ANXIETY SPORTS PSYCHOLOGY BY ANUSH KUMAR S, S0123009 DEPARTMENT OF SPORTS & EXERCISE SCIENCES OBJECTIVES • Definition. • Components of Anxiety. • Causes of Anxiety. • Common Symptoms. • Measurement of Anxiety. • Effects of Anxiety. • Conclusion. DEFINITION:• Anxiety is a negative emotional state characterized by nervousness, worry, and apprehension and associated with activation or arousal of the body. • Has Two Component. STATE ANXIETY TRAIT ANXIETY STATE ANXIETY • ever-changing mood component. • emotional state “characterized by subjective, consciously perceived feelings of apprehension and tension, accompanied by or associated with activation or arousal of the autonomic nervous system” • Temporary. Cont.. • Has Two Components COGNITIVE ANXIETY SOMATIC ANXIETY COGNITIVE ANXIETY:• concerns the degree to which one worries or has negative thoughts. • Often the stage before Somatic Anxiety. • Often experiences problems with concentration replaces mental images of success with failure. • FEAR & Bad decision. SOMATIC ANXIETY:• Concerns the moment-to-moment changes in perceived physiological activation. • Due to the reaction of their Body to Stress • Queasy Stomach & Increased Heart Rate & Sweating TRAIT ANXIETY:• Part of the personality. • Acquired behavioral tendency or disposition that influences behavior. • Predisposes an individual to perceive as threatening a wide range of circumstances that objectively may not actually be dangerous physically or psychologically RECAP: COGNITIVE ANXIETY STATE ANXIETY SOMATIC ANXIETY ANXIETY TRAIT ANXIETY CAUSES:• Fear of Failure or Bad Performance. • Fear of Bad Feedback or Evaluation Progress. • Fear of Competition from the event. • Fear of an injury occurring. SYMPTOMS:❖Cognitive • Negative Thoughts. • Poor Concentration. • Loss of Confidence. • Images of Failure • Confusion. • Indecision. Cont.… ❖Somatic Anxiety • Increased BP • Sweating. • Adrenaline Boost. • Loss of Appetite. • Muscle Tension. • Pacing. MEASUREMENT:• State Anxiety - global and multidimensional self-report measures. ❖ Global Self-Report - people rate how nervous they feel, From Low to High. ❖ Multidimensional Self-Report - people rate how worried (cognitive state anxiety) and how physiologically activated they feel - low to high - people are asked How feel right at that “moment” Cont.. • Trait Anxiety. - global and multidimensional self-reports. - people are asked how they “typically” feel. EFFECTS:• Negative Effect. - Decrease Performance. - Reduce Concentration. - Poor Co-ordination. - Stress. • Positive Effect. - Increased Blood Flow. - Increased Breathing Rate. CONCLUSION:• It is Negative Emotional State. • Has Two Components. • Anxiety can be caused by various factors. • Anxiety has Symptoms. • Anxiety can be measured. • Anxiety do have positive Effect. • Avoid Anxiety. REFERENCES:• Weinberg, R. S., & Gould, D. (1995). Foundations of sport and exercise psychology. Human Kinetics Publishers. • Miss McLaren.(2020) Psychology for sport performance: State & Trait Anxiety. Constance Lane Publishers. • Holly Johnson.(2012) Causes of anxiety in sport. SlideShare Publishers. THANK YOU