Question 1 You should never connect or disconnect components with the power supply at a high voltage because it can damage the power supply or the electrical component, this is the same reason for turning the voltage of the power supply down before switching it on or off. Question 2 +0V +1V +2V +3V +4V +5V +4V +3V +2V +1V +0V +5V Question 3 Question 4 Parallel Plates d = 0.215 m Concentric Cylinders Ra = 0.0195 m Rb = 0.0894 m Rb - Ra = 0.0699 m The difference in potential for both electrode setups is 1V. Question 5 Parallel Plates Se ∆S Distance ∆V Es Electric Sm Midpoint Voltage Electric Equipotential V Potential between Potential Field at the Between the Predicted Field Location (Volts) Equipotentials Difference Midpoint Equipotentials by V(x)=5- Predicted (meters from (m) (v) (V/m) (m) (5/d)x by E=5/d 0V) 0 0 0.000 0.0415 1 24.10 0.021 22.98 0.0415 1 0.954 0.0435 1 22.99 0.063 22.98 0.085 2 1.953 0.041 1 24.39 0.106 22.98 0.126 3 2.895 0.049 1 20.41 0.151 22.98 0.175 4 4.021 0.0426 1 23.47 0.196 22.98 0.2176 5 5.000 Concentric Cylinders Es Se Voltage ∆S Distance ∆V Electric Sm Midpoint Electric Field Equipotential V Predicted by between Potential Field at Between the Predicted by Location Potential V(r)=5-(5/ln(R Equipotentials Difference the Equipotentials E=(5/ln(Rb(meters from (Volts) b-Ra))*ln(r/Ra (m) (v) Midpoint (m) Ra))*(1/r) 0V) ) (V/m) 0 0 0 -96.36984846 0.0075 1 133.33 0.00375 0.0075 1 0.6115376946 -69.60044611 0.0105 1 95.24 0.01275 0.018 2 1.228866494 -50.1123212 0.016 1 62.50 0.026 0.034 3 1.896627057 -35.12545878 0.019 1 52.63 0.0435 0.053 4 2.46772882 -25.92016614 0.0169 1 59.17 0.06145 0.0699 5 2.861487863 -21.02026896 Question 6 You should never work alone with electronic circuits because of the risk of electric shock. Electric shocks can be extremely dangerous and even fatal. It is important to have someone who can help you if you are electrocuted. Question 7 1. How do your predicted equipotental curves and experimental equipotential curves compare? If they are different, explain in full sentences why that might be. The predicted and actual equipotental curves were almost identical. 2. How do your theoretical and experimental equations compare? The values of the constants? They are most likely not exactly the same. What are some reasons this could be? Can you think of any ways to improve the accuracy of the measurements in this experiment? The theoretical and actual calculated values were similar but not exactly the same. The calculated electric field was generally higher than the actual electric field. One of the reasons for this could be the resistance of the conductors used and the fact that energy was lost. This could possibly be taken into account so that the results are more accurate. 3. Why do you think electric field lines are always perpendicular to those of equipotential? Do the field lines you drew point to positive or negative charge on the electrodes? Electric field lines are always perpendicular to equipotential lines because work done along an equipotential path is zero. These lines help maintain the conservation of energy. Near electrodes, field lines point from positive to negative charges. For a capacitor, the positive plate accumulates positive charge, and the negative plate accumulates negative charge. The direction of field lines depends on the charge distribution on the electrodes. Field lines go from higher potential to lower. 4. If the electrodes were much taller, and instead of paper we had a conducting gel filling the space between them, what do you think would happen with the electric field lines as you go up from the board? If this were the case, I think that the electric field lines would be extended upwards to create a 3D plane or cylinder.