulose and aqueous composition in it and therefore shows the high mass loss compare to the wheat straw and willow feedstock. Table3.2 Fiber-analysis of raw miscanthus, wheat straw and willow Feedstock Hemicellulose (%) Cellulose (%) Lignin (%) Hot water Extractives (%) Ash (%) Miscanthus 36.30 38.80 11.50 12.60 0.80 Wheat Straw 26.82 49.09 10.66 8.75 4.67 Willow 31.50 49.05 14.73 3.32 1.40 47 5min 15min 30min 100 Mass Yield (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 190 225 Miscanthus 260 190 225 260 Wheat Straw Temperature (°C) Feedstock 190 225 260 Willow Figure3.7 Effect of reaction time and temperature on Mass yield of different feedstocks Optimization of Mass Yield in HTC Using the linear model relationship and ANOVA method for the mass yield data shown in the Table 3.1 as a function of reaction temperature (T), time (t), and ratio of feedstock to water (R), the statistical equation (Eq. 5) was derived with a R-square value of 0.948. The applicability of this derived model is highly consistent with the findings in literature on the HTC of miscanthus (Reza et al., 2013), however, the results are not in correlation with the literature on other types of feedstock like corn stover, rice husk, pine, tahoe mix, sugarcane bagasse, coconut fibre etc. (Hoekman et al., 2013; Liu et al., 2013; Reza et al., 2013; Xiao et al., 2012); suggesting that the degradation in the HTC process significantly depends upon the type of feedstock. This consequence is due to the fact that different feedstocks have different percentages of polymeric composition (i.e. fraction of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin) in it. A derivation of a 48 statistical model based on the wide range of biomass feedstock and operating conditions might be very helpful for an industry in predicting the physicochemical properties of hydrochar for the different applications. ………. (5) The strength of the effect of HTC operating conditions on the mass yield of miscanthus is better represented by a cube plot (Figure 3.8) and a response surface graph (Figure 3.9) using model predicted values (Equation 5). The lack-of-fitness between actual experimental mean values and model predicted values are shown in the Figure 3.10. From the Figure 3.8 it can be noticed that with an increase in the reaction temperature from 190°C to 260°C, the mass yield of miscanthus considerably reduces by 31% at the reaction time of 5mins and 30mins. Whereas, on the other hand (keeping the reaction temperature constant), with an increase in the reaction time from 5 to 30mins, the mass yield of the miscanthus only reduces by 7.6% at 190°C and 260°C. No significant effect (<3%) was observed for the mass yield with an increase in the solid load ratio. 49 Figure3.8 Model Predicted Cube plot for Mass Yield vs Reaction time, temperature and ratio Figure3.9 Response Surface plot for Reaction time and temperature vs Mass Yield at mean solid load factor (1:9) 50 Figure3.10 Model predicted and actual experimental values plot for the mass yield Effect on HHV and energy yield in HTC Figure 3.11 and 3.12 shows the effect of reaction time and temperature on the HHV and energy yield of the different biomass feedstocks under HTC at a solid load ratio of 1:6. As expected, the HHV of the biomass feedstock increases with an increase in the reaction time and temperature. 51 5min 15min 30min 32 HHV (MJ/Kg) 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 190 225 260 Miscanthus 190 225 260 190 Wheat Straw Temperature(°C) Feedstock 225 260 Willow Figure3.11 Effect of reaction time and temperature on HHV of different feedstocks 5min 15min 30min 100 Energy Yield (%) 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 190 225 Miscanthus 260 190 225 260 Wheat Straw Temperature (°C) Feedstock 190 225 260 Willow Figure3.12 Effect of reaction time and temperature on energy yield of different feedstocks 52 In terms of the HHV of biomass polymers, lignin has the highest heating value and is in the range of 23.3-26.6 MJ/kg, followed by cellulose and hemicelluloses having HHV of about 17.6-17.9MJ/kg (Demirbaş, 2005). The thermal stability of biomass polymers from least to most follows the order: Hemicellulose<Cellulose<Lignin (refer section 2.1.1). In the hydrothermal process, due to the presence of subcritical water, the degradation of hemicellulose is rapid and takes place at a fairly low temperature compare to in the conventional dry pre-treatments like torrefaction, pyrolysis, gasification etc. Moreover, under subcritical water conditions, the degradation of hemicellulose and cellulose results into the formation of intermediate compounds like monomers, furfurals, and 5Hydroxyl Methyl Furfural (HMF) (Reza et al., 2013). 5-HMF has several value-added applications in biochemical industry (Funke & Ziegler, 2010; Verevkin et al., 2009). The formation of 5-HMF particles was confirmed during characterization of HTC process water (data not shown). The HHV of 5-HMF is about 22 MJ/kg, which is significantly higher than that of hemicellulose and cellulose, and is close to that of lignin (Reza et al., 2014a). Small porous structures are often obtained during hydrothermal conversion of biomass and these 5-HMF particles may precipitate in the pores of hydrochar, further augmenting the energy densification of hydrochars (Reza et al., 2013). These intermediate particles are characterized as aqueous soluble materials during fiber analysis. Hence, a feedstock with the high percentage of hemicellulose composition in it tends to show high mass loss and high increase in the HHV. This phenomenon explains the reason behind the unexpected high mass loss and high HHV observed in case of the miscanthus when compare to the wheat straw and willow wood. The degradation of hemicellulose was found to increase with an increase in the reaction temperature and almost complete degradation of hemicellulose 53 can be observed in the case of hydrochar produced at 260°C (Table 3.3). In biochemical industry, 5-HMF is used as a product for the production of 2,5 Dimethyl-furan (DMF), whose heating value is significantly higher (33.7 MJ/kg) than that of ethanol (26.9 MJ/kg) (Zhong et al., 2010). The HHV of hydrochar samples increases where the energy yield reduces with an increase in the reaction temperature. An increase in the reaction temperature from 190°C to 260°C, at the residence time of 5min, the HHV of miscanthus samples increased from 19.93 to 25.72 MJ/kg, corresponding to the energy densification ratio of 1.08 to 1.39, respectively. However, at the same reaction conditions, the energy yield of pre-treated miscanthus samples reduced from 90.16% to 66.48%. The significant drop in the percentage energy yield of miscanthus samples is strongly correlated with the considerable reduction in the mass yield from 83.53 (at 190°C) to 47.83% (to 260°C). With the further increase in the severity of operating conditions, i.e. the highest reaction temperature (260°C) and highest residence time (30mins), the combustion properties (in terms HHV) of hydrochar were surprisingly improved. Optimization of HHV and energy yield in HTC The relationship between the HHV data shown in the Table 3.1 as a function of reaction time (t), temperature (T) and solid load or ratio of water to feedstock (R), was better represented by ANOVA model with an interaction term. A statistical equation (Equation 6) was derived with an R-square value of 0.938. The strength of the operating parameters on the HHV is represented by a cube plot and response surface graph, shown in the Figure 3.13 and Figure 3.14, respectively. The lack-of-fitness between the actual experimental mean values and model predicted HHVs is shown in the Figure 3.15. From the Figure 3.13 it can be observed that with an increase in the reaction temperature from 190 to 260°C, the HHV of miscanthus hydrochar samples increases by 31% (19.68 to 25.76 MJ/kg) at the reaction time of 5mins and by 48% 54 (20.46 to 30.26 MJ/kg) at the reaction time of 30mins. On the other hand (keeping the reaction temperature constant), with an increase in the reaction time from 5 to 30mins, the HHV of solid samples only increases by 4% (19.68 to 20.46MJ/kg) at 190°C and by 17% (25.76 to 30.26 MJ/kg) at 260°C. No significant effect was observed on the HHV of hydrochar samples with an increase in the feedstock to water ratio (R). The result from the model suggests that the HHV of the feedstock is governed by operating parameters in the order of: Temperature > Time> Solid load. ………. (6) Figure3.13 Mean Model for Reaction time, temperature and ratio vs HHV 55 Figure3.14 Response Surface plot for Reaction time and temperature vs HHV at mean solid load factor (1:9) Figure3.15 Predicted and Actual values plot for HHV Using an ANOVA model with the interaction terms for energy yield using data shown in the Table 3.1 as a function of reaction time (t), temperature (T) and solid load or ratio of water to 56 feedstock (R) a statistical equation (Equation 7) is derived with an R-square value of 0.931. Using the model predicted values (Equation 7) the strength of the operating parameters on the energy yield of miscanthus feedstock is represented by a cube plot and response surface graph shown in the Figure 3.16 and Figure 3.17, respectively. The lack-of-fitness between the actual experimental mean values and model predicted HHV values are shown in the Figure 3.18. Unlike the trend in the mass yield and HHV of hydrochar, the energy yield of hydrochar samples decreases with an increase in the reaction time at low temperature and increases with an increase in reaction time at high temperature. This shows that the effect of reaction time on the HHV of hydrochar samples is more prominent at high reaction temperature than at low reaction temperature. In contradiction to the expected low energy yield with an increase in residence time at higher temperatures, a longer residence time would increase the process severity and therefore, significantly augments the overall energy yield of the hydrochar. This phenomenon is due to the continuing polymerization of aqueous soluble products in the liquid phase which may precipitate in the porous structure of insoluble hydrochar (Funke & Ziegler, 2010). Similar to the results of the mass yield and HHV, the energy yield of solid product remains relatively unaffected with change in the feedstock to water ratio. ……… (7) 57 Figure3.16 Mean Model for Reaction time, temperature and ratio vs Energy Yield Figure3.17 Response Surface plot for Reaction time and temperature vs Energy Yield at mean solid load factor (1:9) 58 Figure3.18 Predicted and Actual values plot for Energy yield Comparison of mass yield in HTC and torrefaction process For the comparison of HTC with torrefaction, the effect of reaction temperature on the mass yield of the solid product produced in both the conversion processes is shown in the Figure 3.19. At the same reaction temperature, mass loss of miscanthus feedstock under torrefaction is considerably lower even if the process was carried out at significantly higher residence time (30mins) compared to the one used for HTC (5min). The difference in the mass loss of the same feedstock in the two different pre-treatments is mainly due to the variation in the extent of degradation of hemicellulose. The extent of degradation of the biomass polymers significantly depends upon the reaction medium in which the process is carried out (Libra et al., 2011). The results for the fiber analysis of raw, hydrochar, and torrefied samples are shown in the Table 3.3. It can be noticed that the degradation of hemicellulose in the HTC process is considerably higher and faster than under torrefaction process, even if the severity of reaction was kept significantly higher in torrefaction (260°C-30mins) compared to in HTC (190°C-5mins). 59 Decarboxylation, dehydration, de-carbonylation, de-methoxylation, intermolecular derangement, condensation and aromatization are some of the proposed chemical reactions that take place during the thermal pre-treatment of biomass (Funke & Ziegler, 2010). However, in the HTC process due to the presence of the hot compressed water, the reaction mechanism is initiated by hydrolysis; resulting into the cleavage of ether and ester bonds between monomeric sugars by the addition of one molecule of water (Bobleter, 1994) and thereby reducing the activation energy level of a biomass polymer (Libra et al., 2011). Hence, the degradation of hemicellulose in the HTC process is relatively higher compare to in the torrefaction process. Table3.3 Fiber-analysis of Raw and Pretreated Miscanthus Samples Pre-treatment Feedstock Condition Hemicellulose (%) Cellulose (%) Lignin (%) Hot water Extractives (%) Ash (%) - Raw 36.30 38.80 11.50 12.60 0.80 190°C 5.77 56.94 15.61 21.14 0.54 225°C 5.11 53.38 17.75 23.08 0.68 260°C 0.97 27.50 30.57 39.99 0.97 260°C 21.46 36.21 41.31 6.20 1.02 HTC Torrefaction Comparison of HHV and energy yield in HTC and torrefaction process In the torrefied miscanthus very small percentage of hemicellulose degradation was observed and significant portion of hemicellulose still remained in the solid product. In addition, very small percentage of aqueous soluble materials was characterized during the fiber analysis (Table 3.3). This explains the reason behind the lower mass loss and lower HHV of the solid product obtained via torrefaction compare to the one via HTC (Figure 3.19). For the same energy yield the pre-treatment condition requirements, i.e. reaction time and temperature, were 60 considerably lower for HTC (190°C-5mins) when compared to torrefaction (260°C-30mins). Even though the lignin composition of the torrefied miscanthus is higher than the hydrochar samples, still its HHV is not high. This could be related to the high hemicellulose and low aqueous soluble material composition. However, the high pressure requirement, efficient heat recovery, and the issue of HTC process water still remains the huge challenges for a typical HTC plant. Recirculation of the HTC process water has been suggested as one of the most optimal solution to improve system’s overall efficiency (Stemann et al., 2013b). Energy Yield HHV 100 27 90 26 25 80 24 70 23 60 22 21 50 HHV (MJ/Kg) Mass Yield (%) / Energy Yield (%) Mass Yield 20 40 19 30 18 190 225 260 HTC-5mins 260 Torrefaction30mins Temperature (°C) Pre-treatment Process and Reaction Time Figure3.19 Comparison of Mass yield, energy yield and HHV in HTC and Torrefaction 3.2.2. Proximate and ultimate analysis of hydrochar samples The proximate and ultimate analysis of raw, hydrochar and torrefied miscanthus samples are summarized in the Table 3.4. The proximate analysis is a most common method used to 61 determine the quality and rank of a coal and other solid fuels. Biomass generally has a very high volatile matter content and therefore results in the low combustion efficiency and high harmful emissions when combusted directly (Khan et al., 2009). Moreover, co-firing of biomass with coal is highly problematic due to the extreme difference in their bulk and energy density, volatile matter content, and combustion temperatures (Khan et al., 2009). The result shows that the fraction of volatile matter decreases and percentage fixed carbon increases with an increase in the HTC reaction temperature. Hydrochars produced at low temperature (190 and 225°C) shows similar behavior to that of the raw biomass. Similar performance was also observed for the torrefied miscanthus, even if the reaction conditions were kept significantly high (260°C for 30mins). However, the hydrochar sample produced at 260°C with the residence time of 5mins shows considerable reduction in the volatile matter and increase in percentage of fixed carbon. High inorganic elemental composition in the biomass ash causes challenging issues like fouling and slagging in the boilers which significantly affects the thermal efficiency of a system. In addition, the high alkali content can lead to the corrosion of boiler tubes. Ash yield is defined as the ratio of percentage ash in the hydrochar to the ash in the raw biomass multiplied by the mass yield at corresponding pre-treatment temperature (Reza et al., 2013). As for the hydrochar samples, significant reduction in the ash yield was observed with an increase in the reaction temperature. The reduction in the ash yield is directly correlated with the removal of inorganic elementals (reduction by 20-70%) from hydrochar into the liquid by-product streams (discussed in section 3.2.5). These observations are consistent with the findings reported in literature (Liu et al., 2013; Reza et al., 2013; Yan et al., 2009), and suggests that the hydrochar samples produced at the high temperature can be co-fired with coal without significant modifications to the system. 62 Table3.4 Proximate and Ultimate analysis of raw and pretreated biomass Ultimate Analysis Feedstock Willow Wheat Straw Material Time (mins) Raw Proximate Analysis C (%) H (%) N (%) S (%) O (%) VM (%) FC (%) Ash (%) - 47.81 6.07 0.52 0.00 44.55 85.64 12.97 1.40 HTC-190°C 5 51.19 5.98 0.17 0.00 41.36 82.73 16.09 1.18 HTC-225°C 5 53.41 5.98 0.15 0.00 39.47 78.96 19.70 1.34 HTC-260°C 5 58.60 5.69 0.50 0.00 29.32 72.66 25.77 1.57 HTC-260°C 30 67.43 5.27 0.55 0.00 24.72 - - - Raw - 46.33 5.59 0.00 0.00 43.72 80.04 15.30 4.65 HTC-190°C 5 46.37 5.75 0.05 0.00 43.43 79.86 15.36 4.79 HTC-225°C 5 49.57 5.49 0.14 0.00 36.43 73.46 21.05 5.49 HTC-260°C 5 61.73 5.27 0.39 0.00 30.96 61.37 32.51 6.12 HTC-260°C 30 75.18 5.05 0.45 0.00 13.36 - - - Raw - 46.66 6.00 0.21 0.00 45.34 87.51 11.69 0.80 HTC-190°C 5 48.76 5.96 0.20 0.00 44.70 83.84 15.66 0.51 HTC-225°C 5 49.62 5.92 0.28 0.00 41.83 81.86 17.46 0.69 HTC-260°C 5 61.20 5.27 0.38 0.00 31.57 68.91 30.27 0.82 HTC-260°C 30 81.53 4.85 0.14 0.00 13.96 - - - Torrefaction260°C 30 49.55 5.71 0.12 0.00 42.24 84.81 14.25 0.94 Miscanthus Ultimate analysis of both raw and pre-treated miscanthus samples is shown in the Table 3.4. As expected, the percentage carbon increases and percentage oxygen decreases with an increase in the HTC reaction temperature. The ultimate analysis of miscanthus torrefied at 260°C does not show considerable improvement in the carbon content and similar results were observed for the hydrochars produced at low HTC temperature (190 and 225°C). On the other hand 63 significant augmentation in the percentage carbon and reduction in percentage oxygen can be noticed in case of the hydrochar sample produced at 260°C. To analyze the variation in the elemental composition, the atomic ratios of hydrogen to carbon (H/C) and oxygen to carbon (O/C) of both raw and pre-treated samples are illustrated in Figure 3.20, the plot called van Krevelen diagram (van der Stelt et al., 2011). Figure3.20 Atomic H/C-O/C ratios of raw and pretreated miscanthus (M), willow (W) and wheat straw (WS) samples The “van Krevelen diagram” provides the general information about the atomic ratios (O/C-H/C) of typical fuels like biomass, peat and different types of coals. A fuel with the low O/C-H/C atomic ratios is considered highly favorable because of the low smoke, low water vapor, and low energy loss during the combustion (Liu et al., 2013). It is clear that biomass has low carbon content and high oxygen content compared to coal. Due to the removal of water and 64 carbon dioxide, the pretreated biomass has low O/C-H/C atomic ratios. Depending upon the degree (i.e. the reaction time and temperature) and the type of a pre-treatment, the chemical composition and properties of a product can be far different from coal. Like in case of the torrefied (260°C) and HTC (190°C and 225°C) miscanthus, the O/C-H/C ratios of the fuel are reduced but are still similar to that of the raw biomass. Whereas for the hydrochar produced at 260°C, the atomic ratios are close to that of lignite. For the hydrochar samples obtained at extremely severe operating conditions, i.e. the highest reaction temperature (260°C) and highest reaction time (30mins), the combustion properties were surprisingly improved and their position on the van Krevelen diagram was found to be in the range of high rank coal. The main reason behind the strong carbonization in HTC compare to the torrefaction process is due to the presence of water as a reaction medium, leading to the initiation of hydrolysis reaction mechanism which exhibits a low activation energy level than the other decomposition reactions (Libra et al., 2011). Generally the pyrolysis process of a biomass leads to the biochars with a high degree of carbonization (Kambo & Dutta, 2014a; Libra et al., 2011). However, depending upon the initial moisture content of a feedstock, the use of dry thermal pre-treatment processes may be highly uneconomical and senseless (Libra et al., 2011). 3.2.3. Effect of HTC reaction temperature on grindability of hydrochars A thermal pre-treatment can alter the physical structure of biomass and makes it much easier to grind compared to raw wood (Bridgeman et al., 2010). Figure 3.21 shows the effect of the HTC reaction temperature on the grindability of miscanthus, wheat straw, and willow samples. The result indicates that the pretreated samples are much easier to grind compared to the raw feedstock, moreover, the ease of the grindability increases with an increase in the HTC reaction 65 temperature. These finding are directly co-related with the results from fiber analysis and SEM images. The removal of hemicellulose via degradation and depolymerisation reactions during the thermal pre-treatment of a biomass results into the loss of structure (Funke & Ziegler, 2010). The destroyed structure has improved friability. The structures of the raw and hydrochar samples observed under Scanning electron microscope (SEM) are shown in the Figure 3.22 and Figure 3.23. The images show the variation in the structure a hydrochar with an increase in the process reaction temperature. For the raw feedstock, a clearly well-defined structure can be observed. However, in case of the hydrochar samples the unwrapping and rupture of polymer bundles and opening of pores is clearly noticeable. Almost complete loss of the structure can be observed for the samples pre-treated at 260°C. The pulverized hydrochar samples has been reported to show spherical shaped particles that may further facilitate the fluidization process during gasification of biomass (Tremel et al., 2012). 66 500µ-250µ 190C 260C 250µ-100µ <100µ 260C 190C 225C Wheat starw Raw Miscanthus 260C 225C 190C Raw 225C 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Raw Percentage mass Retained (%) >500µ Willow Temperature (°C) Feedstock Figure3.21 Effect of reaction temperature on grindability of raw and HTC pre-treated samples of Miscanthus, Wheat straw and Willow Figure3.22 SEM images of wheat straw samples: (A) Raw, (B) 190°C, (C) 225°C, and (D) 260°C 67 Figure3.23 SEM images of willow samples: (A) Raw, (B) 190°C, (C) 225°C, and (D) 260°C Results for the BET surface area of hydrochar samples produced from wheat straw and willow are shown in the Table 3.5. As expected, the surface area of the hydrochar samples was not affected by the HTC process temperature. The pressure inside the HTC reactor causes the destruction of biomass structure; resulting into a low surface area. However, fine carbon particles are produced during HTC that explains the slight increase in the surface area of hydrochar samples (Kambo & Dutta, 2014a). The surface area of raw wheat straw was found significantly low and is mainly due to the smooth surface as observed under high resolution SEM images. However, slight rough surface was observed for the wheat straw hydrochar samples (Figure 3.24). Where, for the willow hydrochar samples, similar roughness can be observed even at high resolution SEM (Figure 3.25). 68 Table3.5 BET-Surface area of raw and HTC pretreated willow and wheat straw Surface Area (m2/g) Samples Wheat Straw Willow Raw 0.313 2.647 HTC-190°C 1.034 3.603 HTC-225°C 6.63 3.378 HTC-260°C 5.261 3.236 Figure3.24 High Resolution SEM images of wheat straw samples: (A) Raw, (B) 190°C, (C) 225°C, and (D) 260°C 69 Figure3.25 High Resolution SEM images of willow samples: (A) Raw, (B) 190°C, (C) 225°C, and (D) 260°C Comparison of grindability for coal, torrefied and HTC pre-treated samples Figure 3.26 shows the particle size distribution of the milled raw, hydrochar, and torrefied miscanthus samples and its comparison with the coal. The data indicates that the fraction of fine particles of miscanthus increases in both the thermal pre-treatments and therefore a pretreated sample is easier to grind as compared to the raw feedstock. However, the hydrochar samples have the pulverization and heating properties significantly higher than the torrefied miscanthus. Moreover, the properties of the miscanthus hydrochar samples (produced at 260°C) are similar to that of coal. The grindability (percentage fraction of fine particle) of hydrochar samples increases with an increase in the HTC reaction temperature. The process operating conditions and the type of a reaction medium used in the thermochemical pre-treatment plays significantly important role in determining the dominancy 70 and the rate of reaction mechanism (Libra et al., 2011). Due to the presence of water as a reacting medium in the HTC process, the reaction mechanism is initiated by hydrolysis. The activation energy level of hydrolysis is lower than the other dry thermal pre-treatment decomposition reactions. Therefore, the degradation and depolymerisation of biomass polymers in the HTC process takes places at fairly low temperature when compared to in the torrefaction (Libra et al., 2011). This phenomenon explains the reason behind the significant variance in the grindability of a torrefied and HTC pre-treated miscanthus. The SEM images of raw, torrefied and HTC pre-treated samples are shown in Figure 3.27. For the raw miscanthus, a clearly welldefined structure can be observed. Where in case of hydrochar samples, the rupture of pores is noticeable at low temperatures, where almost complete loss of structure can be observed for the sample obtained at 260°C. However, for the torrefied miscanthus, due to volatilization of hemicellulose, the size of the pores is slightly increased while the structure still remained very similar to that of the raw biomass. 71 100-250µm (%) 250-500µm (%) >500µm (%) HHV 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 190 Raw 225 HTC-5mins 260 HHV (MJ/kg) Particle Size Distribution (%) <100µm (%) 260 Torrefied30mins Coal Temperature (°C) Pretreatment type and operating conditons Figure3.26. Particle size distribution for raw and pretreated miscanthus samples and its comparison with coal 72 Figure3.27 SEM images of miscanthus samples: (A) Raw, (B) HTC-190°C, (C) HTC-225°C, (D) HTC-260°C and (E) Torrefied-260°C The results for the BET surface area of miscanthus samples are shown in Table 3.6. The results show that the surface area of hydrochar reduces with an increase in the HTC reaction temperature, where the surface area is highest for the torrefied miscanthus sample. During dry thermal pre-treatments, like torrefaction and pyrolysis, the volatilization of hemicellulose and cellulose takes place leaving behind the small openings on the surface, causing the formation of a turbostratically arranged layer type structure (Downie et al., 2009). However, for the hydrochar samples, due to the high pressure inside the reactor, the surface area is usually low but these hydrochar samples have significantly improved adsorption capacity and are therefore well suitable for the waste water treatment industries (Kumar et al., 2011; Regmi et al., 2012). Table3.6 BET-Surface area of HTC and torrefied miscanthus Miscanthus Samples Raw HTC-190°C HTC-225°C HTC-260°C Torrefied-260°C Reaction time (minutes) 5 5 5 30 Surface Area (m2/g) 11.437 10.724 7.357 4.5 14.189 3.2.4. Effect of HTC operating temperature on inorganic composition of hydrochars A lignocellulosic biomass has specific amount and different types of inorganic elements in its structure. Type of soil, growing condition, and harvesting time can significantly affect the inorganic elemental composition of biomass (Kludze et al., 2013). These inorganic elements are the alkali and alkaline earth metals such as calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), phosphorous (P), 73 potassium (K), sodium (Na), sulfur (S), and iron (Fe) that are left behind in the form of ash during biomass combustion. In ash, these metals exist in their oxide form (Tortosa Masiá et al., 2007), CaO, MgO, P2O5, K2O, Na2O, SO3, Fe2O3, that show various undesirable and notorious effects like slagging, fouling, clinker, and corrosion (Baxter et al., 1998). Generally, most of the inorganic elements in the lignocellulosic biomass are held in the hemicellulose and soluble extractives (Miles et al., 1996). Therefore, the removal of hemicellulose from a lignocellulosic biomass may reduce the inorganic elemental composition. Under hydrothermal conditions, the degradation and depolymerisation of hemicellulose and cellulose takes place, causing the solid product with slightly improved porosity (Funke & Ziegler, 2010). It has been reported that these porous structures may allow the leaching of alkali and alkaline earth metals that are held in the cross-linked matrix structure of a biomass (Reza et al., 2013). However, these porous structure of hydrochars have significantly improved adsorption capacity and might become an alternate to the powered activated carbons (PACs) in the waste water treatment industries in future (Liu et al., 2010; Regmi et al., 2012; Titirici et al., 2012). To minimize the effect of the interaction of inorganic elementals, the hydrochar samples were vigorously washed with acetone and de-ionized water in this study. Furthermore, in the HTC process due to the formation of acetic acid in the liquid phase, an acid solvation mechanism would also solubilize and leach out these inorganic elemental compositions (Lynam et al., 2011). Figure 3.28 and 3.29 shows the effect of HTC reaction temperature on the inorganic yield of raw and pretreated samples of wheat straw and willow. Inorganic yield is expressed as the ratio of mass of inorganic content in HTC and torrefied biomass with the mass of inorganic content in raw feedstock multiplied by the mass yield at a corresponding reaction temperature. It can be noticed that the HTC process is able to remove the inorganic elemental compositions 74 from raw feedstock by 40-80%, and the removal capacity increases with an increase in the HTC reaction temperature. Raw 190 C 225 C 260 C Magnesium Phosphorous Potassium Sodium 100 90 Percentage Yield (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Calcium Sulfur Iron Figure3.28 Effect of HTC operating temperature on inorganic yield of wheat straw samples 75 Raw 190 C 225 C 260 C Magnesium Phosphorous Potassium Sodium 100 90 Percentage Yield (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Calcium Sulfur Iron Figure3.29 Effect of HTC operating temperature on inorganic yield of willow samples Comparison of inorganic impurities in HTC and torrefied samples Figure 3.30 shows the effect of HTC and torrefaction on the alkali and alkaline earth metal composition of solid samples. Majority of the inorganic impurities such as Ca, S, P, Mg, and K in lignocellulosic biomass are present in the hemicellulose. Therefore, the removal of hemicellulose and leaching of these alkali metals into the liquid phase in the HTC process explains the demineralization phenomena of hydrochar samples. In comparison, as most of the hemicellulose remains unaffected in the torrefied miscanthus, therefore most of the alkali and alkaline metals remained relatively unaffected after torrefaction. However, the concentration level of alkali and alkaline earth metals were found slightly lower than the expected. This might be due to the volatile behavior of ash forming elements that plays major role in the gaseous and aerosol emissions (Obernberger et al., 2006). The unexpected trend observed for the 76 phosphorous may be due to its interaction with the porous structure of hydrochar even after the vigorous washing. Similar results were observed by another study during the HTC pre-treatment of corn stover (Reza et al., 2013). Raw HTC-190 HTC-225 HTC-260 Torrefied-260 100 90 Inorgnaic Yield (%) 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Calcium Magnesium Phosphorous Potassium Sodium Sulfur Iron Figure3.30 Inorganic yield for the HTC and torrefied miscanthus samples 3.2.5. Effect of HTC operating temperature on hydrophobicity of hydrochars Thermal pre-treatments are often proposed to improve the storage behavior or hydrophobicity of biomass. EMC of a material can be used as an indicator of hydrophobicity. Presence of high moisture content in feedstock influence the fungal growth and therefore will most like to rot during storage. Also, the chemical reactions (generally oxidation) or anaerobic microorganism activity in the biomass feedstock can produce heat at a sufficient rate that it can cause self-heating of the biomass stockpile which can lead to the self-ignition or other harmful toxic gaseous emission (Guo, 2013). Therefore, the rate of biodegradation of biomass strongly depends upon the moisture content and which further depends upon the atmospheric surrounding 77 where it is stored. Tendency to adsorb moisture from air depends upon the lignocellulosic composition of a biomass (Acharjee et al., 2011). For a lignocellulosic biomass, the moisture can be adsorbed in two ways: (i) non-bonded (present in cell wall) and (ii) bonded (hydrogen-bonded to the hydroxyl groups of the cell wall). The non-bonded moisture increases with an increase in the relative humidity where the bonded moisture does not, as the structural changes takes place in biomass after thermal pre-treatment. Among the polymeric composition of biomass, hemicelluloses has the greatest capacity towards water adsorption; while lignin shows very little tendency for water sorption (Acharjee et al., 2011). Hence, the removal of hemicellulose (or percentage increase in lignin content) from a solid product will lower its tendency to adsorb water and will make it a hydrophobic product. The results for the hydrophobic behavior of raw and pre-treated solid samples of willow and wheat straw are shown in the Figure 3.31 and Figure 3.32, respectively. As expected, the hydrophobicity of the HTC pre-treated samples increases with an increase in the reaction temperature. These finding are strongly correlated with the hemicellulosic composition of hydrochars characterized under fiber analysis (Table 3.4). Also, the structural loss of solid samples, as shown in SEM images (Figure 3.24 and Figure 3.25), might have reduced the site availability for water sorption. A solid material with low moisture content can be stored easily without possessing any threat to the biological deterioration. The transportation of a such material will be less expensive as there will be less water content to transport along with the biomass (Yan et al., 2009). 78 Raw HTC-190C HTC-225C HTC-260C 12 Moisture Content (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 R.H.=48-52% R.H.=74-78% Relative Humidity (R.H.) Level (%) Figure3.31 Effect of HTC operating temperature on hydrophobicity of willow hydrochar samples Raw HTC-190C HTC-225C HTC-260C 12 Moisture Content (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 R.H.=48-52% R.H.=74-78% Relative Humidity (R.H.) Level (%) Figure3.32 Effect of HTC operating temperature on hydrophobicity of wheat straw hydrochar samples 79 Comparison of hydrophobicity for HTC and torrefied samples Figure 3.33 shows the effect of HTC and torrefaction on miscanthus. As expected both the thermal pre-treatments improved the hydrophobicity of biomass. However, the solid materials obtained via HTC were more hydrophobic in nature than the one obtained via torrefaction. As already explained in the above section (3.2.5), the high hydrophobicity for the hydrochar samples is mainly due to the loss of structure and the degradation hemicellulose composition. However, unlike to the HTC pretreated miscanthus, due to the volatilization of hemicellulose, slight porous structures are generally obtained via conventional dry thermal pre-treatments like torrefaction and pyrolysis (Fuertes et al., 2010), which makes torrefied biomass to adsorb free moisture from air (non-bonded moisture) rapidly (Stelte et al., 2011b) compare to the hydrochar. Moreover, the presence of hemicellulose in the torrefied biomass increases tendency to adsorb moisture. Raw HTC-190C HTC-225C HTC-260C Torrefied-260C 12 Moisture Content (%) 10 8 6 4 2 0 R.H.=48-52% R.H.=74-78% Relative Humidity (R.H.) Level (%) Figure3.33 Comparison of hydrophobicity for torrefied and HTC pre-treated miscanthus samples 80 3.3. Conclusions Both HTC and torrefaction are the promising methods for upgrading biomass and its conversion to an energy dense, homogeneous, friable, and hydrophobic solid fuel. However, for the same mass and energy yield, the operating conditions requirement (i.e. reaction time and temperature) are significantly lower for HTC when compared to torrefaction. Although both the thermal pre-treatments reduces the EMC of solid product from that of raw miscanthus, the solid obtained under HTC process is more hydrophobic in nature and therefore can be stored and transported easily. Hydrothermally pre-treated biomass is highly friable in nature and is easier to grind to fine size particles (<100µm) compare to the torrefied biomass. Furthermore, the HTC process is able to reduce the inorganic elemental composition of raw biomass by 40-80% and thereby significantly reducing the problems of fouling and slagging during combustion. The HTC process reaction temperature is the most prominent parameter affecting the extent of energy densification, grindability, hydrophobicity, and inorganic removal capacity. The results from the proximate and ultimate analysis shows that the hydrochar samples produced at high reaction temperature have the combustion properties similar to that of a high rank coal. Most importantly, as the HTC process is carried out in the presence of water, therefore is not affected by high moisture content of biomass, it thus eliminates the pre-drying requirement a feedstock which is a huge energy intensive and financial load in the processes like dry torrefaction. The result shows that HTC narrows the differences in fuel qualities and converts biomass to a coal-like product that has potential to replace coal in existing coal-fired power plants without any further modifications. 81 CHAPTER-IV CHARACTERIZATION AND RECIRCULATION OF HTC LIQUID BYPRODUCT AND EFFECT OF ADDITION OF SALT AND ACID IN HTC PROCESS Previous experiments on HTC of lignocellulosic biomass show highly promising results and its potential in replacing coal. However, the liquid by-product produced during the HTC process contains degraded components of biomass polymers that are rich in organic carbon content and have several valuable applications. Directed disposal of the HTC process water is not an economical and environmental friendly option. In this chapter, the liquid by-product from the HTC process was characterized for different intermediate compounds. The liquid water from HTC was then studied for the process water recirculation experiments so as to improve the efficiency of a HTC system. Also the effect of addition of catalyst like salt (calcium chloride) and acid (acetic acid) in the HTC process was examined. All the outcomes from the recirculation and catalyst addition experiments were determined in terms of the mass yield, HHV and ash content of hydrochar samples. 82 4.1. Experimental Section 4.1.1. Materials Miscanthus feedstock was considered in the present investigation. The samples were prepared in the similar way as explained in the chapter III. 4.1.2. Experimental Methods Addition of Salt and Acid to HTC process Previous results show that the hydrochar samples produced at 260°C have considerably improved physicochemical properties. However, at such a high temperature the saturation pressure (720psi) inside the reactor is also high, making the process highly unsafe and expensive. The addition of catalyst in the HTC process might reduce the temperature requirement. Therefore, to examine the effect of addition of catalysts in the HTC process at low temperatures (190 and 225°C), acetic acid (CH3COOH) and calcium chloride (CaCl2) salt was added in the process. The effect of acetic acid was chosen for investigation, because it is the primary acid produced in HTC liquid by-product stream (Yan et al., 2010). During coal combustion in the fluidized bed combustors, calcium based salts are used to capturing sulphur (Laursen et al., 2001). Hence, to improve the co-firing of hydrochar with coal, CaCl2 salt was used in this experiment. For the each run of HTC experiment, the mass ratio was varied as 0 g, 0.25 g, 0.50 g, 0.75 g, and 1 g of acetic acid to every 1g of Miscanthus feedstock. The mass ratio of the calcium chloride was kept either 0.5 g or 1 g to every 1 g of Miscanthus feedstock. Both calcium chloride (Anhydrous, ACS certified-100%) and acetic acid (glacial, ACS certified-99.7%) were obtained from Fisher Scientific. The HTC experiments in this investigation were performed similar to as explained in the chapter III. 83 HTC process water characterization To analyze the liquid by-product, the liquid samples from the HTC process produced at the different reaction temperatures (190, 225, and 260°C) with the residence time of 5min were collected and stored in the refrigerator until analysis. Effect of process water recirculation The results from chapter III indicate that the properties of the hydrochar samples obtained at 260°C are comparable to that of coal. However, to produce such a material at industrial scale, the supply of fresh water will be one of the key factors. This demand for fresh water can be minimized by recirculation of some fraction of the process water after filtration of hydrochar slurry. Therefore, to analyze the effect of process water recirculation on the mass yield, HHV and ash content of the hydrochar samples, the liquid collected from the initial run was used in the next cycle of the HTC experiment. Sufficient amount of makeup water (de-ionized) was added to bring the total liquid mass to six times the (dry) biomass, according to the procedure described in the chapter III. An identical procedure was repeated for the 10 recirculation experiments. For each run, the mass of process water collected was nearly constant, and the makeup water added in recycle experiments was 17% of the total water required at 260°C. 4.1.3. Analytical methods for solid samples The physical properties like mass yield, HHV, and ash analysis of the solid samples were determined in the similar way as described in the Chapter III. 84 4.1.4. Analytical methods for liquid samples pH The pH of the liquid samples was measured using a digital probe meter (Thermo Orion pH meter, model 210A). Each reading was measured twice with an absolute error of ±0.02. Inorganic Elemental analysis The inorganic elemental analysis of the liquid samples collected from the HTC experiments was performed at University of Guelph laboratory services using a CEM-Mars Xpress microwave digestion system and an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES) system. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) TOC of liquid samples was measure by a Shimadzu TOC-ASI analyzer at Western Ontario University, London, Ontario. Organic Acids and Furfurals The concentration of organic acids (acetic acid, levulinic acid, glycolic acid, and formic acid) and HMF was measure by a Dionex Ionic chromatographer system (ICS)-3000 at Western Ontario University, London, Ontario. 85 4.2. Results and discussions 4.2.1. Effects of addition of salt and acid Effects on mass yield of hydrochar samples Mass yield is defined as the mass ratio of the dried hydrochar to dried raw biomass. The results obtained from the addition of addition of acid on mass yield of hydrochar are reported in the Figure 4.1. It can be observed that, at both the reaction temperatures, the mass yield of the hydrochar sample decrease with an increase in the concentration of acid in water. With the addition of just 0.25 g of acetic acid per gram of miscanthus, the mass yield of the hydrochar reduces by 9% at 190°C and 6% at 225°C, respectively. The results were compared to the control experiments where no acid was added to the HTC process. The low pH (acidic medium) of a liquid in the HTC process improves the overall rate of reactions (Titirici et al., 2007). The type and amount of acid used in the process plays significant role in determining the chemical reaction mechanism. The addition of small amount of Arrhenius acids in the HTC process can catalyze the dehydration reaction mechanism (Peterson et al., 2008). The addition of Arrhenius acids in HTC process lowers the activation energy level of biomass polymers via hydrolysis, causing the degradation of polymers much faster and at a low temperature compare to under neutral condition (Funke & Ziegler, 2010). The effect of hydrolysis is limited at the high reaction temperatures because of the reduction in acid dissociation constant (Funke & Ziegler, 2010). This phenomenon explains the reason behind the higher effect of acid addition on the mass yield at 190°C compare to at 225°C. Therefore, the addition of acetic acid at very high reaction temperature (say 260°C) might not be as effective as at low temperature (190°C). However, as no experiments at 260°C were performed in this study, further experimental demonstration might reveal the true fact. 86 190C 225C 85 Mass Yield (%) 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Concentration (grams of acetic acid per grams of Miscanthus) Figure4.1 Effect of acid concentration at different temperatures on mass yield of hydrochar samples Unlike to the linear effect of addition of acid on the mass yield, an unusual trend was observed with the addition of calcium chloride in the HTC process. The Figure 4.2 shows the effect of addition of calcium chloride on the mass yield of hydrochar at 190°C and 225°C. The mass yield of the hydrochar samples produced at 190°C remained unaffected at low concentration (0.5:1) of salt but was significantly affected high concentration level (1:1). Similar results were observed for the samples produced at 225°C. The effect of addition of calcium chloride on the mass yield of hydrochar samples was more noticeable than the effect of addition of acetic acid. The presence of chloride ions in the process can disrupt the hydrogen bonding between the polymers strands, causing the degradation and removal of polymers from biomass (Lynam et al., 2012). However, the addition of high amount of salt in the HTC caused the precipitation of salt itself into the pores of hydrochar. This is reason for the high ash content observed for the hydrochar samples produced with the addition of calcium chloride (see Figure 4.3). 87 190C 225C 100 Mass Yield (%) 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 0 0.5 1 Concentration (grams of CaCl2 salt per grams of Miscanthus) Figure4.2 Effect of salt concentration at different temperatures on mass yield of hydrochar samples 190C 225C 12.1 Ash Content (%) 10.1 8.1 6.1 4.1 2.1 0.1 0 0.5 1 Concentration (grams of CaCl2 salt per grams of Miscanthus) Figure4.3 Effect of salt concentration at different temperatures on ash content of hydrochar samples 88 Effects on HHV of hydrochar samples The Figure 4.4 and Figure 4.5 show the effect of addition of acid and salt, respectively on the HHV of hydrochar samples. The HHV of the hydrochar sample produced at the low temperature (190°C) with the low acid concentration (0.25:1) was 19.92MJ/kg. The maximum HHV value of the hydrochar sample was observed at the highest concentration (1:1) and was about 20.76M/kg. This shows that the HHV of the hydrochar samples produced at low temperature (190°C) increase with an increase in acid concentration. On the other hand, the hydrochar samples produced at higher temperature (225°C) had the maximum HHV of 21.67MJ/kg at the medium concentration of acid in water (0.5:1). With the further increase in the concentration of acid in the water at 225°C, the HHV of hydrochar samples was negatively impacted. Both hemicellulose and cellulose are reported to have the low HHV (17.6-17.9MJ/kg) as compare to that of lignin (21.54-26.85MJ/kg) (Demirbaş, 2005). Therefore, the removal of hemicellulose and cellulose will increase the percentage fraction of lignin in biomass; the fractional change of lignin composition in biomass will augment the overall HHV. The addition of acid and salt has been suggested to cause the rapid degradation of cellulose in biomass (Lynam et al., 2011). This explains the reason behind the increase in HHV of hydrochar samples produced with the addition of acetic acid and calcium chloride. 89 190C 225C 22 21.5 HHV (MJ/kg) 21 20.5 20 19.5 19 18.5 18 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 Concentration (grams of acetic acid per grams of Miscanthus) Figure4.4 Effect of acid concentration at different temperatures on HHV of hydrochar samples 190C 225C 28 27 HHV (MJ/kg) 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 0 0.5 1 Concentration (grams of CaCl2 salt per grams of Miscanthus) Figure4.5 Effect of salt concentration at different temperatures on HHV of hydrochar samples 90 Increase in addition of acetic acid (10-50%) can positively influence the formation of 2,5HMF in liquid phase (de Souza et al., 2012). This may increase the overall HHV of product if 5HMF is deposited in the porous hydrochar structure. The production of 2,5-HMF in the aqueous phase strongly depends on the operating conditions like reaction time, temperature, and type and amount of acid used in the process (Asghari & Yoshida, 2006). Too high percentage addition of an acid can rehydrate HMF to levulinic acid and formic acid (Asghari & Yoshida, 2006). The HHV of levulinic acid (20.09 MJ/Kg) and formic acid (~15MJ/Kg) are considerably lower than that of the HMF (22.09MJ/Kg), therefore, reducing the overall HHV of hydrochar samples (Nilges et al., 2012). This phenomenon explain the reason behind the low HHV of the hydrochar samples obtained at 225°C with high concentration level of acetic acid. The addition of calcium chloride in HTC at 190°C and 225°C significantly increased the HHV of hydrochar samples as compare to that from control experiments. Moreover, the HHV of these samples is the same as that at 260°C with no additives. Therefore, the same quality of fuel can be produced at considerably mild conditions, reducing the costs and hazardous of the HTC process. However, the advantages of the addition of salts and acids in the HTC process were highly disregarded by the high ash content of the hydrochar samples and their most likeliness to cause the pitting of reactor specially when using chloride based salts (Lynam et al., 2011). Therefore, the selection of salt and acid should be made very carefully. Further in-depth research on the addition of different combination of salts and acids in the HTC process might be highly useful for the industrial HTC-plant operators. 4.2.2. Characterization of HTC process water During HTC, the solid, liquid and gaseous products are formed. The percentage distribution and chemical properties of these products stream significantly depends on the 91 operating conditions (Yan et al., 2010). Generally both reaction time and temperature have been observed to influence the physicochemical characteristics of products; the reaction temperature remains the most governing process parameter. The mass yield of the hydrochar samples from miscanthus feedstock was found to be 84%, 68%, and 48% at the reaction temperature of 190, 225, and 260°C, respectively. The considerable reduction in the mass yield of solid product with an increase in the reaction temperature causes the formation of degraded/depolymerized products in the liquid and gaseous by-product stream. Very small fraction of gaseous products (<5-10%) are produced under the HTC conditions below 260°C (Libra et al., 2011; Yan et al., 2010), where high percentage of gaseous products are produced in the processes like HTL and SCWG (Peterson et al., 2008). Hence, apart from solid product, most of the important intermediate organic compounds remain in the liquid by-product stream. Therefore, an analytical characterization of the HTC liquid by-product is critically important for the development of an industrial HTC plant. Since most of the research work has been primarily focused on the production of solid fuel using HTC process, very limited literature is available for the information on the liquid byproduct from HTC process. Jan Stemann (Stemann et al., 2013b) is the first one to propose the recirculation of the HTC process water using Poplar wood chips in his experiments at 220°C for 4 hours. In their study the authors characterized the process water produced at 220°C and showed slight increase in the HHV of solid product with increase in the number of recirculation. As only one particular reaction temperature was used in their study, the result does not show the effect of the reaction temperature on the process water characterization. Here in this present study the effect of different reaction temperatures on the fractional yield of organic acids, TOC, and pH in the HTC process water was examined. 92 The Figure 4.6 shows the effect of reaction temperature on the pH of the liquid byproduct. The pH of the deionized water is low because of its tendency to react with the CO2 in air and thus leading to the formation of carbonic acid. The pH of the process water reduces with an increase in the HTC reaction temperature. This is due to the formation of acidic compounds via degradation of biomass polymers. The pH of the liquid sample dropped significantly at 225°C pH and remained almost constant with the further increase in temperature. Deionized water HTC-190C HTC-225C Deionized water HTC-190C HTC-225C Liquid HTC-260C 4.5 4.3 4.1 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 HTC-260C Figure4.6 Effect of reaction temperature on pH of HTC process water The results of the pH of liquid samples are consistent with the characterization of organic acids during HPLC analysis. The characterization of organic acids, TOC and HMF in the liquid samples under different reaction temperatures are shown in the Figure 4.7. It can be observed that at 190°C very low acidic compounds were produced and almost no HMF particles were formed. This suggests that the 190°C temperature is too low for the production of acid and other intermediate compounds in liquid phase. However, with the further increase in reaction temperature, i.e. at 225 and 260°C, the amount of organic acids and HMF increased significantly, 93 among which the acetic acid is the most dominating component. A slight reduction in the concentration of formic acid was observed at 260°C compare to the level of concentration at 225°C. This might be due to the decomposition of formic acid into the gaseous products (mainly CO2) under hydrothermal conditions (Yu & Savage, 1998). The concentration of TOC in the HTC process water produced at 190, 225 and 260°C was 27.5, 23.2 and 28.7 g/L, respectively. The low concentration of TOC at 225°C might be related to the increased porosity of the hydrochar sample produced at 225°C that might have interacted with the adsorption of TOC from process water. HTC-190C HTC-225C HTC-260C 35 Concentration (g/L) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Acetic acid Levulinic acid Glycolic acid Formic acid HMF TOC Products in liquid samples Figure4.7 Effect of reaction temperature on concentrations of different intermediate compounds in HTC process water 94 The Figure 4.8 shows the effect of reaction temperature on the inorganic elemental composition in the HTC process water samples. The high concentration of inorganic elements in the HTC process water sample collected at 260°C suggests that the percentage removal of these inorganic elements from the hydrochar samples is highest at 260°C. These findings are consistent with the results obtained for the inorganic elemental analysis of the hydrochar samples as explained in the section 3.2.4. 1600 Concentration (mg/L) 1400 Liquid at 190 1200 Liquid at 225 1000 Liquid at 260 800 600 400 200 0 Element Figure4.8 Effect of reaction temperature on concentrations of alkali and alkaline metals in HTC process water 4.2.3. Recirculation of HTC liquid by-product A previous experiment on the characterization of HTC process water shows the formation of organic acids and important intermediate compounds. Moreover, the additions of salt and acid in the HTC process water have shown improvement in the HHV of hydrochar samples. However, the supplement addition of organic acids and salts in the HTC process and using fresh water for 95 every run is neither an economical nor environmental-friendly option. Recovery of organic acids and intermediate compounds from HTC process water significantly depends on the availability of bio-refinery industry and is highly challenging in terms of processing steps like extraction, separation, and purification (Funke & Ziegler, 2010). These aforementioned limitations of HTC process water can be minimized by recycling/recirculating the process water after filtration of hydrochar slurry. The advantages of recirculation of the HTC process water are discussed earlier in the section 2.6.1. Effect of recirculation on pH of process water The pH of the HTC process water significantly depends on the initial pH of the water used in the process. The pH of the process water was found to be acidic (pH value 2.5-3.5). The HTC process water produced at 260°C was chosen for recirculation experiments because of its high acidity, high HMF, and TOC concentration. All these compounds are expected to improve the HHV of hydrochar during recirculation. The Figure 4.9 shows the effect of recirculation on the pH of process water. The pH of the fresh deionized water used in this study was 4.37±0.01 and the value significantly dropped to 2.27±0.01 after the first HTC run. However, during the recirculation of process water, the pH of the process water remained almost constant with a negligible fluctuation of 0.05 ±0.025. 96 pH 4.5 4.3 4.1 3.9 3.7 3.5 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.7 2.5 0 2 4 6 8 Reciculation Number (#) 10 12 Figure4.9 Effect of recirculation of HTC process water on pH of liquid by-product Effect of recirculation on mass yield Figure 4.10 shows the effect of recirculation on the mass yield of hydrochar. The recirculation experiments in this study were not repeated. However, the pervious experiments in the chapter III, using the same setup, showed the standard variance of less than 2%. The mass yield of hydrochar samples, during the recirculation of process water, increased by 5-10% at 2nd and 3rd run compare to that of the reference-HTC sample (the initial sample produced in HTC using fresh deionized water). The mass yield of the hydrochar samples remained almost constant after 4th recirculation. The results of the mass yield are consistent with the pH value of process water during the recirculation. Previous result (section 4.2.2) shows that the considerable amount of aqueous soluble products and organic acids are produced in the liquid phase during HTC of biomass. The increased mass yield might have resulted from the deposition of the intermediate compounds 97 during the initial run on the porous surface of hydrochar particles. Alternatively, the recirculated HTC process water from initial runs might have caused the resistance to diffusion of the intermediate compounds from the hydrochar surface to the bulk solution (Uddin et al., 2013), causing an increased mass yield. The stable value of the pH of process water (figure 4.9) and the mass yield of hydrochar samples (figure 4.10) after 4th run might have been due to the equilibrium of reaction mechanism during recirculation. Similar results were also reported by other studies using loblolly pine wood (Uddin et al., 2013) and poplar wood samples (Stemann et al., 2013b). 60 58 Mass Yield (%) 56 54 52 50 48 46 44 42 40 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Recirculation Number (#) 8 9 10 Figure4.10 Effect of recirculation of HTC process water on mass yield of hydrochar samples 98 Effect of recirculation on HHV Figure 4.11 shows the effect of recirculation on HHV of hydrochar samples. A three degree polynomial equation was used to fit the curve on effect of recirculation on HHV of hydrochar samples. The HHV of the hydrochar samples increased until 4th recirculation and then starts reducing. Due to the degradation of hemicellulose and cellulose in HTC, small fractions of organic acids (e.g., acetic acid, formic acid, levulinic acid, glycolic acid) are produced in the process water (results are shown in section 4.2.2). The presence of these acids in the liquid phase catalyze the reactions like decarboxylation and dehydration (Stemann et al., 2013b; Uddin et al., 2013), the reactions that are expected to improve the carbon content of biomass, causing an increase in the HHV of hydrochar samples (Funke & Ziegler, 2010). The increase in the HHV of hydrochar samples was also observed during the addition of acetic acid in the HTC process (Section 4.2.1). However, after 4th recirculation the reduction in the HHV of hydrochar samples might have been due to the excessive formation of acetic acid, causing reactions to reach an equilibrium state. The high quality intermediate compounds like 2,5-HMF are produced during the HTC process, however, the presence of acidic surrounding in HTC rehydrate these 2,5-HMF particles to the low HHV compounds like levulinic acid and formic acid (Asghari & Yoshida, 2006), causing a reduction in the overall HHV of hydrochar samples. Similar results were observed in the previous experiments on the addition of acetic acid in HTC at 225°C, high acid addition reduces the HHV of hydrochar samples. However, as the reaction temperature used in the recirculation experiment (260°C) is significantly higher than that from the one used during acid addition (190 and 225°C), the direct relationship of the findings from both experiments might not be an ethical justification. 99 Another study performed on the recirculation of the HTC process water using loblolly pine feedstock (Uddin et al., 2013), suggested that the organic acids (like acetic acid, formic acid, levulinic acid) that are produced during HTC are oxygenated compound and have relatively low HHV than that the deoxygenated hydrochar carbon particles. Any deposition of these oxygenated compounds on the surface of hydrochar particles will reduce the overall HHV of material. As the HHV of hydrochar samples produced during the recirculation remained higher than that of the reference-HTC sample, the minor reduction (<0.5MJ/kg) in the HHV of samples produced after 4th recirculation is not a huge concern. 26.8 26.7 HHV (MJ/kg) 26.6 26.5 26.4 26.3 26.2 26.1 26.0 0 2 4 6 8 Recirculation Number (#) 10 12 Figure4.11 Effect of recirculation of HTC process water on HHV of hydrochar samples The ash content increased significantly from 0.8% to 1.54% for the hydrochar samples produced at initial and 10th recirculation, respectively. The increase in the ash content of hydrochar samples produced during recirculation is due to the re-deposition of inorganic 100 elements in the porous structure of hydrochar. As the hydrochar and liquid by-product samples produced during the HTC-recirculation experiment were not analysed for inorganic elemental analysis, therefore, the rate of removal or deposition of inorganics in the hydrochar pores cannot be explained evidently. 4.3. Conclusions The hydrochar samples produced at 260°C has the physicochemical properties similar to that of the low rank bituminous coal. However, at such a high temperature, the pressure inside the reactor is very high and thus it makes the process highly unsafe and expensive. The addition of catalyst like acetic acid and calcium chloride in the HTC process was examined so as to reduce the temperature requirement. Both the mass yield and HHV of hydrochar samples were slightly affected with the addition of acetic acid and calcium chloride. The effect of acetic acid on the mass yield and HHV was more prominent at 190°C than compare to at 225°C. The HHV of hydrochar samples produced with the addition of calcium chloride was observed same to that of the sample produced at 260°C without any catalyst; however the sample had very high ash content (8-12%). The liquid by-product produced during HTC at the different reaction temperatures was characterized in terms of the identification and quantification of the intermediate compounds. The results show that the HTC process water is highly acidic in nature (with the pH between 2.7 to 3.3), and contain some organic acids of which acetic acid is highest in fraction. Additionally the process water contains high quality intermediate products like 2,5-HMF that have several value added applications in the chemical and bio-refinery industry. The process water also found rich in total organic carbon (TOC). The concentration of organic acids and HMF particles in the HTC process water increases with an increase in the process reaction temperature. 101 The HTC process water produced at 260°C is highly acidic in nature and has high concentration of acids, HMF particles and TOC in it. All these compounds are expected to improve the HHV of hydrochar samples. Therefore, to determine the effect of recycling HTC process water, the recirculation of process water was performed at 260°C. The results show that the mass yield of hydrochar samples increased by 5-10% during the 2nd and 3rd recirculation, and then remained almost constant for the successive recirculation runs. The HHV of the hydrochar samples produced during recirculation remained higher than that of the reference-HTC sample (26.06MJ/kg). A maximum HHV of the hydrochar was attained for the sample produced at 4th recirculation (26.64MJ/kg). 102 CHAPTER-V STRENGTH, STORAGE AND COMBUSTION CHARACTERISTICS OF DENSIFIED LIGNOCELLULOSIC BIOMASS PRODUCED VIA TORREFACTION AND HYDROTHERMAL CARBONIZATION In this chapter the feasibility of pellets produced from miscanthus via two different thermal pre-treatments, torrefaction and HTC, followed by densification is examined. The properties of densified pellets were characterized in terms of the mass density, energy density, durability, compression strength, hydrophobicity, and resistance against water immersion. 103 5.1. Materials and Methods 5.1.1. Materials To evaluate the performance of the densification of HTC and torrefaction, miscanthus feedstock’s was used in the study. The sample collection and preparation was done similar to as explained in the chapter III. 5.1.2. Experimental Setup Hydrothermal Carbonisation HTC of miscanthus was performed in the same way as explained in the chapter III. The previous experiments on HTC show that the reaction temperature is the most governing parameter affecting the physicochemical properties of hydrochar (Kambo & Dutta, 2014b). Therefore, the HTC experiments in this study were performed at the three different reaction temperatures (190, 225, 260°C) with the fixed residence time of 5min and feedstock to water ratios of 1:6 (w/w). For details refer section Torrefaction The torrefaction of miscanthus was performed similar to as explained in the chapter III. For details refer section Densification The densification of raw and pretreated miscanthus samples was performed using a similar method used in the another study for the pelletization of loblolly pine (Reza et al., 2012). The initial moisture content of feedstock plays an important role in the pelletization process. The moisture content in a feedstock can act as a binder and a lubricant in the densification process (Kaliyan & Morey, 2010). Both the raw and pre-treated miscanthus samples were exposed to the 104 room conditions for at least 24 hours prior to the pelletization so as to bring the samples to equilibrium moisture content (EMC). The EMC of the raw, HTC-190, HTC-225, HTC-260, and torrefied-260 samples were 10.95, 7.54, 6.22, 3.52, and 6.32%, respectively. The pelletization of samples was performed using a Parr single-pellet press (model#2912) modified in the machine lab at University of Guelph. The pellet press consists a cylindrical die (1/4 inch in the diameter) made of hardened stainless steel, with load cell and a band heater attached to it. The temperature of the die, attached to the heater, was controlled using a PID temperature controller and was set to 100°C. The bottom of the die was closed using a removable backstop plate. After temperature equilibration, about 0.5g of the sample was manually placed in the die and a compressive pressure at 1250Psig was applied to the sample by a lever attached to the pellet press (Figure 5.1(A), 5.1(B)). The sample was held under pressure for 30sec and was then released. Subsequently to compression, the backstop plate was removed from the die and the pellet was pressed out of the die channel using the same piston that was used for compression (figure 5.1(C)). The pellet samples were left undisturbed for 1-2min and were kept in the sealed plastic bags for further analysis. 105 Figure5.1 (A) Pelletization setup, (B) Pellet formation, (C) Pellet extrusion 5.1.3. Analytical Methods Mass and Energy Density The mass density of the pellets was expressed as the ratio of the mass to volume. A stereometric method was used to calculate the density of each pellet. The method is based on the measurement of dimensions (e.g., diameter and length) of a regular shape product. Each single pellet sample was weighed to the nearest value of 0.0001g using an analytical balance (Mettler Toledo-MS204S). The volume of the each pellet sample was determined by measuring the volume of the pellet (cylinder in this case) using a digital caliper (Mastercraft, 58-6800-4). The energy density was calculated by multiplying the mass density of the pellet by the HHV of the pellet. Higher Heating Value The HHV of the raw and pre-treated pellets was determined using an IKA-C200 bomb calorimeter. The samples were oven dried at 105°C for 24hrs prior to analysis. Compression Strength The compression strength of pellets was measured by using an Instron machine (Model#5965). The method was adopted from an another study (Nielsen et al., 2009). Each single pellet was placed between the two horizontal plates and was compressed with a rate of 25mm/min (Figure 5.2). A data logger connect to the machine recorded the force (F) applied on the pellet. The maximum force a pellet could withstand before fracture was measured as the value for the compression strength. 106 Figure5.2 Radial compression of pellets to test the compression strength(Nielsen et al., 2009) (Adapted with permission from publisher) Durability The forces acting on pellets during unloading process from the trucks on the ground or during feeding from the chutes into bins at the pellets manufacturing plant can be simulated by measuring the impact resistance or the drop resistance or the shattering resistance test. A drop resistance method was used in this study to determine the durability of the raw and pretreated miscanthus pellets (Kaliyan & Vance Morey, 2009). Each pellet sample was dropped from 1.85m height on a metal plate 4 times. The percentage weight retained after dropping was expressed as the pellet durability. Hydrophobicity Equilibrium Moisture Content The thermal pre-treatments are often proposed to improve the storage behaviour or hydrophobicity of biomass. To confirm the validation of the above statement, the pellets were tested for equilibrium moisture content (EMC). EMC is defined as the moisture content of the sample that is in the thermodynamic equilibrium with the moisture in the surrounding atmosphere at a given relative humidity, temperature, and pressure. To determine the EMC of 107 pellets, the samples were exposed to controlled environment (relative humidity: 48-52% at 2223°C). After the exposure of 24 hours the samples were then dried in an oven at 103°C for 16hours. The change in the weight before and after drying was expressed as the percentage moisture adsorbed or EMC. Water Resistance Pimchuai and his co-authors (Pimchuai et al., 2010) demonstrated the water resistance capacity of raw and torrefied biomass by immersing the samples in the water for 2 hours. The samples were then allowed to dry in the change in the weight was expressed as the percentage moisture absorption. Using the same method, both raw and pre-treated pellets were immersed in the water for 2 hours. Later the pellets were removed and the excess water was drained by placing the pellets on an adsorbent paper. The pellets were then gently placed on the aluminum sheet and were exposed to the controlled environment (relative humidity: 48-52% at 22-23°C) for 4 hours. The final material was then re-weighed; the change in weight of pellets was expressed as the moisture content. 108 5.2. Results and Discussions 5.2.1. Mass and Energy Density The mass and energy density of pellets are the two important parameters that play significant role in the transportation and handling economics of the wood pellets. The low bulk density of a raw biomass result in the highly inefficient logistics and is a huge challenge for the biomass processing industry (Kaliyan & Vance Morey, 2009). The low bulk density, low carbon content, and high oxygen content of the raw biomass reduces the overall bulk energy density of feedstock (Jenkins et al., 1998). Table 5.1 shows the effect of the densification on the mass density and energy density of the raw and pretreated miscanthus. The mass density of an oven dried miscanthus sample was found about 321.09±10 kg/m3. This mass density of raw miscanthus was found to be much higher compare to the values reported in the literature for the miscanthus (Huisman et al., 1997). Generally for the woody and agricultural biomass, “bulk density” is the most appropriate term used at industrial scale when referring to the density of a biomass. While measuring the bulk density of a biomass, the volume of the voids is also included in the measurement, therefore, the bulk density of a biomass is always lesser than the mass density a feedstock. In this study the mass density of raw miscanthus increased by about 2.6 times after densification. The HHV of the samples was measured before and after densification, and was found to be unaffected as expected. As most of the polymeric (hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin) and aqueous soluble composition of the biomass does not start to react until the material temperature reaches 180°C (Reza et al., 2012; Yan et al., 2009), no compositional change should take place at low temperature (100°C) densification. Moreover, no external binder material was used in this experiment for the densification of raw and pre-treated biomass. Therefore, as 109 expected, the HHV of the raw and pretreated biomass remained almost unaffected after densification. However, it is interesting to note that the overall volumetric energy density (energy unit per volume) of raw miscanthus increased significantly, from 5.93 to 15.69GJ/m3, after densification. Table5.1 Effect of densification on mass density, HHV and energy density Process/Pretreatment Reaction Residence temperature Time (°C) Raw 100 30sec Pelletization 190/100 5min/30sec HTC/Pelletization 225/100 5min/30sec HTC/Pelletization 260/100 5min/30sec HTC/Pelletization 260/100 30min/30sec Torrefaction/ Pelletization Mass Density (kg/m3) HHV (MJ/kg) Energy Density (GJ/m3) 321.09 834.05 886.87 959.39 1035.99 18.47 18.82 20.19 21.62 25.97 5.93 15.69 17.90 20.74 26.90 819.55 20.34 16.66 The mass density of the pellets produced from hydrothermally pretreated miscanthus increased with an increase in the reaction temperature. The pellets produced at 260°C has the maximum mass density (1035.99 kg/m3) which is 24.2% higher than that of the pellet produced from the raw miscanthus. The previous results from experiment show that the grindability of the biomass increases with an increase in the HTC reaction temperature, thus it makes the material highly friable in nature and easy to compress. The pelletability of the biomass is considerably affected by the small particle size distribution of a feedstock (Mani et al., 2006b), therefore, an increase in the mass density of pellets produced from HTC pretreated biomass is directly corelated with the improved friability of miscanthus (Table5.2)(Kambo & Dutta, 2014b). 110 Table5.2 Effect of pre-treatment on grindability of biomass Particle Size Distribution (%) Material Raw Miscanthus HTC-190°C HTC-225°C HTC-260°C Torrefied-260°C >500µm (%) 34.99 17.45 46.17 15.68 11.09 14.75 <100µm (%) 7.75 52.13 2.82 0.14 12.01 1.44 18.68 26.21 66.49 72.21 3.34 42.18 26.65 27.83 250-500µm (%) 100-250µm (%) In comparison to the HTC pellets, the mass density of the pellets produced from torrefied biomass is substantially lower and is similar to that of the raw biomass pellet. While measuring the diameter, the pellets produced from the torrefied biomass had slightly larger diameter than that of the raw and HTC pellets. This shows that, compare to the raw and HTC pellets, the internal bonding between the particles of the torrefied biomass was not strong enough to hold tight together. The chemical composition of a material significantly affects the pelletization process and quality of the pellets (Kaliyan & Vance Morey, 2009). The chemical reaction mechanism that takes place in the HTC process is highly complicated and is partially understood (Funke & Ziegler, 2010). The formation of intermediate compounds (aqueous soluble materials) in the HTC process via condensation and polymerization reactions might have been responsible for the better mass and energy density of the HTC pellets. The formation of such aqueous soluble material is relatively very low in the torrefaction process (Yan et al., 2009). The reaction temperature and the type of reaction medium used in the thermochemical process plays significantly important role in determining the dominancy and rate of reaction mechanism (Libra et al., 2011). 111 5.2.2. Strength and Durability of Pellets A durability test is a good tool to predict the strength and quality of the pellets during their supply chain (i.e. from the manufacturing industry to their end use). Durability is defined as the ability of pellets to remain integral while handling and is measured by the amount of fines that are produced from the pellets after subjecting to a mechanical or pneumatic agitation (Gil et al., 2010). In a similar way, the compression strength of a pellet is a measure of the internal bonding-strength or the maximum force a pellet could withstand before its rapture during storage. Results for the durability and strength of the raw and pretreated miscanthus pellets are shown in the Figure 5.3. Strength 100 400 95 350 90 300 85 250 80 200 75 150 70 100 65 50 60 Strength (N) Durability (%) Durability 0 Raw HTC-190 HTC-225 HTC-260 Torrefied 260 Pellet Type Figure5.3 Effect of pre-treatment type on durability and strength of pellets The impact resistance durability (IRD) of the raw miscanthus pellets is 92.19% and it increases with an increase in the HTC reaction temperature (i.e. from 190 to 225°C). However, the durability of the HTC-260°C pellet was found relatively lower (88.80%) than that of the raw 112 and other HTC pellets. Because the fine particles (<100µm) are produced in the HTC process, the sharp edges of the HTC-260°C pellet when strikes the metal plate (during IRD test) tend to shatter into powder, this explains the reason for the low durability of HTC-260°C pellets. Further in-depth research on the optimization of pellets shape and the pelletization process conditions may improve the durability of HTC pellets. The compressive strength of the pellets decreases with an increase in the reaction temperature. High percentage of lignin in the material acts as a natural binder during pelletization, but at the same time can make the pellets highly brittle. Except for the high durability of HTC pellets, similar results were also obtained in an another study performed on densification of HTC pretreated loblolly pine wood (Reza et al., 2012). The variation in the results may be due to the different operating conditions like the type of feedstock, densification pressure, temperature, and die aspect ratio; the operating conditions have strong influence on the properties of pellets (Kaliyan & Vance Morey, 2009). On the other hand compare to the raw and HTC pellets, similar to the findings in literature (Li et al., 2012; Wang et al., 2013), the pellets produced from the torrefied miscanthus were very week in strength and durability. The Glass Transition Temperature (Tg), is the temperature range where a thermosetting polymer changes from a hard, rigid or “glassy” state to a more pliable state. Lignin is the only component of biomass that shows glass transition behavior (Reza et al., 2012), and its Tg is the range of 137-157°C (Grāvitis et al., 2010). The moisture content of a feedstock can significantly affect the glass transition temperature of lignin (Stelte et al., 2011a). For the densification at the temperatures above the Tg, a feedstock will tend to show inter-diffusion or a solid bridge between the particles of biomass. However, the low densification temperature (100°C) used in 113 this study might have eliminated the formation of a solid bridge between the particles. The low compression strength of the torrefied pellets may be due to the presence of pores in the structure, that reduce the resistance towards the deformation and indicates the need for the high densification pressure may be required to produce strong pellets (Li et al., 2012). 5.2.3. Hydrophobicity EMC of a material is used as an indicator of the hydrophobicity. The presence of high moisture content in biomass feedstock/pellets can influence fungal growth and therefore the material will most likely rot easily with time (Acharjee et al., 2011). Table 5.3 shows the hydrophobicity of the raw and pre-treated pellets. Both the HTC and torrefaction pre-treatment improves the hydrophobicity of biomass, however, the pellets obtained via HTC are more hydrophobic in nature. The hydrophobicity of the HTC pellets increases with an increase in the reaction temperature. For a lignocellulosic biomass, the moisture can be adsorbed in three different ways: (i) free water (present in micro and macro porous capillaries but not to specific sorption sites), (ii) non-freezing bounded water, and (iii) freezing bounded water (both (ii) and (iii) are hydrogen-bonded to the hydroxyl groups of the cell wall). The non-bounded moisture increases with an increase in the relative humidity. Unlike to the HTC pretreated miscanthus, due to the volatilization of hemicellulose, the slight porous structures are obtained via dry thermal pre-treatments like torrefaction and pyrolysis (Fuertes et al., 2010). The presence of the pores on the surface of torrefied miscanthus increases the tendency to adsorb moisture content (free water) high and quickly (Stelte et al., 2011b) as compare to the HTC pellets. Moreover, the chemical composition of biomass has a strong influence on the hydrophobic behaviour of a feedstock. Among the polymeric composition of biomass, hemicelluloses has the greatest capacity towards water adsorption, while lignin shows very little 114 tendency for the water sorption (Acharjee et al., 2011). Hence, the removal of hemicellulose (or the fractional percentage increase in the lignin content) from a biomass feedstock will improve its hydrophobicity. All these findings support the reason behind the high hydrophobicity of the HTC pellets compare to raw and torrefied pellets. Table5.3 EMC of raw and pretreated pellets before and after immersion Pellet Raw HTC-190 HTC-225 HTC-260 Torrefied -260 EMC before Immersion in water (%) 6.38 4.29 3.30 2.27 3.83 EMC after Immersion in water (%) 80.96 66.86 39.41 18.60 75.59 To determine the strength of the pellets against water resistance, both the raw and pretreated pellets were immersed in the water for 2hours. The pellets prepared from the raw miscanthus rapidly segregated to fine particles within 15-20sec after the immersion in water. The pellets produced via HTC at 190°C sustained for 5mins and those at 225°C remained whole for about 30mins, later these pellets started isolating into discs like structure. Where the pellets produced from HTC of miscanthus at 260°C remained as a whole in pellet shape, even after the immersion of more than 2hours in water. On the other hand, the pellets produced from the torrefied miscanthus behaved slightly better than the raw miscanthus pellets, lasting for about 12min. The hydrophobic behaviour of the HTC pellets explains the reason behind the strong strength against water immersion. Table 5.3 shows the result of the moisture content of the samples exposed to the room conditions after immersion of 2hours. The results indicate that the pellets produced from HTC of miscanthus at 260°C are highly hydrophobic in nature and therefore can be stored easily without 115 possessing any threat to the biological deterioration. Moreover, the transportation of such a feedstock will be less expensive as there will be less water content to transport along with the biomass (Yan et al., 2009). 5.3. Conclusions The work describes the experimental demonstration and comparison of the raw, HTC and torrefied miscanthus pellets in terms of the strength, storage, and combustion characteristics. It was found that combining densification with the thermal pre-treatments like HTC and torrefaction are the promising methods for upgrading biomass and its conversion to an energy dense, homogeneous, friable, and hydrophobic solid fuel. The storage and combustion properties of the HTC pellets are considerably better than the pellets obtained from the torrefied biomass even if the processing conditions of the torrefaction process were kept very high (260°C for 30mins) than that of the HTC process (190 and 225°C for 5mins). However, it should be noticed that the high pressure requirement in the HTC process makes it more expensive and hazardous. The physicochemical properties of the HTC pellets produced at 260°C are comparable to that of the low rank bituminous coal. The mass and energy density of the HTC pellets increases with an increase in the reaction temperature. In comparison to the raw and torrefied pellets, HTC pellets are highly hydrophobic in nature and show strong resistance against the water immersion, improved grindability, and reduced inorganic elements in the ash. In addition, the HTC pellets produced at low temperature (190 and 225°C) were found to be highly durable, whereas, the durability reduces with the further increase in the reaction temperature. On the other hand, torrefied pellets show low mass density and durability even compare to the raw miscanthus pellets. Lignin is a naturally occurring polymer in the biomass and acts as 116 a natural binding material during pelletization, however, a high percentage of lignin content in the pellets makes it highly brittle and weak in strength. Compression strength of the pellets decreases with an increase in the reaction temperature. Therefore, the extension of this work will be focused on the manufacturing of spherical shape pellets that will have high bulk energy density, strength, and durability. 117 CHAPTER-VI OVERALL CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1. Conclusions Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) of three different types of crops (miscanthus, willow and wheat straw) was experimentally studied and analyzed to examine the effect of operating conditions on the physicochemical properties of biomass. For comparison, torrefaction (a conventional thermal pre-treatment) was also applied to the miscanthus feedstock. The solid product from both the thermal pre-treatments was investigated for the densification characterization. The liquid by-product from the HTC process and its effects of recirculation was also analyzed in this study. The conclusions in this section are drawn based on the work reported in the previous chapters and are shown below. 6.1.1. Wet and Dry Thermal Pre-treatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass Both the HTC (wet) and torrefaction (dry) process are promising methods for upgrading low quality lignocellulosic biomass. However, for the same quality and quantity of a final product, the severity of the operating conditions (i.e. the reaction time and temperature) is significantly low for HTC when compare to the torrefaction process. Hydrochar obtained via HTC is a highly energy dense, hydrophobic and friable product and therefore can be transported, stored and pulverized very economically compare to the raw and torrefied biomass. Moreover, the hydrochar samples have considerable reduction in the alkali and alkaline earth metals composition. Therefore, it co-firing with coal will significantly reduce the fouling and slagging concerns in the boiler. Most outstandingly, as HTC process is carried out in the presence of water, instead of drying used in conventional thermal pre-treatments, the process is a highly cost effective preprocessing technique especially for the wet biomass. The proximate and ultimate 118 analysis indicates that the hydrochar samples produced at 260°C has significantly reduced volatile compounds and oxygen content and increased carbon content. Hence, HTC converts lignocellulosic biomass into a coal-like product that has potential to replace coal in existing coalfired power plants without any modifications to the system. 6.1.2. HTC Process Water Characterization and Recirculation The liquid by-product produced during HTC is acidic in nature and contains high quality intermediate chemical compounds. The process water contains organic acids like acetic acid, levulinic acid, formic acid, and glycolic acid and of these acetic acid remained in highest proportion. The process water also contains high quality intermediate products like HMF that have several value added applications in the chemical and bio-refinery industries. The concentration levels of organic acids and HMF particles in the process water increases with an increase in the HTC reaction temperature. The HTC process water was also found to be rich in total organic carbon. The high alkali and alkaline earth metallic content in the HTC process water explains the tendency of the HTC process to demineralization low quality lignocellulosic biomass. Due to the presence of such compounds in the HTC process water it can be used as a fertilizer for agricultural applications. Recirculation of the HTC process water appears to be the most likely economical feature for a typical industrial HTC plant. The HTC process water produced at 260°C was studied for recirculation experiments due to its high acidic nature, 2,5-HMF and TOC content. Due to the presence of organic acids, recirculation of the HTC process water will provoke the carbonization reactions mechanism. As a result the recirculation of process water increases the system’s overall efficiency by augmenting the mass and energy yield of hydrochar. 119 6.1.3. Addition of Salt and Acid in HTC Process The addition of catalyst like acetic acid and calcium chloride to the HTC process showed an increase in the energy content of hydrochar. Most importantly, addition of calcium chloride to the HTC process considerably reduces the high temperature requirement. The HHV of hydrochar samples produced at low temperature (190 and 225°C) with the addition of calcium chloride was found to be same as the one obtained at 260°C with no additives. Hence reduction in the temperature will reduce the high pressure requirement and hazardousness of an HTC process. However, the hydrochar samples prepared with the addition of calcium chloride have significantly higher ash content and may cause the pitting of a reactor. 6.1.4. Densification of Raw and Pre-treated Biomass Densification in combination with the thermal pre-treatments like HTC and torrefaction are promising methods for upgrading biomass and its conversion to an energy dense, homogeneous, friable, and hydrophobic solid fuel. The strength, storage and combustion properties of HTC pellets were found considerably better than the raw and torrefied pellets. Both the mass and energy density of HTC pellets was found to be significantly affected by the process reaction temperature. The physicochemical properties of HTC pellets produced from miscanthus pre-treated at 260°C are comparable to that of low rank bituminous coal. In comparison to the raw and torrefied pellets, HTC pellets were highly hydrophobic in nature and show strong resistance against water immersion. Lignin is a naturally occurring polymer in biomass that acts as a natural binding material during pelletization; however, a high percentage of lignin in pellets makes it highly brittle and weak in strength. Compression strength of HTC pellets decreases with an increase in the reaction temperature. 120 6.2. Recommendations for Future Research 6.2.1. Process Optimization In literature and throughout this study, only the reaction time and temperature were found to be the main dominating parameters affecting the physicochemical properties of hydrochar. Nonetheless, other variables such as the reaction pressure, feedstock size, and solid load, acidity of process water, heating rate, and shape and size of a reactor are not negligible. All these factors should be considered critically important when designing a large scale industrial HTC plant. However, limited information is available on the effect aforementioned parameters in an HTC process. Reaction kinetics and a co-relation between the input parameters (like proximate, ultimate, fiber analysis and type of feedstock etc.), process operating conditions (time, temperature, pressure, solid load, etc.) and desired output properties (such as mass and energy yield) may aid in optimizing the design of a state-of-the-art HTC reactor. A techno-economical evaluation study in terms of energy input and output of a pilot scale HTC plant can help in understanding the applicability of an HTC system in the industries. 6.2.2. Limitations of the HTC Process Results from this study indicates that the biomass pre-treated under the HTC process at 260°C has significantly improved physicochemical properties and has potential to replace coal at power plant. Nevertheless, being a process with the high conversion efficiency when compare to other thermal pre-treatments, like pyrolysis, gasification, and dry torrefaction, its adaptability at industrial scale is still not in favor. At such a high temperature (260°C) the pressure inside the reactor is substantially high (>5 MPa) and makes the process highly unsafe and expensive. High pressure requirement, continuous feeding against pressure increases the overall manufacturing costs of equipment. Moreover, for an economical HTC plant, running it under ideal conditions 121 like efficient heat recovery, water recirculation, and recovery of liquid intermediate products can be very critical. Hence further investigations are required in terms of the process design and development. The addition of calcium chloride in the process reduces the temperature requirement but also increases the ash content of hydrochar. Further research on the different type and combination of salts and acids should be examined to see their effect on the process and products. 6.2.3. Integration of HTC and Densification Process Pellets produced from the HTC process at 260°C shows promise in terms of the high mass and energy density. However, the durability of those pellets was limited by their conventional shape. Standard conventional pellets are elongated cylinders with fractured end which limits their bulk packing density. In addition, due to the fine particles size distribution and sharp edges of these pellets, they have low durability and create dust upon handling, causing a risk of explosion. Therefore, further extension of this research focusing on developing a spherical shape pellets may improve the aforementioned issues. A single die pellet press with the fixed processing parameters (i.e. compression temperature and pressure) was used in this study for the densification of raw and pre-treated miscanthus. However, the densification process at an industrial scale takes place very differently from the method used in this study. Using a ring-die or a flat-die pellet press to examine the densification characterization of raw and pre-treated biomass might be more reasonable. 6.2.4. Versatility of Feedstock The outstanding advantage of an HTC process is the elimination of pre-drying requirement of a feedstock. Lignocellulosic biomasses with the low moisture content were 122 mainly considered in this study. However, the non-conventional and non-lignocellulosic biomasses like animal waste, food waste, greenhouse vegetable waste, and other high moisture content feedstocks should be a priority because of their underutilization and economic inapplicability in the conventional dry thermal pre-treatments like torrefaction and pyrolysis. 6.2.5. Products Recovery and Integration of HTC with Anaerobic Digestion The HTC process water contains considerable amount of dissolved organic and inorganic compounds. Recovery to such high quality intermediate compounds will be very beneficial, as products like HMF, levulinic acid, acetic acid, formic acid, N-P-K and other metals like Ni, P, B, Mg, and S have their own market value in the agro-bio-chemical industries. Recirculation of the process water was found to improve the system’s overall efficiency. HTC of biomass produces hydrochar that is similar to coal and provides an opportunity for the production of liquid and gaseous fuels. Due to the presence of organic acids (like acetic and formic acid) in the HTC process water, the integration of an HTC process with the anaerobic digestion (AD) system will improve the degradation reaction mechanism by acetogenesis and acetate-consuming methanogenesis (Wirth & Mumme, 2013). A techno-economic study of combining HTC with an anaerobic digestion process should be evaluated. The general idea of combining HTC and AD is to utilize the process waste streams for the production of liquid and gaseous fuels. Figure 6.1 shows the typical design of the HTC and AD process integration. 123 Figure6.1 Integration of HTC and AD plant Where: HTC: Hydrothermal Carbonization AD: Anaerobic Digestion SCWG: Supercritical Water Gasification FTS: Fisher Tropsch Synthesis H2 : Hydrogen; CH4 :Methane ; CO: Carbon monoxide; CO2 :Carbon dioxide 6.2.6. Surface and Reaction Chemistry of Hydrochar Few studies in the literature have reported the improved adsorption capacity of the hydrochar samples obtained via HTC and their application in the waste water treatment industry. In-depth characterization of hydrochars (via HTC) and biochars (via torrefaction, pyrolysis processes) produced from the different types of feedstocks and using highly advanced scientific techniques like FTIR (Fourier transform infrared) and NMR (Nuclear magnetic resonance) spectroscopy might reveal more information on the surface groups on the hydrochar. Using such techniques in the combination with qualitative and quantitative software can depict a complete vision of the reaction chemistry and combustion behaviour of hydrochar particles. 124 6.2.7. Hydrochar in Agriculture Biochar, from slow pyrolysis, is often used as a product for soil amelioration. When biochar is used for agriculture, is always used in a large quantities and therefore is impossible to remove from the soil if there are any adverse outcomes from the agricultural and environmental toxicity point of view. Inorganic impurities (especially heavy metals) cannot be destroyed during dry thermal pre-treatments like pyrolysis, since they may have a toxic risk potential, it is critically important to follow the fate of heavy metals. The accumulation of heavy metals in the soil can drastically affect the food chain and therefore has to be taken into account. A study estimated that, in a commercial field trial, approximately 30% of the mass of the biochar (from pyrolysis) was lost during transport, handling and application (Husk & Major, 2010). In addition, the risk of spontaneous combustion or dust explosions in the presence of open fire has to be considered (Libra et al., 2011). Also the small particles of biochar due to the larger surface area tend to oxidize faster compare to the larger particles. On the other hand, hydrochars generally have low inorganic impurities compare to the biochars, but so far no standard application guidelines are available for the application of hydrochar for agriculture. Hydrochar when leaves the process is wet in state and is in the form of slurry. Therefore, the smaller particles of the hydrochar agglomerate together and well mix in the soil, reducing erosion loss and minimize a risk of explosion. However, very high moisture along with the high lignin content of hydrochar might influence the fungal growth and therefore can drastically affect the agricultural productivity. A comparative evaluation by conducting field trials on using different types of biochar and hydrochar in an unfertile soil may reveal the factual information. 125 REFERENCES Acharjee, T.C., Coronella, C.J., Vasquez, V.R. 2011. 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