2022 CATE 122: Computer Applications Technology for Education -Elementary Word Processing Skills STUDENT NAMES AND SURNAME: NANGAMSO RAPHAEL BALANI. STUDENT NUMBER: 32089384. ASSESSMENT TYPE: ASSIGNMENT 1. DUE DATE: 12 AUGUST 2022. ABC Technical school. TYPING COURSE. MR N.R. Balani. For grade 10 CAT learners. WHAT DO YOU NEED IN CAT? Welcome to CAT!! Dear learners. Thank you for choosing CAT (Computer Applications Technology) as one of your subjects. No words can describe how happy I am at this moment to teach the first batch of learners to do CAT at ABC technical School. CAT is the study of the integrated components of a computer system (hardware and software) and the practical techniques for their efficient use and application to solve everyday problems. CAT aims at developing computing skills in the following packages: Word, Excel, Access, Explorer, Outlook, PowerPoint, and basic HTML (webpage). CAT classes will total 4hours per week (see your timetable for specific times) at the computer lab. To do well in CAT you will need the following: 1. Focus Computer Applications Technology grade 10 learner’s book. 2. A4 Workbook. 3. Access to Computer. 4. Internet Access. 5. Office Suite • Word Processor • Spreadsheet • Presentations • Database 6. HTML Editor (Notepad). 7. Typing Tutor. 8. Security Software (such as Antivirus/Internet Security). You will have to complete the following tests in CAT. Term 1= 1 practical test + 1 theory test covering content taught. Term 2= 1 test + 1 examination (1 practical paper + 1 theory paper). Term 3= 1 practical test + 1 theory test. Term 4= Practical Assessment Task + 1 examination (1 practical paper + 1 theory paper). Your final mark will be calculated as follow: Convert term marks to 25%, convert PAT mark to 25%, convert paper 1 to 25%, convert paper 2 to 25% HOW LONG WILL THE TYPING COURSE TAKE PLACE? 1. The typing course will take place twice a week for 3 weeks (Tuesday and Thursday) from 3 pm till 4:30 pm. 2. The course will be conducted at the Computer lab (where CAT classes take place). 3. Learners must attend a total 12hrs to complete the course. WHY DO WE HAVE A TYPING COURSE? It has come to the CAT teacher’s attention that most learners have a problem with their typing skills. This makes it difficult for learners to complete their practical tests. Therefore, the typing project/course has been introduced to assist learners with their typing skills and make sure that they become fluent with their typing. This course is MANDATORY for all CAT grade 10 learners. Learners are encouraged to purchase a 48 pages workbook to take notes during class. THE TYPING COURSE. TYPING COURSE THE QWERTY KEYBOARD. The DVORAK KEYBOARD. This keyboard was developed in the 1930s by Professor August Dvorak from Washington State University in hopes of developing a user-friendly keyboard. The name of the keyboard (DVORK) comes from the surname of the developer/creator of the keyboard. The QWERTY keyboard was invented in the year 1867 by Christopher Latham Scholes. The name “QWERTY” comes from the first 6 words of the upper row. The first version of the QWERTY keyboard had a period (.) where the is K now and did not have 1 and 0. The QWERTY keyboard was designed in a way that the most used letters were separated as typewriters tended to jam. In the 1870s Remington’s & Son (A weapon manufacturer) agreed with Scholes to develop a new version of the QWERTY keyboard. Since E. Remington & Son were big players and had most of the control in the production of typewriters, they made the QWERTY keyboard the standard keyboard that was used everywhere and taught in typing schools. Currently, we use the QWERTY keyboard when using a PC, Laptop, tablet, cellphone, and any device with a keyboard. This keyboard is arranged/designed in a way that all the vowels and the 5 most used consonants were arranged on the home row (AOEUIDHTNS). The general idea of this keyboard was to try to minimize the need to use fingers. However, the Dvorak keyboard was unsuccessful, this can be due to the poor marketing done by Dvorak and people not having time/ no interest in learning a new keyboard layout. Which keyboard is better? With the different arrangements of the two keyboards, the effectiveness of both keyboards is different. Using the Dvorak keyboard, a person can type approximately 400 English language’s most common words by just using keys in the home row, compared to the 100 words a person can type using a QWERTY keyboard. Experiments have determined that the Dvorak keyboard is 5% faster than the QWERTY keyboard. TYPING COURSE Methods and approaches in teaching keyboarding skills. Psychological aspects in teaching keyboarding skills. The following aspects should be considered when teaching keyboarding; 1. Cognitive perspective: This is the area of the field that studies how people acquire, perceive, remember and communicate information. The teacher should observe how learners are acquiring, perceiving, remembering, and communicating the keyboarding skills. 1. Find relevant software: Select relevant software that will assist learners with their typing skills and monitor their progress. The teacher can use programs such as Typing Master, Typing.com, Typing Club, and Typesy amongst others. elements to non-game contexts— can be an ideal way to teach keyboarding skills. Many educators tout increased student motivation and engagement, as well as improved behavior, in gamified learning environments. 2. Lessons must be timely: The sooner learners learn how to use the keyboard the better. 4. Make it personal and inclusive: Adjust the lesson so that every learner can keep up and learn. 3. Make it fun: Having fun while learning is an essential ingredient for developing new skills. Gamification—adding game-like 5. Make it stick: Ensure that your lessons are structured in a way that learners can easily remember what was done in class and encourage regular practice. 2. Behavioral perspective: This refers to the tendency to modify a learner’s behavior. The teacher can modify the learner’s behavior through rewards. 3. Development psychology: How people change throughout their life from infancy to adulthood. Learners’ skills must match or be compatible with their human development. Teacher: Mr. N.R. Balani. Teachers’ classroom:2B07 (the computer lab). Teachers E-mail: Balani@abcts.co.za. Where can you get additional information? Teachers cell number: 0790134109. What is Psycholog(y/ical)? Psychology is the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in each setting. When people hear psychology they think about mental illness, counseling, and therapy. But the field of psychology is large and has a lot of different areas that are beyond helping people with counseling. They are different types of psychology namely; Educational psychology, Social psychology, Sports psychology, and Clinical psychology amongst others. ABC Technical School. Typing manual. For grade 10 CAT learners. PAGE 1 OF 3 EXERCISES TO BE DONE AT HOME TO PRACTICE FINGER GYMNASTICS 1. Claw stretch. a. Hold your hand out in front of you. b. Bend your fingertips until they touch the base of the finger joints. c. Hold for 30-60 seconds, before the release. d. Do this 10 times with each hand. 2. Finger stretch. a. Put your palm on the table. b. Straighten your fingers against the table then pull one finger at a time using your other hand. c. Hold for 5-10 seconds, then release. Do this on all your fingers each hand. WHAT ARE FINGER GYMNASTICS? .. Finger Gymnastics is a term used for warm-ups, stretching, and any type of practice exercise that develops technique and stamina while preventing techniquerelated injuries. Finger Gym is a comprehensive program of developmental games, stories, rhymes, and activities to improve fine motor skills, language, and handwriting. It helps to develop strong, flexible fingers, hands, and arms. It promotes better hand-eye coordination, differentiated movement, and manual dexterity PAGE 2 OF 3 Sitting posture while typing. Using a computer can come with losing a lot of physical comforts. Eye strain, neck pains, sore arms and backaches are a few problems that come from using a computer. Luckily they are a few guidelines to limit or eliminate these problems. To ensure that you are maintaining or implementing a good sitting posture while typing is simple. You need to sit up straight, keep your shoulders back, your chin up, and your feet on the floor. The chair you sit on while typing affects your sitting posture. So, it is important that you choose a chair that has an adjustable back, armrests, and a base that’s stable but can easily move. Having an armrest ensures that you have a place to rest your arms while using the keyboard and prevents sore arms and shoulders. The placement of the computer screen (monitor) is also important. If the computer is too high, you’ll have a tendency to adjust your head in order to establish a comfortable angle of vision. This may not affect your eyes, but it will give you a sore neck. The best position for a monitor is below eye level so that your head can rest squarely on your shoulders and your eyes can gaze downwards at the screen. Ideally, a monitor should sit on the table or desk. And equipment/books can be staked under to enable it to be at eye level. Remember not to remain seated for too long. Make it a habit to stand up and moving around every hour so that you can have fewer back problem’s and fatigue. √ Correct chair(s). X Incorrect chairs PAGE 3 OF 3 Home Row keys 1. What are Home Row keys? Home row keys refer to the row of keys on the keyboard where the fingers rest when one is not typing. 2. Where do you find these keys? The row is the reference point from which all the other keys can be reached and is usually the middle row on the keyboard. The home row keys vary depending on the keyboard type and layout. 3. What are the Home Row keys in the QWERTY keyboard? ASDFJKL; and the space button are home row keys. Your left-hand fingers should be placed over the A, S, D, and F keys, and the right-hand fingers should be placed over the J, K, L, and ; keys. These keys are considered the home row keys. Your thumbs should either be in the air or very lightly touching the spacebar key. The image below shows which finger rests where on the home row keys. Fingering Chart. The above image is the fingering chart. This chart shows which finger types/presses which key in the keyboard. It is important to remember that fingers must start at the home row and move up and down on the keyboard. You must know that the strong fingers on both hands type the most used keys. The index finger is regarded as the strongest finger hance it types the most used keys (FGRTVBHJYUNM). Typing quickly and accurately with correct finger placement involves building up some muscle memory in your hands, so they feel comfortable reaching for keys in sequence and the movements become automatic. 3. Activity’s. (a) Activity one. 1. Using your left hand. aaaa ssss dddd ffff aaaa ssss dddd ffff asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf asdf fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa fdsa dfsa dfsa dfsa dfsa dfsa dfsa dfsa dfsa sadf sadf sadf sadf sadf sadf sadf sadf 2. Using your right hand. Jjjj kkkk llll ;;;; jjjj kkkk llll ;;;; Jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; jkl; ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj ;lkj L;kj l;kj l;kj l;kj l;kj l;kj l;kj l;kj Kjl; kjl; kjl; kjl; kjl; kjl; kjl; kjl; 3. Using both hands. a;a; slsl dkdk fjfj ;a;a lsls kdkd jfjf salk lakj dalk df;k dklj sf;j falk jalk d;fl af;k ds;k j;af f;lk dklj lask Activity two. 1. Using your left hand. SSSS DDDD FFFF SSSS DDDD FFFF aSdF aSdF aSdF aSdF aSdF aSdF fDsa fDsa fDsa fDsa fDsa fDsa fDsa fDsa dFSA DFSA Dfsa dFsa dFSa Dfsa dfsa DFSa Sadf Sadf Sadf Sadf Sadf Sadf Sadf Sadf 2. Using your right hand. JJJJ KKKK LLLL JJJJ KKKK LLLL Jkl; Jkl; Jkl; Jkl; Jkl; Jkl; Jkl; Jkl; ;Lkj ;Lkj ;Lkj ;Lkj ;Lkj ;Lkj ;Lkj ;Lkj L;Kj L;Kj L;Kj L;Kj L;Kj L;Kj L;Kj L;Kj Kjl; Kjl; Kjl; Kjl; Kjl; Kjl; Kjl; Kjl; 3. Using both hands. A;A; SLSL DKDK FJFJ ;A;A LSLS KDKD JFJF SALK LAKJ DALK DF;K DKLJ SF;J FALK JALK D;FL AF;K DS;K J;AF F;LK DKLJ LASK (b) Tips for completing the activity. 1. Ensure that the correct fingers for pressing the keys. 2. To get capital letters you need to press the shift key using your pinkie finger. 3. Refer to the fingering chart (provided in the typing manual).