FINplus Service Description This service description describes the features and functions of FINplus and the roles and responsibilities of SWIFT and the customers. This document is intended for the FIN and FINplus user community. 25 April 2023 Link to this document: FINplus Service Description Table of Contents Table of Contents Preface............................................................................................................................................................... 3 Significant Changes..........................................................................................................................................5 1 2 3 Overview...................................................................................................................................................6 1.1 Scope.......................................................................................................................................................6 1.2 Communication Flows............................................................................................................................. 6 1.3 Eligibility Criteria...................................................................................................................................... 7 1.4 SWIFTNet Directory.................................................................................................................................7 1.5 FINplus Service Configuration.................................................................................................................8 System Requirements.............................................................................................................................9 2.1 Service Operational Environments.......................................................................................................... 9 2.2 Service Availability.................................................................................................................................10 Features and Functions........................................................................................................................ 11 3.1 Messaging Features.............................................................................................................................. 11 3.2 Message Standards...............................................................................................................................17 3.3 Transaction Manager.............................................................................................................................18 3.4 SWIFT Test Sparring Partner.................................................................................................................18 3.5 Rich Data Access Feature from Case Resolution................................................................................. 19 4 Ordering................................................................................................................................................. 21 5 Support...................................................................................................................................................22 6 Swift Training......................................................................................................................................... 23 7 Roles and Responsibilities...................................................................................................................24 8 7.1 SWIFT's Roles and Responsibilities......................................................................................................24 7.2 User's Roles and Responsibilities......................................................................................................... 24 Contractual Framework........................................................................................................................ 27 Appendix A Messages Supported on FINplus.............................................................................................28 Appendix B Automated Subscription on FINplus....................................................................................... 31 Legal Notices................................................................................................................................................... 32 25 April 2023 2 FINplus Service Description Preface Preface About this document This service description provides information about the features and functions of FINplus. It also describes the roles and responsibilities that apply to SWIFT and the users. Note This service description, together with the Swift General Terms and Conditions and other relevant Swift contractual documentation, is an integral part of the contractual arrangements between Swift and its customers for the provision and the use of FINplus. Intended audience Swift intends this document for eligible registered Swift users that already participate in the FINplus service, or may do so in the future. This service description refers to Swift users as customers. Swift-defined terms In the context of Swift documentation, certain terms have a specific meaning. These terms are called Swift-defined terms (for example, customer, user, or Swift services and products). The definitions of Swift-defined terms appear in the Swift Glossary. Related documentation 25 April 2023 • FIN Service Description • SwiftNet Service Description • Transaction Manager Service Description • Case Management Service Description • SwiftNet Messaging Operations Guide • RMA Service Service Description • SwiftNet PKI Service Description • SwiftNet Link Service Description • SwiftNet Link Error Codes • SwiftNet Network Validation Rules for ISO 20022 • ISO 20022 for Financial Institutions Customer Adoption Guide • MyStandards Readiness Portal User Guide • Swift General Terms and Conditions • Swift Corporate Rules • Swift By-laws • Swift Customer Testing Policy • Customer Security Programme Swift Customer Security Controls Framework Detailed Description • Swift Data Retrieval Policy • Swift Glossary • Shared Infrastructure Programme Policy • Swift Personal Data Protection Policy • Connectivity Packs - Configurations for Multi-Vendor Secure IP Network Connectivity 3 FINplus Service Description Preface • Resilience Guide Customers can find the latest version of most of these documents at > Ordering & Support > Knowledge Centre (User Handbook). 25 April 2023 4 FINplus Service Description Significant Changes Significant Changes The following table lists the significant changes to the content of the FINplus Service Description since the last edition. It does not include editorial or structural changes that SWIFT makes to improve the usability and comprehension of the document. Updated information Location Update to section Automated Subscription on FINplus on page 31 Removal of the FINplus RMA Rules, Early Adopters Periods chapters Removal of the security monitoring section as the SWIFT monitoring tool has been decommissioned 25 April 2023 SWIFT's Roles and Responsibilities on page 24 5 FINplus Service Description Overview 1 Overview 1.1 Scope FINplus is the SWIFT core, store-and-forward, message-processing service that supports the secure and reliable exchange of ISO 20022 messages between financial institutions. FINplus enables financial institutions that are currently using the FIN service to exchange financial transactions in MT format, with the necessary environment to exchange the richer ISO 20022 format messages. FINplus fulfils the following SWIFT security objectives: • Confidentiality: information is disclosed only to authorised persons at authorised locations. • Integrity: information can be relied upon to be complete, accurate, and valid. • Availability: information, and the associated service, is accessible, and usable when needed FIN users, which meet the eligibility criteria, have the possibility to join FINplus by subscribing to the service through, see Eligibility Criteria on page 7. FINplus enables its users to exchange a large span of ISO 20022 request types, including payment and securities market financial messages: • In the scope of the ISO 20022 adoption, FINplus enables the exchange of payment messages compliant with the Cross-Border Payments and Reporting Plus (CBPR+) market practices. • FINplus supports the exchange of ISO 20022 Universal Confirmation messages to and from the SWIFT gpi platform. • FINplus enables the exchange of a broad span of Securities transactions related messages, including Corporate Actions, Securities Settlement Instructions, and Collateral Management. For Securities messages, FINplus supports the exchange of messages which comply with the plain ISO 20022 format or with specific usage guidelines Note 1.2 Customers can find more details about the availability of the request types in the Knowledge Base Article 5024231. Communication Flows Two situations may limit the routing of messages between FINplus users: 25 April 2023 • Based on SWIFT Board approved restriction rules, SWIFT restricts the exchange of specific request types between SWIFT user categories. These restriction rules applicable to ISO 20022 messages are derived from the MT Message Routing Restrictions documented in the FIN Service Description. • Bilateral exchange of Relationship Management Application (RMA) authorisations between FINplus users is required for authorising the communication flows of specific request types in the FINplus Live service. For FINplus Pilot services, the use of RMA is optional. For more information, see the SwiftNet Service Description. 6 FINplus Service Description Overview This communication flow is delivered through the SWIFTNet store-and-forward platform that guarantees delivery of emitted messages to the correspondent. 1.3 Eligibility Criteria The following SWIFT categories are eligible to subscribe to FINplus: Group SWIFT user categories SUPE Supervised Financial Institutions (1) (2) NOSU Non-supervised Entities active in the financial industry (3) (2) PSPA Payment System Participants (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) Additional destinations (ADDD) of SUPE are subject to specific message restrictions set out in Messages Supported on FINplus on page 28. NOSU and SUPE users must be FIN users to be eligible for FINplus. These users are subject to certain message restrictions set out in Messages Supported on FINplus on page 28. For more information, see the MT-MX Payment Messages document available at > About us > Legal > Corporate matters > SWIFT user categories. These users are subject to certain message restrictions set out in Messages Supported on FINplus on page 28 Developer testing SWIFT customers and SWIFT registered partners can use FINplus in the Integration TestBed environment (ITB). Customers and partners must explicitly subscribe to the testing environment through For more information, see section SWIFTNet Messaging Services on Integration Testbed in the SwiftNet Service Description 1.4 SWIFTNet Directory The SWIFTNet Service Directory (SSD) SWIFT publishes user subscription information in the SWIFTNet Services Directory available on The ISO 20022 Readiness Directory SWIFTRef ISO 20022 Readiness Directory is available for the community to verify what counterparties are already exchanging ISO traffic. See the SWIFTRef ISO 20022 Technical Specifications and the SWIFTRef ISO 20022 Technical Specifications for FINplus. 25 April 2023 7 FINplus Service Description 1.5 Overview FINplus Service Configuration Users must set up and configure their infrastructure to support the FINplus service on InterAct store-and-forward. Guidelines and steps to connect to the FINplus service are described in the ISO 20022 for Financial Institutions Customer Adoption Guide. For detailed information about the InterAct store-and-forward protocol, see the relevant messaging interface documentation and the SwiftNet Messaging Operations Guide. 25 April 2023 8 FINplus Service Description 2 System Requirements System Requirements See the SwiftNet Service Description for information related to the SWIFTNet production and testing environments, service availability and, operational status. 2.1 Service Operational Environments FINplus will deliver multiple operational environments to serve the community in the development, testing and production operation of their financial systems. The following environments are available: Live Production environment enabling the transfer of financial transactions information to counterparties. The Live environment is updated each year to support new Standards Releases and implementation of new service features. Pilot Current Production environment enabling transfer of test messages with other FINplus users. This environment replicates the same message versions and features as the Live environment. See the SwiftNet Service Description for the specificities of the Pilot environment. Pilot Future Production environment enabling transfer of test messages with other FINplus users. This environment implements the message version and features that will be implemented on the Live environment at the next Standards Release. This environment is updated typically 4 months in advance, of the Live and Pilot Current evolution. It is available all year long. See the SwiftNet Service Description for the specificities of the Pilot environment. Integration TestBed Current Testing environment enabling vendors and developers to perform interface and application testing. This environment replicates the same message version and features as the Live environment. See the SwiftNet Service Description for the specificities of the SWIFTNet Integration Testbed environment. Integration TestBed Future Testing environment enabling vendors and developers to perform interface and application testing. This environment implements the message version and features that will be implemented on the Live environment at the next update. See the SwiftNet Service Description for the specificities of the SWIFTNet Integration Testbed environment. Note 25 April 2023 SWIFT also offers FINplus services dedicated to partners testing (swift.partner.finplus!pc and swift.partner.finplus!pf). Only partners are allowed to subscribe to these services. 9 FINplus Service Description 2.2 System Requirements Service Availability The FINplus service availability is aligned with the schema described in the SwiftNet Service Description for planned and unplanned unavailability. The various environments are updated each year, to support new Standards Release and implementation of new service features. The update schedule may differ from the FIN release schedule. 25 April 2023 10 FINplus Service Description Features and Functions 3 Features and Functions 3.1 Messaging Features FINplus relies on the SWIFTNet platform to deliver messaging functionality. The SWIFTNet platform enables secure and reliable communication of mission-critical financial information and transactional data. See section InterAct in the SwiftNet Service Description for more details on SWIFTNet capabilities. 3.1.1 Message Emission and Reception FINplus leverages the SWIFTNet InterAct store-and-forward feature to enable SWIFT customers to emit and receive the XML messages implemented on FINplus (see list of request types in Message Standards on page 17). The SWIFTNet store-and-forward capability enables service participants to exchange messages without the need to be simultaneously connected to the service. If the FINplus user activates the input channel feature for the emission of messages (recommended), FINplus will deliver the messages while maintaining the sequence of emission (first-in, first-out logic, FIFO). This feature replicates the FIN service behaviour. This only applies to the input leg (from sender to SWIFT). The end-to-end FIFO logic may not be assured in most situations. For more information about this feature, see the ISO 20022 for Financial Institutions Customer Adoption Guide (section First-in First-out Delivery). If the input channel feature is not activated, FINplus does not ensure FIFO delivery of the messages. 3.1.2 Service Names Each SWIFTNet service has a service profile and a service name, and is associated with a Closed User Group (CUG). The service profile describes the configuration of messaging services for a specific SWIFTNet service, that is FINplus. The service name identifies the SWIFTNet service, FINplus, and appears in the header of each InterAct message that the user uses in the context of FINplus. SWIFT provides FINplus users with access to multiple environments to enable them to perform Live and Pilot operations. The additional FINplus Pilot Future environment will help users to prepare for the future evolutions of the Live environment Environment service name Live swift.finplus Pilot Current swift.finplus!pc Pilot Future swift.finplus!pf Third-party application vendors and FINplus users’ development teams can get access to separate developer-testing services available on the integration testbed (ITB) environment. 25 April 2023 11 FINplus Service Description 3.1.3 Features and Functions Environment service name ITB Current swift.finplus!xpc ITB Future swift.finplus!xpf Requestor and Responder Distinguished Name (DN) SWIFT requires the emitted message to include both requestor and responder identification to process and route messages on to SWIFTNet and at the receiver's site. In the scope of FINplus, SWIFT defines a service user by a non-wildcard level-3 Distinguished Name (DN). The Requestor and Responder DN must identify the services participant’s BIC, and branch code, registered within SWIFT through the BIC registration process. The BIC referred in the DN's second segment must be a live and published 8-character BIC. The branch in third segment can be published or unpublished. The Requestor and Responder DN must comply with the following specific structure: Live The DN must correspond to the FINplus user's 8-character BIC plus one extension. The extension includes the three-character branch code. Every branch code defined for the 8-character BIC can be used in the DN. If no branch code is specified, the extension must include the three characters: xxx. The 8-character BIC (that is the BIC's main xxx branch) used in the DN must be published. The branch code used in the DN must be valid and can be published or unpublished. For example: • ou=bbb,o=bankbebb,o=swift or • ou=xxx,o=bankbebb,o=swift Pilot and ITB The first 3 segments are subject to the same restrictions as the ones applicable for Live. By default, SWIFT recommends that users use the same level-3 DNs for Pilot and for Live operations. Optionally, users requiring more granularity for testing traffic segregation or for routing purposes can define up to 10 level-DNs. For example: • cn=testenv1,ou=bbb,o=bankbebb,o=swift or • ou=bankbeb0bbb,ou=xxx,o=bankbebb,o=swift or • cn=t1,ou=payments,ou=xxx,o=bankbebb,o=swift Using more granular DNs can be leveraged to reproduce equivalent Test and Training BIC destinations, when multiple equivalent Test and Training BICs belong to the same master Live 8character BIC. Test and Training BIC is a FIN concept that does not exist on SWIFTNet and FINplus. BIC (request or responder) in second-level DN must be a live BIC. For more information on naming guidelines, see the SwiftNet Naming and Addressing Guide. Validation SWIFT validation works as follows: 1. Requestor/Responder DN must comply with the structure described above. 2. The technical sender and receiver, that is, the BICs in the second-level of requestor and responder DN address, are the SWIFT users. The technical sender is responsible for the content of the message. In FINplus, SWIFT allows to have a different technical sender and 25 April 2023 12 FINplus Service Description Features and Functions receiver than the business sender and receiver (that is, the BIC in the From/To element of the Business Application Header), except for the Correspondant Banking (CBPR+) messages, where the two BICs need to be the same. For more information, see SwiftNet Network Validation Rules for ISO 20022. Note Note 3.1.4 For securities and tracking messages, BICs used in the network header can differ from the BICs used in the business application header (BAH). SWIFT will validate that BICs present in the To/From fields of the BAH are belonging to Level 2 DN of Responder/Requestor DNs respectively. For more information about this validation, see the SwiftNet Network Validation Rules for ISO 20022. Request Types The list of supported request types may evolve with each Standards Release and the introduction of new business lines in the service. The supported request types are described in Messages Supported on FINplus on page 28. 3.1.5 Mandatory and Optional InterAct store-and-forward features for FINplus FINplus uses InterAct in store-and-forward mode with mandatory message validation. Feature Use InterAct Mandatory Store-and-forward mode Mandatory Authentication control Mandatory Non-repudiation through content storage (for store-and-forward services) Mandatory Message validation Mandatory The SwInt:NRIndicator flag must not be set on the message. Note that the Readiness Portal delivered by SWIFT allows service participants to separately perform the format validation of their messages, see MyStandards Readiness Portal User Guide. End-to-end signature Mandatory Relationship Management Application Mandatory for designated request types (see ) Delivery notification Optional Mandatory: FINplus service always delivers the feature for all messages. Optional: the message sender can select the feature for one or multiple messages 25 April 2023 13 FINplus Service Description 3.1.6 Features and Functions User Restriction Rules SWIFT controls the transfer of the various request types based on the user category. All request types can be exchanged between FINplus service participants which fulfil the service eligibility criteria (see Eligibility Criteria on page 7). For more information about the messages that users can send to each user category, see Messages Supported on FINplus on page 28. 3.1.7 Message Format and Message Validation SWIFT validates that the request type of the transferred message is included in the list of request types activated on the service, as documented in Message Standards on page 17. SWIFT also verifies that the transferred message is a well-formed XML block (for example, the presence of opening and closing tags). SWIFT also validates the messages against the ISO 20022 base message rules of every XML message exchange in the scope of FINplus, including syntactic, semantic (cross-field validation) and reference data algorithmic rules. SWIFT also verifies the mandatory presence and the format of the ISO 20022 Business Application Header version 2 (head.001.001.02). Finally, SWIFT also verifies the content validity against the additional usage guideline restrictions where applicable (for example, CBPR+ rules for payment messages). In the current release of FINplus, supplementary data extensions are not validated against the related ISO 20022 base message rules. FINplus messages validation rules are uniquely identified through the combination of two identifiers in MyStandards: • the message definition identifier of the Business Document, which describes the main content of the message • the usage identifier, which declares the ISO 20022 Business Application Header (BAH) version to be used altogether with the Business Document, as well as additional usage guideline restrictions applicable on both the BAH and Business Document sections, if any Both identifiers are respectively carried by the request type and request subtype fields in the SWIFTNet technical header. SWIFT relies on both values to validate the message’s payload (SWIFT always indicates to the receiver the request subtype value used to validate the message, that is, the value provided by the sender, or if not present, the default value set centrally): • If the sender fills in the request subtype field, then SWIFT relies on its value to validate the message. In such case, the value must match with one of the allowed values. SWIFT rejects the message otherwise. • If the sender leaves the request subtype field empty, then SWIFT relies on a default subtype value except for Tracking messages where the use of the request subtype is mandatory. The following table provides MyStandards landing page location per business line. The request subtype value must be provided by the sender only when multiple usage guideline flavours apply for the same request type (for example, for pacs.008 STP, pacs.009 COV and ADV). The corresponding values are highlighted in the Knowledge Base Article 5024231. For all cases where only one flavour applies, the request subtype can be left empty. For messages without usage guidelines, the request subtype is optional. Note CBPR+ market practice will impose the presence of the usage identifier within the BusinessService field in the Business Application Header, to help interfaces derive the request subtype when constructing the SWIFTNet technical header. To populate the request subtype field, SWIFTNet release 7.5 or higher is required. For more information about the overall set of rules applicable to the messages, see MyStandards: 25 April 2023 14 FINplus Service Description Features and Functions Business line MyStandards landing page Securities FINplus for Securities Cross-Border Payment and Reporting Cross Border Payments and Reporting Plus (CBPR+) Plus (CBPR+) Tracking messages for the Universal Tracking Confirmation For more information about validation errors, see the SwiftNet Link Error Codes. Note During the CBPR+ co-existence period, the presence of Test and Training BICs in the message payload is allowed on Pilot and ITB services and is rejected in Live mode. This will apply until the end of the CBPR+ co-existence period (2025). After that period, Test and Training BICs will not be allowed in the message payload either for Live and Pilot/ITB flows. This is only applicable for FINplus services. SWIFT strongly recommends that users follow the rule from the start to avoid unexpected failure when the validation becomes effective. Specific Validation Rules to FINplus Services In-flow translation service validation FINplus offers the possibility to have a translation service providing interoperability support between ISO 20022 SWIFT and FIN users. The list of eligible request types are listed in the Appendix A of the ISO 20022 In-flow Translation Service Overview. When in-flow translation is used, SWIFT creates a FIN representation based on the content of the ISO 20022 message sent. The MT translation is then delivered to the receiver in an XML comment block along with the original ISO 20022 message in a 'multi-format' message. The translation is performed against the published translation rules available on MyStandards. Translation reporting (with potential error codes) is also delivered in the multi-format message through XML comments. The list of possible translation results is defined in the ISO 20022 In-flow Translation Service Overview. SWIFT gpi service validation 25 April 2023 • When a transaction is subject to a pending Stop and Recall request and a FINplus user tries to further propagate the UETR through a FINplus message, the validation error SwReq.UnderRecall will be generated until a final response is provided to the Stop and Recall request. For more information about Stop and Recall, see Case Management for Stop and Recall Rulebook • Once UETR validations are put into blocking mode in 2023, any FINplus user sending pacs.008 or pacs.009 may receive a SWIFT NAK with following errors Sw.Gbl.UETRReuseAmountNotInRange, Sw.Gbl.UETRReuseLargerAmountWithoutPrepaidCharges, or Sw.Gbl.UETRReuseMismatchForInstructedAmountOrCurrency in the live or pilot service. These errors mean that the UETR in the message has already been used in a different transaction. • The SWIFT global payments innovation (gpi) service tracks payment messages using the UETR, and the Service Level field which identifies the SWIFT gpi service that should apply to the message. SWIFT gpi customers may include the service level in SWIFT gpi-enabled messages even when the receiver is not a SWIFT gpi customer. To cover (possible) future 15 FINplus Service Description Features and Functions expansions of the SWIFT gpi service, all eligible FINplus users (whether SWIFT gpi customers or not) must be able to receive pacs messages that contains the optional service level field. Note A SWIFT gpi-enables message sent by a non-SWIFT gpi customer with the Service Level field will receive a SWIFT NAK as of February 2023. As of this date, any SWIFT gpi customer sending SWIFT gpi-enabled messages may also receive a SWIFT NAK if the Service Level field value used does not match the request type or business service or the SWIFT gpi participation of the sender. For more information, see Swift GPI Rulebook for Mandatory Services - GPI Customer Credit Transfer and GPI Cover Payments - Service Type Identifier. Financial and non-financial institution BIC validation tables In support of user authentication, SWIFT stops a message in FINplus in the following circumstances: • if there is an unregistered BIC or unpublished BIC in the message header • if, in a party field inside the message payload in which SWIFT expects a BIC, there is an unregistered BIC or an 8-character BIC that is not published in the SWIFTRef Directories BIC validation table in message header (sender or receiver BICs respectively derived from Requestor and Responder DN) and in party field in message payload (the RequestPayload section, containing both the Business Application Header and the Business Document) 8-character BIC 3-character branch identifier SWIFT validation published published accepted published unpublished accepted published non-existing rejected unpublished unpublished rejected unpublished non-existing rejected Non-connected BICs in message header (sender or receiver respectively derived from Requestor and Responder DN) 8-character BIC 3-character branch identifier SWIFT validation published published rejected published unpublished rejected Non-connected BICs in party field in message payload 25 April 2023 8-character BIC 3-character branch identifier SWIFT validation published published accepted published unpublished accepted 16 FINplus Service Description Features and Functions Related information For more information about the ISO 20022 validation rules, see SwiftNet Network Validation Rules for ISO 20022. 3.1.8 Relationship Management Application (RMA) Relationship Management is a service on SwiftNet that allows users to control the traffic that they want to accept from other users. The RMA service is essential to ensure that the exchange of traffic complies with the agreements of established business relationships. The FINplus Live service mandates usage of the RMA Service for specific request types. The RMA authorisations can be granted either for all FINplus request types, either for a specific request type, based on the user's choice. If users would like to exchange RMA authorisations in Pilot services, they must specify the BIC8 as issuer and receiver as Test and Training BIC does not exist on SwiftNet and FINplus. See for the list of request types which can be controlled through RMA. Granularity of an RMA relationship can be defined up to the message number. For example "pacs" or "pacs.008". Granularity up to the message variant or version is not allowed. For more information about RMA, see the Relationship Management Application support page. 3.2 Message Standards Overall message structure The message structure complies with the ISO 20022 standards. FINplus also mandates the presence of the Business Application Header version 2 (BAHv2): head.001.001.02. The overall message structure is as follows: Character set For securities messages, ISO 8859-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 character sets are allowed. While for payment messages, the character set is defined in the CBPR+ usage guidelines published on MyStandards, only Latin Character set is allowed. For more information, see the SwiftNet Messaging Operations Guide. For tracking messages, the character set is defined in the tracking usage guidelines published on MyStandards. Business document For the list of supported messages, see section Messages Supported on FINplus on page 28. 25 April 2023 17 FINplus Service Description Features and Functions For more information about the message format, see MyStandards. 3.3 Transaction Manager Processing of FINplus messages by Transaction Manager FINplus routes specific FINplus messages to Transaction Manager. Transaction Manager performs a number of validations and only messages that pass those validations are further processed by Transaction Manager. The processing of a FINplus message happens as follows: • When a FINplus message is processed by Transaction Manager, then Transaction Manager creates a new message in ISO 20022 format and delivers it to the receiver on FINplus. The original FINplus message is not delivered to the receiver. • When a FINplus message is not processed by Transaction Manager, then this message is delivered to the receiver on FINplus (or in some specific cases, it will be aborted instead). This processing applies to the following FINplus messages: pacs.008, pacs.008 STP, pacs.009, pacs.009 ADV and pacs.009 COV whereby this processing does not apply to Market Infrastructure traffic. Transaction Manager may in some cases reject a message, which will lead to an abort to the sender. This is in the form of the usual xsys.012 abort message, with a specific error code that explains the reject reason. Those error codes are documented in the Transaction Manager Operations Guide. For more information about Transaction Manager, and the criteria that are used to determine if a message will be processed (or rejected) by Transaction Manager, see the Transaction Manager Service Description. Transaction Manager bypass mode In the unlikely case when Transaction Manager is not available, SWIFT can decide to skip the routing of traffic to Transaction Manager and deliver messages on FINplus without any Transaction Manager processing. SWIFT notifies customers of this situation (or the end thereof) by means of one or more of the channels as described in the applicable Support Service Descriptions. 3.4 SWIFT Test Sparring Partner The Swift Test Sparring Partner is a service that takes non-user roles in test message flows. The Swift Test Sparring Partner service supports the CBPR+ and Tracking request types present in the FINplus service. The SWIFT Test Sparring Partner service is available to users who are registered to a FINplus service. Users can select one of the following version: 25 April 2023 • a free universal version of the platform which utilises pre-defined test cases • and a paid premium version which includes customisable test cases and reference data. 18 FINplus Service Description Features and Functions Note Users using the Swift Test Sparring Partner service may experience lower availability levels than for production systems. Also, SWIFT has not implemented yet the Test Sparring Partner to recover from a disaster affecting its operations, and it is therefore unavailable in such situation. The Swift Test Sparring Partner is not designed to support any types of performance levels. In addition, the Swift Test Sparring Partner may be unavailable for maintenance or upgrade reasons. For more information, see the Swift Test Sparring Partner Operations Guide. 3.5 Rich Data Access Feature from Case Resolution Overview To support banks with the implementation of the CBPR+ Data Integrity Market Practice Guidance and to enable a consistent approach to access additional rich data that may not be forwarded in legacy format payments, Swift has developed the Rich Data Access feature as an enhancement of Case Resolution and has made it universally available to all relevant Swift users (in user category Supervised Financial Institutions (SUPE) or Payments System Participants (PSPA)) that may require access to rich ISO 20022 data. The Rich Data Access feature aims to propose a consistent and more efficient alternative to the bilateral request for information (RFI) process outlined in the CBPR+ Data Integrity Market Practice Guidance. It enables that: • The receiver of a legacy message that contains an indication of data truncation can consistently obtain the rich data directly from Swift. This removes the dependency on the previous bank in the transaction and subsequently speeds up the RFI procedure. • The sender of legacy messages that cannot relay rich ISO 20022 data can access the rich ISO 20022 data using the Tracker. This helps message senders create any auxiliary message required to convey complete information to the receiver. Access to and use of the Rich Data Access feature is offered at no additional charge. The feature is made available through the Swift GPI Tracker and Basic Tracker Graphical User Interface (GUI). The feature is governed by the present section together with the relevant sections of the Case Management Service Description. Rich Data Access elements Data extraction focuses on elements that are intended to be shared end-to-end and could be subject to truncation. As soon as a Swift user initiates a valid RICH case, the Tracker automatically closes the case and provides, as an answer, a link to the rich data elements. The list that follows contains the rich data elements that are extracted for in-scope transactions. All sub-elements of these data elements are also extracted. 25 April 2023 • Debtor • Creditor • Ultimate Debtor • Ultimate Creditor • Structured Remittance Information • Unstructured Remittance Information 19 FINplus Service Description Features and Functions • Related Remittance Information • Instruction for Creditor Agent Additionally, a view on the previous instructing agents, as well as the proposed intermediary agents, is provided. Retention period The rich data retention period is limited to 124 days in the Live environment as from the acknowledgement by Swift of the first message exchanged with the specific UETR (for Test and Training, the data retention period is limited to 60 days). 25 April 2023 20 FINplus Service Description 4 Ordering Ordering Ordering for FINplus Pilot and Live service The opt-in order form enables FIN users to join FINplus. The order form is accessible on > mySWIFT > Ordering. Only FIN users are eligible to subscribe to FINplus. To subscribe to FINplus Pilot services, the user must first be subscribed to FIN. To subscribe to FINplus Live, the user must be previously subscribed to FINplus Pilot services. For more information about subscribing to the FIN service, see the standard SWIFT on-boarding and FIN subscription process in the FIN Service Description. Note Users must subscribe to both Pilot Current and Pilot Future services with the Subscribe to FINplus Pilot Services order form. Unpublished 8-character BICs are not allowed on FINplus. To be able to exchange traffic on FINplus, such users must change the status of their unpublished 8-character BICs subscribed to FINplus to published, see Rejected messages with unpublished BICs. For more information, see the KB article 5024547 - Change of publication status for unpublished BIC8 and main branch Ordering for FINplus ITB environment FIN users must subscribe to the FINplus extension in ITB environment through the relevant order form accessible on > mySWIFT > Ordering. Note Like for FIN, the subscription to FINplus is 8-character BIC based. Accordingly, SWIFT automatically subscribes service users with a wildcarded level 3 DN format: *,o=<8character BIC>,o=swift (The DN is published in the SwiftNet Services Directory). Users must use non-wildcarded DNs when exchanging messages as per the format rules described in Requestor and Responder Distinguished Name (DN) on page 12. Related information For information about SWIFT's online ordering facility and how to order, see > mySWIFT > Ordering. 25 April 2023 21 FINplus Service Description 5 Support Support Support for SWIFT customers By default, Swift Support is the single point of contact to report all problems and queries that relate to Swift services and products. Swift Community Support is available to all Swift customers. Individuals within a customer organisation must register on to use the Support service. On top of the Swift Community Support, customers can purchase the Advanced Support and Care Services. For more information about the different services that SWIFT offers as part of the Swift Advanced Support and Care Services and the procedure to order support, see Support and Care Services on Swift provides support for Swift services and products only. For example, Swift does not offer support for the underlying hardware and software systems (operating system, third-party messaging middleware) which are used in conjunction with the Swift product. In case of problems or queries that relate to those third-party hardware or software systems, customers must contact the responsible vendor. Related information For more information about Support services, see the Service Description related to the applicable support package: Support documentation. 25 April 2023 22 FINplus Service Description 6 Swift Training Swift Training Swift provides training about standards, products, and services to suit different needs. From tailored training to self-paced e-learning modules on Swift Smart, a range of training options are available for all Swift end users. Swift Smart Swift Smart is an interactive, cloud-based training service that offers a large variety of courses for different levels of knowledge. The courses contain exercises and quizzes and are available in multiple languages. The Swift Smart catalogue provides a list of courses that are organised into these learning tracks: • General knowledge • Work with messages • Deploy and manage Swift software solutions • Security and audit • Compliance and shared services Swift Smart is accessible from the desktop or a mobile device. No installation is required. Swift Smart is available to all connected Swift end users and registered Swift partners with a account. For more information, see How to become a user. Tailored training A full range of tailored programmes is available to meet specific training needs. For more information, visit the Training web page. 25 April 2023 23 FINplus Service Description 7 Roles and Responsibilities Roles and Responsibilities As a general statement, the Roles and Responsibilities described in the FIN Service Description are applicable to FINplus as described in this service description. 7.1 SWIFT's Roles and Responsibilities Compliance with SWIFT contractual documentation Subject to the applicable terms and conditions set out from time to time in the SWIFT contractual documentation, SWIFT permits duly authorised users that have entered into the relevant contractual arrangements with SWIFT to access and use the selected SWIFT services and products described in this service description. SWIFT provides its services and products in all material respects as set out in this service description and, more generally in accordance with the applicable SWIFT contractual documentation. For more information about the applicable SWIFT contractual documentation, see Contractual Framework on page 27. 7.2 User's Roles and Responsibilities User responsibilities When using FINplus, users must, in particular, do the following: • adhere to the FIN Roles and Responsibilities,as FINplus is an extension of FIN • adhere to the policies and other user responsibilities in the SwiftNet Service Description and SwiftNet Messaging Operations Guide • specify the central routing rules that SWIFT has configured for InterAct, according to the guidelines in the SwiftNet Messaging Operations Guide • empty all queues at least once each day for InterAct in store-and-forward mode • ensure proper configuration of SWIFTNet interfaces (or any other application) to avoid unnecessary use of SWIFTNet primitives or system messages (for example, configuring the simultaneous use of the same exclusive queue on different interfaces) • use FINplus and message standards in accordance with the Cross-Border Payments and Reporting Plus (CBPR+) market practice and other applicable documentation Required prior notice of change The user must inform SWIFT at least three weeks in advance of any change to the user's infrastructure that can impact the provision by SWIFT to the user of the SWIFT services and products described in the service description. This includes, but is not limited to, changes to the user's connection configuration to the secure IP network. Required prior approval for performance testing The user must inform SWIFT reasonably in advance when a material traffic increase (or decrease) is planned. The user must inform SWIFT by contacting their SWIFT sales representative. In this context, a material traffic increase is a traffic increase of 15% (or more) compared to the average daily volumes over the last 6 rolling months (or compared to the initial traffic projection in case of planned traffic volume ramp-up). 25 April 2023 24 FINplus Service Description Roles and Responsibilities Also, users who want to perform any planned performance testing or stress testing, must inform SWIFT and obtain approval from SWIFT, at least 4 weeks in advance of the tests. The user must follow the procedure explained in the Knowledge Base tip 2008531. Operating requirements The user's responsibility to comply with applicable operating requirements The user is responsible for complying with all operating requirements for its use of the SWIFT services and products described in this service description. As applicable, the user must use a compatible interface. More information about compatible interfaces is available on > Swift Compatible Applications Furthermore, the user must make sure that any equipment and services used in support of its access to, or use of, the SWIFT services and products function properly at all times. If any such equipment or services either degrade or interfere with the performance, operation, or security of the PoP or the secure IP network or, more generally, the SWIFT services and products described in this service description, then SWIFT has the right to request the user to immediately stop use of the equipment or services and to take any other reasonable steps at SWIFT's discretion without liability to the user or any third party, and without prejudice to any other right or remedy of SWIFT. Contingency and recovery The user is solely and exclusively responsible to make sure that it develops its own SWIFTNet connectivity contingency and recovery plans. The user must in particular ensure that its SWIFTNet infrastructure can handle the expected peak traffic for normal conditions and has sufficient capacity to handle urgent traffic. For more information about resiliency, see the Resilience Guide. User's responsibility for a service bureau As appropriate, users can decide, at its discretion and at its own risk, to appoint a service bureau (or specific persons for which the service bureau is responsible) to exercise specific rights or obligations under the SWIFT contractual documentation (for example, the use of correct interface settings and other operational responsibilities necessary to send and receive messages or files using SWIFTNet messaging services). For the avoidance of any doubt, this does not alter or diminish the user's obligations under the SWIFT contractual documentation, and SWIFT deems any act, omission, or default of a service bureau (or those specific persons for which it is responsible) to be that of the user concerned. For more information about the conditions governing the use of a service bureau, see the Shared Infrastructure Programme Policy. Problems identified by the user If the user becomes aware of a problem in the SWIFTNet network or infrastructure, and that problem is likely to have a negative impact on the user's access to, or use of, the service, then the customer must perform the following actions, as appropriate: 25 April 2023 • The user must promptly notify SWIFT of the problem. • The user must co-operate with, and assist SWIFT, to identify, investigate, and resolve any such problem. • The user must follow any guidelines or other directions given by, or for, SWIFT. • The user must promptly correct any problem for which it has responsibility. The customer must notify SWIFT when it has resolved the problem. • The user must correctly and promptly respond to any recovery or any fallback procedure initiated, or actions requested, by SWIFT. • The user must revert to normal operating conditions when the problem is resolved. 25 FINplus Service Description Roles and Responsibilities • The user must promptly notify SWIFT if it becomes aware of any breach, or attempted breach, of security that potentially affects the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the service. The user must also promptly notify SWIFT of any unauthorised use of the service User testing Users must not conduct any performance or vulnerability tests unless expressly permitted in the Swift Customer Testing Policy. If users believe they have identified a potential performance or vulnerability threat, they must immediately inform SWIFT thereof and treat all related information, data or materials as SWIFT confidential information. Migration readiness status When a new SwiftNet release or update is available, and to increase transparency about possible incompatibility issues, Swift reserves the right to publish the migration and readiness status of the Swift-related infrastructure used by the customers concerned (typically, by publishing a Knowledge Base article). Any such publication does not affect the customers’ ultimate responsibility for the timely installation of new releases or updates as specified in the SwiftNet and Alliance Release Policy, the Swift Release Timeline or as otherwise notified by Swift (for example, in a release letter), nor any other rights or remedies available to Swift if customers fail to do so. 25 April 2023 26 FINplus Service Description 8 Contractual Framework Contractual Framework SWIFT General Terms and Conditions The Swift General Terms and Conditions govern the provision and the use of all SWIFT services and products described in this service description other than the Hardware Security Module (HSM) boxes, tokens, cards, and readers. The HSM Box Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions that apply to the supply and maintenance of the HSM box equipment, and the HSM Tokens and Cards Terms and Conditions set out the terms and conditions applicable to the supply of HSM tokens, cards, and readers. For the latest available version of the Swift General Terms and Conditions, see the Legal page on Provision and use of other SWIFT services and products Other SWIFT services and products are governed by their own SWIFT contractual documentation. Users must refer to the related Service Description for more information. Subject to the FIN integrated liability described in section General of the FIN Service Description, this service description applies to the provision and the use of FINplus only. The provision and use of other SWIFT services and products are governed by their own SWIFT contractual documentation, even if relating to FINplus messages such as in the case of the InformCopy; Payment Controls, and Transaction Screening services. Feedback about the service When providing Feedback, users agree that SWIFT may use such Feedback as it sees fit and that SWIFT will own the intellectual property rights on such Feedback, in view of allowing SWIFT to commercialise a new product, service or release integrating such Feedback for the benefit of its community, at SWIFT's discretion. If and when its Feedback includes subject matter protected by intellectual property rights, the user agrees that submitting such Feedback includes the transfer of the related intellectual property rights to SWIFT. 25 April 2023 27 FINplus Service Description Messages Supported on FINplus Appendix A Messages Supported on FINplus This section describes the list of message types that can be exchanged between FINplus users as well as the link towards the respective Standards specifications in MyStandards. With each Standards Release cycle, new messages will be supported in FINplus pilot future service earlier than in FINplus pilot current and FINplus Live services. See Knowledge Base Article 5024231 for an overview of the respective availability timelines by message and by service. Message Restriction Tables SUPE send to SUPE (1) NOSU camt Yes Yes colr Yes Yes DRAFT4semt Yes Yes DRAFT5semt Yes Yes pacs Yes Yes pain Yes Yes secl Yes Yes seev Yes Yes semt Yes Yes sese Yes Yes PSPA trck.001 Yes SUPE receive from SUPE (1) NOSU camt Yes Yes colr Yes Yes DRAFT4semt Yes Yes DRAFT5semt Yes Yes pacs Yes Yes pain Yes Yes secl Yes Yes seev Yes Yes semt Yes Yes sese Yes Yes PSPA trck.002/003/004 25 April 2023 Tracker Tracker Yes NOSU send to SUPE (1) camt Yes colr Yes Yes DRAFT4semt Yes Yes DRAFT5semt Yes Yes pacs Yes NOSU PSPA Tracker 28 FINplus Service Description Messages Supported on FINplus NOSU send to SUPE (1) pain Yes secl Yes Yes seev Yes Yes semt Yes Yes sese Yes Yes NOSU receive from SUPE (1) NOSU camt Yes colr Yes Yes DRAFT4semt Yes Yes DRAFT5semt Yes Yes pacs Yes pain Yes secl Yes Yes seev Yes Yes semt Yes Yes sese Yes Yes SUPE (1) NOSU NOSU PSPA Tracker PSPA Tracker PSPA Tracker trck trck PSPA send to camt colr DRAFT4semt DRAFT5semt pacs pain secl seev semt sese trck.001 PSPA receive from SUPE (1) Yes NOSU PSPA Tracker camt colr DRAFT4semt DRAFT5semt 25 April 2023 29 FINplus Service Description Messages Supported on FINplus PSPA receive from SUPE (1) NOSU PSPA Tracker pacs pain secl seev semt sese trck.002/003/004 Yes (1) The message restrictions apply to the primary BIC of the users. Like for PSPA, additional destinations may exchange messages with the Tracker only. 25 April 2023 30 FINplus Service Description Automated Subscription on FINplus Appendix B Automated Subscription on FINplus Swift automatically subscribes newly eligible Supervised and Non-Supervised users to all three FINplus services each week. The automated subscription comes with a default technical configuration (store-and-forward queue and routing rules). The default configuration and the eligibility criteria used for automated subscription are documented in Knowledge Base article 5025106. Users willing to change the default configuration can do so by submitting a FINplus change e-order form. At the time of subscription, users are automatically authorised for the exchange of CBPR+ request types over the three FINplus services. For an overview of messages introduction dates, see Knowledge Base article 5024231. The termination of the provision or use of FIN for any reason whatsoever will automatically, without any further notice or judicial intervention, cause the termination of the provision and use of FINplus. Since 20 March 2023, the termination of the provision or use of FINplus for any reason whatsoever automatically, without any further notice or judicial intervention, causes the termination of the provision and use of FIN. For more information about the automatic subscription of FIN users on FINplus, see the Knowledge Base article 5025106. For more information about FIN, see the FIN Service Description. FINplus RMA bootstrap To support the community during the coexistence period, Swift has performed a bootstrap on payment authorisations on the FINplus Live service. This bootstrap was based on recorded FIN RMA authorisations of 30 July 2022. With the FINplus Standards release 2023, a new RMA bootstrap will be performed for the newly introduced payment messages. For more information, see the Relationship Management Application support page. These bootstraps are designed to align payment FIN relationships with FINplus and assist users with cross-channel interoperability. The bootstrap process introduced payment message equivalence between FIN and FINplus relationships, which are stored in the central database. During these bootstraps: • existing RMA records for FIN are not updated or removed • existing FINplus RMA records are updated to include the missing payment and cash reporting messages To ensure successful bootstrapping, Swift makes the records available through the central portal. If the RMA validation is enabled in the messaging interface, then the RMA distribution file must be imported to establish data synchronisation with central database. Consistency check After bootstrap, a consistency check has been introduced to support users to maintain synchronisation between FIN and FINplus authorisations. This check monitors local RMA FINplus requests (xrma messages generated through local RMA interface), and compares authorisation status and validity period across FIN and FINplus requests. The local requests are held for some time to ensure they are received on both channels. Swift aborts any incomplete action. For more information about the FINplus RMA bootstrap, see the Relationship Management Application support page. 25 April 2023 31 FINplus Service Description Legal Notices Legal Notices Copyright Swift © 2023. All rights reserved. Restricted Distribution Do not distribute this publication outside your organisation unless your subscription or order expressly grants you that right, in which case ensure you comply with any other applicable conditions. Disclaimer The information in this publication may change from time to time. You must always refer to the latest available version. Translations The English version of Swift documentation is the only official and binding version. Trademarks Swift is the trade name of S.W.I.F.T. SC. The following are registered trademarks of Swift: 3SKey, Innotribe, MyStandards, Sibos, Swift, SwiftNet, Swift Institute, the Standards Forum logo, the Swift logo, Swift GPI with logo, the Swift GPI logo, and UETR. Other product, service, or company names in this publication are trade names, trademarks, or registered trademarks of their respective owners. 25 April 2023 32