Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 84 (1988) 85-277 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands Ru(II) POLYPYRIDINE PHOTOCHEMWT’RY, AND CHEMILUMINE 85 COMPLEXES: PHOTOPI3YSICS, ELECl?ROCHEMISTRY, SCENCE A. JURIS and V. BALZANI Dipartimento Chimico “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna, and Istituto FRAE-CNR, Bologna (Italy) F. BARIGELLETTI Istituto FRAE-CNR, Bologna (Italy) S. CAMPAGNA Dipartimento Chimico “G. Ciamician”, University of Bologna, Bologna (IfaZy) P. BELSER and A. VON ZELEWSKY Institute for Inorganic Chemistry, University of Fribourg (Switzerland) (Received 2 February 1987) CONTENTS A. Introduction _ . _ . _ _ _ . _ . _ . . . _ . _ . _ . _ _ . _ . _ . _ . . . . . _ _ _ . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . . _ _ _ Scope and Iimitations . . . . . . _ . _ . _ . _ . . . . . . . . _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . _ (9 (ii) PhotochemicaI and photophysical processes . . . . . _ . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . _ _ . (iii) Kinetics of energy and electron transfer processes . . . . . . _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . (iv) LightasareactantandIightasaproduct _. _ _. . . . . _. . _. __ _ _ __ _. . . _ _ (v) Light absorption and light emission sensitizers . . . . . . _ . _ _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . _ (vi) Structure, bonding, and excited states of Ru(II) polypyridine complexes . . . . (vii) Redox properties of Ru(I1) polypyridine complexes in the ground state . . . . . (viii) LocaIizationanddelocaIizationproblems _ _. . . . _ _ _ _ _ _. _. _ _ _. _. . _. _. B. Ru(bpy)z+: theprototype. _. . . . . _. _. _ _ _ _ _ _. . . _. . . . . _. _ _ _. _. _. _. . . . Ground state properties . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . _ . . . . . _ _ . (0 (ii) Absorptionspectrum........................................ (iii) Deactivation of upper excited states _ . _ _ _ . _ . . _ . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ . . . . (iv) Emissionproperties _._...._.__ ___.___._ .___. _._._______.._.. (v) Photosubstitution and photoracemization processes . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . (vi) Quenching of the ‘MLCT excited state: energy and electron transfer processes (vii) Chemical generation of the 3MLCT excited state: chemiluminescence and electrochemihuninescence processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . W9 RNvy) : + as a Iight absorption sensitizer _ . . . . . _ . . . . _ _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _. _. . . . . . . . _. _ _ _. _. . . . . . W RWw9; * asaIightemissionscnsitizer_ OOlO-8545/88,‘$67.20 0 1988 Elsevier Science Publishers B-V. 86 86 87 91 94 96 98 101 103 103 103 105 105 107 109 111 114 117 119 86 C. Tuning of excited state properties in the Ru(I1) polypyridine family . . _ . _ . . . . . . Orbital nature of the lowest excited state . . _ _ . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . _ . _ . _ . _ . (i) (ii) Excitedstateenergy _..._._......__..... __ _... __._.____ . . .._. (iii) Excited state redox properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . D.Otherselectedtopics . . . . .._._._.__ ____ ._... _____._ _..... __ _._.._ Emission lifetime and its temperature dependence _ . _ . _ . . . _ . _ . _ . . . _ _ . . (i) (ii) Correlations between spectroscopy and electrochemistry . _ . _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ (iii) Localization and delocalization problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acknowledgments...,............... _ _.____._._ _ ___..___._ . .._._._ E. Collection of spectroscopic, redox, photochemical, and photophysical data . _ . . _ _ Table l-Spectroscopic and photophysical data . _ . . . . _ _ . . . . _ _ . + . . _ . _ . G) (ii) Table 2-Photochemical properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . . . _ . _ . (iii) Table 3-Redox potentials of ground and excited states _ _ . . . . _ . _ . . . . . _ . F. Appendix .____._......__.....__..._._...____ _.._....._.___._. Abbreviations for ligands . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . _. . . _. . . _. _. . . . . 0) (ii) Structural formulae of the ligands _ . . . . . _ . _ . . _ . _ . . . . . _ . . . _ . . _ . . . _ (iii) Otherabbreviations.. . . . .._ _ __......_ __ ._...___ _._____._.___ References ._._._.....__............_........_................... 123 124 127 128 129 129 133 138 145 145 146 192 196 244 244 253 263 264 A. INTRODUCTION (i) Scope and limitations Ru(bPY): + has certainly been one of the molecules most extensively studied and most widely used in research laboratories during the last ten years. A unique combination of chemical stability, redox properties, excited state reactivity, luminescence emission, and excited state lifetime has attracted the attention of many research workers first on this molecule and then on some several hundred of its derivatives. The great interest generated by the studying of this class of complexes has stimulated the growth of several branches of pure and applied chemistry. In particular, the Ru(I1) polypyridine complexes have played and are still playing a key role in the development of photochemistry, photophysics, photocatalysis, electrochemand istry, photoelectrochemistry, chemi- and electrochemi-luminescence, electron and energy transfer. The aims of this review are (i) to collect data concerning the absorption and emission spectra and the electrochemical, photochemical, and photophysical properties of the Ru(I1) polypyridine complexes in solution, and (ii) to discuss briefly some selected topics related to the excited state properties of these complexes. In an introductory section we have illustrated some fundamental concepts which are needed in order to understand the scope of the material reviewed. The literature coverage concerning the electrochemical, photochemical and photophysical data has been quite extensive and much effort has been made to provide tables where the available data can be easily found. 87 photochemical reaction products A + h3’ luminescence A+hS A + heat A and/or radiationless deactivation products quenching processes Fig. 1. Schematic representation of excited state deactivation processes. (ii) Photochemical and photophysical processes The first act of any photochemical and photophysical process is the absorption of a photon by a molecule. The excited state that is formed in this way is a high energy, unstable species which must undergo some type of deactivation. As shown in Fig. 1, excited state deactivation can occur via (i) disappearance of the original molecule (photochemical reaction), (ii) emission of light (luminescence), (iii) degradation of the excess energy into heat (radiationless deactivation), and (iv) some type of interaction with other species present in the solution (quenching process). As is well known from electronic spectroscopy [l-5], the probability of light absorption (and thus the intensity of the correspondent absorption band) is related to the characteristics of the states involved and particularly to their spin quantum number. Transitions from the ground state to excited states having the same spin value are allowed and give rise to intense bands, whereas transitions to excited states of different spin value are forbidden and can hardly be observed in the absorption spectra. In most molecules the ground state is a singlet and the lowest excited state is a triplet that cannot be directly populated by light absorption but can be obtained from the 88 A(S1) - A(T,) abs A&)-- L 1 Fig. 2. Schematic Jablonski diagram showing the various deactivation processes, k,, kit, kisc, k and k$ are the unimolecular rate constants for fluorescence, internal conversion, $4 TI intersystem crossing, phosphorescence, and Tl + So intersystem crossing, respectively . deactivation of upper excited states. For this reason, at least three states (e.g., ground state singlet and excited singlet and triplet) are involved in a photochemical process, as is shown in the Jablonski diagram of Fig. 2. Emission of light (luminescence) is called fluorescence or phosphorescence depending on whether the excited state has the same or different spin compared to the ground state. In the same way, radiationless deactivation is called internal conversion when it occurs between states of the same spin and intersystem crossing when it occurs between states of different spin. Fluorescence and internal conversion are spin-allowed steps, whereas phosphorescence and intersystem crossing are spin-forbidden steps. Each intramolecular decay step is characterized by its own rate constant (Fig. 2) and each excited state is characterized by its lifetime, given by i where ki is the first order rate constant for a generic unimolecular process that causes the disappearance of the excited state [3,4,6,7]. For each process one can define the quantum yield, which is the ratio between the number of moles of species (photons or molecules) produced and the number of 89 A fB energy C +0 cheinical transfer encounter complex *A+B= I Ebl k diff ..B _ k-ditf A or products A + B catalyzed reaction deactivation Fig. 3. Schematic representation of bimolecular processes that may take place following an encounter between an excited state and another chemical species. einsteins that have been absorbed. A particularly important quantity is the quantum yield of emission from the lowest spin-forbidden excited state (phosphorescence quantum yield, aP) which, making reference to Fig. 2, can be expressed by the following equation @‘p = rlisc kprTl 0) In this equation, rli, is the efficiency of population of the emitting excited state from the state populated by light absorption: = rli.92 kisc/t ki.5c + kf + kit) (3) and rr1 is the lifetime of the emitting excited state 7T, = l/(k, + ki’,,) (4 When the intramolecular deactivation steps are not too fast, i.e. when the lifetime of the excited state (eqn. 1) is sufficiently long, the excited molecule may have a chance to encounter a molecule of another solute, B (Fig. I). In such a case, some specific interaction may occur (Fig. 3) and the process taking place is called a bimolecular process [6-91. Simple kinetic arguments show that only those excited states that live longer than - 10m9 s may have a chance to be involved in encounters with other solute molecules. For transition metal complexes, only the lowest spin-forbidden excited state satisfies this requirement. The most important bimolecular processes are energy transfer [4,7,9,10] and electron transfer [4,7-9,111; the latter process may involve either the oxidation or the reduction of the excited state *A+B%A+*B energy transfer (5) 90 *A + B&A+ *A+B- k+A- + B- oxidative electron transfer (6) + B+ reductive electron transfer (7) The ability of an excited state to intervene in energy transfer processes is related to its zero-zero spectroscopic energy, E*-‘. For the electron transfer processes, the relevant thermodynamic parameters are the oxidation (eqn. 6) and *A/Acouples. and reduction (eqn. 7) potentials of the *A/A+ Because of its higher energy content, an excited state is both a stronger reductant and a stronger oxidant than the corresponding ground state. To a first approximation, the redox potentials for the excited state couples may be calculated from the potentials of the ground state couples and the zero-zero excitation energy Eoeo: E(A+,‘*A) = E(A+,‘A) -E”-’ E(*A/A-) = E(A,‘A-) + E"-' (8) (9) Figure 4 shows schematically some quantities that characterize an excited state from the point of view of energy and electron transfer processes_ Kinetic parameters (i.e., intrinsic barrier and electronic transmission coefficient) can also play an important role in energy and electron transfer processes, as is discussed in detail in the next Section. u+ A Fig. 4. Schematic diagram showing the molecular quantities relevant for energy and electron transfer processes. 91 (iii) Kinetics of energy and electron transfer processes Ru(II) polypyridine complexes are extensively used in energy and electron transfer processes [8,9,11-161. An important aim of these studies is the elucidation of the factors that govern the reaction rates. Outer-sphere electron transfer (regardless of the ground or excited state nature of the reactants) [8,9,17-201 and exchange energy transfer [9,10] are closely related processes that can be dealt with by the same formalism 1211. Using an excited state electron transfer reaction as an example [18] *D + A+D+ + A- 00) the reaction rate can be discussed on the basis of the mechanism shown in the scheme of Fig. 5, where k,, k_,, ki, and k:, are rate constants for formation and dissociation of the outer-sphere encounter complex, k, and k_, are unimolecular rate constants for the electron transfer step involving the excited state, and k,(g) and k_,(g) are the corresponding rate constants for the ground state electron transfer step. A simple steady state treatment shows that the experimental rate constant of eqn. (10) can be expressed as a function of the rate constants of the various steps k exp = kc3 k-d + k-, I-rk k-, k,k, e where k, may often be replaced by k’, (for more details, see ref. 18). Using a classical approach, k_ Jk, is given by exp( AG/RT), where AG is the free energy change of the electron transfer step. The key step of the process is, of course, the electron transfer step and the essence of the problem is the fact that the equilibrium nuclear configuration of a species changes when it gains or loses an electron (or electronic energy) [19]. For transition metal complexes in fluid solution this configuration change may involve changes in metal-ligand bond and intraligand bond lengths and angles and, at least in k:d k’d D +A =D...< k-d D+ + A- _ kp products A Fig. 5. Detailed mechanism for an electron transfer process involving an excited state reactant (see text). 92 1 nuclear configuration Fig. 6. Representation of an outer-sphere electron transfer process using energy curves: curves i and f correspond to the precursor (D * - * - A) and successor (D+ - - - A- ) complexes of Fig. 5. For more details, see text. the case of electron transfer, changes in the vibrations and rotations of solvent dipoles. Since electronic motions are much faster than nuclear motions (Franck-Condon principle), in a classical approach an adjustment of the nuclear configuration prior to electron (or energy) transfer is required. This gives rise to an activation barrier, AG # , as shown in Fig. 6. Once a suitable nuclear configuration has been reached, whether or not electron (or energy) transfer occurs is a matter of electronic factors (adiabaticity problem ~19,221). Using a classical approach, the rate constant of electron transfer can be given by k, = tcvn exp( - AG #,/RT) (12) where K is the electronic transmission coefficient, vn is an effective frequency for nuclear motion, and AG # is the free activation energy, which may be expressed by a free energy relationship like the classical Marcus quadratic equation [19,23] AG+ = AG+(O){l + [AG/4AG+(O)] )’ (13) or empirical equations like [l&24,25] AG+=AG+ AG + (0) In 2 AG In 2 AG + (0) il (14) where AG # (0) is the so-called intrinsic nuclear barrier (Fig. 6). For a homogeneous series of reactions [l&26,27], such as those between the same reductant *D and a series of structurally related oxidants A,, A,, A,. _ _ (or vice versa) that have variable redox potential but the same size, shape, electronic structure and electric charge, one can assume that throughout the series the reaction parameters k,, k_ d, k L d in eqn. (ll), K and V~ in eqn. 93 0 AG vs. AG plots for a homogeneous series of outer-sphere electron Fig. 7. Expected log k, transfer reactions, according to eqns. (ll), (12), and (14). (a) Effect of the intrinsic barrier AG # (0); (b) effect of the transmission coefficient K. (12) and AG ‘(0) in eqn. (14) are constant. Under these assumptions, k,, (eqn. 11) is only a function of AG and a log k,, vs.AG plot will exhibit the following features (Fig. 7): (i) an Arrhenius type linear region for sufficiently endergonic reactions; (ii) a more or less wide intermediate region (depending on AG + (0)) in which log k,, increases in a complex but monotonic way as AG decreases, and (iii) a plateau region for sufficiently exergonic reactions when the free energy correlation given by eqn. (14) is used (use of eqn.. 13 would predict a decrease of the reaction rate at high exergonicity usually not observed for reactions in fluid solution at room temperature [7,18,28-331). As shown in Fig. 7, the values of the intrinsic barrier AG+(O) strongly influence the values of the rate constant in the intermediate non-linear region, while a lower than diffusion controlled value of the plateau at high exergonicity is related to a low value of the transmission coefficient K (non-adiabatic behavior). These free energy relationships are extensively used to establish whether a series of quenching reactions take place via energy transfer, reductive electron transfer, or oxidative electron transfer (Section B (vi)). Furthermore, when the values of the other parameters are known, a two-parameter fit of the log k,,, vs. AG plot to eqns. (111, (12), and (14) may allow, in principle, estimation of the values of AG # (0) and K of the homogeneous series of reactions. When either AG # (0) or K is known from other experimental results (or can be estimated from reasonable assumptions), a more reliable one-parameter fit can be used to estimate the unknown quantity. The model can also be further elaborated [l&22,27,34-37] in an attempt to obtain parameters related to the individual reactants. 94 (iv) Light us a reactant and right us a product The class of chemical reactions that plays the most important role in the connection between chemistry and light is that of electron transfer reactions. Ru(I1) polypyridine complexes have given a determinant contribution to the recent development of this class of reactions. When light is used as a reactant (photochemical reaction, eqns. (15) and t 1% A+hv+*A (15) (16) *A+B-,A++B- there are two possible energetic situations for electron transfer reactions, schematically represented in Fig. 8. The scheme of Fig. S(a) corresponds to an exergonic dark reaction which is slow for kinetic reasons (high activation energy). Upon light excitation, the reductant A is transformed into the much stronger reductant *A (vide supra), so that the reaction between *A and B is much more exergonic that the reaction between A and B. Since the activation energy generally decreases with increasing exergonicity, the reaction involving the excited state will be much faster than that involving the ground state. In a system of this kind light is simply used to overcome a kinetic barrier and plays the role of a catalyst. The scheme shown in Fig. 8(b) corresponds to the case of a A + B -+ A+ + B - dark reaction that cannot take place because of thermodynamic reasons. Light excitation causes the formation of *A which is a reductant much stronger than A, so that the reaction *A + B -+ A+ + B- is thermodynamically allowed. Light a Fig. 8. Schematic representation of the two possible energetic situations for electron transfer reactions involving an excited state reactant. For details see text. 95 bt+ B*A+6 A+B Fig. 9. Schematic representation of the energetic situation needed for generation of an excited state from an electron transfer reaction. can thus drive A + B to A+ + B- via *A + B, and in such a process a fraction of the light energy is converted into chemical energy of the products. The converted energy is released when A+ and B- undergo the back electron transfer reaction leading to A + B. In electron transfer reactions, light can also be involved as a product (chemiluminescent reactions): A++B- +*A+B *A-,A+hv (171 (18) This process can be schematically represented as in Fig. 9, which differs from those shown in Fig. 8 because the energy content of A+ + B - is not only higher than that of A + B, but also than that of *A + B. In such a case the reaction from A + B to A+ + B- can be driven neither thermally nor photochemically. When A+ and B- can be prepared in some other way (e.g., electrochemically) and are mixed together, their electron transfer reaction can lead either to A + B, with complete dissipation of the excess free energy into heat, or to ‘A + B, with dissipation of a smaller amount of energy. In the latter case, *A can undergo radiative deactivation (luminescence) so that in this reaction a fraction of the available chemical energy is converted into light energy. From this discussion it is clear that a chemiluminescent process can be considered as the reverse of a photochemical process photochemistry A+B+hv**A+BzSA++Bchemiluminescence 09) and that the equilibrium represented by eqn. (19) is displaced from left to right or from right to left depending on whether the energetic situation is that depicted in Fig. 8 or in Fig. 9. The availability of a class of compounds (such as those of the Ru(I1) polypyridine family) which cover a wide range of redox potentials and excited state energies (Tables 1 and 3) is of course fundamental to the investigation of these processes. 96 (v) Light absorption and light emission sensitizers Ru(I1) polypyridine compounds are extensively used not only as primary reactants in electron transfer processes involving light (Section A (iv)), but also as mediators of potential photochemical and chemiluminescent processes [38,39]. There are “potential” photochemical reactions that do not occur because the reactants are not able to absorb light and/or because their excited states are too short lived. Consider, for example, a chemical reaction A+B++A++B- (20) that cannot occur in the dark because it is endoergonic by, say, 1 eV. In principle, excitation with visible light would made the process thermodynamically allowed (Fig. 8(b)). However, if neither A nor B are able to absorb the exciting light, the reaction cannot occur A+B+hv-+A++B- (21) This “potential” photochemical reaction can be induced (or sensitized) by a species which possesses specific redox, spectroscopic, and excited state properties. Such species can be called light absorption sensitizers (LAS) [38] and must perform as shown schematically in Fig. 10: (i) it must absorb light so as to give an excited state; (ii) this excited state must be able to oxidize (or reduce) one of the reactants of eqn. (21); (iii) the reduced (or oxidized) form of the photosensitizer must be able to reduce (or oxidize) the other reactant in order to complete the redox process indicated by eqn, (21) and to Fig. 10. Schematic representation of a photosensitized electron transfer reaction. LAS = light absorption sensitizer. 97 regenerate the LAS. Looking at the schemes of Figs. 4 and 10, it is possible to make the following list of requirements for an ideal LAS [40,41]: (1) reversible redox behavior; (2) suitable ground and excited state potentials; (3) stability towards thermal and photochemical decomposition; (4) intense absorption in a suitable spectral region; (5) small energy gap between relevant excited states; (6) high efficiency of population of the reactive excited state; (7) suitable lifetime of the reactive excited state; (8) high energy content of the reactive excited state; (9) good kinetic factors for outer sphere electron transfer reactions. LAS can carry on a variety of useful processes [38]. Their development will hopefully make possible the conversion of simple molecules like H,O and CO, (which do not absorb solar energy) into fuels (HZ, CH,) by means of non-biological photosynthetic processes [42-451. “ Potential” chemiluminescent reactions are reactions sufficiently exergonic to generate light but producing only heat because no excited state (or, better, no emitting excited state) is formed A++B-++A+B+hv (22) In the same way as “potential” photochemical reactions can be induced by LAS, “potential” chemiluminescent reactions can be induced by suitable species that can be called light emission sensitizers (LES) [38]. As shown in Fig. 11, a LES must perform in the following way: (i) it must be oxidized (or reduced) by one of the reactants of eqn. (22); (ii) its oxidized (or reduced) form so obtained must then oxidize (or reduce) the other reactant to yield an excited state, *LES; (iii) such an excited state must undergo radiative deactivation (luminescence), regenerating the ground state LES. In this way, I lLEs lLES LES -T h3 A++ B--A. B+ hJ h3 Fig. 11. Schematic representation of a sensitized chemiluminescent electron transfer reaction. LES = light emission sensitizer. 98 part of the exergonicity of the electron transfer reaction between A+ and Bis channelled to light generation. LES are less known than LAS, but they are presently the object of much research because they may have several applications (e.g., in the field of display devices [46, 471). From the schemes shown in Figs. 4 and 11, the requirements for an ideal LES must be as follows [40]: (1) reversible redox behavior; (2) suitable ground and excited state potentials; (3) stability towards thermal and photochemical decomposition reactions; (4) suitable excited state energy; (5) strong luminescence emission (high efficiency for the radiative deactivation of the excited state); (6) good kinetic factors for outer sphere electron transfer reactions_ As can be seen from the above lists, the stability and redox requirements are the same for LAS and LES. From a spectroscopic point of view, the requirements are somewhat different (e.g., a LES does not need to have intense absorption bands and a LAS does not need to exhibit luminescence), but slow radiationless deactivation of the excited state is a fundamental requirement in both cases because a LAS must have a long excited state lifetime and a LES must have a high emission efficiency. Thus, it is not surprising that a compound which can play a role of LAS can also play a role of LES. Ru(I1) polypyridine complexes, because of their redox and excited state properties, satisfy most of the requirements needed for LAS and LES. (vi) Structure, bonding, and excited states of Ru(I1) polypyridine complexes Ru*” is a d6 system and the polypyridine ligands are usually colorless molecules possessing a-donor orbitals localized on the nitrogen atoms and VT donor and V* acceptor orbitals more or less delocalized on aromatic rings. Following a single-configuration one-electron description of the excited state in octahedral symmetry (Fig. 12(a)), promotion of an electron from a 7rTM metal orbital to the 7~: ligand orbitals gives rise to metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) excited states, whereas promotion of an electron from 7rM to 0c orbitals gives rise to metal centered (MC) excited states. Ligand centered (LC) excited states can be obtained by promoting an electron from 7rL to 77;. All these excited states may have singlet or triplet multiplicity, although spin-orbit coupling causes singlet-triplet mixing in the MC and MLCT excited states [48-511. Actually Ru(bpy)$‘, as well as the other Ru(LL);+ complexes (LL = bidentate polypyridine ligand), exhibits a D3 symmetry (Fig. 13) [52]. Following Orgel’s notation [53], the m * orbitals may be symmetrical (x) or antisymmetrical (JI) with respect to rotation around the C, axis retained by each Ru(bpy) unit. A more detailed picture of the highest occupied and lowest empty orbital is shown in Fig. 12(b) [14,15,54]. The highest filled molecular orbitals are TMal( d) and vMe( d), which are 99 1 filled orbitals Fig. 12. (a). Simplified molecular orbital diagram for Ru(LL)z+ complexes in octahedral symmetry showing the three types of electronic transitions occurring at low energies; (b) detailed representation of the MLCT transition in D3 symmetry. predominantly localized on the metal; the lowest empty molecular orbitals are rEa2( +) and rrrEe(+), which are predominantly localized on the ligands. The ground state of the complex is a singlet, derived from the TMe ( d )"TT~ q( d) *electronic configuration. The high energy excited states of transition metal complexes undergo fast radiationless deactivation [55]. Thus, only the lowest excited state and the upper states that can be populated on the basis of the Boltzmann equi- Tig. 13. Structure of Ru(bpy)g+ [52]. loo w ‘M-L ‘M-L Fig. 14. Schematic representation of two limiting cases for the relative positions of ‘MC 3LC (or 3MLCT) excited states. and librium law may play a role in the luminescence emission and in bimolecular processes. The MC excited states of d6 octahedral complexes are strongly displaced with respect to the ground state geometry along metal-ligand vibration coordinates [2,56]. When the lowest excited state is MC, it undergoes fast radiationless deactivation to the ground state and/or ligand dissociation reactions (Fig. 14(b)). As a consequence, at room temperature the excited state lifetime is very short, no luminescence emission can be observed [57] and no bimolecular reaction can take place. LC and MLCT excited states are usually not strongly displaced compared to the ground state geometry. Thus, when the lowest excited state is LC or MLCT (Fig. 14(a)) it does not undergo fast radiationless decay to the ground state and luminescence can usually be observed, except at high temperature when thermally activated radiationless deactivation via upper lying MC excited states can occur. The radiative deactivation rate constant is somewhat higher for 3MLCT than for 3LC because of the larger spin-orbit coupling effect. For this reason, the 3LC excited states are longer lived at low temperature in rigid matrix and the 3MLCT excited states are more likely to exhibit luminescence at room temperature in fluid solution where the lifetime of 3LC and 3MLCT is shortened by activated surface crossing to short lived MC excited states or by bimolecular quenching processes. From this discussion it is clear that the luminescent properties of a complex as well as its ability to play the role of excited state reactant, (eqn. 16), excited state product (eqn. (17)), LAS (Fig. lo), or LES (Fig. 11) are 101 related to the energy ordering of its low energy excited states and, particularly, to the orbital nature of its lowest excited state. The energy positions of the MC, MLCT, and LC excited states depend on the ligand field strength, the redox properties of metal and ligands, and intrinsic properties of the ligands, respectively [2]. Thus, in a series of complexes of the same metal ion the energy ordering of the various excited states, and particularly the orbital nature of the lowest excited state, can be controlled by a judicious choice of the ligands [40,48,58]. In this way, it is possible to design complexes having, at least to a certain degree, the desired properties (Section C). For most Ru(X1) polypyridine complexes, the lowest excited state is a 3MLCT which undergoes relatively slow radiationless transitions and thus exhibits long lifetime and intense luminescence emission. (vii) Redox properties of Ru(ll) polypyridine compiexes in the ground state As mentioned above, the complexes of the Ru(II) polypyridine family are particularly interesting as excited state reactants or products in electron transfer processes and as mediators (LAS or LES) of electron transfer reactions involving light. A fundamental requirement for playing these roles is the stability of the oxidized and/or reduced forms, i.e. the reversibility of the oxidation and/or reduction processes in the ground state. A wealth of information is available on the electrochemical behavior of ruthenium-polypyridine complexes. The most widely used electrochemical method has been cyclic voltammetry (CV) in non-aqueous aprotic solvents. Following the pioneering work on Ru(bpy) z + [59], many measurements on similar complexes were performed (Table 3). The feature of CVs of many complexes of the Ru(II)-polypyridine family is the possibility of localizing with a high degree of certainty the donor or the acceptor orbital of the one electron transfer reaction_ Oxidation of Ru(II) polypyridine complexes usually involves a metal centered (parent 7rTM( t,,) in octahedral symmetry) orbital, with formation of genuine Ru(II1) complexes (low spin 4d5 configuration) which are inert to ligand substitution [59] [Ru’+(LL)~]~+~ [Ru3+(LL),13++ e- (23) Normally, only a one-electron oxidation is obtained in the potential range available. It is not always feasible to compare potentials reported in the literature on an absolute scale. It can be stated, however, that the Ru(II)/ Ru(III) potentials in the complexes where the ligands are exclusively true polypyridine molecules, fall in a rather narrow range around + 1.25 V with respect to NHE. Substitution of one or more polypyridine ligands by another base can drastically change these potentials. The substitution of one 102 bpy in Ru(bpy) 5’ with two Cl- ions to give Ru(bpy) &12 lowers the potential to about +0.35 V, whereas the strong ?r*-acceptor CO causes an increase above + 1.9 V in Ru(bpy),(CO)z+ (Table 3). Reduction of Ru(II) polypyridine complexes may in principle involve either a metal-centered or a ligand-centered orbital, depending on the relative energy ordering. When the ligand field is sufficiently strong and/or the ligands can be easily reduced, reduction takes place on a ligand 7~c orbital. This is the commonly observed behavior of Ru(II)-polypyridine complexes [60,61,65] (Table 3). The reduced form, keeping its low-spin 4d6 configuration, is usually quite inert and the reduction process is reversible: As discussed in Sections A (viii) and D (iii), the added electron appears to be localized on a single ligand. Several reduction steps can often be observed in the potential range accessible. This range has been considerably enlarged through the measurement of CV at low temperature [62,63]. Up to six electrons can be pumped into Ru(bpy) i’ in this way [62], yielding a highly reduced complex which can be formulated as [R~~+(bpy~-)~]~-. The localization of the acceptor orbitals in the reduction processes is often particularly clear in mixed hgand complexes involving polypyridine ligands with different energies of the 7 * orbitals. In such cases, the first and subsequent reduction steps can be attributed to the various Iigands in the complex. When the ligand field is weak and/or the ligands cannot be easily reduced, the lowest empty orbital in the reduction process could be metal centered (parent ~r&(eg) in octahedral symmetry). In such a case, reduction would lead to an unstable low spin d7 system, which should give rise to a fast ligand dissociation making the process electrochemically irreversible [Ru~+(LL)~]~+ + e--, [Ru+(LL),]+-, [Ru+(LL)J++LL (25) Such behavior has been reported for iridium complexes 1641, but has never been clearly observed in the case of ruthenium. It is important to note that, if the Koopmans theorem is valid for the startmg rgg system and for the one-electron reduced species, the 7~: or CJ& orbitals that can be involved in the reduction processes (redox orbitals) are the same orbitals which are involved in the MLCT and MC transition, respectively (spectroscopic orbitals). Thus, reversibility of the first reduction step, indicating a ligand centered LUMO, also implies (to a first approximation) that the lowest excited state is MLCT. More generally, there are correlations between the electrochemical and spectroscopic data, as will be discussed in Section D (ii). 103 a b Fig. 15. Pictorial description of the electron promoted to the rnc orbital: (a) multichelate ring delocalized orbital; (b) single chelate ring localized orbital [65]. (viii) Localization and delocalization problems For most complexes of the Ru(II) polypyridine family the excited state responsible for luminescence emission and bimolecular excited state reactions is a 3MLCT (or a cluster [48] of closely spaced 3MLCT levels), i.e. a state obtained prOmOting a metal TM orbital to a ligand 7~: orbital (Fig. 12). As mentioned before, the same ~2 orbital is involved in the one-electron reduction process. Even if we leave aside a detailed spin and symmetry description of the 3MLCT state, the problem arises whether the spectroscopic and redox orbital is best described as a multichelate ring delocalized orbital (Fig. 15(a)) or a single chelate ring localized orbital with a small amount of interligand interaction (Fig. 15(b)) [65]. This problem has been tackled with a variety of techniques both on reduced and excited complexes. Compelling evidence for “spatially isolated” [66] redox orbitals has been obtained from low temperature cyclic voltammetry 162,631, electron spin resonance [67-691, electronic absorption spectra [70-721, nuclear magnetic resonance [73], and resonance Raman spectra [74]. A more detailed discussion of the localization problem will be given in Section D (iii)_ B. Ru(bpy) f + : THE PROTOTYPE (i) Ground state properties The ground state structure of Ru(bpy): ) in its hexafluorophosphate salt has been determined by X-ray crystallography [52]. The complex possesses O3 symmetry (Fig. 13) and the Ru-N bond length of 205.6 pm is somewhat shorter than the 210.4 pm value in Ru(NH,)z+ [75], indicating a significant backbonding between Ru(I1) and the V* orbitals of bpy. A five line 13C 104 I, I +0.8 I I 0 I I1 -0.8 I -1.8 I V Fig. 16. Cyclic voltammogram of Ru(bpy)g+ in acetonitrile. NMR spectrum is observed for the solvated ‘species [54] and the ‘H NMR spectrum [76] can be interpreted in terms of four coupled spins in each six equivalent pyridine rings. The solution NMR data are therefore consistent with retention of O3 symmetry for the solvated species. Resolution of the enantiomers can be achieved [77], and these are found to be thermally stable with respect to racemization [78]. The Ru(bpy) f ’ cation shows remarkable chemical stability. For example it can be stored in aqueous solutions for months [79] and is reported to be unaffected by boiling concentrated HCl or 50% aqueous sodium hydroxide solutions [SO]. The cyclic voltammograrn of Ru(bpy)g+ in AN (potentials vs. Ag electrode) is shown in Fig. 16. One oxidation and three reduction processes, all monoelectronic and reversible, can be observed. The redox potentials are independent of solvent (for AN, DMSO, DMF, and propylene carbonate) [81]. The oxidized form, Ru(bpy)s+, can be easily obtained by chemical oxidation of Ru(bpy) $’ with nitric acid [80], dichlorine ]82] or lead dioxide [83]. The absorption spectrum of Ru(bpy)i+ shows a weak band at - 420 nm (Glax = 3.3 x lo3 M-l cm-‘) and a broad and weak absorption at longer wavelengths [14]. Ru(bpy):+ is reduced by water, but the reaction mechanism is very complicated and governed by the pH of the solution and the presence of catalysts, even at impurity levels [84-901. Under most experimental conditions the amount of 0, generated is much less than that expected on the basis of a simple reduction of Ru(bpy);+ to Ru(bpy):+ . The and reduction of aqueous Ru(bpy), 2+ by pulse radiolysis via the CH,O(CH3)2COradicals at pH 11-13 yields Ru(bpy)z 1911 which can also be prepared by extensive electrolysis of Ru(bpy):+ in non-aqueous solvents [71,72,92,93]. The absorption spectrum of Ru(bpy)g shows a broad and intense ( E _ - lo* M-l cm-‘) band in the visible with maximum at - 510 nm. Compelling evidence for reduction taking place on a single chelate ring localized orbital (spatially isolated orbital, Sections A (viii) and D (iii)) has been obtained, so that the reduced form is best described as a Ru(I1) complex containing a coordinated bpy- ligand radical, [R~~+(bpy)~(bpy-)I+_ 105 Wbw) [91,94]. ; does not reduce water under neutral or alkaline conditions (ii) Absorption spectrum The absorption spectrum of Ru(bpy) 5’ is shown in Fig. 17 along with the proposed assignments [E&14,15,48,54,95]. The bands at 185 nm (not shown in the Figure) and 285 nm have been assigned to LC VT+ 7r* transitions by comparison with the spectrum of protonated bipyridine [96]. The two remaining intense bands at 240 and 450 nm have been assigned to MLCT d-*n* transitions. The shoulders at 322 and 344 nm might be MC transitions. In the long wavelength tail of the absorption spectrum a shoulder is present at about 550 nm (c - 600) when the absorption measurement is made on Ru(bpy)z+ in an ethanol-methanol glass at 77 K [973. This absorption feature is thought to correspond to the lowest ‘MLCT excited state(s). In spite of the presence of the heavy Ru atom, it has been established that it is reasonable to assign the electronic transitions of Ru(bpy)$+ as being to “ singlet” or “ triplet” states. In particular, a singlet character 4 10% has been estimated [50] for the lower-lying excited states of Ru(bpy)z+ . The maximum of the ‘MLCT band at - 450 mn is slightly sensitive to solvent, suggesting an instantaneous sensing of the formation of the dipolar excited state [R~~*(bpy)~(bpy-)]~+ [98] (see Section D (iii)). (iii) Deactivation of upper excited states As mentioned in the introduction (Section A (ii)) the upper excited states of transition metal complexes undergo either chemical reaction or radiation- 5 0 0” 4 3 21 D 1 I 300 400 500 6 0 A fnm) Fig. 17. Electronic absorption spectrum of Ru(bpy) :’ . 106 01 300 I I 400 500 A, nm Fig. 18. Electronic absorption spectrum of the lowest excited state of Ru(bpy)z+ [loll. less deactivation to the lowest excited state. For Ru(bpy):+ the lowest excited state (or, better, the cluster of lowest excited states) is relatively long lived and its formation and disappearance can be easily monitored by flash spectroscopy and luminescence decay. The absorption spectrum of the lowest excited state is shown in Fig. 18 [99-1011. The risetime of the lowest excited state upon excitation of spin allowed excited states was estimated to be +K 1 ns for Ru(bpy)i+ [102,103], indicating that the conversion of the upper excited states to the lowest one is indeed very fast. The quantum yield of formation of the lowest excited state Q[)3,,cr (and thus, the efficiency of intersystem crossing from the upper singlets obtained by excitation to the lowest triplet, rise) is essentially unity [99,104-1061. Interestingly, Q)3MLcT has also been evaluated by a photochemical technique, based on the ability of ( 3CT)Ru(bpy) ; + to function as a reductant (Section B (vi)) [106]. This method, which may be useful also for other complexes, works in the following way. The reaction of ( 3CT)Ru(bpy)z+ with S20iyields SOiand the strongly oxidizing SO; radical. Once formed, Ru(bpy); + 7 this radical reacts with ground state Ru(bpy)z+ to yield a second Ru(bpy);+ complex ion. Experimentally, the quantum yield for disappearance of was followed by monitoring the 450 nm absorption Ru(bpy):+, Q-Ruz+t, band of Ru(bpy)i+, and the measurements were made as a function of [S,Ol-1. From a plot of l/Q_ RU2+versus l/[S,O,2-], the limiting value of concentration was found to be 2.0 + 0.2. This Q,-_i@+ for infinite S&$value can only occur if all the Ru(bpy)z+ excited states which are formed 107 b 600 h,nm 700 Fig. 19. Emission spectrum of * R 4 bw):+ in alcoholic solution: (a) at 77 K; (b) at room temperature. upon light absorption react to yield Ru(bpy) :’ and SO;, and all of the SO; goes on to react with Ru(bpy)z+ to form a stoichiometric amount of Ru(bpy) ; + (iv) Emission properties Excitation of Ru(bpy) z + in any of its absorption bands leads to a luminescence emission (Fig. 19) whose intensity, lifetime, and energy position are more or less temperature dependent. Detailed studies on the temperature dependence [48,107-1111 of the luminescence lifetime and quantum yield in the temperature range 2-70 K showed that luminescence originates from a set of three closely spaced levels (A E 10 and 61 cm-‘) in thermal equilibrium. The theoretical description of the luminescent levels continues to be a matter of debate. There is no doubt about their MLCT nature, whereas different opinions exist on whether these levels can be described by a spin quantum number and whether the promoted electron resides in a single bpy ligand or in a delocalized 7~* orbital. Recent results suggest that the best description is that which assumes a substantial triplet character and a single ligand localized excitation (Section D (iii)). This cluster of luminescent, closely spaced excited states will be indicated in the following by * Ru(bpy) 5’. In rigid alcoholic glass at 77 K the emission lifetime of *Ru(bpy)s+ is - 5 ps and the emission quantum yield is - 0.4 (Table 1). Taken together with the unitary intersystem crossing efficiency, these figures yield (see eqn. 108 1 ll+ 1 1 1 6 lOOO/T,K -1 ‘0 Fig. 20. Temperature dependence of the emission lifetime of * Ru(bpy)$+ in nitrile solution [131. 2) a value of - 13 ps for the radiative lifetime. Values of this order of magnitude have been found for M-LCT excited states of other transition metal complexes [112-1141. Ligand centered excited states exhibit radiative lifetimes in the ms range [ill-113,115--1181. With increasing temperature, the emission lifetime (Fig. 20) and quantum yield decrease [48,95,96,119-1371. This behavior may be accounted for (see Section D (i)) by a stepwise term and two Arrhenius terms: B l’T= k” + 1-t exp[C(l/T- A l/T,)] + 1 e-A-WRT + A 2 e-AWRT (26) The value of the various parameters are somewhat dependent on the nature of the solvent. In propionitrile-butyronitrile (4 : 5 v/v) the values are as follows [131,132]: k, = 2 x 10’ s-l; B = 2.1 x lo5 s-i; A, = 5.6 x lo5 s-i; AE, = 90 cm-‘; A, = 1.3 X lOI s-l;AE, = 3960 cm-‘. Included in k, are the radiative k; and nonradiative k," rate constants at 84 K. The stepwise term B is due to the melting of the matrix (100-150 K) and is thought to correspond to the coming into play of vibrations capable of facilitating radiationless deactivation [132]. In the same temperature interval a red shift of - 1000 cm-l is observed in the maximum of the emission band [132]. The Arrhenius term with A, = 5.6 X lo5 s-l and AE, = 90 cm-’ is thought to correspond to the thermal equilibration with a level lying at slightly 109 higher energy and having the same electronic nature. The second Arrhenius term is thought to correspond to a thermally activated surface crossing to an upper-lying 3MC level which undergoes fast deactivation (Section D (i)). Identification of this higher level as a 3MC state is based upon the observed photosubstitution behavior at elevated temperatures [119], consistent with established photoreactivity patterns for d6 metal complexes [2]. Experiments carried out with Ru(bpy)z+ and Ru(bpy-ds) f + in H,O and D,O [119,130,138] indicate that k,” is sensitive to deuteration, as expected for a weak-coupled radiationless process [139-1421. By contrast, A, is insensitive to deuteration, suggesting a strong-coupled (surface crossing) deactivation pathway, which may be related to the observed photosensitivity. It should be noted that the decrease in lifetime on melting has also been explained on the basis of the energy gap law because of the correspondent red shift in the emission band [142]. (v) Photosubstitution and photoracemization processes Although Ru( bpy) ; + is normally considered as photochemically inert towards ligand substitution, there is increasing evidence that this is not so [14,15,142]. In aqueous solution the quantum yield of Ru(bpy);+ disappearance is in the range 1O-5-1O- 3, depending on the pH of the solution and temperature. The exact nature of the reaction products has not been elucidated [119,124]. In chlorinated solvents such as CH,Cl, the photochemistry of [Ru(bpy),]X, (X = Cl-, Br-, NCS-) is well behaved [124,143], giving rise to Ru(bpy) 2 X, as final product. The quantum yields are in the range 10-1-10-2. The PF6- salt is photoinert. A substantial difference between aqueous and CH,Cl, solutions is that salts of Ru(bpy)$+ are completely ion-paired in the latter medium. A detailed mechanism for the ligand photosubstitution reaction for Ru(bpy):+ has been proposed [124] (Fig. 21). According to this mechanism, thermally activated formation of a 3MC excited state (vide supra) leads to the cleavage of a Ru-N bond, with formation of a five-coordinate square pyramidal species. In the absence of coordinating ions, as with the PF6- salt, this square pyramidal species returns to Ru(bpy) $’ _ When coordinating anions are present, as in the Cl- salt, a hexacoordinated monodentate bpy intermediate is formed. Once formed, this monodentate bpy species can undergo loss of bpy and formation of Ru(bpy) *X2, or a “self-annealing” process (chelate ring closure), with reformation of Ru(bpy);+ . The “self-annealing” protective step is favored in aqueous solution, presumably because of stabilization of the cationic Ru(bpy)z+ speci?s, whereas formation of neutral Ru(bpy),X, complexes is favored in low polarity solvents. Photoracemization of Ru(bpy) 2 + [144] also occurs with low quantum yield (2.9 x 110 --_ 4? I X- ,I // --- I’ _ ,’ +x- -by ground state Fig. 21. Schematic representation of the proposed mechanism of kigand photosubstitution reactions of Ru(bpy):+ [124]. lop4 in water at 25 OC). This process can be accounted for by a rearrangement of the square pyramidal primary photoproduct (Fig. 21) into a trigonal bipyramidal intermediate which can lead back to either the A or the A isomer [124]. Ligand photodissociation is, of course, a major drawback for the use of Ru(bpy) ; + as LAS or LES (Sections B (viii) and (ix)). From the above discussion, it follows that to avoid ligand photodissociation the population of 3MC and/or ligand dissociation from 3MC should be prevented. Population of 3MC can be prevented or at least reduced by: (a) addition of sufficient quencher to capture 3MLCT before surface crossing to 3MC can occur; (b) working at low temperature (Section D (i)); (c) increasing the energy gap between 3MLCT and 3MC; (d) increasing pressure [145,146]. On the other hand, ligand dissociation from 3MC can be reduced (e) avoiding coordinating anions in solvent of low dielectric constant and (f) linking together the three bpy ligands so as to form a single caging ligand which encapsulates the metal ion. Points (c) and (f) are particularly interesting and much effort is presently devoted to research along such directions. The tuning of excited state energy by changing ligands (point (c) above) will be discussed in detail in Section C. Caging Ru2+ into a single polypyridine type ligand (point (f)) poses severe synthetic problems. A first step in this direction has been the synthesis [147] of the polypyridine cage-type ligands shown in Fig. 22. The Ru(I1) complexes of such ligands, however, have not yet been prepared. Furthermore, there might be subtle problems related to the shape and size of the cage. If the Ru-N bonds are too long and/or the bite angles are unfavorable, the ligand field strength would be small and the consequent decrease in energy of the lowest ‘MC level would compromise 111 m %3 N -N N- /“\ - /“\ w (a) (b) Fig. 22. Cage-type polypyridine ligarrds 11471. the lifetime of 3MLCT, since caging is not expected to slow down the physical radiationless deactivation of 3MC [148 1. The short lifetime of ‘MLCT at room temperature for Ru(trpy)$+ (less than 5 ns [149,150]) is likely due to fast radiationless decay via a low lying 3MC level. (vi) Quenching processes of the 3MLCT excited state: energy and electron transfer As discussed in Section A (ii), an excited state which is sufficiently long lived may be involved in energy and electron transfer processes in fluid solution_ The lowest 3MLCT excited state of Ru(bpy)z+ lives long enough (Table 1) to encounter other solute molecules (even when these are present at relatively low concentration) and possesses suitable properties to play the role of energy donor, electron donor, or electron acceptor. As is also shown in Fig. 23, the energy available to * Ru(bpy)z+ for energy transfer processes is 2.12 eV and its reduction and oxidation potentials are + 0.84 and - 0.86 V (in water). It follows that *Ru(bpy)s+ is at the same time a good energy donor (eqn. 27), a good electron acceptor (eqn. 28), and a good electron donor (eqn. 29) : Rdbpy): ++ Q - Ru(bpy)t+ + *Q energy transfer (27) + + Q * Ru(bpy)i+ + Q- oxidative quenching (28) * Ru(bpy): + + Q -+ Ru(bpy)T + Q’ reductive quenching (29) * * WbPYE The direct observation of redox products in flash photolysis experiments represents the strongest evidence to support the occurrence of oxidative and reductive quenching mechanisms. These observations can be performed in a few cases with continuous irradiation [106,151] and more often in flash 112 Fig. 23. Molecuku quantities of Ru(bpy)$’ relevant for energy and electron transfer processes. * * Ru(bpy);+ indicates spin-allowed excited states and * Ru(bpy)$+ indicates the lowest spin-forbidden excited state (3MLCT) Ru(bpy);+ . photolysis experiments because usually the redox products decay rapidly either by back electron transfer reactions to reform the starting materials or by secondary reactions to form other products. In practice, the possibility to observe transient absorptions is related to the changes in the optical density of the solution caused by the photoreaction. Bleaching and recovering of the Ru(bpy) : + spectrum can often be used for kinetic measurements. The absorption band at 680 nm of Ru(bpy):+ (Section B (i)) is too weak to detect small Ru(bpy) 33’ concentrations, so that in oxidative quenching processes one is forced to use the absorption spectrum of Q- to monitor product formation. By contrast, Ru(bpy)T exhibits a strong absorption band at 510 nm (Section B (i)), which is particularly useful to investigate reductive quenching reactions. Following some pioneering work [151-1551, literally hundreds of bimolecular excited state reactions of Ru(bpy)z+ and of its derivatives have been studied in the last 15 years. An accurate compilation of rate constants of electron transfer processes will soon be available [16], so that we do not review this field in detail. We only wish to illustrate a few examples to show that these excited state reactions can be used for mechanistic studies as well as for potential applications of the greatest interest. The early interest in Ru(bpy):+ photochemistry arose from the possibility of using its long-lived excited state as energy donor in energy transfer processes. Although several sensitized reactions attributed to energy transfer processes (see, e.g. refs. 156, 157) were later shown to proceed via electron transfer [155], there are a few, very interesting cases in which energy transfer quenching of * Ru(bpy) z + has been firmly demonstrated. A clear example is the quenching of * Ru(bpy) z’ by Cr( CN) z-, where sensitized phosphores- 113 cence of the chromium complex has been observed both in fluid solution [158-1621 and in the solid state [163-1651: * Ru(bpy);+ (2Eg)Cr(CN);- + Cr(CN);j + Ru(bpy);+ Cr(CN);- + (*&)Cr(CN);- (30) + hv (31) was also used to demonEnergy transfer from * Ru(bpy) i’ to Cr(CN)zstrate that the photosolvation reaction observed upon direct excitation of Cr(CN)zdoes not originate from the luminescent ‘Eg state of the chromium complex [158,166]. It should be pointed out that both reductive and oxidative *Ru(bpy)z+ electron transfer quenchings by Cr(CN)zare thermodynamically forbidden because it is very difficult to reduce or oxidize Cr(CN)z[162]. Cr(bpy)z+, by contrast, can be very easily reduced and with this quencher oxidative electron transfer prevails over energy transfer * Ru@PY)? 3+ k=3.3X109M-‘s-’ + Cr(bw)3 )Ru(bpy)? + Cr(bpy):+ (32) as is shown by the appearance of the Cr(bpy);+ absorption spectrum in flash photolysis experiments [167]. Reaction (32) converts 71% of the spectroscopic energy (2.12 eV) of the excited state reactant into chemical energy of the products. As usually happens in these simple homogeneous systems, the converted energy cannot be stored but is immediately dissipated into heat by the back electron transfer reaction: 2-t k = 2 X 109M-‘s-’ R@w):+ + Cr(bpy)3 - R~@PY): + + Cr(bpy): + (33) A carefully studied example of reductive electron transfer quenching (reaction 34) is that involving Euii as a quencher [168,169]: *Ru(bpy);+ 2+ k = 2.8 x lO’M-‘s-’ + Eu.. ,Ru(bpy),+ + Eu3,; (34) The difference spectrum obtained by flash photolysis after a 30 ns light pulse shows a bleaching in the region around 430 nm due to depletion of Ru(bpy) ; + and an increased absorption around 500 nm due to the formation of Ru(bpy)g (note that both EutT and Eu~: are transparent in this spectral region). Clear kinetic evidence for reductive quenching comes from the observation that the growth of the absorption at 500 nm occurs at a rate equal to the rate of decay of the luminescence emission of * Ru(bpy)$ +. As it may happen in excited state reactions (Fig. 8(b)) the products of reaction (34) have a high energy content and thus they give rise to a back electron transfer reaction 3+ RU(bPY),t + Eu, k = 2.7 x ~O’M-‘S-~ ,Ru(bpy);+ + Eu2,; (35) 114 that can be monitored (on a longer time scale) through the recovering of the 430 nm absorption or the disappearance of the 500 nm absorption. In several cases direct evidence for energy transfer quenching (i.e., sensitized luminescence or absorption spectrum of the excited acceptor) or electron transfer quenching (i.e., absorption spectrum of redox products) is difficult or even impossible to obtain. In such cases, free energy correlations of rate constants are quite useful to elucidate the reaction mechanism [12,162,170-1721. (vii) Chemical generation ofthe 3MLCT eiectrochemiluminescence processes excited state: chemiluminescence and As mentioned in Section A (iv), excited states can be generated in very exergonic electron transfer reactions (Fig. 9). Formation of excited states can be easily demonstrated when the excited states are luminescent species. Because of its stability in the reduced and oxidized forms and of the strong luminescence of * Ru(bpy) g’ , Ru(bpy) $ + is an extremely versatile base reactant for a variety of chemiluminescent processes [38,39,83,173-1751. In principle, there are two ways to generate the luminescent * Ru(bpy)$+ excited state in chemical reactions. One way (see eqn. (36)) is to oxidize more Ru(bpy) ; with a species X having reduction potential E’(X/X-) positive than 0.84 V, and another way (eqn. 37) is to reduce Ru(bpy)i+ with a species Y- whose potential E’(Y/Y-) is more negative than - 0.86 V (see also Fig. 23). Ru(bpy); + X ---* * Ru(bpy);+ Ru(bpy);+ + Y- +- X- + * Ru(bpy):+ * RU(bPYE + + Ru(bpy);+ + Y + hv A variety of oxidants (e.g. S,Oi- [176,177]) and reductants (e.g., e; [178,179], N,H, [180], oxalate ion [181,182], OH- [ISO]) have been found to be active in these chemiluminescence processes. In some cases (e.g., with OH-), the reaction mechanism cannot be a simple outer sphere electron transfer reaction and the emitting species could be a slightly modified (on the ligands) complex. It should also be pointed out that minor amounts of oxidizing and reducing impurities are sufficient to produce luminescence in chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescce experiments [183]. The most elegant way [59] to obtain chemiluminescence from Ru(bpy);+ solutions is to produce the oxidized and/or reduced form of the complex “in situ” by electrochemical methods. Three classical experiments of this type can be performed. 115 (a) To pulse the potential applied to a working electrode between the oxidation and reduction potentials of Ru(bpy):+ in a suitable solvent [59,184]. In such a way the reduced and oxidized form produced in the same region of space can undergo a comproportionation reaction where enough energy is available to produce an excited state and a ground state (see also Fig. 23): Ru(bpy):+ + e- -+ Ru(bpy)c (39) Ru(bpy)z+ - e- + Ru(bpy)z+ (40) Ru(bpy); + Ru(bpy);+ -+ * Ru(bpy);+ + Ru(bpy);+ (41) in the presence of a strong oxidant (reductive (b) To reduce Ru(bpy):+ oxidation). For example, luminescence is obtained upon continuous reduction of Ru(bpy) $’ at a working electrode in the presence of S,Oi[176,177]. This oxidant in a first one-electron oxidation reaction generates the very powerful oxidant SO; that either can oxidize Ru(bpy)z to *Ru(bpy):+ (eqn. 43) or Ru(bpy)s+ to Ru(bpy):+ (eqn. 44) which then reacts with Ru(bpy)g (eqn. 41) to yield the luminescent excited state Ru(bpy): + + e- -+ Ru(bpy)T (39) Ru(bpy); + S,O;- --, Ru(bpy);+ + SO, Ru(bpy); + SO, --, * Ru(bpy);+ + SO:- (43) Ru(bpy);+ + SO, + Ru(bpy);+ + SO:- (44) Ru(bpy); + Ru(bpy);+ Ru(bpy)z+ - e- -+ Ru(bpy)z+ Ru(bpy);+ + C20;- Ru(bpy);+ + CO, + * Ru(bpy);+ + SO:- (42) + Ru(bpy);+ (41) (c) To oxidize Ru(bpy) 3’ in the presence of a strong reductant (oxidative reduction). For example, light is generated upon continuous oxidation of [181,182]. This Ru(bpy) ; + at a working electrode in the presence of C,O,‘reductant in a first one-electron reaction generates the strongly reducing CO; radical that can reduce Ru(bpy)z W to the excited * Ru(bpy) z’ : j (40) --, Ru(bpy);+ + CO2 + CO; (4% * Ru(bpy):+ + CO, (46) W) Ru(biy):+ + &Ovv) (41) : + *Ru(bpy);+ t Scheme 1 H* Ru(bpy)g+ (41b)) + * Ru(bpy):+ + 1.70 eV (48) 116 RuUwv) ;+ Ru (bpv) ; TT@ po)srcL(yI I0 HM(t,o)6HL(yt Fig. 24. Pictorial representation of the three possible electronic transitions in the comproportionation reaction between Ru(bpy)i’ and Ru(bpy) l; for details see text. These chemiluminescent electron transfer reactions are quite interesting from an applicative [46,47,185] as well as from a theoretical viewpoint. In particular, the comproportionation reaction (41) poses subtle mechanistic problems that we will now discuss briefly. As shown in Scheme 1, the comproportionation reaction in principle can lead to two ground states (eqn. 47), one ground state and one excited state (eqn. 41), or two excited states (eqn. 48). Furthermore, in the case in which one ground state and one excited state are formed, the excited state can originate either from the oxidized (eqn. 41(a)) or reduced (eqn. 41(b)) parent. Formation of two excited states (eqn. 48) can clearly be ruled out for energetic reasons. Which one of the three remaining processes takes place (and why) is a matter of great theoretical interest. Reaction (47) is so exergonic as to fall in the “ inverted region” predicted by the Marcus electron transfer theory [23,186,187], and the occurrence of chemiluminescence from the comproportionation reaction with an efficiency for reaction (41) near 100% [188,189] has indeed been taken as evidence [14,188] in favour of this inverted region. Although excess exergonicity is certainly a limiting factor in the reaction rates [17,19,20,31] it should be noticed [190] that reactions (47), (41a), and (41b), differ from one another because different orbitals are involved. As shown in Fig. 24, formation of two ground state molecules (eqn. (47)) involves electron transfer from a ligand orbital of the reduced species to a metal orbital of the oxidized species. Formation of an excited state deriving from the oxidized species (eqn. 41(a)) involves a ligand-to-ligand electron transfer, whereas formation of an excited state from the reduced parent (eqn. 41(b)) requires a metal-to-metal electron transfer. Simple orbital overlap arguments suggest that the electronic interaction between the two reaction partners decreases in the electron transfer series L --j L > L += M > M + M. It follows that reaction (41) is favored over reaction (47) not only for nuclear reasons (Marcus inverted region), but also because of a more 117 favorable electronic factor via the reaction path (41a). In other words, when the two reactants of eqns. (47) and (41) approach each other, reaction (41) is expected to prevail because it can take place over larger separation distances. This simple orbital overlap argument also suggests that reactions (41a) and (41b), which are exactly identical from a thermodynamic viewpoint and also exhibit the same nuclear intrinsic barrier, may nevertheless occur with different rates. Unfortunately, there is no simple way to “label” the reactants and products of the comproportionation reaction and to obtain experimental data relevant to this subtle mechanistic alternative. Another interesting chemiluminescent reaction dealing with the Marcus inverted region has been reported recently [175]. (viii) Ru(bpy)i + as a light absorption sensitizer As mentioned in Section A (v), there are potential photochemical reactions which do not occur because the reactants are not able to absorb light. Such reactions can be photosensitized by suitable chemical species that have been called LAS (light absorption sensitizers) [38]. In the same section we have also seen that a molecule must satisfy a number of kinetic, thermodynamic, spectroscopic and excited state requirements to play the role of LAS. It may also be seen from the above discussion (see also Fig. 23), that satisfies to a noticeable degree most of such requirements and is Ru(bpy):+ therefore widely used as a light absorption sensitizer [8,13,14,31,38,41,54,191]. Among the great variety of “potential” photochemical reactions that can be sensitized by Ru(bpy) ’ , an interesting example is that of the reduction of methylviologen (l,l’-dimethyl-4,4’-bipyridinium dication, MV2+) by triphenylamine (NPh,) [192]: z MV*’ + NPh,--j,L> MV+ + NPH: AG = + 1.45 eV (49) This process is strongly endergonic as a dark reaction but it could be driven by visible light (i.e., by photons having an energy content higher than 1.45 ev). However, neither MV2+ nor NPh, are able to abSorb visible light, so that such a “potential” photochemical reaction cannot take place by direct irradiation: MV2+ + NPh, + hv-,‘/-• MV+ + NPh; AG -C 0 (50) When Ru(bpy) 5’ is present in the solution, it can be excited by visible light and its excited state is able to reduce MV*+ to MV+: Ru(bpy);+ *Ru(bpy);+ + hv -+ * Ru(bpy):+ + MV*’ --, Ru(bpy);+ (51) + MV+ (52) 118 h3 Fig. 25. An example of the use of Ru(bpy)$+ energy is converted into chemical energy [192]. Using high concentrations of NPh,, Ru(bpy);+ + NPh, + Ru(bpy);+ as light absorption sensitizer (LAS): light the reaction + NPh; (53) prevails over the back electron transfer reaction of Ru(bpy)z+ with MV+ and the net result of the experiment is the occurrence of the potential photochemical reaction represented by eqn. 50, driven by the light absorbed bY RWPY) ; + (Fig. 25) [192,193]. Much more important for practical applications is the splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen by visible light 1/2H,O+hvj/+1/2H,+1/40, AG= +1.23eV (54) This reaction, which in the dark is endergonic by 1.23 eV, could be driven by visible photons which, however, are not absorbed by water. In principle, Ru(bpy) ; + can play the role of LAS even in this case. At pH 7, the energetics of the relevant steps are as follows: * Ru(bpy)t+ WbPYX + H+ + Ru(bpy)z+ + + l/2 + l/2 H, AG = - 0.44 eV (55) AG= (56) H,O ---*Ru(bpy);+ + l/4 O2 + H+ -0.45 eV In practice, however, reaction 55 is too slow to compete with the excited state decay. The great number of studies on the problem of the photoinduced water splitting reactions have been reviewed recently by several authors fl3-15,42-45,194-1981 and will not be discussed any further here. The conversion of light energy into electrical energy (via intermediate conversion to chemical energy) is also possible using Ru(bpy)s+ as LAS. Consider, for example, a cell consisting of two identical compartments separated by a sintered glass disk and containing a Pt electrode and an 119 ‘-pv)$ %idbpy) ‘3’ 7 h3 Fig. 26. An example of the use of Ru(bpy)z+ energy (photogalvanic effect) [199]. as LAS: light energy is converted into electrical aqueous solution of Ru(bpy) s’ and Fe3+ [199]. If one compartment is illuminated and the other is kept in the dark, an electrical potential is generated which depends on the incident light intensity (photogalvanic effect [200]). This potential is due to the difference in the composition of the solutions in the dark and illuminated compartments caused by the following reactions (Fig. 26): Ru(bpy):+ * Ru(bpy)$+ wbPY)z+ + hv + * Ru(bpy);+ + Fe3+ -+ Ru(bpy)z+ (51) + Fe’+ (57) can alsobe used to convert light into electrical energy and, at the same time, to carry on a net redox process. For example, photocurrents can be obtained from a cell where the net reaction involves the photochemical oxidation of water by Co(C,O,)~-. The reaction mechanism is as follows [201] (Fig. 27): Cathodic compartment Ru(bpy);+ * wbPY):+ Ru(bpy)i+ Anodic OH- + hv - * Ru(bpy):+ + Co(C,O,);+ e- - ---* Ru(bpy);+ (51) + Co2+ + 3C,O,2- Ru(bpy)z+ (58) (59) compartment - e- - (ix) Ru(bpyl,2 l/2 H,O, (60) + as u light emission sensitizer As shown in Section A (v), potential chemihuninescent reactions can be transformed into effective chemiluminescent reactions by species called light 120 N- co*++ 3c 2 o*4 Ru(bpW OH- 4 Ru(bpy)$+ 3w32 $ -i- lRu(bpv)$+ 7 h$ as LAS: Fig. 27. An example of the use of Ru(bpy)z+ energy and to carry on a net redox process [201]. light is used to generate electrical emission sensitizers (LES) that have appropriate kinetic, thermodynamic, spectroscopic, and excited state properties [38]. Ru(bpy);+ possesses such properties to a noticeable degree and is extensively used as LES. A very interesting example of this type of reaction is that concerning the well known reduction of lead dioxide by oxalate ions in acid medium l/2 PbO, + l/2 C20z- + 2H+ + l/2 Pb2+ + CO2 + H,O AG - - 2 eV (61) which would be sufficiently exergonic to produce visible light. In fact, this reaction produces only heat. However, when the reaction is carried out in the presence of Ru(bpy)$+, light emission is clearly observed [181]. The most likely reaction mechanism involves first the oxidation of Ru(bpy)$+ by by C,O,’ - already discussed to PbO, and then the reduction of Ru(bpy);+ yield the luminescent *Ru(bpy)z+ excited state (Fig. 28). Ru(bpy): + + l/2 Ru(bpy);+ + C20;- Ru(bpy):+ + CO; *Ru(bpy);+ Pb02 + 2H+ --, Ru(bpy);+ + + l/2 Pb++ + H,O (62) + Ru(bpy);+ + CO, + CO; (45) * Ru(bpy);+ + CO, (46) --, Ru(bpy);+ + hv (38) In the previously discussed (Section B (vii)) electrochemiluminescent reactions involving Ru(bpy)c+ and S,Oi- , Ru(bpy)i+ and C20i-, and Ru(bpy) z’ alone, Ru(bpy) <’ actually plays the role of LES, as can be better seen from Figs. 29-31. In particular, the electrogenerated chemiluminescence process shown in Fig. 31 is to some extent the reverse of the photogalvanic effect previously seen (Fig. 26) and the processes in which chemiluminescence is generated by a combined use of chemical and electri- 121 T?ucbPv,$ Ru(b&+ hS Fig. 28. An example of the use of Ru(bpy);+ energy is converted into light energy [181]. as light emission sensitizer (LES): chemical cal energy (Figs. 29 and 30) are to some extent the reverse of the process in which light carries on a chemical reaction generating a photocurrent (Fig. 27). The most curious reaction in which Ru(bpy)z+ plays the role of LES is in the oscillating Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction. This very complicated reaction essentially consists of the oxidation of carboxylic acids by bromate ions (eqn. 63) catalyzed by one-electron redox couples such as Ru(bpy)z+/2+ : 3BrOF + 5CH,(COOH), + 3H+ R”(bpy)J3+‘2+PICO, + 3BrCH(COOH), + 2HCOOH + 5H,O (63) This reaction proceeds through periodic rate fluctuations (oscillating reaction) which also cause a fluctuation in the concentration of Ru(bpy):+. When it was recognized that Ru(bpy)i+ can be reduced by carboxylic acids thus emitting light (see, e.g., eqns. 45 and 46), it was thought [202] that because of the fluctuation of the Ru(bpy)i+ concentration and the presence of carboxylic acid an oscillating chemiluminescence emission should be Fig. 29. An example of the use of Ru(bpy)z+ as LES: electrical energy and chemical energy are converted into light energy in a reductive oxidation process [176,177]. Fig. 30. An example of the use of Ru(bpy)$+ as LES: electrical energy and chemical energy are converted into light energy in an oxidative reduction process [181,182]. h3 Fig. 31. An example of the use of Ru(bpy)3 *+ as LES: electrical energy is converted into light energy [ 591. t, min Fig. 32. Oscillating Belousov-Zhabotinskii chemiluminescence observed reaction [202] (see text). using Ru(bpy):+ as LES in the 123 lRu(bpy) ,‘+ Ru(bpv)$+ H2O f Ru(bpy) ; F - centre V - csntre h3 Fig. 33. An example of the use of Ru(bpy)$+ as LES: chemical energy stored into y-irradiated solids is converted into light (sensitized lyoluminescence) [203]. produced by the Belousov-Zhabotinskii reaction. This expectation was fulfilled as shown in Fig. 32 which reports the time dependence of the chemiluminescent signal generated by the reaction. This chemical system can be considered as an artificial firefly, Finally, it has been recently shown [203] that dissolution of y-irradiated NaCl in aqueous solutions containing Ru(bpy)i+ causes generation of the characteristic * Ru(bpy)z+ luminescence. The reaction mechanism of this process, where Ru(bpy) z’ mediates the conversion into light of the chemical energy stored into y-irradiated solids (sensitized lyoluminescence), involves a complicated sequence of redox reactions initiated by the dissolution in water of the I;r and V-centres of the irradiated NaCl crystals. First Ru(bpy)G+ is reduced to Ru(bpy)T or oxidized to Ru(bpy) i’. Then, oxidation of Ru(bpy)l (eqn. 36) or reduction of Ru(bpy)i+ (eqn. 37) or the comproportionation reaction (eqn. 41) can yield * Ru(bpy)z+ . This unusual process where is again involved as LES is schematically shown in Fig. 33. Ru(bpy) : + C. TUNING FAMILY OF EXCITED STATE PROPERTIES IN THE Ru(II)-POLYPYRIDINE The Ru(II)-polypyridine complexes find their most extensive and interesting applications as (i) photoluminescent compounds (see, e.g., refs. 124 204-206), (“) n excited state reactants in electron and energy transfer processes (Section B (vi)), and (iii) excited state products in electron transfer chemiluminescence and electrochemiluminescence processes (Section B (vii)). In this section we will deal with the possibility of changing gradually (i.e., “to tune”) the excited state properties that are relevant to the above processes. This tuning can be performed by judicious choice and combination of the ligands. In this report more than 200 bidentate polypyridine-type ligands (LL) are contained. In principle, from a group of 200 bidentate ligands, 200 homoleptic complexes Ru(LL)z+ , 39,800 bis-heteroleptic complexes Ru(LL),_,(LL’)i+, and 1,313,400 tris-heteroleptic complexes Ru(LL)(LL’)(LL”)~+ could be prepared. The synthetic accessibility of the first (homoleptic) and the second (bis-heteroleptic), and in some cases even of the third group [207] is another feature of Ru(I1) chemistry, which makes extensive studies in chemically related series possible. (i) Orbital nature of the lowest excited state As we have seen in Section A (ii), for transition metal complexes only the lowest excited state (or the lowest manifold of thermally equilibrated excited states) has a chance to emit luminescence and/or to live long enough to participate in bimolecular processes in fluid solution. In d6 transition metal complexes the MC excited states are strongly distorted compared with the ground state geometry; this causes fast radiationless deactivation which prevents luminescence from occurring and precludes the participation of the excited state in bimolecular processes. LMCT excited states behave in the same way. By contrast, LC and MLCT excited states, being relatively undistorted, undergo slow radiationless decay processes so that they can give rise to luminescence and can be involved in bimolecular reactions. It follows that the ability to determine the orbital nature of the lowest excited state is a key step toward the design of useful compounds. The orbital nature of the lowest excited state can be revealed by examination of the luminescence behavior [48,58,208]. Luminescence arising from a 3MC excited state appears as a gaussian-shaped emission band that is devoid of structure and considerably red-shifted compared with the lowest energy absorption bands. The excited state lifetime is relatively long in rigid matrix at 77 K but decreases rapidly with increasing temperature as does the luminescence intensity, so that 3MC emission usually cannot be observed in fluid solution at room temperature. The radiative lifetime is of the order of 10-3-10-5 s, indicating that the triplet character is attenuated by spin-orbit coupling, as expected for compounds containing a (heavy) metal ion. Luminescence from 3LMCT excited states is rare [209] and not well characterized. It can be expected, however, that 3LMCT emission for d6 125 transition metal complexes gives rise to a broad unstructured band exhibiting a large Stokes shift because of the large distortion caused by the presence of an electron in the a& orbitals [2]. Luminescence from a 3MLCT excited state is generally highly structured at low temperature, with a prominent vibrational progression [48,58,112114,208,210-2141. The lifetime at 77 K is in the l-10 ps range and the radiative lifetime is only - 10 times longer, indicating that the triplet character of MLCT excited states is also strongly attenuated by the metal ion. On increasing temperature, the luminescence intensity and lifetime decrease more or less slowly. Generally, 3MLCT emission is easily observable in fluid solution at room temperature, with lifetimes of the order of 10-1000 ns. Luminescence originating from a 3LC excited state is usually structured at low temperature as is the luminescence originating from 3MLCT states. Usually it is possible to distinguish the two types of emissions on energy and lifetime grounds [48,58,112,115,117,118,214,215]. 3LC emission occurs quite close to (usually, - 1000 cm-’ red-shifted from) the emission of the free ligand, whereas 3MLCT emission can occur, of course, at much lower energies. Furthermore, the 3LC emission is less influenced by the (heavy) metal ion, so that it maintains its spin-forbidden character to a larger degree than the 3MLCT emission. Thus, the radiative lifetime of 3LC emission is usually > 10e4 s. This relatively slow radiative decay can compete with the slow radiationless decay at low temperature in rigid media, as shown by the appearance of 3LC emission bands in rigid matrix at 77 K. In fluid solution at room temperature, however, 3LC emission can seldom be observed because of the occurrence of faster (thermally activated) t&molecular decay processes and/ or bimolecular quenching processes. It has been known for a long time [48,49,58] that in a series of complexes of the same metal ion one can determine the orbital nature of the lowest excited state by a suitable choice of ligands. The energy of the MC excited states depends on the ligand field strength, which in its turn depends on the a-donor and Ir-acceptor properties of the ligands, the steric crowding around the metal (that can preclude a sufficiently close approach between metal and ligand) [40], and the bite angle of the polydentate ligands (which in some cases cannot be optimized because of molecular constraints (see, e.g., ref. 216)). The energy of the MLCT excited states depends on the reduction potential of the ligand involved in the MLCT transition, the oxidation potential of the metal in the complex (which is affected by the ‘electron donor and acceptor properties of all the ligands), and by the charge separation caused by the transition. The energy of the LC excited states depends on intrinsic properties of the ligands, such as the HOMO-LUMO energy gap and the singlet-triplet splitting. 126 The luminescence of Ru(bpy) :’ is a typical 3MLCT emission 1481: (i) it than the phosphorescence occurs at much lower energy ( vmax= 17 200 cm-‘) of free bpy ( vmax= 23 100 cm-l); (ii) the luminescence spectrum is structured at low temperature; (iii) the radiative lifetime is - 13 ps. Most of the known Ru(II)-polypyridine complexes (Table 1) exhibit a luminescent behavior quite similar to that of Ru(bpy) g’ , indicating that the lowest excited state is a 3MLCT state. By an appropriate choice of the ligands, however, it has been possible to change the orbital nature of the lowest excited state. 3MC emission can be obtained decreasing the ligand field strength, e.g. replacing one or two polypyridine ligands by Cl- ions [217]. It should be noted, however, that the m-donor ability of the Cl- ligand also lowers the energy of the MLCT excited states by increasing the negative charge on the metal. Thus, when the Ru(LL) z’ compound has a 3MLCT excited state at very low energy (as is the case for LL = biq or DMCH), substitution of LL by 2Cl- does not cause an inversion on the excited state energy ordering_ A case in which a clean 3MC emission can be observed is Ru(i-biq),Cl, [217]. 3LC emission can be obtained using polypyridine ligands which satisfy the following requirements: (i) presence of a relatively low-lying 3LC level; (ii) sufficiently high ligand field strength to keep 3MC at high energy; (iii) sufficiently negative reduction potential to keep 3MLCT at high energy. The i-biq ligand apparently satisfies these requirements [2X5]. A clear example of tuning of the excited state orbital nature is shown in Fig. 34. For Ru(i-biq)i+ , emission is clearly 3LC in nature, as shown by: (i) the shape of the luminescence spectrum, which is identical to that of the free i-biq ligand; (ii) the energy of the emission maximum, which is less than 1000 cm-l red shifted compared with that of the free ligand; (iii) the relatively long emission lifetime at 77 K (96 ps). When an i-biq ligand is replaced by bpy, which has a higher 3LC, a similar ligand field strength, and is easier to I’.“‘.““‘. l”” Fig. 34. Emission spectra of Ru(i-biq)z+ [217]. (a), Ru(i-biq)2(bpy)2+ (b), and Ru(i-biq)2C12 (c) 127 reduce, the emission (Fig. 34) moves to the red, exhibits a different structure and a shorter lifetime at 77 K (5 ps), maintaining a high intensity in fluid solution at room temperature, as expected for a 3MLCT (specifically, Ru - bpy) emitting level 11281. When an i-biq ligand is replaced by two Clligands, the emission moves further to the red, becomes broad, unstructured, shorter lived (2.2 ps), and can no longer be observed at room temperature as expected for a 3MC emission [217]. Interestingly, a tuning between 3LC and 3MLCT can also be obtained by changing the acidity of the solution [218,219]. This happens for the Ru(LL),(CN), complexes (LL = bpy,phen,i-biq) [218-2201 where the CNligands can be protonated at their nitrogen end. The unprotonated forms of the complexes exhibit the usual 3MLCT emission. Protonation withdraws negative charge from the metal, thus moving the MLCT (Ru - LL) levels to higher energy, leaving the LC levels unaffected. For the diprotonated species, the emission clearly exhibits 3LC character as shown, for example, by the extremely long lifetime (8800 ps) of Ru(i-biq) *(CNH) i+ in H2S04 at 77 K [220]. Another interesting case of tuning of the orbital nature of the lowest excited state by changing the pH of the solution occurs in the complexes of 2,2’-dipyridylamine (HDPA) and its deprotonated form (DPA-) [209]. For the complexes of the deprotonated ligand the lowest excited state appears to be, quite unusually, a 3LMCT level. As mentioned above (see also Table l), in the great majority of Ru(II)-polypyridine complexes the lowest (luminescent) excited state is a 3MLCT level (or a cluster of 3MLCT levels). For a systematic use of these complexes in luminescence and chemiluminescence experiments and in energy transfer processes it is important to have a series of complexes covering a broad range of excited state energies. This can be doie by (i) changing the type of ligand involved in the formation of the MLCT excited state, (ii) controlling the amount of negative charge on the metal by changing the nature of the ligands, and (iii) changing the solvent interaction. The parameters to be taken into consideration are the reduction potential of the free ligand, the u-donor ability of the ligand (which is related to the pK, of the free ligand), m-donor and acceptor properties of the ligand, the charge separation in the excited state (since the coulombic interaction between the hole on the metal and the electron on the ligand decreases with increasing separation distance), and solvent parameters which govern the complexsolvent interaction (dielectric constant, donor and acceptor numbers, etc.). 128 Big changes in the excited state energy can be obtained on changing the ligand involved in the MLCT (e.g., compare Ru(bpy);+ with Ru(bpy) Z(biq) 2+ (Table 1)), while substitution on the ligand aromatic rings offers the opportunity to carry on a fine tuning (e.g., Ru(bpy):+ vs. Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy)$+). Considerable changes in the excited state energy can also be obtained upon substitution of the ligand not involved in the MLCT transition (e.g., Ru (bpy)(i-biq) z+ vs. Ru(i-big) #X2), and on changing the solvent when a mixed ligand complex undergoes a strong solvent interaction (e.g., Ru(bpy),(CN), [221] and Ru(bpy)(CN) i- [222]). For complexes containing only one type of ligand (e.g., Ru(bpy):+) the solvent effect is very small 198, 2231. (iii) Excited state redox properties As we have seen in Section A (ii) the excited state redox potentials are given, to a first approximation, by eqns. 8 and 9 and thus they can be tuned by changing the ground state redox potentials and/or the excited state energy. It should also be noted that, with a few exceptions, the redox and spectroscopic orbitals are the same for each Ru(II)-polypyridine complex [65], so that ground state redox potentials and excited state energy are quantities related to one another (see Section D (ii)). Since reduction usually takes place on a ligand, the ground state reduction potential will be roughly related to the reduction potential of the free ligand (compare, e.g., the first reduction potentials of Ru(bpy)g+ and Ru(biq)$+ , Table 3, with those of the free ligands: EO(bpy/bpy-) = - 2.22 V; E’(biq/biq-) = - 1.75 V). However, the ability of a coordinated ligand to accept an electron also depends on the amount of charge transferred to the metal or received from the metal via the cr and TTT bonding by the other ligands. It should also be recalled that the changes in the reduction potential of the ground state do not cause an equal change in the reduction potential of the excited state because the energy of the 3MLCT level decreases as the ligand becomes easier to be reduced. Oxidation of Ru(II)-polypyridine complexes usually consists in the removal of an electron from a mM(d) metal orbital. The oxidation potential, however, is affected by the nature of the ligands because the amount of electric charge localized on the metal (and thus, the tendency to lose an electron) is governed by the u and w properties of the ligands. For ligands of the same series, the presence of electron withdrawing groups increases the oxidation potential while the opposite occurs, of course, for electron donating substituents. Linear correlations between the reduction potential of the complexes and the Hammet u constants of the free ligands have been obtained for 4,4’- and 5,5’-disubstituted bpy 12241. A change in the oxidation potential of the ground state causes a change in the excited state 129 oxidation potential. The relationship between spectroscopic and redox quantities will be discussed in more detail in Section D (ii). In conclusion, the factors which govern the excited state redox potentials are known and can be manipulated by changing the structure of the ligands. Hundreds of Ru(II)-polypyridine complexes having variable redox potentials in the excited state (and, of course, in the ground state) are now available (Table 3). This is particularly useful for systematic studies where homogeneous series of powerful oxidants or reductants are needed (Section A (iii)). D. OTHER SELECTED (i) Emission TOPICS lifetime and its temperature dependence As we have seen in Section A (ii), the decay of an excited state takes place by competitive radiative and non-radiative processes. This can be expressed by the following equation l/7 = k’ + k”’ (64) where r is the excited state lifetime and k’ and k”’ are the radiative and non-radiative rate constants. The temperature dependence of the emission lifetime of several Ru(II)-polypyridine complexes in the temperature range 1.8-77 K in polymethylmethacrylate matrices has been carefully investigated [107-111.,123]. The luminescence was found to originate from a cluster of three closely lying levels (AE lo-100 cm-‘) which are in Boltzmann equilibrium, each having its own radiative and non-radiative temperature independent rate constant. In this review, we are more interested to examine the temperature dependence of the luminescence lifetime for temperatures from 77 K to room temperature. For this purpose, the two levels separated by 10 cm-’ can be dealt with as a single level and their radiative and non-radiative rate constants account for most of the temperature independent lifetime at 77 K. While the rate of the radiative transition is essentially governed by spin and symmetry factors [48], the radiationless rate constant generally increases with decreasing excited state energy, as expected on the basis of the energy gap law [142]. As the temperature increases, the luminescence lifetime is found to decrease with a behavior which is different from complex to complex. Significant examples are shown in Figs. 20 and 35. To account for such-behavior, l/r can be expressed as a sum of a temperature independent and several temperature dependent terms: l/r = k, + Ck_Y(T) (65) 130 Ln ’ z- 16 - 15- 14- 12(C) (b) 13- l2 12(b) I I I 2 6 1000/T, 1 10 1 K-’ Fig. 35. Temperature dependence of the emission lifetime of Ru(biq);+ (a), Ru(bpy) 2(CN) 2 (b), and Ru(taphen)$+ (c). Curves (b) and (c) are shifted along the ordinate axis as indicated. The temperature dependent terms can be associated, in a schematic way, either to (a) an activated surface crossing to another excited state, described by the Arrhenius equation ki”’ = Aie-AE/RT (66) or (b) to the coming into play of vibrational modes that can favour the radiationless decay and that are prevented at low temperature because of the frozen molecular environment; this second type of thermally activated process can be dealt with by the following equation Bi k”= 1 + exp[ Ci(l/r - l/TB,)] (67) which describes stepwise behavior centered at a certain temperature T’;_ In eqn. (67), Ci is temperature-related to the smoothness of the step and Bi is the value attained by ki at T Z+ T’,,. A way in which eqn. (67) can be derived from arguments based on dielectric relaxation processes has been reported [137j. This equation is particularly useful for describing the behavior of a system in the glass-fluid transition region of a solvent matrix. The l/r vs. l/T plots (Figs. 20 and 35) can usualIy be fitted by using eqn. 65, with an appropriate number of terms given by eqns. (66) and (67). For Ru(biq) z’ (Fig. 39, only on e term of the type of eqn. (66) and one term 131 of the type of eqn. (67) are necessary to account for the behavior observed [ 1281. For Ru(bpy); + (Fig. 20), two eqn. (66) terms and one eqn. (67) term are needed [131]. For Ru(bpy),(CN), (Fig. 35), two eqn. (66) and two eqn. (67) terms are required [137]. For Ru(taphen)s+ (Fig. 35), the behavior is extremely complicated and cannot be fitted with a reasonably simple mathematical equation [136]. When a narrow temperature range concerning fluid solutions is examined, eqn. (67) terms, of course, are not required. There is general agreement [95,119,121,124,129,137,210,225] in the literature that the Arrhenius type term k, = A, e--hEJRT (68) which accounts for the temperature dependence of the luminescence lifetime at high temperature (T > 250 K) is related to an activated surface crossing from the 3MLCT manifold to a 3MC level (eqn. 69) which undergoes photochemical and/ or photophysical deactivation (eqn. 70) 3 k A3 MLc%Y+ (69) Mc 3,,%ground state and/or photoproducts (70) Note that k, represents the sum of all the rate constants of the processes that deactivate 3MC, with the exception of the back surface crossing to 3MLCT. The experimental deactivation rate constant that comes into play at high temperature (eqn. 68) can be expressed as follows on the basis of eqns. (69) and (70): k, = k,[kJ(k, + &)I (71) Eqn. (71) can give rise to two limiting cases (Fig. 36). (i) When k, S- k,, the decay of 3MC is rapid and eqn. (71) becomes k, = k, (72) It follows that A, exp( -AE,/RT) = A, exp( -AEJRT) (73) In this limit, the A, and AE, parameters obtained from the fitting correspond to the pre-exponential factor and activation energy for the 3MLCT - 3 MC surface crossing (Fig. 36(a)). It follows that for complexes whose 3MC_ excited state undergoes a very fast decay, the only way to maintain a long excited state Lifetime in fluid solution at room temperature is to have a large activation energy for the 3MLCT --* 3 MC surface crossing. The energy barrier for this surface crossing is presumably related to the energy gap between the zero-zero energies of the two states. Thus, in principle, this 132 (a) M-L M-L M-L Fig. 36. Schematic representation of the situation of the potential energy surfaces for the three limiting cases described in the text [137]. activation energy can be tuned by tuning the energy of the 3MLCT and 3MC excited states as described in Section C (ii). (ii) When k, S-F=k,, the decay of 3MC is slow compared to the back surface crossing to 3MLCT. In such a case, the two states are in equilibrium and eqn. (71) becomes (74) k = k/k&c exp(AS/R), where AE and AS are the Since kJk, = K= exp( -AE/RT) internal energy and entropy differences between 3MLCT and 3MC, it follows that A, exp( - AEJRT) = k, exp[ - AE/RT] exp[ AS/R] (75) 133 Neglecting the entropic difference between the two states, which is expected to be small, eqn. (75) can be re-written as A, exp[ -AEJRT] = k, exp[ -AE/RT] (76) The meaning of the experimental quantities A, and AE, depends on the nature of the processes that contribute to k,. The following limiting cases are of interest. (ii-a) When the major contribution to k, comes from a chemical reaction or a deactivation process that can be described by an Arrhenius-type equation, eqn. (76) can be written as A, exp[ -AE,/RT] = A, exp[ - (AE, + AE)/RT] (77) In such a case, the A, and AE, parameters obtained from the fitting of the l/r vs. l/T plot correspond to the pre-exponential factor of the decay process of 3MC and to the sum of the 3MC-3MLCT energy gap and the activation energy of the decay process of 3MC (Fig. 36(b)). (ii-b) When the main contribution to k, comes from a non-activated process kb, from eqn. (76) it follows that the pre-exponential parameter A, corresponds to the rate of the non-activated 3MC decay, kb, and the activation energy AE, corresponds to the 3MC- 3MLCT energy gap, A E (Fig. 36(c))_ Thus, even in cases (ii-a) and (ii-b) the lifetime at room temperature can be tuned by an appropriate tuning of the energies of the 3MLCT and 3MC levels via the choice of suitable ligands (Section C (ii)). The meaning of A, and AE, in the three limiting cases described above is as follows (see also Fig. 36). In principle it can be expected that A, and A, are high frequency (1013-1014 s-i ) vibrations whose activation leads to the surface crossing region (Fig. 36(a) and (b)). By contrast, k: can be much smaller because it represents the rate constant of radiationless transition having a poor Franck-Condon factor (Fig. 36(c)). Ru(bpy)g+ (A, 1013-1014 s-l AE - 4000 cm-‘) [128,129] is thought to belong to case (i) however, on the basis of the values of A, and AE= it is [124,129,210,225]. not possible to distinguish between case (i) and case (ii-a). Several other Ru(I1) polypyridine complexes [131,133,135,210,225], exhibit comparable A, and AE, values and are also considered to belong to the same (i) limit. The A, and AE, values for Ru(bpy),(CN),, however, are quite different (A, - 3 x lOlo s-l, AE, = 2400 cm-‘) [137]. In particular, the value for A, is too low to correspond to the frequency factor of a surface crossing process. This suggests that Ru(bpy),(CN), represents a limiting case (ii-b). (ii) Correlations between spectroscopy and electrochemistry The ruthenium polypyridine complexes are well suited for the study of correlations between electrochemical and spectroscopic properties [226-2401 134 E&l 1 E,/2(2) %/z(3) t Fig. 37. Schematic diagram showing pictorially the three reduction processes relevant to a discus&on of the correlation between spectroscopic and electrochemical properties in a Ru( LL’ ) unit. because a large number of such complexes can be reduced and oxidized in reversible one-electron steps (Table 3) and a wealth of information is available on absorption and emission spectra (Table 1). Relations of this type have been studied in both homoleptic and heteroleptic Ru(II)-polypyridine complexes. In the latter a very simple assignment of the absorption bands and of the reduction waves is often possible. When two polypyridine ligands which are sufficiently different in their redox behavior, such as biq and bpy, are present, generally dual MLCT absorption is observed, and the successive reduction waves can be assigned to a “localized” reduction in a single ligand (see, e.g., ref. 239). For Ru(LL)*(LL’)~+ complexes, where LL’ is the ligand easier to reduce, the relevant reduction potentials to establish the correlation between spectroscopy and electrochemistry are E1,2 (I), E42), and Eli2(3) [2331, which correspond to the following processes (Fig. 37) (W2W’)l 3+ + e- -+ [Ru2+(LL),(LL’)12* (78) G/2 (1) b3+ E1,2(2) [Ru2+(LL),(LL’)12+ + e- ---, [Ru~+(LL)~(LL’-)]~+ (79) E1,2(3) [Ru~+(LL)~(LL’)]~+ + e- -+ [Ru~+(LL)z(LL’-)]~+ (80) The values for E1,2(1) and E1,2(2) can usually be obtained, whereas E1,2( 3), which corresponds to reduction of LL’ in the Ru3+ field, is a quantity not directly measurable (for Ru(bpy)z+ , it is estimated to be - 0.8 V vs. SCE in acetonitrile [2333). If the lowest lying triplet excited state is formed by a single configuration d + 7r* (LL’) transition occurring between 135 > iu^ -1.5 ’ q W’ l i = 1.16 = 0.66 l i -0.5 1 I -1 -2 E,/2 (LL’), v Fig. 38. Correlation between the first reduction potential E,,,(2) of some selected Ru(LL’):+ or Ru(LL),(LL’)~+ complexes and the reduction potential Q2(LL’) of the free LL’ ligand. Ru(i-biq)$+ (a); Ru(i-biq),(bpy)2+ (b); Ru(phen)$+ (c); R~(bpy)~(4,4’-dph_bpy)~+ (d); R@PY) ~(bpym)~+ (e); Ru(bpy)2(~@2+ (0; Ru(b~y)~Wp)~+ (0; and Ru(bpy),(taphen)‘+ only the open circle data [240]. R~@PY) 2(bi@2+ (g); Ru(bpy) 2(b~z)2+ (h); 0). Th e regression has been performed using the same orbitals that are involved in the electrochemical processes and the entropy difference between ground and excited state is negligible, the O-O triplet excited state energy is given by h%I(T) = e[ Et,,(L) - E,,,(3)] + XI(81) where X, is the triplet charge transfer interaction energy. The structure of LL’ largely determines the electrochemical and spectroscopic properties of Ru-polypyridine complexes. Figure 38, for example, reports the first reduction potential, E1,2(2), of some Ru(LL’)g+ or Ru(LL)~(LL’)~+ complexes compared with that of the free hgand, E1,2(LL’) [240]. The good correlation (with the exception of two complexes, vide infra) indicates that the reduction of the complexes involves a “spatially isolated” v *(LL’) ligand orbital (Section D (iii)) which largely resembles the free ligand orbital. Furthermore, u-donor and ?r*-acceptor properties of the ligands are expected to affect the oxidation process (removal of an electron from a metal d orbital). Stronger a-donor ability (higher pK,) results in lower formal charge of Ru2* and consequently in a lower oxidation potential of the complex [224,230,232,234,241]. On the other hand, A-72 * interaction causes a certain amount of d-orbital stabilization (and m* orbital destabilization) which may lead to a higher oxidation potential. Substituent effects on the oxidation potential of Ru(bpy)$+ derivatives have been systematically investigated [224]. E1,2(3) is related to E1,2(2) by the following equation: Er12 (3) = G/2 (2) + (a’ - 0 032) 136 where a! and S ’ are potential terms which take into account the energy changes due to changes in charge repulsion (a) and solvation (S) on passing from Ru3+ to Ru2+ fields. Substitution of eqn. (82) into eqn. (81) yields hv,(T) = A&,, - (ar - S) + X, (83) where A EI,z is the so called “redox energy”, given by A&,2 = e [ El,2 (1) - El,2 m] (84) The term (cy - S) is estimated to be 0.5 eV in Ru(bpy)G+ Equation (83) gives rise to eqn. (85) /W&~(T) = AE,,, -((Y-.SS)+X~-A(~Y)~ [233]. (85) where A( hv), takes into account the distortion energy for the triplet state. As can be seen, the linearity between hz~&““,and A E1,2 depends on the constancy of ((x - S), Xr and A( hv), along a Ru-polypyridine series. For the lowest excited singlet state hv,(S) -/W,(T) = 2K+ X, - X, (86) where K is the exchange energy and Xs is the singlet interaction energy. Equation (87) then follows, where A( hv), takes into account the distortion energy for the singlet state: &n,abs-- AE,,, - (a - S) + 2K-k X, - XT + A(hv)s (87) Typical values for Ru(bpy) 3_ n(LL) i’ complexes are: A( hv), = A( hv) r = 0.1 eV; K = 0.1 eV; X, = 0.3 eV [233]. A different approach [236,237,242], based on the use of a free energy diagram relating optical (absorption) energies and electrochemical quantities, leads to eqn. (88) : hv,“b = AE,/, + Q + AAGs + A(so~) + Xi + X0 (88) where xi and x0 are the inner (vibrational) and outer (solvation) reorganization energies in going from the ground to the excited state related to A( hv) s, Q is the energy required for the gas phase process M(LL)3+ + M(LL)+ j M(LL)2+ + * M(LL)2+, AAG, includes the free energy changes due to the different solvation of the ground state compared to its oxidized and reduced forms, and A(so1) includes the solvation free energy of the ground and excited state species. Equation (88) has been used to obtain values of x0 for Ru --, LL and Ru - LL’ transitions in the Ru(bpy) 2(LL’)2+ and Ru(bpy)(LL’)s+ series [236]. Equations (87) and (88) and eqn. (85) can be written as eqns. (89) and 137 li slope - 1.09 = 0.83 = 0.98 D ’ I I 2.4 2.8 AE,/, , , ev Fig. 39. Correlation between absorption (a) and emission (b) energies and redox energy AE,,, for the same complexes of Fig. 38 [240]. (90) for the absorption and emission maxima, respectively, with a = b = 1 and A z B. hv,,,=a (89) AE,,,+A h%nl = b AE,,, + B (90) Figure 39 shows the correlations between optical energies and AE,,, for some representative Ru-polypyridine complexes [240]. The coefficients are: a = 1.09, A = - 0.05 eV; b = 0.83, B = -0.18 eV. Generally, b is found to be significantly lower than unity [232,238], which may be taken as an indication that the d - T * single configuration description is an approximation not fully valid for the case of emission. As discussed above, the correlation between spectroscopy and electrochemistry lies on the assumption that the “spatially isolated” ‘1~* acceptor orbital is the same both for the reduction process and the CT transition resulting in the ligand localized excited state. Furthermore, correlations can also be expected between the reduction potentials of the coordinated and free ligand, because the same m* lowest unoccupied molecular orbital 138 I -11 LllMO energy, eV Fig. 40. Correlations of the reduction potential of the free l&and (a) and of the correspondent ruthenium complex (b) with the LUMO energy of the free ligand [240]. For identification of complexes, see caption of Fig. 38. (LUMO) is involved. Extended Huckel (EH) MO calculations on a series of unsubstituted ligands have been performed 12401 with the aim of studying the effect of increasing conjugation on the spectroscopic and electrochemical properties. Figure 40(a) shows that E,,,(LL’) is correlated, as expected, with the calculated ligand LWMO energy. As seen above, the plot of E,,,(2) vs. E,,,(LL’) also results in a linear relation (Fig. 38) except for complexes containing the ligands taphen [136] and DP [243]. Similarly, the plot of (Fig. 40(b)) exhibits deviations for complexes containing E1,2(2) vs- %“MO taphen and DP. Explanation for these deviations have recently been discussed [240]. (iii) Localization and deloca Zization problems The problem of the localization or delocalization of the excitation is concerned with the description of the excited state * Ru(LL)i+ as [Ru~+(LL)~(LL+)]*+ or as [Ru~+(LL-~/~)~~*~. The former case corresponds to a situation in which the promoted electron resides for a certain amount of time on a single ligand (Fig. 15(b)). The latter case describes a situation in which either the electron is completely shared by the three 139 Fig. 41. Energy level scheme ( D3 symmetry) in the e.i.c. model [ill] for the MLCT states responsible for the emission of Ru(LL)$ + complexes. The energy separation between the A, and E and A, and A2 states is of the order of 10 cm-’ and 50 cm-‘, respectively, in RNbpy) $ + . ligands or it undergoes hopping from ligand to ligand faster than the resolution time of the monitoring technique (Fig. 15(a)). Models concerned with the excited state structure of Ru(II)-polypyridine complexes have to take into account a very large body of literature [50,65-67,69,71-74,93,98,99,102,107-111,123,141,211,244-314]. The reference model of delocalization, as derived from studies of luminescence, is the electron-ion coupling (e.i.c.) model [107-111,123]. This model leads to a description of the lowest energy d + VT* configurations as a set of three levels. The promoted electron resides in an orbital ( a2 in OS symmetry) based on the lowest antibonding orbitals, Gcli,of each ligand and encompassing the three ligands: In this model the ligand-ligand overlap is explicitly disregarded and the exchange interaction between the excited electron and the electrons remaining in the d5 core is held responsible for the splitting among the energy levels (scheme shown in Fig. 41). Infinite separation of the promoted electron and the metal core would result in a fourfold degenerate state. The e.i.c. model was also proposed to describe mixed-ligand chelates like Ru(bpy), (phen) $?, [II l] by assuming an electronic symmetry ( OS) higher than that of the molecular structure. The localized description assumes C,, symmetry for the hypothetical Ru-LL unit [245,263] (Fig. 42). Complete localization, i.e. excitation localized on decoupled ligands throughout the lifetime of the emitting species, seems unlikely because in this case both the emission spectrum and lifetime of mixed ligand complexes should exhibit dual behavior [257,268], as found for Rh(bpy), (phen): ?, complexes [111,249], that is not actually observed for the Ru complexes [274,275,315]. A simple treatment for the charge transfer transition intensities can be based on the localized fragment of Fig. 42. Here, the interaction between the 140 @ 4. = ‘. -n;;.(b,) tzg w--. LL P _L . RU LL’ Fig. 42. Localized Ru-LL’ fragment under C 2v symmetry: (a) orbital interaction scheme; (b) Iigand antibonding and metal orbitals of bl symmetry. bF( t,,) metal orbital and the by( 9) ligand orbital leads to a bonding combination bl(fzg) mainly centered on the metal and to an antibonding combination b,( a,!~)mainly centered on the ligand (93) ~IW = w/JC/)- Wh,) (94 where c is the first order mixing coefficient. From group theoretical considerations the d ---, VT * transition for the localized fragment is polarized along the C, axis, that is in the direction of the charge transfer from the metal to the ligand, In this case, the transition moment jX is mainly due to the transfer term [245,263] F=cqS (95) where q is the electronic charge and % is the position vector of the ligand center. On these grounds, for a Ru(LL) z’ complex (D, symmetry) one should expect that transitions polarized along the individual C, axes do not provide intensity parallel to the C, axis. This is only partly consistent with the absorption spectrum of Ru(bpy)g+ observed in host single crystals at 8 K 12591 which is mainly polarized in the direction perpendicular to the C, axis but is also entangled by a weaker component polarized parallel to C,. 141 I 400 500 x ,nm 600 Fig. 43. Absorption spectra in alcoholic solution at room temperature of Ru(bpy)z+ Ru(bpy)2(biq)2+ (b), and Ru(biq);+ (c) [128]. (a), The prediction of separate charge transfer bands based on the localized model is verified for the charge transfer absorption spectra of complexes containing non-equivalent ligands. For example, in Ru(bpy),(biq)zT, and other mixed ligand complexes ([128,274], Fig. 43) two well separated MLCT bands have been observed, the lower energy one corresponding to promotion of the electron to the ligand easier to reduce. However, even a delocalized model including weak interligand coupling [263] predicts that the MLCT absorption in trischelated complexes should indeed be characterized by two distinct absorption bands. The electronic spectrum of Ru(bpy) z’ in host single crystals at 8 K has been interpreted according to D3 symmetry 12591. Two spin-allowed transitions perpendicular to the C, axis were described as involving ligand Gorbitals of + and x origin. Polarized emission of [Ru(bpy),](PF,), single- crystals was observed in the temperature range 243-343 K by exciting at 488 nm @th E IIc (C, axis) [282]. The emission was found to occur mai$y with E J_ c, but a red-shifted activated emission (E = 650 cm-‘) with E IIc was also found. In the frame of D3 symmetry the main emission was ascribed to E states while the red-shifted emission was ascribed to an A, state. Similar results were obtained extending the explored temperature to the 1.6 - 300 IS range [286]. On the basis of the temperature dependence studies of the polarized emission spectrum an energy ordering for the lowest energy excited states ( D3 symmetry) was proposed that includes up to five states in a 800 cm-l range. 142 The analogy between the singly-reduced species, which has been observed by spectra-electrochemical measurements and described as [Ru2’(bpy) 2 (bpy-)]+ (Section A (vii)) [71,72,93,289] and the excited species [ * Ru3+2f helps in modeling the excited state potential curves for the (bpy) ,(bpy- )I localized case [65,66]. One gross feature should be the presence of potential barriers for the transfer of the electron from ligand to ligand. A model based on Franck-Condon overlap between the trigonal ground state and the three equivalent asymmetric excited states has led to three minima as in the case of the reduced complex [289]. Therefore, the excited state potential energy profile could be used for the same parameters found for the singly-reduced species by temperature dependent ESR studies, i.e. the electron hopping should experience a barrier of about 700-1000 cm-’ depending on the solvent employed 167,691. Concerning the spin properties, on the basis of the high efficiency of energy transfer from the luminescent * Ru(bpy)z+ excited state to dyes with formation of excited singlet dyes it has been suggested that * Ru(bpy)$+ has a great deal of singlet character [51]. However, the singlet character of each of the three low-lying MLCT levels should not exceed 10% according to a recent electronic model [50] for the interpretation of absorption spectra of M(bpy) ; + complexes (M = Fe, Ru, OS). In an attempt to establish a symmetry labelling and energy ordering of the lowest excited states, both D, and C, symmetry sites have been examined [316]. Four states can be predicted to lie at low energy in a localized MLCT configuration for Ru and OS complexes, three of them being closely spaced ( < 200 cm-‘) and the fourth occurring several hundred to higher energy [284]. Molecular orbital calculations performed for cm-l Ru( LL) $+ complexes in the frame of trigonal symmetry and using multiple scattering Xa and EH models satisfactorily compare with the known lowtemperature single crystal absorption spectrum of Ru(bpy):+ [264]. The assignment of the MLCT transitions occurring at 21500 and 23 400 cm-’ was based on the involvement of the lowest antibonding + orbital of the ligands, since the ligand x orbital lies at much higher energy (see Section A (vi)). Interpretation of the CD spectrum of Ru(bpy)g+ as resolved into many components based on the lowest energy 4 orbital has led to the same conclusions [2621. Photoselection studies on Ru(bpy) i + and related complexes indicate that the emitting state is localized on a single ring [255,269] and temperature and dependent data suggest that both intermolecular (solvent-solute) intramolecular mechanisms are active in single ligand localization of the excitation for Ru(bpy)z+ and Ru(phen)z+ [290,314]. Other studies basically employing absorption or luminescence spectroscopy [271,272,294,295,304] have tried to elucidate the localization prob- 143 lem, also with special emphasis on viscosity dependent relaxation effects [132,293,303,305,306,310,311]. Studies based on resonance Raman spectroscopy have provided evidence for localization of the excitation both in mixed ligand complexes and in complexes containing equivalent ligands [74,102,253,299,307]. Time resolved resonance Raman (TR3) studies of Ru(bpy);+ and related complexes have given evidence for a single ligand localized excited state on the time scale of molecular vibrations. It was argued that the localized species is present in solution within a maximum of 1 ns after the excitation [102]. Similar conclusions were reached by means of resonance Raman spectroscopy of mixed ligand complexes. It was found that on the time scale of the laser pulse (18 ns) the excited electron is localized on the ligand which is easier to reduce [ 3071. Detailed structural information can be obtained by the TR3 technique. Indeed high precision determination of an average equilibrium bond length displacement (of the order of 10 to 30 thousands of an tigstrom unit) between the ground and excited states for the bpy ligand in OS and Ru complexes has been reported [211]. These results are in a very good agreement with those obtained from Franck-Condon analysis of the vibrational progression observed in absorption and emission spectra. Evidence for localization also comes from shifts in absorption spectra as a function of the solvent polarity, which have been interpreted as due to instantaneous sensing of the formation of the dipolar excited state and from excited state absorption spectra [M3+O-vyMbw-)12+ [9f% [99-1011. As can be seen, the available experimental results indicate that, in fluid solution and on the time scale of vibration relaxation, the emitting excited state of Ru(bpy)i+ and related complexes is best described as based on a single chelate ring localized orbital (Fig. 15(b)). A small amount of interligand interaction provides delocalization of the excitation on longer time scales. Upper limit value for the rate of transfer of the excitation can be estimated as follows. According to Foerster 12441 an electronic interaction, p, can be classified as very strong if the resulting transfer rate, w(t), between equivalent electronic systems (i.e., ligands) is faster than the rate of vibrational relaxation. In this case eqn. (96) holds w(t) = 4&‘h (96) As the rate constant for vibrational relaxation is about 1013 s-l, a v&e of fl slightly higher than 200 cm-l induces strong coupling behavior. In such a case, different emission spectra for complexes containing the Ru(bpy)2‘t and Ru(bpy) : + emitting units should be observed. As the same spectra have been found for the series of mixed-ligand Ru(bpy),(i-biq) z?, complexes x ,nm Fig. 44. Emission spectra in nitriie solution at 84 K of Ru(bpy)z+ and Ru(bpy)(i-biq)$+ (c) [131]. (a), Ru(bpy)2(i-biq)2+ (b), containing the spectator i-biq ligand (Fig. 44) [131], it must be concluded that w(t) c 1Ol3 s-l and that thermal equilibrium, i.e. vibrational relaxation inside the Ru(bpy) unit, is established before the transfer of excitation occurs. It is interesting to note that, in the case of strong interaction between non-equivalent electronic systems (i.e. ligands), the transfer rate is given by eqn. (97) 12471 w(t) = (4/3/h)/@ + A2/4p2)1’2 (97) where A can be taken as the energy separation between the accepting orbitals of the two ligands. When A > j3, the transfer rate of excitation is strongly reduced compared to the case of eqn. (96) for equivalent ligands. It is therefore expected that complexes of the type Ru(LL) n(LL’) z? n will exhibit a “weaker” behavior with respect to Ru(LL) $ + or Ru(LL’) <’ complexes. The nature of the electronic interaction responsible for the interligand transfer of the excitation is still not well defined. A through bond interaction requires involvement of metal d orbitals as for the e.i.c. model. A through space interaction [248] should not be disregarded when large size ligands 145 that exhibit reciprocal steric hindrance (i.e., that ‘touch’ each other) are present. Thus, it has been suggested that in complexes containing biq and DMCH ligands the interligand interaction may produce detectable effects on the emission spectra [ 128,132]. E. COLLECTION OF SPECTROSCOPIC, PHYSICAL DATA REDOX, PHOTOCHEMICAL, AND PHOTO- In this Section we have collected data on ground and excited state properties of Ru(II)-polypyridine complexes. Table 1 summarizes the spectroscopic and photophysical data, Table 2 the photochemical properties, and Table 3 the electrochemical data. Abbreviations and structural formulae of the ligands are shown in the Appendix. For the sake of convenience, all the polypyridine and polypyridine-like ligands and some other ligands have been numbered. In the Tables, the first four columns contain these numbers or abbreviations to facilitate a search based on the coordination sphere. One example of a proper use of the Tables is as follows. To find the complexes containing the 4,4’-dimethyl2,2’-bipyridine ligand, one should first look at the structural formulae in Table A2, where number 15 is assigned to this ligand. Scanning the first columns of the Tables this number is easily found. The abbreviations for solvents, electrodes, etc., are explained in Table A3. The figures given in the Tables are usually those reported in the original papers. Such data should be used with caution because, as in our experience, the experimental errors in quantum yields, lifetimes, and redox potentials are seldom smaller than 20%, 10% and 10 mV, respectively. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are deeply indebted to Mr. G. Gubellini for his skill in drawing the figures. We also thank Mr. V. Cacciari and Mr. Ph. Jolliet for technical assistance. This work was supported by the Italian National Research Council and Minister0 della Pubblica Istruzione and by the Swiss National Science Foundation. e3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CN AN AN Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN Ru(bpyXCN)2,Ru(bpyWCN):R~(~PY)J@):+ Ru@~y)z(AN)t+ Ru(bpy) 2(AN):+ Ru(bpy) 2(ANKI + Ru(bpy)z(AN)Cf+ Ru(bpy),CL, RU(~PY),(J, R~@PY),C~, RU(~PY),(W, R@PY),(W, Ru@py)2(W2 R~(~PY)~(W, R~@PY),(CN), RuO2NW2 RU(~PY),W”), R4bpy)2CW, W’TY)~@‘~, Ru(bpy),KN), WPY)~OO, RU(~PY),(W, Ru(bpyI)z(W, RU(~PY)~P’O, CN CN CN en AN AN AN AN Cl Cl Cl CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN H2O H2O Hz0 H2O HClO, 1M MeOH 90 DMF DMF DMF DMF CH2C12 MeOH/EtOH CH,Cl, MeOH/EtOH DMF MeOH/EtOH MF AN AN CHCl, H2O DMF EtOH WwWN):- CN CN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CN CN Solvent Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes Em. 653 680 683 635 675 652 813 671 602 (RT) 457 (8400) 3.5 620 d (77 R) 620 0.205 0.69 0.17 a 2.0 2.2 6.X ;77 K) 680 705 752 627 542 610 568 521 722 ;, 428 505 505 506 (8350) 431(5900) 445 (9OOfJ) 494 495 538 (9890) 553 (8910) 481 562 457 400 510 426 Abs(t) 0.205 0.22 0.21 0.26 0.254 0.250 0.36 0.40 0.54 0.456 0.22 0.34 0.025 0.101 0.064 - 0.004 (R-D r 0.020 0.072 0.0068 + (RT) 222 222 222 317 318 318 318 318 319 97,320 217 321 221 221 322 323 324 325 221 323 326 322 325 321 323 Ref. Spectroscopic and photophysical data, This Table fists the lowest energy absorption maximum (and its extinction coefficient E) at room temperature, the emission maximum, the emission lifetime, and the emission quantum yield at 77 K and at room temperature (RT). Lifetime and quantum yield values are for de-aerated solutions unless otherwise noted. Wavelengths are in nm and lifetimes in cs. Unless otherwise noted, emission occurs from 3MLCT or from an unassigned level (most likely ‘MLCT) TABLE 1 MPP MPP 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CN CN CN CN CN 1 1 1 1 1 1 ox ox NH3 dia dia “JH3 co co co co CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN dN hP EDP en en en MPP MPP CN CN CN CN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ru(bpy)z(NH&+ Wbpy) 2(ox) Wbpy)z(ox) Ru@p y):+ Wbpy):+ Wbpy): + Ubpy): + Ubpy): + Wbpy): + W’PY),(CN), Wbpy),(CN), Ru(bpy),KN), Wbpy),(CN), R@py),(CN), Ru(bpy),(CN), Wbpy),(CN), Ru(b~y),(W, Wbpy)z(CN), R@PY),(CO):+ Ru(bpy),W):+ Wpy)#W2+ R@py)2(dnW2’ Wbpy),(EDP)‘+ Wbpy)2W2+ Ru(bpy)&n)2’ Ru(bpy)2(en)2+ W’JPY),(MPP):+ ck-Wbpy) 2 (MPP):+ Ru(bpy),(MPP):+ trm-Ru@py), (MPP);+ Ww), VW, JWmMW, MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH I-decanol I-octanol I-pentanol 2-propanol AC. anh. AN MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH CH,Cl, MeOH/EtOH MeOH MeOH M&H MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH MeOH/H,O MF PMM CH,Cl, MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH 648 611 0.0124 0.0222 0.269 0.27 636 451 0.61 0.60 0.71 0.96 3.96 3.8 3.96 4.0 3.9 630 628 610 734 714 547 549 540 443 551 557 518 624 683 584 580 566 592 578 454 454 452 488 429 487 305 461 458 0.850 0.87 0.033 0.070 0.39 0.075 0.056 0.061 0.059 0.038 317 97,320 104 223 223 223 155 223 321 318 210 219 v 221 97 104 107 323 40 323 221 328 318 318 210 210 210 317 97,320 104 318 210 Ru(bpy):+ Ru@PY):+ Ru(bpy):+ Ru@py):+ R~(~PY):+ R@Y):+ R~@PY):+ Ru(bpy);+ Ru(bpy):+ Ru(bpy):+ R~(~PY):+ R~(~PY):+ R~@PY):+ RuOy-d,):+ R~@PY):+ R@PY):+ R@PY):+ R~(~PY):+ Ru(bp y);+ Ru@py):+ Ru(bpy):+ Ru(bpy): + R~(~PY):+ Ru(bpy):+ R@PY): + R~@PY):+ Ru(bpy):+ Ru(bp~):+ Ww):+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 1 (continued) H2O eglyc EPA EPA EPA EtOH EtOH EtOH EtOH EtOH glycerol 40 DMF DMF DMSO kg 2: AN AN AN AN AN BN BzOH CDSOH CH,CDOH CH,OD Solvent 5.92 3.75 0.746 601 603 588 608 580 450 450 630 611 454 452 446 449 628 619 451 453 . 0.87 0.86 0.92 609 620 609 610 451 454 454 0.926 0.945 0.900 0.79 0.90 0.74 0.68 1.2 c 0.72 0.85 0.76 1.02 0.936 1.00 0.980 1.25 0.93 0.92 0.96 1.10 0.89 ;RT) 615 611 580 Em. (RT) Em. (77 K) 452 (13000) 450 Abs (0 0.060 0.052 0.07 0.270 0.130 0.078 0.079 0.068 0.11 0.077 0.070 0.070 0.065 0.086 0.073 0.078 0.059 0.062 + (RT) .__-_-I-_.“.., 329 223 126 330 232 223 223 330 223 330 138 322 330 14.6 138 223 232 223 223 331 96 332 332 333 334 223 232 335 336 Ref. _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Wbpy): + Wbpy): + 1 1 MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH HCI 1.5M HClO, 1M MeOH MeOH MeOH MeOH McOH/EtOH MeOH/EtOH H2O H2O H20 H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O Hz0 H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O Ww):+ WJPY):+ Ru(bpy):+ WPY):’ Wbpy): + R~(~PY): + R~(~PY):+ WJPY):+ R~PY): + R~(~PY): + R@PY): + R~(~PY): + WPY): + WJPY): + R@PY): + N%PY):+ wbPY-d,):+ Wpy-dd:+ WFY): + Wbpy): + R~(~PY):+ R@PY): + R@PY): + WTY): + R~@PY): + Wbpy): + R~@PY): + WPY): + Wbpy): + Wbpy): +, Wbpy):+ H20 Ww):+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 450(14300) 453(14650) 449 452 452 452(14000) 453 450 452(14600) 582 581 578 582 5.1 5.2 5.0 5.1 5.21 5.21 5.7 0.328 0.35 0.376 0.376 0.38 630 620 609 627 607 609 628 628 608 607 1.15 0.576 0.580 0.61 0.600 0.63 0.67 0.69 0.69 0.53 0.62 0.765 0.75 0.72 0.72 0.66 0.58 0.60 0.600 0.665 0.685 0.60 0.64 0.65 0.089 0.045 0.053 0.053 0.047 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.028’ 0.055 0.042 217, 329 338 205 342 107 337 111 153 138 149 337 99 332 12 334 223 338 338 322 299 330 146 339 232 138 12 340 321 337 341 223 330 331 104 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 12 11 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 OH 1 1 1 Cl 1 1 + Ru(bpy) 2 (6-tol-bpy)‘+ Ru(bpy) z (6-sty-bpy)*+ (4-n-bpy)2+ R4w92 (4-Mv)2 R~@PY):+ RuWy):+ R~@PY):+ Ru(bpy):+ Ru(bpy)2 (-bpy)c1+ Ru(bpy), GbpyPH+ R~@PY)2 Ru(‘wy-ds):’ Ru(bpy-d,):+ Ru(bey-ds):+ R@PY): + R@PY):+ 1 1 1 WW):+ 1 1 1 Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 1 (continued) acetone MeOH/ EtOH acetone AN NaHCO, PY HCI 1M MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH Me.OH/ EtOH PC PC PC Solvent 450 (13500) 450 (13800) 493 (11100) 510 454 495 448 450 (14300) Abs (6) 655 705 680 580 3.1 6.1 Em. 618 616 625 620 622 619 630 630 (RT) 0.78 0.850 0.87 0.92 0.071 0.04 0.071 0.087 0.031 c 0.096 0.089 0.029 ’ 345 345 315 344 343 126 229 225 223 343 205 205 138 232 204 205 Ref. 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 17 16 16 15 15 15 15 15 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 1 1 13 1 1 Ubpy), (4,4’-dBr-bpy)‘+ Wbpy), (4,4’-dCLbpy) *+ R@PY), (4,4’-dCl-bpy)‘+ Wbpy), (4,4’-dm-bpy)2+ ‘Wbpy), (4,4’dm-bpy)2 + Wbpy), (4,4’-dm-bpy)2 + Wbpy) 2 (4,4’-dm-bpy)2 + RU(~PY)Z (4,4’-dm-bpy)2+ Wbpy), (3,3’-dm-bpy)2+ W~PY), (3,3’-dm-bpy)’ + W~PY), (3,3’-dm-bpy)2c W~PY), (3,3’-dm-bpy)2+ WbpY), (3,3’-dm-bpy)2+ WJPY), (3,3’-dm-bpy)2+ Wbpy), (3,3’-dm-bpy)2+ WJPY), (3,3’-dm-bpy)2+ W~PY), (3,3’-dm-bpy)‘+ MeOH/ EtOH AN &OH/ EtOH AN H2“ H2O H2O AN PY MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH H2O H2O EtOH AN AN 450 (14000) 448 (12600) 454 457 (11000) 445 (Mooo) 453 (12600) 448 (11500) 608 586 588 595 2.6 5.2 5.2 5.3 0.35 0.252 647 645 620 - 630 615 630 620 0.42 0.470 0.49 0.63 0.44 0.41 0.39 0.59 0.74 0.025 0.00030’ 0.00036 307 344 344 123 299 346 326 307 338 40, 329 338 338 338 338 338 338 329 R@PY) 2 (4,4’-dn-bpy)2+ 18 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 29 29 Ru(bpyI, (4,4’-dc-bpy)2+ Ru(bpy), (4,4’-de-bpy)‘+ Ru(bpy), (4,4’-dc-bpy)‘+ R~(~PY), (4,4’-dc-bpy)2 + 29 29 Ru(bpy), (4,4’-dc-bpy)2+ Ru(bpy)’ (4,4’-dc-bpy)2+ 29 29 R~(~PY), (4,4’-dc-bpy)2+ 29 (4,4’-dc-bpy)2+ Ru(bpy), (4,4’-dph-bpy) 2+ HCI O.lM H2O H2O H2O Hz0 H2O H2O 40 Ru(bp y)2 29 26 Ru@py), (4,4’-dph-bpy) 2+ R~(~PY), (4,4’-dph-bpy) 2+ 26 26 MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH Ru(bpy), (4,4’-dph-bpy)* + M&H/ EtOH AN AN Solvent 26 Ru(bpy), (4,4’-dn-bpy)‘+ Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 1 (continued) 460 457 (19700) 458 514 (10300) Abs(r) 593 700 (77 K) Em. 5.6 2.5 ;77 K) 0.46 b7K) 686 615 705 686 655 686 630 628 752 (RV Em. 0.26 0.29 0.50 c 0.46 0.190 csd 0.299 0.32 ’ 0.572 1.92 0.006 0.013 c 0.006 0.012 0.041= 0.197 9 (RT) 326 b 339 134 349 b 348 b 130 b 347 b 130b 205 205 123 233 40 40 Ref. .^---” .._.^^ 30 35 35 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 35 35 35 35 34 32 32 32 31 31 31 30 1 1 Wbpy) 2 (Cl2B)*+ Wbpy) 2 (Cl2B)‘+ Wbpy), (CIZB)2+ Wbpy) 2 (Cl2B)*+ MeOH H2O 90 CH,OD CD,OH AN bpy)*+ Wbpy), (c12B)*+ Wbpy), (C12B)*+ H2O CHCl, CHCI, CHCI, CHCl, Wbpy), (4.4’~DCM- Wbpy) 2 (4,4’-dst-bpy)*+ Wbpyh (4,4’-dst-bpy)2+ Wbpy), (4.4’-dst-bpy)*+ Wbpy), (4,4/&d-bpy)*+ CHCI, CHCI, bpy)*+ WJPY) 2 (4,4’-dnd-bpy)*+ Wbpy) 2 (4,4’-dnd-bpy)‘+ M&H/ EtOH AN -bpyj2 + Wbpy) 2 (4,4’-DTB- (4,4’-DTB RWw) 2 415 485 482 (18200) 482 457 458 (13200) 459 (12000) 450 (14500) 590 4.6 663 646 660 665 614 668 620 610 630 625 0.85 0.42 0.61 0.98 0.84 1.26 0.615 0.900 1.17 0.045 0.180 330 330 330 330 330 330 332 351 350 332 351 350 346 329 40, 329 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 57 57 49 48 48 45 43 38 37 Cl 1 1 37 Cl 1 1 36 1 1 iBN/AN H2O bpy)2’ Ru(bpyh (4,4’-DHC- bpy)2+ Ru(bpy), (4,4’#- Ru(bpy) 2 (4,4’-bpy)Cl + Ru(bpy) 2 @PYC~H)~+ R@PY) 2 (4,4’-bpy)Cl + 0.082 c.d 2.00 0.700 0.37 1.03 ;RT) CH,Cl,/ AN AN 490 (10800) 698 0.287 632 625 - 720 660 660 615 H2O H2O $ (77 K) 0.434 c 476 446 420 480 460 Abs (e) DMF/ DMF MeOH bpy)‘+ R@py), (4,4’-DCI- bpy)2+ R~(~PY), Rst-~PY)12+ Ru(bpy) 2 Wt-~PY)12+ H2O EtOH Hz0 CHCI, Solvent bpy)‘+ R@PY) 2 (4,4’-DCE- R~(~PY), (4,4’-DCE- Ru(bpy), (C16B)2+ (C16B)2+ Ru(bw), 1 1 36 Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 1 (continued) <lo-j -0.006c 0.027 0.074 :RT) 358, 359 358 356 b 355 355 348 b 354 353 334 334 352 352 Ref. 61 61 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 62 61 61 59 59 61 59 59 59 59 58 58 58 57 57 1 1 57 1 1 58 58 58 57 57 57 bpym)*+ Ru(bpy), (bpym12+ Ru(bpyh (bpW2+ Ru(bpy) 2 (bpym) 2+ Ru(bpy), (4,4’-dm- Ru(bpyh(bpz)2+ Ru(bpyh(bp#+ Ru(bpyh (bpW2+ Ru(bpy), (bpym)2l Ru(bpy)Dp@+ Ru(bpy)z(bp#+ Ru(bpy), (bpz) ’ + Ru(bpy),(bpz)‘+ Ru(bpy), (4,4’-bpy):+ cis-Ru(bpy), (m-4,4’-bpy):+ cis-Ru(bpy), (m-4,4’-bpy):+ cis-Ru(bpy)2 (m-4,4’-bpy):+ Ru(bpy) 2 (4,4’-bpy): l Ru(bpy) 2 (4,4’-bpy) : + AN PC PC H2O AN AN AN AN MeOH/ EtOH PC PC AN W-OH MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH CH,CI, 442 (10900) 475 f 480 f 420 (10500) 473 (9900) 471 (96cMq 474 450 (23900) 447 639 580 577 3.4 7.59 598 710 710 680 710 710 600 690 686 612, 675 ’ 690 680 601 0.08 0.076 0.376 0.38 0.805 = 0.104 c 0.004 0.0036 0.019 0.019 -0.Ooo4” _ lo-4c 360 225 229 361 227 229 225 360 229 40 233 40 351 357 357 318 357 b 318 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 94 88 88 86 85 82 82 81 68 68 68 68 Ru(bpy), (4,7-dhy-phen)*+ Ru(bpy), (4,7-Ph,-phen)*+ Ru@PY)~ (4,7-Ph2-phen)*+ Ru(bpy)z (4,7-dm-phen)2 + Ru(bpy) z (2,9-dm-phen)*+ R@PY) 2 (S-a-phen)*+ R@PY), (S-a-phen)*+ Ru(bpy) t tpha)* + R@PY), (phW* + R~PY) 2 tphW*+ R~@PY)2 (5”n-phen)‘+ R@PY), (phen)*’ Ru(bpy) z (h-phen)*+ D20 MeOH/ &OH H2O MeOH/ EtOH AN CH2C1, AN Hz“ MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH “20 IueoH/ EtOH CH,Cl, 1 1 67 AN (h-phen)*+ Ru@py 12 1 1 67 Solvent Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 1 (continued) 452 (13600) 452 (15900) 451 (13900) Abs (r) Em. 589 583 580 575 585 (77 K) 9.4 5.6 6.6 4.9 ;n K) 0.54 0.38 0.44 Em. 652 588 601 612 (RT) 0.800 1.591 1.151 & 0.007 0.684 0.31 ;RT) 0.02 c 0.033 9 (RT) 363 b 123 275 123 360 362 362 275 111, 123 210 275 210 40 40 Ref, 99 108 109 109 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 111 111 111 108 108 108 107 107 107 94 1 1 94 1 1 111 CN CN Cl Cl WbPY), (PYm+ WbPy), @YQ+ WbPy), @YXCN) + RGPY), (PYXCN)+ WbPy),(pY):+ W’JPY)~ (taphen)” R@PY) 2 (taphen)2’ Ru@PY), (DIAFO)2+ WbPy), (DIAF0)2+ WJPY), (DIAF0)2+ WbPy)2 (DIAF0)2+ R~PY), (DIAF)2+ R@PY), (DIAF)‘+ Wbpy), (DIAF)‘+ Wbpy), (5,6dm-phexQ2+ WbpY), (4,7-dhy-phen)2+ W~PY), (4,7-dhy-phen)*+ acetone H20 MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EtOH CH,Cl, MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN H20 MeOH/ EtOH MCOH/ EtOH AN H20 MeOH/ EiOH H20 EtOH 469 505 440 (14@w 440 (14100) 460 (12600) 660 660 574 609 574 577 597 1.8 5.9 4.3 5.9 6.1 3.9 0.23 0.56 0.42 0+27 615 620 788 658 652 0.05 0.137 o.oooo7 0.455 0.004 0.0056 0.0008 0.01= 319 364 364 318 318 238 238 216, 339 216, 339 40 40 216, 339 216. 339 133 123 363 b 363 b 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 116 115 111 115 111 1 1 Ligands 115 111 115 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 1 (continued) CH,Cl, CH,CI, CH,CI 2 eglyc eglyc (PY):’ RU(bpYh(PY)22’ Ru(bpy),(py):+ R~(~PY),(PY):+ cis-Ru(bpy), (PY)Z’ rrnr-Ru( bpy) a Ru(bpy~z(py):+ Ru(bpy), (3-I-PY):+ Ru(bpy), (3-I-PY):+ Ru(bpy), (3-AEP)2+ Ru(bpy),(py):+ Ru(bpy)z(py):+ Ru(bpyh(py):+ MeOH/ EtOH CH,Cl, MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH PC CH,CI, AN AN AN AN (PYG’ Ru(bpyh(~~):+ AN (PYG’ Ru(bpy),(py):+ Ru(bpyh(py)t+ Ru(bpy)z(py):+ iranr-Ru(bpy)2 Solvent cj~-Wb% Complex 457 442 454 457 455 455 (8130) 474 (8600) 450 (7900) Abs(c) Em. 575 585 589 588 585 581 (77 K) 5.25 10.6 11.4 ;77 K) h7K) Em. 645 608 609 606 606 (RT) 0.12 0.0027 0.50 0.47 0.500 ;Rn 0.0066 2.28 x 1O-4 0.0042 2.33~10-~ :RTI 210 318 126 318 133 318 97, 320 210 251 124 210 318 251 126 364 319 365 365 Ref. 118 119 119 119 119 124 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 144 137 137 137 137 124 124 124 124 124 124 124 116 1 1 144 137 137 137 137 124 124 124 124 124 124 CN CN 119 119 Cl Cl 118 W~PY), (PW& R@PY), (PVP)$, WJPY), (WP):’ WFY), (PVP>& W’PY)~ (PVP& Wbpyh (Pm;, R@pYh(pyd):+ Ru(bpYh(pyd):+ Ru(bpy)dpYd):+ WJPY), (PVPXCN) + R@PY)~ v-=tYl-PY):+ Ru(bPY), (PVP)(CN) + tYi-PYW+ RUO 2 w=tYl-PY):+ Ru(bwh(Qa~- tYl-PYv+ Wby)2Wa~ WbpYh(pi&’ (3-AEP)‘+ Ww), CH2G CH2Cll MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH PC 210 318 210 2.7x10-” 0.31 581(4570) 572 574 319 318 126 0.0020 0.068 126 126 610 440 126 0.0011 364 126 0.0019 364 364 318 318 318 318 366 210 0.0018 0.020 0.020 613 611 611 609 610 460 0.41 0.044 595 5.6 612 460 AN 576 653 592 637 460 460 AN MeOH/ EtOH PC 460 469 442 495 AN H2O MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EtOH CH,CI, CH,Cl, MEOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH Ru(bpy), (All-ttz); + 153 154 154 153 153 154 154 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 155 Ru(bpyIz (All-&z); + 152 152 1 1 155 153 151 152 151 I52 1 I 1 1 Ru(bpy), (Htn);+ Ru(bpy), (Ph-trz);’ (Ph-trz);+ W’pyl2 Wbpy) 2 (m-t&+ acetone AN acetone AN acetone AN acetone R@PY), (t=I z Ru(W9, 147 147 1 1 (m-t&j+ MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH DMF 147 147 I CH2C12 I 1 1 Ru(bpy), 147 147 147 1 1 Ru@py)&id)t* acetone AN AN DMF CH,CI, MeOH/ EtOH CH2Cl2 AN Solvent 147 145 145 145 145 146 146 145 145 145 145 146 146 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (pzXpzH>+ Ru(bpy)z(pzH):+ Ru(bpy)z(pzH):+ Ru(bpy)2(PzH): + Ru(bpy)z(pzH):+ Ru(bpy),(imid)~+ WW), Complex (NW);+ Wbpy)~ (NMI);+ Wm% (NW);+ Ww), (NMI);+ 145 144 1 1 Ligands (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 1 (continued) 472 (9330) 468 (8710) 473 (8910) 544 (8130) 483 489 470 (5180) 470 (5130) 510 (4890) Abs(r) Em. 642 633 628 (77 KI ;77 K) 9 (77 K) Em. 660 660 645 660 682 661 627 627 122 (RT) 0.31 0.350 i-RT, 0.034 -10-4 10-5 ti CRT) 319 319 319 319 319 319 319 319 318 210 318 210 319 367 319 319 318 318 367 Ref. R@PY) 2 (bii~nH~)~+ Wbpy) 2 (~SIIH,)~+ Wbpy) 2 (biimH2)2+ 171 173 173 173 176 176 176 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 176 171 171 163 163 160 159 Cl Cl 1 1 l’s8 Wbpy) 2 (biimH,)‘+ Wbpy) z (PBzimH)‘* WbpY) 2 (PBzimH)2t Wbpy) 2 (PBzimH)2t Wbpy) 2 (PimH)2+ W~PY) 2 (P~IH)~+ Wbpy) 2 (P~IH)~+ Wbpy) 2 (DPAH)2+ Wbpy) 2 (DPAH)‘+ Wbpy) z (BPE)Cl+ Wbpy) 2 (BPA)CI+ WbPY) 2 (DPE)” Wbpy) 2 (DPM)‘+ 1 157 1 WbpY) z (H&z);+ 1 155 1 155 1 1 0.11 7.5 MeOH/ EtOH HClO, AN 448 (9500) 620 3.25 0.160 622 633 651 0.150 0.262 0.418 0.224 < 10-3 697 625 < 1o-3 707 595 4.240 4.450 0.56 7,2 630 600 596 600 645 605 584 Hz0 AN 473 (9330) 458 (25700) 460 (10500) 453 (7200) 470 (8710) MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ AN H20 MeOH/ EtOH Me.OH/ MeOH/ EtOH AN AN AN CH,Cl,/ CH,Ch/ AN MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN 368 360 368 360 368 b 368 368 368 b 368 36X 235 358, 359 358, 359 235 366 366 319 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 251 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 245 245 244 244 184 203 203 180 179 179 1 1 2+ Ru(bw)2(biimW 1 1 1 1 176 179 Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 1 (continued) Em. 0.038 Em. 640 656 (R-0 H2D MeOH McOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EtOH AN AN EtCN EtQH MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ &OH AN 528 (9410) 480’ 476 ’ 478 (10800) 445 480 (14600) 483 (10200) 453 495 654 667 658 662 682 2.6 3.5 2.3 1.7 0.898 736 700 687 720 720 671 602 3.000 ;77 Ic) H20 AN 616 (77 K) 640 450 (10800) 463 (11800) Abs (c) kOH/ EtOH MeOH/ &OH/H,0 AN solvent 0.38 0.32 0.111 0.120 0.092 ;Rn 0.029 0.004 c 9 (RT) 329 315 40 233 351 351 274 274 40 40 40 40 370 371 371 369 368 b 368 368 368 Ref. 251 255 235 257 257 257 257 259 259 261 267 270 271 272 273 274 13 13 13 13 13 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 13 13 13 13 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ru(bpy) (4,4’dm-bpy)$+ Ru(bpy) (3,3’-dm-bpy)i+ Ru(bpy) (3,3’-dm-bpy):+ Ru(bpy) (3,3’dm-bpy)s+ Ru(bpy) (3,3’dm-bpy):+ RU(~PY)~(BW~+ Ru(bpy)2(W2+ Ru(bpy)2(BW2+ Ru(bpy)2(BL7)2+ Ru(bpy) (3,3’dm-bpy)t+ Ru(bpy)2(DPJ2+ Ru(bpy)2(dpp)2+ Ru(bpy)2(BL3)*+ Ru(bpy)*(i-biq)‘+ Ru(bpy)2(i-biq)2’ Ru(bpy)2(bi@2’ Ru(bpy)2(bi32’ Ru(bpy)2W32’ Ru@py)2@i@2’ R~@PY), (OMCH)2’ Ru(bpy) 2 (OMCH)2 + (DMCH)* + Ru(Wh MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN H20 H20 H20 H20 H20 H2O AN H2’= AN MeOH/ EtOH AN M&H MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN nitfile EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN 449(14000) 454(12300) 453(12200) 448 (15700) 430 (12@00) 525 (8490) 450(11900) f 526 (8710) 527 (8190) 562 (8540) 597 590 586 136 728 742 720 5.4 4.9 4.560 4.090 4.020 4.070 4.7 1.9 1.4 2.6 1.5 0.192 625 610 610 613 610 625 610 675 770 610 742 755 0.356 ’ 0.390 = 0.389 ’ 0.360 c 0.72 0.135 < 0.060c 1.1 0.27 1.3x 10-5 8x lo-6c 0.027 0.049 6x lo-6c 0.052’ 0.048’ 0.048c 0.048’ 4 307 329 338 4 338 338 373 373 373 373 329 131 131 243 103 372 274 344 274 344 40 329 40 26 26 29 30 30 31 43 59 59 59 59 59 61 61 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 61 61 59 59 59 59 61 43 CN 30 30 29 26 26 26 CN 26 1 by):+ Ru(bpyXbpz):+ Ru(bpyWbpz):+ R@YMbp&+ RtipyXbpz):+ Ru@pyXbpz) (bpym)* + Ru@pyXbpym):+ RWy)(bpym)? AN PC 460’ 463 (12000) 46s iBN/AN bpyXCN), Ru(bpy) (4,4’-DHCAN AN PC PC PC 502 MeOH/ EtOH CHCl, RU@PY) (4,4’-DTB-bpy)2,+ Ru(bpy) (4,4’-dnd- 454 (15300) H2O 465 (14700) 467 AN MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH 456 (10000) 456 Abs (c) AN H2O Solvent AN Ru(bpY) (4,4’-DTB-bpy);+ R@PY) (4,4’-dc-bpy);- Ru(bpy) (4,4’-dph-bpy);+ Ru(bpy) (4,4’-dph-bpy);+ R@PY) (4,4’-dph-bpy):+ R@PY) (4,4’-dBr-bpy);+ 17 1 17 R@PY) (4,4’-dm-bpy)<+ 15 1 15 Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 1 (continued) Em. 590 (77 K) 4.8 ;77 K) ;7K) Em. 670 645 654 654 684 644 655 630 635 631 636 631 (RT) 0.182 1.099 1.13 0.70 2.10 1.07 0.54 E 2.12 0.385 k-I 0.011 0.079 0.079 0.049 0.025 = 0.098 0.014 + (RT) 229 229 225 225 229 233 229 354 40, 329 351 329 134 205 205 233 307 299 Ref. 61 67 67 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 81 88 108 108 109 109 111 111 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 111 111 109 109 108 108 88 81 111 111 111 111 68 68 68 68 61 61 61 NH3 en en 111 111 111 111 H2O eglyc WwXpy), (NW:+ R@PY) (py)den)‘+ R@PY) @Y)2W2’ R@PY) (taphe&+ RU@PY) (taphen):+ R@PY) (DIAFO);+ R@PY) (DIAFO);+ Ru(bpyX4’l-Ph,phW:+ MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EtOH AN AN H2O H2O (phW@y) : + trons-Ru@py) (PhaCQy):+ Ru(bpy)(S-n- pheW:+ eslYC cis-Rq-hpy) WWh~:+ h&OH/ WwXpW:+ EtOH cis-Ru(bpy)(phenXpy):’ AN AN mwRu(bpy) Ru(bpyxPh@:+ RGpyXphed:+ Ru(bpyXphed+ AN MeOH/ EtOH AN Wbpyxbpym):+ IJC Ru(bpy)(h-phen);+ Ru(bpy)(h-phen):’ 476 (4000) 438 (13200) 446 (11300) 448 (9600) 476 (11000) 442 (18000) 450 (14800) 625 581 650 573 588 578 569 575 585 10.9 2.0 5.2 8.0 14.8 9.1 15.8 4.9 0.56 750 670 612 0.13 2.646 $0.007 0.784 0.18 0.012 0.011 251 251 365 238 238 40 40 275 275 251 251 365 251 275 111, 123 365 365 225 40 40 111 111 112 112 163 163 180 181 181 184 246 246 246 246 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 181 181 184 246 246 246 246 180 163 112 112 163 281 111 111 113 H2D Hz0 AN EtCN EtOH MeOH WwXW):+ WWYXP@:+ Ru(bp~xpq):+ W’WYXP&+ CHICI, Ru(~PYX~PY):+ Ru(bpYwPY)2,+ 475 480 (11100) 458 479 517 (11600) 435 (12200) 458 (5400) eslyc AN MeOH/ EtOH AN 478 (6500) 468 455 (5500) 465 (6000) 457 (5500) Abs (t) AN AN eslyc AN eglyc AN eglyc Solvent WwXAzpy):+ R@PY) @ydipy)? (DPAH);+ WJPY) R~@PY) @YXtrpY12+ RU(~PYXPMA):+ Ru(bpyKPM&+ R@PY) (DPAH);+ RU@PYMPY)Z (2-AEP)2+ R@PYMPY)2 (ZAEP)*+ 111 1 113 Ru(bpyxPy), (PMA)z+ 112 111 1 111 Ru(bpyx~~):+ RuOsCl+ Ru(bpyxpy):+ Ru(bpyxpy), (PM.A)z+ 111 111 111 112 111 111 111 111 1 1 1 1 111 111 111 111 Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 1 (continued) 829 g 625 616 700 581 581 581 585 9.0 11.3 10.6 10.5 10.9 Em. 854 670 685 718 604 636 (RV 0.30 0.028 < 0.001 c 375 376 370 233 351 351 274 369 235 365 251 235 374 251 365 251 365 251 251 365 Ref. 251 257 257 257 251 251 251 257 251 251 259 259 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 NH, MPZ CN CN CN CN CN CN Cl 259 259 Cl 257 251 246 1 Ru(bpyXtrpy) (NHd2+ (CN)+ Ru(bpyXtrpy) (MPz)2’ Ru(bpyXtrp y) R@pyXtrpy) (w+ RutbpyXtrpy) VW+ Ru(b~yXtrpy) VW+ Ru@pyXtrpy) w)+ .Ru(bpyXtrpy) (CN)+ RulbpyXtrpy) Cl+ Ru@pyXtrpy) a+ Ru(bpyXi-biq);’ Ru(bpyXi-biq)it Ru(bpyxbi&+ Ru@pyxbh% Ru(bpyXbi# R@PY) (DMCH);+ Ru(bPY) (DMCH);+ 487 (9950) DMF AN H2O MeOH/ EtOH MF 462 (8800) 480 472 484 CHCI, MeOH 487 (9950) 506 (7800) 450 (11600) f 547 (8550) 546 (7250) 559 (9640) MeOH/ EtOH AN AN Ilit& Me.OH/ EtOH AN MeOH M&H/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EtOH AN 626 639 692 4.6 5.1 5.3 2.4 5.0 2.1 741 586 1.8 1.9 3.1 133 737 666 608 654 664 666 657 664 729 615 742 742 1.0 0.20 0.39 3.8 x lo-’ 221 c 0.001 321 377 221 40 221 0.001 c 221 221 4 40 131 131 40 214 329 344 274 344 40, 329 214 281 281 281 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 Ligands 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 156 NH, NH, (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 1 (continued) Ru(Qmo-bpy):+ Ru(Cmo-bpy) : + Ru(4dma-bpy)g + Ru(4-dma-bpy):+ Ru(4-a-bpy):+ Ru(Ca-bpy):’ Ru(4-Br-bpy);+ R+Br-bpy);+ Ru(bp~Mtrpy) oJHj)2+ Ru@pyKtrpy) (NHJ)~+ RuOyNrpy) P-Q2+ Ru(4-0bp y); + Complex MeOH,’ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH,’ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH,’ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH Hz0 HCIO, 1M glycerol Solvent 461 (14100) 475 (15000) 472 (12100) 457 (14000) 454 (13500) 450 Abs (c) + (77 K) Em. 660 680 675 640 640 608 (RT) 0.67 0.35 0.35 0.82 0.67 0.480 0.43 0.014 = 0.039 0.006 c 0,023 0.006 c 0.021 0.018 = 0.052 0.014 = 0.030 o.OiuI5 _____._l,ll”. _- .~._.__. 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 205 377 321 335 Ref. 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 68 68 68 8 8 9 9 10 10 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 7 7 + Me.OH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN H2O (phen) i ’ Ru(3,3’-dm-bpy) 68 68 68 68 (phen):’ (phen)? Ru(3,3’-dm-bpy) H2O Ru(3,3’-dm-bpy), (phen)” Ru( 3,3’-dm-bpy) 2 (phen)2+ Ru(3,3’-dm-bpy), (phen)2c Ru(3,3’-dm-bpy) 68 68 Ru(3,3’-dm-bpy):’ MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH H2O H2O MeOH/ EtOH MeOH,’ EtOH H2O 13 MeOH/ EtOH MeOH MeOH/ EtOH AN Ru(3,3’-dm-bpy):’ Ru(3,3’-dm-bpy):’ Ru(3,3’-dm-bpy):’ Ru(6-m-bpy):+ Ru(L-m-bpy):+ Ru(4-tep-bpy)$+ Ru(4-tep_bpy):tH2O Ru(4-bebpy);+ Ru+bo-bpy); Ru(4-n-bpy):+ Ru(4-n-bpy);+ 13 13 13 10 10 9 9 8 8 7 7 450 (15200) 451(14ooo) 456 (10800) 456 (11600) 448 (llooo) 466 (18300) 460 (14800) 480 (20400) 576 9.4 9.3 6.4 601 591 6.4 4.1 3.8 595 585 628 643 0.422 0.281 0.113 0.0968 611 625 638 650 700 205 0.017 c 0.21 4.0 x 10-5 4.6 x lo-SC 328 5~10-~’ 338 338 338 338 338 6xW6 40, 329 338 329 338 379 379 378 378 205 0.053 0.60 0.760 344 344 0.12 14 15 15 IS 15 IS 15 15 15 15 IS 15 15 15 15 15 15 IS 15 15 15 15 15 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 I5 15 15 15 15 Ligands 15 17 15 15 15 14 15 15 1s 15 15 1s 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 1 (continued) Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’dm-bpy) z (4,4’dBr-bpy)* + Ru(4,4’dm-bpy):’ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy):’ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy)i+ MeOH/ EtOH &OH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH I&OH/ EtOH NaLS AN H2O H2’3 W’ H2O H2O Hz0 Hz0 H20 H2O H2O EtOH gIycero1 40 455 (13000) 455 (17000) 459 459 (14900) 450 460 (14300) 505 450 (17000) 458 459 AN AN AN Ru(3,3’-DCI-bpy):’ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy); + Ru(4,4’&bpy);+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy); + Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy)f + Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy)i+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy)g + Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy);+ CH2Q2 Abs (c) Solvent Complex Em. 593 593 593 (77 IQ 4.6 ;77 K) 0.283 Em. 661 640 631 642 589 628 590 670 618 634 618 (RT) 0.56 0.95 0.342 0.34 0.335 0.35 0.33 0.33 0.330 0.90 = 0.931 0.607 0.086 0.027 ’ 0.014 0.026 0.021 c 0.12 :RT) 382 307 204, 205 232 205 380 307 232 135 322 333 335 336 149 12 101 338 338 322 381 299 232 338 Ref. 5 0 15 15 15 15 17 37 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 15 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 18 18 17 17 17 16 16 16 16 37 17 94 94 94 37 Ru(4,4’-ds-bpy)jRu(4,4’&-bpy);Ru(4,4’-ds-bpy)j- Ru(4,4’da-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-da-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dn-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dn-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dBr-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’-dBr-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’dBr-bpy): + Ru(4,4’-dCl-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’-dCl-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy)z (4,4’-DCE-bpy)*+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy)l (4,7&y-phen)*+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy), (4,7-dhy-phen)*+ Ru(4,4’:dm-bpy)z (4,7dhy-phcn)*+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy) (4,4’dBr-bpy):+ Ru(lY-dm-bpy) (4,4’-DCE-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’dCLbpy): + Ru(4,4’-dCl-bpy);+ 40 Hz0 MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH,’ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN CH,Cl, AN H2O EtOH 40 CH,Cl, 504 (10500) 473 465 (17300) 456 (19000) 665 (15500) 462 (17000) 483 452 (llOt!O) 460 (13550) 493 600 632 595 642 2.9 10.50 0.15 705 700 660 624 670 632 658 647 658 658 695 0.99 c 0.48 ’ 0.87 ’ 0.10 0.25 0.52 0.40 0.48 1.415 0.340 0.610 0.853 0.004 0.002 c 0.001 c 0.02 0.060 0.028 ’ 0.020 c 0.036 0.10 0.01 c 0.02 = 0.07 204, 205 134 134 134 205 205 204, 205 205 307 205 205 205 344 344 135 307 363 b 363 b 363 b 135 22 22 22 22 22 23 Ru(4,4’-DEO-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’-DEO-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’-DPO-bpy); + Ru(4,4’-DBO-bpy); + Ru(4,4’-DBO-bpy):+ 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 26 Ru(4,4’-dph-bpy)$+ Ru(4,4’-dph-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dph-bpy);+ 26 26 26 Ru(4,4’-dph-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’-dph-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’-dph-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’-dph-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’-DPO-bpy);’ Ru(4,4’-BAA-bpy); + 22 Ru(4,4’-BAA-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DEA-bpy);+ 21 21 21 21 21 Ru(4,4’-DEA-bpy);+ Complex 21 Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 1 (continued) HZ0 MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EiOH MeOH,’ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH,’ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH Solvent 473 (28ooo) 474 474 (32700) 476 (13500) 479 (13400) 477 (13oLq 479 (15Ooo) 518 (14500) Abs (c) Em. 610 (77 K) 4.9 4.68 ;77 K) 0.57 0.573 @ (77 K) 635 638 632 670 670 675 670 (RT) Em. 1.95 0.67 0.31 0.35 0.30 0.41 0.13 :RT) 0.306 0.058 ’ 0.015 c 0.032 0.018 c 0.038 0.020 0.009 c 0.014 c 204, 205 205 107 383 233 149 342 205 205 205 204, 205 205 205 205 205 205 0.005 c 0.027 205 Ref. 0.010 4 (RT) .-I.._^ _.-. 28 28 29 31 31 31 30 30 34 37 37 37 38 39 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 33 34 31 37 37 38 38 39 28 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 31 34 37 37 37 38 38 39 38 33 21 21 27 27 27 27 CH,Cl, bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCE- AN bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCC- bpy):+ AN bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCI- bpY):+ Ru(4,4’-DCI- bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCE- M&H/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN H2O bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCE- H20 (4,4’-poeg-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCM- 468 464 (23300) 467 455 (7000) 456 (16800) 484 AN MeOH/ EtOH 478 (13000) THF H,O/THF 487 (33000) 460 (16100) H,O/ CHCI, H2O MeOH/ EtOH M&H/ EtOH M&H/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH Ru(4,4’-dnd-bpy) Ru(4,4’-dc_bpy)$Ru(4,4’-dc-bpy), (4,4’-dnd-bpy)2 + Ru(4,4’dc-bpy)2 (4,4’-dnd-bpy)2+ Ru(4,4’dc-bpy), (4,4’-dnd-bpy)2 + Ru(4,4’-DTB-bpy); + Ru(4,4’-DTB-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’dsty-bpy): + Ru(4,4’-dsty-bpy): + Ru(4,4’-dbz-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’dbz-bpy);+ 607 575 5.3 205 205 0.030 0.009 c 630 625 629 655 629 2.21 2.39 1.65 2.230 0.89 c 0.43 0.200 0.076 ’ 0.30 354 380 204, 205 354 205 135 134 40, 329 384 329 346b 625 0.008 205 0.030 = 134 346 205 0.098 351 b 1.15 0.62 ’ 0.72 1.25 660 643 677 680 640 40 41 42 43 50 50 51 51 52 52 54 54 59 59 59 59 59 59 40 41 42 43 50 50 51 51 52 52 54 54 59 59 59 59 59 59 Ligands AN AN bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCNE- bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCNY- 59 59 59 59 59 59 54 54 52 Ru(bpz) : + Ru(bpz):+ Ru(bpz);+ bpy):+ Ru(bpz);+ Ru(bpz):+ Ru(bpz);+ bw):+ Ru(6,6’-dm- bpy):+ Ru(6,6’-dm- bpy):+ Ru(S,S’-BAA- 52 bw): + Ru(5,5’-DCE- bpy): + Ru(5,5’-BAA- 51 51 50 bpy): + Ru(5,5’-DCE- bw):+ Ru(5,5’-dm- 50 MeOH/ EtOH AN AN AN AN AN AN iBN/ AN MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH,’ EtOH MeOH AN Ru(4,4’-DCB- bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DHC- Solvent Complex bw):+ Ru(5,5’-dm- 43 42 41 40 (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 1 (continued) 443 (15100) 435 440 (13000) 443 439 440 446 (7440) 445 (14900) 495 (9900) 440 (14700) Abs (c) 589 (77 K) Em. 2.5 ;77 K) 0.0176 ;7K) 591 627 603 585 630 720 620 638 632 631 636 0.740 0.72 2.40 0.23 0.35 2.14 2.21 2.19 1.93 0.024 0.021 c 0.126 0.004 0.003 c 0.015 = 0.037 382 386 229 387 b 232 233 379 379 205 204, 205 205 205 205 205 354 354 354 354 Ref. 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 63 63 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 62 62 63 63 63 63 62 61 61 62 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 59 59 61 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 bpym):+ bpW:+ Ru(6,6’-dm- bpym):+ Ru(6,6’dm- bpym):+ Ru(4,4’-dm- Ru(bpym):+ Ru(bpym):+ Ru(4,4’dm- (bPym):+ Ru(bpYm): + Ru@pym):+ Ru(bpym):+ Ru(b~ym)i+ R@pym)i+ Ru(bpym): + Ru(bpz): + R@Pz): + Ru(bpz), (bpym?’ Ru(bpz) Ru(bpz):+ Ru@Pz):+ Ru(bpz)f+ R@P~):+ Ru@Pz):+ R~@Pz): + Ru@pz): + Ru(bpz):+ Ru(bpz);+ MeOH/ EtOH H20 MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH PC PC AN H2’3 H2O H2O AN AN 503 (10700) 449 662 662 588 705 639 639 725 635 644 639 0.131 0.12 0.064 0.19 0.06 0.011 0.011 0.09 0.002 0.077 0.95 655 PC 0.043 0.075 0.11 0.060 0.074 0.074 0.074 0.84 1.1 0.76 1.04 0.90 c 0.920 0.75 0.94 0.795 0.82 1.06 573 603 595 595 603 Bi)5 610 610 633 454 (8600) 450 452 (7400) 441 443 (15000) 442 MeOH/ EtOH PC PC PC H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O AN DMF EtOH 241 241 232 229 225 232 229 232 361 390 232 232 225 229 225 225 388 232 232 389 278 387 b 390 232 232 64 64 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 66 61 67 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 66 66 66 66 66 67 67 Ruth-phen):+ Ru(h-phen)$* Ru(Cpy-prim): + 66 61 67 Ru(6-py-prim): + Ru&py-prim):+ Ru(6-py-prim):+ Ru(Cpy-prim): + Ru(Cpy-prim):+ Ru(+py-prim):+ Ru(+py-prim): + Ru(4-py-prim): + Ru(4-py-prim):+ Ru(4-py-prim): ’ Ru(bprid); + 66 66 66 66 65 65 65 65 65 65 64 64 64 Ru(bprid) ; + Ru(bprid): + Ru(bprid) : + Ru(bprid) : + Ru(bprid);+ Ru(bprid) ; + Ru(bprid); + 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 1 (continued) Hz0 Hz0 MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN H2O HZ0 MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN DMF EtOH H2’3 H2O H2O AN DMF EtOH Solvent 453 (14700) 476 452 (10200) 451 582 625 589 594 601 610 670 633 634 636 622 5.5 Em. (RT) 444 (11500) @ i77 K) 652 601 7 (77 K) Em. (77 K) 449 Abs(c) 7 0.190 0.11 0.22 0.41 0.45 0.37 1.0 0.89 0.95 0.700 0.58 0.59 (RT) 0.012 0.017 0.012 0.008 0.0070 0.014 0.028 0.059 0.048 0.055 9 (RT) 40 40 232 232 241 232 241 232 232 232 390 232 232 232 232 232 232 241 390 232 241 Ref. 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 en 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 Ru(ph~),OJ), Wphen)2092 CN CN CN 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 Ru(phed+ Ru(phen):+ Ru(phen):’ Ru(phen):’ Ru(phen)$+ Ru(phen)i+ Ru(phen):+ Ru(phen)z+ Ru(phen):+ Ru(phen)$+ Ru(phen):+ Ru(phen): + Rubhen) 2 (NH,):+ Ru(phen),(W ox Ru(phen)2(en)2+ 2 NH, 2 (W en RuWW 2 NH3 CN CN ‘WphW,(CN) Ru@heM2002 WphN2(~)2 en CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN Ru(phen)(en):+ Rubhen),( Ru(phen)2(CN) 2 Ru@he@,(CN), CN CN CN CN CN CN CN en H2O H2O 40 DMF EPA EtOH 2: AN AN CH,Cl, MeOH/ EtOH 450 447 (19000) 447 477 (WOO) 442 478 477 431 565 608 702 702 759 570 H2O HZ0 MeOH/ 562 584 716 567 448 (10400) 421 (9500) 469 MeOH MeOH I&OH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ H2O H2O DMF EtOH 40 9.93 5.1 577 593 1.080 604 638 605 626 0.92 0.29 0.68 0.870 0.50 0.46 0.15 1.09 1.1 0.250 0.144 0.71 0.654 1.58 1.58 0.154 0.825 1.09 0.019 146 0.063 0.028 232 331 232 336 149 317 321 232 124 322 392 97 317 317 219 323 317 322 323 391 323 322 323 327 219 b 323 Ru(phen):+ Ru@hen);+ Rubhen); + Ru(phen):+ Rutphm):+ Ru(phen):+ Ru(phen);+ 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 Ru(phen);+ 68 68 68 Ru(pheN:+ Ru(phen)$+ Rubhen):+ Ru(phen):+ Ru(pb):+ Ru(ph):+ Ru(phN: + Ru@haQ; + Ru(pben):+ RIl(pkll);+ Ru@hen):+ Ru(phen):+ 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 Ru(phen): + Complex 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 1 (continued) 1.5 M Ha’& 1M MeOH MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH,’ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH Ha, H2O H2O Hz0 H2O H2O H2O Hz0 H2O Hz0 Hz0 Hz0 Hz0 Solvent 446WOt-w 447 (18100) Abs (I) Em. 589 567 565 (77 K) 9.8 9.8 9.79 9.79 ;77 K) 0.600 0.58 0.584 0.584 4 (77 K) Em. 603 604 (RT) 0.313 0.81 0.921 0.908 1.11 0.%2 0.459 c 0.960 O.% 0.72 1.08 0.92 1.06 0.072 0.058 0.032 ’ “^_I ._.._ - _“~_^.. 111, 123 379 337 342 337 379 104 321 337 12 393 338 338 275 322 381 392 394 146 232 340 Ref. Ru(phen):+ Ru(phW:+ Ru(phen)2+ (5-CI-phen)2+ Ru(phen) 2 (5-Br-phen)2+ 68 68 79 80 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 Ru(phen), (4,7-dsph-phen) Ru(phen)l (4,7&ph-phen) 92 Ru(phen), (4,%dsph-phen) Ru(phe% (4,7-Ph2-phen)2+ Ru(pheQ, (4,7-Ph,-phen)2+ Ru(phW, (4,7-Ph,-phen)2+ Ru(phe+ (4,7-dm-phen)‘+ Ru(phe@2 (4,7-dm-phen)*+ Ru(phen), (5-Ph-phen)2C Ru(phen):+ Ru(pW:+ 92 92 88 88 88 86 86 84 68 68 Ru(phen);+ 68 68 68 Ru(phen)f+ 68 68 68 68 H2O H2O 40 MeOH H2O “20 H2O 40 H2O MCOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH &OH/ EtOH MeOH/ &OH NaLS PMM MeOH 445 (ZOocq 447 9.9 566 513 564 10.1 565 0.578 611 595 394 392 392 322 322 327 322 322 394 0.488 ’ 1.94 1.389 4.22 3.07 2.56 5.25 3.46 0.920 = 382 109 327 204, 206 232 327 0.019 0.989 0.947 1.82 0.45 338 268 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 Ligands 257 257 257 257 251 251 246 Ru(phen)*(biq)*’ Ru@h@, (DMCH)*+ Ru(pherQ2(biq)*’ Ru(phcn)2(biq)2’ Ru(phen)z(biq)2’ Ru(ph& (DMCH)*+ Ru(phm)~(~~*+ Ru@hwX~@~+ Ru@henMti*+ RU@be%(W*+ Ru@hen), (BDCMPH2)*+ 106 246 246 246 Ru@he& (BDCMP) Ru@he& (4,7dhr_phen)*’ Ru@bW, (4,7-dhy-phen)” Ru@he@, (4,7dhy-phen)*’ MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN I&OH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH AN HCl12M AN H2O EtOH 40 MeOH Ru@hen), (q’l-dsph-phen) Solvent Complex 105 94 94 94 92 (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 1 (continued) 522 (9300) 523 (9480) 522 (10600) 483 (9200) 476 ’ 465 (10700) f 463 (43600) 455 (15000) Abs(c) Em. 711 729 710 653 664 590 (77 K) 1.8 2.1 2.0 3.1 3.8 3.0 ;n K) 0.38 ;7K) 741 728 690 632 610 635 635 1.4 1.25 2.10 3.98 0.04’ 0.07 c 315 40 274 274 315 40 315 40 274 274 395 b 395 b 363 b 383 b 363 b 327 Ref. . ^.____. 68 84 86 86 246 246 257 257 69 69 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 69 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 78 77 Ru+MoPh-phcn):+ Ru(&BrPh-phen);+ Ru(dbph-phen):’ RuQLtol-phen);+ 75 76 Ru(QPh-phen);+ Ru(4-m-phen):+ Ru(Zm-phen):’ Ru(2-m-phen):+ Ru(phen)(biq):+ Ru(phen)@k$ Ru@he@oW+ Ru@he@W:” Ru@he@ (4,7dm-phen):+ MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MaOH &OH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH M&H/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH M&H,/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH Hz0 40 HZ0 (9-PDP)3+ Ru(phen) (5-Ph-phen):+ Ru(phen) (4,7dm-phen)i+ AN Ru@hMz 74 73 72 69 69 257 257 246 246 86 86 84 262 0.80 4.00 3.50 4.9 4.1 3.25 602 605 605 612 615 615 44s (22000) 450 (22100) 453 (23600) 454 (28700) 452 (25300) 452 (25300) 0.172 1.78 5.9 2.3 3.8 0.130 0.136 0.184 0.117 206 206 206 206 206 206 0.054 0,109 206 0.037 379 379 274 274 274 274 392 392 2.201 1.243 394 395 0.770 c 0.53 630 576 738 675 643 600 450 (18100) 446 ww 551 (8690) 480 f 440 (19ooo) f Ru(S-Cl-phen);+ Ru(S-Cl-phen):+ Ru(S-Br-p&n):+ Ru(S-Br-phen):+ Ru(S-Br-phen):+ Ru(S-Br-phen):+ Ru(S-Br-phen)$+ Ru(S-Br-phen): ’ Ru(S-n-phen)$+ Ru(S-n-phen):+ Ru(5-n-phcn):+ Ru(S-n-phen)!+ Ru(S-m-phen):+ Ru(S-m-phen)$+ Ru(S-m-phen):’ Ru(S-m-phen)i+ Ru(S-m-phen):’ Ru(S-m-phen)s+ Ru(S-m-phen):+ 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 79 79 80 80 80 80 80 80 81 81 81 81 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 40 H2O H2O H2O Hz0 H20 D20 2: H2O H2O H2O NaLS H2O H2O H2O H2’3 D20 HCl, 1.5 M M&H/ EtOH NaLS H2O H2O H2O H2O H2O glY=J' Ru(S-Cl-phen):+ Ru(S-Cl-phen):+ Ru(S-Cl-phen):’ Ru(S-Cl-phen);+ Ru(S-Cl-phen):+ Ru(S-Cl-phen)$+ Ru(S-Cl-phen):+ Ru(S-Cl-phen):+ 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 Solvent Complex 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 79 Ligauds (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 1 (continued) 450 450 (19400) 449 449 (ZCQOO) 448 (18800) 446 (17900) 447 447 (18400) Abs (c) Em. (77 K) ;77 K) c (77 K) Em. 575 597 606 - 595 593 604 605 593 (RT) 1.33 1.33 1.330 1.33 i 0.005 1.71 2.71 2.08 1.50 1.04 0*94 1.21 1.25 2.16 c 0.005 < 0.005 382 322 149 393 322 381 382 149 12 101 275 322 392 336 149 12 101 322 206 0.67 0.035 101 322 381 340 322 335 149 12 Ref. 1.09 3.0 c 0.94 0.94 0.94 0.%2 1.23 0.72 + (RT) 85 85 86 86 86 86 85 85 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 s6 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 85 85 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 83 84 84 84 a4 83 84 84 84 84 83 84 84 84 84 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 Ru(4,Fdkphen)i+ Ru(4.7-dm-phen); + Ru(4,7-dm-phen):’ Ru(4,7-dm-phen):+ Ru(B’I-dm-phen)j+ Ru(4,f-dm-phen):’ Ru(4,7-dm-phen): ’ Ru(4,7-dm-phen) ; + Ru(4,7-drn-phen); + Ru(4,Zdm-phen):’ Ru(4,7-dm-phen);’ Ru(4,7-dm-phen): * Ru(4,7dm-phen); + Ru(4,7-dm-phcn); + Ru(4,7-dm-phen); + Ru(4,7-dm-phen): + Ru(2,9-dm-phen):’ Ru(2,9-dm-phen) f’ Ru(S-m-phen):+ Ru(S-Ph-phen);+ Ru(S-Ph-phen);+ Ru(S-Ph-phen):+ Ru(S-Ph-phen)$+ Ru(S-m-phet@ Ru(S-m-phcn):+ Ru(S-m-phen)z+ Ru(S-m-phen);+ 1.5 M MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH NaLS PMM Ha, I-40 H20 H2O H2O 448 (22700) 600 612 613 445 0.65 0.0479 H2O 2.3 607 615 588 597 595 597 445 (25300) 501 (2580) 448 (21700) 448 (24600) 445 (21Ocq 607 40 Hz0 Hz0 2: M&H/ EtOH MeOH M&H/ EtOH H2O H2O 40 MeOH/ EtOH NaLS H2O Hz0 H2O 3.30 0.85 0.846 2.22 2.29 2.19 1.74 1.58 1.740 1.65 1.87 1.68 0.490 c 1.27 2.26 2.02 1.29 1.63 1.15 1.35 1.32 0.500 c 0.85 0.059 0.033 0.061 382 109 206 3% 109 393 322 392 149 393 101 322 381 392 394 340 379 379 382 322 149 322 206 381 392 394 206 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 89 90 91 92 92 92 93 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 89 90 91 92 92 92 93 Ru(4,7-bmo-phen):+ 90 92 92 92 93 Ru(4,7-dsph-phen):Ru(4,7-dsph-phen$ Ru(rl,Fdsph-phen)$Ru(4,7-dtol-phen):’ Ru(4,7-bphz-phen);’ Ru(4,7-Phi-phen):+ Ru(4,7-bbr-phen):+ 88 89 91 Ru(4,7-Phi-phen); Ru(4,7-Ph,-phen); 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 88 + + Ru(4,7-Phz-phen); + Ru(4,7-Ph,-phen);+ Ru(4,7-Ph,-phen):+ Ru(4,7-Phz-phen); + Ru(4,7-Ph,-phen):+ Ru(4,7-Ph,-phen);+ Ru(4,FPh,-phen); + Ru(4,7-Ph ,-phen): + Ru(4,7-Cl,-phen):+ 87 87 87 Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 1 (continued) MeOH/ EtOH H2O H2O 40 MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH PMM l&OH/ EtOH MeOH,’ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH H2O H2O f&O H2O 464 (27400) 465 (36300) 468 (37900) 464 (33000) 463 (28600) 460 (29500) 456 (20600) MeOH/ EtOH W 40 Abs (0 solvent 602 595 9.58 0.682 ;7lq Em. 618 7.20 620 5.84 3.73 3.860 6.43 6.10 5.95 6.40 5.83 4.56 4.68 4.680 3.58 3.30 5.34 1.55 615 623 618 635 610 668 (RT) 0.280 0.360 0.387 0.403 0.366 0.028 322 322 101 206 206 206 204, 206 109 206 342 206 322 392 149 275 322 392 327 383 204, Ref. Ru(5,6-dm-phen)$+ Ru(5,6-dm-phen):+ Ru(5,6-dm-phen):+ Ru(5,6-dm-phen)$+ Ru(5,6-dm-phen):+ Ru(5,6-dm-phen):’ Ru(5,6-dm-phen):+ Ru(5,6-dm-phen):+ Ru(5,6-dm-phen)g + Ru(5,6-dm-phen):+ Ru(5,6-dm-phen):+ 98 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 96 97 98 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 96 91 98 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 99 97 96 95 Ru(5,6-dm-phen):+ Ru(5,6-dm-phen):+ Ru(5,6-dm-phen):+ Ru(4,7-brmtFphen):+ Ru(4,7+bpph-phen)f+ Ru(4,7-bpmo-phen):’ 95 95 100 100 94 100 100 94 Ru(4,%dhy-phen) (tml-phen):+ Ru(4,7_dhy-phen) (tml-phen)i+ Ru(4,7-dhy-phen) (tml-phen)i* Ru(4,7-bpbr-phen):* loo 94 MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH NaLS PMM H2O H20 H2O H2O H20 n2o H2O 2: MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH &OH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH H2O EtOH “20 450 (19800) 450 453 (204oo) 464 (25500) 465 (33700) 468 (34800) 465 (31000) 450 (16700) 585 590 11.0 0.56 0.39 598 612 583 602 5.95 625 3.08 2.50 1.79 0.513 c 1.404 1.81 1.81 1.810 1.91 2.80 2.77 6.10 6.05 6.00 1.250 2.250 618 620 623 629 629 0.143 0.237 382 109 206 322 392 336 149 12 101 322, 381 392 394 396 109 206 206 206 0.305 0.330 206 363 b 363 b 363 b 0.310 0.03 = 0.05 c loo 100 100 100 1CUl 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 101 101 101 103 104 105 107 107 108 108 109 109 100 100 100 100 loo 100 100 100 loo 100 100 100 101 101 101 103 104 105 107 107 108 108 109 109 Ligands 109 109 108 108 107 107 105 Ru(taphen):’ Ru(taphe& Ru(DIAF0); + Ru(DIAF0); + Ru(TAP);+ Ru(2,7-dmTAP):+ Ru(BDCMP)f: Ru(DIAF);+ Ru(DIAF);+ Ru(tml-phen)!+ Ru(tm2-p&n):+ Ru(tm2-phen);+ Ru(tm2-phen):+ loo 101 101 101 103 104 Ru(tml-phen)i+ Ru(tml-phen):+ Ru(tml-phen)z+ Ru(tml-phen):+ Ru(tml-phen): + Ru(tml-phen):+ Ru(tml-phen):+ Ru(tml-phe& Ru(tml-pher@ Ru(tml-phen); + Ru(tml-phen)i+ Complex 100 loo 100 100 100 100 loo 100 100 100 100 (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 1 (continued) MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EtOH H2O AN H20 H2O 0.5 M Hi% Hz0 H2O HCI 1.5 M MeOH/ EtOH NaLS HP H20 W’ H2’3 H2O H2O glyCW01 Solvent 436 (15700) 422 (14900) 502 (50100) 440 435 (16000) 424 (16700) 450 440 (19800) 439 (23300) 438 (24500) Abs (c) - Em. 630 600 585 (77 K) 3.1 x7 K) low 4 (77 K) Em. 705 -700 683 580 575 574 594 595 608 597 (RT) 0.33 1.4 0.200 0.090 = 2.22 2.08 1.85 0.48 2.03 2.14 3.2 c 1.39 1.52 1.75 2.28 1.81 0.507 = 1.0 ;RT) 0.034 0.032 9 (RT) 238 238 40 40 395 216 216 397 398 382 336 149 149 206 322 392 335 149 393 322 381 392 394 340 Ref. 162 162 162 163 163 163 163 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 183 183 184 187 188 162 162 162 162 163 163 163 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 183 183 184 187 188 NO2 NO2 Ru(thpy):+ RU(bt):+ Ru(PTPI);+ 188 Ru(Azp~)2 (Btz)” Ru(NA):+ Ru(NA);+ W~PY), (Btz)” Ru(DPAH)$+ Ru(DPA), (DPAH) Ru(DPA) (DPAH); Ru(DPAH);+ Ru(DPAH): + Ru(DPA),.H,O- Ru(DPA); 184 187 183 183 186 186 181 181 181 181 CN CN en aca 163 163 163 163 163 162 162 H2O MeOH/ EtOH AN AN MeOH/ EtOH H2O CH,% H2O MeOH/ EtOH acetone CH,CI, Hz0 H2O H2O Hz0 H,O MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ 552 (7200) 463 515 (16600) 505 (14000) 515 498 (13500) 375 ’ MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/EtOH 782 798 755 g 763 7646 730 p 730 m 603 h 650 h 644h 603 h 0.080 - 0.01 - 0.01 2.0 6 1.8 5.9 0.0003 400 668 766 784 835 > 870 2 870 > 870 2 870 0.22 0.026 .-.._“__.--l”_l”l”l~-- 360 370 400 399 399 376 375 376 375 376 399 376 376 376 376 209 235 209 b 209 209 209 209 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 257 257 247 247 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 246 247 247 251 251 251 251 251 251 251 CN Ru(DMCH),(CN), CN RutDMCH),(CN), Ru(DMCH),(CN), Ru(DMCH),(CN), Ru(DMCH),(CN), Ru(DMCH),(CN), Ru(DMCH) &l 2 Cl CN CN CN CN CN Ci CN CN CN CN CN R~(PY~~PY):+ Ru(pynapy)! * Ru(pq)(biq)i+ Ru(pq)(biq):’ 257 257 247 247 Ru(pq)2(biq)2+ Ru(p&(biq)*’ 257 257 Ru(p@: + Ru(hpiq):’ Ru(hpiq)i+ 245 245 245 245 245 245 Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 1 (continued) 494 (19500) AN MeOH/ EtOH AN EtCN EtOH MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH MeOH/ EtOH M&H MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EtOH MF AN CHCI, DMF MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MF 588 636 (12000) 625 618 640 (9800) 575 526 (12500) 533 (7640) 530 (7350) 488 484 483 484 Abs (c) Solvent Em. 732 772 865 735 731 722 670 658 733 (77 K) 1.2 1.1 1.2 0.72 0.50 2.0 2.4 3.4 1.1 ;77 K) + (77 K) Em. 797 830 824 839 785 687 718 (RT) 0.18 0.14 0.18 0.017 0.007 0.012 221 217 221 221 221 221 40 402 402 274 274 274 274 268 233 351 351 401 401 40 40 Ref. 251 251 256 256 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 261 267 281 281 251 251 256 256 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 257 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 259 261 267 281 281 CN 259 259 259 261 267 Cl CN CN CN CN 257 CN 257 257 257 Cl CN CN CN CN CN 256 256 251 251 CN Cl CN CN CN CN CN Cl CN CN CN CN CN Ru(trpyI:+ Ru(trpy):’ Ru(dpp) :+ Ru(i-biq),(CN), Ru(i-bk& Ru(i-biq); i Ru(i-biq), Ru(DP); + Ru(i-biq),CI, Ru(i-biq),(CN), Ru(i-biq),(CN), Ru(i-biq),(CN), Ru(i-biq),(CN), Ru(biq)$+ Ru(bWCNh Ru(bi&+ Ru(biq): * Ru(biq$+ Ru(bi&0J), Ru(biWCNh Ru(bhh KNh Ru(bhh(CN), Ru(biWCNh Ru(biqI,Cl, Ru(dinapy): + Ru(dinapy): + Ru(DMCH); + Ru(DMCH);+ H2O AN H2O AN MeOH/ EtOH AN MeOH/ EtOH MF AN CHCI, DMF MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MF AN MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MF CHCI, DMF MeOH MeOH,’ EtOH MF AN AN nitrile AN 455 (22400) 455 474 (14600) 473 (16200) 412 392 (24100) 392 (24100) 436 (15900) 425 437 (17600) 404 593 524 (9000) 524 623 (12200) 625 620 635 (8900) 580 585 (9900) 540 (10550) 540 96.0 40 240 250 j 577 542 2.2 2.6 0.8 0.93 0.91 0.46 0.18 1.8 730 L 718 719 736 780 855 840 732 - 620 615 636 602 555 543 594 632 582 804 705 i 834 825 842 790 -740’ i 0.005 0.73 0.27 0.045 0.25 ’ 0.21 0.45 0.05 0.16 0.11 0.17 0.011 0.023 -z 0.001 0.016 0.007 0.009 221 215 131 131 395 403 40 149 217 221 221 221 40 344 221 344 401 401 217 221 221 221 221 40 40, 329 402 402 329 281 281 281 281 281 282 282 282 283 283 283 284 284 284 284 286 286 281 281 281 281 281 282 282 282 283 283 283 284 284 284 284 286 286 Ru(TF’TZ);+ Ru(TPTZ);+ WdW : + WW:+ RuGh$f + Wdw):+ Ru(tsite)i+ Ru(tsit&+ Ru(tsite)i+ Ru(tro):+ Ru(tro):’ Ru(tro):+ Wtrpy):+ Wrpy)t+ Wrpy);’ Ww):+ W WW:+ Ww):+ R@-w): + R@w):+ R+PY) : + 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 H2O H2O HClO, MeOH MeOH MeOH,’ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH,’ EIOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH MeOH MeOH/ EtOH MeOH/ EtOH Solvent Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 1 (continued) 501(19200) 501 517 (8880) 610 (2200) 500 (38400) 560 (8200) 475 (15100) 470 (16100) 473 Abs(c) 680 685 632 633 628 629 596 600 599 596 600 (77 K) Em. 5.6 4.77 7.8 12.3 10 11.0 10.66 10.82 11 ;77 K) 0.05 0.57 0.45 0.48 0.479 ;7K) -600 605 628 (RV Em. < 0.005 < 0.005 z 0.0012 ;RTI 149 101 406 405 406 405 127 406 406 127 406 406 40 127 406 97, 320 104 101 404 405 406 407 Ref. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2sc 2SC Cl Cl 2sc 2SC Cl Cl 2SC 2sc 2SC 2SC 2sc 2SC NH, NH, 2sc 2sc NH, NH, 2SC 2SC 2sc 2sc NH, NH, 270 a MC emission. b pH dependence. emission. k At 250 K. ’ At 15 K. 160 160 160 160 159 159 159 159 57 57 57 57 Cl Cl 1 Cl Cl NH, NH, Cl Cl NH, NH, Cl Cl Cl Cl Ru”‘Cl(bpy),13+ RuCW’pyM2+ [(2SC),CIRu(BPE) RuCWPY)ZI~+ [(ZSC),ClRu(BPE) WH,),Ru@PE) RuCVbpy),l’+ [(NH,),Ru”‘(BPE) RuCUbpy)z12+ [(2SC)2ClRu(BPA) RumCl(bpy)J3+ RuCl(b~~)rl~+ [(2SC),CIRu(BPA) [(NHS)5Ru”‘(BPA) RuCl(bpy)z13+ I(NH,),Ru(BPA) RuCXbpy),12+ [(2W,C~Ru(4,4’-bpy) R~“‘Cl(bpy)~]~+ [(2SC),ClRu(4,4’-bpy) Ru”‘Cl(bpy)2]3+ RuCl(bpy),]‘+ ((ZSC),ClRu(4,4’-bpy) RuCl(bpy),14+ {(2SC),ClRu(4,4’-bpy) AN CH,Cl,/ CH,Cl,/ AN CHzCW AN CH2Cl2/ AN CH,CI,/ AN CH,CW AN CH,Cl,/ AN CH,Cl,/ AN CH,Cl,/ AN CH,Cl,/ AN AN CH,Cl,/ AN AN CH,CI,/ AN Ru(bpy),l’+ i(NH,hRu(44’-bpy) RuCU’py),13+ ((NH,),Ru”‘(4,4’-bpy) AN Hz0 KhWzRuW-3) Wbwh14+ Nw) 2 R&W 412 (8900) 4.68 (16000) 528 (16300) 525 (21000) 606 (7600) Abs. (t) 704 700 700 700 704 706 1o-3 10-3 10-j 10-3 1o-3 358, 359 358, 359 358 10-j 711 713 358, 359 358, 359 358, 359 358. 359 358, 359 358 10-j 358 358 358 372 103 103 361 708 6xW6 2.7 x lo- 3 :RT) Ref. 358, 359 358 0.060 0.054 (RT) I 10-3 706 700 700 780 755 (RT) (77 K) 769 ~4 Em. F!m. ’ Air equilibrated solution. d Q~. e Double emission. ’ Shoulder. s Solid sample. h LMCT emission. i Not measurable. j LC Cl Cl NH, NH, Cl Cl NH, NH, Cl Cl Cl Cl NH, 1 57 57 1 267 NH, 1 1 NH, 1 1 NH, 1 1 EtOH 1 1 Ru(biv9,14+ Kbm)2 Wdw) Wwh14+ 1 267 1 1 1 1 1 H2O 61 Ww)2 Wwm) 1 1 1 1 Solvent Complex Ligands (b) Polynuclear complexes + Y 1 1 MPP Ns N3 MPP N3 SCN SCN H2O H2O N3 H2O H2O H2O H2O H20 H*O PPP H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ru(bpy) 2(SCN)2 Ru(bpy),(MPP);+ Ru(bpy),(W2+ Ru(bpy),(N3)2+ Ru(bpy) 2(PPP)H + truns-Ru(bpy)z(H20);+ cis-Ru(bpy)2(H20)i’ cis-Ru(bpy),(H,O);+ rrans-Ru(bpy),(H,O);+ Ru(bpy) 2(CO)Cf + cis-Ru(bpy)2(CO)Cl + R@PY) 2(CO)Cf + Ru(bpy),(H,V+ Ru(bpy) 2(NO)@ + Ru(bpy),(CO):+ Ru(bPY),(CO);+ Ru(bpy) 2(CO)H + DMF AN H,SO, 1 M H,SO, 1 M H,SO, 1 N H,SO,, 1 N CH$l,,ClAN AN PY PY H20 AN CH,Cl,,ClMeOH MeOH HZ0 MeOH MeOH 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + Ru(bpy),(CO)Cf+ cis-Ru(bpy)2(CO)Cl+ Ru(bpy),(CO)Cf Ru(bpy),(CO)CL+ cis-Ru(bpy)2(CO)CI+ Wbw) 2 (AWl+ Wbw) 2 (ANXCO)2 + CH,Cl,,ClCH,Cl,,ClH,SO, 1M CH,Cl,,ClI AN AN AN CH,Cl,,Cl- WbMW;+ RuhvMAN)~+ WbpyWWZ,+ AN AN AN Cl co co co co co co co co co H2 NO co co H 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AN AN AN AN AN Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl co co co Solvent Complex Ligands Photoehemical properties TA3LE 2 0.026 0.045 0.04 0.025 -0 < 0.001 0.05 0.09 0.045 0.31 0.32 0.44 0.12 + Wbpy)2 (AWN,)* Decomposition or photosolvation Photosolvation + -+ Ru(bpy),(AN)f+ Photoaquation Photoaquation Photoisomerization Photoisomerization Photoanation + Ru(bpy) $12 CO photosubstitution Co photosubstitution CO photosubstitution CO photosubstitution CO photosubstitution H, photosubstitution + Ru(bpy)2(AN)C12’ + Ru(bpy), (CO)Cl+ CO photosubstitution Disappearance -, Ru(bpy),Cl, CO photosubstitution CO photosubstitution CO photosubstitution + Ru(bpy),(AN)Cl+ -, Ru(bpy) 2(AN)Cl+ Photoaquation Type of reaction 426 318 409 318 318 410 411 410 318 412 411 410 411 410 412 413 318 410 410, 414 414 318 318 415 415 318 416 416 Ref. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 51 59 61 107 107 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cl Cl NCS 111 111 111 111 57 Ru(bPY),(PYw+ Ru(bpy) 2(py)Cl+ RQPY), (PYXNCS)’ Ru(bpy),(py);+ Ru(bpy),(py);+ Ru(bpy),(py):+ R~(~PY),(PY);+ Ru(bPY):+ Ru@PY):+ R@PY); + Ru(bPY):+ Ru@PY):+ R~@PY);+ Ru(bpy); + Ru(bPY)2(6-stY-bPYJ2+ Ru(bp y)2(4,4’-bp y); + Ru(bpy),(bpzJ2+ Ru(bpy),(bpyW2+ Ru(bpy)2(DIAF)2+ Ru(bpy),(DIAF)‘+ A-Ru(bpy);+ Ru(bPY):+ Ru(bPY);+ Ru(bpy): + Ru(bpy),WS), Ru(bpyW 2 Ru(bPY):+ Ru(bpy): + Ru(bPY):+ Wbpy): + R4-w):+ H*O H,SO, 1 N HC112 M HCllM HCllM HCl2M NaHCO, NaOH 0.3 M AN CH,Cl,,ClAN AN AN CH,Cl, CH&ClMeOH CH,Cl,,ClAN CH,Cl, CH,Cl,,XCH,Cl,,Cl- AN,ClAN,ClAN AN CH,Cl,,ClCH,Cl,,ClCH,Cl,,ClCH,Cl,,ClDCllM DMF,Br- 0.036 0.211 0.18 0.20 0.00033 0.0008 0.20 < 0.0001 < 0.0001 0.004 0.043 a 0.04 0.00029 < 0.0001 > 0.0015 0.00019 0.01 0.003 < 0.0003 0.029 0.04 0.068 0.100 0.030 0.00036 0.0003 387 366 417 225 366 124 124 409 121 418 144 366 121 --) Ru(bpy) 2(-bpyIC1 + 121 -, Ru(bpy) 2(-bpy)Cl + 343 d Ru(bpy) 2(-b~y)Cl+ Disappearance 419 j Ru(bpy) 2(-bpy WH) + 343 Disappearance 420 Photosolvation 345 + Ru(bpy) 2(4,4’-bp y)Cl + 318 L&and loss 225 225 Ligand loss Photosubstitution 421 Photosubstitution 421 318 * Ru(bpy) $12 Cl’ photosubstitution 422 --) Ru(bpy)2(NCS)Cl 423 Photosubstitution 421 Photosubstitution 421 423 --) Ru@PY),(PY)X+ 318 j Ru(bpy)z(~~)Cl+ + Ru(bpy) 2Rr2 Racemization Photoanation h Ru(bpy) 2(-bpy)Cl+ + Ru(bpy)2(DMF)Brf -, Ru(bpy),(AN)2,+ Ligand loss Photoanation Photoanation Photoanation Photoanation Photoanation Photoanation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ligands 137 145 146 147 157 157 125 126 125 111 111 111 111 115 118 118 118 118 118 119 119 124 124 124 124 124 125 TABLE 2 (continued) Ru(bpy),(Pyd);+ R@PY)*(PZH)f’ Ru(bpy),Wd);+ Ru(bpy),(NMI)Z,+ R~(~PY)z(DPM)~+ R~(~PY)z(DPM)~+ Ru(bpy),(c-stylb);+ 126 137 145 146 147 Ru(bpy),(c-stylb)CI+ Ru(bpy)z(t-stylb);’ 125 Cl Ru(bPY),(PY);+ Ru(~PY),(PY);+ R~(~PY)~@Y):+ R~(~PY),(PY);+ R~vJPY),(~+PY);+ Ru(bpy)s(PicXCO)2’ Ru@py), WXCO)" Ru(b~~),(pic):+ Ru(bPY),(Pic)2,+ Ru(b~~Wc)z,+ Ru(bp y)z(4acet yI-p y)CI + Ru(bp y)2FacetYI-p y)22’ Ru(bpy),(PVI’XCI)+ RU(~PY)~(PVPXCO)~+ RU(~PY),(PVPXCO)‘+ Ru(bpy)s(PW:;, Rutb~~)z(PvP);+ Ru(bpy),(t-stylb)Cl+ 111 111 111 111 115 co co 118 118 118 Cl 119 Cl co co 124 124 Cl Complex + Ru(bpy)z(3-I-py)CI+ CO photosubstitution CO photosubstitution Photoanation Photoanation Photoanation + RU(~PY),CI, + Ru(bpyX4-acetyl-py)Cl+ Cl- photosubstitution CO photosubstitution CO photosubstitution L&and loss Photosubstitution Ligand isomerization 0.20 0.15 0.12 0.16 0.06 --) Ru(bpy) 2(pyd)Cl + 0.20 Photoaquation < 0.001 + Ru(bpy) ,(imid)Cl+ < 0.001 + Rt@py),(NMI)Cl+ Photoanation 0.24 0.21 Photoanation BN BN BN CH,Cl,,ClH,SO, 1 M CH,Cl,,ClCH,Cl,,ClAN,ClCH,Cl,,Cl- Ligand isomerization Ligand isomer&ion Ligand isomerization 0.09 0.087 0.21 0.17 0.24 0.07 0.29 + R@PY) 2 (py)Cl+ Photosubstitution Photoaquation Photosubstitution Type of reaction 0.22 0.170 0.26 + PY AN MeOH BN PY AN,ClCH,Cl,,ClH,SO, 1 N CH,Cl,,ClCH,Cl,,ClMeOH MeOH H,SO, 1 M MeOH CH,Cl,,ClMeOH H2O CH,Cl,,Cl- Solvent 409 421 318 422 318 410 410 366 366 366 318 318 422 410 410 126 422 424, 425 424, 425 424, 425 424, 425 318 318 318 318 366 366 Ref. AN Hz0 68 68 111 103 180 68 68 68 68 103 180 285 68 68 68 68 103 180 285 a Under 100 atm 0,. 111 H2O H2O NH3 NH3 AN AN NH, 68 68 AN Cl Cl 37 AN AN AN 59 59 59 59 59 37 54 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 37 54 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 61 68 68 37 37 15 157 158 158 158 59 61 15 37 1 1 1 1 59 61 15 15 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 15 RU(PY&PY) :+ Ru(dpt);+ trans-Ru(phen),(AN)i+ rruwRu(phen), (H20)(AN)2+ cis-Ru(phen),(H,O)i+ Ru(phen):’ Ru(phen): ’ frans-Ru(phen), (py);’ Ru(TAP);+ V’WNHd&@wm~4+ Ru(bpy),(DPW2+ Ru(bpy),(DPQ2+ Ru(bpy),(DPE)2+ RWPYMDPE)~’ Ru(bPYxbPz);+ Ru(bpyXbpym)‘z+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy)i+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy), (4,4’-DCE-bpy)2+ Ru(4,4’-dm-bpy) (4,4’-DCE-bpy);’ Ru(4,4’-DCE-bpy); + Ru(6,6’-dm-bpy),(AN)i+ Ru(bpz),(AN)Cl+ Ru(bpz),(AN)Cl+ Ru(bPz):+ Ru(bPz):+ Ru(bpz);+ Ru(bpz):+ Ru(bpz)$+ H2O AN CH,Cl,,X- H2O CH,Cl,,ClCH,Cl,,ClAN HZ0 H2O AN CH2C12,ClCH,Cl,,ClAN AN AN AN,ClAN AN,ClAN,Cl- CH,Cl,,Cl- H2SO41 N AN,CICH,Cl,,ClH2SO41 N AN AN CH,Cl,,ClCH,Cl,,Cl- Photoanation Photoanation Photoanation Photoanation Ligand loss Ligand loss Photoanation Photoanation Photoanation Photoanation Photoisomerization Photoanation 0.020 Photoanation 0.014 Photoisomerization < 0.001 Deehelation Photosolvation 0.0040 Photoanation (X- = Br-, SCN-) 0.001 --) Ru(bpz) $12 c 0.001 --) Ru(bpz),Cl, + Ru(bpz) 2(AN)Cl+ 0.37 Photoanation 0.37 Ligand loss 0.45 Photoanation 0.37 Photoanation < 0.0005 Decomposition Photoisomerization Photoisomerization 0.012 c 0.001 Photoanation 0.04 0.18 0.58 < 0.3 0.035 < 0.001 0.005 < 0.001 429 124 124 429 398 369 150 135 427 382 388 382 387 225 387 388 428 429 429 135 366 366 366 366 225 225 135 135 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Hz0 AN and DMF AN DMF AN AN DMF AN fWw):+ Ww):+ 1 1 1 1 Hz0 DMF AN AN AN AN AN DMF Why):+ R~(~PY):+ Ru(bpy): + R@PY): + R@PY):+ R~(~PY):+ R~(~PY):+ R*PY):+ AN AN AN acetone R~(~PY):+ Ww):+ R@PY):+ R4by):+ R~(~PY):+ Ru(bpy):+ Ru(bpy):+ Ru(bpy)f+ Ru(‘m9: + WW: + WTY):+ : Hz0 DMF DMF R@PY): + R~@PY):+ Ru(bpy):+ Ww): + AN Why): + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Solvent Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes SSCE Ag/AgNQ SCE SCE SSCE SSCE AsRE Ag/AgCI SSCE s ref SCE SCE Fc+/O NHE Fc+/O SSCE SSCE AgRE s ref SCE AgRE SCE ABRE SSCE SCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE NHE SCE Fc+/O SCE Fc+/O SSCE SCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE S’WH,O) Ref. 1234 1260 1290 1263 1290 1290 1354 1665 1490 1290 1290 1ooo 1270 1260 1290 1270 1240 1260 1240 - 1338 -1760 - 1280 -1760 -1355 -1810 -1332 - 1060 -1100 -1400 - 1250 - 1330 -1760 -1310 - 1310 - 1270 - 1270 -1760 - 1350 2030 -840 -800 -790 -840 840 800 760 840 *Gd at -54’C E/p f. diff. pulsep. Diss. D.J. Salmon, 1977 = -300mV v SCE AatE at -54’C - 54’C, Ed1 = - 2540 E,, = AN, E, = DMF - Notes 457 385 437 451 243 62 229 369 69 378 431 433 443 444 169 149 270 63 Ref. Ground and excited state redox properties, This Table lists the first oxidation and the first reduction potential in the ground state (E,, and &,,> and in the lowest excited state (*E,, and *E rsd, calculated according ta eqn. (8) and (9)), the reference and the standard electrodes, and the energy of the lowest lying excited state, in cases where the O-O excitation energy is known. Ail potentials are given in mV; the precision should be taken from the original literature TABLE 3 R@PY): + Ru@PY): + R~(~PY):+ Wbpy): + R@PY): + R~(~PY):+ -3~~1: + Wpy): + WJPY):+ R~(~PY):+ R~@PY): + R~(~PY):+ R~(~PY):+ Wbpy): + R@PY): + Ru(~PY):+ Wbpy); + WJPY): + R~@PY):+ AN R~@PY): + AN R~@PY): + Ru@py)i + H2O AN Wbpy): + AN W’py): + AN Wbpy) z (4-n-bpy)‘+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1280 970 1365 s ref NHE As/AP+ Ag/AfjNO, 1190 1280 SCE NHE 1260 1260 1260 1290 1290 1260 1010 1290 1354 1402 1220 1290 1270 1290 1240 1260 850 1270 1268 1260 1290 1260 1354 1270 SCE Ag/AgNO, Ag/AgN03 * NHE NHE NHE AN l SCE NHE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE NHE Fc+/O SCE SCE SCE NHE SCE NHE SCE AUAgNO, Ag/AgNO, AUAgC1 SSCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE AdAgNO, SCE SCE SCE SCE AN AN H2S04 AN AN AN AN AN DMF AN AN AN 0.5 M AN H2’3 AN AN AN AN AN H20 AN AN AN AN AN Ru(bPY):+ W’JPY): + Wpy): + R~(~PY):+ W’JPY): + W’JPY):+ Ru@p y):+ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1320 - 1650 -560 -1345 -1350 -1350 -1230 -1350 -1360 - 1320 - 1320 - 1250 -1332 -1340 -1280 -1760 -1330 -1340 -1340 -1350 -1350 -1350 -1330 -1260 -1332 2130 2130 2120 2100 - 830 -840 - 870 - 870 -900 -810 - 830 -810 -840 780 780 760 770 760 770 840 760 = E/P& * fWbpy):+/ + 1260 mV * Mbpy): +/ + 1260 mV _ E, -40°c, _ Peak potentials 360 224 393 135 307 239 512 329 40 397 103 210 380 354 60 497 501 403 509 387 487 489 402 176 235 232 474 477 131 482 482 4 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 30 30 30 26 26 26 18 17 16 16 16 15 13 13 12 11 Ru@pY)2 (4-n-bpy)*+ 7 1 1 R@PY), (4,4’-DTB-bpy)2+ R@PY), (4,4’-DTB-bpy)‘+ Ru(bpy), (4,4’-DTSbpy)2 + Ru(bpy), (4,4’dph-bpy)2+ R@PY), (4,4’-dph-bpy)2+ R@PY)~ (4,4’-dph-bpy)2+ R@PY) z (4,4’dn-bpy)‘+ R@PY)~ (4,4’-dBr-bpy)*’ R@PY), (4,4’-dCl-bpy) ’ + Ru@PY), (4,4’-dCI-bpy)2+ R@PY), (4,4’-dCl-bpy) ’ + R@PY), (4,4’-dm-bpy)2+ R~(~PY), (3,3’-dm-bpy)2+ R@PY), (3,3’-dm-bpy)” R@PY), (6-tol-bpy) *+ R@PY), @-sty-bpy)*+ Ru(bpY), (4-n-bpy)** Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 3 (continued) AN AN AN AN DMF AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN acetone acetone AN AN Solvent l * Ag/AgNO, * Ag/AgNO, AUAgNO, SSCE WAgNO, &/&NO, * AdAis+ Ag/AgNO, * AiUAgN’J, Ag/Ag+ Ag/AgNO, &/kW, WA@ WAN WAN’, Ref. NHE NHE NHE SSCE Fc+/O NHE NHE s ref NHE NHE s ref NHE NHE s ref s ref NHE 1210 1210 1210 1233 1240 1480 1020 1300 1300 1300 930 1220 1220 1490 1530 1370 1370 - 1370 - 1370 -1365 - 1308 - 1720 - 510 -1140 -1140 -1140 - 1680 -1370 - 1370 -1110 -1120 -560 - 560 2100 2100 1770 2040 2040 2080 2080 1890 1890 -890 -890 - 870 -290 -740 -740 - 860 -860 -520 - 520 730 730 1260 900 900 710 710 1330 1330 *&I l Ru(bpy):+/ + 1260 mV at -54’C * Ru(bpy):+/ + 1260 mV Erd = ii-r. * Ru(bpy):+/ + 1260 mV * Ru(bpy):+/ + 1260 mV + 1260 mV * Ww):+/ Notes 40 329 239 473 473 224 40 307 344 40 239 307 40 329 345 345 344 40 Ref. z 43 44 54 61 61 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 61 61 61 61 60 59 59 59 59 58 57 57 51 57 56 38 1 1 58 Cl Cl 57 57 Wbpyh (bPzJ2+ W’PY)~ @PzY+ W’PY), @PZ12’ R@PY), Wd2+ W~PY), @JPW’ Wbpyh (bpym)2+ R@PY), (bpym12+ W~PY)Z (bPYm12’ W~PY) 2 (bpymj2 + W~PY) 2 (bpymj2’ W~PY) 2 (bpym)l+ M’PY), (m-4,4’-bpy)i+ Mbpyh (4,4’-bpy)(Cl)+ Wbpyh (4,4’-bpy)(Cl)+ ‘WPY)~ (4,4’-bpy):+ R~(~PY), (H4-bpy12 + Mbpy), (4,4’-bpy):+ Mbpyh (6,6’-dm-bpy)’ + WJPY) 2 (4,4’-DCA-bpy)‘+ Wbpyh (4,4’-DHC-bpy)‘+ (4.4’-DCI-bpy)2f Ru(b9, AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN DMF AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN DMF iBN/AN CH,Cl, NHE SCE SCE NHE * NHE NHE sref SCE SSCE SSCE SCE NHE SSCE Fct/O SSCE SCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE * / NHE Ag/‘AgNO, * Wbpy):+ Ag/AgNO, SCE SSCE SSCE SCE Ag/AgNO, SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE Ag/AgNO, Ag/AgNO, SCE SCE Ag/AgCl 1385 1370 1290 1360 1400 2270 1500 1485 1490 1340 790 790 1320 1320 1238 1285 1380 1350 - 1025 - 1510 - 1010 - 1020 -280 -890 -910 -1340 -910 -760 - 1317 - 1330 - 930 -990 -550 1940 550 -440 1440 1050 * Wbpy):+/ + 1260 mV reference = 1260 mV E values are calculated * Ru@PY):+/ t 1260 mV at -54’C _ t 1260 mV * W’w):+/ 512 361 465 360 454 229 387 40 473 473 229 357 510 358 459 318 511 514 270 354 447 68 68 71 85 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN N, Cl Cl AN AN AN AN AN AN 88 AN 67 1 1 70 Wm9, 62 1 1 R@PY) 2 (ANXN,) + R@PY), (AN)@) + ROpy), (AN):+ R~@PY), (AN);+ cis-Ru@Py)2 (AN):+ R~@PY), (AN)i+ R@PY), (AN):+ R@PY), (AN):+ R@PY), (AN):+ R@py), (AN)(a) + ROpy), (4,%PlGphen)‘+ RM’JPY), (2,9-dm-phen)2+ R~(~PY), (Pc-phen)2 ’ RM’JPYI, (2-mea-phen)*+ R~(~PY), (Phe#’ R~@PY), @hen)*+ R~PY)Z (h-phen)2+ (4,4’-dm-bpym)” Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) Ag/AgNO, SSCE AN AN SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE AN AN AN AN SSCE SSCE AN AN SSCE SSCE AN AN SCE SCE AN AN Ag/AgCl AdAgC’ SSCE SSCE Ag/AgNO, SCE Ref. acetone acetone AN AN AN AN Solvent * SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE NHE SCE s ref s ref SSCE SSCE NHE SCE Stand. 650 840 860 1470 1440 1300 1410 1440 1440 1440 1245 1180 1520 1440 1230 1290 1240 1250 II,, - 1320 - 1030 - 1130 - 1360 - 1360 Ed 2120 Eomo -910 - 880 *& 780 760 *Ed Diss. D.J. Salmon, 1977 Eox-tram 1440 mV E/p f. diff. pulse-p. E/p f. diff. pulse-p. +1260 mV 476 385 318 489 476 462 455 450 369 318 239 360 451 451 210 458 40 360 _ * Why):+/ Ref. Notes 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN Br Br BA BA AN AN AN AN AN AN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN CN SEE Br PRC BA NO3 NO1 H,O NO NO NO W’J), Wbm), OJ), Ww), 002 Wbv), WW2 fWw92 KW2 W’wJ, 092 Rdw92 GN), W’w), OJ), WW2 W’J), Ww92 ((392 RuOw92 0’92 Ru(bpy), (Br)(SEE)+ cis-Ru(bpy) 2 Ru(bpy) 2 (Br) 2 (BA)(PRC)*+ W’JXN%)+ Ww), W’JXNW+ Ww)z (Wt+ Wwh Ru(bpy) 2 Rdbpyh (AN)(NO)‘+ cis-Ru(bpy)2 (AN)(H,O)*+ Ru(bpy)z (AN)(NO)3+ (AN)(NO)3+ Ru(bmh DMF AN DMF DMF H2S04 0.5 M DMF AN DMF DMF AN DMF AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN Ag/A@h Ag/AgNO, Ag/AgNO, A&‘AisN4 SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SCE Fct/O SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE 830 810 840 840 930 850 805 896 360 800 730 920 370 1240 1030 1020 1170 560 560 560 - 1590 -1640 - 1560 - 1560 -1540 - 1605 -1572 - 2020 -1633 - 1680 - 1470 - 350 - 350 2140 2150 2050 -1300 -1160 - 1320 580 440 370 * Ru(bpy):+/ t 1260 mV * R@py):+/ t 1260 mV * Ru(bpy);+/ t 1260 mV * Rdbpy): +/ t 1260 mV E = E/p,a and E/p,c - _ E,, = E/p,a E,,-trans 1150 mV 221 221 40 221 509 176 477 471 470 469 325 486 489 492 492 464 464 450 488 464 441 co Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl For Cl co co co co co co co 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Ru(bpyI2 (Cl), Ru(bpy), AN co 1 1 Cl Ru(bpy), (CO)(For)+ H co 1 1 Ru(by), (Cl) 2 R~(~PY), (Cl), R@PY), (Cl) 2 R@PY)Z (Cl), Ru(bpYI2 (Cl), R~(~PY) 2 (Q, Go2 Ru(bpY), (CO)(Cl) + R@PY), (CO)(Cl) + Ru(bPY) 2 (CO)(Cl) + R@PY), (CO)(Cl) + cis-Ru(bpy), (CO)(Cl) + R@PY), (Ctw cis-Ru@py)2 (W(H)+ Ru(by)2 (CWHI)’ Ru(bpyI2 (CO)(AN)2+ H co 1 1 Ru(bpy),(CN) ((CN)Pt(dieu))2’ CN l CN 1 Complex 1 Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) AN SCE SCE AN DMF SCE SSCE AN AN SSCE SCE AN AN SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SCE SCE Ref. AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN DMF Solvent SCE Fc+/O SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SCE SCE Stand. 2140 1140 1140 1030 320 3 308 310 300 310 350 320 1470 1460 1500 1500 1500 1550 >1900 E,, - 1610 - 1950 -1320 -1300 - 1320 -1320 -1150 - 1450 - 1620 Ed 2190 Eo-0 ox -1700 -1160 *E 570 *&cd 385 431 222 483 210 479 483 449 318 318 479 483 449 325 Ref. 479 470 469 Diss. D.J. 457 Salmon, 1977 467 E,, = Vp,a CN * is(CN) Pt(dien) Notes K 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 en en TN SP SF N3 N3 N3 N3 Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl SP SF NO NO N3 N3 NO3 NO2 NCS NO NO NO NO NO Cl Cl Cl Cl 2 2 2 2 Wbpy), (en)2+ (en)2+ Ww), vv2+ RuMy), P), W’wh WI2 Wbw), V3XW2 W’w), (N3MW2+ Wwy), cN3)2 Ru(W) (N3)2 R~JPY), OW3 Ww) OXNO Wbpy), (WNCS) Wbpy), ) 1 RU@PY)2 (Cl)(NO)2’ Wbpyh (Cl)(NO)‘+ Wbpy), (Cl)(NO)‘+ Wbpy) 2 (Cl)(NO)‘+ + (Cl)(NO)2+ Ww92 co2 Why) 02 Wx-v~, (a W’m9, 02 W’w) 2 AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN H2O Acetone AN AN AN DMF CH,Cl, AN AN SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE l s ref SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE Ag/Ag NHE NO, * SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE NO3 Ad& NO3 Ag/Ag SSCE SSCE 933 950 - 980 - 280 120 180 170 190 170 450 570 500 40 290 200 190 190 310 50 310 320 - 1485 - 630 - 630 -1590 -600 -600 - 1670 -2110 -1670 1650 - 970 -1340 -20 = E/P,c E, = E/p,c * Ww):+/ + 1260 mV E, * Wbpy):+/ + 1260 mV E, = E/p,c 486 486 488 441 40 476 464 464 489 488 488 488 464 441 40 505 489 367 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 111 Cl Cl CN 111 111 CN AN 111 111 AN 111 AN @yXCN)+ Bu(bpyJ, (PYXQ + R~(~PY), (PYXCU+ Ru@py), @yXAN)‘+ RufbpY)z @yXAN)‘+ Ru(bpy), (PYXAN)~’ R@PY), (PYXAN)” R~@PY), @yXCN) + Ru@pY), 111 111 Ru(bpY), (phen-dione)2’ R@PY), (taphen)2+ Ru(bpy), (taphen) + (DIAFO)‘+ Wbpy)2 (ox) Ru(bpy), (ox) R@PY)~ w2+ Wvy), w2+ Ru@PY)~ (en)2+ WW 110 109 109 108 ox ox en en AN 1 1 en 1 1 w2+ Wvyh 1 1 en Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) SSCE SSCE SSCE AN AN AN AN AN SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE AN AN SSCE SSCE AN AN SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE NHE &/AiW, AN * NHE NHE Fc+/O SCE s ref SSCE SCE Fc+/O Stand. Ag/A@‘JO, WAgNO, * SCE Ag/Ag+ SSCE SCE Ref. AN AN DMF AN Hz0 AN AN DMF Solvent 790 800 1040 1040 1350 1360 1360 1280 1350 1370 1370 1360 20 450 620 960 980 450 E,,, - 1480 -65 - 720 - 720 - 670 - 1980 - 1598 - 1498 -1910 Erod 1870 2160 Eo-0 ox -500 -800 *E 1150 1490 *Ed * Wbpy): +/ +126OmV * Ru(bpY):+/ +1260mV E,, = E/m Notes 318 364 479 364 489 476 455 364 480 40 238 40 470 469 317 495 477 470 Ref. 111 111 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 1 1 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 OH NO NO NO NO NO N3 N, Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl @Ywd+ W~PY), @YxNO)’ + R~(~PY), (PYxNOj3+ RJJ(~PY), (PYxNO13+ R@PY), (PYWNO)~ + WbPy) 2 fPYxNO)3+ R@PY) z (PYWOH)+ Ru(bpy), @Y):+ R~(~PY)2 (PY):+ Ru(bpy) z (PY):’ cis-Ru(b~~)z <PY):+ Ru(~PY)z @Y):+ R@PY) z (PYI22’ UbPy) 2 <PY>:+ R@PY) z @YG’ Mbpy), (PYXN,)’ (PYW) + WbPy), @YMCb’ R@PY), (PYxCb+ Wbpy), (PYKU + Wbpy), (PYxCb+ Wbpyh Wvyh AN DMF AN AN AN AN SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE AN AN SSCE SSCE AN H2O SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN SCE Fc+/O SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE 1265 760 1270 1280 1300 1300 1300 1240 230 530 530 530 530 530 580 580 790 760 770 790 117 - 1365 - 1790 - 1383 - 1320 - 370 - 370 -1500 - 1510 1280 mV Diss. D.J. Salmon, 1977 E,,-tram &I = E,'P,c T= 2O.O”C 318 364 364 488 464 455 441 364 476 364 510 489 367 479 466 111 111 111 111 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 1 1 ON3 ON2 ON1 NO3 NO3 NO3 NO, NO2 NO2 NO2 NO2 NCS f-W f-W *,O Cl0 111 111 111 1 1 R@PY) 2 (PYXNO,)+ Ru(bpy), (PYXNO,)+ Mbpyh (PYKN~)+ Wbpy) 2 (PYXNW+ Ubpy), (PYXNW+ R@PY) 2 (PYXNW+ Wbpy) 2 (PYMNW+ Wbpy) 2 (PYXON~I~+ Wbpy) 2 (PYKON~)~+ Wbpy) 2 (PYKON~)~+ R~(~PY), (PYX*~O)~+ Wbpy) 2 (PYKNW+ Wbpy) 2 (PYKNO~)+ (PYX*,O)~+ Wbpy), @YX*~Q~+ (PY):’ Ru(bPY), (PY)Z’ Ru(bPY), (PYG’ Wbpyl2 (PYx~ol) + Wbpy) 2 Why) z 111 1 1 I11 Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) AN AN AN SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE AN AN SSCE SSCE AN AN SSCE SCE AN AN SSCE SSCE AN AN SSCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE 1M HCIO, AN H2S04 1M AN AN AN SSCE SSCE AN AN Ref. Solvent SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE Stand. 1730 1750 1760 910 910 960 910 1060 1060 1060 1060 850 790 780 710 1090 1250 1290 1300 E,,, -1460 - 1350 - 1320 &, E”-’ -860 lE,, 760 *E, E,, = E/p,a E,, = E/m _ 461 461 461 489 464 455 364 489 479 _ E,, = E/w 464 364 489 463 463 364 489 210 489 367 Ref. E,, = E/w - Notes 8 111 111 112 112 112 113 115 122 122 122 123 123 123 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 123 119 119 117 116 111 1 1 123 NO Cl Cl AN N4 Hz0 122 119 Cl 117 11s WA PT!s ON4 2 AN AN wPY):+ WPYK’J)+ Wvyh V-VPYKW~+ Wbyh AN AN (t-bupyXN4) + AN M~PY), V-WYKAN)~+ AN Mbpy), (4+lvKC~)’ AN Ru(bpyI2 w=tYl-PY);+ AN Wbpy), (t-bupy):+ CH2C12 WJPY), (t-bupy)(H20)2+ AN W’~PY) 2 SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE H2S’h AN AN SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE 1M PC AN AN AN AN RuO, (3Pyr-PY):+ AN R@PY), (4-acetyl-py)(c1)+ AN W~PY), R@PY), (3-AEP)2+ Wbpy), (3-I-PYI$+ R~(~PY), (2-AEP)2 + R~(~PY), (Ph4A)2’ Ru(bpy), (PMA)2+ W~PY), (PM.A)2+ Ru(bpy), @YNlw+ R@PY), @YMTFA) + (PYKON~)~’ WW SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE ? SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE 1250 470 760 740 1290 880 1180 1230 1450 820 990 1020 1360 1120 1120 970 1330 890 900 1770 -1360 -1490 -1500 -1440 - 930 polymer film polymer film ref + stand not ind. E,, = E/p ,a _.^__“_.___.. 448 455 455 448 455 489 489 489 318 318 446 210 318 495 495 494 494 489 489 461 0” -4 “. 123 123 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 124 124 124 124 124 Cl0 124 OH N, Cl Cl Cl 124 124 CN AN 124 I24 AN 124 Cl NO, NO2 NO2 123 124 124 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 123 1 1 123 Ww9 123 123 1 1 2 2 Ru(bpY) 2 Ru(bpY) 2 (PVP):’ (PVP)(OH)+ ROPY), Ru@pyh (PVPXN,)+ Ru(bpy) 2 (PvP)(cI)+ Ru(bpy) 2 (PVP)(Cl) + Ru(bpy) 2 (PvP)(cl)+ Ru(bpYh (PVP)(CN) + Wbpy) z (PVP)(AN)* + Ru(bpy) 2 (PVP)(AN)* + Ru(bpy) 2 (PVP):’ (4-vpyXN4)’ Ru(bpy) z (PVP)(CI) + W’py) t4-vp~XNO2,’ R@PY), wpY):+ Ru(bpY) z FvpY):+ Rutbpy) 2 @-vpY):+ Ru(bpy) 2 WPYMNW’ Rdw) 2 wPY):+ R4b-v) 2 wPY)22' Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) SSCE AN SSCE SSCE SSCE AN AN AN AN AN SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE H2O SCE H,SO, AN SCE SSCE 1M AN AN SSCE SCE AN CH,CI, SSCE SCE AN H2O SSCE AN SSCE SSCE AN AN SSCE 1M HCIO,, AN SSCE Ref. Solvent SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE Stand. 945 1240 240 570 700 640 760 990 1135 1240 1240 760 910 1030 1035 1225 1220 1250 1045 1240 E,,, - 1390 - 1480 - 1455 -1360 -1360 -1355 E, 2030 Eo-0 ox -790 *E 640 *Gd - polymer film % = E/p,a polymer film polymer film, E,, = E/w poiymer film E,, surf. polymer film Notes 453 364 364 364 475 453 364 364 453 364 126 455 455 455 45s 455 478 418 455 455 Ref. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 138 138 138 138 138 137 137 136 135 134 133 132 132 131 130 129 128 127 125 124 124 124 NO3 NO2 138 NO Cl 137 137 Cl Cl 134 133 132 Cl 131 130 129 128 127 125 NO3 NO2 W Ru(bpyh (N-Me-PY):+ Ru(bpy), (pymXC1) + Ru(bpy), (PY~HXCU~+ Wbpy), (pyd):+ Ru(bpy), (pyd):+ Ru(bpy), (PYw1) + Ru(bpy), (PY~MNO)~+ Ru(bpy) 2 (PYr):’ Ru(bpy) 2 (pyrXN4)+ fWbpy) 2 (PY’KNO,)+ Ru(bpy), (p-fum):+ Ru(bpy), wPYw~+ Ru(bpy), (p-CH2-cinn):+ Ru(bpyh (m-cinn):+ Ru(bpy), (p-&In);+ Mbpy) z (4’~CN-stylb):+ Ru(bPy) 2 (4’-OMastylb);+ Ru(bpy), (4’~Cl-stylb);+ Wbpy), (t-stylb):+ Ru(bpy), (PVP)(NO,) + fWbpy1, (PVP)(NO,) + (PVP)(H20)2+ Ww), AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE AN AN SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE - 920 780 _ 1000 1140 k., = E/w 464 464 459 464 570 1510 510 210 880 1240 318 1420 490 448 448 490 - 1380 455 polymer film 448 448 448 448 448 448 _ Pot. py-bound isomer _ 448 364 364 364 970 840 - 1390 -1400 1220 1220 - 1390 - 1480 - 1380 - 1390 -1400 -1390 - 1380 - 1360 1260 760 1280 1190 1250 1190 1220 1230 900 1050 730 s 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ligands 151 150 149 149 148 148 147 147 146 145 145 145 144 144 144 143 142 141 140 151 150 149 Cl 148 Cl 147 147 146 145 145 145 145 144 144 (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) -@PY) 2 vwt+ W-JPY) 2 0@, Wbpy) 2 w:+ Ru(bpy) 2 (PVI)(Cl) + Ru(bp~) 2 (vi&’ IWPY), (NMI):+ Wbpy) z @MI):+ IWPY) 2 (viz)(cl)+ Rucbpy)z WW;+ RU@PY)~ (imid);+ W-Q:+ R@PY), (PZI2 Ru(bpy), @x)2 R@PY)Z (pzxPzH)+ Ru(bpy), WV:+ cis-Ru@py) 2 R@PY), (2,7-dmnapy)2+ R~PY), (naPyY+ IWPY), @PM2+ R@PY), (2-m-napy)*+ Complex AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN Solvent SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE Ref. SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE Stand. 1130 450 1000 670 1050 680 940 940 1020 1180 1180 1180 690 300 300 1320 1250 1320 1260 E,, - 1490 - 1650 - 1480 -1520 - 1520 -1500 ,I$_, Eo-0 - 1020 *E ox 480 *Ld in DMSO 222 412 472 472 472 318 210 318 367 450 222 367 367 222 458 458 458 458 Ref. - -. Ed in DMSO 222 E, - _ E,,-tram 1110 mV _ Notes .--... 2 0 “..“ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 173 171 169 166 165 163 162 161 161 160 160 160 160 160 160 159 159 159 15b 153 152 161 161 160 160 160 160 Cl Cl 159 Cl Cl 154 153 152 Ru(bpy)z (PBzimH)‘+ fWbpy)z (PYmQ*+ Wbpy) 2 (PimH)” Wbpy), (phedi)2+ R@PY), (opdi)2+ Wbpy), (DPAH)’ + Wbpy), (DPA)+ Wbpy) 2 w2):+ Mbpy), w2):+ Wbpy) 2 (BPE);+ Wbpy) z (BPE);’ Wbpy) z (BPE):+ Wbpy) 2 (BPE);+ Mbpy) z (BPE)(Cl)+ ~WPY), (SPE)(Cl)+ Wbpy) 2 (SPA);+ Wbpy) 2 (3PA)(Cl)+ Mbpy) z (lIPA)( RU@PY)Z (All-tn);+ ~W’PY) 2 (Ph-trz);+ fw9PY) 2 (m-t@:+ AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN SCE SCE 1140 1170 1250 1280 irr. 720 30 1320 1330 1240 1290 1310 1300 780 780 1290 770 770 1010 1050 1ooo N4 + SCE SCE Fc+/O Fc+/O SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SCE Ag/Ag NHE NO3 * Ag/Ag NHE NO3 * Ag/Ag NHE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SCE -1490 - 1520 - 1250 - 680 -500 - 1780 - 1890 -1300 -1360 - 1350 - 1470 - 1480 -1460 l l Wbpy):+/ + 1260 mV Ru@py):+/ +126OmV 368 368 239 40 40 235 E, = E/w 235 -40°C, 478 478 478 E, = E/iv -40°C, E,, surf. E,, surf. 478 459 448 510 358 459 510 358 222 222 222 E CI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 210 209 208 207 206 205 203 185 184 182 182 181 181 180 179 179 176 1 1 2 SCE(H20) AN AN AN AN AN SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE AVAgNO, HNO3 AN CH,Cl, SCE 1M SCE SCE AN AN SCE(H20) SCE SCE AN AN AN SCE SCE AN SCE HClO, AN Ref. AN/ Solvent AN RuWyh (EtTROCOZEt) + AN Ru@PY), (EtTRONOZ)+ Ru(bPy), (EtTROCl)+ R@PY)~ (EtTROH)+ Ru(bPy) 2 (EtTROMe)+ Ru(bpy) 2 (OBzimH)+ R@PY) 2 (NPP)+ R~(~PY)2 @Y&PY)2+ R~@PY)2 (hPY)2+ R@PY) 2 (@Y)2+ R@PY) 2 (M+Y)~+ R@PY) 2 (M~AvY)~+ R@PY) 2 (hPY)2+ Ru(bpy) z (pmth)” R@PY) 2 (BiBzimH2)2t R~@PY), (BiBzimH2)’ ’ Ru(bPyh (biimH2)2+ (biimH2)‘+ Ww9 1 1 176 Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE NHE NHE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE Stand. 360 280 250 220 160 390 766 1282 1260 1600 1600 1603 1600 1220 1120 1110 1040 930 E,, - 1670 - 1266 - 525 - 520 - 520 - 520 -1600 -1660 Ed 2010 Eo-0 OX -750 lE l‘Gd _ 371 _ “_.. .--.. I_.... 439 439 439 439 439 368 514 370 452 432 452 432 369 368 485 368 360 Ref. _ Notes s “..“ 212 216 217 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 231 230 229 228 227 226 225 224 223 222 221 220 219 218 215 214 213 211 1 1 AN AN AN RWpy), (e2) + R@PY)~ @I)+ Ru@PY), (He])” R~PY), (HyamNO2)‘+ (H~arnH)~+ SCE SCE SCE SCE AN AN AN SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE 830 990 900 - 210 - 270 -300 420 -1440 -1400 -1640 - 1650 - 1650 -1590 L, = WP,C -1590 370 434 434 434 442 442 442 442 442 442 -1500 350 442 442 442 442 442 442 442 -1590 - 1630 - 1620 - 1620 - 1610 -1630 439 439 439 439 439 -1590 340 330 450 390 370 350 350 440 SCE SCE 410 320 290 250 SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE AN AN R~PY), (PhenTROC02Et)+ AN R@PY), (PhenTRON02)+ AN R@PY)Z (HHyamOMe)+ AN Ru(bpy)z (HHyamMe)+ AN R~PY), (HHyamH)+ AN Ru(bpy), (HHyamCl)+ AN R~(~PY), (HHymNO2) + AN R@PY)Z (MeHyamOMe)+ AN Ru@PY)~ (MeHyamMe)’ AN R~PY), (MeHyamH)+ AN R@PY)~ (MeHyamCl)+ AN R~@PY)z (MeHyamNOZ)+ AN R~@PY), (HyamOMe)2+ AN Ru(bpy), R@PY), (PhenTROCl)+ Ru(bpy)2 (PhenTROH)+ R~PY), (PhenTROMe)+ z w 233 234 236 231 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 251 250 249 248 246 246 246 245 244 242 241 240 239 238 235 R4-w) 2 232 1 1 SCE SCE AN AN AN Ru(bpy)z w+ R@PY) 2 (He5)” AN AN AN AN AN DMF AN AN AN AN AN Ru(bpy), AN (DMCH)2+ Ru(bpy), (DHCH)2+ Ru(bpy), (MPCH)2+ Ru(bpy) 2 02+ R@PY)Z W2* Ru(bpy), W2+ R~@PY), (MMCH)2” R@PY), (e7)+ Ru(bpy), W)’ Ru(bpy) 2 (pia2+ R~PY) z (hpiq)‘+ R@PY), W’ R~@PY)z (He6)2+ AN SCE AN R@PY), w)+ R@PY), (He4)2+ * * A&‘AgNO, Ag/A.sNO, Ag/ABNO, AUAgNO, Ais/ABNO, * SSCE Ais/AgNO, AUAisNO, SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE R@PY) 2 (He3)‘+ R@PY) z (e3)+ AN SCE AN SCE Ref. Solvent AN (Hc2)‘+ Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) HNE NHE NHE NHE NHE SSCE Fc+/O NHE NHE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE Stand. 1255 1310 1295 1260 1300 1270 1250 1270 1050 830 960 840 1010 850 1030 820 980 930 960 E,,, -1000 - 910 - 895 - 1030 -1110 -1135 -1530 -1170 Irr. - 1580 -1600 -1570 - 1540 -1640 Ered 1900 1880 1870 Eo-0 cw. -600 - 630 -600 *E no 710 *&d = E/m l + 1260 mV Ww):+/ * Ru@py):+/ t 1260 mV at -54OC.I t 1260 mV * Ww):+/ E, = E/PVC Era,= E/w 4, Em,= E/w Notes 239 239 239 239 40 413 413 40 40 434 434 434 434 434 434 434 434 434 434 434 Ref. l-...I-_.. h) z “.. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 267 261 266 266 265 261 260 259 259 257 257 257 256 255 255 254 253 252 251 251 AN AN DMF AN AN AN AN AN AN Wbpy), (dpp12+ Wbpyh (dpp12+ AN AN Ru(bpy), AN (DB*+ AN and Ubpyh (Mebpy-XMJ DMF +2)4+ AN and Wbpy), DMF WebY3DQ+2)4+ DMF Wbpy), (Me-bpy-3DQ +2)‘+ Wbpyh (H2por)2’ Wbpy), (i-biq)2’ R~(~PY), (i-biq)2’ Wbpyh (biq)” Wbpy), (biq)2’ RWPY)~ (dinvY12’ Wbpyh (biq)2+ RWPY), AN (OMCH)2+ R~(~PY), AN (OMCH)‘+ Wbpyh AN (TPCH)2+ Wbpy), AN (TMCH)*+ WJPY)~ (DF’CH)” Wbpyh AN (DMCH)‘+ (DMCH)2+ Ru(‘wh SCE A&‘AgCl SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE W4W3 WWJO, * SCE NHE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE NHE NHE NHE NHE NHE NHE NHE NHE NHE NHE NHE NHE 1310 1580 1240 1240 1240 1240 1160 1220 1220 1330 1330 1330 1220 1270 1275 1290 1240 1300 1250 1250 - 1060 - 1290 - 1290 -1290 - 1020 - 1510 - 1380 - 1380 -910 - 910 -905 - 710 - 1650 -1645 -990 - 1080 -905 -1Occl -1000 2120 1700 1700 1670 1720 1720 -900 - 370 - 370 -400 - 410 - 470 740 790 790 20 720 720 = DMF ..“,.^“l_ .._.._ “_.. 403 103 506 444 Ed = DMF E,,, = AN, E, 444 243 491 40 131 344 40 239 514 40 239 239 239 239 40 E,, = AN, * Wbpy): +/ + 1260 mV * Wbpy):+/ + 1260 mV * Wbpy):+/ +1260 mV - + 1260 mV * W’w): +/ 329 2 VI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 EDP EDP EDP ECN DAM DAC CN * Bit BBB ADP 2SD 2sc 2SB 2SA 215 210 ECN CN *I Wbpy)2 (BBB)(Cl)+ Cl WTY), (EDP)2+ Wbpy), (EDP)2+ WVY), WV:+ W’TY)~ (EDP)2+ WJPY), (DAM)2+ R~(~PY), (DAq2+ R~(~PY), ((CW ww;+ W’PY), (Bit)‘+ Ru(bp~)2 (ADP)(Cl)+ Cl W’JPY), (2SD)2+ Ru(bp~), (2Sq2’ R~(~PY), (2SB)2+ Wbpy), (ZSA)” R@PY);+ (diffn) W’JPY) 2 (BL3)2+ AN AN AN AN AN AN DMF AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE Ag/AgN’% SSCE SSCE 1 Wbp~), (BL2)2+ AN 1 1 269 SSCE AN (BL1)2+ W’w), 1 1 268 Ref. Solvent Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE NHE SSCE SSCE SSCE Stand. 1740 1750 1750 1530 990 960 860 1900 810 1010 1540 1500 1410 1430 1430 1410 1420 1410 E,,, - 1280 -1500 - 1320 - 1330 - 1250 - 1280 - 1280 - 1280 - 595 - 720 - 420 - 780 Ed 2310 Eo-0 ox 1450 *E 810 *&Cd = irr. _ Pt( dien) CN * is(CN) Erd = irr. E, _ _ - Notes 462 457 456 492 495 495 325 462 456 456 486 486 486 486 514 372 454 454 Ref. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NH, NH3 NH3 NH, NH, NCS Mpc MeP MeP MPP MPP MPP MPP MPP MPP MMP MDP MDP Hz0 For EDP NH, NH, NO NO NO NCS MeP Cl MPP MPP MPP MPP MPP Cl MMP Hz0 co 2 Rutbpy), (NH,);+ Rutbpy) 2 (NH&+ Rdbpy), (NH,)(N0)3+ Ru(bpy) z (NH,)(N0)3+ (NHJ)(N0)3+ Ru(by) WCS), Ru(bpy) 2 (Mpc)*+ Ru(bpy) z RuIbpy) z (MeP):+ Ru(bpy) z (MeP)(Cl)+ tronr-Ru(bpy)z (MPP)$+ cis-Ru(bpy), (MPP);+ (MPP);+ Ru(bpy )z Ru(bpy) 2 (MPP):+ cis-Ru(bpy) 2 (MPP);+ Ru(bpy) 2 (MPP)(Cl)+ Rutbpy) 2 (MDP)*+ cis-Ru(bpy) 2 (MMP):+ (Hz@:+ Ru(bpy) z (MDP)” Rdbpy), (For)(CO) + cis-Ru(bpy) z (EDP)” W-w), DMF AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN H2O AN AN SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SCE SCE SSCE Fc+/O SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SCE SCE SSCE 270 1268 300 360 360 670 1980 1510 940 1550 1460 1500 1520 1520 910 1450 1630 1630 630 1440 1750 - 1930 - 1350 -480 - 480 - 1340 - 1320 - 1280 -1300 - 1330 - 1330 - 1290 - 1290 - 1320 -1280 - 750 -800 -640 1020 960 1110 Erej= E/P,c - - 1390 mV E,,-tram 456 470 469 464 441 488 489 462 456 456 210 210 456 450 318 450 1330 mV Erd = irr. 479 456 450 479 210 IT,,-tram 46OmV E,,,-tram _ - E 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 + 1 1 PEA PEA PDP PDP PDA PCN PAS ON4 ON2 NO2 NO2 NO2 NH3 NH3 NH3 NH3 NH3 PEA ECN Cl Cl PCN Cl Cl Cl NO2 NO NO NO3 N4 NH, NH, NH, (=A):+ WJPY) 2 (Pl%4)(ECN)2+ Wbpy) 2 R~PY) 2 (PDP)(CI)+ WTY), (PDP)” Wbpy) 2 ww:+ R~@PY), (PDAXCl) + R~PY), (PAs)(Cl) + R@PY), (ON4XCl) + (ONZXCI) + R@PY), W2)2 R~JPY), wMNo)2+ Ru@PY)~ PJ4XW2+ WJPY)~ fWXN4)’ WVY), WH,XNW Wbpy), (NW:* W’JPY), (NW:+ R@PY), (NH,)? R~@PY), 2 AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN H2O AN AN AN 1 (NH,);+ W’w) (NW:+ 1 NH, 1 1 NH, AN WW), NH, 1 1 NH, Solvent Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE Ag/Ag+ SCE SSCE SCE SCE Ref. SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE s ref SCE SSCE SCE SCE Stand. 1040 1260 910 1620 900 1520 930 1230 1240 1258 330 330 700 850 580 910 920 1255 1280 E,, - 1310 -‘1300 -1290 - 1350 - 1355 -560 -560 - 1480 - 1353 -1340 Erd Eo-0 *E ox *&I = irr. Ed = irr. E, Erd = irr. E,, = E/p-a E,, = E/w Em, = E/PVC 4, = E/p,a Notes .._....-._.**“-.. 492 492 456 456 456 492 456 461 461 469 441 488 464 464 317 501 495 477 474 Ref. PPP PPP PPP PPP PPP PRC PSb SEE SMM SMM SNA SNB SNC SND SNE SNO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SSB SMP PPP PPP PMA 1 1 PMA 1 1 Cl SMM SMM Cl Cl PRC SEE PPP NO3 N4 NO Cl Cl PMA PCN mw:+ 2 Ru(bpy), (SSB)+ Ru(bpy) 2 (SN0)2+ Ru(bpy) 2 (SNE)+ R@PY) 2 (SND)2+ Ru(bpy) 2 (SNC)*+ Ru(bpy) 2 (SNB)2+ R~@PY), (SNA)2+ c*Ru(bpy), (SMP)(Cl) + R@PY) 2 (PSb)(Cl)+ cis-Ru(bpy), (SEE)(a)+ cis-Ru(bpy)l (SMM);+ mm-Ru(bpy) 2 (SMM);+ R@PY) 2 (PRC);+ R@PY) 2 (PPP);’ cis-Ru(bpy) > (PPP)(SEE)‘+ Ru(bpy) 2 (PPP)(NO,)+ Ru(bpy) 2 (PPP)(NO,)+ Ru(bpy) z (PF’P)(NO)3+ Ru(bpy) 2 (PPP)(Cl) + R@PY), (PPP)(CI) + Ww) (PMA)(PCN)*+ Wbm) 2 SSCE SSCE AN SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE AN AN AN AN AN AN AN PC PC AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE 540 300 1380 880 1370 1420 880 930 1480 1550 1540 1070 1250 560 940 940 1040 1290 464 464 486 486 - 1250 -1530 486 486 486 486 486 _ 486 486 486 456 486 = in. _ E, 492 Diss. D.J. 462 Salmon, 1977 486 E ox = E/pa 464 479 456 -1490 -1280 - 1380 -1340 -1360 -1500 -1310 -1490 - 1370 - 1280 -1460 -1290 492 492 W E SSM 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 13 13 15 17 26 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 26 17 15 13 13 nor nor ipp SlY dmp dia aca aca aca SSO Wbm), SSE 1 1 + + AN bpy):’ Ru(bpy) (4,4’dph- bPy):+ AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN Solvent bpy):+ R@PY) (4,4’-dBr- R~@PY) (4,4’-dm- bpY):+ bpy):+ Ru(bpy) (3,3’-dm- R~@PY) (3,3’-dm- cis-Ru(bpy)z (nor) 2+ R~@PY), (nor) 2 + (W’ R+PY)~ (gly)+ Ru(bpYl2 (dmpJ2’ W’JPY) 2 R~(~PY), (d#+ (aca) + Wbpy), (a4 Wbpyl, (4 Ru(bpY), (SW+ wbY)2 PM)+ W’PY~, (SSE)+ Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 3 (continued) 1180 NHE Ag/Ag NO3 Ag/Ag+ AdAg+ NHE s ref s ref 1220 1080 900 1180 1700 1700 800 ‘673 1400 1450 620 603 610 740 540 550 E,, SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE Stand. NHE Ag/Ag NO, * Ag/Ag NO, SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE Ref. - 1690 - 1410 - 1410 - 1530 - 1380 - 1360 - 1550 - 1563 - 1480 - 1530 - 1520 -%d 2100 2100 Eo-0 - 870 - 920 - 920 -830 -800 - 1070 *4X 690 690 850 890 *J%d _ E,=in (bpy): + /+1260 mV * Ru E,, = Eha - _ - - Notes ..“.I”____ ..--. 224 307 307 40 329 497 462 468 469 210 210 477 469 467 486 486 486 Ref. K 0 26 26 30 30 38 54 59 59 59 61 67 68 CN CNCN en 108 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 108 en CN 68 67 61 59 59 59 54 38 30 30 26 26 AN bpy):+ R~@PY) (4,4’-DTB- (CN):Ru(bpy) (en):+ Ru(bpy) (DIAFO);+ AN H2O DMF s ref SCE Ag/Ag NHE NO, + Ag/Ag+ SCE SCE SCE H2O (CN):CN CN Ru(bpy) SSCE SSCE AN SSCE SSCE Fc+/O SSCE NHE NHE NHE NHE SSCE Ag/Ag NHE NO, * SSCE SSCE SSCE NO3 Ag/Ag Ag/Ag Cl NO, l AU& NO3 A8/Ag SSCE Fc+/O AN AN AN DMF AN AN Ru(bpy) @hen):’ CN CN Ru(bpy) bpy):+ R~(~PY) (bpz):+ R@PY) (bPz):+ Ru(bpy) (bpz):+ Ru(bpy) (bpym)22+ Ru(bpy) (h-phen);+ bpy):+ Ru(bpy) (6,6’-dm- Ru(bpy) (4,4’-DCI- CH,C12 AN bpy):+ R@PY) (4,4’-DTB- bpy):+ AN DMF bpy):+ Ru(bPY) (4,4’-dph- (4,4’-dph- W’w y) 1310 260 200 780 1300 1210 1550 1713 1720 1185 1160 1160 1203 Ru at -54OC (bpy):+ /+ 1260 mV l _ 514 447 40 329 - 680i - 1950 2160 - 850 -1500 * Ru (bpy): + /+1264l mV * Ru (bpy):+ /+1260 mV 40 317 222 222 458 40 229 - 950 - 1370 473 - 805 473 750 710 710 - 1270 -910 -940 -940 473 473 229 2120 2100 2100 at -54OC -790 -1400 - 480 -1390 -1390 -1298 -1710 5 109 109 110 111 120 124 124 127 156 160 162 163 164 180 181 181 181 182 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ligands 182 181 181 181 180 281 163 162 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 110 109 109 (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) Ru(bpy) + (ipaKtrpy) Ru(bpy) (pydipy)? Ru(bpy) WPYI22’ Ubpy) (hPY):+ Ru(bpyI (hPY):+ Wbpy) (Mehpy) $’ R~@PY) (DPA), Ru(bpy) (DPAH);+ t~PEXtrpy~2+ W~PY) wwPY)2+ Ru(bpy) Wbpy) (PYwPY)2 + Ru(bpy) (4-vpYxtrpY)2’ Ru(bpy) (pVPXtrpY)2+ W~PY) (pVPXtrpY12+ Ru(bpy) (4’-CI-stylb)(trpy)2 + W~PY)Z (phen-dione)i+ Ru(bpy) (taphen):* (taphen):+ Ru(by) Complex AN H2O CH,Cl, AN SCE(H Ww): SCE(H,O) SCE 20) + SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE AN AN Fc+/O AN SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE NHE Fc+/O SSCE SSCE * NHE Stand. AN AN SSCE SSCE CH,CI, AN SSCE 1,2-dme SSCE SSCE AN AN SSCE SSCE AN AN Ag/AgNO, Ag/AgNQ AN AN Ref. Solvent 1890 170 1880 1210 720 510 - 410 1210 1190 1210 1300 1210 1210 1210 1430 1480 1480 E,, -210 -70 - 210 - 1820 - 2060 - 1260 - 1350 -1260 - 1260 -160 -740 -740 E,, 1770 1930 Eo-0 01 - 450 *E 1190 *&d = -%‘w trans/cis trans/cis E, -4O”C, -40°c, E, = E/P,c Diss. D.J. Salmon, 1977 * Wbpy): + / +126OmV Notes 432 376 375 432 369 503 235 235 448 317 448 374 374 448 374 480 40 238 Ref. g h, 182 184 185 246 246 251 251 251 256 257 251 251 259 259 281 281 281 281 281 281 281 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NO Cl CN CN CN CN AN 259 259 257 257 251 256 251 251 251 246 246 185 184 182 W~PY) (tQYNAN)2+ W~PY) WyXCN)+ Wbpy) (trpYXW + Wbpy) (trpyXCN)+ Wbpy) @PYXCN) + Wbpy) @PYXCl)+ Wbpy) (trpy)(NW3 + Wbpy) (i-b@:+ W~PY) (i-b@:+ Wbpy) (bapy):+ Wbpy) (bw:+ Wbpy) @is>:+ W~PY) (biq):’ WlJPY) (DMCH);+ Wbpy) (DMCH);+ WbPY) (Mehpy)? Ubpy) (&PY):+ Wbpy) (PmtG’ RU@PY) 02+ WJPY) 0:’ Wbpy) (DMCH);+ l AN AN SSCE Ag/AgN’& * Ag/AgNO, AUAgNO, AN DMF Ag/AgNO, * AUAisNO, AN DMF SSCE Ag/W’JO,* AN AN W&NO, Ag/AgNO, * AtiAisNO, Ae/AgNO, Ag/AgNO, AUAW, Ag/AgNO, SSCE AUAgN4 SCE SCE(H20) AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN DMF 1M HNO, AN AN 1050 * SSCE 450 810 1030 * NHE 1080 1080 * NHE 1310 1170 1170 1400 1400 1395 1130 1250 1250 1255 1300 1298 1270 1920 SSCE NHE NHE NHE NHE NHE NHE NHE NHE SSCE Fc+/O NHE NHE SCE -200 - 1350 - 1390 -1440 -1330 - 1330 - 1420 - 1420 - 820 -820 - 820 -640 - 920 - 920 - 920 - 1075 -1490 - 1254 - 230 1790 1980 2120 1690 1690 1680 1680 2010 - 980 -900 -860 -950 -290 -290 -430 -430 -740 440 650 610 700 870 870 760 760 * Wbpy):*/ + 1260 mV * Wbpy):*/ + 1260 mV * Wbpy):+/ + 1260 mV * Wbpy): +/ + 1260 mV * Wbpy):+/ + 1260 mV * Wbpy):+/ + 1260 mV * Wbpy) :+ / + 1260 mV - * Wbpy):+ / + 1260 mV - at -54OC cis/cis 441 40 221 221 40 221 377 40 131 344 40 239 514 40 329 239 473 473 514 370 432 K Ld NH, nor 2 3 I 7 7 I 7 I 1 1 2 3 1 I 7 I 1 I Cl Cl 7 7 7 7 I 3 2 NH, Cf Cl Hed 1 NH, NH3 281 1 NH, IPA 281 1 IPA 281 1 AN AN AN AN AN AN AN bpy):+ Ru( 4-Brbpy):+ Ru(4-nbpy);+ Rll(Cnbpy):+ RI&@-t& bpy):+ Ru(dnbpY):+ Ru(Qnbpy):+ cis-Ru(4(Q2 n-bpY), Ag/AgNO, SCE Ag/AgNO, Ag/AgNO, SCE SCE SCE(H,O) Ag/AgNO, SCE SCE AN AN Hz0 SSCE SCE AN AN SSCE SCE * NHE NHE SCE SCE SCE NHE NHE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE Stand. Ref. AN AN 4.68 Hz0 PH Solvent R~@PY) WpY) (NHJ)~+ Ru@py) (Hed) R@PY) (NH,):+ RGpy) (noWh Ru(4-Cl- Ru@py) 0rpY) (iPA)‘+ (IPA)‘+ WY) Wm) (WY) (NO)'+ Ww) 281 1 NO Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) 850 1550 1550 1540 1540 1540 1340 1330 1040 510 330 1170 1080 120 E,, -550 - 545 - 630 -630 - 1710 -600 - 1230 190 Ered 1930 Eo-0 OX - 380 - 420 -740 - 750 *E 1138 *-Cd = irr. * Ru@py):+/ + 1260 mV _ E, E,=E,=irr _ Notes 431 40 239 431 378 378 224 224 497 501 481 501 503 493 253 Ref. F 9 9 9 9 13 13 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 9 9 9 9 13 13 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 AN AN AN by):+ Ru(3,3’-dmRu(4,4’-dmby):+ Ru(4,4’-dm- AN W AN by):+ Ru(4,4’-dmby):+ Ru(4,4’-dm- 15 15 0.5M AN EtOH CH,Ci, AN by):+ Ru(4,4’-dmby): + Ru(4,4’-dmby): + Ru(4,4’-dmby):+ Ru(4,4’-dm- 15 15 15 15 15 by):+ DMF by):+ Ru(4,4’-dm- 15 H2SO4 I-W brv):+ Ru(4,4’-dm- 15 by):+ Ru(4,4’-dm- 15 ‘w):+ Ru(4,4’-dm- AN ‘w):+ Ru(4,4’-dm- 15 15 by):+ Ru(4,4’-dm- AN and DMF DMF SCE(H,O) AN brW,(Cl):+ Ru(3,3’-dm- ‘w):+ Ag/AgNOj AN hW:+ Ru(6tep- 15 Cl AN bw):’ Ru(4-tep- b/b+ SC&H,01 SCE SCE SCE SCE A8/AgND, SSCE SCE WhW’, Ag/AgND, SCE SCE SCE AN ‘w):+ Ru(4-tep- SCE(H,O) AN Ru(Ctep- by):+ Ru(4,4’-dm- 15 15 13 13 Cl ‘9 9 9 l s ref SCE SCE SCE NHE SCE NHE SCE s ref SSCE SCE NHE SCE NHE NHE SCE SCE SCE SCE 810 1100 850 1100 1100 1100 1093 1165 1130 1110 1140 1150 1150 750 1520 1520 1520 - 1760 - 1460 -1440 -1340 -1370 - 1450 -1370 - 1470 -1940 - 1336 - 1370 -1460 -1460 - 960 -960 2270 2040 2040 1980 2080 2080 -940 - 850 - 950 -940 - 930 - 930 - 480 690 640 690 670 620 620 RuUW:+/ +126OmV Ed = DMF E,, = AN, l /6+ E oxcx= 5 + 169 509 60 176 232 12 469 465 69 444 224 149 4c 329 431 431 378 37% AN bpy) 2(4,4’DCE-bpy)’ + Ru(4,4’-drn- 15 15 15 17 37 16 16 16 16 17 17 21 22 23 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 17 17 21 22 23 23 22 21 17 DEO-bpy);+ Ag/AgNO, AN Ag/AB+ AfUAgNO, Ag/AgNO, AN bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dBr- 17 AN AN bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dBr- 16 WAgNO, * Ag/A&NO, AN bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dCI- Ag/AgNO, Ag/AgN4 SCE Ag/Ag+ SCE Ag/AgNO, AN AN bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dCl- bpy):’ Ru(4,4’DEA-bpy);+ Ru(4,4’BAA-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’- AN bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dCI- 16 16 AN AN and DMF AN wBbpy):+ Ru(4,4’dCl- bpyX4,4’- bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dm- bpy) 2(Mebpy3DQ+2)‘+ Ru(4,4’-dmbpy)(4,4’-dBr- 16 37 17 266 61 37 17 AN and DMF CHICI, bpy) 2(4P’dBr-bpy)‘+ Ru(4,4’-dm- 15 15 bpy)z(bpym12’ Ru(4,4’-dm- AN bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dmAUAg+ SCE DMF Ru(4,4’dm- 15 15 15 Ref. Solvent Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 3 (continued) -1060 -1090 970 900 NHE - 580 - 650 - 650 - 550 -440 NHE 2070 2070 1890 -1300 -1060 -1060 -1060 - 880 - 1350 - 1520 - 1030 - 1370 610 1140 1440 1420 1420 1425 1440 1440 1030 1120 1300 930 1130 NHE s ref NHE NHE NHE NHE SCE s ref SCE s ref s ref SCE 1010 1010 1010 *&cd = irr. Z& = irr. * R~(~PY):+/ +1260 mV - E,, = AN, Ed = DMF E, E,, = AN, Ed = DMF Ed = irr. Notes 224 224 224 307 224 344 40 239 224 444 307 444 465 135 307 270 Ref. 24 25 26 26 26 26 28 29 30 30 30 33 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 24 25 26 26 26 26 28 29 30 30 30 31 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 38 DMF AN AN 0.85M bpy): + Ru(4,4’-dph- bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dph- bpy): + Ru(4,4’-dsty- bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dc- 26 37 bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCE- bpy),(Mebpy3DQ+2)‘+ Ru(4,4’-DCI- 37 266 38 bpy):+ CHICI bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCE- CH,Cl, AN and DMF AN 37 ANand DMF DMF DMF DMF AN AN AN H,SO., AN bpy):+ Rt1(4,4’-DCE- 37 -bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCE DCE-bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCE DCEbpy):+ Ru(4,4’- 37 Ru(4,4’- poeg-bp y):+ bpyX4,4’- DTB-bpy);’ Ru(4,4’DTB-bpy); + Ru(4,4’-dnd- 37 33 30 30 30 29 2% 26 bpy):+ Ru(4,4’DTB-bpy); + Ru(4,4’- AN bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-dph- AN 26 i6 25 AN AN Ru(4,4’DPO-bpy):+ Ru(4.4’DBO-bpy): + Ru(4,4’-dph- 24 Ag/AgCI SCE Ag/AgNO, SCE SCE SCE AUAgN4 AUAisNO, A8/A8N4 Ais/AgNO, SSCE Aw’AgNO, SCE(H,O) Ag/AgNO, Ag/AgNO, l NHE SCE NHE Fct/O SCE Fct/O SCE SCE NHE NHE NHE NHE NHE SSCE Fct/O NHE SCE NHE NHE 1430 1550 1560 1540 1540 1040 1110 1110 1110 1560 1140 1188 1200 1200 950 1050 -460 -860 -910 -1340 -890 - 1340 -890 - 1500 -1440 -1440 - 1335 - 1273 -1690 1960 2160 2160 - 470 - 420 - 1080 - 1050 - 1050 - 820 - 880 - 850 - 1070 -940 1070 620 120 720 270 384 40 329 239 504 224 473 473 &,, = DMF E,, = AN, 441 444 135 224 - 54Oc, 63 E,_, 31= - 2050 444 E,, = AN, E, = DMF 62 At -54°C * Ru(bpy): +/ t 1260 mV - - E, - E/P,c At -54’C 224 149 224 224 38 38 38 39 40 43 44 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 38 38 38 39 40 43 44 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 50 50 50 50 50 50 51 Ligands 51 61 50 50 50 50 46 AN Cl Cl 41 50 46 46 44 43 40 39 130 38 38 AN CI CI 130 (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) AN AN AN AN AN/iBN DMF bpy):+ Ru(4.4’-DCI- bpyh(p-cinn)? Ru(4.4’~DOC- bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCB- bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DHC- bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCA- DMF 0.5 M bpy):+ Ru(5,5’dm- bpy):+ Ru(5,5’dm- bpy):+ Ru(5,5’dm- AN DMF bpy):+ Ru(5,5’-dm- bpy),tbpym)*’ Ru(5,5’-DCEbpy):+ DMF bpy):+ Ru(5,5’-dm- H2S04 AN RW-bpy) 2(AN) :’ Ru(v-bpy) z(Cl) 2 Ru(v-bpy) 2(Cl) 2 ROB):+ Ru(5,5’-dm- Ru(v-bpy); + AN 1M HCIO, AN AN AN AN AN AN bpY):+ Wv-bpy) : + Ru(v-bpy):+ AN bpy):+ Ru(4,4’-DCI- Solvent Ru(4.4’~DCI- Complex NO3 Ag/Ag SCE SCE NO3 SCE NO3 Ag/Ag SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE Ag/Ag SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SCE SCE Ref. Fc+/O s ret SCE SCE SCE s ref SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE NHE SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SCE SCE Stand. 1150 920 1160 1350 300 360 1130 1160 1160 925 1280 1350 1560 1560 1460 1590 &.. -1140 - 1530 - 1410 - 1390 - 1980 - 1410 - 1430 - 1430 -1120 -990 - 950 - 910 -960 -900 -900 a%_,, Eo-0 OX - 980 *E lhd 465 270 509 60 465 455 455 455 455 502 224 455 455 270 354 354 354 448 354 380 Ref. -549c, 63 Bd 51= - 1770 - Polymer film Polymer film Polymer film Polymer film _ Notes 7 53 54 52 53 54 55 55 56 59 52 53 54 55 55 56 59 AN Bf Cl Cl 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 60 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 59 I 56 266 55 52 51 51 51 51 51 51 Cl Cl Br Cl I AN AN AN bpy):+ Ru(5,5’-BAA- bpy): + Ru(S,S’-DCI- bpy): + Rll(6,6’-dm- Ru(bpz), (W2 Ru(bpzh (Cl) 2 Ru(W, (Cl), Ru(bpzh (AN)(a) + Ru(bpz):+ Ru(bpz), (bpzH)3 + Ru(bpz);+ Ru(bpz): + Ru(bpz):+ Ru(bpz): + Ru(bpz): + Ru(bpz): + Ru(bpz):+ Ru(bpz): + Ru(bpz)i+ Ru@~z),(I)z Ru(HQbpy): + Rub-bpyh (Mebpy -3DQ+2)4+ SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE AN AN AN SCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SCE Fct,‘O SSCE SCE SCE AgRE SCE SSCE SCE Ag/Ag NHE NO3 l SCE SCE SCE NO3 SCE NHE SCE NO3 SCE Ag/Ag NHE SCE SCE Ag/Ag SCE SCE SCE AN H2D AN AN H2D AN AN DMF AN AN AN AN AN AN AN and DMF AN and DMF DMF bpy):+ Ru(5,5’-DCE- bpy):+ Ru(tm-bpy)$+ AN Ru(5,5’-DCE 550 -860 -8cQ - 280 -990 -1090 -1040 -1040 1320 790 800 800 1930 1860 1860 1860 2270 -100 -990 -260 2050 -900 -280 - 765 - 680 - 680 -800 - 1210 - 743 -800 -800 1895 1980 1980 1860 800 - 1050 -1390 1060 1175 - 1490 -1330 - 720 -660 - 650 1060 1365 1210 1530 1630 1440 1360 1450 1400 560 1240 revers. Ed = part. revers. Ed = part. revers. Ed = part. Same res. for H,O At -54°C Ed = p.rev. Ru@py):+/ +126OmV E,,, = irr.. l E,, = AN, E, = DMF E,, = AN, E, = DMF .. - .---_.._ll.-... “_” 436 385 436 385 389 397 387 386 443 229 385 473 473 232 387 436 511 444 444 514 380 224 270 516 63 NH, 63 63 61 63 63 64 64 65 NH, NH, 261 61 AN AN AN pw:+ Ru(+pyPrim):+ Ru(CpyPh):’ Ru(h-phen):’ 64 64 65 65 66 64 64 65 65 66 67 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 65 66 67 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 6% 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 Ru(phen); + Ru(phen); + Ru@hen): + Ru(phen): + Ru(phen): + Ru(phcn); + Ru(phen); + Ru(phen):+ Ru(phen);+ AN AN bpym):+ Ru(bprid):+ Ru(bprid)$+ Ru@py- 63 67 AN bpym):+ Ru(6,6’&- SCE SCE AN AN H2O Ag/Agfl AgRE SSCE So, AN Ag/AgNO, Ag/AgCl Ag/AgNO, SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE Ag/AgNO, SCE Ag/AgNO, Ru(bpy): + * * SSCE NHE SCE SCE NHE NHE sref NHE NHE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE 1030 1300 1260 1270 1400 1260 1270 1400 1200 1380 1380 1580 1580 1380 1490 -1360 -1350 - 1410 -1200 - 1010 -1390 -1040 - 1180 -1000 -1Ooo - 1180 -780 1870 - 380 2130 2130 2110 2060 -870 - 870 -940 -930 -730 -480 790 850 740 940 930 1060 1060 910 1090 1090 232 - 780 Peak potentials t 1260 mV 149 224 445 447 438 458 12 232 4 40 -.I.~---..l_ll.-... “_” * Ru@W:+/ 232 487 232 487 232 487 513 1490 SCE * Ru(bpy):+/ + 1260 mV 460 - 980 756 232 512 NHE *Ru(bpy):+/ + 1260 mV 1452 12ao Reference = 1260 mV 436 E,,, = part. revers. 229 465 361 436 E,, = irr. * - 910 - 750 - 910 -1400 - 930 Ref. Notes 1690 1515 1640 1690 1180 940 l%d SCE NHE SSCE s ref NHE SCE SCE SSCE SCE SCE Ref. AN AN CH2Clz Hz0 AN HZ0 AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN Solvent Ru(bpym) (Dp): + Ru(bpym) (NH,):+ Ru(6,6’-dm- NH, Ru(bp~m): + Ru(bpum) (biq)i+ 61 257 61 251 61 61 261 Ru(b~ym):+ Ru(b~ym):+ Ru(bpym):+ 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 WA)2 NO2 N4 59 59 Ru(bpz), (NCS) 2 Ru(bpz)Z NCS 59 NCS Complex 59 Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) 8 _. AN H2O CN I Br CN Cl Cl N3 111 AN AN CN CN en en en 105 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 6a CN AN AN 68 68 68 68 48 68 68 68 68 87 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 AN DMF @he@, (AN) (HzW2+ Rubhe& (PYw,)+ Ru(ph+ (PYG Ru(phen), @YXU+ Ru@hen), (PYXB~)+ Rubhen), (PYXCN)+ Rubhen) (PYXCU+ Rubha), @YXCb + Ru@hen)2 (BDCMP) Wphen), w2+ Ru@hN, w2+ Ru@hW, &@2+ RWW, OJ), Ru(phW2 SSCE AN AN AdA@ Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl AN AN Ag/AgCI Ag/AgCl AN AN AdAi AgRE &s/b’ SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE AgRE SCE SCE AN AN H2O 1.5 M HCl H2S04 6M DMF AN @ha)2 (AN):+ trawRu VW2 AN @ha), (AN):+ tr4awRu AN H2O AN AN Ru@hen), (4,7X12phen)2C cis- Ru Ru(phd+ Ru(phen):+ Ru(phen);+ Ru@hU2);+ H2O s ref s ref SSCE s ref s ref s ref s ref SCE s ref SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE NHE SCE SCE 1440 730 182 920 960 940 930 1430 610 a70 800 880 884 1080 1450 1440 1290 1260 1400 - 1350 - 1380 -1390 -1340 - 1370 -1340 - 1520 - 1550 - 1598 - 1220 -1360 - 1410 - 1430 2190 2180 - 870 190 466 445 445 445 445 395 317 4% 4% 176 471 484 484 484 E,, vs/ NHE/ 445 Fc+/O=59O E,, vs. NHE/ 445 Fc+,‘O =1290 E,, vs. NHE/ Fc+/O=79O E,, vs. NHE/ Fc+/O-800 E,, vs. NHE/ Fc+/O-820 E,,, vs. NHE/ Fc+/O=78O T= 2O.O”C and E/PC E = .!?/~,a - 176 391 169 393 395 123 Cl 111 111 123 138 140 141 142 143 168 246 251 251 262 NH, 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 en en 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 68 en en SCN 111 68 68 NH3 NO2 NH, 111 111 68 68 111 111 68 68 Ligands (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 3 (continued) AN @Y)Z’ Ru(phen)s (PYXNHS)” AN (PPyz)2+ Ru@fW, (2-m-napy)’ + Ru(phenXen):+ (NH&+ Ru(phenXen)i* Ru(phen), (9-PDP)2+ Ru@hen) 2 (biq)2+ Ru(P~@, (DMCH)‘+ W~h@2 W2’ H2O 1.5 M HCI H20 AN AN AN AN Ru@he@, (2,7-dmqy)2 + 6M Ru(phen), (diim)2+ H2S04 AN NIJ~~), AN AN Ru@hN, AN tpyrxCb+ RUO, (napy)2+ AN AN WPJ=-N, (PYww+ WPWZ (PYXSW + WphW, ePY):+ AN AN WPW, AN (PYG’ truns-Ru(phen)2 Solvent cis-Ru(phen)2 Complex Ag/AB+ SCE WAg+ Ais’= Ais/Ag NO3 * NO, * W.% NO3 * Ad& SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE Ag/A@ AdA& Ag/‘A@-J SSCE SSCE Ref. 1300 1290 SCE NHE s ref SCE s ref SCE NHE 290 550 570 1360 1360 1290 1330 SSCE NHE 1260 1330 SSCE SSCE 1270 SSCE 860 1250 SSCE SSCE - 1050 -1200 1020 1260 1290 E,, s ret s ref s ref SSCE SSCE Stand. -500 -910 -1000 - 1140 - 1370 - 1320 - 1340 - 1330 E red 1740 1750 1900 Eo-0 -380 -460 -610 +E ox 830 750 760 *Ed * Ru(bpy): +/ +1260 mV * Ru(bpy): +/ + 1260 mV + 1260 mV * W’w):+/ E,, vs. NHE/ Fct/O-880 I?,,, vs. NHE/ Fc+/O -950 E,,, vs. NHE/ Fc+/0=900 _ 484 _ 317 496 317 395 40 40 40 496 458 458 458 458 430 448 445 445 445 484 Ref. Notes k 86 86 86 86 86 88 88 88 93 99 83 83 84 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 87 88 88 88 93 99 83 83 84 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 86 87 88 88 88 93 99 a7 138 86 83 83 84 86 80 80 81 138 79 79 79 79 79 Hed 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 81 81 68 79 79 79 79 79 80 80 81 81 Cl Cl phW:+ Ru(4,7-Ph2phen)i + Ru(4,7-Ph2phen)i + Ru(4,7-dtolphen):+ Ru(5,6-dmphen): + pheMpyr)W Ru(4,7-C12phen): + Ru(4,7-Ph2- Ru(4,7-dmphen)i + Ru(4,7-dm- phN:+ Ru(4,7-dm- SCE(H,O) SSCE NHE SCE SCE(H,O) AN 1230 1190 1090 NHE Ag/AgNO, 1220 1230 1370 770 810 1070 1090 1120 1260 1230 1290 1490 990 1360 1360 1400 1390 310 NHE AN Hz0 Ag/AgNO, SCE SCE(H20) AN AN SCE SSCE SCE NHE NHE NHE SCE AgRE SSCE SCE Ag/AgCl SCQH,O) SCE(H,O) SCE(H,O) SCE(HzO) SCE NHE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SCE(H,O) Ag/AgCl SCE SCE SCE NHE NHE NHE SCE SCE SCE(H,O) SCE(H,O) AN AN AN H2O H2O ph@:+ Hz0 phe@:+ Ru(4,7-dm- AN phW:+ Ru(4,7-dmCH,CI, AN H,O AN AN (pyrNCU+ Ru(S-m-phen)$+ Ru(S-m-phen)g+ Ru(S-Ph-phen):’ Ru(4,7_dm- phW:+ Ru(4,7-dmphen): + Ru(4,7-dm- H,O AN AN CH,Cl, H,O H,O AN H,O AN AN Ru(phen)(Htxl) Ru(S-Cl-phen):+ Ru(S-Cl-phen)$+ Ru(S-Cl-phen)!+ Ru(5-Cl-phen):’ Ru(S-Cl-phen):+ Ru(S-Br-phen):’ Ru(S-Br-phen):+ Ru(S-n-phen)G+ Ru(S-n-phen), E, _ _ _ = irr. 149 149 12 149 169 - 1470 -1160 - 1280 2080 149 - 930 12 47 670 224 149 395 430 3% 393 -990 -1010 -960 -900 - 1010 12 176 670 670 890 lo00 - 1470 -1010 - 1010 -900 -900 - 870 - 760 -760 - 670 -770 481 169 149 447 12 176 149 393 149 430 447 2120 2130 2130 2150 - 770 loo0 - - 1210 - 1520 -1310 - 850 -1150 -1150 -600 -1220 b w 99 loo 100 100 100 101 103 104 108 109 109 110 181 181 123 123 123 123 125 99 100 100 100 100 101 103 104 108 109 109 110 111 118 123 123 123 123 125 * 99 99 125 123 123 123 123 181 110 181 109 109 108 101 103 104 100 loo 100 138 99 99 99 281 281 281 281 276 H,O H,O Cl H2O phe&+ Ru(5,6-dm- 99 99 (trpYj2+ @PYj2’ RuWvpy), @PY)2+ Ru(t-stylb), WQVPY)~ (wY)2+ W4-VPY), (HCPZ~)~+ W4-TY), AN AN AN AN AN AN SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE 1200 1210 1230 1230 1170 1880 1400 1880 - 1250 - 1240 -1240 - 1580 - 280 -130 -320 -700 -700 1600 1600 NHE NHE SSCE SCE - 710i 1580 NHE -1340 -1340 - 1288 -760 -840 E, 1120 1930 1800 SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE 03~0)~ tH&‘)‘+ tc-Ru(pWAzpy)2 WN’JO, * WAgNO, WWO, SSCE SCE AN AN AN AN AN AN 730 1050 790 1200 1200 1266 E,, SCE SCE SCE SSCE AN SCE(H,D) SCE SCE SSCE SCE(H,D) Ag/AgCl AN CHJI, H20 SCE NHE SCE SCE NHE AN Ru(phen-dione):+ AN AN tc-Ru(pyWpyIz Ru(taphen):+ Ru(taphen):+ ww) + Ru(tnGphen):+ Ru(TAP): + Ru(2,7-dmTAP);+ Ru(DIAFO):+ phe@:+ Ru(5,6-dmphen): + Ru(tml-phen):+ Ru(tml-phen):+ Ru(tml-phen):+ Ru(ttnl-phen), Hz0 phe&+ Ru(S&dmNHE SSCE SSCE DMF Ru(5,6-dm- 99 99 99 Stand. Ref. Solvent Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclearcomplexes TABLE 3 (continued) 1990 2140 2130 Eo-0 -390 -1040 c -210 < -360 -1110 -1110 - 930 *E OX 1290 ~1380 ~1320 860 lkd E,, surf. pit = 3-picoline * R@PY):+/ t 1260 mV + 1260 mV * Ru(bpy): +/ - - Notes -. ...- ...^.._II ._... 448 478 478 448 448 435 435 480 238 40 40 149 397 393 149 447 393 430 3% 176 12 69 Ref. 125 127 143 160 160 160 161 161 163 en 176 180 180 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 125 127 143 160 160 160 161 161 163 168 176 180 180 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 181 en en tu 181 181 181 181 181 182 180 I I Br Br Br CN CN Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl N, OH 176 AN en 143 160 160 160 161 161 163 127 281 tu I I Br Br Br CN CN Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl N, OH AN 281 281 281 281 281 281 Cl AN AN AN AN AN AN AN (trpY)2+ Ru(2,7-dmnapy)i+ Ru(BPE),(trpy)2+ Ru(BPE),(trpy)‘+ Ru(BPE),(trpy)‘+ Ru(PC2),(trpy)2+ Ru(PC2),(trpy)** Ru(DPAH); + (32’32 H2O CH2C12 RuWPY)~(CN), WpuP~)2092 CH2’32 CH,Cl, W~PYMW, tc-Ru(~py), W~pyJ2+ Ru(Awy):+ Ru(Azpy): + R~(~PY): + Ru(~PY)~ AN Hz0 CH2C12 AN AN WAZPY):+ R~(~PY):+ AN AN H20 W~py)2WZ+ W~py)2W:+ AN WAzpy)2@n~2+ + SWH20) Mbpy) : + Wbpy): SWH20) Wm’):+ Wbpy):+ SCE AN Ru(~PYI,(C~), W-02 Ww): + CH,CI, CH2’32 Y-W~PYI~W), CH,CI2 a-Ru(h~~),(C1)2 B-W~PY),(CO, AN CH2C12 W~PYJ,(CU~ RuWPYIZ(C~)Z SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE Ru(W): + Ru(bpy): + AN CH,Cl 2 RuWpyh(Brh Ru(Azpyh(Brh R~(~PY),(B~)~ R~(~py),(I), AN CH2C12 SCE Ru(Azpy)z(I)z AN AN H2S04 AN SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE Ru(pydipy):+ (AN):+ WPY~PY), Ru(biimH2):+ 4M AN (trpyXCl)+ Ru(4’-Chtylb), Ru(diim)(en)i+ AN Ru(t-stylb), SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE NHE SCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE Fc+/O SSCE SSCE 2140 1140 21Ocl 925 965 1210 1150 1000 1110 960 1070 1170 853 910 950 985 1190 440 1360 740 1370 1230 1260 1240 1320 1320 530 1200 770 - 310 -70 - 320 -130 60 -90 - 116 300 - 110 - 520 - 580 -540 -240 - 480 - 2600 - 1220 -1240 -1260 - 1220 - 1250 -1380 = E/PVC mer mer Deuterated AN E, E,, surf. -40°C, E,, surf. Ed = E/iv 375 376 375 432 375 375 399 376 432 435 369 452 452 452 452 375 376 375 452 452 500 500 500 399 375 507 369 4% 517 448 478 478 478 478 235 448 448 i H,O H,O aca aca 182 I Cl 182 Hz0 H,O 1x5 187 188 Br Br Cl Cl Br 181 181 181 181 181 182 182 182 182 182 182 182 183 183 184 185 187 188 190 190 190 190 192 181 181 181 181 181 181 182 182 182 182 182 182 183 183 184 185 187 188 189 189 189 189 191 Cl 183 184 Br NO2 186 181 181 Br Br Cl Cl Br Cl H2O H2O Cl Br I NO2 Hz0 OH RU@PY) 2 (B~.z)~+ 186 181 181 2 Ru(Ll)(HLl)(Br), Ru(Ll)(HLl)(Br), Ru(Ll)(HLl)(Cl), Ru(Ll)(HLl)(Cl), Ru(U)(HL2)(Br), Ru@mth): l Ru(bt); + Ru(PTPI) : + R@PY):+ Ru(NA);+ Ru(W,Kl), CH2C12 AN AN CH,Cl, AN AN AN 1M HNO, AN AN AN AN W,O):+ (H,O):+ cc-Ru( MeAzpy) z AN AN AN 2 AN Ru( MeAzpy) 3+ tc-Ru(MeAzpy) 2 (a, RU(M~PY) UW2 Ru(Mkey) (02 AN SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE NHE NHE SCE Ag/AgNO, Ag/AgNO, SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE NHE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE(H,O) SCE SCE SCE SCE SWH,O) H2O AN R~(~PY) (Mehpy)? Ru(Mehpy), Ru(bpy):+ CH,Cl, Ru(bpy);+ WWy)2@4* CH,Cl, 420 330 390 310 520 1310 1248 1170 1280 1270 2230 907 897 907 1540 1780 2190 SCE AN WE 1180 SCE 1800 AN SCE SCE I%,,~ 2ooo Ru@p y): + AN Stand. H2O Ref. Solvent RWw)2Wdt (NW2 Ru(Gzp~) 2 (H20)22+ tc-RuWpyh W,OXOH) + tc-Ru(Azpy) 2 R~(~PY), (B~z)~+ Complex Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) - 730 E, = E/p,c E,, = E/p,c = E/w E,, from polarogramm mer mer Notes - 830 - 730 OX lE red E, 2010 *E - 850 - 1215 - 954 15 - 370 -100 -360 - 730 - 720 - 730 -380 -140 -80 -460 -360 -580 -190 -430 E, @O 499 499 499 499 499 514 514 360 399 399 370 435 432 435 452 452 452 375 376 432 375 435 435 376 375 Ref. % Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl 197 198 198 198 198 199 199 199 199 200 201 202 202 202 243 263 245 197 198 198 198 198 199 199 199 199 200 201 202 202 202 243 243 245 245 Cl Cl Br Cl Cl Br Br Cl Cl Br Br Cl Cl Cl 192 192 192 194 194 194 194 196 1% 1% 1% 197 191 191 191 193 193 193 193 195 195 195 195 197 AN CH,Cl, (Cl), cis-Ru( mdm) z (Cl), rrons-Ru(mmd)z Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl (Cl) 2 cis-Ru(htt)2(CI)2 cis-Rw(btt)z(Cl), Ru(4’-MeL), Ru( 4’-MeL) (GLH) Ru(B-bpy-H2);+ rruns-Ru(htt)2 (CO, rruns-Ru(hmd) 2 AN CH,Cl, AN DMF DMF CHzCll CH,Cl, CHzCll (Cl), cis-Ru( mdm) 2 m2 AN (Cl), rrans-Ru( mdm) 2 Cl CH,Cl, AN CH,Cl, w2 rruns-Ru(mtt)z AN CH,Cl, Ku2 cis-Ru(mtt),(Cl), cis-Ru(mtt)2(C1), rranr-Ru(mdm) z Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl CH,Cl, (Cl), rrans-Ru(mtt) 2 CH,Cll AN CH2Clz AN CH,CI, AN CH,Cl, AN CH,Cl, AN CH,Cl, CH,Cl, cis-Ru(mpp)2 (Cl), Ru(IA)(HLA)(Cl), Ru(LA)(HU)(Cl), krmr-Ru(mpp) 2 Cl Cl Cl Cl Ru(WW~XW2 Ru(L2)(HL2)(Br), Ru(L2)(HLZ)(Cl), Ru(LZ)(HLZ)(Cl), Ru(L3)(HL3)(Br), Ru(L3)(HL3)(Br), Ru(L3)(HL3)(Cl), Ru(L3)(HL3)(Cl), Ru(L+o(LA)(Br), Br Cl Cl Br Br Cl Cl Bf Br s ref s ref s ref s ret s ref s ref s ref s ref s ref s ref SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE s ref NO, * WAg WAgNO, NHE s ref s ref NHE NHE s ref kit/ AgNO, s ref WAgNO &/&W &/&NO3 W&W4 WAgNO, W&NO, Ag/W% Ag/kzWh WhW, Ag/AgNt& SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE 1230 410 330 278 324 200 190 -60 100 160 -190 130 90 -150 -190 -100 220 420 480 410 470 380 450 360 460 400 440 370 -60 -460 620 Ed = E/w -850 1690 E, = E/w -810 -1070 - 1200 - 1280 - 1381 -1110 - 1290 - 1690 - 1750 - 1880 - 1650 - 1810 - 1710 - 1770 -1640 - 1710 - 1750 - 1670 + 1260 mV * Ww):+/ _ E,, = E/P,c E, = E/P ,c - 880 -830 Emi = E/P,c - 780 40 505 505 498 498 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 505 499 499 499 499 499 499 499 499 499 499 499 so5 AN AN DMF DMF AN DMF DMF AN Ru(pynapy)? Ru(DHCH);+ Ru(DMCH), (CW, Ru(DMCH) 2 (CN), Ru(DMCH), KN), Ru(DMCH), (CN), Ru(DMCH), (Cl) 2 Ru(DMCH);+ Ru(DMCH)$+ 241 251 250 251 251 251 251 257 257 257 CN CN CN 256 256 252 252 257 252 251 251 257 Ru(dinapy)$+ Ru(dinapy@ 251 251 251 256 251 251 251 256 Cl 251 251 256 CN 251 251 256 CN 251 251 CN CN CN Cl CN DMF AN (CN), Ru(biq) 2 (CN), Ru(biq), (CNI 2 DMF AN AN AN AN AN Ru(biq), Ru(DPCH);+ Ru(DMCH);+ CN CN 251 CN CN CN 250 241 247 250 DMF Ru(ti:+ 246 246 AN RuO:+ 246 246 Solvent 246 Complex 246 Ligands (a) Mononuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) AtW, * NO3 Ad-% NO3 Ais/& NO3 Ag/ Ag NO, Ag/Ag SSCE NO3 &/At3 NO3 At%/& NO3 .%/& NO3 AU& W NO3 W& NO3 A%/-% NO3 Ais/& NO3 AdAi! NO3 Ag/Ag SSCE SSCE Ref. NHE SSCE NHE NHE NHE NHE * * * * 900 940 940 980 970 1420 1260 1260 1260 460 890 770 830 830 * Ru(bpyI:+/ + 1260 mV + 1260 mV * Wbpy):+/ at -54OC Notes -1040 - 980 - 980 -840 - 830 -900 -900 -900 - 895 - 1010 1680 1480 1690 1690 -740 - 650 - 510 - 430 - 430 700 610 650 790 790 +/ 514 402 239 40 329 239 40 221 221 40 221 239 402 473 473 Ref. 221 40 .__-._ _-_- ..I..”-. * Ru(bpy): +/ 1260 mV * Ru(bpy):* / + 1260 mV + 1260 mV * Ru(bpy):+/ 221 + 1260 mV * WW: * Ru(bpy):+/ + 1260 rnv * Ru(bpy):+/ + 1260 mV 420 560 480 700 *-K, - 1120 - 970 - 860 - 780 -610 *En, * Ru(bpy):+/ +126OmV 1430 1690 1690 Eo-0 - 1230 -1130 -1130 -755 1425 * -990 1080 NHE - 1058 SSCE -1460 &,, Fc+/O 1333 E,, SSCE Stand. _ ” 257 257 251 251 259 259 259 259 259 259 261 261 266 261 267 281 281 281 281 NH, 286 286 257 257 257 257 259 259 259 259 259 259 261 261 266 267 267 281 281 281 281 281 286 286 NH, 267 267 266 261 261 259 259 Cl CN CN 257 CN 257 Cl CN NH, Cl CN CN CN Cl CN DMF (CN), Ru(bih AN DMF DMF Ru(biq$+ Ru(i-b& (CN), Ru(i-biq), AN AN AN AN (Cl), Ru(i-biq):’ Ru(i-biq):’ Ru(DP);+ Ru(DP);+ H2O Ru(TPTZ);+ AN AN H2O AN Wtrpy):+ RuWy) 2+ (NH,), Ru(TPTZ): + Wrpy):+ Ru(dpp);+ Ru(dpp): + Wrpy):+ R@w~:+ AN and DMF AN AN DMF AN DMF (CN) 2 Ru(i-biq), Ru(Mebpy3DQt2g+ DMF Ru(i-biq), 092 AN Ru(biq):+ KU, DMF Ru(biq) 2 SCE SCE NHE NHE SCE NHE SCE AS/Ag NO3 * SCE SCE SSCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SCE SCE * NHE NHE * * * l NHE l l ABRE SCE NO3 * As/As NO3 &c/k NO3 W&t NO3 Ag/Ag NO3 WAg NO3 b/k NO3 * AU& NO3 WAg NO3 AU& 1490 1520 1250 740 1260 1680 1680 1264 1280 1150 1370 1385 1120 1120 380 740 730 1470 730 1470 610 1010 - 770 -840 - 1360 - 1530 -1290 - 950 -950 - 1266 - 1430 - 1370 -1000 -916 - 15lOi - 1510 -1460 -1640i -1500 - 730 - 164Oi - 730 -900 - 970 2080 2300 1700 2290 1730 1730 1450 1130 790 -810 -800 240 800 830 510 830 550 -400 -1180 - 1320 - 1560 - 260 - 1420 -260 -840 Rutbpy):+/ + 1260 mV Ru(bpy):+/ t 1260 mV Peak potentials l Peakpotentials * Ru(bpy):+/ + 1260 mV E = AN, EL = DMF E/PJ * Wm):+/ + 1260 mV * Ru(b~y)f+/ t 1260 mV E, = irr., l * Ru(bpy): +/ t 1260 mV * Ru(bpy):+/ t 1260 mV * Ru(bpy);+/ + 1260 mV * Ru(bpy):+/ t 1260 mV 1260 mV * Ww): +/ .._.^..“.l.._..” 12 4 12 501 40 403 403 69 4 444 395 513 40 131 40 221 40 344 221 40 40 221 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ligands 61 61 61 61 62 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 61 Cl 61 1 1 61 Cl 1 51 1 1 (I), I 1 1 1 1 Cl 1 1 1 1 51 1 1 1 (b) Polynucleat complexes TA3LE 3 (continued) Cl Cl Cl 210 210 102 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (bpy),Ru4+ (4,4’-dm-bpym) (C1XWWCl) @wW2+ W’w y)z Ww) ~~~~X’-w) Wwy) ;yX’w) Ww) t$Nw)2 Ru(bw) f$+mXbwJ Ww92 ;vN@w) RMw) ($Mbp y) 2 (Ru(bpy)z)o (BL3)s+ Ru(bpy)z (ClM4,4’-bpy) (ClMbpy)zRu*+ Ru(bpy) z (Cl)(rtP’-bpy)(Cl) (bpy),0s2+ Ru(bpy)z (Ru(bpy),), (BL3)6+ (NOphen)b+ tWwM, Complex AN AN AN AN AN AN AN SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SCE SSCE SCE SSCE Ru(bpy): + NHE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE NHE Ag/AgNO, AN SSCE SSCE SSCE AN 1600 990 1740 1690 1620 1760 1770 1705 830 850 1640 SSCE SSCE SSCE AN 1630 1480 EonI SSCE AN SSCE &‘&Cl WA&l Acetone AN Standard Reference Solvent 1430 870 1550 1530 1440 1180 1610 1520 410 800 1460 1460 Eox2 -410 -425 - -220 plot E,, from peak max (Ai/AE) Differential pulse polarography, Eox, = irr. Differential pulse potarography, I&, = irr. I$, from peak max (Ai/AE) plot - - Differential pulse polarography Differential pulse polarography - - Notes -310 -1110 Ed _-, ___Ix_- 360 490 361 454 360 440 440 511 440 440 372 372 451 Ref. ._.” _ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I39 139 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 269 1 1 1 268 1 1 270 267 1 1 177 1 1 144 138 138 138 1 1 Cl 1 1 144 Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl Cl z AN AN W’wyh fuul;3tXbiv) 2 z AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN AN CHzClz W’w), f$Mbyh tj$;Xby) Wbpy), (bpy),Ru*+ WbPy), $‘““” z Ru(bpy)t (BiBzim) W;(b py)z (Cbo(yw1) (bPy)zRu’+ Wbpy), (C1XPW) (bPy)@+ Wbpy) 2 (C1XPyzc) (bPy),Os*+ Wbpy), WW, (bpyWs’+ KWYrXC1) Wbpy), (bpy)zRu*+ WwW Ww) Ww) 2 K&@wh SSCE SSCE SSCE AfVA@ SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE 1620 SSCE SSCE SSCE 1756 1420 1450 1470 1566 740 830 1210 1040 620 930 890 510 890 910 1060 1140 1010 NHE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SSCE 1010 1020 SSCE SSCE 1460 SSCE -670 -160 -370 - - - E,, = ( Wp,a + E/P,@ 440 Differential pulse polarography 372 454 454 103 485 367 440 466 440 440 Differential pulse polarography Differential pulse polarography Differential pulse polarography 457 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ligands 1 1 138 138 Cl 114 138 68 68 111 257 Cl 57 1 61 57 57 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 NH, Cl Cl 177 257 NH, (NH& 280 279 278 277 275 (b) Polynuclear complexes TABLE 3 (continued) NH, NH, NH, NH, (NH,), (NH,), (NH,), (NH,), Ru(bpy), (CMpyrXpy) (NH&Ru3+ Ru(bpy)z (cl)(PYr)(3;c+-PY) @JH,),Ru Ru(bpyI2 K$wXNH,), Ru(bpy), (BiBzim)(phen)2 Ru2+ %@(biq)2 (NH&;+ Ru(bpy)2 (W4,4’-b;;) WW,Ru Ru(bpy) 2 (bpy)2Ru4+ (Ru(bpy) 2 (W4,4’-bpy) Ru(bpy), (3amdiphen) (Zamdiphen)(bpy) 2 Ru’+ Ru(bp y)2 W$he@o(P y12 R+PY), Ru(‘wh ~~+htWC-w9 2 W$Kbwh Wwh Complex AN AN AN AN AN AN AN Acetone Acetone Acetone W&Cl SCE SCE SCE SCE Ag/AgNO, SSCE SSCE WAgCl W&Cl SCE SCE SCE SCE NHE SSCE SSCE Ats/AgC~ Ag/AgCl Ag/AgCl NHE WAgNO, AN Acetone Standard Reference Solvent 965 1005 1012 545 770 735 730 1620 1765 1020 430 430 1415 EoX2 830 1370 1520 1460 1440 1470 141s E_., -275 -960 -1000 -1100 -1090 -240 Erai - - - - - - Notes 508 508 508 485 511 510 459 451 451 451 451 511 Ref. $ 159 159 160 160 CN CN 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 (NH,), 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 61 CN CN CN CN 138 1 1 138 1 1 CN CN CN CN CN CN 160 Cl 159 Cl 138 Cl W3ho (NH,),, WH3ho (NH,),, (NH,), W-V, NH3 NH3 (NH,)10 NH, NH3 (NH,), (NH313 3+ 3+ WH3)4Ru Wym) ROJW, (WM:+ RQpy), (CN),(Ru (NH,),):+ Ru(bpy) 2 (CN),tRu (NH,)&+ R0py) 2 (CN),(Ru (NH,),):+ Ru(bpy), (CN),(Ru Ru(NH,), CN(bpy) z RuCN*+ (NHd’ Ru(NH,), CNfbpy) 2 RuCN’+ (R@PY)z (Ru(BPE) 4+ (NHd&+ Rdbpy), (Cl)(BPE) (NH3),Ru3+ (NHhRu (Rutbpy) 2 (Ru(BPA) (Cl)(BPA) RWW, (~H3)5)62+ (RU(PYI) VWb92 W3W NH, (NH,), Wbmh C%wr) H2O H2O H@ DMF DMF H2O DMF AN AN AN AN AN AN SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE NHE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SCE SSCE SCE SSCE SSCE SSCE SCE 1020 1170 -55 1240 -90 -100 1140 1320 810 1270 790 1790 1030 830 -55 -125 -90 -174 -170 400 410 360 370 700 610 -174 -1520 - - 460 518 518 518 518 518 518 459 510 459 510 459 510 244 F. APPENDIX (i) Abbreviations for Iigands Numbered Ligands N 119 113 116 154 279 4-a-bpy 4-acetyl-py 2-AEP 3-AEP All-trz 2amdiphen 280 3amdiphen 82 181 22 52 89 105 5-a-phen AZPY 4,4’-BAA-bpy 5,5 -BAA-bpy ‘ 4,7-bbr-phen BDCMP 106 BDCMPHZ 177 178 179 174 175 176 257 268 269 270 271 272 273 BiBzim BiBzimH BiBzimH 2 Biim BiimH biimH, biq BLl BL2 BL3 BL4 BL5 BL6 274 90 8 159 BL7 4,7-bmo-phen 4-bo-bpy BPA 4 4-amino-2,2’-bipyridine 4-acetyl-pyridine 2-(2-aminoethyl)pyridine 3-(2aminoethyl)pyridine 4-allyl-1,2,4-triazole 3-oxopentamethylenebis(l,lO-phenanthroline-2carboxamide) 3,6-dioxooctamethylenebis(l,lO-phenanthroline2-carboxarnide) 5-amino-l,lO-phenanthroline 2-(phenylazo)pyridine 4,4’-bis(acetoamido)-2,2’-bipyridine 5,5 -bisacetoamido-2,2’ ‘ -bipyridine 4,7-bis-( p-bromophenyl)-l,lO-phenanthroline 4,7-bis(dicyanomethylydene)-1,4,7,10-tetrahydrol,lO-phenanthroline 4,7-bis(dicyanomethylydene)-1,4,7,10-tetrahydro1 ,lO-phenanthroline 2,2’-dibenzimidazolate dianion 2,2’-dibenzimidazolate anion 2,2’-dibenzimidazole 2,2’-biimidazolate dianion 2,2’-biimidazolate anion 2,2’-biimidazole 2,2’-biquinoline 2,3-di-2-pyridylquinoxaline 2,3,7,8-tetra-2-pyridylpyrazino[2,3-glquinoxahne 2,2’,3,3’-tetra-2-pyridyl-6,6’-biquinoxaline 1,2-bis[4-(4’-methyl-2,2’-bipyridyl)]ethane 1,5-bis[4-(4’-methyl-2,2’-bipyridyl)]pentane 1,4-bis[4-( a-ethyl)-4’-methyl-2,2’-bipyridyllbenzene 1,12-bis[4-(4’-methyl-2,2’-bipyridyl)]dodecane 4,7-b&( p-methoxyphenyl)-l,lO-phenanthroline 4-benzyl-oxy-2,2’-bipyridine 1,2-bis-(4-pyridyl)-ethane 245 95 4,7-bpbr-phen 160 91 76 96 BPE 4,7-bph,-phen 4-bph-phen 4,7-bpmo-phen 97 64 1 57 49 61 59 60 3 98 4,7-bpph-phen bprid bPYm bPZ bpzH 4-Br-bpy 4,7-brmo-phen 80 77 187 186 35 5-Br-phen 4-BrPh-phen bt Btz C12B 36 C16B bPY 4,4’-bpy bpyCOOH 87 2 72 79 114 127 45 129 19 25 17 27 44 4,7-Cl ,-phen 4-Cl-bpy 4-Cl-phen 5-Cl-phen 3-Cl-py 4’-Cl-stylb 4,4’-cm-bpy 4’-CN-stylb 4,4’-da-bpy 4,4’-DBO-bpy 4,4’-dBr-bpy 4,4’-dbz-bpy 4,4’-DCA-bpy 40 29 4,4’-DCB-bpy 4.4’-dc-btw 4-p-biphenylyl-7-p-bromophenyl-l,lOphenanthroline trans-1,2-bis-(4-pyridyl)-ethylene 4,7-bis-(biphenylyl)-l,lO-phenanthroline 4-p-biphenylyl-l,lO-phenanthroline 4-p-biphenylyl-7-p-methoxyphenyl-l,lOphenanthroline 4-p-biphenylyl-7-phenyl-l,lO-phenanthroline 3,3’-bipyridazine 2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-bipyridine polymeric bpy ligand (see figure) 2,2’-bipyrimidine 2,2’-bipyrazine protonated bpz 4-bromo-2,2’-bipyridine 4-p-bromophenyl-7-p-methoxyphenyl-1 ,lOphenanthroline 5-bromo-l,lO-phenanthroline 4-p-bromophenyl-l,lO-phenanthroline 2,2’-bi-2-thiazoline 4,4’-bithiazole N, N ‘-di(dodecyl)-2,2’-bipyridine-4,4’-dicarboxyamide N, N ‘-di(hexadecyl)-2,2’-bipyridine-4,4’-dicarboxyamide 4,7-dichloro-l,lO-phenanthroline 4-chloro-2,2’-bipyridine 4-chloro-1 ,lO-phenanthroline 5-chloro-1 ,lO-phenanthroline 3-chloro-pyridine 4’-Cl-trans-4-stilbazole 4-carboxy-4’-methyl-2,2’-bipyridine 4’-cyano-trans-4-stilbazole 4,4’-diamino-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dibenzyloxy-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dibromo-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dibenzyl-2,2’-bipyridine N, N ‘-di(ethyl)-2,2’-bipyridine-4,4’-dicarboxamide 4,4’-dicarboxybenzyl-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dicarboxy-2,2’-bipyridine 246 34 37 51 14 38 53 16 34 41 42 21 23 43 250 94 107 108 275 168 256 4,4’-DCC-bpy 4,4’-DCE-bpy 5,5 ‘-DCE-bpy 3,3’-DCI-bpy 4,4’-DCI-bpy 5,5 ‘-DCI-bpy 4,4’-dCl-dpy 4,4’-DCM-bpy 4,4’-DCNE-bpy 4,4’-DCNY-bpy 4,4’-DEA-bpy 4,4’-DEO-bpy 4,4’-DHC-bpy DHCH 4,7-dhy-phen DIAF DIAFO difln diim dinapy 277 2diphen 278 4diphen 5 258 13 15 50 54 62 63 251 4-dma-bpy dm-biq 3,3’-dm-bpy 4,4’-dm-bpy 5,5 ‘-dm-bpy 6,6 ‘-dm-bpy 4,4’-dm-bpym 6,6 ‘-dm-bpym DMCH 143 85 86 99 104 18 31 2,7-dm-napy 2,9-dm-phen 4,7-dm-phen 5,6-dm-phen 2,7-dm-TAP 4,4’-dn-bpy 4,4’-dnd-bpy 4,4’-dicarboxycyclohexyl-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dicarboxyethyl-2,2’-bipyridine 5,5’-dicarboxyethyl-2,2’-bipyridine 3,3’-dicarboxyisopropyl-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dicarboxyisopropyl-2,2’-bipyridine 5,5’-dicarboxyisopropyl-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dichloro-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dicarboxymethyl-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dicarboxynaphth-2-yl-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dicarboxynaphthan-l-yl-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-bis(diethylamino)-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-diethoxy-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dicarboxydihydrocholesteryl-2,2’-bipyridine See figure 4,7-dihydroxy-l,lO-phenanthroline 4,5diazafluorene 4,5-diazafluoren-9-one see figure glyoxal-diimine 5,6-dihydro-dipyrido[3,2-b : 2’,3’j][l,lO]phenanthroline 2,2’-(3-oxopentamethylenedioxy)bis(l,lO-phenanthroline) 2,2’-(3,6,9-trioxoundecamethylenedioxy)bis(l,lOphenanthroline) 4-dimethylamino-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dimethyl-2,2’-biquinoline 3,3’-dimethyl-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dimethyl-2,2’-bipyridine 5,5 ‘-dimethyl-2,2’-bipyridine 6,6’-dimethyl-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dimethyl-2,2’-bipyrimidine 6,6’-dimethyl-4,4’-bipyrimidine 5,6-dihydro-4,7-dimethyldibenzo[3,2-b : 2’,3’-j] [l,lO]phenanthroline 2,7-dimethyl-1,8-naphthyridine 2,9-dimethyl-1, lo-phenanthroline 4,7-dimethyl-1, lo-phenanthroline 5,6-dimethyl-l,lO-phenanthroline 2,7-dimethyl-1,4,5,8_tetraazaphenanthrene 4,4’-dinitro-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-dinonadecyl-2,2’-bipyridine 247 261 162 163 252 158 26 157 24 267 285 284 20 42 32 28 30 93 229 231 233 235 237 239 241 242 208 209 207 206 210 260 56 276 230 232 234 236 238 240 219 218 217 DP DPA DPAH DPCH DPE 4,4’-dph-bpy DPM 4,4’-DPO-bpy dPP dpt dqp 4,4’-ds-bpy 4,7-dsph-phen 4,4’-dst-bpy 4,4’-dsty-bpy 4,4’-DTB-bpy 4,7-dtol-phen el e2 e3 e4 e5 e6 e7 e8 EtTrOCl EtTROCOOEt EtTROH EtTROMe EtTRON02 H2por H4bpy HCpz3 He1 He2 He3 He4 He5 He6 HHyamCl HHyamH HHyamMe dipyrido[3,2-a : 2’,3’-clphenazine di-2-pyridylamine anion di-2-pyridylamine See figure di-( 2-pyridyl)-ethane 4,4’-diphenyl-2,2’-bipyridine di-(2-pyridyl)-methane 4,4’-diphenoxy-2,2’-bipyridine 2,3-bis(2-pyridyl)-pyrazine 6,6’-diphenyl-2,2’,2”-terpyridine 2,6-di-(2’-quinolyl)pyridine 4,4’-disulphonate-2,2’-bipyridine disulfonated 4,7-diphenyl-IJO-phenanthroline 4,4’-distearyl-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-distyryl-2,2’-bipyridine 4,4’-di-tert-butyl-2,2’-bipyridine 4,7-ditolyl-l,lO-phenanthroline hydroxyimatoacetophenone hydrox-atopropiophenone cr-benzil-oximato biacetyl-oximato hydroxyimatopropyl-methyl-ketone a-hydroxyimato-ar-phenylacetone hydroxyimatomalonamide alloxane-5-oximato I-ethyl-3-p-chlorphenyltriazene-l-oxidato l-ethyl-3-p-carboxyethylphenyltriazene-l-oxidato l-ethyl-3-phenyltriazene-l-oxidato l-ethyl-3-p-tolyltriazene-1-oxidato l-ethyl-3-p-nitrophenyltriazene-I-oxidato See figure 3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2,2’-bipyridine tris-(pyrazolyl)-methane hydroxyiminoacetophenone hydroxyiminopropiophenone cx-benzil-oxime biacetyl-oxime hydroxyiminopropyl-methyl-ketone a-hydroxyimino-a-phenylacetone p-chlorphenylhydroxamato phenylhydroxamato p-tolylhydroxamato 248 220 216 190 192 194 196 201 67 245 155 202 227 228 226 259 146 167 120 121 164 115 189 191 193 195 263 HHyamN02 HHyamOMe HLl HL2 HL3 HL4 hmd h-phen 58 10 131 199 m-4,4’-bpy 6-m-bpy m-cinn mdm 182 265 266 264 224 223 222 225 221 243 MeAzpy Me-bpy-2DQ + 2 Me-bpy-3DQ + 2 Me-bpy-me-bpy MeHyamCl MeHyamH MeHyamMe MeHyamN02 MeHyamOMe 4’-MeL hPiS Htrz htt HyamH HyamN02 HyamOMe i-biq imid imPY i-nit i-nicam ipa 3-I-py Ll L2 L3 L4 L-LH p-nitrophenylhydroxamato p-methoxyphenylhydroxamato ar-(phenylazo)acetaldoximato-N, N ” a-(phenylazo)benzaldoximato-N, N ” (r-( p-tolylazo)benzaldoximato-N, N ” cr-(phenylazo)-p-tolualdoximato-N, N ” 1,4-di(2,6-dimethyl-phenyl)-1,4-diazabutadiene 5,6-dihydro-l,lO-phenanthroline 3,4-dihydro-1(2-pyridyl)-isoquinoline 1,2,4-triazole cation ( + H) 1,4-di( p-tolyl)-1,4diazabutadiene phenylhydroximato p-nitrophenylhydroximato p-methoxyphenylhydroximato 3,3’-biisoquinoline imidazole pyridyl-2-imine isonicotinic acid isonicotinic acidamide isopropylideneamido anion 3-iodo-pyridine cr-(phenylazo)acetaldoxime-N, N” cr-(phenylazo)benzaldoxime-N, N ” a-( p-tolylazo)benzaldoxime-N, N ” cw-(phenylazo)-p-tolualdoxime-N, N ” 1,3,5,7-tetrakis(2-(4-sec-butylpyridyl)imino)benzodi-pyrrole-anion N-methyl-4,4’-bipyridine 6-methyl-2,2’-bipyridine N-( 3-pyridyl)cinnamamide 1,4-di(3,5-dimethyl-phenyl)-2,3-dimethyl-l,4-diazabutadiene 2-( 3-tolyl-azo)pyridine See figure See figure 1,2-bis[4-(4’-methyl-2,2’-bipyridyl) Jethane N-methyl-p-chlorphenylhydroxamato N-methyl-phenylhydroxamato N-methyl-p-tolylhydroxamato N-methyl-p-nitrophenylhydroxamato N-methyl-p-methoxyphenylhydroxamato 1,3-bis(2-(4-methylpyridyl)imino)isoindolinato 249 70 248 200 2-meo-phen MMCH mmd 142 6 78 249 69 73 83 197 152 198 I83 140 7 I34 2-m-napy 4-mo-bpy 4-MoPh-phen MPCH 2-m-phen 4-m-phen 5-m-phen 147 102 NM1 NOphen 81 203 204 205 255 5-n-phen NPP OBzim OBzimH OMCH 128 165 172 173 161 132 130 71 262 133 166 68 110 4’-OMe-stylb opdi PBzim PBzimH PC2 p-CHZ-cinn p-cinn Pc-phen 9-PDP p-fum phedi phen phen-dione *PP m-trz mtt NA napy 4-n-bpy N-Me-py 2-methoxy-l,lO-phenanthroline See figure 1,4-di(2,6-dimethyl-phenyl)-2,3-dimethyl-l,4-di azabutadiene 2-methyl-1,8_naphthyridine 4-methoxy-2,2’-bipyridine 4-p-methoxyphenyl-l,lO-phenanthroline See figure 2-methyl-l,lO-phenanthroline 4-methyl-l,lO-phenanthroline 5-methyl-l,lO-phenanthroline 1,4-diphenyl-2,3-dimethyl-1,4_diazabutadiene 4-methyl-1,2,4-triazole l&di( p-tolyl)-2,3-dimethyl-1,4-diazabutadiene 2-((4-nitrophenyl)azo)pyridine 1,8-naphthyridine 4-nitro-2,2’-bipyridine N-(4-pyridyl)-&(3-Nmethylpyridyl)acrylamide(PF,) N-methyl-imidazole 2,2’,2”-tris((l,lO-phenanthrolin-2yloxy)ethyl)amine 5-nitro-l,lO-phenanthroline 2-(3-nitrophenyl)-pyridine 2-( o-hydroxyphenyl)-benzimidazolate anion 2-( o-hydroxyphenyl)-benzimidazole 4,7-dimethyldibenzo[3,2-b : 2’,3’j][l,lO]phenanthroline 4’-methoxy-truns-4-stilbazole o-phenylenediimine 2-(2-pyridyl)benzimidazolate anion 2-(2-pyridyl)benzimidazole bis-(4-pyridyl)-acetylene N-(4-pyridylmethyl)cinnamamide N-(4-pyridyl)cinnamamide N-n-propyl-l,lO-phenanthroline-2-carboxamide 9-phenyldipyrido[3,2-a : 2’,3’-c]phenazine cation N-(4-pyridyl)fumaramide ethylester o-phenanthroline-5,6-diimine l,lO-phenanthroline l,lO-phenanthroline-5,6-dione 250 88 74 84 213 214 4,7-Ph ,-phen 4-Ph-phen 5-Ph-phen PhTROCl PhTrOCOOEt 212 211 215 153 118 170 171 244 112 185 33 141 246 48 PhTROH PhTROMe PhTRON02 Ph- trz pit Pim PimH 188 156 149 124 111 I37 180 135 136 169 247 65 66 138 117 139 144 145 11 126 125 PTPI PTZ PVI PVP Piq PMA pmth 4,4’-poeg-bpy PPYZ Pq P(St-Vbpy) PY PYd PYdiPY PYm PYmH PYmi PYnaPY 4-py-prim Gpy-prim PYr 3-PYr-PY PY=c PZ PZH 6-sty-bpy c-stylb t-stylb 4,7-diphenyl-l,lO-phenanthroline 4-phenyl-l,lO-phenanthroline 5-phenyl-l,lO-phenanthroline 1-phenyl-3-p-chlorphenyltriazene-l-oxidato 1-phenyl-3-p-carboxyethylphenyltriazene-loxidato 1-phenyl-3-phenyltriazene-1-oxidato 1-phenyl-3-p-tolyltriazene-l-oxidato 1-phenyl-3-p-nitrophenyltriazene-l-oxidato 4-phenyl-1,2,4-triazole 4-methyl-pyridine 2-( 2-pyridyl)imidazolate anion 2-(2-pyridyl)imidazole l-(2-pyridyl)-isoquinoline 2-aminomethylpyridine 2-( 2-pyridyl)-4-methyl- thiazole See figure pyridd2,3-blpyrazine 2-(2-pyridyl)-quinoline styrene/4-methyl-4’-vinyl-2,2’-bicopolymer pyridine 2-p- tolyl~pyridinecarboxaldimine phenothiazine polyvinylimidazole poly(4-vinylpyridine) pyridine pyridazine l-(2-pyridyl)-3,5-dimethyl-pyrazole pyrimidine protonated pyrimidine N-methyl-( 2-pyridyl)-imine 2-(2-pyridyl)-1,8-naphthyridine 4-methyl-2(2’-pyridyl)-pyrimidine 6-methyl-4-(2’-pyridyl)-pyrimidine pyrazine 3-(pyrrol-l-ylmethyl)-pyridine pyrazine carboxylate pyrazole anion pyrazole 6-p-styryl-2,2’-bipyridine c-stilbazole t-stilbazole 251 103 109 122 9 184 55 253 100 101 12 75 254 286 282 281 151 150 283 47 46 148 123 TAP taphen t-bupy 4- tep-bpy thpy tm-bpy TMCH tml-phen tm2-phen Gtol-bpy 4- tol-phen TPCH TPTZ tro trpy trz trza tsite VB v-bPY Viz 4-VPY Unnumbered 2SA 2SB 2sc 2SD aca ADP AN BA BBB Bit Br Cl CL0 CN co DAC DAM 1,4,5,8_tetraazaphenanthrene dipyrido[3,2-c: 2’,3’-ejpyridazine 4-tert-butyl-pyridine 4-( triethylphosphonio)-2,2’-bipyridine 2-(2’-thiazolyl)-pyridine 4,4’,5,5’-tetramethyl-2,2’-bipyridine See figure 3,4,7,8-tetramethyl-l,lO-phenanthroline 3,5,6,8-tetramethyl-l,lO-phenanthroline 6-p-tolyl-2,2’-bipyridine 4-tolyl-l,lO-phenanthroline See figure 2,4,6-tripyridyl-s-triazine 4’-phenyl-2,2’,2”-tripyridine 2,2’,2”-tripyridine 1,2,4-triazole 1,2,4-triazole anion 4,4’,4”-triphenyl-2,2’,2”-tripyridine polymeric v-bpy ligand 4-vinyl-4’-methyl-2,2’-bipyridine IV-vinyhmidazole 4-vinylpyridine iigands 1,2-bis(methylthio)ethane 1,2-bis(ethylthio)ethane 1,2_bis(phenylthio)ethane 3,4-bis(methylthio)toluene acetylacetonato anion 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)acetylene acetonitrile butylamine tributylphosphine benzyl isocyanide bromide anion chloride anion perchlorate anion cyanide ion carbonyl trans-1,2-diamminocyclohexane 1,2-diamino-%-methyl-propane 252 dia dmp ECN EDP en For gly H H2 H20 Hed I IPA iPP MDP MeP MMP MPc MPP N3 NO NO2 nor OH ON1 ON2 ON3 ON4 ox Pas PCN PDA PDP PEA PMA PPP PRC PSB P-IS SCN SEE SF o-phenylenebis( dimethylarsine) 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane acrylonitrile cis-1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethylene 1,2_ethylenediamine formiate anion glycinate anion hydride anion di-hydrogen water H,-ethylenediaminetetraacetate iodide anion isopropylamine isonitrosopropiophenonato anion l,l-bis(diphenylphosphino)methane tritolylphosphine dimethyl-phenyl-phosphine 4-methoxyphenylcyanide methyl-diphenyl-phosphine azide anion nitrosonium cation nitrite anion norbornadiene hydroxide anion methylnitrite ethylnitrite n-butylnitrite i-propylnitrite oxalate anion triphenylarsine benzonitrile l,l-bis(diphenylarsino)methane 1,3-bis( diphenylphosphino)propane 3-amino-1-propene benzylamine triphenylphosphine butyronitrile triphenylstibine p-toluol-sulfonate anion thiocyanate anion diethylsulfide pentafluorothiophenolato anion 253 dimethylsulfide methyl-phenylsulfide 2-(methylthio)l-aminoethane 2-(benzylthio)-1-aminoethane 2-(phenylthio)-1-aminoethane &(methylthio)-quinoline 8-mercaptoquinoline anion 2-(methylsulfinyl)-1-aminoethane thiophenolato anion pyrrolidinecarbodithionato anion diethyldithiocarbamato anion dimethyldithiocarbamato anion ethylxanthato anion trifluoroacetate anion propylenediamine thiourea SMM SMP SNA SNB SNC SND SNE SNO SP SSB SSE SSM sso TFA Structural formulae of the ligands 13 R = CH, 14 1 R-H 2 R = Cl 3R=Br 4 R = NH2 5 R= N(CH312 6 R = OCH, 7 R = NO, 9 R= OCH&H, 9 R= P(C,H&? Q-Q R 10 R = CH3 11 R = -~_CH=CH= 12 R = aCH3 R = COO-CH’ CH3 ‘CH, 15 R = CH3 16 R = Cl 17 R=Sr 18 R = NO2 19 R = NH2 20 R = S03H 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 R = NQH& R - NHCOCH3 R = 0C2H, R = 0C6Hs R = 0CHpC6H, R = C,H, R - CH2GHs R = CH =CHC6Hb R=COOH R = C(CHO13 R = C,H, R = COOCmH3, R =VO\rO..pOCHl = COOCH3 34R 35 R = CONHC12Ha 254 36 R - 37 R = COOCzHS CONHC,H,, 38 R = COO-CH 39 R =cOo~ /CH3 .cti 58 3 Q-q-= 40 R, - R2 =COOCH2C6HB 41 R, = RP -COO 42 R,=R2-COO 43 Rq =R@X% 44 45 46 47 48 R, = R,=CON(C2 HII R1 = COOH , R2 = CH, R, =CH=CH2,R = CH, Rl -- cCH-CM2 P,,R2 = CH3 as47,copolymer wlth styrene R, = COOH 49 R,=CONH _80 [&-J] _s+ N 62 R =CH, e(kH-CH2); copolymer with N -vinyl pywlidone 50 51 52 R =CH3 R =COOC2H6 R =NHCOCH3 53 R ‘COO-CH<$ 65 c.H3 Q-Q C”3 54 3 68 69 70 71 R=H R=CHQ R = OCH, R * CONHC3H, 255 96 72 73 R-Cl R=CH3 74 R = C&IS 75 RteCH3 76 R=M 77 R=eBr 78 R =+OCH, R,=M R,=eOCH, 97 R,=M R2=CBHB 98 R, =eBr R,=-Q_OCH3 R 79 80 R=CI R=Br 61 82 R=N02 R = NH2 83 84 R = CH, R = C6H6 86 87 R = CH3 R=CL 88 R = C6H5 89 R =eBr 90 R =oOCH3 91 R=M 92 R-as03 93 R =+CH3 94 R,* R2 -OH 95 R,=w R2=eBr H3CHmW3 100 cl- - N 103 256 120 R = COOH NC CN NC- 121 R = CONH2 -CN 122 R = C(CH313 123 R = CH=CH, 124 R = GH-CH2kn polymeric form 125 3- N’ \ ‘C-H / \ d - IN’ c-l R 112 R = CH,NH, 113 R = CH,CH2NH, r,’ R C-T 114 R = Cl 115 R = I 116 R = CH2C&NH2 117 R = CH2-ND R IN r, ’ 116 R = CH3 119 R = COCH, 127 R = Cl 129 R = OCH, 129 R = CN 257 134 /J;, P /” 0‘/ 136 N 146 rN’ P 3 p3 137 0‘J N 147 0N 0I 'N 138 T48 1;:_@ (1 47~ -CH~+ /; c, 139 polymeric form N 149 a’ I N' 140 “&a H 7-Y H -(I$ R 142 151 R-H ” 3 cJ32cH 143 3 152 R = CH, 153 R = C6H, 154 R = C”,-CH=CH~ 258 1 L-N + “<,>” t [ 155 c&3 s N I) HN NH c?-dH - \N/ A 156 v 167 NH 166 NiC=Ca 161 172 R=e~H3 164 HN NH 165 3 175 monopmtommtedform of 174 176 bipm&utod fotm Or 174 259 &y 190 pmtaeut& form d 189 191 R 192 praweod . C,“, lorm of 191 177 178 monopmtonrtd farm of 177 179 bipretonatad Eorm of 177 G”3 QN$_ 3 R@%QR2 193 R,- 194 pmtomlrd CH, 195 R,= 196 p&avutd R3= form H N - 181 R =H 182 R = CH3 197 R = I4 “8 184 R=H c”3 185 R 200 R = CH3 201 R=H =CH3 (=&i/-L 189 R = CH3 193 R2=CH3 fcwm of R &g H of 195 260 235 Rl = R2= CH, protonated form of 235 239 R, = CH2C34,P@H3 Rl = CHaCH3,Rz- H R, = CH,CH,,R$Cl 209 R, = CH,CH,~COOCH&H, 210 R, = CH&H3qI+J02 211 R, = CsHsRz= CHa 212 R, = C, Hs ,R,= H 213 R, = C, Hs,R2= Cl 214 R, = C, H, ,R2= Co0cH&H, 215 R, = C, H,,R2= = H , R,= 237 R, = CH2CHB R&ZH, 233 protonated form of 237 239 R, = 0 R2=CH, 240 potonatsd form 241 R, = 0 R,= 230 NH2 NO, 0CH3 2-M R, 217 R, = H,R2=CH3 qR2= H 218 R, 219 R, = H,R2=CI 220 R, = H.R,= 221 R, = CH3 ,R,=OCH, 222 R, = CH, 223 R, =CH,,R2=H 224 R, = CH3 ,R2=CI 225 R, = CH, ,R2=N02 No2 ,R,=CH, /-\ -c-43 \N/ \/ 244 226 R of =OCH3 227 R =H 228 R = NO, 245 229 R,=H R,o /\ Q 230 pmtamted form of 22s 231 R, = CH, 232 protonated form of 23-i 233 R, =R2= 234 protcnuted form of 233 w 249 R2=o 0 fl 247 248 R = CHB 249 R = 0 250 R=H 251 R = CHJ 252 R = 253 R = CHJ 254 R = 0 /\ CHzl &$g 255 257 R=H 258 R = CH, p&=p 259 265 R = CH,CH, 286 R = CH,CH,CH, 27-l R =(CH,), 272 R =(CH& 267 273 R =ca+&~(CH& 274 R =(CH,),, 268 277 270 278 263 279 -0 285 I 281 R,= R,= Rsf H 282 R, =o,Rg R3, H Other abbreviations 1,2-dme AC. anh. 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Connor, A.R. Gutierrez, T.J. Meyer, D.G. Whitten, B.P. Sullivan, and J.K. Nagle, J. Am. Chem. Sot., 101 (1979) 4816. 483 B.P. Sullivan, J.V. Caspar, S.R. Johnson, and T.J. Meyer, Organometallics, 3 (1984) 1241. 484 P. Bonneson, J.L. Walsh, W.T. Pennington, A.W. Cordes, and B. Durham, Inorg. Chem., 22 (1983) 1761. 485 M.-A. Haga, Inorg. Chim. Acta, 45 (1980) L183. 486 M.J. Root, BP. Sulhvan, T.J. Meyer, and E. Deutsch, Inorg. Chem., 24 (1985) 2731. 487 D.G. Whitten, Angew. Chem., 91 (1979) 472. 488 R.W. Callahan and T.J. Meyer, Inorg. Chem., 16 (1977) 574. 489 B. Durham, J.L. Walsh, C.L. Carter, and T.J. Meyer, Inorg. Chem., 19 (1980) 860. 490 M.J. Powers and T.J. Meyer, Inorg. Chem., 17 (1978) 2955. 491 A.D. Hamilton, H.-D. Rubin, and A.B. Bocarsly, J. Am. Chem. Sot., 106 (1984) 7255. 492 F.R. Keene, D.J. Salmon, and T.J. Meyer, J. Am. Chem. Sot., 98 (1976) 1884. 493 P.A. Adcock and F.R. Keene, J. Am. Chem. Sot., 103 (1981) 6494. 494 M.J. Ridd and F.R. Keene, J. Am. Chem. 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