Tsotsi by Athol Fugard, a short vocabulary help for less common words (p. 1) tsotsi [sot-sé] black street kid, hooligan, thug (p. 8) veld [feld] (Afrik.) word referring primarily (but not exclusively) to the wide open rural spaces of South Africa characterized by flatter areas covered in grass or low scrub (p. 15) maag (Afrik.) stomach 's goed (Afrik.) It's OK (p. 21) titcha teacher (p. 22) dagga cannabis Jy moet loop (Afrik.) Go! / Walk! (Literally: You must go) zol marijuana (cigarette) (p. 28) shebeen clandestine bar for black people (p. 33) bluegum tree a kind of eucalyptus tree (p. 42) mealiemeal relatively coarse kind of maize flour found in southern Africa (p. 43) tickey (Afrik.) a threepence coin (worth 0.0125 GBP in the decimal monetary system of today) (p. 50) bloomers panties (p. 67) kwela-van police-van (p. 68) wragtig (Afrik.) truly, really (used to express surprise) (p. 72) quid-wrangle probably means something like an argument or quarrel over the price of an item (a quid means a pound in slang) (p. 73) vetkoek (Afrik.) traditional Afrikaner pastry filled with minced meat or jam or honey (Literally: fat cake!) (p. 81) Missus informal term of address for a (white) woman (it is actually the deformed spoken form of the word Mistress) (p. 82) Medem deformed spoken form of Madam (p. 86) Bantu referring to (a member of) any of a large number of linguistically related peoples of central and southern Africa (This word became a strongly offensive word in South Africa under the apartheid regime, especially when used for an individual person) (p. 90) Lay-ee-deshin late edition Cit-ee-deshin city edition layeetsportresilts late sports results strue's gawd it's a s true as God (i.e. I'm not kidding) distribiter distributor (a device in a petrol engine) kaffir offensive term to refer to a black person, most common in South Africa (p. 92) Shangaan language used by a member of the Tsongaspeaking peoples, especially one who works in a gold mine (p. 105) polony a kind of sausage (p. 116) tackies trainers, shoes (p. 130) paraffin tin empty tin that used to contain paraffin, a substance widely used by poorer black people as a treatment against dry skin (also known as vaseline) (p. 131) doek (Afrik.) cloth, fabric (p. 151) pas (according to the apartheid legislation:) a kind of internal passport that black people had to be able to show at all times to justify their whereabouts. Failing to show a valid pass usually resulted in imprisonment) (p. 190) highveld high plateau region of inland South Africa where most of the metropolitan population of the country lives