BISC 160 Test 4 Review 1 - ANSWER KEY Test 4: 1. Genetic diversity 2. E is a homologous pair and F is a homologous pair 3. Answer a. Yes - sister chromatid D will also have recessive allele (r) because sister chromatids are identical. b. No - the other chromosome of pair E must have that gene but its allele could be T or t. Homologous pairs are composed of one chromosome from mom and one from dad; they are not identical like sister chromatids. 4. Different versions of the same gene 5. Haploid 6. Answer a. Homologous chromosomes b. Sister chromatids c. Meiosis I 7. Answer a. Mitosis: happens in somatic cells; creates 2 identical daughter cells; only goes through one division; occurs in all eukaryotes; in anaphase, sister chromatids are separated; results in diploid organisms b. Meiosis: happens in germ cells; creates 4 haploid daughter cells that are different from their parent cells; independent assortment causes genetic variation; goes through two divisions; tetrads form in meiosis I; occurs in organisms that do sexual reproduction; in anaphase I, homologous chromosomes are separated, and in anaphase II, sister chromatids are separated 8. Independent assortment 9. Answer a. Law of segregation: each cell gets only one copy of each chromosome b. Law of independent assortment: the homologous pairs line up at the metaphase plate completely independent of how other chromosomes line up -- leads to different combinations of alleles 10.Same centromere position, same length, same genes, same gene order, and same gene locus 11.Refers to incorrect number of chromosomes; results from errors in meiosis 12.Answer a. Complete dominance- the dominant allele is always phenotypically expressed b. Incomplete dominance- heterozygotes have a new, different phenotype (intermediate) c. Codominance- both alleles are expressed equally d. Sex-linked- occur on sex chromosomes (X or Y) 13.Answer a. Genotypic ratio: 1:2:1 b. Phenotypic ratio: 3:1 14.Answer a. Mutation (generate genetic variation within a population) b. Genetic drift (occurs at random within a population, change in allele frequencies over time) c. Gene flow (moving genes between populations) d. Selection (acts directly on the phenotype, variation in heritable traits) e. Non-random mating (preference for mating with those that will lead to reproductive success) 15.p² + 2pq + q² = 1; p² = frequency of homozygous dominant individuals; 2pq = frequency of heterozygous individuals; q² = frequency of homozygous recessive individuals 16.Answer a. Stabilizing- mean stays the same but the extremes are reduced (less variability) b. Directional- becomes more advantageous to have one phenotype over another c. Disruptive- extremes are favored over intermediates (increases population variability) 17.X-inactivation -- one of the x chromosomes in every cell in the female body is turned off a. Females are referred to as mosaics because different genes may be turned off in different cells 18.The gametophyte is a (unicellular/multicellular), (haploid/diploid) organism. The sporophyte is a (unicellular/multicellular), (haploid/diploid) organism. 19.Prophase I 20.AO, BO, AB, OO 21.Crossing over is the exchange of genetic material between homologous, non-sister chromatids, resulting in genetic variation. 22.A homozygote will have two copies of the same gene (same alleles on both chromosomes), while a heterozygote will have different copies of the same gene (two different alleles on the homologous chromosomes) 23.A trait is the outcome of a character. For example, two characters Mendel studied were flower color and plant height; however, the traits would be purple or white and tall or short. 24.If traits were not heritable, they would not be able to be passed down between generations. Genes would not play a role in characteristics. 25. Since polydactyly is a dominant trait, 50% of his offspring should have polydactyly. 26.Prezygotic: can not form a zygote; Postzygotic: organism can be formed but can not reproduce 27.Epistasis is when one locus masks the effect of another locus. For example, the labrador’s coat color is affected by the locus that codes for pigment deposition. 28.Populations are made of individuals, and the genes/alleles contained within each individual make up the gene pool. 29.0.32 30.Bottleneck events; founder effects 31.Answer: a. b. Metaphase: all chromosomes line up with the centromere at the midline c. Metaphase I: homologous chromosome pairs line up at the midline d. Metaphase II: the remaining chromosomes in the cell after meiosis I line up with the centromere at the midline 32.Haplo-Diplontic Life Cycle a. 33. Diplontic Life Cycle a. 34.Mitosis or meiosis as seen above in the life cycles 35.See below: a. There is random mating b. No gene flow c. No mutation d. No genetic drift e. No selection