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Sales Copy Guide: Write Effective Product Sales Pages

Write “This Book Shows You How To __________”, then
cross off everything except what you wrote in the blank.
Or “In this game, you will _______”, and cross off.
Or announce something about your thing as news!
The goal here is to get attention.
Summarize what it is you're selling both honestly and
positively, and tease anything that's especially neat or crowdpleasing about that – both in terms of the physical/digital thing
and the actual content. The goal here is to get the reader
interested in, and correctly picturing, your thing.
Make a feature list of all the cool stuff in the game. If you can't
figure out the features, copy down all the subheaders,
paragraph topics, or the whole table of contents as a list.
For each one, try to explain why and how it will do one or
more of the following for the user:
Teach the rules or setting well
Entertain you or your play group
Help you save time
Let you stop doing (thing)
Remove a physical annoyance
Remove mental stress
Be more comfortable
Be the envy of your friends
Be popular and get status
Solve a problem at the table
The eldritch apocalypse is here!
Infected is a 264-page all-in-one book presenting
an apocalypse where the rising of the shambling
dead is only the beginning of your problems.
The contagion does not merely animate the dead;
it remakes them into designs posed by some
inhuman intelligence. It transforms living flesh
into alien forms, creating the changed. It obeys
instructions that can only be described as
sorcerous. It is subject to scientific examination,
and provides grotesque materials for disturbing
new advancements. And as it comes to be
understood, it also comes to make a terrible sort
of sense.
Inside the main rulebook you'll find:
 Introductory fiction, in the form of in-setting
radio calls, which can be passed directly to
players as in-character information.
 An engine for action that pushes for tough
choices; will the characters seize the moment,
or work cautiously and carefully?
 Character archetypes to help players get into
play quickly and effortlessly.
 A timeline of the apocalypse to come, with
further changes and threats at each step.
“Easy situation-builders so you can get prepped quickly”
 Easy situation-building methods to prep and
track enclaves to live in and negotiate with,
set up infested sites to delve into, and other
action characters are likely to get drawn into.
Then condense and rewrite the most successful of these into a
new list. Those are your bullets.
 Rules for sorcery, research, strange science,
and more.
There are two goals in this section: To prove that you have the
tools that can deliver on the promise of the body text. Second,
show how the features deliver more good stuff.
 A catalogue of monstrosities, each with it's
own place in creating the eldritch ecosystem
being forged.
Also available to download here, you'll find a
character sheet, stakes sheet, enclave record, and
a bundle of fiction PDFs taken from the 'riff' the
setting originated with.
Try this format: [Game feature] so you can [Benefit]
Close with a 'sting' that raises interest one more time, and
makes it clear what the next step is (buying the thing).
Consider asking a question that can only be answered by taking
that step.
DO NOT say IF.
If someone has said nice things about your thing, putting that in
is good! Format it o be distinct, and try out different positions
at the top, bottom, and in the midst of the other elements. If
you have a lot of these, put the bloc of them at the end, putting
one at most somewhere else.
What will you make of the eldritch apocalypse?
What will it make of you?
...Speak directly and use plain language?
...Use short sentences, and less of them?
...Use active voice?
...Talk directly to the reader, use the word “you”?
...Sell the experience not the thing itself?
...Actually prompt them to buy the thing?