CHAPTER 6: Sensitivity Analysis and Duality hospital as the weight) we obtain the following: Averaged Output Vector 9 4 5.785 .261538 64 .661538 9 7.785 16 13 12.785 Averaged Input Vector .261538 14 .661538 12 11.600 5 7 15.938 Suppose we create a composite hospital by combining .261538 of hospital 1 with .661538 of hospital 3. The averaged output vector tells us that the composite hospital produces the same amount of outputs 1 and 2 as hospital 2, but the composite hospital produces 12.785 10 2.785 more of output 3 (patient days for more than 65 patients). From the averaged input vector for the composite hospital, we find that the composite hospital uses less of each input than does hospital 2. We now see exactly where hospital 2 is inefficient! By the way, the objective function value of .7730 for the hospital 2 LP implies that the more efficient composite hospital produces its superior outputs by using at most 77.30% as much of each input. Note that Input 1 used by composite hospital .7730 * (Input 1 used by hospital 2) 6.2186 and Input 2 used by composite hospital .7730 * (Input 2 used by hospital 2) 11.6 An explanation of why the dual prices are needed to find a composite hospital that is superior to an inefficient hospital is given in Problems 5–7. TA B L E 47 School 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 13 14 11 15 4 5 6 8 .05 .05 .06 .08 9 10 11 9 7 8 7 9 6 7 8 9 PROBLEMS Inputs Group A 1 The Salem Board of Education wants to evaluate the efficiency of the town’s four elementary schools. The three outputs of the schools are defined to be Output 1 average reading score Output 2 average mathematics score Output 3 average self-esteem score The three inputs to the schools are defined to be Input 1 average educational level of mothers (defined by highest grade completed—12 high school graduate; 16 college graduate, and so on). Input 2 number of parent visits to school (per child) Input 3 teacher to student ratio The relevant information for the four schools is given in 340 CHAPTER Outputs Table 47. Determine which (if any) schools are inefficient. For any inefficient school, determine the nature of the inefficiency. 2 Pine Valley Bank has three branches. You have been assigned to evaluate the efficiency of each. The following inputs and outputs are to be used for the study. Input 1 labor hours used (hundreds per month) Input 2 space used (in hundreds of square feet) Input 3 supplies used per month (in dollars) 6 Sensitivity Analysis and Duality 340 CHAPTER 6: Sensitivity Analysis and Duality TA B L E 48 49 TA B L E Inputs Outputs Inputs Outputs Bank 1 2 3 1 2 3 Precinct 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 15 14 16 20 23 19 50 51 51 200 220 210 15 18 17 35 45 20 1 2 3 200 300 400 160 190 120 16 18 10 18.5 19.5 11.5 Output 1 loan applications per month Output 2 deposits processed per month (in thousands) Output 3 checks processed per month (in thousands) The relevant information is given in Table 48. Use this data to determine if any bank branches are inefficient. If any bank branches are inefficient, determine the nature of the inefficiency. efficient precincts, determine the nature of the inefficiency. 4 You have been assigned by Indiana University to evaluate the relative efficiency of four degree-granting units: Business; Education; Arts and Sciences; and Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (HPER). You are given the information in Table 50. Use DEA to find all inefficient units. Comment on the nature of the inefficiencies you found. 3 You have been assigned to evaluate the efficiency of the Port Charles Police Department. Three precincts are to be evaluated. The inputs and outputs for each precinct are as follows: Input 1 number of police officers Input 2 number of vehicles used Output 1 number of patrol units responding to service requests (thousands per year) Output 2 number of convictions obtained each year (in hundreds) You are given the data in Table 49. Use this information to determine which precincts, if any, are inefficient. For any in- TA B L E Group B 5 Explain why the amount of each output produced by the composite hospital obtained by averaging hospitals 1 and 3 (with the absolute value of the dual prices as weights) is at least as large as the amount of the corresponding output produced by hospital 2. (Hint: Price out variables t1, t2, and t3, and use the fact that the coefficient of these variables in row 0 of the optimal tableau must equal 0.) 6 Explain why the dual price for the 8w1 15w2 1 constraint must equal the optimal z-value for the hospital 2 LP. 7 a Explain why the amount of each input used by the composite hospital is at most (efficiency of hospital 2) * 50 Business Education Arts and Sciences HPER Faculty Support Staff Supply Budget (in Millions) Credit Hours (in Thousands) Research Publications 150 160 800 130 170 120 140 115 25 23 20 21 15.4 15.4 56.4 22.1 1225 1170 1,300 1140 SUMMARY Graphical Sensitivity Analysis To determine whether the current basis remains optimal after changing an objective function coefficient, note that the change affects the slope of the isoprofit line. The current basis remains optimal as long as the current optimal solution is the last point in the feasible region to make contact with isoprofit lines as we move in the direction of increasing z (for a max problem). If the current basis remains optimal, then the values of the decision variables remain unchanged, but the optimal z-value may change. To determine whether the current basis remains optimal after changing the right-hand side of a constraint, find the constraints (possibly including sign restrictions) that are binding for the current optimal solution. As we change the right-hand side of a constraint, the 6 . 1 Summary 341 341