Is Online Infidelity Really Cheating on Your Partner? As gadgets become smaller and handier, the use of the internet has increased drastically. Today, almost every aspect of our life is connected via the internet and sure enough, it has also given rise to new challenges. Things like cyber infidelity have increased a lot. While some assume that online infidelity isn’t bad, the general consensus says otherwise. So, is online infidelity really cheating on your partner? Or is it just something casual? Let us find out more! Online infidelity is just as bad People, especially the ones who cheat, tend to automatically think that online affairs have no relation to traditional cheating. As compared to physical relationships, cyber infidelity is easier to start and sustain. Not just that, one person can be involved with multiple cheating partners that aren’t a frequently occurring case with traditional cheating. However, even though physical contact isn’t involved in cyber infidelity, there is yet a connection that can be perceived as far worse. How does cyber infidelity happen? Although cheaters' websites do not have any scope for physical intimacy, unless of course, your cheating partner wishes to take it offline, it is a component of unfaithfulness. Online infidelity can involve video or photos being exchanged with a cheating partner that is sexual in nature. Apart from this, online flirting, or at times even indulging in consuming online pornography can be a type of cyber infidelity. However, at times, for spouses, healing from the sexual component of cyber infidelity can be easier as compared to healing from the emotional component. Spouses who use cheaters' websites to indulge in infidelity do not completely understand how traumatic it can be for their partners to learn of their online emotional bonding. Cyber infidelity can cause: Jealousy Insecurity Feelings of being deceived Anger Divorce or breakup Betrayal How to find out if your spouse is involved in online affairs? Before you find out the truth about the infidelity of your partner, here are some tell-tale signs you might notice before things become too bad. If your partner: Is spending a significant amount of time using their Smartphone or laptop Shows sudden behavioral changes Is not spending time with you as they used to Becomes defensive or starts lying outright when you try to confront them or question them regarding any abnormal behavior Keeping the gadgets or laptops away from you in hiding Tends to clear their search history every now and then The reasons your partner uses cheaters' websites for online affairs can be many. Regardless, it is just as worrisome and heartbreaking for the one being cheated on. If you ever suspect that your partner is involved in cyber infidelity, it is important to think rationally. Yes, your emotions might take over, but it is important to keep calm and find out the entire truth before you take any action. In case you aren’t able to do this all alone, seeking professional help from tech service providers like I Find Cheaters can do you good. Remember to take a step back and take a look at the bigger picture before making a decision regarding your relationship with your cheating spouse!