LIVING IN THE IT ERA COURSE LEARNING PLAN COURSE INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES PRELIMS CILO1. Define and explain the impact of ICT in the global context. CILO 2.Identify the different online system functions and latest trends in technology. CILO3. Identify and explain the importance of ICT in education. CILO4. Identify the roles of ICT in education. CILO5. Identify the benefits and limitations of ICT TOPICS TIME ALLOT MENT (HOURS ) 1. Orientation 1 hr on the Nature of the Course a. Policies b. Requirements c. Evaluation of Outputs d. Assessment 2 hours Tools 2. ICT a. Compone nts b. Brief History c. ICT tools d. Positive and Negative impact of ICT in our daily life 3. ICT IN EDUCATION a. Importance b. Key issues to remember c. The Role of ICT in Education Today d. Advantages 4 Hours Teachin g and Learnin g Activiti es (TLAs) PERFOR MANCE INDICAT ORS / ASSESS MENT TOOLS/T ASKS Learnin g Resourc es Lectur Oral Integrat e Presentat ed Discu ion, Develo ssion, Group pment Oral Work Enviro Recita nment tion Project Facilit or ated synch ronou s discus sion Lectur Oral Integrat e Presentat ed Discu ion, Develo ssion, Group pment Oral Work Enviro Recita nment tion Project or CILO6Explain why should schools invest in ICT? CILO7.Explain the role of ICT in Business. CILO8.Identify and explain the importance of ICT in an organization. CILO9. Identify and differentiate the types of business technology. 4. ICT IN BUSINESS a. Importance b. Role c. Most common types of business technology 5 hours Lecture Discussi on, Oral Recitati on Oral Integrat Presentatio ed n, Group Develo Work pment Enviro nment Project or CILO10.Identify traditional and new media as well as their relationships CILO11.Editorialize the roles and functions of media in a democratic society 5. The Evolution Of Traditional To New Media a. Ages of Evolution b. Relationship between Traditional Media and New c. Selected Theories on Media and Information 6. Online safety, security, ethics and etiquette a. importance b. Threats c. Tips d. Types of cybercrimes e. Computer Ethics f. Why do we need ethics and law in computing? g. Cyberlaw 6 hours Lecture Discussi on, Oral Recitati on Oral Integrat Presentatio ed n, Group Develo Work pment Enviro nment Project or 6 hours Lecture Discussi on, Oral Recitati on, Group Activity, Oral Integrat Presentatio ed n, Group Develo Work, pment Enviro nment Project or CILO12.Appreciate the importance of security CILO13.Identify and differentiate the different online threats CILO14.Differentiat e ethics and law. MIDTERMS CILO 1.Discuss and summarize the history of Internet. CILO 2.Recognize and Identify the development of technology in history CILO 3. Differentiate Internet to other growing cycle of technology CILO 4.Define and Identify the basic parts of the internet. CILO 5. Identify other things you can do online CILO 6. Define and identify features of the world wide web CILO 7. Understand the importance of the web in the society CILO 8.Identify the different online system functions of the web CILO 9. Define and differentiate the different types of cloud computing and storage CILO 10. Understand how the cloud works THE INTERNET and THE WORLD WIDE WEB 1. History Of The Internet a. The internet b. Where is the internet c. Who created the internet d. Who runs the internet e. Other things you can do f. Types of Internet service 2. The world Wide Web a. History b. Browser c. World wide web 6 hours Lecture Discussi on, Oral Recitati on, Group Activity, Oral Integrat Presentatio ed n, Group Develo Work, pment Enviro nment Project or 6 hours Lecture Discussi on, Oral Recitati on, Group Activity, Oral Integrat Presentatio ed n, Group Develo Work, pment Enviro nment Project or 3. The cloud a. Where is it? b. Why use it? c. Cloud computing 6 hours Lecture Discussi on, Oral Recitati on, Group Activity, Oral Integrat Presentatio ed n, Group Develo Work, pment Enviro nment CILO 11. Differentiate the different cloud models and possible cloud deployments FINALS CILO 1. Differentiate the different features of IoT CILO 2.Understand and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of IoT CILO 3. Understand and differentiate the IoT systems that includes, hardware, software, technology and protocols and their common uses. Project or d. Benefits e. Types f. Cloud Storage g. 4. Internet of things a. Features b. Advantage s and disadvanta ges c. Applicatio ns d. 6 hours Lecture Discussi on, Oral Recitati on, Group Activity, Oral Integrat Presentatio ed n, Group Develo Work, pment Enviro nment Project or CILO 4. Define and differentiate the different applications of IoT CILO5. Give real-life examples of networked and connected solutions that exist today. 5. Real World Iot Application s In Different Domains 6 hours Lecture Discussi on, Oral Recitati on, Group Activity, Oral Integrat Presentatio ed n, Group Develo Work, pment Enviro nment Project or CILO 6. Identify the enabling technologies on IoT CILO 7. Differentiate the different types of sensors CILO 8.Discuss and create the concept of IoT 6. Inside The Internet Of Things a. The technologie s enabling the Internet of Things b. TYPES OF SENSORS c. Networks 6 hours Lecture Discussi on, Oral Recitati on, Group Activity, Oral Integrat Presentatio ed n, Group Develo Work, pment Enviro nment Project or