Chapter 2: The Wireless Channel Q1: What are the two types of fading in a wireless channel? • Answer: Large-scale fading (caused by path loss and shadowing from objects) and smallscale fading (due to constructive/destructive interference of multiple signal paths). Q2: How is the wireless channel modeled physically? • Answer: It is modeled using electromagnetic waves, considering factors such as reflection, diffraction, and scattering. This includes free-space models and models accounting for ground and object reflections. Q3: What is the role of coherence time and Doppler spread? • Answer: Coherence time measures how long the channel remains constant, inversely related to the Doppler spread, which indicates the rate of channel variation due to motion. Q4: How are statistical models used for wireless channels? • Answer: They describe channel variations using distributions like Rayleigh (for no lineof-sight) and Rician (for strong line-of-sight), alongside tap gain auto-correlation functions. Q5: What happens to signal power as distance increases in wireless channels? • Answer: In free space, power decreases as 1/r21/r^2. With obstacles, it may decay faster due to shadowing and absorption. Q6: What is Clarke’s model in wireless channels? • Answer: It describes multipath fading, assuming scatterers are uniformly distributed in a circular area around the receiver. Q7 (Mathematical): How is the coherence bandwidth related to delay spread? • Answer: Coherence bandwidth WcW_c is approximately the reciprocal of the delay spread TdT_d, i.e., Wc∼1/TdW_c \sim 1/T_d. Q8: What is the significance of path loss and shadowing? • Answer: Path loss describes the reduction in signal power as distance increases, while shadowing accounts for random variations in received power due to obstacles. Q9: What is the input-output model for a wireless channel? • Answer: The wireless channel is treated as a linear time-varying system, often simplified into a baseband equivalent model or a discrete-time baseband model. Q10: What is the role of Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN) in channel models? • Answer: AWGN represents the thermal noise inherent in communication systems, serving as a baseline for assessing channel impairments. Q11: How is delay spread observed in practical channels? • Answer: Delay spread causes inter-symbol interference in time and determines coherence bandwidth, affecting how wideband signals interact with the channel. Q12: What are Rayleigh and Rician fading models used for? • Answer: Rayleigh models represent environments without a strong line-of-sight component, while Rician accounts for scenarios with a dominant line-of-sight path. Q13 (Mathematical): How is coherence time (TcT_c) related to Doppler spread (fDf_D)? • Answer: Tc≈1/fDT_c \approx 1 / f_D, meaning channels with higher Doppler spread vary more rapidly in time. Q14: What is the tap gain auto-correlation function? • Answer: It quantifies how channel gains at different times are correlated, depending on the Doppler spread and other channel dynamics. Chapter 3: Point-to-Point Communication Q1: How does fading affect uncoded transmission over wireless channels? • Answer: Fading leads to a significant error probability, especially during deep fades, resulting in much worse performance compared to additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channels at similar signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). Q2: What are the main types of diversity techniques in wireless communication? • Answer: Time diversity (interleaving coded symbols), frequency diversity (spreading signal over a wide band), and spatial diversity (using multiple antennas). Q3: What are the benefits of multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems? • Answer: MIMO enhances reliability and capacity through spatial multiplexing and diversity. Q4: How does channel uncertainty impact diversity performance? • Answer: Uncertainty increases complexity and can degrade performance in scenarios with numerous diversity branches, as energy per path becomes difficult to estimate. Q5 (Mathematical): What is the error probability for diversity schemes with Rayleigh fading? • Answer: The high-SNR error probability behaves as Pe∝SNR−LP_e \propto \text{SNR}^{-L}, where LL is the number of independent fading paths. Q6: What is the role of OFDM in mitigating frequency-selective fading? • Answer: OFDM divides the bandwidth into orthogonal subcarriers, making it easier to handle multi-path delays and achieve frequency diversity. Q7 (Mathematical): What is the high-SNR performance for uncoded detection in Rayleigh fading? • Answer: The error probability is approximately proportional to Pe∝1/SNRP_e \propto 1/\text{SNR}, much worse than exponential decay in AWGN channels. Q8: How does antenna diversity improve reliability? • Answer: By using multiple receive or transmit antennas, signals from different paths are combined, reducing the likelihood of deep fades affecting all paths simultaneously. Q9: What is the principle behind space-time coding? • Answer: It uses both spatial and temporal domains to encode data, enhancing reliability and enabling diversity in MIMO systems. Q10: How is time diversity achieved with repetition coding? • Answer: Information is transmitted multiple times across different time intervals to reduce the impact of deep fades on reliability. Q11: How does OFDM mitigate inter-symbol interference (ISI)? • Answer: By converting a frequency-selective fading channel into a set of flat-fading subchannels, OFDM reduces ISI and simplifies equalization. Q12: What is the impact of channel estimation on communication? • Answer: Accurate channel estimation allows coherent detection, which significantly outperforms non-coherent detection in terms of error probability. Q13: What challenges arise with non-coherent detection? • Answer: Non-coherent detection avoids explicit channel estimation but suffers from higher error rates and limited ability to exploit diversity. Q14 (Mathematical): What is the diversity gain with LL independent paths in Rayleigh fading? • Answer: The error probability decays as Pe∝SNR−LP_e \propto \text{SNR}^{-L}, illustrating that increasing diversity reduces the error rate more rapidly. Q15: How does GSM leverage time diversity? • Answer: GSM interleaves coded symbols across multiple frames, exploiting variations in the channel to reduce the likelihood of burst errors. Q16: How does frequency diversity improve performance? • Answer: By spreading the signal over a wide frequency band, independent fades across different frequencies provide resilience against frequency-selective fading. Q17: How does spatial diversity differ between transmit and receive configurations? • Answer: Transmit diversity requires coordinated signaling (e.g., Alamouti codes), while receive diversity uses multiple antennas to directly combine incoming signals. Q18 (Mathematical): What is the relationship between channel capacity and diversity in MIMO systems? • Answer: Capacity grows linearly with the minimum of the number of transmit (ntn_t) and receive (nrn_r) antennas, i.e., C∝minā”(nt,nr)C \propto \min(n_t, n_r).