Date : Stoke's Law Enrolment No. : AIM : To determine the coefficient of viscosity of the given liquid using Stoke’s method. APPARATUS : A long glass jar filled with viscous liquid , metre scale , small spherical metal balls , micrometer screw gauge , stopwatch. DIAGRAM : FORMULA : 𝜂= 2 𝑟 2 𝑔( 𝑑−𝜌 ) 9 𝑣 where 𝝶 = coefficient of viscosity , 𝝆 = density of viscous liquid , d = density of metal balls , g = acceleration due to gravity , r = radius of metal sphere ball , v = terminal velocity OBSERVATIONS : 1 ) Density of metal ball ( d ) = 7.9 g/cm3 2 ) Density of viscous liquid ( 𝝆 ) = 1.26 g/cm3 3 ) Pitch of the screw ( a ) = 0.05 cm 4 ) Number of divisions on circular scale ( b ) = 50 Stoke’s Law Page 1 of 3 5 ) Least count of screw gauge = ( a/b ) = 0.001 cm 6 ) …………………………..Zero error = Z = cm 7 ) Acceleration due to gravity ( g ) = 980 cm/s2 OBSERVATION TABLE NO. 1 : ( To find radius of metal ball ) Obs. No. Main Scale Reading ( X ) cm Coinciding Circular division ( n ) Circular Scale Reading ( Y= n x L. C.) cm Total Reading (X+Y+Z) cm Mean Diameter (X+Y+Z) ( D ) cm Mean radius 𝐷 ( r = ) cm 1 2 3 OBSERVATION TABLE NO. 2 : ( To find terminal velocity ) Obs. No. Distance between two mark B and C i.e. ‘S’ ( cm ) Time taken by ball to cover distance BC ( S ) i.e. ‘t’ ( s ) Terminal velocity Mean v= cm/s 𝑠 𝑡 𝑣 cm/s 1 2 3 4 CALCULATION : Stoke’s Law Page 2 of 3 2 PROCEDURE : 1 ) Measure the diameter of metal ball through three different planes and then calculate mean radius of it. 2 ) Release a ball gently on the liquid surface at the centre of jar. 3 ) When a ball just crosses a marking ‘A’ , start the stopwatch & when it reaches at the marking ‘B’ stop the stopwatch. Note down the time taken by ball ‘t’. 4 ) Repeat the same procedure for other 3 – 4 balls. 5 ) Find out the terminal velocity i.e. mean v and finally find out the coefficient of viscosity by calculation. RESULT : 1 ) The coefficient of viscosity of the given liquid = ……………………. poise Stoke’s Law Page 3 of 3