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Arduino Robotics: Intro to Arduino Uno & Programming

real-life problem solving through
constructing do-it-yourself projects.
Through these projects, students
understand the application and benefits
of doing robotics in different fields.
is an open-source hardware and software company,
project, and user community that designs and manufactures
single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building
digital devices.
is a small, programmable board
that lets you control and connect
electronic components. With input
and output pins, it enables you to
write code that brings physical
projects to life, making it a popular
tool for learning electronics and
INPUT it receives signals from the environment to enable
user interaction. The Information or signals that are received
by a system are referred to as “input”.
With the help of OUTPUT components, users can display
data, generate sound, direct movement, and add lighting
effects to their creations. The term "output" describes the
data or signals produced by a system and transmitted to
the outside world.
Types of Components
Digital – The information is
recorded using a finite
number of different states,
commonly two: high and low,
or 1 and 0.
Analog - The information
included in continuous analog
signals or data varies within a
range of values.
Parts of
Arduino Uno
Commonly used
functions in
Arduino Uno board
Read – describes the process of obtaining data
from a source, such as a network connection, user
input, sensor, or file.
Write – It is referred to as this to save or output
data to a destination, such as a file, a display, a
network connection, or a database.
digitalWrite() - Using this function, a
microcontroller's digital pins can have their states
changed. The pin number and the status (HIGH or
LOW) are the two arguments that are required.
digitalRead() - This microcontroller function is used
to read the status of a digital pin. The pin number
to be read is the only argument needed.
analogWrite() - To create a Pulse Width
Modulation (PWM) signal on a digital pin. The pin
number and the analog output value are its two
required arguments.
analogRead() - Using this function, a
microcontroller's analog pin can be read for its
value. The analog pin number to be read is the only
argument required.
pinMode- function in Arduino is like telling the
board if a certain pin should listen (INPUT) or talk
(OUTPUT). It helps set up how each pin behaves,
allowing you to connect and control different
things like sensors or lights.
Basic Structure of an
Arduino Sketch
void setup()
void loop()
void setup()
Program runs once
void loop()
Program runs repeatedly
void setup()
void loop()
A Breadboard is used to create and test circuits without
soldering. It is made out of a grid of joined metal clips that
make it simple to insert and connect electronic parts.
Parts of a Breadboard
Light-Emitting Diode
Light-Emitting Diode
A semiconductor diode that converts electric energy into electromagnetic
radiation at a visible and near infrared frequencies when its pn junction is
forward biased.
1 – Short pin to be connected to GND (ground)
2 – Longer pin to be connected to any of the digital pins (pins 2 – 13
Resistance, it blocks the flow of electricity.
If the resistance value is big, it flows a little of electricity
If the resistance value is small, it flows a lot of electricity
Sample Wiring
Wiring Diagram
void setup()
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
variable is a named storage location that holds a
value, which can be changed during the execution
of a program
Data Types
Data Types
Integer Variables (int):
Used for storing whole numbers (integers).
Example: int myNumber = 10;
Character Variables (char):
Used for storing single characters.
Example: char myChar = 'A';
Boolean Variables (bool):
Used for storing true or false values.
Example: bool isTrue = true;
String Variables (string):
Used for storing sequences of characters (text).
Requires the inclusion of the <string> header.
Example: #include <string> and then string
myString = "Hello";
int LED = 2;
void setup( ) {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
void loop( ) {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
Serial Monitor
Serial Monitor
is used to interact with your Arduino board via the serial port of your
computer. It offers a straightforward text-based interface for data
transmission and reception between the computer and the Arduino.
void setup()
void loop()
Serial.println("Hello, World!");
Conditional Statement
conditional statements are used to make decisions in a
program based on certain conditions.
If-Else Condition
If Statement:
Syntax: if (condition) { // code to be executed if the condition is true }
Executes a block of code if the specified condition is true.
Else Statement:
Syntax: else { // code to be executed if the preceding if condition is false }
Executes a block of code if the preceding if condition is false.
Else-If Statement:
if (condition1) { // code to be executed if condition1 is true }
else if (condition2) { // code to be executed if condition2 is true }
else { // code to be executed if none of the conditions is true }
Allows testing multiple conditions sequentially.
If (condition)
7-Segment Display
7-Segment Display
SSD or seven-segment indicator, is a form of electronic display device for
displaying decimal numerals that is an alternative to the more complex
dot matrix displays.
7-Segment Display Wiring
Hands-on Activity
Activity 8:
Build a circuit to display numbers on the 7-segment display
from 0 to 9. Each number should be displayed for a short
period of time before moving on to the next.
int pinA = 2;
int pinB = 3;
int pinC = 4;
int pinD = 5;
int pinE = 6;
int pinF = 7;
int pinG = 8;
void setup() {
pinMode (pinA,OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinB,OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinC,OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinD,OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinE,OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinF,OUTPUT);
pinMode (pinG,OUTPUT);
void loop() {
digitalWrite (pinA, LOW);
digitalWrite (pinB, LOW);
digitalWrite (pinC, LOW);
digitalWrite (pinD, LOW);
digitalWrite (pinE, LOW);
digitalWrite (pinF, LOW);
digitalWrite (pinG, HIGH);
Problem-Based Activity:
Scenario 4: Imagine you've been requested to design a control system for a
smart traffic light using an Arduino board, a seven segment display, and three
LEDs (representing Red, Yellow, and Green signals). Design a smart traffic light
system using Arduino, integrating a 7-segment display to enhance visibility and
convey real-time countdown information to pedestrians and drivers.
Problem Statement: The objective is to create an efficient traffic control system
that dynamically adjusts signal durations based on the traffic density at a
junction. The 7-segment display should show a countdown for each signal
phase, allowing users to anticipate signal changes for safer and smoother traffic